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[Variety] Good Sunday - Running Man 런닝맨

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Totally loving Lee Kwangsoo on the show. I remember when he was on SGB lol and I was charmed. I dislike all the hate heaped on him though. It's not funny and sometimes, it's kind of cruel. It's akin to what happened to Noo Yomin on Hot Brothers but here it's even worse because I genuinely like Lee Kwangsoo and I think he adds something to the show.

I love that they brought the Xman team back on the show (Haha, Jong Kook). Looking forward to more!

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Guest jamieguo28

It looks like Running Man is still trying to find a perfect balance, if that exists, between running and sitting/standing challenges and how to showcase guests more. It may take them several seasons to find a good balance and a good amount of different games that fit the show and the format.

But, yeah, like @jechoi1 said, I think the cheating is the thing I most dislike. I wish they would penalize cheating because on a number of occasions, the outcome seemed very suspect. And obviously, people are always letting the girls go, or those caught too early like in the latest episode subbed, 23 I think on the ski slopes.

I wish the writers/PD would come up with other things to do so even if a game ends quickly, they don't have to resort to cheating. Sometimes I felt Jae Suk deliberately took his time, played around to just extend the time. I know it's a show, but if they're punishing the losers then they shouldn't be cheating.

Or just get rid of the punishments. I don't know why they're almost always the same. I wish they changed them more like they did in the beginning, please, enough hot pants stuff. On Infinity Challenge, they have real punishments (which I like cuz I think it keeps people trying hard to win) such as having to pay for stuff like the other members' transportation fees out of their own pocket, dressing in weird costumes to their other jobs and so on.

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Guest rockmelon123

I recently discovered this show and have been watching the episodes back-to-back. I really enjoyed the earlier episodes when 2 episodes were devoted per mission. I also really liked the gold piggybank idea.

Now, for the things that I don't like:

Song Ji Hyo: When she first appeared as a guest, I felt that she didn't really have much presence. But that's ok because she was a guest and the show was new so many of the regulars didn't have much presence either. After she became a permanent member, there were times when I thought that she was just there and then towards the middle of the episodes, I started to think that she added to the dynamics. But there was still something a little off. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that sometimes she would be the only female leaving a strange imbalance to the teams. But then, she certainly doesn't play like a girl, meaning that she doesn't disadvantage her team in any way. Unlike when Jessica was a guest and she really added nothing to her team. But then recently, I started to dislike her again because she's just so... mean. Especially to Kwang Soo (everyone is mean to him). And there are times when I feel that she cheats or at least borders on cheating.

The Cheatings. I know that everything is supposed to be in good fun, but it's also a competition and rules should be enforced. In my opinion, I think that the team that is usually made up of Yoo Jae Suk, Song Ji Hyo, Ji Suk Jin, Kwang Soo, etc tends to cheat more. I remember in the very early episodes when YJS would keep sneaking up to Gary to spook him, causing him to get startled. It was funny the first time, but then it got old really fast. There was also the time when a guest poured his drink into Gary's cup. If I were the PD, I would have told that team that they lost because one of their teammates techincally never finished his entire cup. Anyway, I'm glad that segment was scrapped fast because it really wasn't funny. Recently, in the Apartment episode, Ji Hyo started tickling Jae Suk during the heart rate competition. Again, the point of the game was to shock people with words, not by attacking them physically.

Slapstick Comedy. The show is called Running Man, but lately it seems to be more about sitting challenges and is leaning more and more towards slapsticks humor than real humor. I know it's hard on the guests and the regular members, but I think the show should try to stick more to the original concept than turning into a sit-down variety show like the others.

Bullying Kwang Soo. Maybe some people think its funny, but I think it's another so-called comedy line that is getting old. And there are some shots where it doesn't even look funny. Rather, you see these shots where his own teammates just ignore him when he's talking or just leave him and take off on their own. It makes him look pathetic and it puts the member ignoring him or bullying him in a bad light.

What I do like...

New Find the Guests Mission I agree that the Hide-And-Seek had eventually turned into a KJK domination game so I really like the new format of trying to find the celebrity guests. Although, I also agree that they need to add something more at the end. I think they should bring back the team mission where both teams compete for the same mission. And both teams can take out the other team's members.

I really like it when there's a girl on each team because it balances things out better. So I hope they'll bring in female guests during Lizzy's hiatus, or a temporary replacement.

hmm i think you're thinking a bit too much about the kwangsoo situation.. in korean entertainment shows each member has a 'character' in which he or she plays. just like how kim jonggook is the sparta dude, song jihyo the ace, gary the commoner, song joongki the flower boy etc etc. kwangsoo's just the awkward guy~ i myself can't think of a better suited image for him. honestly what we see on screen can't really be classified bullying, they're just playing along and 'ignoring' him. personally i'm glad he found this character as it suits him and is funny, which means he'll be remembered longer. he started all that 모함 stuff which some people might consider as 'bullying' but it's just a variety show so everyone knows its all a stunt~ the writers probably added these scenes in and told everyone to 'ignore' kwangsoo..

not sure what kind of cheating you're on about as scaring gary doesn't seem to be cheating to me. perhaps you were talking about the time jaesuk asked his vj to block the doors? and with the tickling incident, the point of the game was to raise each others heartbeats.. not shock each other with words... if you've watched family outing before and have seen lee hyori in action, THAT is cheating. ripping somebody's hair out and throwing mud at them... but it was still fun ^-^

as for song jihyo, in my opinion she's a great addition and completes the cast~ she's not all girly girl and actaully tries her best physically and mentally. there's a reason why she's the ace.. her cool/tough-ish personality really does well on a variety show like this.

runningman is not your normal variety show, they move to different locations hence the change the segments each week. just like 1n2d. i don't think the writers are looking for the perfect balance as there is no one equation that suits all locations. i'm just thankful for the writers' creativity, for thinking up new games all along. i mean seriously, do you expect to see the whole cast running around for an hour and playing the same game each week?

phew~ just felt the need to defend the show a little~ please don't take it personally~ ^^

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Guest rigwarl

yes, I have been watching this show since the first episode. I watched this show because of YJS since he is the national MC and KJK because he was awesome in Family Outing 1. I wasn't really sure about the other casts but now I think Gary, Gwang Soo, and Suk Jin are also fits for the show. I personally think it is okay. The idea was fresh, but it gets really old too fast.

For the things I dislike:

No real punishment for the losers. I mean, it is embarrassing if you had to wear hot pants once. But, if you have to do it like every week, it doesn't really matter anymore.

The cheating was okay. They had to cheat to make the show funny. Everyone on variety cheats, so yeah... But, sometimes, I do think that they were too much.

What's the point of adding Lizzy to be a permanent cast if she was just being an audience on the show. She barely made impact on them. She barely talked. I don't even remember her made any reaction.

Jong Ki being a flower boy is enough to make me skip his part. He is not a guest. So, why did the writer give him such a character?

Haha's movie star obsession. Some parts were funny, but most of them were awful. The only ep I enjoyed him doing this were the Gary-Ji Hyo-HAHA love triangle and the splits of the three children with Gwang Soo joining in.

Sometimes, I get the feeling that YJS tried too hard to lift the mood but the casts didn't take his bait. I felt like they weren't witty enough to make it fun.

what I do like:

They filmed at famous landmarks in Korea which gave me a glimpse of what to visit in Korea.

A new segment where they need to find the guest. It felt more like what Running Man is about.

Gary-JiHyo monday pairing. I think Gary has fallen for her for real.

Background musics that really fit the scenes. The music director is brilliant. It really helps bring the moods up.

The cast. Other than YJS and KJK which I have no problem with, I like JiHyo because she doesn't hold back when she plays, Gary for some innocent moment but easily corrupted by HAHA's lame jokes, Gwang Soo because he is so awkward and so funny, and Suk Jin because he is so weak and speaks harshly to others.

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This might be a silly question... but where has Lizzy been the past few episodes? I'm not exactly a fan of hers and don't really think of her when she's on... but it feels like something is out of place and I kinda miss her "aegyo" too lol  Is she sick or on tour or what is going on?

I actually don't mind the change in format...  variety shows should have... well... variety, so mixing it up every now and then is fine by me.

Lizzy hasnt been appearing because she is in Taiwan for promotions i think with her group. dont know exactly but i heard she was in taiwan so she had to miss a couple of filming of running man.

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Guest myselfonline

Lizzy hasnt been appearing because she is in Taiwan for promotions i think with her group. dont know exactly but i heard she was in taiwan so she had to miss a couple of filming of running man.

But I believe she was only in Taiwan for a week, or two at most. I don't know why she was not there for the filming of so many other episodes, since don't they film every week?

Since we are on the topic of the cheating. I also dislike the cheating. It's one thing if every body cheats, but when it's just one person or two people, usually Yoo Jae Suk, then it's not fair. From memory, the thing that I got mad at the most was when he used the VJ's to block the chasers in that one episode. It's using something that is an outside source to his advantage. In terms of the game, the VJ's do not exist (if we use the willing suspension of disbelief). I mean, in the episode with Yonghwa at the university, they had the students help them hide, it's a bit of foul play, but it is still using the surroundings and the resources at the venue, so it's still fair game in a way. I guess to me, there is a difference between foul play and cheating.

As for the new format. I haven't seen any of the new chases fully, I just skimmed through these two episodes. But I guess it adds challenges to both teams since the regulars do not know the guests and the guests have to accomplish missions. But this new format only works with more than one guest, I would assume - we'll have to see in the next episode.

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Guest serendipityyy

^ it doesn't matter if we like it or not. we are not even contributing to their success. we only download it instead of watching it on tv which has the ads. what matters is the ratings are going up consistently for the past weeks. that only means the majority of the "audience" loves it. with these rate i will assume they will stay with the current format or be brave enough to try something new.

while i agree that something must be right (whether its the guest line up, new format, or both) for the ratings to be on the rise, i wouldn't say it doesn't matter if we like it or not... yeah, we may have no impact on the ratings but i do think our viewership affects the show's success in one form or another..

OMO, so her sneakers were joong-ki's?? thank you for pointing it out!..

it made me realize one more thing.. jihyo and joongki shoe size are almost the same (265mm-270mm).. can anyone confirm this? if it's true.. she has quite a large feet..lol

her feet aren't that big haha both YSJ and JSJ offered her their shoes because they have smaller sized feet than joongki but she chose joongki's over theirs which prompted sukjin to ask "why?! do you think my feet are dirty or something?!" haha

so i'm pretty sure her feet aren't that big?

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Wow I think some people are taking this a little too seriously. Running Man isn't FIFA Soccer or Professional Baseball. The rules aren't there for integrity of the show, they're there as a general guideline. First and foremost it's a variety show that exists to entertain people.

That's why back on the first season of Family Outing Kim Suro got the 'Game Devil' nickname because he was so intense about winning the games. Kind of like how SHINee's Minho is on variety shows.

The cast of Running Man realize that more important than winning the games and avoiding punishments is to deliver an entertaining episode to the viewers. That's why you see them letting someone go free in chasing games. You don't see a soccer goalie when his team is winning 3-0 with a couple minutes left allow the other team a goal to make the game more interesting... That's why you shouldn't get too overly concerned with the 'rules' IMO.

It's also a reason why you shouldn't pity Kwang Soo. I'd venture to say Kwang Soo is actually HAPPY filming Running Man and that he has a character to portray on a weekly basis on a variety show and get screen time doing it AND entertain people watching the show. I've seen different members of Running Man appear on other shows or give interviews and they like Kwang Soo. He's not being bullied because he's not liked, it's just part of the character he's portraying.

I don't think Ji Hyo is mean at all and I don't think she dislikes Kwang Soo. Does Kwang Soo hate Ji Hyo because most of the 'digs' he used to make were directed to her? Continually joking that she would curse people out or drink a lot of alcohol? It was just a character he was trying out for the show. I think the cast gets a long very good and that's one of the main reasons I enjoy the show, you can tell they do like working together and it's not just a "chore" to have to show up on a weekly basis.

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Guest lizhunji

Well in my opinion, Joongki's role is more than just a flower boy to the show. JK was added to the cast to become a brain of the team and someone to come up with logic analysis in required games. Though I may add in recent episodes he doesn't have much chance to show his actual role, but the viewers are seemingly interested in the triangle between Jihyo-Gary and him.

I have been reading you guys' posts and want to say something because no matter how hard I tried to find flaws in the cast members, I just simply can't. This show is the first Korean variety show that I became addicted to although I have been watching other Korean shows for a long time. I want to share some of my analysis about the cast, as the directors did a brilliant job in finding such perfect members for the team.

I thought variety show is really varied in terms of different personalities of the members. I try to pair up the cast that makes the show really balanced:

Jaesuk - Sukjin: Jaesuk is the main MC trying to lead the show and sometimes help the newbies/outcasts to blend in (for ex. Lizzy fell out of the team in some cases, but JS kept talking and guiding her). Meanwhile Sukjin is second lead MC who supports Jaesuk in introducing the rules, adding comedy lines...Sometimes JS and SJ can be a contrast pair when JS is quick in catching hints of other members while SJ is not in 1 v.s the rest game (ep 25).

Jongkook - Gary - Haha or Jongkook and 2 children lol. While Jongkook is rational and serious almost all the time (for being the big brother), Haha is playing the kid as since ep 18 he was discovered to resemble Pororo which strengthens his role more. Gary is in the neutral, middle position of the trio due to his calm, unwaving character which is not hot-tempered as JK nor (supposedly) childlike Haha.

Jihyo - Lizzy: I don't disagree with you guys' opinion about Jihyo joining the team with tough personalities and somehow playing games like guys. However no matter how strong/tough Jihyo is, she's still a woman and has some girlish moments (ep 27), and if you watch closely ep 27, I think the empty spot Lizzy left is quite obvious. I don't know about u guys but I felt missing something when I watched eps that Lizzy was absent (except ep 25 since Boyoung did a very well job as guest, somehow replacing Lizzy's position). Lizzy is like a fresh, cute wind of Running man, a contrast role to Jihyo's.

Joongki - Kwangsu: As I already mentioned above about Joongki's role, Kwangsu is a completly opposite character to Joongki. They pick on each other (ep 14), ignore each other (ep 21) or they can be supportive to each other (ep 27 when Joongki helped Kwangsu find his hat). Joongki is quick in getting hints while Kwangsu is quite lost and slips his tongue quite a few times. Joongki is a strong supporter to other members while Kwangsu has his sharp tongue.

Sorry for the extremely long essay as I can't help myself when thinking of my favorite show.

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Guest myselfonline

her feet aren't that big haha both YSJ and JSJ offered her their shoes because they have smaller sized feet than joongki but she chose joongki's over theirs which prompted sukjin to ask "why?! do you think my feet are dirty or something?!" haha

so i'm pretty sure her feet aren't that big?

Yeah, when you look, her feet are kind of loose in JoongKi's shoes. JoongKi was 275mm, Yoo Jae Suk was 270mm, and Ji Suk Jin was 265mm. Ji Suk Jin looked perplexed, since he probably had the closest shoe size.

It's also a reason why you shouldn't pity Kwang Soo. I'd venture to say Kwang Soo is actually HAPPY filming Running Man and that he has a character to portray on a weekly basis on a variety show and get screen time doing it AND entertain people watching the show. I've seen different members of Running Man appear on other shows or give interviews and they like Kwang Soo. He's not being bullied because he's not liked, it's just part of the character he's portraying.

I don't think Ji Hyo is mean at all and I don't think she dislikes Kwang Soo. Does Kwang Soo hate Ji Hyo because most of the 'digs' he used to make were directed to her? Continually joking that she would curse people out or drink a lot of alcohol? It was just a character he was trying out for the show. I think the cast gets a long very good and that's one of the main reasons I enjoy the show, you can tell they do like working together and it's not just a "chore" to have to show up on a weekly basis.

This. Variety shows with regular members like this like to establish persona for their regular cast members. It's a way for the audiences to have a familiarity with each member. Anyone remember the 1vs. game with HaHa? Actors wear masks so they can take up a persona. So this is what it all is, a mask.

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.....Wow I think some people are taking this a little too seriously. Running Man isn't FIFA Soccer or Professional Baseball. The rules aren't there for integrity of the show, they're there as a general guideline. First and foremost it's a variety show that exists to entertain people.

The cast of Running Man realize that more important than winning the games and avoiding punishments is to deliver an entertaining episode to the viewers. That's why you see them letting someone go free in chasing games. You don't see a soccer goalie when his team is winning 3-0 with a couple minutes left allow the other team a goal to make the game more interesting... That's why you shouldn't get too overly concerned with the 'rules' IMO.


sorry to cut your post, just want to pointed out that i'm all agree with that ^_^

variety is variety, its not reality  show, so imho all the bullying, cheating, etc all done just for  the sake to entertaining the viewers...i remember some people critized  KJK on earlier episodes for too much scolding Haha & Gary, but look at them now became one of the show important role as KJK and the Kids ^_^ the same with KJK-MC Yoo relationship...in the show MC Yoo pretty much getiing bullied by KJK (which is pretty much what happen with them since XMan :lol:) ...but in real life as mentioned by Suk Jin on ep 23 how he envied MC Yoo for always working out with KJK ....the same imho goes to JiHyo-Gwangsoo, i think they really close in real life so Gwangsoo always feel comfortable for framing JiHyo with all his gossip, and JiHyo also just comfortable for bullying him  :lol: no bad blood, just fot fun


anyway, so far the new format (finding the guests) is fun, although like others had said the fact that it was put on the beginning kinda weakened the climax of this show, but the rating goes up even with the new rating, so i guess viewers there like it....although imo like JiHyo said on ep27 that it is really hard for the members to accomplish,  coz the members had no idea who they're looking for,  so ...

o yeah just want to say that one of my new favourite moment of this show was the Prison scenes :lol: its just hilarious to see when all the guys there with all their talking and regret for being useless :lol: while JiHyo out there still completing the mission

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Guest nicha1980

chill out guys...it's a variety show not olympic game...:P

RM filmed the upcoming episode @ coex aquarium on 24 Jan...no guest name mentioned in this filming n also some fans didn't see KJK there but he sure was there...hmm somewhere with the guest?...lol...:rolleyes:



credit cyworld n kjk baidu...


[Engsub] RM's members speech @ 2010 SBS Ent.Awards


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Guest zhucrystal

^Yeah I think the old running and hiding part should be at the end always. Cuz now most of the time they just play all these other games and the show doesnt feel like it has a conclusion. In today's episode I have a question: were the running balls with KJK and SJH's name on it in the same place? or how did Yunho get them out at the same time?

Each ball had two names on it, so 2 members were eliminated at the same time. Yunho found the last one just before SJH got there :/

the hide and seek game was always the climax of the show and now i can't seem to find that climax anymore.. Even though the games are fun, they aren't as entertaining or more like, they don't bring the excitement to the audience as much.

I hope there are more changes to the end of the show... Or i think some people will choose to watch the start and skip the end :(

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I think the changed the "race" part to the beginning so that that members and guests wouldn't be so tired at the end. However, it looks like they're tired anyway at the end, which makes them cranky and then the "sitting" missions aren't as fun. A big part of the problem is that the show is filmed at night so that they can use these various venues.

Maybe they should start filming earlier in the day at a set studio for the "sitting" games and then all go to a landmark in the late afternoon/early evening to finish the "running part."

The DBSK episode was great. For a long time, the episodes have been just ok, but that one was awesome. Personally, I think the idol guests make the best guests because they are younger and tend to be more fit. I really enjoyed watching both ChangMin and Yunho running around and giving the regular members a real challenge.

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chill out guys...it's a variety show not olympic game...:P

RM filmed the upcoming episode @ coex aquarium on 24 Jan...no guest name mentioned in this filming n also some fans didn't see KJK there but he sure was there...hmm somewhere with the guest?...lol...:rolleyes:

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

credit cyworld n kjk baidu...


[Engsub] RM's members speech @ 2010 SBS Ent.Awards


Thanks for the info~ I can't imagine an episode without KJK, but hopefully he's there~

Also thanks for the video~ I laughed when Kwangsoo teased Jihyo during his earnest speech haha~

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Guest kneekey

Finished watching ep27 w/o subs and I agree with all of you that the ending feels abrupt since the punishment was removed. I also missed Lizzy because I think she would've done great in the episode since she's an pop idol herself, she could've helped HoMin in the choreography and in teaching the members. The most fun part for me is the drawing game. I could see everyone laughing because of each other's drawing and everyone seemed to enjoy the game the most. In the dancing game everyone looked kinda tired and exhausted already.

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ello ello!~

just wanted to share with you my collection of c-subbed vids of my absolute fav k-variety show

been a faithful follower of Running Man, a MUST watch weekly for me ^^

i've uploaded the show in megaupload for those that want c-subbed running man ^^

here you go!

Episode 1 - Lee Hyori & Hwang Jung Eum - Times Square: [MU]

Episode 2 - Lee Chunhee & Goo Hara(KARA) - Suwon World Cup Stadium: [MU]

Episode 3 - Lee Chunhee & Goo Hara(KARA) - Suwon World Cup Stadium: [MU]

Episode 4 - Nickhun(2PM) & Jessica(SNSD) - Gwacheon National Science Museum: [MU]

Episode 5 - Nickhun(2PM) & Jessica(SNSD) - Gwacheon National Science Museum: [MU]

Episode 6 - Kim Shinyoung, Se7en & Son Dambi ft. Kim Yuna - N Seoul Tower: [MU]

Episode 7 - Eun Jeong(T-ara), Jokwon(2AM) & Jung Yonghwa(CN Blue) - Sejong Center for the Performing Arts: [MU]

Episode 8 - Lee Joon(MBLAQ), Park Jungyu & Victoria(f(x)) - Seoul Museum of History, Gyeonghui Palace: [MU]

Episode 9 - Lee Honki(FT Island), Kim Sooro & Shin Bongsun - Lotte World: [MU]

Episode 10 - Cha Taehyun & Yoon Seah - National Museum of Contemporary Art: [MU]

Episode 11 - Kim Jaedong & Jung Yonghwa(CN Blue) - Seoul Central Post Office: [MU]

Episode 12 - No guests - Seoul Design Fair at Seoul Olympic Stadium: [MU]

Episode 13: Lizzy (After School) & Jang Dongmin - SBS Broadcasting Center [MU]

Episode 14: Lizzy (After School) - Boramae Safety Experience Center [MU]

Episode 15: Tony Ahn & Kim Kwangkyu - Seoul Metro Subway Yard [MU]

Episode 16: Kwon Yuri (SNSD) - I'Park Mall [MU]

Episode 17: Jung Yong Hwa (CN Blue) & Ko Joo Hon - Hanyang Women's University [MU]

Episode 18: No guests - Busan International Cruise Ship @ Gwangan Bridge [MU]

Episode 19: Nichkhun (2PM) - Namsangol Hanok Village [MU]

Episode 20: Kim Heechul (Super Junior) - Korea Meteorological Administration [MU]

Episode 21: Kim Jae Dong - Gwangmyeong Station [MU]

Episode 22: Kim Min Jong & Choi Si Won (Super Junior) - Lotte Mart [MU]

Episode 23: Shim Hyung Rae - Alpensia Ski Resort [MU]

Episode 24: Lee Kyung Shil & Song Eun Ee - Xi Wi City [MU]

Episode 25: Park Bo Young - Museum Comics Information Center [MU]

Episode 26: Jung Jin Young & Lee Moon Sik - Nakwon Instruments Shopping Center [MU]

Episode 27: Jung Yun Ho & Shim Chang Min (TVXQ) - Seoul Arts Center [MU]



i'm really sad that running man doesn't have much running anymore... they started w/ the concept of running for a whole night.. but i know.. it's too exhausting for the celebs =( but that was the part that made me really like this new show + MC Yoo ^^

but yeah.. i still follow RM every single eppie.. cuz i came to love the cast just like family outing ^^

the recent eppie w/ homin.. my fav part was the drawing part.. SJK absolutely cracks me up w/ his drawings <3 oh he's soo adorable!! i really hope they develop more fun games to make up for the lack of running.. i absolutely love the drinking game w/ the wacky spoons/scoops HAHA

anywho.. enough of me spazzing ^^ hope you enjoy the c-subbed vids.. i'll be back to update w/ the newest ep if you like ^^

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i haven been in this thread for quite long since i only can discuss after i watched english episodes which are lagging 1 month behind....

i thought the show improved a lot but there are stil some boring parts especially with the guess...

i totally skipped ep 22 and 23 guest game part,its totally not interesting..

like some people mentioned here,lizzy and joongki are not doing much other than being wallflower... i'd 2nd this...

and now from the discussion going on,seems like running man format changed for the worst?? no more punishment? tat can be a good thing... seeing them wearing hot pants week in week out is really boring,i always skip tat last part..

running man type of variety show is very hard to last long and keep viewers interested since the format is like tat.. they have to keep coming up with different ideas and games which are interesting to prevent it from getting stale.. unfortunately,not every games is interestesting to everyone... nevertheless the ratings seems to improve...

it will really be tough for the pd and writer to keep coming with creative ideas since the format of the show has lots limitations.. the show will definately go through a few slumps when they put in new games coupled with 'bad' guest...

nevertheless,i learn how to enjoy this show pretty much by skipping lots boring parts... i probably only watch 1/2-3/4 of the show most of the time..

hopefully the new format is not as bad as people posted here...

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Guest famiamia

I've been looking back at the three pages behind... and I laugh a lot reading other people's comment regarding how they dislike the cast, the punishment and so on. Wow, Running Man now really has an impact to us right? LOL. Everyone is so serious about the rules/cheating/etc. :D

Chill, guys.

It is just a variety show to entertain us :P

Honestly... I do feel entertain with:

- the cheating from epi1 to now

- the punishment from epi1 to now

- all casts which have different character (bullier/ bullied/ace/sparta/etc)

- the games... everything.

- the invited guests, etc

And even if it is a boring episode, funny, etc... I will still download and watch it like crazy. And sometimes I watch it without english subs. Yeah, can't get enough of them :P

Whatever they do, remember... it is for entertaining purposes :)

It is just a show. Even if they fight a lot like Sparta and the kids... but they still get along very well in the next episode and real life. In fact, they are not that harsh and mean to Kwang So. Kwang So just portrays his character like that. But it gotten into us and we felt like everyone are harsh to him. Even Jihyo likes to kick and bully Kwang So a lot compared to our Sparta. Hahahaha. They are not that mean. It is just for the sake of the show I believe :)

I really think that all the casts in Running Man have successfully played their role since everyone (including me) are so into them right now. We even discuss the seriousness of this show. Haha. Good. Be cool people :lol:

Running Man jjang!

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