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Universities/Colleges in the Philippines

Guest driftwood023

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i am currently taking BS MIS (Management Information Systems) in the Ateneo de Manila University.

im 17 and now a junior, and so far, i am happy to have survived the first two hell years Ateneo excellently offers.


really. as most Ateneans think, life is very hard here. we have these so-called "hell weeks" every now and then.

but then it's fun! very fulfilling, i might add. especially when you get into the Dean's List.

and as most profs say, to be able to pass ACET already says that you've got the brains.

there are only three things you need to have in order to stay here. and these are: hardwork, hardwork and much much hardwork.


say goodbye to sleep, hello to eyebags.

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^ Wow, another Atenean~ I'm an incoming freshman and will be taking BS COMTECH (Communications Technology).

I really don't know what to expect in Ateneo ^^; Oh man... Hell years again xD I've had too much of those in my junior and senior years in high school, but as expected, it won't end there 8D

I'll have to quit doing some of the stuff that I usually do if I want to get into the Dean's List then ): No more forums, especially soompi and bww2 @_@

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^ Wow, another Atenean~ I'm an incoming freshman and will be taking BS COMTECH (Communications Technology).

I really don't know what to expect in Ateneo ^^; Oh man... Hell years again xD I've had too much of those in my junior and senior years in high school, but as expected, it won't end there 8D

I'll have to quit doing some of the stuff that I usually do if I want to get into the Dean's List then ): No more forums, especially soompi and bww2 @_@


oh wait.

i have a question. are you the same Diana in ateneo cassiopeia?


ateneo's cool though. fun and fulfilling. haha XD (despite the big eyebags, stress, hell days and the everyday sabog-ness)


and and, i know another dbsk fan who's also an incoming freshie..


our population is increasing~~ XD

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Guest joojihoon_19

^ Hi pinkslippers!

Like pinkslippers, I am also a junior BS MIS student from Ateneo XD

Hmm.. About ateneo.. Like what she had said, Ateneo can be really tough on their students but then again, finishing every requirement, every sem, every year is very very fulfilling! There are times you won't have enough sleep or enough food or enough social life. But, it's really worth it. Especially if you find friends that are always there, you'll survive. :)

One more thing, there are few hell weeks in Ateneo.. There are more hell sems than hell weeks.. BUT! As our blockmate said, there is no such thing as hell months/sems/weeks because God is always with you especially on those times. :D

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i have a question. are you the same Diana in ateneo cassiopeia?

Yep, same Diana ^^ Looking forward to spazzing with you guys during breaks 8D

One more thing, there are few hell weeks in Ateneo.. There are more hell sems than hell weeks..

More hell sems? ^^;;

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Guest joojihoon_19

^ Well. Haha.. That's more of our experience.. :) Our sophomore year was one hell of a year.. And since we had and will have summer classes, it sucked and will suck. :D

So, don't worry.. We're here for you!

Ohmygad. You're Diana from the YG? HAHA. I added you in YM, if that's okay. Uhm, I and pinkslippers are the ones that welcomed you (i.e. in the welcome message XD)

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Guest icefish0724

I go to UP-manila. I'm taking up Dentistry and I'm an incoming 2nd year proper.

You'll probably experience a great first year in college. you can have more time to bum and walk around or party. It gets tougher as you go up.

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Guest kitkat_zaizai

nikki, joiz.. wahaha..

well me, im a 3rd year BSN student at PLM (Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila)

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Guest sweetRUI

Oh man... Hell years again xD I've had too much of those in my junior and senior years in high school, but as expected, it won't end there 8D

I'll have to quit doing some of the stuff that I usually do if I want to get into the Dean's List then ): No more forums, especially soompi and bww2 @_@

hahaha!! hey you. do u still know me??

ditto about the hell weeks back in junior and senior years...esp junior...well in our school anyway...hahaha

i think each and every school whether in college or high school... have hell days, hell weeks, hell sems and might be even possible...a hell year...

but i guess what u can do to lessen this "hell" is to have good time management and not to waste any time so u'll have more time doing the things you love..

and yeah...learn to appreciate free time and breaks too...XDDDDD

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^ Well. Haha.. That's more of our experience.. :) Our sophomore year was one hell of a year.. And since we had and will have summer classes, it sucked and will suck. :D

So, don't worry.. We're here for you!

Ohmygad. You're Diana from the YG? HAHA. I added you in YM, if that's okay. Uhm, I and pinkslippers are the ones that welcomed you (i.e. in the welcome message XD)

hahahaha. hey dod. lols^^

i agree with what jjh_19 said about summer classes in the Ateneo.

they always suck. but compared to the sophomore summer class, junior year's a lot better.

hahahaha XD

2nd year's a lot more stressful and exhausting. so many readings and stuff. like what jjh_19 said, it's one hell of a year.

the hell-est, maybe. if such word even exists.

and yeah, we, your unnies, are here for you. and same goes to all of our dongsaengs.

hahaahahaha XD

HEY KITKAT! hahahhaha XD

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Guest cpopbaby19

i think each and every school whether in college or high school... have hell days, hell weeks, hell sems and might be even possible...a hell year...

but i guess what u can do to lessen this "hell" is to have good time management and not to waste any time so u'll have more time doing the things you love..

and yeah...learn to appreciate free time and breaks too...XDDDDD

OMGOSH. that is so true! I'm doing it right now! 8D It's my last "long break" for the whole year since I'm gonna be a junior which means = THESIS = HELL. T^T; Gahhh. School is gonna start in less than a month!! KJFDKLHDGJKHDG :tears: :tears: :tears: I think I'm going to have a withdrawal syndrome when workload in school is too much. +_+ I had a "HELL YEAR" the previous year so I'm kinda traumatized by the stress and all the jazz. Procrastination seriously needs to get out of my system! Bigbang needs to stay away from me too for a while. :tears:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest sweetRUI

^ haha! i basically ddnt have a break this summer because i was busy with org stuff so i still kept on going to school even if it was already vacation for me...

actually, my frosh year was a perfect balance and fun and work....

but i'm expecting a whirlpool of plates and projects once i start on my design foundation subjects...

to all La Sallians!!! have fun in taft!!!!

CSB started last May21....and DLSU-M is gonna start this monday!!

so yes please...learn to appreciate your breaks and rest well!!! hahaha~

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest cpopbaby19

^LOL! We recently did that with BBPH peeps (Mish and others) last thursday! :lol:

But it doesn't hurt to do that again. Why don't we include the UP people too? :] We just have to find the right time coz readings are starting to build up. =X

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Guest thirt3yfou4r

yo, i'm a freshie from up diliman ^_^ taking up bsba (business ad).

hmm. so far, college life is okay. haggard lang minsan 'pag lumilipat ng building. -_-

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Guest badstar

Classes have all ready started D: Hahaha! Soompiers from Miriam/Ateneo, do you guys want to meet up sometime in Katipunan? ^^

I am so in!!! hahaha!!

I want to meet Big Bang fans! Because I'm beginning to love BB!!!

I never got tired of their songs! I need someone to brief me about them! LOL

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Guest persian04

Oh I'm late in this thread, I am fresh grad of SPUQC. Lalalala nursing as usual.

Any Paulinians here?

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Guest lonography

I was from DLSU taft. Spent my freshie days there. Good thing we had almost all of our classes in Andrew building. So, no jumping from one building to another after each class. Elevator lines during lunchtime was sort of a hassle though. U-break was always fun 'cause all friends can meet up, even the ones from Benilde. I soooooo miss Taft. I'm an ocean apart from the Philippines. I got picked up by my dad to stay here in Seoul. Being a diplobrat has its nostalgic moments T_T

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Guest cutegit

4th year at dlsu-taft! :) taking up psychology and business mgt, specializing in entrep! one more year for me T.T

lonography: aww... too bad you're not attending DLSU anymore... i'm assuming you didnt get to experience the no more classes during fridays schedule XD no more ubreak too! :/ but seoul is fun too right? :D

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