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少女時代 Girls' Generation / SNSD (소녀시대) Official Thread [Ver.3] GIRLS 6ENERAT10N | HYO 4th Single "Dessert"


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the question is how much do they get to KEEP?

According to billboard and other sources in the US, new artists get 30 cents for a $9.99 retail CD...

SNSD probably gets significantly more than that since most of their revenue are promotions, concerts, merchandise and digital sales.

probably in the $2-3 million range each.

they're treated much better than most American artists, because American labels completely screw artists... new artists even have to pay for their promotion and stuff. SM takes care of everything for the girls: all costs plus even expenses.

obviously less than Beyonce or a solo artist makes... more than the Backstreet Boys or Nsync under Pearlman, whom they both sued for unfair treatement

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Guest HyperionZ

Soy is a traitor. She tried to get us off of the line by telling us the event was canceled. Of all people, should she not be the one that understands how sones feel about snsd the most? How dare she? I guess all the success of soshified got to her head. Sones made soshified the forum it is today. I hope she remembers that. I am completely and utterly disappointed in her. BUT LUCKILY DESPITE NOT HAVING A WRIST BAND, I MADE IT IN! IRL, SNSD ARE GORGEOUS. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS. Yoona really is a goddess.

I don't think Soy ever tweeted that the event would be cancelled. Still, I don't have a problem with Soy trying to break up an unofficial line before 6am as it wasn't supposed to be allowed, and Best Buy did not adhere to their rules they set for the fansigning event. She didn't like that there were fans having to wait hours in advance in the cold just get buy the CD and get a wristband. The fansigning fiasco was Best Buy and SM's fault for not communicating with each other well, and also for majorly underestimating people waiting in line early. What SM should have done and what they always do in Korea is to do a lottery/raffle, so people have fair chances to enter for the fansigning. SM needs to do better when it comes to fan events, because they have a knack for being inadequate and unorganized in the US. In the end, all the fiasco and large crowd helped even show the love fans have for the girls, but it was also time wasted for fans that waited for long hours.

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Guest LittlePinky82

I was just smiling and grinning seeing the twitter comments from that Simon Curtis guy. Just seeing someone totally become a fan of SNSD and especially Sooyoung from just their appearance on Letterman and/or Live with Kelly just shows in the scheme of things, it all helps and brings more light to Kpop and more exposure to SNSD.

Another thing that definitely highlighted their presence in the US, besides the huge crowd of fans flocking to the fansigning and shutting down Best Buy operations, is US paparazzi following SNSD around. When US paparazzi start to scurry around, that means something. I'm really glad the girls did so well, not only for themselves, but gave pride to Korea as well. Truly, the weight of the nation was behind them for this, and they delivered. I can't wait for more US appearances and/or US solo tour as rumors have speculated.

I hope he checks them more out. Especially shows like "Dangerous Boys" and "Hello Baby." And what's that show about Tiffany and Sooyoung in NYC with the taxi guy and Sooyoung is flirting with him? Know what I mean? Lol. Oh Sooyoung my bias is so precious haha. 

I'm surprised the paparazzi (cue Kan Miyoun song haha) was following them around. Wow.  Yep, everyone has a lot to be proud of! Me, too. And I hope the English album rumor is true too!

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Guest HyperionZ

Granted in the end it was a fiasco but I'd like to think that even if a majority of people didn't get the chance to see the girls' nor get an autograph I would like to at least think that those individuals spent their time with like minded individuals sharing stories about how they were introduced to and fell in love with the girls. I would also agree that if SME goes forward with any kind of 'world domination' or 'universal domination' (as some SONEs would like) for the girls' they realize that there are a lot of fans around the world who are more than willing to brave the elements and spend hard earned money (capitalism at it's finest) for their favorite group(s), so in the end they (SME) learn that expect the unexpected (legions of SONEs) and to put on a better event/show for their fans.

I think SM already knew about how SONEs spend their hard earned money; they bring in the most money for SM now. Interscope, however, just got an inkling or potential that SNSD could bring to the US market. The large crowd at Best Buy @ 7pm was probably going to happen anyway whether there was a lottery or not, because people already knew that if they didn't get a wristband, they weren't going to get into the fansigning. Still, fans lining up in the early morning and in the cold just to get a chance to buy the CD to get into the fansigning just shows the dedication fans have. I just didn't like how fans who don't have the time or ability to get in line early would most likely denied a chance to meet them in person and get signed autos. Also people who were planning to get in line heard about the increased number of people on twitter had to unnecessarily get in line earlier than was needed. Maybe if it were a weekend, I might be ok with a free-for-all lining up at anytime, but not everyone can skip work or school on a weekday.

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I have invaded.

Everyone knows thestory of Seohyun telling her unnies, "If you eat fastfood, you will die."

Yoona sees it asverbal attack,

Soonkyu says it'sgood advice,

Taeyeon says it'sverbal violence.

Soonkyu: If Miss Im Yoona isvery tired, lies down and wants to sleep, but someone keeps cracking jokes,what will you do?

Yoona: Of course in thesituation when I'm tired, I will be irritated if someone talks this way. BUT! Iwon't say things like "If you do it again, I will push you down thestaircase!" (Which is what Sunny said to her)

Soonkyu: Well... (silence)(suddenly uses Yoona's aegyo voice) YOU KEEP TALKING THIS WAY WHAT DO YOUEXPECT ME TO DO!? Won't you be irritated!

Yoona: (uses aegyo voice) Sorryfor talking like this

Video:  http://bestjd.bestiz...c=off&keyword;= 

[Full Story]: HowTaeng and Soonkyu bully Fany - 

Tiffany: (Languagein court is obviously too hard for her ㅋㅋㅋㅋ) Now the case is that Hoihoon... eoh... first... to Kyungkyu...eoh......


Taeyeon: (suddenlyinterrupts) (straight face) I request to present a piece of evidence.

Tiffany: (stunned)....Neh, So he got angry and he --

Taeyeon:(interrupts again) I request to present a piece of evidence.

Soonkyu: Me too,mic test ah ah ah one two one two

Tiffany continuestalking: But Kyungkyu knows his own role and character --

Soonkyu: I requestto present Tiffany as a piece of evidence.

Taeyeon: Pleasestop whining stop whining

Tiffany continuestalking

Taeyeon: YourHonor, I request to present a piece of evidence I request to present a piece ofevidence.

Tiffany finishestalking

Judge: When theopposition is talking, you can't interrupt. You have to get permission from thejudge, please take note of this.

Taeyeon: Sorry, Iunderstand...

Tiffany alsoapologizes


[sones must read]:Sunny talked to Seonghwan about the difficulties she met as a member of SNSD:

"In mysituation, when the debut was approaching, I had a lot of concerns. As a largegroup of people debuting from a huge company, we received a lot of attentions.In the midst of this... Am I allowed to say this?... I'm the niece of thecompany's representative. As a result I was handicapped in many ways(restrained). I joined the group late, and I'm the niece of therepresentative.. Moreover (I joined the group) with the condition that I had afriendly look - being short, with chubby and compact body shape, ordinarylooks.. I felt small and diffident when we went around as a group.. 

But Kim Je-dongoppa told me some good advice - 'Just as there are people who are fond of you,there will always be people who dislike you.' Because there are people who likeme, there will also be people who dislike the same side of me that othersprefer. So I think I don't have to change myself for people who don'tunderstand me."

- In 120205Dangerous Boys 

cr: imwhywhy

V posting here is a bit more difficult than i thought, weird system stuff keep messing up my texts

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Guest sone4all

Hello to everyone and all the new people. Welcome to the SNSD thread, new or old.

More love for SNSD is always welcome.

Thanks for the welcome. This switch will probably be permanent for me.

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Guest kadolle

Hello to everyone and all the new people. Welcome to the SNSD thread, new or old.

More love for SNSD is always welcome.

thank you very mutch 

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I guess i'll introduce myself. I'm des, am a regular at 6theory. Joining this forum now since 6theory is down. I'm very active, usually the first to post updates/news/pics and other soshi related info. Not very familiar with the rules, even though i read them. so please point out any mistakes that i might make. 

WR filming





soshi @ street jam









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