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少女時代 Girls' Generation / SNSD (소녀시대) Official Thread [Ver.3] GIRLS 6ENERAT10N | HYO 4th Single "Dessert"


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Guest LittlePinky82

I was watching again the Letterman performance and realized after Letterman says "thanks" to all his guests you see Murray bowing to the girls. I thought it was cute with that and Letterman saying "thank you" to them in Korean. 

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Guest nancylee15

AMAZING PERFORMANCES!! I had to re-watch both performances because I was biting my nails the whole time!! It was surreal to see them live on American television...I loved the performance on Letterman more just because the live band added to the prowess of the performance and since it was the first one, you can tell the girls' adrenaline was ON and they sure delivered!! The second performance was much more relaxed and I'm glad that they got an interview. They seemed more at ease than on Letterman especially since the audience was so dead! Too bad, I wish they would appear on ELLEN, now that would be one heck of a performance!!

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Guest l3aKa_poonZ



no, you're not :tears:

we all should be proud ^^


sexy Taeng has surfaced again LOL


cr; tagged

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Guest Seipher

Finally got around to watching both performances and I have to say, congratulations to the girls! Both pressure-packed situations and they came through. I just never imagined I would see a K-pop group next to Letterman, Bill Murray in a football jersey and Regis Philbin wearing a referee's uniform. In a way it's surreal to see. The performance on Letterman was great, and they handled the interview with Ripa and Mandel just fine. While time will tell on how much of an impact these appearances will have, it's a big step. I think it's safe to assume that the two shows cater to different demographics so they were able to reach out to a wide audience and did so with great performances. The girls gave it their best and hopefully they picked up a lot more fans in the process, but regardless of what happens being able to perform on a show like Letterman is huge accomplishment.

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Guest LittlePinky82

Finally got around to watching both performances and I have to say, congratulations to the girls! Both pressure-packed situations and they came through. I just never imagined I would see a K-pop group next to Letterman, Bill Murray in a football jersey and Regis Philbin wearing a referee's uniform. In a way it's surreal to see. The performance on Letterman was great, and they handled the interview with Ripa and Mandel just fine. While time will tell on how much of an impact these appearances will have, it's a big step. I think it's safe to assume that the two shows cater to different demographics so they were able to reach out to a wide audience and did so with great performances. The girls gave it their best and hopefully they picked up a lot more fans in the process, but regardless of what happens being able to perform on a show like Letterman is huge accomplishment.

Haha yes. It was really fun with Letterman. I lol when Regis was blowing the whistle lol. I liked the Letterman performance best cause it showed their dancing so well too. I thought the Ripa interview was cute. I lol when they were teaching them how to dance and Howie was like "uh" lol. I was glad they were on an evening show and a morning show. You're totally right it's to different people. Depends on people's schedules. It's better for me to watch Letterman since I'm usually going to bed about that time and when Ripa's show is on I'm sleeping. I got lucky I just happened to wake up right before Ripa. I wasn't planning on it cause it's posted online now days. 

I think it's a huge accomplishment too not just for the girls but for Kpop too. Who knows maybe this will be remembered as the moment that starts the Hallyu wave here. I'd love that! 

Any idea on if the appearances have made a difference in their album sales? I wonder if more stores have it. I went to my FYE the week it came out and they didn't have it (even though the website of the store said they would).

am i the only one that almost cried while watching both performances?


Nope. I was so excited I got teary myself. I was so proud as a Sone and as a Kpop fan girl. It was a great moment on both shows. 

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Guest BigBangLuv

Wow havent posted on Soompi in ages... But I was just wondering if anyone found there album anywhere? I'd really like to pick it up; ;D!

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I'm not a SONE but I did watch both performances and they did really great! The Letterman remix was awesome, and I couldn't stop looking at Sooyoung because she was so freakin' gorgeous! It seems as if the members that are most popular in Korea, like Yoona and Sunny, the 'cutesy' types, aren't the ones that will capture the American audience, but members like Sooyoung and Hyoyeon will. That's jus how I see it.

Opinions will vary but that's what I've thought as well... Sooyoung and Hyoyeon both have a very sexy, energetic vibe and exotic look that's appealing to Americans, esp guys. The black paps who shot those videos for youtube (not that it matters that they're black dudes, but they are...) can't stop shooting Sooyoung and talking about her in the background audio (one of the guys likes Hyoyeon though lolz)

The poster who was talking about watching Pearl Jam on Letterman is on point. I don't know how many more CDs they sell but it's a major signal that Kpop has arrived to be the musical guest on Letterman's 30th anniversary. Stuff on TV rarely surprises me anymore but that performance was sooooooooooo much better than I anticipated. Teddy Riley's song is wack thus SM gets so much credit for blocking and arranging that performance in that little space to turn out like that. The energy was off the hook both for SNSD and the Letterman show.

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Guest HyperionZ

Haha yes. It was really fun with Letterman. I lol when Regis was blowing the whistle lol. I liked the Letterman performance best cause it showed their dancing so well too. I thought the Ripa interview was cute. I lol when they were teaching them how to dance and Howie was like "uh" lol. I was glad they were on an evening show and a morning show. You're totally right it's to different people. Depends on people's schedules. It's better for me to watch Letterman since I'm usually going to bed about that time and when Ripa's show is on I'm sleeping. I got lucky I just happened to wake up right before Ripa. I wasn't planning on it cause it's posted online now days. 

I think it's a huge accomplishment too not just for the girls but for Kpop too. Who knows maybe this will be remembered as the moment that starts the Hallyu wave here. I'd love that! 

Any idea on if the appearances have made a difference in their album sales? I wonder if more stores have it. I went to my FYE the week it came out and they didn't have it (even though the website of the store said they would).

Nope. I was so excited I got teary myself. I was so proud as a Sone and as a Kpop fan girl. It was a great moment on both shows. 

I haven't seen it in my area yet either, and I don't think I will unfortunately. Interscope isn't really going to promote this CD much because its pretty much their Korean album American version. I think right now, they will just continue to build up the girls in the US slowly until they are ready to make a full English album. Now with the 2 really good performances by the girls on big stages, SM will now have to decide whether they want to re-plan things this year for SNSD and include more appearances in the US, or just stick with what they have currently (I say they are thinking of changing it already if what Oniontaker says is correct about Interscope getting lots of demand for SNSD for interviews, etc. after their performance. Also, SM is the expert in last minute changes and last minute ideas.) Anyways, I am not sure how much it opens the door for other Kpop acts to perform in the US, but it definitely got more attention.

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Guest wildorchidz

haven't posted in a while, wanted to chime in on the girls US debut. They were amazing, you can tell they were nervous on Letterman then half way through the performance the nerves went away. Live w/Kelly felt warm and inviting w/Kelly and Howie. Whether you are a fan or not, you have to admire the girls for taking on challenge there had to have been alot of pressure put on them

Anywase found a video, looks like the girls were introduced at a birthday party while they were in NYC


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Ok, so I was watching SNSD with Kelly and something really just make me mad.

Some guy in the audience rudely wolf-whistled (Construction-Workers-Type) at snsd while Kelly was interviewing them, and this was when everyone was quietly listening.

Sure whistling it fine and dandy but only during cheering and when the atmosphere calls for it.

I don't know about you guys but i find wolf-whistling at women pretty disrespectful.

Sure some women might be flattered by it but I don't think taeyeaon and yuri appreciated it, their reactions speaks for itself.

just watch this vid in HD to see their facial expression, taeyeaon seemed displeased but yuri looked kinda ticked off.

Youtube Video LINK

cr.uploader me

I know its not a big deal and maybe I'm over analyzing, but I just hope it was not a fellow sone doing that.

what you guys think? over analyzing? eh?

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girls made MTV's style blog. adorable picture of Hyoyeon and some funny copy too about SNSD and KPOP in general


I guess the girls were out Wed night here's a guy who hustled down to a lounge to try to hang with them


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Guest HyperionZ

Ok, so I was watching SNSD with Kelly and something really just make me mad.

Some guy in the audience rudely wolf-whistled (Construction-Workers-Type) at snsd while Kelly was interviewing them, and this was when everyone was quietly listening.

Sure whistling it fine and dandy but only during cheering and when the atmosphere calls for it.

I don't know about you guys but i find wolf-whistling at women pretty disrespectful.

Sure some women might be flattered by it but I don't think taeyeaon and yuri appreciated it, their reactions speaks for itself.

just watch this vid in HD to see their facial expression, taeyeaon seemed displeased but yuri looked kinda ticked off.

Youtube Video LINK

cr.uploader me

I know its not a big deal and maybe I'm over analyzing, but I just hope it was not a fellow sone doing that.

what you guys think?  over analyzing? eh?

I think you're over-analyzing it. You might be able to make a case for Taeyeon a bit, but I don't see anything from Yuri that shows that. Yuri looked like she didn't know what was going on.

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according to oniontaker@twitter, the girls have said a us album is being prepared for a spring/summer release and that interscope has been flooded with requests from other TV shows after the Letterman and Kelly performances and that SM is desperately trying to change their schedule but looks unlikely at the moment.

OK, time for personal opinion right now. I AM SO PROUD AND AMAZED. TBH I was pretty confident they can pull this off despite many people saying that this wasn't a strong song and how America does not dig the whole choreographed performance and SNSD kind of music. I knew that in order to have ANY chance of success in America, you need to be different so there is no point trying to emulate the trends in western pop at the moment but instead, stick with the kpop method of doing things because western audiences haven't seen this before.

Honestly, the reactions were above and beyond what I was hoping for and I think SM hit the jackpot with the Letterman remix, it showed a perfect combo of SNSD - killer vocals and sharp moves and the Kelly perf + interview really reinforced that and helped establish the girls a tiny bit with the interview. I think we won a lot of fans over so I hope SM and Interscope capitalize on this immediately and rethink SNSD's schedule for the year... And of course, thank you SONE's who are in NYC atm for all the support for the girls and showing America how big they are!

All I can say is:

Veni. Vidi. Vici.

We came. We saw. We conquered!

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Yea? I john teshing hate you guys who are in charge of the fansigning Woke up at 3 to go online for fansigning that was supposed to be lined up at 6... I couldn't make the cutoff. If I was told that line forms earlier and that we could camp. I would have camped. We were lied to and deceived. We are fans that got them where they are and they thank us by disrespect and lies. Good job.

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