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[drama 2010] I Am Legend 나는 전설이다

Guest Q_Park

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I knew it ! JW may be a jerk but I don't think he likes the idea of his wife getting involve with another man, does he still loves her and felt a twinge of jealousy when he saw Seol Hee left with TH in his car. Or maybe he was irritated that SH was able to find someone to replace him at such a short period of time. This drama is getting more and more interesting , specially now that the relationship of SH and TH is beginning to unfold.

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Guest kara_elayne

Wow, Viikii is sooo fast in subbing! Thank you so much! And thank you, Kyu, for providing us the summary-slash-spoilers and the preview translations. You're the best! ^_^ ^_^

Random thoughts while watching Episode 5. :)

- Wow, glad that her friends actually thought she should get a lawyer to defend herself, but that's something like common sense, yah? Fighting against one of Korea's best lawyer, she should not expect that she could do it by herself.

- Oh, and I thought she was wearing short shorts in the court, but now I see that she's wearing a shimmery top with the short shorts! Really! :huh:

- Seung Hye and Ji Wook are like dementors (in Harry Potter). The mere sight of them drains all the happy thoughts you have at the moment and makes you feel barbaric.

- Ran Hee is very annoying, she irritates me big time.

- I am loving Soo In's outfits too. Not too flashy or glamourous but nevertheless sexy. Boyish sexy. I am loving those sando-like tops, and the black Venus cut black top with ruffles she wore on their "debut". She's pretty. ^_^

- LMAO when Seol Hee slapped Ran Hee on the back a little bit way too hard, hahaha! :lol:

- Aaaah, gossipping ladies. But at least they made the "madame" quiver somehow.

- Suddenly busy lawyers? Did Ji Wook's family informed them beforehand that sooner or later, his soon-to-be ex-wife is gonna need their services, and they should keep themselves unavailable for her?

- Where did she get those rocker clothes? Did she secretly stashed them behind her elegant gowns? Tee hee!

- The restroom sign says "Woman", hehehe!

- Tae Hyun. Tae Hyun. Sigh sigh, Tae Hyunnie.. :wub: He made me giggle with that eyelash advice to Fa Ja, tee hee!

- Why did they not explain to the crowd that the guitars won't work, that it's only some technical problems? Why just keep quiet and do nothing about it? They just left the stage without checking with the technical team. Tae Hyunnie is right, they should have doen something to save their faces before getting off. I really want to kill Ran Hee, grrrr! Plus the fact that she's flirting with Tae Hyun and talking about Seol Hee behind her back, grrrr!

... and even just the instrumental version of Tae Hyun's song is making me a grinning loooney! Please, where can I download it? :wub:

- Hahahaha! Ji Wook looking at her in the pink dress from head to foot, what are you thinking now, jerk? Hehehe! But then he is soo good in being evil I can't totally hate him.

- Tae Hyun is mad because of her wearing a sexy dress, hahaha! I think compared to that short shorts, the dress is quite conservative. I love the shock and hateful look on Ji Wook's face, ahahaha!

- LOL! Seol Hee does love slapping other people's backs hard, yah? Wish she would do that to Ji Wook too, hahaha! Or maybe with the "madame".

- Ji Wook is sounding jealous talking about Tae Hyun and Seol Hee? Seung Hye and Ji Wook are much alike - trying to run their ex's lives. <_< <_<

- Who could that guy with the cap be? He's kinda creepy, showing up in places you don't expect him to be. Why does he want to help Seol Hee? I have a feeling he was being wronged by Ji Wook before and now wants revenge.

Looking forward to episode 6 now! Good night, everyone!

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I have a bad feeling that the mystery guy offering to help Seol Hee might be a set-up by that lousy husband.:huh:

When his mother told him to give Seol Hee whatever she wanted, in order to quickly settle his divorce, he told her that he'll take care of everything.  And, in the end, the world will pity and look kindly on him, while pointing fingers at Seol Hee.  And, how dare Seol Hee go against him and that she'll regret it.:crazy:

His attitude towards Seol Hee is that she's an ant that he'll crush.  :crazy:

So, the husband will prove, in court, that all the evidence was fake.:huh:

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After watching all 6 episodes... I like the story so far.. but I just can't feel any chemistry between Seol Hee and Tae Hyun... they look awkward with each other.. but that maybe just me not wanting Tae Hyun with any other ahjumma=p

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Guest Q_Park

Today's episode was kind of frustrating for me. Seol-hee seems to be losing her spark but I hope things change for better in the next episode.


As Seol-hee sits in the darkness, she contemplates what MCG told her earlier about the evidence. He's lost everything because of Cha Ji-wook so he will do whatever it takes to bring Ji-wook down. 

The Madonna Band is fixing up their new practice room by painting the walls neon green. (Uh...) As they talk, Ah-reum brings up the subject of Ran-hee, could it be her that messed up their guitars? Hwa-ja tells her that even though Ran-hee is sly, she would never do something like that to them. Seol-hee tells Hwa-ja and Su-in that a weird man came up to her and offered her evidence. They both tell her not to trust him because he could turn out to be a liar like that driver. 

Min-gyu hands over the baby to Ah-reum and runs away because he needs a break. Ah-reum is stuck watching the baby when the rest of the band walks in. Ah-reum mentions that this baby is actually her little brother and she needs to watch him for a while. (Later she tells Su-in that she said that because she was too ashamed of being his mother at such a young age.) Seol-hee makes goo goo eyes at the baby and feeds it some milk. She then recalls all the accusations Ji-wook made against her about her marrying into the family with pregnancy and such. 

Tae-hyun meets with the owner of the Casablanca bar (live stage from yesterday) to convince him to let the band from yesterday have another chance. This time, he'll direct them and if anything wrong happens, he'll take full blame. The owner reluctantly agrees. 

Ran-hee is walks into the documentary editing room with lots of snacks and talks sweetly to the director. He says that the live stage video came out surprising well and Ran-hee is extremely pleased. In the same building, Su-in is talking to a music program director who wants to see the group from before. She has to tell him that that is not possible but she is looking for another group to train. As Su-in walks, she overhears Ran-hee telling her manager what a great job that they did. How did he even manager to break Madonna Band's guitars? 

Su-in immediately tells Hwa-ja and Ah-reum what happened. Furious Hwa-ja calls Ran-hee and it turns out that Ran-hee is right there. Hwa-ja grabs onto Ran-hee's hair and starts fighting with her. (Yeah, you go girl!!) Seol-hee walks in and breaks them up. Ran-hee cowers behind Seol-hee still insisting that she didn't do anything but when Su-in tells her what happened, Seol-hee turns her disbelieving look to Ran-hee. For a moment there, I thought she was going to go Hwa-ja on Ran-hee but it turns out that Seol-hee (once again) just tells them to leave it alone. Nothing good is going to come out of fighting with Ran-hee. (This is true but so much satisfaction would be brought to me if I could just see Ran-hee in a fight one more time. lol) 

While they practice, Tae-hyun and Kwang-yul walk in to tell them some good news. They have another chance to debut. :D Tae-hyun asks Seol-hee how the other lawyers are going and suggests that maybe she should go visit Lawyer Go one more time. Seol-hee inquires about their relationship. Lawyer Go used to be Tae-hyun's guitar teacher. Tae-hyun advises her to give him one more chance.

Seol-hee meets up with Lawyer Go and asks him what she should do about the MCG trying to give her evidence. He says that evidence used for revenge has poison in it. 

(Mysterious Cap Guy now has a name - Park Ki-chul) Seol-hee doesn't know what evidence he's talking about but she doesn't want it. Ki-chul warns her that the way she's handling the case now, she's never going to win. "I lost the case that I was so sure of winning because Cha Ji-wook's lies and fake evidence. He made me look like an idiot!" 

MD walks in on Seung-hye and Ji-wook while they are working and Seung-hye tells her not to worry because they've got everything under control. Seol-hee walks into the law firm as MD is leaving and of course they see each other. MD asks Seol-hee if now she's hear to threaten Ji-wook since she probably knows that her chances of winning are slim. Seol-hee had absolutely no intention of doing that but MD doesn't hear a thing. Seol-hee goes on up to Ji-wook's room where her adultery alarm rings at the fact that Seung-hye is also there and before she came, they had been drinking wine with candles lit. 

The reason Seol-hee came up her was to ask about Park Ki-chul. She earnestly warns Ji-wook to be careful about Ki-chul but instead, he laughs at her foolishness and tells her to go. (WUT?! YOU CAME HERE TO WARN HIM? Ugh, why are you so nice?) Seung-hye tells Ji-wook that it seems like his wife is still in love with him. Ji-wook tells her to stop the nonsense. (This part gets to me though. I feel like deep deep DEEP inside, he's kind of pleased that she came and he's pleased to hear that Seol-hee might still love him. I also felt like this in the beginning episode 5 where he didn't look too pleased after they destroyed Seol-hee in court.) 

The next day a package from Park Ki-chul reaches Ji-wook's office and he is damn shocked to see that it is pictures of his and Seung-hye's rendezvous together. I mean, Ki-chul probably had to do some serious stalking because he even sent Ji-wook a video to boot. (Video was of him and Seung-hye getting it on inside some room.) Seung-hye panicks and says that if this is released it would be the end of them.  

Lawyer Go provides Seol-hee with a lot of information. (You go you master lawyer!) Before when Ji-wook offered Seol-hee 5억 (IDK the direct conversion but 1억 is 100,000, I think) that was nothing compared to what Ji-wook was actually worth. He's worth over 70억 and if Seol-hee tries, she could get up to 30억 from Ji-wook so the fact that Ji-wook only offered her 5억 is a really  low price. Also, Ji-wook bought a little villa/condo in around 2008 and he's still using it to this day. According to the words of some of the nearby residents, he's been coming here with a lady friend and getting it on. That lady is definitely not Seol-hee. 

Seung-hye asks Ji-wook if he thinks Seol-hee knows about this evidence so Ji-wook meets up with her. At first he puts on some fake concern for her, warning her to stay away from Park Ki-chul because he's not a trustworthy fellow. (Look who is talking.) She ignores him and confronts him about the 5억 he tried to offer her. It's also really such a shame that she never got to visit that little villa of his before they get divorced. Ji-wook is certain that she doesn't know about the evidence.

Kwang-yul asks Tae-hyun if he likes one of the band members since he's doing so much for them. It can't be chubby/married Hwa-ja or going-through-a-divorce Seol-hee so it must be Su-in, the one he likes. (Uh...lol) It's the day of their debut and Hwa-ja is nowhere to be seen. They can't get in contact with her either. Hwa-ja storms in with only a few moments to spare; she was in a minor car accident over here. Everything is fine except for a little black eye which all the band members crack up at. 

A man asks Seol-hee to make a little dedication for him and his wife's 5th anniversary. Seol-hee is touched and throws a wistful look at them. Tae-hyun (Mr. I-catch-everything-that-happens) notices this and the way that she sings. She's so deeply immersed into the song with tears in her eyes that I guess it touches him or something. 

Seol-hee thinks about what Lawyer Go told her about the villa and another woman who is not her. Tae-hyun pays a visit to Go Jin-bae, curious to see how the case is going. Jin-bae slyly asks him what makes him so particularly curious about Seol-hee's case. Tae-hyun says that it's because the opposing side is Seung-hye and it doesn't make him feel too good to see Seol-hee against her. Jin-bae throws out there that Seol-hee might look strong and whatnot but in the inside, she's a real wimp, very weak hearted.

Tae-hyun waits for Seol-hee outside the studio and tells her to get in the car. 

SH: Where are we going? 

TH: To the villa. I heard a little bit from Lawyer Go. You know, normally, I don't get involved in these affairs but it's just too frustrating watching you out from the sidelines so I'm going to take a little initiative. Let's go.

Seol-hee talks to some man and confirms that tonight the owners of the villa are coming down. After waiting for a bit, Seol-hee can't take it anymore and wants to go. 

SH: Sneaking around people's backs and looking for evidence just really doesn't suit me. 

TH: Perhaps it's because you're afraid. 

SH: Jang Tae-hyun, I already have an idea of what you want to tell me but let's just leave it to here today. If you don't want to, I'll leave first. 

TH: What Lawyer Go said was right. He said that you are so weak that he already sees you losing it big out there at court. The only one shedding blood is going to be you. So if you're going to be weak, be completely weak. ...I wonder what kind of woman she is to be coming out all the way here to be with another woman's man. She has a lot of guts.

Tae-hyun looks as if he's wondering if he came out too strong but that's cut short because a car pulls up. Out walks Seung-hye and Ji-wook.

As for facial expressions:

Seung-hye: >:| (whatever)

Ji-wook: >:| (whatever)

Tae-hyun: O_O or :o (eyes about to pop out of his head)

Seol-hee: :| (she knew it)

- Kyu

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Guest x_neverhere

I can't wait until there is a time when SeolHee is spending the time that Seong Hye don't with her son.  I think that'll crush her good! 


I agree. That would be a critical hit. *O* Can't wait!

Thanks for summaries Kyu!!! Meh, it's kind of bother me how Seol Hee is so nice to her husband... .__. *bang on walls whyyyyy*

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Guest shampoo192

Now I really really want to download their version of million roses! And I agree -- the best revenge would be Seol Hee spending lots of time with Noori and bonding! hehehe

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Guest lukelai4ever

thanks Q_Park for the summary! I'm excited now that tae hyun knows about his ex-wife's TOTAL involvement too! Have to wait for another week noooo~

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