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[Drama 2010] ATHENA : Goddess of War 아테나: 전쟁의 여신

Guest Lilazinprincess

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Guest naddification

me too! he's just so so so so annoying (his character)

yes! arghhhh he is really super duper annoying! and i think he's still trying to find HI to get her back? my goodnessss he should just give up!!

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Guest jjsweeter0211

I really hope the spoiler about JH is not true. OMG I have to say I want to stop watching this drama halfway because of the bad wrting and ridiculous plot . But I keep watching it because of Jae Hee . She is the character who have both brain and heart in this drama. She is smart , brave, strong, sweet and understanding. I cant believe her character will be killed T.T.

I'm not sure what's the writer thinking anymore.

I want Jaehee to live and have a open happy ending with JoonHo or someone new who'll be her future love interest in the last episode .

Out of the four main character, she is one who deserved lots of love and protection. She should be the one who stay alive after all the things she has been through Why do they have to make her character has a tragic ending ?

I'm sorry to other character's fan.If I have to choose the one who get killed then the first one is Son Hyuk I liked his character in the first half of the drama .I once believed that he still had some human side in him . I was wrong. The writer totally destroyed his character. Now he is a crazy killer and possessive psycho.

The second is Hae In . To be honest I dont want to sound selfish but everyone will live happily if she dies. Everywhere she goes, there are pl who have to sacrified their lifes for her,there are innocent pl got murdered, there are pl being hurt physically and emotionally. Her existence made others become miserable .No matter what she is changing ( her change is so slowwwwwww ) it wont erase her past. She killed too many innocent people, she has to pay for those crime in prison for the rest of her life. She doesnt deserve any happy ending.If she get a happy ending, life is too unfair.

I dont like Jung Woo's charater at all since the first episode. The writer totally failed at developing his character.

He is the worst agent ever. He made so many grave mistakes which caused so many pl died and hurt but they still consider him as the best agent there .It is so unrealistic !!!!!!!!!!!

You can agree or disagree with me.

I dont hate any actresses or actors They are all very talented. I do love some of them including Su Ae . I simply dont like few characters in here. I feel bad for them because they deserve a better script to work on.

That's just my opinion.

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Guest cyonink

I am so eager to watch this week's episodes and I do hope that the rumors about JH's death are just that, rumors. I do not want her to die. From all the characters, her, and Joon Ho seemed the nearest to what it means to be an agent. The others just confuse the spy job with a hobby I guess. I have been very disappointed in Son Hyuk the last couple of episodes. The writers really made a big doo doo out of what was supposed to be a really intersting antagosnist and I am really upset about that. Yes they were supposed to show that Son Hyuk has a weakness too (HI) but instead of giving hints of his weakness, they've turned him into a man obsessed with a woman that would stop at nothing to get her back. He does not think of Athena's mission anymore. His men are only used for the sole purpose of getting HI back and getting revenge (a personal one)at the man that stole her from him. And it's no wonder if the Athena leaders are not trusting his decisions anymore.

About HI, I cannot hate her. I cannot say that she's my fav character but she deserves a good retirement plan. All the people she did come back to haunt her, showing that she does have a consciousness and a heart that has been hit by cupid's arrow once JW came into her life. The character that has been messed up is JW though and I would fill up a screen if I started anumerating them now. Let's just say that if HI stood and did her job until she could not bare it anylonger, JW did exactly the opposite, putting his job on second plan and HI on the first.

Well I guess I've ranted enough. I appologize for the fact that this has become my place to rant whenever I feel to shout when I see that the drama I've waited for half a year is being butchered.

Thank God, the action scenes are still great.

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I usually don't post negative comments which can ruin the forum mood.  Just finished epi 17 last night and finally something good happened.  The appearance of Kim So Yun as Kim Sun Hwa was hard hitting.  Love to see more of Kim Sun Hwa,  Kim Ki Soo and Park Chul Young, all the North Korea agents.

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Guest mind.love

     Finally got to watch episode 18, no sub of course, so i didn't understand everything, but there were a lot of JW-HI which makes me very happy. Lol. I hope they got to clear some misunderstanding between them.

I like went JW-HI are in a fighting scene together, its so be exciting to watch. Though i got say that JW shooting in the street like that is kinda crazy, there were random people around. And i knew Randy wouldn't betrayal SH, he's a consistent character. That scene with SH shooting his gun at JW-HI on the screen was an omen, he's definitely coming for both of them now. And HI was actually sad about it, i guess its starting to hit on her the position she is in right now.

Dang, SH is just freaking evil! 

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Haven't had a chance to watch Episode 18 yet (can't wait until I get home and can watch it).

I've recently come across some negative reviews of Athena. Personally, I really enjoy it. Despite its obvious plot flaws (one of which being having the most stupid national security agencies I have ever come across), I enjoy Athena for the actors's and actresses' abilities.

I've probably said this before, but I am really impressed with SueAe's and Joo Woo Sung's abiliity in portraying HI and JW. I think they they are both doing an excellent job. The character of SH is also done very well. And I have to say that each of the North Korean agents are doing a very good job. Some of the other actors and actresses are more the typical filler variety and although they may have a more important role, I feel that their acting has not shone very brightly (i.e. Director Kwon, JH, JH). Personally, I think the eyes are key when playing characters that are supposed to be stoic, as agents and intelligence officers are characterized as being. Otherwise, you end up with a very dead face.

Anyway, what I wanted to comment on was how much more than Iris I am enjoying Athena. I began watching Athena without ever seeing one episode of Iris. But I liked Athena so much that I started watching Iris. I'll admit that I haven't gotten very far in it, but so far I have not been impressed at all. In fact, if I had anything else to watch while I wait for a new Athena episode, then I probably wouldn't even watch Iris at all. I realize that Athena has major plot issues. But, I feel as though Iris has an even bigger issue because not only is there a plot problem, but the acting talent just doesn't rise to the level that we're seeing in Athena. After watching both SueAe and Joo Woo Sung together, I just can't watch Kim Tae Hee and the other guy (the guy who plays Stormshadow in GI Joe) without feeling that something is just wrong. Maybe it's the fact that I'm currently watching My Princess, but I just don't see any chemistry between the leads in Iris.

When I focus on the plot deficiencies in Athena, I am reminded of why I avoided Iris (other than that You're Beautiful was my obsession at the time). And that reason is that I find that Koreans just never seem to research their plot. I don't watch Korean medical dramas because it's horribly wrong. I don't Korean legal dramas because again, it's horribly wrong. And I knew that they would completely foul up a spy drama. Of course, it's a Catch 22 because one of the draws of Korean dramas is that it's complete make-believe. So, of course they're not exactly going to care that nothing in the plot is believable or even makes any sense. It's just that I wish they would do a slightly better job of covering up the fact that it's make-believe.

Any kind soul willing to share any tidbits or spoilers of Episode 18?

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Hehe, other caps and I really love them, thank you TRAN

By the way, which episode does the first cap belong to ?? I totally forgot o.O

P/s: Does anyone know how to watch it online ? I can't wait T.T but seems like I can't find anywhere to watch. Please help me, thanks in advance !

First cap from ending credit of e13, I just like seeing JW carrying HI .... hihih..

Hey, jechoi1, love to read your take on e18, don't forget to write OK?

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Guest S_xCherryooxx

i usually dont post but gah its official i quit this drama

there was so much potential that was lost.

SH character started off pretty good but then they just killed it.

and now with rumors of JH dieing....i give up

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Guest blackwolf

i usually dont post but gah its official i quit this drama

there was so much potential that was lost.

SH character started off pretty good but then they just killed it.

and now with rumors of JH dieing....i give up

dont give up yet !! theres still hope for JH. her death isnt official yet :]

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Wow... This is the first time I'm commenting. Kind of late, but oh well. Another Jae-Hee here, Lolz.

But uhm... Why does she have to die? Honestly.. she did get on my nerves for some epis.

Seriously, Her character is sooo tragic!!! First, Her ex moved on and just doesn't seems to give a M about her.

Second, Have mixing feelings for the enemy... But apparently his heart is not for her either.

Then Her parents have to die, She can't seems to notice Junho (Although I think she kind of did.. Since she seems to be touched after the bombing thingy ;)}

So Kyea!!!!! I'm going to be soooooo pissed if the writers decided to kill her off (That means flying to Korea and kill them. Same with boys over Flower writers and PD. Lolz)

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Rating for Esp 18 AGB 14,2% , 11.8% TNmS




Text Preview for Esp 19

아테나의 다음 테러 목표가 확실치 않은 가운데 필사적으로 손혁을 추격하는 정우, 북한 정부의 제거 대상으로 지목된 기수는 정우를 찾아와 성철을 위해 손혁을 없애는 데 동참하고 싶다고 말한다. 손혁이 경주에 나타났다는 사실을 알게 된 NTS 요원들이 현장으로 출동하여 분주한 가운데, 손혁은 혜인을 만나러 NTS 숙소에 나타난다..!

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