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[Drama 2010] ATHENA : Goddess of War 아테나: 전쟁의 여신

Guest Lilazinprincess

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Guest Teresa1430264244

Tonight is an excited night B)

Not only because what happens next but also because of the appearance of Max Changming :X

Can't waittttt

Oh I am in love with ATHENA so deep :wub::lol:

and I love the song Order too :( so so sad

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Guest mind.love

 Thanks,  adikkeluangman, for the new. I hope there will be a MV for it. This right here make me really sad, "This reflects on Jung Woo and Hye In’s love that cannot happen."

I can't wait for episode 16 and 17. 

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Guest miradira

it's not neither of them (: i can see the similarities but those 2 guys are definitely not Dr. KMG and the guy @ Ki Soo's gambling place

Have u already finished episode 15? i just finish watching it, and there is more about Dr. Kim there, and maybe my eyes didn't play trick with my mind after all LOL :w00t: btw i love all the action in ep 14&15.. cool

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Guest bi_bo1112000

i heard someone tell about ep 16 =.=

OMG this time HI's really really betray SH, she trained the gun on him and she helped NTS agents find the place where he is =.= Finally she came back to Mr.Kwon, maybe she decide to help them wipe Athena and SH out

Oh man! i hate her ! How she..?

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Guest naddification

Tonight was an excruciating watch cos the streaming was just terrible! Though I missed some parts, I can safely say it's yet another interesting episode! :)

Picking up from the previous episode, SH orders Sean Richard to transfer the bomb/explosives on his body to another NTS person in the control room. Director Kwon volunteers himself but SH rejects. Sean R then chooses the lab lady but JH intercepts and volunteers to be the hostage. SH rejects yet again but JH remains firm with her decision and so, Sean R places the bomb on JH. I think the ultimatum was that unless HI reaches SH safely, SH will trigger off the bombs.

The smart lab lady secretly attaches a tracking device on HI's back before the duo and their unwilling hostage (Sean R, his partner and HI) make their escape. The three of them manage to get out of NTS in a car driven by Sung Chul (JW's senior). If you're wondering why, it's because Sung Chul is threatened at gunpoint by Sean R to drive the car. And so, they manage to get away without resistance from NTS.

They arrive at some shady-looking place and Sung Chul is locked up in the car boot. The Athena members (excluding SH) come to welcome back HI. Suddenly, the Japanese guy whom SH "killed" in the toilet in the first episode returns and starts shooting and fighting them! Sean R and a couple of others quickly bring HI away from the ruckus. Hmm I'm guessing the Japanese guy is back to settle scores with SH? In the meantime, after saving Sung Chul who is trapped in the car, JW manage to track Athena's whereabouts. JW appears just as that Japanese dude is fighting viciously with the Athenians.

One of the Athenians aims at JW to shoot him but that Japanese dude covers JW and takes the shots for him! Oh myyy, I think he got shot like more than 4 times?! No one can survive being shot that many times, well except for the rapper 50 Cent maybe; and so the Japanese guy dies. OMG POOR GUY!! Just before he dies, he calls up Director Kwon and says his last words. Director Kwon looks rather devastated. So that Japanese guy actually works for Director Kwon and the NTS??

Back at NTS, Max Changmin (OMG SO SUAVE AND HANDSOME!!! :wub: ) sleekly and charmingly enters. If I'm not mistaken, his name's Choi Taehyun. He's a bomb specialist and he's here to help defuse the bomb on JH's body.

Over at the other side, HI meets SH at a warehouse. HI tells him to stop but SH is more stubborn than a mule can be. JW and his senior manage to track down the secret lair of the Athenians. KS arrives. The three of them sneak into the warehouse armed with weapons. They silently take down 2 Athenians.

JW suddenly shoots at one of them, raising the alarm of the Athenians! SH is taken by surprise. Taking advantage of this situation, HI niftily takes a gun and aims it at SH. SH looks....betrayed and sad. He positions the nozzle of the gun at his heart (Why am I not surprised to see this move -_-). He challenges HI to shoot him. She can't bring herself to do it.

JW then steps in and pushes SH to the ground. The bomb trigger falls out of his hand. But SH quickly grabs it back and presses the trigger. (Goes to show he doesn't even care if JH explodes to meat pieces! TSK) At the same time, over at NTS, the bomb specialists try to defuse the bomb on JH....and they manage to do it! So none of them are dead. HURRAH!!! All of them heave sighs of relief, including myself.

Fast forward: SH thrusts a knife into Sung Chul's mid torso. Sung Chul falls. SH then aims his gun at KS. HI happens to be standing in front of KS and so she's blocking SH's attempt to shoot. SH tells HI to move aside but she just looks stunned and dazed seeing Sung Chul lying on the ground.

The NTS agents bust into the warehouse and starts shooting. Sean R hurriedly gets to SH and ushers him out of the warehouse to flee. As SH gets into the car, he has tears in his eyes. ARGH JUST GIVE UP ALREADY YOU BUGGER! Ok sorry about that.

As the car drives off, the NTS people shoot relentlessly at the car. Ummm firstly, I think it's not very possible that NONE of the bullets actually hit the people in the car? And secondly, wouldn't it be better if they actually aim for the car's wheels so that they can't get away if the wheels are busted? Just giving my personal opinions, feel free to correct me!

Back at the warehouse, Sung Chul says his last words and dies... Both KS and JW are totally devastated! :(

JW attends Sung Chul's funeral wake. He recalls those times he had with him. JW has a look of anguish, frustration and vengeance in his eyes. He looks like he could just skin SH alive and dump him in a pot of boiling water!

HI is brought back to NTS. She asks to see Director Kwon. She tells him something. Oh I wish I knew what she's talking about.


Missed the preview for tomorrow's episode cos the streaming was just plain awful! Booo :( Looking forward to seeing the subs so I can get a better understanding of the things that are going on :)

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poor HI ... !! she's in dilemma.

SH is someone who taking care of her since she was young and

on the other hand she doesn't want NTS's people dies cos of her and also

JW is the guy she loves. i cannot blame her for what she did to SH cos she asked him many time to stop. and also I think she feel guilty because of her that older brother ( a guy who close to JW and north Korean guy... duno his name)is died.

and hope JW and HI will clear up their misunderstanding... !

(sorry for my poor English :P)

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Guest pas_sub

i couldnt help but rant

at first, Jung Woo is a total idiot who went frenzy for his love at first sight towards Hye In

and now, Son Hyuk is a total moron who went hysterically crazy because of losing Hye In

Jung Woo is a top agent, well, anything about his frenzy actions has been discussed before

and now Son Hyuk, is going crazy too...

he would sacrifice his team member for Hye In, he is such a bad leader

if i was a founder of Athena, i definitely would not take him as a leader,

he abandoned his team for a single person, he went blank and hopeless when Hye In betrayed him

right at the moment where his team was surrounded by NTS agents.,

even Andy had to drag him out, and had that other Athena lady block out the way so Son Hyuk could escape,,,

he was so cool in the beginning, and now what???

actually i want more Jae Hee scenes in this episode, but it seems like impossible

the remaining episodes will be a battle between a crazy man who cannot let go of his only relative/family/partner/whatever you name it, he also happen to be a leader of a terrorist organization,


a NTS agent who regains his senses and trying to stop the crazy man from his desperate actions which would damage the country and etc...

and a woman which stands between them,

man, i do love Cha Seung Won, i adore him, but his character really kills my interest now,,,

seems like Kim So Yeon will appear in the next episode,

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Guest naddification

Just some thoughts on episode 16:

I'm honestly disappointed to see that there were no action scenes involving JH. With the bomb strapped on her, she could only afford to sit in a chair and not do anything. I was actually hoping she'd hunt SH down, I mean just a bit of scenes which show her doing something smart and badass, so I can't believe the writers decided to just let JH be passive for almost the whole episode! It's frustrating to watch. :crazy:

SH has been getting on my nerves with his obsession over HI but this is the last straw. Can't he see that HI REALLY, REALLY doesn't want to be involved in Athena anymore? Just give up already! My goodness. tongue2.gif I honestly would rather see him focus fully on his Athena terrorist activities than see him try to snatch HI away, again and again!

I feel pretty bad for JH cos lately she is gradually fading into the background, if you get what I mean. It's like her role isn't of much significance anymore. Also, I'm frustrated at the direction this story is heading towards. I'm not sure what else to expect in the remaining 4 episodes. There are so many loose ends to tie up. Sigh!

I might have looked at things in a superficial and fleeting manner, so I apologise if anything I said is inaccurate or offends/upsets anyone! :)

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@semi-fly : Thanks for the link ^^

Just some thoughts on episode 16:

I'm honestly disappointed to see that there were no action scenes involving JH. With the bomb strapped on her, she could only afford to sit in a chair and not do anything. I was actually hoping she'd hunt SH down, I mean just a bit of scenes which show her doing something smart and badass, so I can't believe the writers decided to just let JH be passive for almost the whole episode! It's frustrating to watch. :crazy:

SH has been getting on my nerves with his obsession over HI but this is the last straw. Can't he see that HI REALLY, REALLY doesn't want to be involved in Athena anymore? Just give up already! My goodness. tongue2.gif I honestly would rather see him focus fully on his Athena terrorist activities than see him try to snatch HI away, again and again!

I feel pretty bad for JH cos lately she is gradually fading into the background, if you get what I mean. It's like her role isn't of much significance anymore. Also, I'm frustrated at the direction this story is heading towards. I'm not sure what else to expect in the remaining 4 episodes. There are so many loose ends to tie up. Sigh!

I might have looked at things in a superficial and fleeting manner, so I apologise if anything I said is inaccurate or offends/upsets anyone! :)

agree with u.... SH should let HI and focus on athena, I didn't expect he will be that weak. and the story line didn't meet my expectation for this kind of drama. I'll just keep watching this drama till the end coz i wanna see how JW and HI relationship at the end.... :P

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Guest Teresa1430264244

OMG it's gonna be another freaking exciting ep

Since i didn't understand any of Korean but still felt so so so crazyy :crazy:

HI is mending her way :lol: and I'm glad to see so :wub:

seems like HI and JW are going to work together in the next ep :wub: another glad to see

Can't wait to see what happens with JW&HI relationship ^_^ Hope it's gonna be happy in the end :P

I just feel that Jun Ho has a special feeling with Jae Hee, doesn't it ? :vicx: Or just Sunbae-Hoobae relationship huh :rolleyes:

Every misunderstanding will be untied in the next 4 eps :( Hope it's satisfied.

I'll just keep watching this drama till the end coz i wanna see how JW and HI relationship at the end....

Totally the same to me B)

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Guest -thanatos-

ok, was anyone as excited as me when they saw that

kim so yun is starring in the next ep? b/c she was the best thing in iris for me.

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Guest kayana20

Episode 16 made me cry my eyes out like why was that necessary? tears.giftears.gifOlder brother should not have been the one taken and killed. It seems Sh gets satisfaction out of destroying anyone close to JW or Director Kwon. I was shocked that it happened and it struck a chord in HI and Ki Soo that Sh could do that. I think Hi was hurt was because he was always funny and so nice to everyone no mater what and I just was crying because why do the one's you least expect always have to die?It's war now JW eyes looked pitch black scary he is pissed and Ki-Soo is really shook up over it. I was glad Sh trained the gun on him but Sh still keeps trying to bring her back. No she is sick of killing understand that and for what just to have world power. I really don't get why Andy is still alive he gets shot at a lot? That really confuses me.Now I really am mad Jh had to sit in that chair to get that bomb off but she stepped on so I respect that. SH pity was so funny and pathetic. You wouldn't have did this in the first place if you were sensitive to her feelings. Hmm I wonder who will pull the trigger for him because that list is getting long. OOh the connection with Kim So Yeon and Ki-soo is it good or bad> I really want to know what is going on but also why is she still alive and how they will tie her to Athena and IRIS. This episode was a 6 . I wanted Jh to get some action in and her revenge. Can they listen and make her shine please? I still am rooting for JW and Hi even if they are banned from Korea if they stay together! Until tomorrow.

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Something I don't really understand is all the viewer attention towards JiHae. Just to make it very clear: I'm not trying to bash on her. I just really don't understand it and was wondering if anyone could explain it.

To me, JH was always a second character. Now, I agree that sometimes there are second leads who just steal the show. Most popular (imo) case in point: Soeul couple from BOF. I agree that sometimes when you watch a drama series, the second lead seem to have more chemistry or there's just something about them that makes you fall in love with them and not the main lead couple. But I just haven't gotten that feeling with this one. And I realize that I'm probably the only one in this forum who feels this way based on the comments and posts that I have been reading. However, I just don't understand it.

From the moment that JH's character was introduced, there was nothing interesting or special about her. By this I mean that there was no mystery to her. Athena is supposed to be about hidden characters and double-lives and JH is a character who is an open book. She is the daughter of a high-ranking official who was once very much in love with her co-worker until her father tore them apart. Although she is cast as an NTS agent, in my opinion she pales in comparison to HI's character who just exudes an aura of mystery and deadliness. I think that the actress who plays HI is doing a fantastic job in portraying a closed character without looking deadpan or just blah. She's also doing a fabulous job with the physical stuntwork as well. And when I see JH's character side-by-side with HI's character, she just keeps falling short.

When Director Kwon ordered JH to start reporting to SH as an effort to spy on him, my reaction was: that girl is so out of her league. The confirmation that she was out of her league was when she decided to try to seduce SH (as if he didn't see that coming from 5 episodes earlier). Again, this isn't a rant against the actress portraying her, as I imagine that the real problem lies in the way that her character is written. Which, again, there's nothing wrong with the way it's written since she is a second lead. And I see her part fading more and more into the story.

The trend that I am seeing is that there were second leads who had more activity in the drama in the beginning and their roles slowy begin to fade away as the drama progresses. I would put Sung Chul (NTS Team Lead) into this category. I would also put JH into this category. Then there are those secondary characters who had very minor roles in the beginning and who are slowly starting to have more of a role now. Into this second category I would place KiSoo and the charater played by Choi Si Won.

I don't really see JH as getting involved in any more love lines with anyone else. And I certainly don't see her as being strong enough to take on SH. Yes, she's the woman who has been betrayed 3 times now (JW, SH, and her father). She should be someone who may go on a rampage out of revenge. But, I just don't see her as being strong enough to do that.

Anyway, I was sooooooo waiting for the

toilet guy that SH "killed" in Episode 1 to come back. It's too bad that he died again for real this time. Also really excited to see ChangMin appear on tonight's episode. I hear he's supposed to be in for the rest of the series, but I bet he's only going to make brief appearances each time.

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Guest mind.love

First I just want to say that JW new hair style is so hot! Lol

with that out of the way, that was another exciting episode. Action, action, and suspense. 

I have to admit i did that see the death of Chief coming. I really thought he was going to last until the end considering his character was at moment a great comedic relief to the often heavy spy drama. So basically the remaining episodes are going to be fast pace and plenty of actions. 

I'm going to go with Dolfy and  Charlotte Fann, that i was excited to see that JW and HI are working together in episode 17, and that they will work out their problems!  And also it looks like HI is going to be temporary released to be working on the team. I like the way you think, kayana20, they can be together else where. lol

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Guest pas_sub

for anyone who's waiting Kim So Yeon appearance here, well she has different haircut than in IRIS or IRIS the movie, perhaps they will explain later about her current condition here..



and some scenes that i really want to be inserted in the drama, but seems like i hang my hopes way too high, i dont think the story will lead any of these scenes to happen



ah, can somebody just tell me whether there'll be any single scenes between SH and JH again???

i kept watching Athena hoping to see they both in a scene together again,,,

but with only 4 episodes left,, i kept saying to myself,"why did you watch this in the 1st place???"

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