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[Drama 2010] ATHENA : Goddess of War 아테나: 전쟁의 여신

Guest Lilazinprincess

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Guest kchild702

코드블랙! 온 몸에 폭발물을 장착한 앤디가 NTS를 점거한다. 혜인을 요구하며 NTS를 위협하는 손혁! 용관은 크게 분노하며 손혁과 대치하지만, 이를 지켜보던 혜인이 자신으로 인한 희생을 막기 위해 스스로 손혁 앞에 선다. 한편 용관의 지시로 특수임무를 수행 중이던 정우는 재희의 연락을 받고 NTS로 달려오고, 유유히 혜인을 데리고 NTS를 빠져나가던 앤디는 추격을 막기 위해 자신이 입고 있던 폭탄 조끼를 재희에게 입히는데……!

heres the text preview for ep 16

if anyone can translate it i would be really grateful !! thanks :D

I tried to put it simple as I can sorry.

Preview Ep.16

Code black! Andy takes over NTS with explosives all over his body. SH demanding HI and threatening NTS!

NTS director Kwon Yong Gwan gets very angry and gets into confrontation with SH but, watching all of this HI decides to stand in front of SH. She does not want the NTS agent’s life in jeopardy because of her.

While JW is away on the order of the director Kwon, hes been notified by JH and on his way back to NTS, Andy while escaping NTS with HI decides to avoid being track by the NTS by putting the explosive jacket on JH………………………!

hope this helps.

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@Kchild702: thank you for your translation. Now, I can't wait to see the next episode. I'm wondering how SH will react as now JH's wearing the jacket. Damn,..... I shouldn't have much hope anymore as we all know he will kill everyone who stand in his way.....

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I tried to put it simple as I can sorry.

Preview Ep.16

Code black! Andy takes over NTS with explosives all over his body. SH demanding HI and threatening NTS!

NTS director Kwon Yong Gwan gets very angry and gets into confrontation with SH but, watching all of this HI decides to stand in front of SH. She does not want the NTS agent’s life in jeopardy because of her.

While JW is away on the order of the director Kwon, hes been notified by JH and on his way back to NTS, while escaping with HI, Andy while escaping NTS with HI decides to avoid being track by the NTS by putting the explosive jacket on JH………………………!

hope this helps.

thanks a lot :)

it makes so much more sense now

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I like JW hair style in e15, all up and smooth like Mr Bond :)

Why did JW got so angry at HI is it bc she let herself get caught after all he let her go?

I thought HI should be stronger why did she let herself to be caught? I can just easily take down JH at the end of e15 with all the confusion in the office and she's alone with JH...

Is there going to be still love between JW and HI? What's next for HI?

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Guest bi_bo1112000

I tried to put it simple as I can sorry.

Preview Ep.16

Code black! Andy takes over NTS with explosives all over his body. SH demanding HI and threatening NTS!

NTS director Kwon Yong Gwan gets very angry and gets into confrontation with SH but, watching all of this HI decides to stand in front of SH. She does not want the NTS agent’s life in jeopardy because of her.

While JW is away on the order of the director Kwon, hes been notified by JH and on his way back to NTS, Andy while escaping NTS with HI decides to avoid being track by the NTS by putting the explosive jacket on JH………………………!

hope this helps.

omg thanks!

its so interesting

Im curious how SH and JH react, too

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Guest Teresa1430264244

I tried to put it simple as I can sorry.

Preview Ep.16

Code black! Andy takes over NTS with explosives all over his body. SH demanding HI and threatening NTS!

NTS director Kwon Yong Gwan gets very angry and gets into confrontation with SH but, watching all of this HI decides to stand in front of SH. She does not want the NTS agent’s life in jeopardy because of her.

While JW is away on the order of the director Kwon, hes been notified by JH and on his way back to NTS, Andy while escaping NTS with HI decides to avoid being track by the NTS by putting the explosive jacket on JH………………………!

hope this helps.

Yes it really does help

at least I am now getting so excited about ep16

Thanks so much for sharing

I'm wondering what will happen next for JW and HI

Hope it is still going on with happy ending since the couple SH and JH absolutely can not be any happy, I think so :(

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Yes it really does help

at least I am now getting so excited about ep16

Thanks so much for sharing

I'm wondering what will happen next for JW and HI

Hope it is still going on with happy ending since the couple SH and JH absolutely can not be any happy, I think so :(

@kchild702: Thanks for the translation !

@Charlotte Fann: Agree with you... i wish both of them end their misunderstanding soon. hopefully JH tells JW that HI's not the one who killed her father. I almost cry when HI finally told JW what she feels inside plus the song was really fits that scene T__T. It seems like JW end their relationship (though their never announced that they're in relationship :P)

Can't wait for next episode !

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Guest mind.love

 I almost cry when HI finally told JW what she feels inside plus the song was really fits that scene T__T.

Was  this in the latest episode? Cause i just feel like i just missed something. 

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I cant deny what SH did with HI to get SNC, but as i say before b/c he's difference.Cant you see how much he care for her? he does always make concession to her? isn't it love? if not what is it? An instrument? its reasonless!!

About SH try to kill JW, its simple b/c he is an terrorist.That's his job, he will do it whether or not HI loves JW.

I think one of the biggest debates in life is who loves who more. Anyone familiar with the Bible may remember the story of King Solomon who was presented with a baby that two women claimed belonged to them. The women asked Solomon to decide who the child belongs to. Eventually, Solomon ordered that the child be cut in half, thus revealing the true mother who would rather give up her baby to another woman than to have her baby killed.

What you see as love on SH's part, I see as an obsession. This theme is common in many Korean dramas. What is true love? If you love someone who happens to love someone else, do you fight and fight and fight for your love until you "win" your love? Or do you let your love go to the person that s/he loves? Personally, I think you need to find a balance. Fight for your love in the beginning. But when it becomes obvious that s/he is completely in love with someone else, then let your love go. Continuing to pursue someone who is not romantically intersted in you becomes a burden to that person. In Athena, SH takes it to another level. He doesn't just try to show HI that he cares about her. Rather, he stalks her every movement (which is a common theme in Korean dramas, and he is pretty high up in a terrorist organization so I can almost ignore the stalking), tries to control her behavior, locks her up, kidnaps her, and tries to kill the competition. For me, the real turning point is when HI tried to leave Athena quietly. She had the opportunity to leave and was going to do so without betraying any of Athena's secrets. But SH had to pull her back in. I think he uses the excuse that he's doing everything for her--to create a safe empire, if you will, for her where she and SH will be in power. But she's made it clear that she doesn't want that. All she wants is to lead a normal life.

I can see your point--to a degree-that SH does take care of her. After all, if you believe in SH, you can see that he tries to save HI from prison and whatever else she is facing when he has Andy and the other Athena female agent hold the NTS facility hostage. SH knows that HI has been captured at that point and is trying to free her. On the other hand, I think he really sees HI more as a possession at this point, then the object of his love. After all, unless there is another Athena mole inside NTS (which HI denied, but also admitted that she didn't know 100%), then there is the possibility that HI could have made a deal with NTS and wouldn't be facing any criminal charges.

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Guest bi_bo1112000

What you see as love on SH's part, I see as an obsession. This theme is common in many Korean dramas. What is true love? If you love someone who happens to love someone else, do you fight and fight and fight for your love until you "win" your love? Or do you let your love go to the person that s/he loves? Personally, I think you need to find a balance. Fight for your love in the beginning. But when it becomes obvious that s/he is completely in love with someone else, then let your love go. Continuing to pursue someone who is not romantically intersted in you becomes a burden to that person. In Athena, SH takes it to another level. He doesn't just try to show HI that he cares about her. Rather, he stalks her every movement (which is a common theme in Korean dramas, and he is pretty high up in a terrorist organization so I can almost ignore the stalking), tries to control her behavior, locks her up, kidnaps her, and tries to kill the competition. For me, the real turning point is when HI tried to leave Athena quietly. She had the opportunity to leave and was going to do so without betraying any of Athena's secrets. But SH had to pull her back in. I think he uses the excuse that he's doing everything for her--to create a safe empire, if you will, for her where she and SH will be in power. But she's made it clear that she doesn't want that. All she wants is to lead a normal life.

yeah i can see your thinking.But I cant still agree with you

I dont see its an obsession or posession at all.You know, SH and HI lived together for a long time. Now she met JW and loves him, but JW works for NTS.Therefore, SH must know HI will leave him some day.But HI is the only one and the only thing SH realy has on the world.Remember,when she was young she said that she just had wanted to beside him but she now said that she had not wanted any more b/c of JW.Of course, He must hurt much! That only thing is now took away by JW, how can he stand and accept something like that? If you, how you react? When you're in trouble you must face, accept and give up, but it needs take time.Its usual when he holds HI and dont let her go first. Dont say its just an posession, its simply an emotion. Though he hold her but you can see how sad he is in ep 15? He dont want to see her b/c if he does, he will see her sorowwful face and he may let her go =.= why dont you see that part? Ok he surely give up but not now. Still now, no one understand him and no one really tries to take him back *sigh* Now i just hope JH will =.=

And HI, How she posibly say desert him easily? oh man Where are the memories and the happy moments between them go?

Tell me Why dont she think of a way to change SH,at least once time? If she have, show me. I say before she just talk perfunctorily! If she has a deal with NTS, i will very disappointed with her.

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Guest Teresa1430264244

@Charlotte Fann: Agree with you... i wish both of them end their misunderstanding soon. hopefully JH tells JW that HI's not the one who killed her father. I almost cry when HI finally told JW what she feels inside plus the song was really fits that scene T__T. It seems like JW end their relationship (though their never announced that they're in relationship :P)

Can't wait for next episode !

Yes totally

I truely cried when the song being played. It was definitely sad sad sad T.T Although there was no sub that I didn't understand anything, I still felt soooo saddd T___T Hope that she just tried to prove her innocent for JH father's dying

Hope Athena ends with something new, not just like IRIS, at least let HI be alive since she truely regretted what she had done before. It is due to her circumstances in the past that led HI be so cold-blooded. That is not what she wants inside. I do think so :( Poor HI, I love her smile in Japan part T.T

Was  this in the latest episode? Cause i just feel like i just missed something. 

Oh yes, it was in the lastest ep, ep16 ;)

Anyway, there is no sub until now T.T

I think one of the biggest debates in life is who loves who more. Anyone familiar with the Bible may remember the story of King Solomon who was presented with a baby that two women claimed belonged to them. The women asked Solomon to decide who the child belongs to. Eventually, Solomon ordered that the child be cut in half, thus revealing the true mother who would rather give up her baby to another woman than to have her baby killed.

What you see as love on SH's part, I see as an obsession. This theme is common in many Korean dramas. What is true love? If you love someone who happens to love someone else, do you fight and fight and fight for your love until you "win" your love? Or do you let your love go to the person that s/he loves? Personally, I think you need to find a balance. Fight for your love in the beginning. But when it becomes obvious that s/he is completely in love with someone else, then let your love go. Continuing to pursue someone who is not romantically intersted in you becomes a burden to that person. In Athena, SH takes it to another level. He doesn't just try to show HI that he cares about her. Rather, he stalks her every movement (which is a common theme in Korean dramas, and he is pretty high up in a terrorist organization so I can almost ignore the stalking), tries to control her behavior, locks her up, kidnaps her, and tries to kill the competition. For me, the real turning point is when HI tried to leave Athena quietly. She had the opportunity to leave and was going to do so without betraying any of Athena's secrets. But SH had to pull her back in. I think he uses the excuse that he's doing everything for her--to create a safe empire, if you will, for her where she and SH will be in power. But she's made it clear that she doesn't want that. All she wants is to lead a normal life.

I can see your point--to a degree-that SH does take care of her. After all, if you believe in SH, you can see that he tries to save HI from prison and whatever else she is facing when he has Andy and the other Athena female agent hold the NTS facility hostage. SH knows that HI has been captured at that point and is trying to free her. On the other hand, I think he really sees HI more as a possession at this point, then the object of his love. After all, unless there is another Athena mole inside NTS (which HI denied, but also admitted that she didn't know 100%), then there is the possibility that HI could have made a deal with NTS and wouldn't be facing any criminal charges.

Yay so meaningful. I agree that SH may just see HI like someone he possesses that he doesn't want anyone to appropriate :D so he keeps leading her this way

Dont say its just an posession, its simply an emotion

@bi_bo1112000: Emotion of possession. I don't totally agree with you :D (it's just my thoughts, I don't protest any of your comments, hope you don't feel any uncomfortable)

I agree with you that HI is the only one who is familiar with SH, moreoever, HI and SH had lived together like siblings for long, so HI can't betray him like that. But since they have got a so called familiar relationship, I think it's obvious that SH does want to possess HI his own and wants HI to stay beside him through thick and thin because he doesn't want to be alone and alone or lose something so important. However, he must let HI live her own life instead of leading hers. It's just obvious when HI chose to stand for JW because of love (it's not so betrayal cause she still feels confused). I do think Love can turn someone to be so weak and moreover.

That's all my thoughts :D

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Guest bi_bo1112000

no im not uncomfortable

its glad to talk with you

Emotion of possession

haha i think everyone who in his position will do the same thing like him.If you have a best friend, sometimes you're not happy when you see they're close to someone not you or have boyfriend(girlfriend),let alone SH beside HI when she was 9.So its so hard for him to let her go, he needs more time.Thus, i dont think its an posession.

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Guest Teresa1430264244

no im not uncomfortable

its glad to talk with you

haha i think everyone who in his position will do the same thing like him.If you have a best friend, sometimes you're not happy when you see they're close to someone not you or have boyfriend(girlfriend),let alone SH beside HI when she was 9.So its so hard for him to let her go, he needs more time.Thus, i dont think its an posession

I got so. That's why I don't feel any hate SH for being like that otherwise I feel pitious for him.

It'd better call like losing something really familiar than possession but I do prefer the word possession 'cause I think so. Were I in his shoes, I would also do possess like that, no one wants to lose something special to them hehe :D

Let see what will happen next

Anyway nice to talk

By the way, can't wait to see ep16. It takes 2 more days T_T

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Guest mind.love

thanks guys. Now that darksmurf have released the subs. and they are subbing the Special! can't wait. 

Thanks to everyone over at darksmurf for providing us with great subs.

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Guest fayrouz

hi everyone of drama athena godess of warr

i am also a korean drama crazy or addicted,

but i am an non asian girl and wish to have asian drama

also here in belgium europe

i wish to love drama and share it with everyone but in belgium the dramas

that are on is nothing compared to korean dramas!

so if you also want to share your love drama with everyone please sign the petition,

with your name and country even if you are from korea , so we can overcome bariers

for the love of wonderfull dramas


thank you , merci, dank u! khamshamida

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