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[Drama 2010] ATHENA : Goddess of War 아테나: 전쟁의 여신

Guest Lilazinprincess

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Guest dian8214

I just watched last night episode.

I was wondering was HI send message to JW

After she fought with 2 guys ?

yeap yeap and she used her real name EUGENE ^^

waaaa.. can't wait for tonights episode... missed the airing time >.<

excited ^^ and ohhh i dunno but i am looking forward for more of Kan's role/cameo :P

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yeap yeap and she used her real name EUGENE ^^

waaaa.. can't wait for tonights episode... missed the airing time >.<

excited ^^ and ohhh i dunno but i am looking forward for more of Kan's role/cameo :P

Thanks for spoiler.. me too, can't wait for the link.

so only 5 episodes left right.. i wondering how they're (Eugene n JW ) gonna end up in the end ?

and I hope that bad guy SH will die ... totally hate him. he makes everybody's life miserable

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Guest naddification

OMG WHAT THE HEEEELLLLL.(Sorry I can't help it!) I wonder how and why Director Kwon and the NTS actually fell for Sean Richard's lies? :crazy:

If some of you recall from the preview, Sean Richard contacts Director Kwon right? I think he's telling him something about surrendering to NTS and snitching on SH? (Not too sure) But in any case, it is all a devious plan orchestrated by Athena. Surprise, surprise!


Sean Richard and another Athena member (the lady) manage to infiltrate NTS - WITH EASE (My goddd, the NTS people actually helped them get into the building). When Sean Richard and his partner took out their guns, only then did NTS realise it was all part of Athena's plan! Also, both Sean Richard and his partner have bombs strapped to their bodies, with SH holding the control button. SH appears on the large screen in the control room, and he demands the release of Hye In. Sean Richard's partner-in-crime manipulates the control system and locks down the whole NTS building so that no one can escape.

In the meantime, after witnessing all this, JH quickly gets HI and hides her from the Athena member who's looking for her. JH contacts JW who isn't in the NTS building at that time. THE END.

P.S. They didn't show any preview for next episode!

AHHHH THIS IS GETTING TOO EXCITING! The last 7-10 minutes of the episode was the most intense and suspenseful part. :)

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@semi-fly : Thanks a lot for the link..! you're the best :D

OMG WHAT THE HEEEELLLLL.(Sorry I can't help it!) I wonder how and why Director Kwon and the NTS actually fell for Sean Richard's lies? :crazy:

If some of you recall from the preview, Sean Richard contacts Director Kwon right? I think he's telling him something about surrendering to NTS and snitching on SH? (Not too sure) But in any case, it is all a devious plan orchestrated by Athena. Surprise, surprise!


Sean Richard and another Athena member manage to infiltrate NTS - WITH EASE (My goddd, the NTS people actually helped them get into the building). When Sean Richard and his partner took out their guns, only then did they realise it was all part of Athena's plan! Also, both Sean Richard and his partner have bombs strapped to their bodies, with SH holding the control button. SH appears on the large screen in the control room, and he demands the release of Hye In. In the meantime, after witnessing all this, JH quickly gets HI and hides her from the Athena member who's looking for her. JH contacts JW who isn't in the NTS building at that time. THE END.

P.S. They didn't show any preview for next episode!

AHHHH THIS IS GETTING TOO EXCITING! The last 7-10 minutes of the episode was the most intense and suspenseful part. :)

Thanks for spoiler.. so, they didn't show the preview for next episode ?

can't wait for next week and agree with you it's getting exciting.

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Guest bi_bo1112000

oh man! HI now follow NTS. From start i like her charecter but now im very disappointed with HI

Poor SH! How evil he is, but he is the one who raised and take care of her the most, she betray him =.=

ok she regrets what she did, she wanna begin a new life and save people

but how about SH? why dont "save" him? she just think of herself :tears:

members of Athena risk their life to save her, but see, what she is doing =.=

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OMG I have a feeling that JH will take HI back to SH, and acted like she betrayed NTS, because in the special, Mr. Cha said JH chose the path which has no way to return. Get close to SH and kill him JH. I'm so excited for the next episode, finally JH in action. :w00t:

Yes, I agree with some one above said about HI betrayed SH. He raised her, feed her and she's the one that wanted to follow him, he not asked her to do so, and now after she met so-call boyfriend JW she betrayed her only family( yes, SH and her I consider he's a father/brother of her)

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oh man! HI now follow NTS. From start i like her charecter but now im very disappointed with HI

Poor SH! How evil he is, but he is the one who raised and take care of her the most, she betray him =.=

ok she regrets what she did, she wanna begin a new life and save people

but how about SH? why dont "save" him? she just think of herself :tears:

members of Athena risk their life to save her, but see, what she is doing =.=

HI did try to save SH. She asked him to stop and even in Episode 14, she kept begging him to stop. I think that she was too young when she joined Athena. She lost her entire family and then SH comes along and saves her. At the young age she was at, that is going to leave a big impression on her. Just pile on the hero worship. Also, she's always going to remember feeling helpless when she was a little girl and how she lost her parents. Therefore, joining Athena would appear very attractive to her. However, as she grew older and began to see what SH actually did and what Athena actually was, she began to have her doubts. By that point, it was probably guilt and a sense of owing a debt to SH that kept her there. In Episode 12 (?) the one where SH is shot in the stomach, we see HI's real anguish at the thought of losing SH. However, she realizes in the end that a choice has to be made.

I don't see her as choosing SH over JW because she sees JW as her boyfriend. It's more that she's now met people (everyone at NTS) who treats her as a family member. This is different from her Athena members who show her a lot of respect probably because of her connection to SH. But the NTS agents are different. Remember her birthday cake? Also, I think what really struck HI was when JW ran into the warehouse to save her. I don't think she's ever really had someone from Athena show that kind of loyalty and willingness to die for her before. Yes, she's respected because she has a high position and because of her relationship with SH--but it's not the same as what JW did for her.

The contrast between the life that the NTS agents lead and her life is so different that she begins to question what she is doing. However, I think this self-doubt was a long time in coming. Remember in Episode 1 when she pauses after she hears a gunshot, which we all thought was SH killing Director Kwon? I even suspect that perhaps HI was in Korea in the beginning of the series because she was taking a mini-break from Athena. Yes, she was still getting intelligence and stuff for Athena, but I don't think she was as active in the organization.

The choice she is trying to make is to return to being a real person instead of an agent or terrorist. And she asks SH to join her. In fact, she begs him to stop. However, SH has clearly passed the point of no return.

Can't wait to see Episode 15 tonight. What I'm really curious about is: how in the world did SH manage to survive that fall? And it was a fall, not a dive. From that height, even without the gunshot wound, it would be instant death. I know it's just a show and all, but try to instill some element of reality. Normally, I wouldn't think anything of it, but on top of NTS being as dumb and incompetent as it is, it's just too much.

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There's still 6 more episode left, if they kill each other now then what's left of the story?

hahah i know, they're not meant to kill each other. it just frustrates me cause i see this kind of scene so often and i'm just like APPARENTLY NOBODY KNOWS THAT YOU CANT KILL A PERSON BY SHOOTING THEM IN THE SHOULDER D: i understand why the scene played out like that, but if this was real life ... D:

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Guest kayana20

OMG WHAT THE HEEEELLLLL.(Sorry I can't help it!) I wonder how and why Director Kwon and the NTS actually fell for Sean Richard's lies? :crazy:

If some of you recall from the preview, Sean Richard contacts Director Kwon right? I think he's telling him something about surrendering to NTS and snitching on SH? (Not too sure) But in any case, it is all a devious plan orchestrated by Athena. Surprise, surprise!


Sean Richard and another Athena member (the lady) manage to infiltrate NTS - WITH EASE (My goddd, the NTS people actually helped them get into the building). When Sean Richard and his partner took out their guns, only then did NTS realise it was all part of Athena's plan! Also, both Sean Richard and his partner have bombs strapped to their bodies, with SH holding the control button. SH appears on the large screen in the control room, and he demands the release of Hye In. Sean Richard's partner-in-crime manipulates the control system and locks down the whole NTS building so that no one can escape.

In the meantime, after witnessing all this, JH quickly gets HI and hides her from the Athena member who's looking for her. JH contacts JW who isn't in the NTS building at that time. THE END.

P.S. They didn't show any preview for next episode!

AHHHH THIS IS GETTING TOO EXCITING! The last 7-10 minutes of the episode was the most intense and suspenseful part. :)

I knew it and Director kwon is so dumb! Didn't he learn anything from a few years ago when Sh almost killed him? I can understand if he can be forgiving with HI but SR no way that snake will die just to destroy a country if Sh says so. Why is Sh not getting that Hi wants no part of Athena? He is sickening and so annoying. the predicatable ending is coming. Jw will save Hi and get rid of the bombs or kill SR and the lady and Sh will go on the run bringing about the escalator scene son. Sh is running out of Athena members can he please just give up? She doesn't love you never will now let her go.I think they didn;t show preview because they have too film the new episodes still. Thank goodness the ending makes me want to come back for more. I so am ready for JH to drag the floor with Sh butt too.He just is scum and shows no remorse.Thank goodness saw how careless NTS is. They even let JW see the code for the room they locked HI in originally. How dumb do they want him to breka her out?Aww the female characters improved so much but why do I cry because they suffer so much . Jw is just dim sometimes and Sh makes me scratch my head with his useless pursuits of things. Things fail when your greedy but if reckless hope becomes lost. I cannot wait till next week.

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Guest mind.love

jechoi1, you nailed on the head how i feel about HI resolution now.

Wow episode 15 was so intense. The action was greatly balanced with the drama. Everyone is on their toes.

I feel so bad for JW and HI. There is so much angst and hurt. I just hope the ending it would be okay between the two.

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Guest blackwolf

i would be ECSTATIC if JH decided to go undercover or something and "betray" NTS by giving HI back to SH. then we will at least see both some JH kickbutt action and JH/SH interaction. Hahaha... more interaction means a greater chance of seeing the scenes from the MV Please. Hopefully they didnt cut out the scene where JH was fighting on the rooftop.

The highlight of episode 15 was definitely the last ten minutes. When ATHENA members stormed into NTS. The first thought the popped in my mind was .... REALLY? they got through security that easy?!?! LOL. next thought was immediately.. WHERES JH?? Hehehe, i liked how JH didn't fall for the trap and walk right into the control room. Heightened instincts girl! When she turned the corner she immediately shot back and stayed on the down low learning the situation before rushing to get HI. I wonder how she is going to get out with HI if they locked down NTS. And give it to JH for bringing HI in. Finally! No mistakes on her part. It was a nicely executed mission and she definitely got a lot more progress than the other NTS members.

I have to say JH is the one keeping me glued to Athena. Haha, if i wasn't so in love with her, i would have bailed out by now. If they end up not included the scenes from the MV, I'll just be very bummed out. All that expectation for nothing Q ____ Q. AHHH and i hate how they didnt include a preview this time. X ___ X we dont even have a hint of how the storyline is going to play out next week. cant wait!!!

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Guest bi_bo1112000

@ jechoi1 :

I'm not good at english but you wrote so long =.=

I tried to read what you say and tried to write some words :sweatingbullets:

i cant agree with you!

when HI joined Athena she graduated ready, she was too old to realise what Athena is.She must know what she do when she join it, but she keep doing after how many years.Why? ok To think that at that time she didnt know Athene, but many years go by she must know. Why didnt she stop SH? If she had done it soon, she would have a happy life and met many good person like NTS agents.Dont blame because she was young so she didnt know anything.

she had ask SH to stop but she dont do anything but said perfunctorily.To make SH return is not easily but HI is everything of SH. He love her as a brother, a father and a man. If she is very very very very peremltory, he wil give up.

Dont compare Athena members with NTS agents, they are all terrorist. They must change their work if they treat her as NTS agent ^_^ .You can see SH saved her and do whatever for her, he never compels HI does anything if she say she dont want.But in ep9 she said the person who save her when she is in danger is stil not appear =.= why does she think that? All things SH does is not enough? JW just ran into the warehouse to save her so she wanna leave and betray SH.She just do whatever she want,She's so selfish, she dont think about SH'feeling.What she is doing now just help NTS agent kill SH, its not help him, there're many ways take him back, not like that =.= Now look! how she reciprocates SH's affection =.=

And JW, how much he does understand SH.Why he keep saying that SH control HI's life, destroy her life.HI decided all things, no one force her. And HI, it seem she also agree with what JW said in the hospital...*sigh* i'm so disappointed

Look like JW- HI.... both of them blame SH.

SH's fault are love and pamper HI so much haha just kidding :lol: never mind

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i would be ECSTATIC if JH decided to go undercover or something and "betray" NTS by giving HI back to SH. then we will at least see both some JH kickbutt action and JH/SH interaction. Hahaha... more interaction means a greater chance of seeing the scenes from the MV Please. Hopefully they didnt cut out the scene where JH was fighting on the rooftop.

The highlight of episode 15 was definitely the last ten minutes. When ATHENA members stormed into NTS. The first thought the popped in my mind was .... REALLY? they got through security that easy?!?! LOL. next thought was immediately.. WHERES JH?? Hehehe, i liked how JH didn't fall for the trap and walk right into the control room. Heightened instincts girl! When she turned the corner she immediately shot back and stayed on the down low learning the situation before rushing to get HI. I wonder how she is going to get out with HI if they locked down NTS. And give it to JH for bringing HI in. Finally! No mistakes on her part. It was a nicely executed mission and she definitely got a lot more progress than the other NTS members.

I have to say JH is the one keeping me glued to Athena. Haha, if i wasn't so in love with her, i would have bailed out by now. If they end up not included the scenes from the MV, I'll just be very bummed out. All that expectation for nothing Q ____ Q. AHHH and i hate how they didnt include a preview this time. X ___ X we dont even have a hint of how the storyline is going to play out next week. cant wait!!!

So you also think we may have a chance to see her go undercover uh? I don't hope she fall in love with SH anymore, because he's really mean, but I hope she will be the one that kill him. From episode 15, I also think that JH is the smartest one there.... haha... Let see JW, they call him the legend but what did he has done? all mistake and mistake....

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seems like JW still thought that HI was the one who killed JH's father, in fact she saved his live. wish someone told him that HI saved his live :sweatingbullets:

I feel bad for HI n JW... I hope i can understand korea so that i know what they're talking about when they're in that room.

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