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[Drama 2010] Even Mom is Pretty / Pretty Mom 엄마도 예쁘다


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The previous ep ended with Soonjin "I'm going to follow the priest" and today's ep "Oppa I'm moving to the countryside.". Folks, you don't need to watch THE GREAT MIGRATIONS on National Geographic: one's about to happen here.

Folks, you also need not tune in to Discovery Channel or Animal Planet to witness mating season for primates in heat: one's already happening here. In the previous ep Minhyuk ravished his wife in their bedroom after signalling his breeding intentions in their family toilet and today we got to see Minhyuk again satisfying his manly urges but this time on Ditzy Jeongsu's bed!

Yucks....JH had better change those sheets b4 Ditzy comes home after again causing (unnecessary) marital tension betwen Jenny & dogface. But surprise, surprise, Miss Ditzy when cornered by Youngjun's speech AM I OR YOUR JOB MORE IMPORTANT? she answered him with a classic k drama question, Why are you being like that? His question remains a question.

If I were Youngjun I would follow Minhyuk's alpha male example and just bundle Miss Ditzy to the nearest love hotel and do the horizontal mambo with her until next morning, and Youngjun being the gallery boss can always tell the gallery HR dept - Miss Oh Jeongsu won't be coming in today bcos she has yet to finish her oral report for me even though I've been hammering it hard to her but obviously she may have to get further down to see my point. I won't stop pumping her until I'm satisfied totally but all she keeps saying is Why is it always so hard? Oh boy!

If there's anything else to learn from this episode. it's about (lack of) simple communication. Soonjin switched off her phone so that she doesn't have to explain why she left gyutak standing alone at the bridal photo studio. Having her phone switched off also prevents those pesky people in her family and the diner and the church from asking THAT stupid question, Where are you, scooby-doo? As we know in k dramas, adults who go missing for less than 6 hours with cellphones switched off MUST always generate over-the-top reaction and make sure everyone fears THE WORST . More examples of bad communication:

Dogface didn't call Gyutak in advance to say he and Jenny were visiting him that evening. Dogface also purposely didn't call Jenny to tell her he cannot make it bcos he's hosting a very super expensive dinner with JS and the 'auctioneer'. Compared to his crybaby self a few episodes ago, dogface looks even happier now giving the impression "I'm just taking ditzy to meet my good friend. And if all 3 of us wants to go skinny dipping, why not?"

By not making a short simple phone call to Jenny, who stood waiting 30 minutes outside gyutak's office bldg, dogface may trigger Jenny's past psychotic self bcos some viewers may still not be totally convinced Jenny has turned over a new leaf and no longer allies herself with her evil mum.

But then if you were Jenny, wouldn't you first use your samsung cell instead of waiting 30 mins? Whoa, that's lame writing...and to add to that, a real WJ intent on mending suspension bridges and electric fences with wifey Jenny, would never agree to go with his ex-gf to that meeting which he helped set up? A real WJ would excuse himself bcos after all, come to think of it...dogface doesn't NEED to be there with JS.

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Guest 2Van123

America isn't the world! In America, Christianity - both Catholic and Protestant - have shrunk. America is in danger of losing its white protestant (and in-your-face) anti-catholic heritage (and good grief, these prejudiced little bastards will have to find a new hate group to focus on!). Christianity - both Protestant and Catholic - in Korea on the other hand is flourishing with both groups seeing considerable increase in the number of believers.

It would appear that SJ knew that the priest is her son and she came to Seoul to "look after him" (with the one hot meal a day!). Yet when he first appeared, he was clearly unwelcomed by SJ! I believe she even asked him why he keeps coming by and whether he had any other place to hang out?!

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For fans of the actor who plays the priest - real name Ahn Hong-jin 안홍진 - he recently also played the role of a Catholic priest in a little known arthouse-type movie called Enlightenment which came and went in October 2010.

The synopsis says it's about two boys growing up in an orphanage (sound familiar?) and later one boy becomes a buddhist monk while the other you-know-who becomes a catholic priest. The monk goes on a 2-day trip, reaches enlightenment and then meets his orphanage buddy, the catholic priest.

While most actors seriously avoid being typecast, it sure looks like actor Ahn Hong-jin may just make a lifetime career playing catholic priest. Here's the link for the curious amongst you:

Enlightenment Movie @Hancinema

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Thank you koreankanak for your kind words. I've watched k dramas for very many years and I too by profession am a scriptwriter and producer for a major japanese tv network. English is only my 2nd language but since young, I was brought up on daily british comedies and american cartoons side by side with my domestic japanese tv shows. Perhaps this mixture has somewhat askewed the way I view k dramas, especially the daily morning dramas that are broadcast for the korean housewives and homemakers.

Some here may not agree with me but I find it fascinating (and hilarious) that these daily morning dramas even though they're produced and acted by different people, and the situations and locales and plots are different from its predecessor, somehow many of them contain very similar 'features'. It's almost like 90% of the k drama scriptwriters all went to the same scriptwriting school/university or were trained under the same professor who usually goes by the name Bae Yong-something, hehe!

I don't take daily morning k dramas too seriously bcos I think they're not meant to be taken seriously - in fact I dare say that sometimes, the k drama's intended message (if any) is conveyed thru the ridiculous predicaments within.

For example Soonjin's determination to follow the priest is based on 2 stated reasons but some viewers are distracted by the 'unstated' reason: that the priest may be her son.

Firstly, Soonjin says she's doing it for the sake of her mentally challenged son Jeongu and the writer has inserted scenes of daily male bonding betwn Jeongu and priest with scenes of handholding (literally) between the 2 males - I would not want to see these two together by chance in the men's room - but usually k dramas will also throw in another 'mysterious' element: The second stated reason is Soonjin DID make a promise to someone in her sometime past to cook one hot meal a day for the priest until the day she dies. And to keep this promise she has to stay within cooking distance of the priest.

Sounds ridiculous? Yes of course. Absolutely nobody real would realistically do what Soonjin is determined to do. But that's NOT the point.

The point k dramas usually make thru their silliness and over-the-top scenarios is actually very basic: a promise in this case is STILL a promise. Soonjin as unreal as she is, is merely acting on a promise she made to someone - and by hook or by crook, thru thunderstorms, floods and blizzards of biblical proportions, she intends to keep that promise.

Presently everyone within the drama and viewers included are laughing at her decision but those who stop and think and cease passing judgment may perhaps be reminded that when you make an EXTRAORDINARY promise to someone, who was perhaps under severe duress at that point in time - isn't it logical to go the extra mile to keep that promise, and most certainly to go out on a limb to fulfil that promise?

Just because the situation is off-reality, it doesn't mean some human values are not being examined for us to ponder, if only for a few moments? Moreover k dramas typically care less about whether it's right or wrong....that's for the viewers to decide and that's why viewers end up in two camps - k dramas are more interested in generating feelings of controversies among viewers, one after another throughout the drama's long run, and if the reaction is strong enough (shown by the daily ratings) it just means the viewers are following the shenanigans.

Thus the entertainment value is there, and folks, that's why k dramas will exist for domestic as well as international viewers.

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Daunte...so true. My intro into watching the dramas stemmed from my background as a musician. As I watched the shows I was drawn by the layered music that I was hearing from the TV. I had CDs of Kdrama songs that I could not even understand but thoroughly enjoyed. One of my favorites is "Bo Go Ship Dah" from Stairway to Heaven. I even printed out the words so that I could sing it in Karaoke bars in Hawaii. Well so much for that...

As you mentioned, especialy for most Kdramas the humor and storyline is repetitive but yet still enjoyable. I for one enjoy more camp or subtle humor rather than straight out slapstick. So sometimes the more ridiculous the situation, the more I enjoy the resolution.

Unfortunately yesterday's episode was overlapped by a previous show and I saw only the last part where Sunjin told Gyutak that she was moving to the countryside. One thing good about the half hour dramas is that you can still catch up nif you miss one episode.

Your literary background explains the posts that you make. I sit in wonderment reading the extensive takes that you write. Keep up the good work!!!!

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Guest b00kw0rm

America isn't the world! In America, Christianity - both Catholic and Protestant - have shrunk. America is in danger of losing its white protestant (and in-your-face) anti-catholic heritage (and good grief, these prejudiced little bastards will have to find a new hate group to focus on!). Christianity - both Protestant and Catholic - in Korea on the other hand is flourishing with both groups seeing considerable increase in the number of believers.

It would appear that SJ knew that the priest is her son and she came to Seoul to "look after him" (with the one hot meal a day!). Yet when he first appeared, he was clearly unwelcomed by SJ! I believe she even asked him why he keeps coming by and whether he had any other place to hang out?!

These bigots are full of pride and hate; they sit in judgement and are deliberately and intentionally cruel. The best way to deal with hateful people is just to ignore them.

I agree that in the earlier scenes, it was the priest who was seen wanting SJ's company. She looked uncomfortable and at times, even angry, whenever he turned up at the diner. Intersting to see how the writer is going to spin that or are to believe those scenes never happened!

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Did you see the relief on Mr Kim's face (gyutak's asst) when gyutak told him he'd be joining the migration to the countryside?

Today's ep was a lesson by Soonjin on how to tell lies - badly - and one of k drama's constant reminders that any child left in an orphanage is bound to feel ABANDONED. First it was the homeless babe Yunju who tells everyone her family doesn't want her, then it was dogface WJ who wanted to look for his biological mother who abandoned him, and now it's the turn of the man in the cloth to share the same feelings of being abandoned. Just dunno why countless k dramas in the past always dwelt on the same theme of abandonment felt by kids in orphanages. Maybe many k drama scriptwriters were kids who grew up in orphanages, I reckon.

Today's episode was also a landmark for the priest Pastor Choi - he had more airtime and more lines than previously. You'd also notice that former househusband MinHyuk no longer wears the apron like he used to and the guy is so horny nowadays for wifey JH that he's even getting kinky ideas on how to play nookie. OK, mr writer, we already got the message that they're boinking everyday so please spare us any more scenes of their foreplay - the chap said he wanted to massage her cheeks (the facial ones, not those below) with mixed potatoes and sesame seeds - but he looked so eager, too eager when he instructed her to lie down.

Alas the massage lotion-potion was spilt on the floor and silly Minhyuk quickly got down on all fours to clean up the mess.....he should have asked wifey to just sit on the potion (after removing the broken glass) and then he could massage her cheeks as promised, altho not the same cheeks he wanted..hehe! Hey, they're married after all and are entitled to fun and games in the bedroom. Korea has one of the lowest birth rates in the world, you know.

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Will need to look forward to the Massage episode. Need some comic relief here. Cracks me up the way all the characters, no matter what drama, feels that keeping secrets is for the benefit of the unaware. Recipe for disaster but the backbone of all dramas. Gives me something to look forward to upon the eventual discovery.

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For the past 3 episodes at least, miss ditzy JS has been wearing the same white jeans to work - now either the drama producers has been shooting 3 episodes non-stop or the wardrobe director has quit. Out of disrespect to the former evil director, JS has always never observed the dress code and actually I do approve of JS''s casual attire - accentuates her S-line body and curves in the right places and say what you like but I've a liking for tall, strong-shouldered women like actress Kim Bin Wu who plays JS. When a woman is that hot, she can wear anything, the less the better. I'm curious why future hubby Youngju hasn't bought her more clothes - ah I forgot, once the dating/courtship ritual is over, and the wedding date set, gifts and flowers stop coming aplenty.

Anyway true to JS's character who navigates thru every episode in a daze-like manner, she trips/slips while coming out of the restaurant and the gallant man who catches her from landing on her butt is none other than dogface. Yup, you gotta hand it to the man for his canine reflexes. Of course in observing k dramas standing rules of couple tension, this incidental physical contact between ex-boss and ex-gf produced disapproving looks from both Youngju & Jenny, and JS immediate reaction was to quickly scurry over and stand next to Youngju's side - remember the old country song, Stand By Your Man?

As if that didn't ruffle Jenny's fine feathers, Gyutak has promoted Miss Ditzy JS to become the new gallery director. Dear JS looked about as happee as a deer caught in front of the headlights - Who? Me? Is my director's pay higher than

my sorry-richard simmons future husband?

Now abt the evil EX-director: you should know you're nearing the end of your career in hatching devilish plots when you're now talking to yourself dressed in your pajamas, pacing back & forth in your bedroom and trying to figure out gyutak's decision to retire. We'll wait and see how happee she will be when she finds out JS and not Jenny is her replacement.

This smart move by Gyutak ensures that JS will have to stay put and not follow Soonjin. His other smart move is to employ dumb & dumber to work in one of his international hotels but that news has not been broken yet to dumb & dumber. Things are certainly on the up and up for our characters of clowns.

Speaking of clowns, the priest interrupted an important conversation betwn Yunju & Jeongu - Jeongu asked hottie Yunju to follow him & mum & priest and live in the countryside - I just realise that everytime Jeongu expresses his 'desires' to Yunju, he seems more normal than normal (yeah I know lust is still lust but do you blame the poor guy?) Won't soonjin get a shock when she too realises that in fact it's NOT the priest that has done wonders for Jeongu but actually this hottie homeless girl Yunju?.

Our dear Yunju told Jeongu there's nobody in the countryside who'll attend his origami classes except cows and goats and a few dogs and cats, and she even gave him an inspirational short speech about wanting him to become a famous person, so stay put and no need to go to the countryside bcos she yunju will be there for him. Aww...that was so vanilla-smooth and touching of homeless girl. Remember the old Bette Midler's song Wind Beneath My Wings?

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Did you know even police officers in Korea cannot get the history and personal details of any particular orphan without a written permission from the judicial office? Of all the BS and chicken manure this drama has thrown, today's fiction story tops the worst. The evil woman's hired dog somehow managed to put together a dossier on the priest after following him on his vist to the orphanage. Within the same day.

I'm all for 'ignoring' real-world comparisons ans suspension of disbelief when it comes to movies and dramas - Hollywood CSI (and its spinoffs) solves cases where procedures and test lab results takes only hours instead of weeks, and uses some equipment that has yet to be invented - but to show an ordinary short stupid woman driving a BMW making only one phone call to her pte detective to get privy information AT WILL is something I cannot stomach. Nobody can just stroll into the orphanage office and then ask for the background info on one of the orphans and then you get instant results. Even if you pay huge amounts of $$$. Why?

Bcos the personal particulars of orphans in Korean orphanages are NOT kept at the orphanage but at the provincial or district municipal office which also keeps the records of all births amd deaths. The release of these particulars require one or 2 layers of bureaucratic processes, in other words, form-filling, and providing relevant documents to support your request.

Annoying characters, and weak plotlines do not rile me as much as when the writer does something that insults viewers' intelligence.

OK, the saving grace and cooling balm for me was the increased airtime given to babelicious homeless girl Yunju, yesterday and today. Yesterday too Priest Choi showed off his swanky Batmobile....er....his church car which looks suspiciously new and a KIA SUV at that. To complete his babe magnet attire, he put on his designer Aviator sunglasses. I knew then and there Priest Choi is a holy man, undercover secret agent, ex-mobster pimp boss and part-time KBS actor all rolled into one.

Speaking of designer wear, Miss Ditzy Jeongsu today finally observed the gallery's dress code by wearing a power jacket at her appointment ceremony. No wonder Jenny was the only one in the crowd not clapping or looking glum bcos Jenny's now reduced to just another office babe with luscious lips. But b4 you start thinking her promotion has also raised her intellect somehow, think no more...the next scene showed miss ditzy holding and talking to her office desk name plate all by herself.

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Thanks for the continuous updates Daunte. Been very busy at work but have continued to watch the episodes. I enjoy your stuff because I can look forward to the episodes coming up. JS does have a nice body and does need to show it off more. It's just that sometimes I just can't look at her lost facial expressions. I want to grab her by her shoulders and shake that stupid look off of her.

On Yunju...yes the older brother is an idiot not to take advantage of this piece throwing herself at him. Funny thing is that on Dramawiki, they have an entirely different picture for Yunju.

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OH Jeongsu really looked fabulous today in her white power jacket and black dress, and she made gallery history by chairing her first meeting...5 hot women sitting together, but with Jenny flaunting contempt and cheap taunts and Miss Ditzy looking ever so confused but delectable at the same time.

Isn't it dandy that so many people except Pastor Choi are suffering sleepless nights, loss of appetite, and spending every waking hour thinking of one burning question: who exactly is the priest in relation to soonjin? The evil woman, Youngjun, Gyutak, Dumb & Dumber, Bongsu (diner woman) seem to be afflicted with the same X-Files sickness while the priest himself walks around with Yunju & Jeongu in close attendance, oblivious to all the ruckus created by his impending transfer. For someone who's supposed to managing the Nat'l Museum (or something), the evil woman seems to have much more huge loads of free time mulling over the same question, talking to herself over and over while at the same time, hatching (or should I say trying to hatch) more scheming to secure Gyutak's wealth for her grandson.

Speaking of transfer, the dumb & dumber pair are superbly living up to that name: both of them have no idea why they're being migrated to work at Gyutak's hotel and both think it's bcos they've done something untoward to cause that forced relocation. Suddenly Jungchul remarked: But why do we always go everywhere together?. The answer to his question lies in the writer who wrote those lines for him.

Actually Jungchul's realisation is only partly true bcos he's never invited to join in JH & Minhyuk's (now) regular love exercises at love motels, witnessed by of all people, the diner woman Bongsu. Thank goodness, she only saw them coming out from the love motel, not their dirty dancing, or else she might later rape mr white or mr kim (gyutak's asst) while singing Roberta Flack's song, Tonight I'll Celebrate My Love For You...in korean.

Those two nightly kinky bedroom olympics methinks has become too noisy and won't be healthy sex education for Jeongu.Well, it's the Rabbit Year and so they can boink all they like just like rabbits do. Honey Jeonghui, it's bunny time.

Anyway while many people may think dumb & dumber working at the hotel would be a step up for them, actually it's a bad deal bcos they'd be working twice as hard or many times more compared to the quiet, few-customers atmosphere at the backwater gallery. The gallery has so few visitors you can hear mosquitoes cry even.

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Yeah it cracked me up when D&D asked the Chairman what did they do wrong. Don't know if leaving the Hotel to the two is a very good idea. To me might as well torch the business now.

The facial expressions made by the old Director is classic and can only be made by constant practice in front of a mirror. I am amazed at this lady. It seems that all the evil ladies seem to have great access to thugs and detectives. Universal in every drama I have seen.

Gotta truck on.....

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On the subject of facial expressions of that evil woman, there're also many korean male actors who have also perfected the art of looking dastardly, twitching their eyebrows, staring sideways downwards while enlarging one eye over the other, and most importantly, modulating the intonation of their vicious words.....I'm referring to one of Korea's veteran thespian actor Lee Duk Hwa but there are many other examples, actors & actresses who like koreankanak noted, must have spent hours sneering in front of the mirror.

Kinda reminds me of the baddies in old James Bond movies (Sean Connery, Roger Moore) and the parodies in Austin Powers a.k.a. Mike Myers....

Ah geez...looks like the bunny couple is no more up to their kinky-ness...they're back to their I-don't-like-your-face mode but for once Jungchul took everyone's words out of our gaping mouths: This is ridiculous.. Here's why....

Mr White & wifey drops by the house in the middle of Minhyuk being scolded, tells everyone they've set a date for their wedding ceremony and demands that the Oh family pays for the wedding. I'm still wondering whatever happened to their son in need of bone marrow transplant and very obviously the word shame or shameless is NOT in their DNA.

Yes, as expected Soonjin 'collapses' after being bullied by that evil woman - a k drama isn't a k drams without one or two people collapsing after hearing bad news or being verbally harassed. Yup, that evil woman had a good day today first harasing Soonjin (I KNOW THE PRIEST IS YOUR SON!) and then in front of a group of other gallery directors tells the daughter Miss Ditzy (YOUR MOM PLAYS AROUND WITH MEN & HAS MANY SECRETS)..

And the writer wants us to accept and believe that Miss Ditzy is unable to fend off such ridicule and obnoxious behavior just bcos other directors were there to hear such news? Poppycock!! If your mother was being made fun of (to put it mildly) in the midst of strangers by someone older and senior in rank, are we still supposed to keep quiet? Would it make any difference if let's say miss ditzy's mom was a serial bank robber or a cat burglar?

The saving grace for me in this silly episode was when mr kim tells gyutak. who was all ready to go for the wedding dress fitting, She's not at home & I can't reach her on the phone. Remember gyutak was recently left all alone at the wedding photo shoot? Tsk, Tsk, some people just dunno that history always repeats itself for sure in k dramas.

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No kidding...I just sit and wonder why the protagonists never, ever react the way normal people would to many of the Kdrama situations. It's not unusual for the villian to retort any accsation with a "They're lying!!!" But these words are never uttered by the good guys. They will just suffer in silence.

The arrogance of the ex-husband and his wife are just unheard of in anywhere else but Korea. They always seem to have their hand out or always feel some sense of entitlement. I get dizzy from shaking my head every time their scenes come on.

Another day another episode....

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The vanishing, make it SECOND disappearance, of soonjin was another hilarious episode. That lady was either a ninja, well-trained in the art of stealth or she has this funny-bunny urge to play hide and seek. If only this drama had the title Running Woman.

"Please madam, I cannot find my mommy; I've lost my mommy" - if a little girl says that to the reception desk, nobody would laugh, right? But that was exactly what Miss Ditzy COULDN"T say to her staff when they saw her (yup, you've guessed it) perplexed and confused look (she looks the same either way) and then when she told the only person she could - her loser future husband - his first guess was SHE WENT FOR SOME FRESH AIR and when that didn't sink in with a now more distressed Jeongsu, he asked her, HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR MOTHER? WHAT IF SHE"S HIDING SOMETHING FROM YOU.

It's never a good sign for an engaged couple when one partner uses poh-lize interrogation style questioning when all ditzy wants is someone to listen to her and comfort her by allaying her worries. Instead Youngju scored maximum points in being a douchebag for making ditzy exercise her frail brain cells. Those twin questions ended up pushing Ditzy into even deeper confusion who wore minimal eye makeup today so we could see her full-blown ditziness. Yeah, Oh Jeongsu is always in a daze but still one main reason why I follow this drama. Man, I'm about as ditzy as if not more than her.

Later after reading the note Soonjin left behind for Jeongu, ditzy said THIS SOUNDS SERIOUS. Wow, that made me laugh so hard - yeah, the mum disappears not for the first time, switches off her cellphone also not for the first time, didn't turn up for the wedding dress fitting, and nobody knows where or why. Her 3 grown kids combined brainpower could only think of one solution - call gyutak (again) as well as the priest (again). And so the drama plods on again.

Maybe all soonjin wants to do is lose a few kilos over the next few days so that she could squeeze into a wedding dress one size smaller. Did anyone think of that possibility, huh? And I wonder who will beat her to announcing what many South Koreans already know:: she's been stalking the priest bcos he's her long-found son (NOT long-lost son).

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Lunacy seems to repeat itself in this drama. Just a different twist on an earlier situation seems to be the menu. That wedding dress will never get fitted and the photos will never be taken. Used to think that that JH and JC half wit each would make up a whole wit but surprisingly with JS, they fall woefully short of a whole wit.

Truth...ever eluding the characters in this drama. Can't for the life of me figure why Ditzy's BF doesn't just spill the beans on his discovery. Can't be anymore far fetched than what has already transpired. Getting nearer and nearer to it's eventual conclusion....I can hardly wait.

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After admiring miss ditzy's long hair and even longer legs today, it suddenly dawned on me that very few k dramas feature its characters as k drama addicts. Very few. Wouldn't it be nice to feature main characters in a kdrama who also watches k drama very frequently? I'll tell you below why this would make an original hit comedy.

You'd notice most k dramas including the primetime ones (but excluding the historical dramas) feature main characters who're always very busy courting, getting drunk, pretending to study, pretending even more to work, vigorously chasing the opposite sex (love is ALWAYS at first sight in k dramas), hyper over-reacting at unpleasant news, then appearing nonchalant at everything and everyone else, being a pain in other people's affairs, plotting to inflict more pain in other people's affairs (this genre includes spy dramas like Iris & Athena Goddess of War), always have impeccable timing by being in the right places at the right time to overhear things or see things they shouldn't hear or see, always having the knack of bumping/meeting the very people you don't like (the ones you wish could drop dead instantly) in 'odd' places like cinemas, pubs/bars, restaurants and occasionally the restrooms - two people separated by space and time but invariably in k dramas, they'll bump into each other either inside or just outside restrooms or along lonely deserted hallways - Say, you look familiar...I gawt it....didn't we study in the same kindergarten but then you were suddenly teleported to America and now we meet again 20 years later in this overbright washroom...Dang! you still look the same!!

You see, when someone gets wind of this idea of producing a k drama which features main characters in love with watching k dramas, all those templated situations and stereotypes that we see so often in many k dramas will become the storyline itself...two people not destined to fall in love will somehow someway engage in tongue contact b4 the finale or two people who were in love will somehow fall out of love and then fall back in love b 4 the finale.

In between the 4 main leads, we can insert a few well-dressed clowns and low-lifes to provide the comic relief and to prove the point that loose lips do indeed sink ships, how about the entire second half of the drama, taking place on a korean cruise liner with enough kimchi to last for 1 year and unlimited fresh water.....the name of this made-in-korea cruise liner will also be the name of the drama - TITANICK - we wouldn't want to richard simmons off James Cameron would we?

In the sad scene which parodies Cameron's Titanic, b4 our hero Lee Nah To (the character played by Leonardo Di Caprio) sinks to the bottom to become whalefood, our two lovebirds will discover they came from the same orphanage where they were abandoned on the same day by their respective parents who were in fact longtime neighbours - one household beset by mega-normous gambling debt problems gave away the child while the other household came to an untimely end with an unintended double suicide of a over-romantic father and a psychotic mother - the husband had told the wife standing on top of a tall building in downtown seoul - if you jump, I jump. Well they both did.

While falling slow-motion down to the icy-cold pavement below, the wife scolded him, YOU IDIOT! Why did you actually jump?

Hubby replied: I DIDN"T KUMP. I was trying to catch hold of your long hair but I slipped and so here I am falling beside you, about to smash into that ice-covered concrete pavement, for better or for worse, blah-blah-blah....SPLATT!!

I was inspired by this series of flashbacks to k dramas of old bcos of soonjin's overblown over-acting today - her eyes became as big and wide as saucers soon as she saw Yongju who 'discovered' me at THAT orphanage, moments later her eyes became supersized yet again when Yongju mentioned the name "CHANGHUI', and then with one arm clutching Yongju and the other arm clutching her own (imploding pains on the way) chest, she pleaded him to keep THE SECRET - and then bcos she's a middle=aged woman, plonks out due to the over=stress on her system.

Man, it was so damn fun to watch these veteran korean actresses go through their acting templates - in this case, the template for showing agony, mental distress, confusion, deception, and the commitment to keep THE SECRET, chest pains or no chest pains - and the trick is to emote all these at the same time.

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Daunte...put the pen to paper and chart that baby out. Seems like you have a good head start on this. If not a mini series...at least a parody skit. :rolleyes:

I like watching the actress portraying Sunjin. Whereas many of the other middle aged women yell and postulate, she just shows incredible class. I see where Ditzy gets her faces from. Confusion and the total lack of common sense is rampant in this storyline.

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