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Clubbox Tutorial + FAQs

Guest happyroach

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I just redeem my mileage in clubbox for some quick downloading coupon. However, after that, whenever I try to download new files, those files aren't shown on the downloading box but the total bites, number of files, average speed, and the total time left for the download are still shown. The situation is shown on the picture above.

I don't know what's going on now. Anyone out here knows how I can fix this problem?!? It's driving me crazy!

Btw, while I was trying to redeem my points, I did click on sth randomly as well since I don't know korean. I don't know if that's the reason but why on earth would they have some button for files not to be shown on the downloading box!?!

Thanks in advance for all your helps! Cheers!

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Guest mintoro

anyone experience problem like me?

when i'm downloading a file and it stopped loading at certain %

then I paused it and start again it still won't load, then skip to the next file

so I pause the new file and start for the previous file again

but the downloaded % dropped back to 0%

i really hate this bcoz sometimes my file is 80+% done and i downloaded for whole day but it dropped back to 0%

anyone know what's the problem and can i solve it?

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Guest sshlady

here's my problem.i'm in college and got bored.so i decided to download things.the problem is; bypassing the firewalls and stuffs.i got around on how to download using torrent but still, i prefer downloading through clubbox.i wonder if anyone happens to get around bypassing the firewalls for clubbox?it's a summer break and i'm staying back..and a lot of time in my hands..

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Guest bhie

Topic II: Signing Up - Getting Your Own Account

The main benefit of having a Clubbox account is so you can download from protected Clubboxes (those that only allow members to download). To join boxes, skip to the bottom of this post.

1. Go here: http://client.clubbox.co.kr:8002/capp/join_abroad.cgi

2. Click this: b_ok.gif

3. Fill out the form.


If somehow you can't get to the next step (you get some internal service error, etc), refresh the page or go back and try again

4. Check where it says "회원번호를 확인하였습니다." and click this b_complete.gif

5. You should be brought back to Clubbox's homepage. Sign in with your ID+PW and you're set.

6. No, you don't have to fill in real information. Also, uncheck all the mailing options boxes if you don't want Clubbox/PDbox to email you.


it shows internal service error, nut once i referesh it and update all the info needed the same error shows and im not showing 회원번호를 확인하였습니다... please help!!

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Guest bhie

Aestas: If you don't know how to join a clubbox, check mine. I have the instructions indicated in the second graphic on the main page. ;)

xiaoba0bao: What kind of files are you trying to download? Old and unpopular files will stay at 0kb/s for quite a while.

yoori: What are you trying to download? I find that if the original filename of a file is too long, it causes an error when queuing the file to download and disrupts everything and causes the clubbox window to shut down.

XhoXho: Try to turn off your firewall. But I don't know if that really matters. That pausing thing occurs from time to time, not only for downloading, but for uploading as well. Usually, it's ok after a while. Does this happen with ALL clubboxes you download from or just a particular file?

Sweetseet & sccy: I have no idea what that mileage issue is all about. I have never experienced this. :huh:

JosseJunjin: Where did you get stuck? Maybe you can screencap the error message (or whatever it may be) that seems to prevent you from signing up. Otherwise, we can't guess what the problem may be. >.<


It's the first button on the left along the row of buttons above the list of files. ^_^

Have you tried just turning off your firewall completely and see if that ad appears in the clubbox window? :unsure:

Jacqueline: Have you tried right-clicking on that first window and selecting Encoding > Korean? :) And if ActiveX appeared somewhere along the way, did you install it?

im having the same issue with xiaobaobao, im dl w/cv star from creidesca, i used my mileage points to quickdl but for some reasons i dont know why it stayed in 0% for almost 20 hrs that my pc is on... please help...

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Guest badstar

Someone help me please..

Is there any way wherein I can recover the username/ID I used to sign up for CB?

we remember the password but we cant remember the username we used.

Help please?

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Guest bhie

Topic II: Signing Up - Getting Your Own Account

The main benefit of having a Clubbox account is so you can download from protected Clubboxes (those that only allow members to download). To join boxes, skip to the bottom of this post.

1. Go here: http://client.clubbox.co.kr:8002/capp/join_abroad.cgi

2. Click this: b_ok.gif

3. Fill out the form.


If somehow you can't get to the next step (you get some internal service error, etc), refresh the page or go back and try again

4. Check where it says "회원번호를 확인하였습니다." and click this b_complete.gif

5. You should be brought back to Clubbox's homepage. Sign in with your ID+PW and you're set.

6. No, you don't have to fill in real information. Also, uncheck all the mailing options boxes if you don't want Clubbox/PDbox to email you.

registration is new, i cant understand it... please help...

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Guest Kalena

anyone experience problem like me? when i'm downloading a file and it stopped loading at certain % then I paused it and start again it still won't load, then skip to the next file, so I pause the new file and start for the previous file again but the downloaded % dropped back to 0%. i really hate this bcoz sometimes my file is 80+% done and i downloaded for whole day but it dropped back to 0%. anyone know what's the problem and can i solve it?

Yup, that happens to me sometimes, too. The d/l gets to 1% to go & then it would freeze up/pause & re-set back to 0% complete. :crazy:

Here's what i do now when i see it freezing up & before it re-sets to 0%:

-Create a subfolder in your main CB d/l folder (I call it the "Do Over" folder).

-Copy the two data files (crcdata_file & neo_file) of the frozen d/l (before it re-sets!) & paste it in the "Do Over" folder. These are now your backup data files.

-So now, if it should re-set to 0% after you pause/restart: pause it again--delete the original data files that have frozen/re-set--copy your backup files back to the main CB d/l folder--press start. The % should go back up to the % you had completed before it re-set. Now, you have another 10 min. for the d/l to start moving again. Repeat the process if it should re-set again. You can also uncheck the "skip the current d/l after 10 min." option in the Config. tab if you want to, but i just leave it checked.

This usually works for me. Sometimes it takes a few tries, but the d/l usually starts moving again & completes. It has saved me hours of having to re-start from 0%. Hope I made sense up there... :sweatingbullets: good luck, gang! :D

I've 1 question: Do Clubbox mileage points expire? I know Coupons do but what about points?

Yes, CB mileage points are valid for and expire in 1 year, so try to redeem them for Quick D/L coupons regularly! I usually save up 10,000 points at a time & get the 100GB coupon, where you have 60 days (2 months) to use them. That's generally enough time to save up more points by the time you use up those GBs. :)

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Guest rain_drops

i didn't know they expired!

kalena, one question...or anyone else who knows...

it expires in...

one year as in the time length is from january-december?

or one year from the time you signed up for clubbox?

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Guest Kalena

i didn't know they expired! one question... it expires in... one year as in the time length is from january-december? or one year from the time you signed up for clubbox?

I think it means one year from the time you earn those points. I never keep points around long enough for them to expire, so i'm assuming that's what they mean. :P Maybe that's why some say they notice that their mileage points have been going down, even when they're not redeeming them--- those points were earned 1 year ago to the date & are now expiring daily.

This is what it says in the d/l box Mileage tab, and the translation from Babel Fish:

"적립된 마일리지의 유효기간은 1년입니다" >>> "The terms of validity of... who is saved up is 1 year".

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Guest VeNeSiA

er.. help needed!! ><

i tried to download..

but the download is not moving...

the bit rate is 0

what am i suppose to do?

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just wondering... is there something wrong with clubbox? my speed is so slow and it stopped moving eventhough its saying that the ave speed is 6 kbps.

is there anything that i should do?

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Guest stephypham


post eraaased.

i found out how to do what i needed help on. lol sorrryy

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Guest adikkeluangman

Does CB page have problem. I cannot get access to mandyquyen CB page always 'The page cannot be displayed' but other CB can.

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Guest Miaka18

Hi I'am very new to clubbox

and it worked fine till yet.

today I#ave tried to download something but everytime if I click download

a site with this sentence appears

선택하신 파일에 대한 권한이 충분치 않거나,

해당 파일이 업로드중 혹은 삭제되어 다운로드 받으실 수 없습니다.

does anybody know what the problem is or can translate it

please I need your help wääh :tears: :tears: :tears:

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^ I think that says either the file has been deleted or it's still in the process of being uploaded. ^_^

wewe: If a file seems stuck (which seems to happen when using quick download after a while), you can pause it, wait a little, and click Start again. Or best to just pause and delete from the queue and go back to the CB you got the file from to load it up again and click Start using normal download. :D

And I usually start a file on normal download and let things run "smoothly" before setting it to quick download. ^^

Haha... Kalena! I had no idea about the mileage points expiry thing. I never keep mine long enough for expiry either. :rolleyes:

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