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Guest t3n5h1_chu_k015h173

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nah i don't think so dr is a gay. if he was then why wasn't he attracted to nakaji like the rest including linda? but i suppose he went thru some hardship in korea thus he came to japan to start life anew but things doesn't seem to be going well for him there either.

im sure he is upset by the fact that nakaji was the first to react to haru when she mentioned going back early. nakaji asked "to study right" to haru. this clearly means she did not accept dr's opinion on not taking the exam for the teacher position thus she might have consulted nakaji "as usual" and she made her own decision. i mean he knows haru's thoughts are with nakaji but he continue to deceive himself. why i say this last sentence is cause remember his sister showed him a pic of nakaji and haru out on a supposedly "date"... he laughed it off saying that guy is his friend but later when he went into the kitchen alone, he showed his reaction of suspiciousness. who wouldn't i mean.... although haru has the right to meet her friends but not when her "boyfriend" knows that guy also and he happened to be the guy she liked too.

i saw the ep 8 preview showing that peach is going after nakaji. now i don't know what peach is thinking but doesn't she knows about his background of his affair thing and also his dubious relationship with haru?????? just cause he helped her once on an important occasion does not mean that she has to have him. plus what is she thinking when she is pregnant or has she lost the baby already???

i felt uneasy watching the last part of ep 7 where haru-saw-earring-then-later-match-it-to-peach-who-has-one-earring-only. what's with nakaji's expression at the ladies meeting?? is he concerned,irritated or afraid? and why the hell does haru visit nakaji so early in the morning to deliver seafood products?? shouldn't she be delivering it to her boyfriend instead?

i find the story abit weird, sorry to say but after like ep 4 or so.... its getting strange..... nevertheless with 4 more ep to go...have to wait and see how the story gets a proper ending.

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Guest Smelly Tofu

how long is this drama gonna be...no more then 11 eps please...i do enjoy it, but it have a very weak storyline...i know the whole i dea of being lonly and finding friends and all..maybe its because I hate tweets and I think this is so surreal but honestly the drama is only entertaining at some time

I don't think anyone will end up with anybody at the end...beside riinda I don't like any other characters...I love you jae

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Kind of disappointed at episode 7, like all of you, I feel like going around in circles with this love triangle/square/circle. I want to like this drama because of the cast, but three things that just bothered me.

1. Haru constantly making comparisons between Doctor and Nakaji, like asking Nakaji what he would compare her to when she was clearly unhappy with Doctor's comparison of her to a 'delicate (helpless) flower'. It's clear that the relationship between them isn't working out, but instead of being honest to Doc or at least talk it out with him, she's going behind his back to find comfort in Nakaji. I was hoping that if Haru can't be honest to Nakaji, at least she would have the moral sense to be honest to others.

2. Peach hooking up with Nakaji in his drunken state. I'm so disappointed that this character hasn't changed at all. Especially since both Nakaji and Haru are like family to her, but she's willing to throw both of their friendships away by knowingly coming in between them. Even if she does have a complex of breaking up relationships, at least from before, we know she was disillusioned by a married man who doesn't care for her. This is a new low for her.

3. Nothing has changed much from episode 5. And no progression from Nakaji's dying dad story either. At least give us a glimpse or hint that something's about to go down in the next episode instead of having dad and Haru's mom disappear for an episode.

This drama started out slightly interesting, then it started to pick up, but sad to say it's fizzling out near the end. I still like the Linda character, too bad it's not developed more. I was hoping he was the one who took Nakaji home, I think it'd be a lot more interesting than Peach's dragged out issues.

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Guest Serenity89

Okay, after watching the 8th episode, I change my mind. I really, really, really want Doctor and Haru to end up together. I hope that Haru decides to let go of Nakaji and focus on Doctor a lot more in the future. I'm very curious about his problems in Korea though. I wonder what made him left. It looks like we are going to see the person behind the bloody door in episode 9 and Doctor's proposal to Haru! Episode 9 looks like the turning point of the whole drama.

fourleafclover: I agree. The points that you made was something I had in mind too.

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Guest kari_angel17

I'm betting the person bleeding in the previews is Rinda. Poor guy isn't getting any attention at all, still none of them know his problems. And finally something about Doctor's past!

So people are saying that from the preview for ep. 9, Doctor is proposing to Haru before he leaves for Korea. I don't get it... is it normal in Japan or Korea to get engaged that quickly?

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Guest Rainie_Days

I just finished watching episode 8...I have mixed feelings for it I think. Not saying it was a bad episode, but some of the things, were just a bit too complicated as if things weren't complicated enough.

Firstly, I liked how Haru and Dr's relationship developed rather than how it was kinda awkward to begin with. At least they've gotten to know each other now. It was nice that they opened up to each other.

Now..the part with Peach, Rinda and Nakaji, that was even more awkward. Rinda's side of the story is just heart rendering and i also think that the next episode, he's the one behind the bloody door... Tbh, I feel that Rinda's story is the best out of the drama but have yet to see more development with his struggles. The fact that Nakaji noticed something was wrong, I was really glad even though Rinda could not openly admit anything (except that's understandable..gosh can you imagine admitting such a thing?).

One character that is annoying me though is Peach. I know she's meant to play a lonely character but why Nakaji?! lol.

Rinda ftw.

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Tbh, I feel that Rinda's story is the best out of the drama but have yet to see more development with his struggles. The fact that Nakaji noticed something was wrong, I was really glad even though Rinda could not openly admit anything (except that's understandable..gosh can you imagine admitting such a thing?).

One character that is annoying me though is Peach. I know she's meant to play a lonely character but why Nakaji?! lol.

Rinda ftw.

I feel the same after watching this episode. I was so glad when Linda went to Nakaji, and I thought, finally, there's some development between these two. But it was short lived bc Peach decided to be pushy and showed up at the worst timing ever. Though, I think Nakaji kind of figured out Linda's feelings with that hug or rather almost like a caress around the waist and shoulder like that.

And Eita's acting is really great, or rather the script and direction were good because I empathize with Nakaji's loneliness after he found out about his dad and not having Haru there in both a romantic and platonic sense.

I feel sad for Peach, but her saying how Haru is not 'his' anymore was kind of manipulative of her, and did I mention pushy? I think Nakaji needs a friend to share his burden more than a lover atm, seriously girl, get a clue. Loneliness is never a good reason to start a relationship. Neither is pity and obligation, ahem, Haru, ahem.

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Guest aza123neo

I really love this series - I know the storyline isn't as fast paced as some would like but I still find it so addicting haha!

I am liking where the characters' relationships are going now after episode 8, and I feel like I can finally accept Doctor and Haru as a couple :) But I don't like how he is lying to her regarding his financial situation...

Also I feel real sorry for Rinda - he is so selfless and giving and no-one else has any idea what he goes through. I too have a horrible feeling that the blood from the end of ep. 8 is his :(

Oh and I love the theme song by Weaver - it fits the show perfectly I feel (:

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after reading many post sympathising with linda, i still don't connect with him. although he has issues, it was not shown in a way to connect with the audience. i felt that his story was being vague? i mean till now it has not been clearly said out that he is gay and he likes nakaji. we only got a few glimpse of his actions to deduce that he is gay. i certainly don't hope that the one behind that door with blood oozing out isn't linda though....

so now dr and haru relationship getting better? no i don't think so. why ok... whenever dr hug haru, she is unresponsive and behaves like a zombie. she seem to be accomodating him only. why isn't she able to return the hug comfortably? another reason is the scene with her and nakaji meeting outside the convenience store and sitting down for a chat. haru trying to find out if nakaji would accept peach and nakaji trying to find out if haru feels ok for him to accept peach. the way he was shaking her for an answer, haru got awakened to her feelings. so she shouted at him for tugging at her heartstrings before leaving abrubtly. all these things shows that she has never gotton over nakaji in the first place before accepting dr. i feel pity for him in that sense although im not sure about his real background. and even before having a proper relationship, he is planning to propose is totally a wrong thing to do.....

and peach part, i just fast forwarded the scene with her and nakaji at his home lol.... :rolleyes:

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Guest Elizabeth9095

They are gonna kill my favorite character? Linda!!!!!! I agree. They all are getting some love, all but linda. His story is also the one I like the most. The fact that he is gay, have some feelings for Nakaji and has to let him go not even being able to tell anything

And linda is very perceptive, he notice things so easily, if nakaji is sad, if doctor lie…

About doctor and haru, and peach and nakaji… is funny how haru and nakaji would be happy if only they were honest with each other and themselves.

Doctoc back to korea… I don’t think haru will marry him or follow him there, boy don’t rush things up! Did she agree to spend the night with him, or did she not….

Episode 8 was good, I can’t wait to the next

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after reading many post sympathising with linda, i still don't connect with him. although he has issues, it was not shown in a way to connect with the audience. i felt that his story was being vague? i mean till now it has not been clearly said out that he is gay and he likes nakaji. we only got a few glimpse of his actions to deduce that he is gay. i certainly don't hope that the one behind that door with blood oozing out isn't linda though....

I have to disagree. His story shouldn't be dismissed just because he's suppressing his problems, and on the contrary, I don't think they're vague or subtle at all. We can tell from his expressions and unsaid words that the character is suffering from his sexual identity, family pressure, and an unrequited love. This is a character who's being suppressed by social conventions, from the workplace to his home, he just doesn't fit in. He has to perform favors for them in order to gain approval (ie: settle into an arrange marriage, sexual favors for his boss). All of which relate to us in one way or another. What makes him likable is that despite his personal problems, he finds the strength to protect and help others. We understand his isolation since he's not able to directly share his problems with other characters.

Subtlety is extremely characteristic of a Jdrama, especially human drama/suspense, so we won't be getting any clear-cut and direct revelation until the last episode.

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Guest aza123neo

Whilst I greatly sympathize with Linda's situation I don't like the fact that he tried to kill himself. I know he is confused and feels vulnerable and embarrassed but Nakaji was nothing but concerned after the incident and gave Linda no reason to think he was insulted or disgusted. For me, Linda trying to kill himself is cowardly and selfish as he knows he has people that care for him regardless. And now Nakaji must think it is all his fault when it isn't.

I hope he's okay though :(

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So glad that I found this thread!! I started watching this here in the States even though there are no subtitles during the airing. Admit that I got hooked from the start though I usually watch only K dramas.

So hooked that I watched ep 9 at 1 a.m. last night on Viikii without subs --- I am currently in denial :o

I am one of the group that likes Linda's character and agree with fourleafclover that he is likeable because he is always trying to help others (breaking down and seeing his father again to help Dr. out, doing the unthinkable with that old bat so that Nakaji will get the photographer job, meeting up with Peach whenever she needs to talk with someone).

Thanks for everyone's analysis and links with subs -- much appreciated.

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Guest Rainie_Days

Just finished watching the episode. I totally teared up in the last 10 mins. Ok, not teared up, I actually cried. I personally hope Linda is okay but it's seems like a small possibility for that to happen...hm and I'm guessing there's just 2 more episodes left since Jaejoong was advertising something in the end about the "shocking climax before the final episode"?

If that is Linda's exit then I am just sad because no one was really able to help him because he didn't exactly admit it and when he did, he chose to take himself away like that...I was crying the whole time he was crying, like you can see the fear in his eyes. Maybe that is selfish of him, but if you see it from his point of view, everything was just dark. He perhaps feel that he doesn't belong to the social constructs and that he should be rid of no matter how painful it was. I liked how Peach was someone he could confide in though, though it was a brief moment in the drama...

Yet another week to wait for the next episode...I wonder what will happen? It seems like a couple of story lines to cover such as Haru and Nakaji, Haru and Doctor and now...well Nakaji and Linda I guess.

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Guest kari_angel17

It seems like.. Linda died? The next episode preview shows Linda's mother talking to Najaki, and Haru telling him, "Linda wants you to live happily."

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Just finish watching the ep 9...

I really like this drama and all the characters....

They are awesome and the storyline is amazing....

Anyone know the song name and singer while Nakaji is searching Linda at the end of the ep 9...???

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Guest sunny_dance


1/5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2czP4J-Spo

2/5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ek80dl4QeXg

3/5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dciXN9jNh6Q

4/5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=64nFDc-qCf4

5/5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JEx5WkpO9A

Credit: AngelDBSK2@youtube

Episodes 1 - 8 also subbed and upped on her channel. :)

Episode 10 Synopsis


Nakaji finds in the toilet of the Emotion, a collapsed Linda due to blood loss, and sends him to the hospital. Haru, Doctor and Peach were called by Nakaji, and they too rushed to the hospital.

Linda’s mother, Misako, is thankful to Nakaji who sent her son to the hospital, and breaks into tears as well because Haru and the others rushed to the hospital.

Haru, with the upcoming exam to qualify as a teacher, she keeps studying. And then Doctor decides to return to Korea for a while. Doctor wants to introduce Haru to his parents, show him where he was born, and tells that to her. Haru agrees to that but…

source: [sunao ni Narenakute HP]

translation credits: tvxq_luv@tohosomnia.net

shared by: tohosomnia.net

Please do not add on/remove credits

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Guest Rainie_Days

Just finish watching the ep 9...

I really like this drama and all the characters....

They are awesome and the storyline is amazing....

Anyone know the song name and singer while Nakaji is searching Linda at the end of the ep 9...???

It's by a British band called The Ting Tings, and the song is called "Great DJ". You'll notice that they have other songs on the drama too such as "Be the one". =) They have great songs...don't know where they've gone though since their first album. =/

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  • I'm glad they gave Linda this closure, while I like this character a lot and of course want him to live on, I think anything other than him dying would betrayed the integrity of this character and his story.
  • Nakaji holding Linda's hands telling him to live.
  • Nakaji's dad giving 'fatherly' advice to his son. The man's stubborn, but he knows what he's talking about.
  • Haru finally got a clue from Linda (even though she didn't do much about it).


  • And while it's finally arriving at some sort of resolution between Nakaji and Haru, I'm so tired of seeing the 'guy chases after the girl at airport' scene. It's been done so many times and kind of stereotypes the heroine as the 'damsel' that needed to be rescued. I think Haru should've fought just as hard to confess her feelings instead of being passive aggressive and leaving up to the men to do the guess work.
  • Never explained the situation with Haru's brother, if his addiction and his involvement with the 'gang' ever got resolved. Or did I missed something?
  • Using only the last episode to maybe unravel the thing between Nakaji's dad and Haru's mom and basically wrapping everything up.

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