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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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wow its really happened.












1000 pages!! "ha-ha-happy birthday!!!" (ref. cinderella's gus-gus lol)












sadly i dont have anything to share right now. i'm still trying to catch up on all the yongseo love everyone is posting. thanks to everyone who has posted up everything and anything since the beginning! keep it strong :)
























dreamyboo!!!! i'm soooo sooo sorry!!!! i've been so busy i havent had time to come on AT ALL! just saw your post and will get things done by tonight, i promise!



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Hi y'all!


I've updated DESTINED TO LOVE YOU...(fanfic)


CHAPTER 1: http://www.soompi.co..._couple_fan_fic


CHAPTER 2: http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you


CHAPTER 3: http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you


CHAPTER 4: http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you


CHAPTER 5: http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you'>http://www.soompi.co...ned_to_love_you


Enjoy! Comments and critiques welcome...


edit: Here's chapter 5. Please let me know if it feels rushed... thanks and enjoy..



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Awww, I also missed the 1000 page. I was just writing one when the 1000 page started but my boss decided to start an extremely long and boring lab meeting at that moment and had to run (it is ironic that previously he was a friend of mine before being one of my bosses. D*** him! fury.gif Just kidding biggrin.gif Kinda...lol Still love him, though) But anyway,
































HAPPY 1000 PAGES!!! and Thank U to all Gogumas wherever you are!!
































My wish is that the thread continues to be the place were all Yongseo fans can reach together into a happy place were anyone can dream of a happy-realistic ending wink.gif. Honestly, I have never been a fangirl (or should I say fanwoman biggrin.gif now) in my life the way I have been with Yongseo to the point of addiction. The reason is because in this chaotic world, and in my age were I have to worry about finishing my doctoral degree, work, family, etc, watching them serves a a way of escapism. Watching Yongseo reminds me about the little things in life that are meaningful and in some way or another we stopped noticing or forget. It reminds me of the beauty of falling in love, or at least a good representation of it. It reminds me about how meeting someone, even someone you may think you may have nothing in common at first, if you give the opportunity to know them can change your life, and in this case is clearly for the better. Some may say, just watch a romantic movie, or don't waste your time because they must be acting. However I am 100% sure they are not acting in whatever relationship they may have at the moment (lovers or best friends) and that is the beauty of it.
































In addition, people are not perfect and in real relationships you will have good and bad moments, if not it is not real. We say a phrase here in Puerto Rico (and probably in the rest of Latin America too) in spanish that says "La vida no es color de rosa" (Life is not color pink), the same way Love is not always pink. Everyone that has been in a relationship knows that. That is why it is good when we see the not so good perfect moments with Yongseo because it gives more validity to their relationship and when you really love someone you love them even with their imperfections. Besides, if they encounter 'rocks' on their road, it means they  have to learn together to surpass them. Such as life problems help strengthen character, the same way problems that couples encounter, if they work together it helps strengthen their relationship. This also apply to any kind of interpersonal relationship, even the relationship we have in this thread. We may have had some 'rocks' but we got together, learn from it, learned how to deal with it and worked to surpass it.
































Also, I want to bring a personal account to show that sometimes jealousy is a positive emotion and is needed to further develop a relationship.

























  Years ago one of my best friends in high school told me that he liked me and spent 7 months telling me but I did not reciprocate.  It may sound bad but looking back I did not reciprocate at first because he was always there or I thought he will always be there with me. Just like Yongseo, I was in a comfort zone because he was always treating me right and I was literally like a girlfriend without 'couple skinship' and title. Then he decided to start approaching another girl and everyone says that everytime he was talking to her I just appear over there without purpose and just talked random stuff to him hahaha. Seriously, I was jealous but I did not recognize the feeling neither I noticed what I was doing. He noticed it, confronted me about it and to end the story short we got together for 8 years.  








































In other words, you sometimes need a jolt to remind you that you feel, to not take things (or someone) for granted and to jumpstart a relationship.
































I am sorry for my long random post! As I said before I just escaped into Goguma world with my thoughts.
































Since Yongseo reminds me about love, I just want to send all my love and hugs to all of you, especially for those who are feeling down and needs it biggrin.gif 

















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Hey! Happy 1000 pages to all gogumas here :rolleyes:, I think I started lurking about page 300 or some and I can´t believe we are at 1000 pages right now! times goes fast , and YongSeo generates a lot of interest.




















I have reading every single post  lately and I really can feel the love here. I´m glad of being here spending time with awesome people like you guys!.




















For me YongSeo begun like this: I was JoongBo fans first and I was so dying to find another couple as cute as them, and one day in early March, Yong  and Hyun came to my screen and I think  was love at first sight (not even in real life but with them was like that) haha :P.




















You know, like some of you YongSeo also reminds me my  first love, that must be the hidden reason why I love them that much haha :sweatingbullets:. it is weird, I still talk with that boy (now man) and we still are kind of cute to each other haha (weird).




















First love is really something and I also think YongSeo is kind of reflecting it, besides you can not fake the shyness, insecurity, the glances, gestures, jealousy, the sparkling eyes in the way they are showing us,  you just can´t,  that is why I believe in them, I really think they have feelings for each other (although they are not aware of it),and  may don´t know it, but they have something that transcends the screen and reaches deep into the hearts :wub:.




















Well sorry for that random thing but I just felt like sharing it haha sorry.




















Thank U all gogumas, translators, video makers, ninjas, reporters, artists, spazzers, lurkers, everyone! thanks for make my days better and for stay strong with our beloved couple ^^.




















HAPPY 1000 pages!




















YongSeo fighting!





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





























































































































1000 pages yay. :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































might be late for this. :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello fellow YongSeo shippers!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i've been a silent reader here for i-dont -how-long-already because my keyboard is broken for i-dont -know-how-long too and it's really hard to copy paste the letters but this time i'll be posting and my broken keyboard cant stop me. lol i used to post here before and share some my edited pictures of YongSeo. if i have enough free time, i'll be more than happy to edit some again. :] was so busy in school this days. anyway, about Yong and Hyun not recognizing Ueno Juri, i think it was pretty funny. i mean Hyun is a fan of Nodame Cantabile and Yong, he said before that she was his ideal girl. so yeah, i think it's funny that they didn't recognize her. LOL about the horror episode, i dont know but i want Yong to be more scared because i bet it will be hilarious! LOL but on the other hand if Hyun get scared i think we'll see some sweetness *cough*skinship*coug h* between them that will make us smile from ear to ear. i'm torn! i don't know which choice to pick. it makes me wonder, if Yong gets scared, i wonder if he'll hug or cling to Hyun. haha! i really love this couple. oh sorry for the long and boring post. :| btw, if you guys are not busy could you guys help me get some referrals? so that i can win a SNSD or Super Junior signed IPAD? Pretty please? I want it so bad. i'm really a fan of them. Here's the link just in case you guys are not busy and could lend some time to help me, just register through this link.HERE. :D THANK YOU SO MUCH!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest miel_1301



I have remained in silence for the past days, just lurking--- watching, reading, digesting the exchanges of comments and personal views, trying to comprehend both sides, all sides. And heaven knows how I resisted the urge not once but many times of putting up my own 2 cents worth about the "matters of discussion" at hand but I still chose to keep mum as I told myself just let "the eye of the storm" pass and all will be well that ends well.

Until I find this post at CN Blue's Thread...

about WGM,

I still enjoy the show, although after reading a lot of posts & comments @ YongSeo thread I feel kinda sorry for him. a lot of expectations are placed on his shoulders, and many of those expectations are juvenile (and sometimes a little irrational) at best. you just can't please everyone, I guess.

Is this the aftermath of the very long discussions and exchanges of thoughts that transpired in this thread for a day or so? More fuel added to the fire in other thread?

Am I violating anything for quoting this post in here? I personally don't think so since a direct reference has been made to this thread--- the YongSeo thread, in another thread.

To the lurkers and passers-by, please, if you have any "issues" with the posts, comments, points of view of people here discussing about the YongSeo couple or just about SeoHyun or about YongHwa, separately, but still within the context of WGM, bring them here in this thread which is the right table of discussion so that they can be properly addressed.

I do not mean to sound preachy with this unsolicited reminder because as for me, you either just take it or leave it. And I wouldn't be hiding it in spoiler because first, I do not know how to use it [hahaha!] and second I don't think that this post of mine has any ill-intent, but if anyone finds it as such, then my early apologies.

While we live in a world that gives us the privilege or the right to exercise and enjoy such freedom of speech and expression, let us not forget that hand-in-hand with such freedom comes responsibility. Let us not abuse it nor misuse it. And knowing as well that we all hail from different nationalities, hence, having diversified cultures let us always be mindful in exercising tact, tolerance with understanding that some people are not gifted with the art of expressing themselves clearly or simply because one finds it difficult expressing themselves in this universal language called "English" and above all let us exercise the very basic conduct in an argument or in any simple exchange of points-of-views called "R-E-S-P-E-C-T".

We all have our beliefs that may have arisen or resulted from our biases and prejudices as we all likewise enjoy this yet another right to freedom of choice. However, these beliefs can be healthily manifested for as long as one doesn't resort to any demeaning or maligning words to contradict other people's own beliefs. Biases and prejudices are never ever imposed nor dictated.

And because we all come from different cultures, ways of life and practices our impressions, interpretations albeit appreciations of actions and reactions in an event, situation or happening may all vary. We may differ or we may concur with our POVs but no one has the hold or the monopoly to what is absolutely right or correct interpretation.

I think I may have been one of the “coolest” gogumas in the thread. Whenever there is a “hot/juicy” topic of discussion, I see to it that I let my reason rule over my emotion. But these past two days, I couldn’t help but feel affected, hence, disheartened at how the course of argument had turned out in the thread. I hate to admit it but the thread definitely gave out a “breath of unhealthy air” that somehow discouraged not only me but maybe even a few gogumas out there who might have felt some heaviness in the heart even just at the thought of logging in.

Be that as it may I still did not lose any faith in the thread and all the wonderful people in here because this thread is a one big family--- who at the end of the day despite differences, albeit bickerings, will still be united for a common love and passion for two people, Seo Joo Hyun and Jung YongHwa,--- not for one or the other but for them two as a “unit” .

The only one thing that I would dread and hate to happen for the thread is its “self destruction”--- its own breaking and disintegrating into pieces, because then that will be the day when the skeptics will hold a grand feast. But I am rest assured, with my heightened faith and confidence, that not even a single Sweet Potato will allow this thing to happen.

So then, Let us all be discerning of posts put in the thread--- whether it's an

1. opinionated comment with reasoning and justification which we can "healthily" discuss and exchange our views on


2. whether it's pure demeaning, maligning, outright bashing from the so-called "trolls" [who are not regulars of this thread]--- whose posts should be easily dismissed by just ignoring them and not responding to them

Having said and expressed my sentiments above and since everyone is in a jubilant mood right now with the thread having reached its 1000th page, I hope I am not late to join in the celebration.

To All Sweet Potatos, Hwaiting!!!


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Guest imakpopfan2

I've always like Seohwa.

They have that chemistry in them . (I think)

I love when Seohyun came over to their dorm.

The CN Blue member's suprise welcome. LOL

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Peace to all!





Just droppin' by to chech up some goguma lovin'.





Woah... 1000th page huh? We've come a long way guys!!!











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Guest rainie_chu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hey everyone!
































































































































































































































































































































































I was wondering if anyone here could help me. I need an HQ-ish pic of Yo~ong in a white tux, looking like a groom. :o Does anyone have one? How about a cute picture of them together? 1,000 pages is a lot to go through. Hehe.

































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest _d3seohyun

Stare at these caps fellow gogumas. Their smiles are contagious! :wub:




Thank you to the fellow goguma who mentioned this particular scene :wub:

Yonghwa preparing Seobaby's plate (: Look at his girl's reaction <3


This part is cute! Seobaby giggled as soon as he heard Yonghwa's claim about the salmon hahah


Aigoo Yonghwa! You keep forgetting that you can't win any "battle" with her if you get even a tiny

glimpse of those sparkling eyes of hers :P It's one of your weakness boy! I have a feeling you'll never learn kekeke





Remember how happy Seobaby was when Yonghwa told her he should get his license soon so he can drive her around? aww!I hope one day we get to see Yong seobang dropping off his buin at school <3. Also, that way he can keep track of the boys asking for his buin's autograph :P




LOL. She sounds so perky telling her hubby her way of "De" <


This has got to be one of my favorite moments from the episode. Aigoo uri Seobaby was too obvious here kekek.

Her body language while being teased by her Yong seobang...that's the way a girl acts when a guy she likes is teasing her :wub: And Yonghwa was surely enjoying seeing her react that way, just look at his smile <3


Stop with those lip actions! We're the ones being tortured here not seeing those lips touch :angry:

And must you really add those stares too! torture!


You guys have to rewatch this particular scene. The two were surely feeling giddy


Even the guest of honor is intrigued why Seobaby is so happy and giggling like crazy.


The whole "bickering" about the prices was so cute.

"You think I can't afford..." LOL.

Yonghwa looks so sexy whenever he tries to hold his smile <3


I love the first shot here of Yonghwa :wub:


Aigoo Seobaby, you sure are happy. I almost can't see your eyes anymore.


I love this shot. You can see a smiling Yonghwa watching his buin laughing <3



The "J" scenes because of the "I" :lol:

LOL. Yonghwa!!!



She automatically turned to the pd's direction while asking for her "I" guy :lol:


kekkee he gave her THE look then walked away :lol: <3


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There is a rumor that WGM may have a 'Mid Autumn Best Series ' for three couples....




Showing time on 21/09/2010 ~ 4.40pm




Not sure whether is true or not, will update once confirm



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I have remained in silence for the past days, just lurking--- watching, reading, digesting the exchanges of comments and personal views, trying to comprehend both sides, all sides. And heaven knows how I resisted the urge not once but many times of putting up my own 2 cents worth about the "matters of discussion" at hand but I still chose to keep mum as I told myself just let "the eye of the storm" pass and all will be well that ends well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Until I find this post at CN Blue's Thread...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Is this the aftermath of the very long discussions and exchanges of thoughts that transpired in this thread for a day or so? More fuel added to the fire in other thread?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Am I violating anything for quoting this post in here? I personally don't think so since a direct reference has been made to this thread--- the YongSeo thread, in another thread.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To All Sweet Potatos, Hwaiting!!!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I feel like I need to address this post because you quote my comment on CNBlue thread and implying that I might have added fuel to the fire in another thread.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First off, that is not my intention, and I’m sorry if you feel that way. As you can see, some of us were addressing WGM in the said thread. Although I don’t see why it should be problematic for you about me mentioning this thread since I saw even in this thread sometimes people mention things happen in the other thread (in spoiler). Hmm….
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, I've been a visitor of this thread since its first page, back in February. My comment was not specifically directed to the general mehness in this thread in the last couple of days. I come here once in a while and I missed the whole saga (which - after reading back 15+ pages or so - seems like I should be thankful about). It was a general comment about people expectations from YongHwa (and SeoHyun as well to some extent).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can list a lot of things, like how a lot of people got disappointed when YongHwa stopped wearing his ring for a period of time (and you can go backtrack hundreds of pages ago and read those comments). A lot of fans voicing their disappointments over his radio talks where he tried to avoid (without much success) talking too much about SeoHyun, or his TV appearance (WINWIN?) when he chose a wrong word over his feeling toward SeoHyun. And I feel sorry for him because he was there as the CNBLUE leader talking about their album, and these questions about SeoHyun were frankly distracting. Do you remember how a lot of people were disappointed to his answer about how the song ‘Lovelight’ come about? Yeah……
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Don’t get me wrong, I like this pairing. I think they are wonderful together. I mean, why would I wrote fanfics about them if I didn’t like him being in show. I just wish people can separate him as a CNBLUE leader, and him as SeoHyun’s husband in the show. Also, as I stated, I still enjoy WGM. I think it’s a good show. It helps introduce YongHwa and CNBLUE to the general public. And it helps CNBLUE gain more fans that come from the SNSD folds (and vice versa, although of course the size of their respective fanbase is almost incomparable).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My take on this? Maybe we shouldn’t jump into conclusion? And please, PM me if you have anything more to say to me. I personally don't like to have an exchange of words in a forum.

































































































































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Guest miel_1301



Just to know Seohyun [and her Unnies] and YongHwa's [and his Dongsaengs] remaining activities for the month of September

SNSD September Schedule 2010

update as of Sept.10



> [Japan] 05:25AM Mezamashi TV

> [Japan] 08:00AM Tokudane! TV

> [Japan] 11:00AM DON! TV


> [China] 07:00PM SMTOWN LIVE '10 WORLD TOUR in Shanghai


> [Japan] 04:30PM MTV 「少女時代」 IN JAPAN SPECIAL


> [Japan] 03:00PM Girls Award JAPAN 2010 AUTUMN / WINTER


> Hyoyeon's Birthday


> 05:00PM S♡NE 1st Official Fanmeeting

credit: sosiz

CN Blue's Schedule

September 2010

09.15 Jung Shin’s birthday!

09.16 [Event] 2010 Listen to the CNBLUE Asia Tour in Japan (Osaka) 7:00 PM at Namba Hatch

09.18 [Event] 2010 Listen to the CNBLUE Asia Tour in Japan (Nagoya) 7:00 PM at Bottom Line

09.20 [Event] 2010 Listen to the CNBLUE Asia Tour in Japan (Tokyo) 7:00 PM at Shibuya-AX

09.22 [Event] Taiwan Promotion

09.23 [Event] Taiwan Promotion

09.24 [Event] Taiwan Promotion

09.25 [Event] 2010 Listen to the CNBLUE Asia Tour in Taiwan 7:30 PM at NTU Sport Center

cr: cnblue.co.kr + cnblue.jp

@_d3seohyun, thanks oh so much! I badly need your dosage of screen captures.

And look at the bright smile and giddy expression of the "guest of honor" [Juri Ueno] at the sight of this "love birds". She must have been contemplating, "Is this couple really just in a pretend/make-believe set-up?" hahaha!


CR: __d3


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Guest _hachimitsu

annyeong, everyone! 

@crystal_malfoy lol thanks. If there's a university of gogumaland, i think everyone will pass with flying colours  :lol:. I think I'll only post when I have new graphics to share, because I'm not really a spazz-ish person in the first place . My English vocabulary is quite poor too~ *woes*.

@DJHinata I like your wallpaper! I reached my "+" quota limit though but things like fan goodies such as yours is really amazing! Any goguma would've grab it, and in fact, as a person who likes to design.. these fan creations are actually one of the ways for me to test myself (to upgrade my own skills... to make better designs etc) I've seen many pretty fan creations here.... yours, ichigo_kawaii, kaptenkeirin.... there's more but it is impossible to name everyone... gomen minna-san! I really appreciate all the hard work & efforts in making these goodies. No need to mention the numbers of awesome MVs made by the potatoes, eh? We're telling the world that yongseo fans are cool, lovely, talented people (Even people from DCgallery, vietnam sweet potato garden.. thai fans, baidu etc visit our thread, right?)  :wub:

@miel_1301 omoo... your post is spot on! I'm writing this in the context of "yongseo couple".. I dont find the "b" issue as an issue, for all we know, it could be a misunderstanding.  I still remember that 1 and only post by the "troll" (hahhaha u really made me LOL here)  (for other readers,  i repeat, the ONE and ONLY post by the "troll" so if u posted a lot, its not u~ u're not a troll, u're a super sweet potato! *hugs*) which I simply ignored (not because I refuse to acknowledge a fan's feelings, but rather because I am a happy goguma and I believe everything happens for a reason and nega things is really not my style anyway) However, from that 1 post onwards, the thread lost its happy momentum. I believe many of us feel disheartened no longer because of the issue itself, but rather because the little goguma war among the gogumas.   :( Many has given their opinion on this, so i just wanna say...

Dear gogumas in gogumaland, I dont know anyone but I love u guys so much~! (and ofcourse our yongseo couple)  

Love is a LONG journey with many challenges. If u feel down for any reasons, voice it out with respect and all the gogumas will try their best to cheer u up and clear your doubts! This thread is like love.... we were happy, we were shocked, we were outraged, we were happy again, we were sad, we went to cloud 9, we were "attacked", we were super giddy... and the list goes on. They called us "delusional" but hey, its gogumaland, it's a different world! :D

........oh noes I typed too much. Hope I didnt say anything weird. I'm currently working on new yongseo goodies similar with the ones on page1000th.

reposting the banner & new graphic teaser! (wallpaper on page 1000th)

Banner: Yonghwa & Seohyun both in Wedding attire .....or more like a proposal? lol!


Banner: Angel Hyun wrapping her wings around Yong


New Wallpaper Teaser!


Imagine angelic hyun with wings.. wrapping one of her wings around yong. A sense of ownership? Still editing things... will post it when i'm done with uni stuff. ughh. I'm not sure if anyone is waiting for this wallpaper :sweatingbullets: , I just have this inspiration and would like to share with everyone, soon~

Oh. I have a silly question... is "skinship" a common used English word? Would like to share a story.. First time heard it in WGM while watching Yongseo cuts and later slowly understand the meaning of the word. My uni, there's lots of Korean students. (In my country, English is widely spoken) One day, one of my Korean friend told us something about a guy, her boss tried to have skinship with her and she thinks it is in a way like sexual harrasement. (Actually she misunderstood, the guy's personality is touchy2 but is definitely not something bad. I know him) Everyone stared blankly at her like.. "......skin-WHAT-ship??" Thanks to watching Yongseo cuts, I was the first to understand her story and her reaction. Hope this is not out of topic^^

P/s: ugh sorry typed too much! Looking forward for WGM filming in Japan. Their schedule is crazy man... Yongseo fighting!


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Guest miel_1301


I feel like I need to address this post because you quote my comment on CNBlue thread and implying that I might have added fuel to the fire in another thread.

First off, that is not my intention, and I’m sorry if you feel that way. As you can see, some of us were addressing WGM in the said thread. Although I don’t see why it should be problematic for you about me mentioning this thread since I saw even in this thread sometimes people mention things happen in the other thread (in spoiler). Hmm….

Anyway, I've been a visitor of this thread since its first page, back in February. My comment was not specifically directed to the general mehness in this thread in the last couple of days. I come here once in a while and I missed the whole saga (which - after reading back 15+ pages or so - seems like I should be thankful about). It was a general comment about people expectations from YongHwa (and SeoHyun as well to some extent).

I can list a lot of things, like how a lot of people got disappointed when YongHwa stopped wearing his ring for a period of time (and you can go backtrack hundreds of pages ago and read those comments). A lot of fans voicing their disappointments over his radio talks where he tried to avoid (without much success) talking too much about SeoHyun, or his TV appearance (WINWIN?) when he chose a wrong word over his feeling toward SeoHyun. And I feel sorry for him because he was there as the CNBLUE leader talking about their album, and these questions about SeoHyun were frankly distracting. Do you remember how a lot of people were disappointed to his answer about how the song ‘Lovelight’ come about? Yeah……

Don’t get me wrong, I like this pairing. I think they are wonderful together. I mean, why would I wrote fanfics about them if I didn’t like him being in show. I just wish people can separate him as a CNBLUE leader, and him as SeoHyun’s husband in the show. Also, as I stated, I still enjoy WGM. I think it’s a good show. It helps introduce YongHwa and CNBLUE to the general public. And it helps CNBLUE gain more fans that come from the SNSD folds (and vice versa, although of course the size of their respective fanbase is almost incomparable).

My take on this? Maybe we shouldn’t jump into conclusion? And please, PM me if you have anything more to say to me. I personally don't like to have an exchange of words in a forum.

Your points are well taken and I highly appreciate you responding to my previous post here in this thread for I could have easily replied/responded to posts about WGM in the CN Blue thread, but I chose not because I still maintain my personal stand that this is the forum where matters about WGM should be brought up to be addressed.

Yes, I agree with you that there is nothing problematic in mentioning this thread elsewhere. But didn't you somehow zero in at YongSeo thread when you said that "a lot of its posts and comments" from people whose expectations of YongHwa according to you and I quote, "juvenile (and sometimes a little irrational) at best"? And which later you claimed [in your response to my post] and I quote again, “It was a general comment about people expectations from YongHwa (and SeoHyun as well to some extent). “. But with this use of the qualifying term "general", doesn't it all the more made such statement a "sweeping" one?

Be that as it may, I respect such stand of yours, such impression that you may have gotten from reading the posts in this thread or elsewhere. But I also stand on my belief that there are things that need to be clarified in the name of fairness.

And if I made an early presumption or even a miscalculation with my statement "More fuel added to the fire" then I apologize. But then if you may, notice the succeeding couple of posts thereafter [in that same thread], aren't they giving out a rather "unfriendly" feel?

And with regards to your "list of things" that you enumerated above [which I highlighted], I may not have joined the thread at the very onset of the program, but I think I am here long enough to have a clear memory and recall of those incidents that you mentioned--- i.e. YH not wearing the couple ring for some time [which was discussed here and then later we all came to an understanding that there is a reason which he himself said in his radio interview that we shall know by continuously watching the propgram] and almost, if not, all of the radio and tv interviews of YongHwa, more specifically @WINWIN, that many of us here have talked about. It has been a common practice in the thread that whenever YongHwa has a radio and tv appearance/interview--- someone would put the vid links in the thread, then our resident translators who have a full grasp of the Hangul language [pancakes&flappyjacks, junegurlus2010, j2dlee] would translate the contents for us--- and then from there we share our thoughts, exchange our views and interpretations all in the light of a "healthy" discussion. And because of the fact that the demographic factors of this thread range from different ages, nationalities, even genders, we try to as much as possible share and welcome differences in opinions. And if we see posts that we feel are coming from a much younger age bracket, we always take upon ourselves to constantly remind each other not to let "emotions" take full control of our judgement.

I don't think that this thread has ever been remiss in policing its ranks.

And you specifically pointed out that WIWIN TV guestiong interview of YongHwa [with Siwon and Taecyeon] which was recorded last June 10 and broadcasted on June 15, 2010. A raw vid clip of that episode, specifically the part with SeoHyun as the topic of discussion, was kindly and completely translated for us in the thread by one of our translators [pancakes or junegurlus], much to our delight and satisfaction. The harsh comments in response to YongHwa's (alledgedly) use/choice of word "compelled" did not definitely come from this thread. Those harsh comments that you might have read emanated in response to a vid clip posted at YT, which was somehow poorly, inaccuratley and even incompletely translated.

Let me now end this post with yet another apology to you for not heeding your request to reply to your above post via PM, simply because I don't see this matter as anything personal, since the points that you have raised here I find as legitimate sentiments and concerns about YongHwa in WGM. But there are also other matters concerning this thread that needed clarification just so to set the record straight.


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Guest monkie2804

Hi all gogumas. I've been a silent reader for a long time :D First, [although a bit late] HAPPY 1000th page!

Secondly, I read from Khuntoria couplethread that there'll be a special episode on next Tuesday or sth which will show the unseen footage of all 3 couples. People on that thread seem like they haven't confirmed it yet. I just wanna ask if this is true :P

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Guest monie1909

Hi all gogumas. I've been a silent reader for a long time :D First, [although a bit late] HAPPY 1000th page!

Secondly, I read from Khuntoria couplethread that there'll be a special episode on next Tuesday or sth which will show the unseen footage of all 3 couples. People on that thread seem like they haven't confirmed it yet. I just wanna ask if this is true :P

Hehe..i think it is the same for ppl in this thread.We as well cant confirm on it yet.I think Shane post the same thing earlier but she/he also didnt confirm about it yet..I guess,we have to wait for the comfirmation news.How good it is if it is true,right?More Yongseo for us in a week..

Edit:oopss,sorry shane.i didnt notice that you already post the news cut.So,it is confirm we have another special on 21st Sept,right?..Yea!

Edit2:Crystal,littlebiebie..U guys are such a dear darling.. ^_^ hugs.. blush.gif Thank you.

Thanks genx,sophiapia..feel like home again.. :wub::)

And d3seohyun..just so you know,your caps is such a mood brighter. :lol: Ppl dont call you queen of caps for nothing..You really deserve the queen of caps title.. with the funniest,wittiest comments for each caps as well..i was grinning foolishly,reading the comments on the caps. ^_^

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There is a rumor that WGM may have a 'Mid Autumn Best Series ' for three couples....




Showing time on 21/09/2010 ~ 4.40pm




Not sure whether is true or not, will update once confirm








Newslink :http://news.nate.com/view/20100914n12815




◇MBC = 활기찬 명절 특집 예능 프로그램과 깊이 있는 다큐멘터리가 조화를 이뤘다.




초저녁 시간대인 오후 4시40분에는 예능 프로그램을 집중 편성했다. 21일에는 '우리 결혼했어요' 스페셜이 방송되며 22일과 23일에는 각각 '일밤-뜨거운 형제들'과 '무한도전-WM7'의 주요 장면을 모아 선보인다.




이어 오후 6시10분에는 새로 제작된 특집 프로그램들이 방송을 탄다. 21일에는 꽃미남 스타들이 여배우들의 집사가 돼 그녀들의 소원을 들어주는 '여배우의 집사', 22일에는 아이돌 스타들이 출연해 트로트 대결을 펼치는 '아이돌스타 트로트 청백전', 23일에는 '2010 스타댄스 대격돌'이 방송된다.




S.O.S. Can't really understand, need Pro to translate




Try to translate by using Google, seems like they are showing on 21/09......



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