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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest monie1909

lovekin i'm well aware of that purpose of the spoiler..its not that i dont understand the purpose of spoiler and to make this thread a happy place.My point is why would they assume the reason ppl who feel upset with Yong is because we trying to take side?that,i dont understand...After some ppl giving their view of yong choding yesterday,i feel better because..i'm thinking..oohhh,i see..so,i might act interpret the whole situation wrongly.and i feel bad for being upset with Yong,really.But,what i didnt get and couldnt accept is the later comment from some ppl,is the issue of some ppl trying to take side,create a competition just because we didnt agree with Yong sometime?they were time,i dont agree with Hyun too.It is what hurt me the most is the accusation as if we dont love Yongseo as much as they did because as if we were taking side/being biase?to create a competition?who did that?its pretty annoying too if u ask me.if one person said it and it end there,i'll still gonna shut my mouth.but,it went on and on for few pages..until i felt,hmm,ok.. this is not my happy place anymore.Well,ignore me,i'll just be careful with my post,next time. :sweatingbullets:

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First of all, I´m really sorry for my bad english -_-. I know I new here too, but I want to share this with you ^^




















I think this is getting big. I was hurted too because of that person  who started bashing Yong, as if he was an unworthy dude just because of  his joke ¬¬. Then I didn´t want to read anymore, just did the lastest  post and said what I thought.




















But now seems like this matter still upset us. I think we all have the  right to feel sad about Hyun or Yong, it is ok, cause we all are  different, in age, cultures, feelings, and everything, but what is not  ok is start to bashing one of them. That is just so unfair for them and  for us.




















I agree with sirius_feez about yonghwa  and seohyun knowing each other personality MORE than we do, and I  believe that this  little misunderstanding was solved. They, as normal  people (and couple) , have to go through those bad feelings because they  are learning about life, love, about being a couple, and we, fans, have  to understand that they are not perfect and that even them can make  mistakes. Besides, isn´t it for that WGM? To learn about the  relationships?




















For me, the bag´s thing it was not a big deal, for others it was, well  that is how it is, and is ok while we share our thoughts and feelings  with respect. If I hurted anybody with what I said, I´m sorry too, It was  not my intention, I just was so sad about that person putting Yong down.




















Lets solve this misunderstanding and enjoy our sweet world here, lets take the better from Hyun and Yong and spazz happily because, if there is one thing that everyone is equal in this thread, that is our love for yongseo :wub:.







































YongSeo fighting!




















MrsAthenaG: nice post, i like it ^^





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Guest jo_ce_lyn























































wow so much has happen here since i last type
























Loving this ep so much they were like in their own world where everything else dont exist. I was wondering if the pd are going to show the last 2 months eps that they skipped or they just continue to show recent eps????
























Anyway, i will bet that seohyun to be more scared even though i think they will be both equal scared but i want more skinship^^
































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lovekin i'm well aware of that purpose of the spoiler..its not that i dont understand the purpose of spoiler and to make this thread a happy place.My point is why would they assume the reason ppl who feel upset with Yong is because we trying to take side?that,i dont understand...After some ppl giving their view of yong choding yesterday,i feel better  because..i'm thinking..oohhh,i see..so,i might act interpret the whole situation wrongly.and i feel bad for being upset with Yong,really.But,what i didnt get and couldnt accept is the later comment from some ppl,is the issue of some ppl trying to take side,create a competition just because we didnt agree with Yong sometime?they were time,i dont agree with Hyun too.It is what hurt me the most is the accusation as if we dont love Yongseo as much as they did because as if we were taking side/being biase?to create a competition?who did that?its pretty annoying too if u ask me.if one person said it and it end there,i'll still gonna shut my mouth.but,it went on and on for few pages..until i felt,hmm,ok.. this is not my happy place anymore.Well,ignore me,i'll just be careful with my post,next time. :sweatingbullets:






i understand you.  smile.gif  i share your confusion.  






it's not something that really makes sense to me either, and i don't really understand why it isn't allowed except that, by "siding" or disagreeing with either yong or seo is like putting negative vibes on what should otherwise be a positive forum.  i know i don't get it, mostly because if i don't like something someone did, it doesn't mean i've stopped supporting the couple or am any less of a supporter (as you said), but this is what happens when you're in a group and sharing your opinions.





i suppose the smart idea is to just avoid problematic circumstances.


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Guest _d3seohyun

YONGSEO's bedroom scene...

LOL. Ueno Juri who? kekekke

The boy holding the guitar only has eyes for that girl smiling and flipping her hair, the thing she does when feeling shy and concious :wub:


My spoiler is pretty harmless, so click at your own risk kekeke :P

Aigoo! Ueno Juri should have gotten the clues! crazy.gifsweatingbullets.gifw00t.gif

Shame on her! :lol:


LMAO. sorry gogumas for my random post! Seobaby looked too damn cute with that boy at the Despicable premiere that i just had to share these caps. the video link is at seobaby's thread if anyone is interested :P


Let's keep smiling shall we?

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You lack respect. I understand there is that thing call freedom of speech. But it comes with responsibility, being allowed to speak doesn't mean that you could go about it by being inconsiderate and disrespectful of others. It feels like you weren't even reading others' post or trying to understand the situation Yonghwa and Seohyun was in.
















































I have to quote this spoiler part of Yukai which is a few pages back because I think it is the basic manners in this discussion forum. She is rather mature in her thinking and has enlightened a few of us here, I think it is important to read what she has written even though it might be long. http://www.soompi.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=330795&st=19880 all credits to Yukai.
















































What I have observed in here is that a few of us have jump into conclusions just by one action. Instead we should think about how many times they have treated so well to each other. Don't think about perfect Seohyun and perfect Yonghwa. If you keep thinking of their perfect behaviour they should portray, you will feel disappointed when you see a slight flaw in them, so don't think so highly of them. They are like us, we are imperfect.
















































If you would like to raise a doubt but would not want to get shoot down immediately by the yongseo fans, instead of a rash conclusion or comment, probably you can ask a question and ask if you are the only one who felt it that way. The yongseo fans in here of different ages and maturity would raise their opinions and help you understand the couple as you may be new to this couple and hence misunderstand the couple and interpret the situation differently.

















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i suppose the smart idea is to just avoid problematic circumstances.




















sorry to cut your post but... I don´t think so haha. We don´t need to become triple A ´s blood type (and I´m A type ^^). I think it is good to talk about this, because we need to understand each others, to get along with this subject, as far as we talking like this, with respect, I believe everything will be fine and, of course, trying to keep the positive vibe we all appreciate.




















I really like you all gogumas, sometimes I don´t share some opinions but who cares!... we are the sweetest fandom ever! haha ^^:wub:





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omg...it's seriously difficult to log in to soompi nowadays....








































i hear my name being called? kekeke!!








































Hi dear PureStupidity and Crystal!!! I miss ya all too...so terrible that i have to lurk and cant post anything coz i cant even log in!! sobs!








































Now's one of the rare times i could do so, after refreshing the page so many times.

I was vomitting blood over the kpop concert tickets and even have to contend with here. sigh! waeyo!!








































I think we can forget about the bag incident. I watched the chinese subbed vid and he was actually joking with his wife....but the hosts in the studio were so loud, couldnt hear him apologising and telling his wife that he was joking. He was just a bag of nerves....lols! We still love ya Yong~~








































ooh....cant wait for sat...muahaha! don't you realise that we are anticipating the next episode as soon as we finished the last one? LOL!








































Thanks everyone for all the info, pics and vids of Hyun in shanghai and Yong coming back from Thailand.








































Thai gogumas, I salute you!!! You guys are jjiang ah~~~ i bet Yong had been smiling sweetly for everyday he was in thailand and on the flight home. LOL!








































I love love love Hyun in this episode actually. We actually got to see a fangirl-ing Hyun!!! imagine that!!! So funny when she was lamenting over the absence of Tamaki. LOL!! The sparkle in her eyes...aigoo....and i love how they only have eyes & ears for each other that they took such a mighty long time to recognise Ueno-chan!








































So true....it reminds me of their first meeting too! but of course, now's a different feeling! now's a true hubby-wifey feeling...so sweet!! rain is definitely their charm...lols!








































sigh....please let me see both of them at least once in my lifetime and i'll be content...hahaha!









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hello everyone Im back , anyways I was able to watch the SM TOWN CONCERT in STAPLES CENTER































































































































































































































































































































































































had so much fun
































































































































































































Yong was definitely being childish in this week's episode and he's just being his usual self actually. We, as outsiders looking in, are empathizing with Hyun since she finally admitted (implied) her jealousy and sadness. It was a first and it was very surprising to actually see her feel hurt because of a joke or situation.
































































































































































































There have been countless times when the cameras have captured Yong being jealous but whenever he is asked how he felt during that time, he always gives excuses and ends up evading each question. So every time he gives us such vague answers, we just shrug it off and forget about them til someone brings it up again. He is a diplomatic man. He knows when, where and how to answer those simple questions. However, although he can be very clever, his actions still speak louder than his words.
































































































































































































Everyone saw how he was always at Hyun's side, even though his ideal was right in front of him. He could've sat next to her and engaged in a conversation (since Yong can understand Japanese after all, and he sings in Japanese so I doubt he'd have that much trouble trying to get through Ueno) but instead, he chose to sit on the stool, far....far.... far away from Ueno.
































































































































































































In regards to his reaction about Hyun cooking, personally, I don't think he was trying to humiliate her in front of Ueno. Quite the opposite actually. He seemed more concerned because their guest is a well-known actress, not to mention Hyun's idol as well. I think he just wants to leave a good impression to Ueno about Hyun, and food can leave a very strong impression in a person.
































































































































































































EDIT: is it just me or when they were about to get out of the sushi place, Yong seemed like he was about to grab Hyun's bag but Ueno just got to it before he did.......???
































































































































































































Or am I being a delusional fangirl right now??? XD































































































































































































































































































































































































everyhing you have wrote is sooo true,specially the highlighted ones
































































































































































































cant wait for the next ep.:wub:

































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Guest butterfly07
















































Aigoo, I had to come out of lurker mode too. Perhaps this episode will give Hyun a clearer understanding of the word "jealous." I don't know if any of you remember the episode where they were doing the blood donation for their 22 days. It was the first time Yong brought up the school thing. He said that she was being too comfortable with the guys, but Hyun didn't understand why he was questioning her as she was only being friendly and taking pictures with them. Then he said, "Because I'm jealous." Her response was..."WHY?" This shows how extremely innocent she is in regard to relationships. What she said in the backroom interview just tells me that she now has that tingly feeling of whatever it is that is "not good." Whether it's jealousy or what, she must be a little happy that she now discovered something new.
















A little tidbit that I've been holding in is about the scene where they were bumping back and forth whilst walking to the spaghetti restaurant. They were totally flirting with each other. That episode, to me, was when the feelings started to become mutual.
















Anyways, love this couple and can't wait for next week. My vote has to be for Hyun being more scared.

















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lovekin... i luv ur siggy! i'll gather some pics for u later.... kekekeek :)


oh, do u make avvies too?






thanks!  and i will wait for them~ laugh.gif


avvies ...?  as in avatar icons?  sure, why not!






uwah!  i started watching WGM from the beginning and have stopped at the 2nd episode for now since i'm about to sleep.  but i encourage everyone to watch those two again whenever you can – to erase all this negativity from your mind.  it made me fall in love with the couple all over again, and everything people were arguing about with the recent episode seems unnecessary.  also, it's neat how their exchanges and the things they promised the other would do have already happened.  i'm prepared to write something, maybe.  wahaha.  tongue.gif


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Guest monie1909

Btw,just remember someone ask about the wgm broadcast schedule.From this latest news cut,it was confirm that the next episode with ueno juri will be air on Sept,25.


Then,next week sept,18 will be the special wgm joint.

And,btw anyone recall someone post about wgm on 22 sept(wed)with 90 minutes few pages before.What is it actually about,another special or just a rumours?

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Somebody tweeted again through CNBLUE_4.


여러분~잘지내셨습니까? 정신입니다 지금은일본앨범릴리즈기념공연연습중입니다!15일에일본으로또떠난답니다 ㅠㅠ....지금까지씨엔블루사랑해주셔서감사합니다흑흑.... 장난이구요!ㅋㅋ또 15일은제생일이랍니다!짝짝짝 감사합니다...모두들건강히지내고계세용

Looks like it's Jungshin and they're in Japan already. Correct me if I'm wrong. :DThat's all I can read. OHHH. Yonghwa and Seohyun are both in Japan already.

Guess I really need to study Korean XD

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Guest SophiaPia








aigoo! i type a lot already then become error kekeke! now i'm typing it again hahaha!






what i'm tying to say is jealousy is part of any relationship. It happens in bro/sis relationship. Friends have jealousy. What more in any couple relationship. That's why their's a jealousy in YongSeo bcoz they are couple kekeke! What we seeing to both of them are real feelings :) not scripted. In the end SeoHyun and YongHwa are both normal people whether they are popular artist, still both normal people.






1st time for SeoHyun, get Jealous :) that's why looks huge hahaha! coz this is her 1st time. It's 1st time also for wgm PD and wgm MC's. We normally see Yong all the time. 






But in fairness to Yong, he will not hurt SeoHYun ON/OFF camera. The carry ur bag thing his just joking, it's just that the timing is not so good bcoz that time the ideal girl is there and so the MC's commented his so mean. But in reality he still thinking about his wife. His w/ his wife and ideal girl. In the end he really don't know what to do. He don't want to make his wife feel jealous just in case he do something. Then he want to show also hospitality w/ their guest Euno, same w/ SeoHyun they want Euno to feel at home. This is a surprised to both of them. If only their a script they both fine follow the script, but that's not the case kekeke! 






It's just that, how lovely to see the progress of YongSeo couple. I know i want more skinships hahaha! but to be comfortable w/ each other is their main goal and they have that already. That's Y is love love love :)








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Guest xxxiloveyouxxx
























Hello Gogumas! :) So, after the long contemplation if I should post or not, guess what? I just suddenly reached for the keyboard and typed. LOL! I'm not new to this thread or anything as I have been a silent reader/lurker for a while. I am a closet goguma alien/spazzer as well; and today, I have decided to come out of the closet and be an open and proud goguma lover <3.




















Anhyhow, since I will be voicing out my opinions for the first time in this thread, I will have to warn you that this is going to be a long post, as I will be covering out so many topics *oohh, I sound like a teacher* . I'm sorry, so please bear with me ^_^' I know by the time that I will get to post this, many of you may have already voiced out what I am about to say, but please bear with me again, since I know that this will take me a while to post. And this thread is just going too fast!




















So, not to keep this introduction any longer, I will start!




















First, I'd like to go over this whole infamous "bag incident"




















- I think this whole thing is just a big misunderstanding to everyone. People voiced out their opinions, discomforts, and disappointments with this particular scene/event/situation maybe in a rash after watching the episode once or twice. As you can see some people stand by their opinion and some have changed. We all get excited after each episode and cannot wait to post and share opinions and spazzes right away so, the first impressions tend to come out in a rash. So let's take this situation just like a grain of salt, okay?




















I, myself, don't really take this scene seriously. Shocked? Yes, I was, the first time I saw it. Disappointed, no. Discomfort, a little.




















Several of you have already said that this happens in real life, real relationships - where the boy just teases the girl, girl got offended for a second but thought it wasn't a big deal, boy felt the discomfort so tried to reassure the girl that it was just a joke. Really, this happens. A lot! I don't find it rude or offensive nor mean at the very least. I was shocked because it may not be the first time that Yong teases, but it was the first time that I've seen Yong doing it so eagerly and a little ungentlemanly. Like it was nothing, which really, it wasn't. Again, this just shows their level of comfort. They don't have to be perfect all the time. Yong is not really obligated to carry his buin's bag all the time. He does it because it is in his nature as a gentleman, and he has shown us that ALL THE TIME. So, knowing this, I was not disappointed at all. It's all fun. This is a type of joke that could sometimes feel a little tingle of hurt but not a big deal at all. Discomfort, yes a little, for Hyun. She was shocked as many of us might have been as well because again, this is the first time Yong did this in a little eagerly and ungentlemanly way and she shrugged it off pretty easily because it really didn't mean anything.




















Though, the biggest discomfort I got is how people reacted to this. Too much? No, not really. Gotten out of hand, yes - a little too much. Again, this happens in real life. Our couple might be celebs and special, yes. But they're just regular people as well. They're not perfect, so we don't expect them to be all royal about their actions all the time as well.




















So, just to end this. I will tell you guys what had happened in this scene one by one. I know, by this time you all have watched it quite a few times already. But still, I want you to see my point. ^_^




















Starting from the scene, where Juri comes back from changing. Yong asked, "ikou ka?" *focused to Juri saying, "ikimas yo* then Yong takes his bag and drinks for the last time having his backed turned toward Juri. Take note, that while doing this, Hyun is putting back the chairs, and Juri has seen Hyun's bag. This is also the time when Yong starts getting all giddy with the thought that they're going to leave. So, while this is happening, HE IS LOOKING AT HIS BUIN along with the feeling of excitement with her. So, when Juri says, "ikimasu yo", Yong exalted, "IKIMASU YO", then again, HYUN and JURI said, "ikimasu yo". After saying those, Juri says "ORA!". Notice that Hyun turned her attention to her, and Yong had just finished his drink and was going to take the bag but Juri is already passing this to him. To this, Hyun replied "Ah! atashi mo no" (something like that, to which I would translate to "Ah! that's mine"). Yong not being the gentleman that he is, takes Hyun's bag bows to Juri as a gratitude and said, more like excitedly giddy loud voice saying, "DAIJOBU DESU" with a smile on his face. (to which I would say, he's saying to Juri, "oh! it's okay. I got it. Thank you.") And with all this happening, you can kind of hear Juri saying, "let's go" to which Hyun replied "hai!" while still putting back the chairs. Hyun then approaches Yong with her hands ready to get her bag, Yong sees. You can see that they are kind of communicating through their eyes. Hyun at this time, has her back on the camera so, you can't really see her face but she saw that Yong doesn't seem to want to give her bag back so she starts moving but then, Yong noticed it a little later that she wanted to get her bag so he teases that "Oh! okay, you carry it." and handing it to her properly. To which, she replied "Ne~" in a little upset/shocked way. As Hyun's back already turned, Yong the choding that he is turned his back to Juri smiling in a teasing smirk way. Take note, that they used different cameras and angles in this so, we saw it in a couple of ways. First, the whole body then next is a close up. When Yong turned back to Juri doing his evil smile because of his little tease, that's the first camera. Then, it shifts to the zoomed in version where it shows Hyun taking the bag and walking a step further then turned back and the little window where the MC's all reacted, "mwo ya!" Then, in a split second when Hyun turned back, she didn't look at Yong, then Yong saw this then smiles at her guiltily happy saying that he was joking approaching her and rubbing shoulders with her with his hand on her arm. Juri says something, then Yong went ahead, Hyun waited for Juri then, they all left. END of the bag scene.




















- I think the problem here is not the joke. It's the sequence of how it was showed and what was not showed. First, the sequence: Before, this whole bag scene happened. Hyun was wishfully thinking and hoping that Tamaki Hiroshi (Chiaki senpai) was there as well, with Yong giving her that jealous glance look. Then, the whole bag scene. And finally cut to Hyun's blackroom interview right away. Now, granted that the sequence of the first two is right but then again, we got cut off by the interview right away. And the way they inserted the interview is also another reason why people reacted the way they reacted. I think the whole jealousy thing ended when Yong gave Hyun the look. When Juri came, it was a whole different story. People just assumed, I guess, that the whole bag scene was a "retaliation" of the jealousy is because of how it was sequenced. But I stand to my belief that the whole jealousy thing ended with the look and Yong saying "Oh well, but only Ueno Juri is here today. *evil smile*" KEUT! Then, the whole Hyun blackroom interview which added salt to the wound. When the question was asked, I believe that it was meant to be for the WHOLE TIME that they were with Juri not just to that particular scene. Hyun was not jealous with Juri because of the way that Yong became real enthusiastic when Juri was there. I also believe that Hyun smiled happily and she meant when she said that Yong got really excited. Granted that the whole "I don't feel good about it." is a hint of jealousy but I don't think it was particularly meant for Juri herself or any of the particular scene. I think the jealousy rooted with the question "How did you feel when Yong answered that Juri is his ideal girl?". And to analyze her answer, she didn't feel good about it because she already has this "ownership/property" feeling towards Yong. Thus, being "jealous" is normal, though she might not claim it as jealousy, we sure know that little green monster inside of her came out. My assumption is that since they were already married for 4 months at that time when this whole "my ideal girl is Ueno Juri from Nodame Cantibile" came out from Yong (correct me if I'm wrong), I believe when she heard it, she was a bit disappointed since she may thought that Yong might answer it diplomatically and not give out any specific name, just like the way he answers this question now. I believe that it was because a name was given, that's why she didn't feel good. I mean, come on! I wouldn't either. haha! Though, like what she said, everyone has their own ideals, as she does have her own too. But she would rather not hear a name coming from her husband. Do you guys get what I'm trying to say? And Hyun, has shown some discomfort when Yong talks about other girls. Although, subtle, it shows. An example is during their train ride when they were talking about ideals where she told Yong that they are even now since he has Jessica Alba and she has Johnny Depp. Second, is during their first time playing pool and Yong mentioned about the girls he lost to... she pouted and looked away saying "hhmm..." with the mention of girls. And you can totally see, if you pay that much attention, that when they are with guests that are girls, yes including her SNSD unnies, she pays more attention to Yong and kinda has lets her guard up a bit. And that was no different with the last episode with Juri, though she was fangirling and excited and pushing Yong to talk to Juri you can kind of see that she is paying close attention to Yong's actions that's why I think that Yong just can't seem to get away from her because with the way he is, he considers how she feels first. Maybe we can also say that this is the reason why Hyun is so comfortable with her CNBLUE brothers-in-law because she doesn't have to let her guard up, and Yong does. So, in the end I believe that both mr. and mrs. green monsters have been coming out from them but they deal with it differently. Yong being the choding that he is and a guy, he tends to show more jealousy, even talks and jokes about it; it's in his personality. Though sometimes he tries to be cool about it and be subtle, it still shows. Hyun being the well controlled, rational girl that she is, tends to keep her cool about the whole jealousy thing. She tries to be rational about it and thus she can keep her jealousy to herself therefore she can keep it subtle for people to even tell. With this being said, Hyun is still pretty much sheltered. I know her protective shell is slowly being cracked but it's bound to happen you know? In the end, she has got to experience it to feel it as humanly possible. She is a metaphor of a goddess but even goddesses felt something humans feel. In her every move as a SNSD member, she is being protected by her unnies. With her marriage with Yong, he tends to protect her in every way possible... as much as he can; he really tries hard. He is very sharp and responsive to her, that I think he deserves more credit than he is given. I couldn't even tally how many times he's responded to her every move and protected her but she sometimes is so naive and oblivious to notice. Even with this whole jealousy thing. I won't blame it to Hyun's inexperience and Yong's full of experience in relationships though. I think that's what makes them real to us. They adjust to each other and that is why the things that they show us becomes the unexpected. They are just real to me. By that, I mean, they show their real selves to us instead of just showing what they should show us (image). Actually, I'm really excited to see Hyun come out of her shell, am I alone in this? I think I am. I think people are not ready yet to see her grow yet because of her image. *ugh! seriously, this whole idol image ruins all of my biases's lives.* I am excited and scared for her at the same time.

Just take note of all those rude comments that Boa received on her come back saying that it doesn't seem like her anymore or that she's grown too old for her age. I mean, she's been 10 years in the industry and people still can't get over the fact that she's not the 14 years old Boa that they saw before. She's older now, a woman for that matter, that will show different sides of her and a little different persona due to maturity and experience. She won't stay young forever. Just like how I know, that Hyun won't stay that naive and innocent forever!








































Going back to the topic. Secondly, we really didn't know what happened after they left the sushi place since they didn't show it. They just showed the part where they were already in the streets walking and close to their house. I assume that at some point, Yong being the gentleman that he is, asked Hyun to carry her bag for her because as we all know, he was just joking inside the restaurant. But maybe Hyun just told him that she can carry it because she has nothing to carry anyway. If you guys pay attention, when Hyun is not carrying anything, she tends to carry her own bag. But if they are, Yong actually helps her. Just saying. But we will never know. But I stand to my belief that he did ask her to carry her bag at least once when they got out. It's just in their personality.




















Secondly, we should really not take comments and discussions here that serious to the point where it hurts us.




















- This is a happy thread. Though people will tend to show different reactions and opinions. And biases will come out, in the end, let's try to be civil. This is after all, a joint thread... A COUPLE THREAD for that matter, so we should not put the other (Hyun or Yong) down to let the other shine more. Like what I've said earlier, people might post their reactions right away, so it may change. But please be considerate of others. People will get offended if there's a reason. People will shrug it off like it was nothing if it really was nothing. I think some Yong fans got offended at first because it seemed like people are pointing fingers at him and making it seem rude of him because of the infamous bag scene. And let us admit, though I don't know if they're new or not, some people did kind of shoved Yong down because they felt bad for Hyun. Calling him unworthy or something. Again, celebrity or not, people make mistakes... big or small. I also don't think that the Yong fans were saying that those that posted their opinions clearly are not worthy to be here. I think they were actually pointing it out to the people who degraded Yong saying he's unworthy for Hyun because of such a small incident/misunderstanding and I guess, for those people also who just clearly jumped into the bandwagon without observing or clearly stated an opinion. It did seem that people were really pointing fingers at Yong though a few pages back saying that they were disappointed at him and all. So you can't really help Yong fans to react that way. I mean, it irritated me as well just because some of the posts were really uncalled for. My heart felt heavy for Yong, and Hyun also because people actually felt bad for her for feeling something natural for humans to feel. -_- But I'm really glad that other people here tried hard to keep it happy. So, thank you all.




















Also, everyone all our opinions are based on assumptions. People see differently, so people will assume differently, thus people will tend to have different opinions. We all are not experts, so opinions will vary. We will all assume on what has happened, what's happening, and what's about to happen to our couple. Again, these are all just wishful thinkings based on observations. Also, let us be aware of the culture differences in this thread. So, opinions might also vary because of that. All I'm saying is, let us please be considerate and try to understand. Let us not try to get us personally as this is not about you personally. So, let's not react to much about it. That's all.




















HHHmmmm... it seems like my post/rant is too long than I have even realized. So, I'll end it here for now. And I need to read new comments/spazzes anyway. I'll spazz in my next post which is my next topic, for a happier post. This was kind of heavy for a first post, don't you think?? hehehe.. sorry gogumas. But I do hope that you all did get to see my point of view :)



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Guest DJHinata

I'm so Proud of my unnies !! !! Thanks for all the screens!!  i'm so excited for the Next Episode! But right Now i'm so happy with the last episode ! So short But so cute! Yonghwa and Hyun look so confortable with eachother!! fighting goguma Love!!! wub.gifwub.gif 

btw I just watch hahamong show special inkigayo, omg was so funny to watch yonghwa and jo kown together kekekeke Yonghwa with a big and beautiful Smile !! 

Edit: Here is the Link when i found the show unsubs HAHAMONG Show Special Inkigayo ! Yonghwa

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Guest DJHinata

Hello!! here something full of color ♥ YongSeo LOVE tributte !!blush.gif

OUR week Full of yongseo Love!  Fighting with all the studies and the other things ! 999pagewub.gif


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