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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392

































































































Actually if I'm not wrong he grabbed Hyun's bag and give it to her (I don't think Ueno had a bag... I'm not entirely sure though).
































Thanks soo much for sharing that link :) I love Jossa's fan fics.
































Our gogumas are so talented ^_^ hahahaha and that macro is <3 :lol:

































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Watching episode 23, I'm surprised Ueno Juri asked the Yongseo to cook her that kimchi dish. Usually in traditional Oriental cultures, the guest tries to be as unobtrusive as possible. Not to mention, UJ's mission to learn some Korean for her fan meeting...
































































































































































































































































































































I can see Yongseo cooking together good for WGM viewers, but don't see it benefiting UJ...

































































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Watching episode 23, I'm surprised Ueno Juri asked the Yongseo to cook her that kimchi dish. Usually in traditional Oriental cultures, the guest tries to be as unobtrusive as possible. Not to mention, UJ's mission to learn some Korean for her fan meeting...




I can see Yongseo cooking together good for WGM viewers, but don't see it benefiting UJ...






well technically it was Hyun who offered her something to eat. Also, remember what one of the MCs said a while back, doing something with your hands will make the awkwardness go away, whether it be hwatu or playing instruments :sweatingbullets:




Ueno was just being a normal guest actually. She engages conversations, makes jokes and she doesn't interfere with the couple's moments. I actually feel bad for her since Yong kept ignoring her for Hyun (there's nothing wrong with that! BUT!!! It can be considered rude when you don't even acknowledge your guest). I don't think Yong was intentionally ignoring her, but subconsciously, he prioritizes Hyun. :wub:




Yong and Hyun are idols who travel throughout Asia (even in USA) to represent their country, culture and their music so I don't think Ueno will have problems asking them for an advice.


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this thread is going so fast that i am not sure when was the last time i posted something here. anyways my two cents on the ep 23 with their special guest ueno juri, this epi to me was pretty short just because i know they have the special guest but i agree with another comment here before (not sure who the user is) but the show lacked showing the interactions between the couple. it seems to me that this epi, if focused on the couple more, was more intimate in a way that you can see how comfortable they are to each other now compare to previous episodes. it was a nice reaction for sure to see yonghwa meeting his "ideal girl" with his "wife" present, but you can see that he was sticking beside his wife at all times, which i find very cute.








i also noticed something about this episode, well more of the preview interview with that show (sorry again, can't find who the original post but it was that interview which he would choose his ideal girl or his wife and he said in response that an ideal is just an ideal and chooses his "wife") well anyways i was re-watching ep 9 when they went on that trip to see the sunrise (but failed since it was raining) and yonghwa "acted" jealous about seohyun's response to a radio interview about who she would choose between her ideal man (johnny depp) or him and she chose johnny depp, to me i think yonghwa responded to the question from the interviewer pretty smart in that he probably knows his "wife" will hear about it and chooses his wife over his ideal girl. anyways not sure if i am making any sense here, but i thought i would share that little something i noticed as to how they answered that question.








i, like many other goguma fans out here, am super excited for the next epi which includes the other couples too. i think there will be a lot of skinship here for all couples and for sure from our YongSeo couple too, but then i just remembered that in their trip to the park in that haunted house, who got scared more? hehe wasn't it yonghwa who held on to seohyun? well from the preview i think yonghwa has toughed up and will protect his wife from anything. can't wait for this episode.








and lastly i have a question, will they air the continuation for this special guest appearance of ueno juri? because i thought it was cut short plus they didn't do their mission to help her out with her fan meeting in korea, can anyone tell me please? i would love to see that episode too.








well that's all for my ranting and maybe spazzing about yongseo coupling! until next time! :)








p.s. thanks to jdlee for the subs and rdr who just released ep 22 subs too~!! you guys are great! :)









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Guest sphinxie

ok, first of all, hello everybody! :wub:

it's my first time ever posting, after being a silent lurker all this while in soompi, so advance apologies for any mistake ya! :sweatingbullets:

the reason of my posting is because i've read some really nasty comments about yong due to the bag incident...when i first watched the episode, my reaction was, oh, yong choding is here again..hahaha.. :lol: because some of my male friends also do that sometimes, for fun, among friends, among couples...so, i seriously don't get it when they are bashing him. :( gosh, it's a joke, people...and besides, nobody is perfect, ne? ^_^

oh well, i guess haters are gonna hate, right? so, to all goguma shippers out there, just ignore them and let's continue to spread the love! :wub::wub:

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Hi y'all!






I've updated DESTINED TO LOVE YOU...(fanfic)






CHAPTER 1: http://www.soompi.com/blog/destined_to_love_you_sweet_potato_couple_fan_fic






CHAPTER 2: http://www.soompi.com/blog/chapter_2_destined_to_love_you






CHAPTER 3: http://www.soompi.com/blog/chapter_3_destined_to_love_you






CHAPTER 4: http://www.soompi.com/blog/chapter_4_destined_to_love_you






CHAPTER 5: http://www.soompi.com/blog/chapter_5_destined_to_love_you









Enjoy! Comments and critiques welcome...


edit: Here's chapter 5. Please let me know if it feels rushed... thanks and enjoy..


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ok, first of all, hello everybody! :wub:




it's my first time ever posting, after being a silent lurker all this while in soompi, so advance apologies for any mistake ya!  :sweatingbullets:




the reason of my posting is because i've read some really nasty comments about yong due to the bag incident...when i first watched the episode, my reaction was, oh, yong choding is here again..hahaha.. :lol: because some of my male friends also do that sometimes, for fun, among friends, among couples...so, i seriously don't get it when they are bashing him. :(  gosh, it's a joke, people...and besides, nobody is perfect, ne?  ^_^




oh well, i guess haters are gonna hate, right? so, to all goguma shippers out there, just ignore them and let's continue to spread the love!   :wub:  :wub:








i can't speak for everyone else, but i know i made a comment a few pages back, criticizing yong's behavior.  and, well, i still stand by what i said.  i'm not saying he was being rude but what he did was still hurtful.  a bag is just a bag, yes, but it was never just about that – at least not to me.  and yes, i also know he was joking in case someone thinks i missed that part.




also, sure, it's easy to see the double standard when everyone is siding with seo and putting yong down when, in the same episode, seo was wondering where tamaki was.  essentially, the lesson there is you get what you give.  however, i honestly don't believe seo says things to make yong jealous on purpose; i feel that she's a little too naïve about what makes him tick and just doesn't see what all the fuss is about if she signs autographs for boys at school/takes pictures with them, or if she likes so-and-so actor.




i guess my dislike for yong's behavior is in part due to the assumption that he made her hold her own bag in response to seo wondering where tamaki was.  again, it's not so much as the bag as the fact he presumably did it in retaliation.





that being said, however, i still 100% support yongseo.  if i'm critical about something, it's only because i want to be honest about my feelings and what i interpreted about a certain scene.  this doesn't mean i like yong or seo any less because, at their best, they are wonderfully and spectacularly adorable together.


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for the bag incident, i don't think its a big deal to be controverted about, agree with clumsy its yong show his chodingness haha..






thanks so much for the subbed video links^^






i laughed so much at part 2 when yong sit a while in the plastic chair alone with Ueono Juri but can't stand feeling awkward and immediately back into Hyun hahaha... :D how can you treat your ideal type like that haha,he's feeling nervous to the max,and maybe because his japanese not too good too..






anyway i can't wait for the next episode, i wanna join the bet, seohyun will get scary more and she can't help but draw on yong all the time :D


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Guest Crystal392












Woah welcome (back?) to Gogumaland :) hehehehe




I think the next week they will air the episodes with the 3 couples and the nExt next episode they will air the continuation of Ueno's episode visit ^_^

I think the problem was/is that some people seem to be making this as a competition. I still don't see something wrong with the famous 'bag scene', it's just like a normal scene beween a young couple where someone (either girl or boy) try to do a joke unsuccessfully and somehow manage to hurt their partner's feelings. But some people began to take sides when they didn't even had an argument. There is no team Hyun nor team Yong imo, there is only one team: team YongSeo.





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Guest MrsAthenaG




Having read all the points of view of this diverse thread, allow me as the elder goguma alien to comment on the past events. 




JEALOUSY - such an ugly word but a very common occurrence in all relationships, whether between a couple or friends.  It may be a good thing and most definitely can be a very bad thing if taken out of context and abused by the other.  This couple is in a new relationship (6-7 months), sometimes it takes longer to mature and some are instantaneous.  There's nothing wrong with a little jealousy, it means the jealous person is showing that he/she cares and has the feeling of "proprietorship/ownership" towards the other.  As spectators of this couple, we feel sad towards the jealous one, but fear not, it shows that they care.  Although Hyun is not as obvious as Yong when he's jealous, and not as vocal as him, believe me, it's there, jealousy is in the air, which I believe is a first for her that's why she's doesn't really show it as much as Yong does.  Let's not forget that she is experiencing a lot of "firsts" with YongHwa and I believe that she's still deciphering and analyzing what's going on in her life.




The looks of Hyun while seeing the duets with both KyuHyun and Yong are quite different, her stare with Yong was sparkling and meaningful, while that of KyuHyun was more like in a professional way in that she may have been looking at him for the next cue to the song.  I know they've sang and rehearsed the song countless times but when it comes time to performance, actors/actresses and singers look to each other for their cue as to when they sing their part or the next lines.  As much as I love KyuHyun as a singer, I'm sorry to say that SeoHyun is not compatible to him because this guy is a very mischievous member of Super Junior and he already made her cry.  She's just too sweet of a girl to be anything more than his dongseng...again, my opinion.  I know that SeoHyun got herself the best "husband" to match her personality because YongHwa is the most patient man and knows how to handle her.  In the same token, Yong's ideal girl, Ueno Juri, is like he said just an Ideal.  God is not going to pair us with our Ideals immediately, I think he gives us the other person and makes us each other's ideals in the long run. 




With the last episode, being of the current time, we see the improvement and growth of this couple.  No awkwardness, no lack of conversation, no dead air (even when there's a lack of verbal conversation there's always the non-verbal communication), the sweetness and the "giddyness" that this couple brings us each week...such a pleasure.  And I commend the maturity of the majority of their fans in this thread, not to mention the diverse groups that are here, men, women, young adults and like me, the elder married women.  So let's not bring the "negative vibes" and interfere with our support for this couple, let's not entertain those who wish to tarnish the fun we have analyzing this couple, let's just be happy that despite their busy schedules, they have decided to continue on being a couple for this show and continue showing us their progress, just like real, normal people.




So enjoy the rest of the week...waiting for another lovely Goguma Day!  Best Regards to All.



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i like these videos...
































































watch it..
































































i love their eye contact..
































































YongSeo Couple - Oh My Goddess.
































































































































i hope TRAX and CNblue would do a special number..hehe... it would be daebak..
































































YongSeo Couple - What I want to Do If I have a Lover.
































































Yongseo Couple- Marry U such a cute video..
































































































































Yongseo Couple - When i Fall & Tomorrow
































































seo hyun got lots of AEgyo
































































Fan MV (Gorgeous Seohyun)
































































i super like this
































































Fan MV (YongSeo Couple-It Has To Be U) Yong Ver
































































Fan MV (YongSeo Couple-Calling Out) Love Makes Me Strong-Hyun Ver

































































































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OK!  drama fiasco aside!  tell me if this is not allowed.  i can't really tell.  just let me know or neg me.  wacko.gif




see my signature banner?  if you'd like one, i can make you one!  but it has to be yongseo-related, obviously, or can be one of the c.n.blue members.  just PM me with 1 HQ image and the text you want on it (short & sweet).




d_?????:  thanks for sharing those videos!  i've been having a hard time finding any fanvids – rather, i haven't bothered to look at any until now – and that first one was nice.  i'm curious what shows seo was on during her crying scenes though.  huh.gif


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Hi Goguma's.....

Just finished watched all YongSeo's episodes....when i watched both of them eye contact, suddenly this song came up....

You're just too good to be true.

Can't take my eyes off you.

You'd be like Heaven to touch.

I wanna hold you so much.

At long last love has arrived

And I thank God I'm alive.

You're just too good to be true.

Can't take my eyes off you.

Pardon the way that I stare.

There's nothing else to compare.

The sight of you leaves me weak.

There are no words left to speak,

But if you feel like I feel,

Please let me know that it's real.

You're just too good to be true.

Can't take my eyes off you.

I love you, baby,

And if it's quite alright,

I need you, baby,

To warm a lonely night.

I love you, baby.

Trust in me when I say:

Oh, pretty baby,

Don't bring me down, I pray.

Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you, stay

And let me love you, baby.

Let me love you.

You're just too good to be true.

Can't take my eyes off you.

You'd be like Heaven to touch

I wanna hold you so much.

At long last love has arrived

And I thank God I'm alive.

You're just too good to be true.

Can't take my eyes off you.

I love you, baby,

And if it's quite alright,

I need you, baby,

To warm a lonely night.

I love you, baby.

Trust in me when I say:

Oh, pretty baby,

Don't bring me down, I pray.

Oh, pretty baby, now that I found you, stay..

hahahhaha and it wont stop till now......how i wish the words come true......................

the current episode, i kept replay the part when Yong put his hand on Seohyun's right shoulder, coz at first i thought its only my imagination....but yes he did.......

oh, another one when i watched epi 23, suddenly this came up...Boys Over Flower.....Jun Pyo-Jandi-Ji Hoo....one quote....

" there are 2 men in my life...one will be my soulmate and another one will be my husband".....in this case is like reverse situation...

" there are 2 women in my life....one will be my ideal and another is my WIFE''.....hahahhahahah

edit :

1. i like Seohyun's outfit ( the brown jacket)

2. i like Yong's umbrella....so colourful......like rainbow

3. i wondering, what kind of smell did Seohyun mention when she went inside to switch on the light? good or bad?



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Thanks for sharing the videos, they all are good but this one...




















From Me




















new to make MV, pls ignore if u don't like



























































I justloved it, I´m crying hahaha... they are the sweetest couple ever!!!




















thanks for sharing, that was beautiful ^^





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Guest monie1909

Well,i guess i'm one of the ppl who wrote a comment that i feel upset with Yong regarding the 'bag' issue.i'm sorry that i didnt realise that it act hurt anybody for that matter cause i simply said that i feel bad when ppl feel happy Hyun feel hurt and jealous.The same feeling that i feel in the pool's episode towards Yong.It is unfair to said that,by feeling hurt for hyun,i'm taking side or being biased.As much as i love hyun,i love yong too.just because i simply make a statement that i didnt approve of what Yong did?Same situation when the episode of the bet between hyun and yong regarding banmal and genie dance,when i express that i dont understnd hyun stubborness of talking banmal with yong, a lot of ppl seem to be agree with it without saying it is bit unfair or i'm taking Yong side, until i remember blueswim post a long comment taking hyun side then we all shut our mouth about it.What i'm trying to said is,cant we express our opinion among ourselves cause this is the safest place for us to share our deepest,honest thots about Yongseo cause everyone here,i know love Yongseo.And for you guys to explain from your point of view too without being harsh on ppl who have diff view on the situation.We are diff ppl who see thing from diff perspective.If we were to express it outside,in allkpop or youtube for example..where the Real antis will take advantage of it,then make a big deal of it.What i dont understand is,why would some ppl assume we trying to create a competition between this two when some of us just simply express my discomfort towards last episode?It freakin ridiculous.Dont tell me that i dont support them both as much as you guys just because i simply express my discomfort of one side.I spend as much time as you guys supporting Yongseo and this thread..maybe more than some of you..so,the name calling..haters gonna hate,biases will be biases is just plain unfair..Well,i know we tend to keep this a happy,positive place..but what some of you guys wrote under spoiler,isnt helping to make it a positive,happy place too.Eventhough,u may said..i can opt not to read what is under the spoiler..but,be honest who can do that..Ok..off to go.Lastly,i'm sorry if i offended anyone by this post..and not putting it in spoiler.And,this is not another argument..just hope some ppl stop posting that for everyone trying to post diff view,it meant for competition,cause it is just plain absurb..and ridiculous.at least,for me.

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Guest sirius1430266457
































































































































































seriously i cant stand this anymore.yes i gotta admit im a big yonghwa fan.im really hurt when someone said bad things about him.but here is what i think.im silent lurker of this thread even before the first ep broadcasted.there will always be argument about this.
















































































































































honestly the problem is not about this couple.but the problem is us overprotective fans.i bet yonghwa and seohyun know about each other personality MORE than we know them through shows that we watch.but the problem is we love to overanalyzing things..in every relationship they will always be misunderstanding,there will always be a moment that we will feel hurt with our partner.thats life.people learn from mistake.they are still learning about each other.they are human beings like us.they do mistake.they are not perfect.i think seohyun already know how choding yonghwa can be and yonghwa know how naive seohyun is.
















































































































































but yeah,that is just my opinion.everyone free to have their own opinion right.i choose to just watch this show(this is just a show after all).
















































































































































eventhough sometimes i feel bad for yonghwa and seohyun :tears: .even us shipper sometimes can be really scary,i dunno bout the antis.
















































































































































sorry for my rambling.my english is not very good









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monie 1909:  i, myself, am pretty direct in my thoughts, and i hate censoring myself because it doesn't make me feel all that good.  an opinion is an opinion.  however, though i'm one of the newer folks on this forum, i learned that no one is saying you can't express yourself.  it's just that the fans of goguma (in this forum) like to keep a positive view.  to the many readers here, it's better to read about something nice about yongseo, even if it's untrue.  the idea is, "we can dream, so let us."




at least that's what i got from it.  and yes, feel free to express yourself, but the easiest way to avoid hurting others' feelings is to put anything you think might offend others/analyses under a spoiler cut.  i respect anyone who voices their opinions that differ from the majority, but we also need to respect the wishes of those who frequent this forum with nothing but love for the couple. smile.gif


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tks for answering me, purestupidity. hugsi love this part too, sufelman.maybe she 'accidently' did kicked him under the table ;):w00t: and when yong wanted to feed her, she refused,did u hear the "mmmm...." sound that hyun made?oohh......my heart melt when she did that... :wub:and also before that, when hyun said "she's pretty", yong said something.anyone know what he said?

ohhh... i'm sooo loving this! i don't think it's a maybe. i think she did accidentally kick him! haha if only WGM installs their cameras at every angle! thanks for pointing it out sufelman~!

First time posting in this thread ... Having read about this so called "bag incident" yesterday, I couldn't believe anyone was being negative about it after finally getting to see the english subs. Hyun just before it happened mentioned another guy (a character I think from Ueno Juri's drama) and several seconds later Yong gets back at Hyun for mentioning another guy by acting like he wouldn't carry her bag. Hyun is intelligent, she saw Yong's eyes get big when she said what she said, so I think she was definitely aware of Yong's joke. As a guy myself I know most of us guys will "joke" when we're even slightly jealous. Yong did exactly that. If another guy got mentioned and Yong didn't do anything, then he wouldn't care about Hyun and this would be just a job to him. And five minutes earlier Yong was joking about autographs at Hyun's school - he is joking about the same subject and hinting to her he gets jealous when any guys but himself are around her.I really believe both of them are developing feelings for each other and Tiffany in episode 12 or 13 I think, when she whispered Hyun is taking this seriously, well, it's really beginning to show more and more in Hyun's actions.

welcome to goguma world~~ & thanks for the analysis, otty~! luv it when yong shows his jealousy... kekeke luv ur post :)

this thread is going so fast that i am not sure when was the last time i posted something here. anyways my two cents on the ep 23 with their special guest ueno juri, this epi to me was pretty short just because i know they have the special guest but i agree with another comment here before (not sure who the user is) but the show lacked showing the interactions between the couple. it seems to me that this epi, if focused on the couple more, was more intimate in a way that you can see how comfortable they are to each other now compare to previous episodes. it was a nice reaction for sure to see yonghwa meeting his "ideal girl" with his "wife" present, but you can see that he was sticking beside his wife at all times, which i find very cute. i also noticed something about this episode, well more of the preview interview with that show (sorry again, can't find who the original post but it was that interview which he would choose his ideal girl or his wife and he said in response that an ideal is just an ideal and chooses his "wife") well anyways i was re-watching ep 9 when they went on that trip to see the sunrise (but failed since it was raining) and yonghwa "acted" jealous about seohyun's response to a radio interview about who she would choose between her ideal man (johnny depp) or him and she chose johnny depp, to me i think yonghwa responded to the question from the interviewer pretty smart in that he probably knows his "wife" will hear about it and chooses his wife over his ideal girl. anyways not sure if i am making any sense here, but i thought i would share that little something i noticed as to how they answered that question.i, like many other goguma fans out here, am super excited for the next epi which includes the other couples too. i think there will be a lot of skinship here for all couples and for sure from our YongSeo couple too, but then i just remembered that in their trip to the park in that haunted house, who got scared more? hehe wasn't it yonghwa who held on to seohyun? well from the preview i think yonghwa has toughed up and will protect his wife from anything. can't wait for this episode.and lastly i have a question, will they air the continuation for this special guest appearance of ueno juri? because i thought it was cut short plus they didn't do their mission to help her out with her fan meeting in korea, can anyone tell me please? i would love to see that episode too.well that's all for my ranting and maybe spazzing about yongseo coupling! until next time! :)p.s. thanks to jdlee for the subs and rdr who just released ep 22 subs too~!! you guys are great! :)

i luv how yong is being so considerate & sensitive towards his buin to the extent of avoiding any unnecessary contacts with juri. i find it very sweet & gentlemanly of him. i'm glad that hyun is finally experiencing relationship-type-of-jealousy! yong must be extremely happy to know that his buin is finally tasting jealousy! haha i've even a feeling that yong's mentioning of juri as his ideal girl is actually made up just to test hyun's reaction. 'cause if they've really discussed about what they should answer everytime the "I" question pops up, i'm sure hyun won't have mentioned about her being uneasy about his answer. i hope u get what i'm trying to say here. he's basically testing hyun's feeling for him since he still can't really read her totally. this shows how interested yong is in hyun... how he must've been yearning for her attention. and finally, he gets it! LOL at yong's sly moves!!! nonetheless, thumbs up to yong for risking that kinda move on hyun! xD

Having read all the points of view of this diverse thread, allow me as the elder goguma alien to comment on the past events.  JEALOUSY - such an ugly word but a very common occurrence in all relationships, whether between a couple or friends.  It may be a good thing and most definitely can be a very bad thing if taken out of context and abused by the other.  This couple is in a new relationship (6-7 months), sometimes it takes longer to mature and some are instantaneous.  There's nothing wrong with a little jealousy, it means the jealous person is showing that he/she cares and has the feeling of "proprietorship/ownership" towards the other.  As spectators of this couple, we feel sad towards the jealous one, but fear not, it shows that they care.  Although Hyun is not as obvious as Yong when he's jealous, and not as vocal as him, believe me, it's there, jealousy is in the air, which I believe is a first for her that's why she's doesn't really show it as much as Yong does.  Let's not forget that she is experiencing a lot of "firsts" with YongHwa and I believe that she's still deciphering and analyzing what's going on in her life.The looks of Hyun while seeing the duets with both KyuHyun and Yong are quite different, her stare with Yong was sparkling and meaningful, while that of KyuHyun was more like in a professional way in that she may have been looking at him for the next cue to the song.  I know they've sang and rehearsed the song countless times but when it comes time to performance, actors/actresses and singers look to each other for their cue as to when they sing their part or the next lines.  As much as I love KyuHyun as a singer, I'm sorry to say that SeoHyun is not compatible to him because this guy is a very mischievous member of Super Junior and he already made her cry.  She's just too sweet of a girl to be anything more than his dongseng...again, my opinion.  I know that SeoHyun got herself the best "husband" to match her personality because YongHwa is the most patient man and knows how to handle her.  In the same token, Yong's ideal girl, Ueno Juri, is like he said just an Ideal.  God is not going to pair us with our Ideals immediately, I think he gives us the other person and makes us each other's ideals in the long run.  With the last episode, being of the current time, we see the improvement and growth of this couple.  No awkwardness, no lack of conversation, no dead air (even when there's a lack of verbal conversation there's always the non-verbal communication), the sweetness and the "giddyness" that this couple brings us each week...such a pleasure.  And I commend the maturity of the majority of their fans in this thread, not to mention the diverse groups that are here, men, women, young adults and like me, the elder married women.  So let's not bring the "negative vibes" and interfere with our support for this couple, let's not entertain those who wish to tarnish the fun we have analyzing this couple, let's just be happy that despite their busy schedules, they have decided to continue on being a couple for this show and continue showing us their progress, just like real, normal people.So enjoy the rest of the week...waiting for another lovely Goguma Day!  Best Regards to All.

i luv ur post too~!!! xD thanks for sharing~! *hugs*
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