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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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omgirly, thanks for sharing the news~! i guess yong was just being a fan boy of juri's... i'm sure we'll act that way once we meet our "idol"! after all, he did say that in one or two of the variety shows that an Ideal doesn't mean anything... and i believe it when he said that ;) he's also human like the rest of us... and we human tend to make mistakes. so let's not take this too hard. well, i'm also sure that hyun could've felt a tinge of jealousy when yong immediately approached juri and said that she's his ideal. kekekeke i'd luv to see that! xD (nooo i sound like a sadist! >.<)

edit: although yong said that juri's his ideal... but the feeling is different. and obviously, thanks to d3, he had shown his feelings for hyun in front of billions!!! xD

panGG, i'm also glad nothing happened to the girls. thank God they're still alive & they even have a big hit from their album! :w00t:

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from my lame translator it mentions that yongseo couple will play a game of pool against the other cn blue members! i guess it must be after the magic show. but not too sure. can anyone else translate?!?! please and thank you :)

































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Guest dolphina




Hello Goguma Lovers ^^


tomorrow is Saturday!!!! ,, longgggggggggg time to wait..


anyway, about preview txt .. i can 'roughly' translate only this part ..


그리고 씨엔블루 도련님들과 함께 다시 한 번 당구장을 찾은 용화♡서현!


용서부부 vs. 종현, 정신, 민혁 도련님들의 숨 막히는 포켓볼 대결! 과연 승자는 누구?


They'll go to play pocket POOL together!!!


Yongseo team VS 3boys..


above this part.. it's abt MINHYUK magic show !!! >O<!


OMO!!! cant wait.. <3


edit : panGG : Opps!!! our translations seem like each other ...:w00t:   :lol:


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Guest pancakes&flappyjacks
































































































































































































































































Hi fellow gogumas...
































































































































































































Tried translating the preview.
































































































































































































I'm still a beginner at the language..so bear with me...
































































































































































































Preview from IMBC WGM page:
































































































































































































Flowerboys brother-in-laws' magic...magic...
































































































































































































Taste of cream spaghetti 'overloaded' with cheese and sea-flavoured kimchi finally revealed.
































































































































































































The brother-in-laws tried tasting. Out of 10 points, how many points will be given to sister-in-law Hyun's cooking?
































































































































































































Meanwhile, in order to celebrate Hyun's visit to the dorm, a magic show will be presented by Minhyuk and his beautiful assistant Jung Shin.
































































































































































































However, while watching the magic show with starry eyes, what did Seohyun bear and a secret that cannot be said?
































































































































































































And,once again Hyun and Yong went to play billiard with the brother-in-laws.
































































































































































































The couple vs the brother-in-laws in a breathtaking pool showdown.
































































































































































































Who will be the winner?
































































































































































































































































































































































































Please feel free to edit....

































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Guest luvlichan

oh! i miss YongSeo Couple.. i cant watch WGM right now coz im busy on my studies.... i really really miss yong and her cute wifey hyun! can i share these pics? love their performance is Incheon Music Fastival! they are wonderfully cute together! all hail YongSeo! ♥♥♥




credits to: iamyollie@sweetpotatoIntForum

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YES! @ hihi_hehe, panGG, and dolphina - You all are so right about the translation!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is the rough translation from Chinese Baidu:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Minhyuk will perform magic and Jungshin will be Minhyuk's "pretty" assistant.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun who fully concentrated on Minhyuk performance had later made a confession(?) that left Minhyuk in full embarrassment, what was the secret?































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And Yong Seo couple had later played pool AGAINST the CN Blue boys, who will win?
































































































































































































































































































Erm ... my wild guess of Minhyuk's embarrassment is SeoHyun saw the flaws of Minhyuk's magic performance and later made a confession by telling him she saw the flaw?
































































































































































































































































































And my wishful thinking of the boys pool scene... they will bet against each other and the boys will suggest penalty for Yong Seo couple such as hug each other or even ... bobo? LOL! *forgive me*
































































































































































































































































































Also, not sure if this was discussed before, the Goguma fans in Baidu also mentioned after the pool game, Yong Seo couple stayed behind and played more pool. I am not sure if this is part of WGM or some fan account after.
































































































































































































































































































ps: also @ hihi_hehe: I think Yong will FAINT if Seohyun wear hot pants in front of him. He won't be able to look at her at all!

















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Guest luvlichan















just found this on allkpop:











Jung Yong Hwa’s ideal woman is Japanese actress Ueno Juri



During a press conference for the opening of the live-action movie for popular anime series Nodame Cantabile, actress Ueno Juri discussed her experience meeting CNBLUE’s lead singer Jung Yong Hwa.  Apparently, the two met during a recording for “We Got Married.”  After seeing the Japanese actress at the movie opening, Jung Yong Hwa is said to have approached her immediately, saying that she was his “ideal” woman.Ueno Juri states that it was funny seeing him act so nervously around her.  She stated that she told him, “I tried to make him comfortable by telling him that I’m not a movie star.  I’m a normal person.”She also added that “We Got Married” seems like an entertaining show.








Fans of the show are probably wondering what Seohyun will have to say about all this.





















hm? really... i wish this news is not real.. hehe.. but yes, i agree, what SeoHyun would say about this? hm.. if i was her, i will feel, jealous.. bcoz my husband have an "ideal girl" and its seems that he "likes" that girl.. what would you feel about that if you were in SeoHyun's situation? hehe..








oh! Yong Hwa, make SeoHyun cry and i will break your legs.. <that's from My Fair Lady> wahaha.. hmm. i think, Yong Seo is entering to the next level of their "relationship".. Hwaiting~!!





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Guest hihi_hehe














luvlichan: as much as I want to see Seohyun being jealous, it's kinda impossible to see that side of her ... don't forget Seohyun is a big fan of the movie, and she really likes her husband's "I" too :rolleyes:










As for Yonghwa, it's understandable, he meets his "I", and has some "reactions", that's just normal. That ep will be epic, not for us, but Yonghwa and Seohyun too










But don't you think, seeing Hyun jealous is a good sign? We normally see Yonghwa jealous of Jungmo, and even his members. That just shows how much he likes Seohyun, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that Seohyun doesn't like him, I want to see a jealous side of Hyun. That is just something new about Seohyun I would like to discover










ppsf: thanks for the translation, kekek so they will play pool again? seems like Yonghwa likes to play pool :phew:










Tomorrow guys, tomorrow !



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Guest DJHinata

i have a question why you can't watch WGM , it's only 30 minuts for less ~~  so i think if you watch WGM with yongseo couple you have more power to go to studies !! well that works for me ~  \( ·___· )/ Gook luck everyone in your studies

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Guest lovekim
























































Thanks everyone for the news and translation. (sooo many of you talented gogumas...we are very blessed!)








































Ok...here's something that made me excited and smiley. Hope it's not a double post.








































Credits: the incredible gogumas on baidu and DC. especially xiao yu, frashday!
































































































































































Look at what's fastened on his guitar strap!! Sooooo cute!! Happy 200th day to YongSeo!! hahaha!









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Guest heartbreak_warfare22
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong's "I" has been a hot topic a hundred pages back. and there have been speculations that Hyun was the one who introduced Nodame Cantabile to Yong. Its natural for Yong to like the drama and the actress in Nodame, since Hyun introduced it to him. remember, Hyun also gave him books, then read all those books and then started to really like reading. in a radio interview, when he was asked who is his ideal girl, he answered since he is into dramas lately, he likes Nodame Cantabile, so his ideal girl is Ueno Juri. but after that, when asked again about his ideal girl, he always answers that ideal is just ideal, it doesn't mean anything. So to him, if ideal doesn't mean anything, saying that Ueno Juri is his ideal doesn't mean anything. besides, he is a fan of the drama, just like Hyun. and he never answered "Seohyun" to the question "who is ideal girl?" to me, this means something. sorry, just babbling randomly.

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Nat-sshi

Thank you again for the translation, pics, comm, fancams and the MV to everyone! ;)

Thank you for your answer crystal_malfoy , im waiting for the pass word now ;)

One more day and we can see our lovely couple!! im so exited!!!

BTW can't wait to listen the new cnblue's song and specialy the yong's one! I'm curious about the lyrics..maybe an other love song for his wife!! :)


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Re: News about Ueno Juri's comment on Yong

Just want to point out something.

I just read the news from jungyonghwa.cn that the article only mentioned about Yong's shocked and unbeievale feeling of meeting with his idol right in front of him. But Ueno Juri tried to make him more at ease by imitating her role in the drama. Soon, the exciting Yong turned to be more natural and treated her like a friend. The 3 of them had a good time together. Ueno commented that she was so happy to spend time with the couple, with a feeling of visiting a buddy's home. She promised Yong to watch CN blue's showcase in Japan later.


1/ Yong did not approach her , saying to her that he was his ideal, right? 'cause the previous article in allkpop said that they met in the Movie's opening?

2/ Yong's excitment can be understood. I guess the WGM took Ueno to their home without telling them in advance. NO wonder YOng kept on saying unbelievable and that he was dreaming

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Guest littlebiebie

@ lovekim What is it?I tried to zoom the pin but it's just blur.. Could you please explain to us?

@ ppsf So they are going to play pool again.. I like the idea Yongseo being punished by bro in law.. Qeqeqe.. can't wait :rolleyes:

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hey guysss... i found this vid... not sure what they're talking about... but i see Seohyun's name there. any kind goguma care to explain as my chinese sucks big time! xD [MTV壹級娛樂100902]-Seohyun(徐玄SNSD)為師兄跨刀拍攝MV .News but my guess is that they were talking about hyun's success???? anyway, putting aside that trivial matter... jeng, jeng, jeng~!!! *dugeun-dugeun*

genxv has just unveiled something! genxv, i hope u won't mind me posting ur vid before u even inform us about it! it's what we've been anticipating for..... :wub:

the beautiful MV....

Angel SeoHyun

edit: desirenhope gahhh that pic is indeed a spoiler!!! it makes me upset that it isn't hyun's who's linking arm with yong. we haven't even seen them linking arm together >.< ohh wwelll... but maybe they've already linked arm in secret? *my wishful thoughts* :huh:

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Guest miel_1301

Have these been shared? If so, re-posting them wouldn't hurt, right?

Seobaby, with her unnies, @Incheon Departure

cr: on pic+cloudsaerif@snsdthread


Fancams of SNSD [seobaby, Taeyeon, Fany, Yuri and Yoona] Arrival @LAX

[Fancam] 100902 SNSD @ LAX Airport



[sM Fancam] SNSD arriving at LAX


@kaptenkeirin, your banners are awesome. I know you won't mind me grabbing two of them, right?

@crystal_malfoy, thanks for that airport "couple pic". I was hoping someone would put those (separate) airport captures of our couple parallel to each other and there it goes. It seems that YongHwa has been lately showing his penchant for color white. At yesterday's performance with his CN Blue bros at the Incheon Opening, they were all wearing those simple white polo shirts with undershirts. YongHwa looks neat in white and looks smokin' hot in black. hahaha!

And thanks, too, for the link to the vid with romanization of TRAX's "Oh! My Goddess!". Darn! Who is the main composer of TRAX? I gathered they write their own songs, too, right? And is it just me? The song "Oh! My Goddess" seemed to have been composed and tailored-cut made for Seobaby.

@pancakes&flappyjacks, ppsf and dolphina thank you for the trans of the preview to episode 22 and to hihi_hehe for the original text preview.

So there will be another pool/billiard game but this time between YongSeo VS Jonghyun-Jungshin-Minhyuk. Could there be another "bet" for this competition? Could the YongSeo "rumored" peck/kiss on the cheek be connected to this game? Could there be a "truth" to that rumor?

@lovekim, pardon my being "slow" for today. My endorphin level is kinda low. But can you tell me what that "cute pin" on his guitar strap is? I can't seem to decipher it with my eyes.hahaha!

@desirenhope, thanks for sharing the pic of YongHwa with IU, as award presenters, at the 37th Korea Broadcasting Prizes. I gathered that SNSD will be the recipient of the "Singer Award" from that ceremony but too bad the girls are in the US. I wonder who will receive the award on their behalf.

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Guest monie1909

Guys,cant help but notice that some of you did well with the preview translation..here another mission for you..hehe..a pretty details articles news about Yong,Hyun and Juri Ueno meeting yesterday.I think It mention about their meeting at Sushi place,Juri Ueno already watch about Yongseo in youtube before,Tamaki Hiroshi as Hyun ideal that didnt appear that day and Hyun have nodame piano bag..But,of course,it is based on my own understanding from google translater..Hope fellow gogumas can help translate this news..sure will put a smile in your faces..


Edit:MrsAthenaG..thank you for the download link and the p/w..you are jjang.. :lol::D

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Seohyun's great change

Seungri-Seohyun Star Bell

She was kind of awkward!

Beautiful Girl

Though she tried to show some attraction to Lee Seung Gi, I must say it she was pretty yet not match with her style at that time (sorry for Hyun's fan, not mean to offend)

The point I want to make is


Please see our charismatic Hyun when singing the seductive Run Devil Run with her Yong and how lovely and shy naturally she was when singing Love Light in front of the person who composed this song with her in his mind.

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Guest lovekim
























































Oops!! Sorry...in my excitement, I didnt explain enough.








































It's a DIY badge, with the number 200 written on it. So, the gogumas are thinking it was made by YongSeo that morning, to celebrate their 200th day!








































And 2 other tidbits from Xiao Yu, the duet was requested by the concert organisers and not by WGM crew. AND!! they had to return to their home after the concert to continue filming WGM!!! hahaha!








































But the poor kids, such a tight tight schedule for the month of September. CNBlue is like gonna be away for 2 weeks from 15/09/10 onwards. sigh...








































desirenhope! thanks for the pic! at least with the ring ding dong...he's telling everyone, "I'm Married!" haha!








































here's a photo taken by PureStupidity when she was in Incheon for the concert. i didnt post it that day coz the thread was like flying 10 pages per minute. Haha! (thanks dear!)

















































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