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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest myblue










Hi guys! thank God its friday! ;) my apology for my1st message..:sweatingbullets:  Thank you so much to all the contributors of this thread! Good job guys!






@santak.. kumwapta;) now we can see the other side of Yong, as some of our gogoma's were worried seeing his serious look during their performance.. now no more doubting and sadden feeling alright;)






cant wait for tommorow! its killing me!!!



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Guest kasia3goguma
















































































Hello :)






























































































































































Great idea with the question:






























































































































































For me I think it's SOMETHING EVEN BETTER!
















































Our couple always surprise us, so I'm waiting for something really HUGE this time!































































































Thank You all for all the news, pics etc...! Without you I wouldn't know what's going on in Yongseo World, because I have soo many things to do on my university... :wacko: So lately I'm more like a lurker, ehh...
















































I still don't know what to say about Wedding Photoshoot Episode, so I'm waiting for another part (Saturday..... can't wait!) and then I will write something more, cause I have the feeling that the best things we will see on Saturday!
















































Two things from DC Married:I like them a lot ;) !

















































































































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Guest cursedblue
































Hi goguma around the world.. i want to ask something about wgm ost especially on wedding episode. (ep.46). does anyone know what ost title/singer in the very end in this episode?

















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I update my fanfic, Run Devil Run. Here's chapter 8 :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope you enjoy it ^___^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Have a nice day Gogumas. It's one more day before Saturday!

































































































































































































































































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BOBO this Saturday?!   Eh, I don't think so!   Yong would like it, but I don't think Hyun is there yet, skinship wise!

















BUT, these two always have a way of surprising us!  If they do, I would have to think they've already done it off camera!  :wub:

















I would love it if after NaYoung and Seulong tease them about it, Yong and Hyun talk it over, discuss it like they always do, Yong asks her, 'do you want to do it, it's just a little kiss?' and Hyun does her 'Let's go!'   I would probably just pass out.........:w00t: 

















But really, I don't see it happening, maybe just a chaste peck on the cheek or forehead, I think Hyun is too protective of her innocent image to allow a kiss on the lips (especially on camera).

















I keep watching the photo shoot over again and watching certain parts that seem to me to be really sweet.  The part where the photog says 'The bride is pretty!'  and Yong says, 'She's pretty?!' like he didn't know it or believe it, she just cracks up laughing.   First, it looks like she was raising her hand to hit him again, then she just goes spastic with laughter, her face is so smiling from ear to ear.   She can't even talk, she starts to say something and just goes 'wooooo-hoooooo!' or something that sounds like that.  If she had water in her mouth she probably would have spewed it out of her nose.  it was just so cute.  Yong thought she said, 'kill', and she says,'You wouldn't die!'  I'm not sure what this exchange meant, but it was cute, cute, cute and Hyun just looks and acts so bubbly and happy.  that SNSD girl has lost her tight control over her emotions because of that CN Blue boy!


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I saw a few posts here and there about them dating and if to reveal it or not. Maybe it's just me, but I honestly don't seem to care if they do or not (if they were to really date). Not like I wouldn't jump a hole in the air if they do, but if they're the ones comfortable not doing so then I feel like we don't have any business to do with it. Though I guess a part of my reason has something to do with my repulsiveness towards certain (overly obsessed) fans who believe to have the right to know and/or feel betrayed when their idol happens to date. Maybe I'm too rational or realistic to ever understand, but really, the person on their screen isn't theirs. An artist's job isn't to keep his fans happy and satisfied, but to give the world what he/she does best and loves most. But then again, Kpop world is... well, a different story.

speaking of which!  i can't remember if it was aisuo who translated that, but can anyone point me in the direction of said translations?  whether or not they're both secretly referring to seo, i just get a kick out of it.
































































































Oh, I got mentioned, lol. Actually I don't think it was me. You probably got confused with the translations I provided for that conference(?) in Thailand in which the MC/reporter asked if they had girlfriends. The one you're talking about is the ideal type one. I checked it again and indeed, right after Yonghwa spoke about his ideal type, Minhyuk mentioned that the person you like becomes your ideal type. Though it wasn't that that I found the interview quite cute, but more because of Yonghwa's reaction to that statement.
































































































About the kiss... I'm actually quite convinced that there will be none. Either it's a fake kiss or no kiss at all. Seohyun is actually the one who decides on the pace of their relationship and I don't believe she feels comfortable having a kiss (either on the lips or cheek or hand) in front of so many people. I have a feeling Yonghwa won't be that brave to take the first step either.
































































































That is, unless they have kissed before. Heh.
































































































Oh, and I'm quite surprised with the second wedding picture... I can't remember having seen Seohyun smiling that... radiant(?) before in photo shoots. I think it was Aneng who mentioned it also. Seohyun's smile is often quite stiff to me. (Don't kill me, lol.) But she looks really happy here. Awww.

















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Guest winbros
































































































































































































































































































































































































Annyeong Go-Chun chingus...
































































































































First off.... @soshi3, bro I told you its too early to cold turkey, especially with a DAEBAK episode just around the corner (it's tomorrow!!!  Saturday paliiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!).   And I won't be surprised at all for tomorrow's episode to trump last week's episode!  :D
































































































































On the "surprise" at the photoshoot, while we have been hit with the "unexpected" each time, I agree with luvtokki and those of you who think that there won't be a kiss unless Hyun allows it.  It's really her character (i.e. TRAX video) but it would totally blow me away if she were to be the one to give a peck to Yong on the cheek.............. wowser on that. :wub:
































































































































On some of our comments about how happy her smile looks in the picture, after having re-watched the episodes like the rest of you, I have the same conclusion, that she looks really happy and is positively beaming during the shoot.  Yong can't stop his cheek bursting smiles as well, the photoshoot poses something really special for them.  And when you look at wallpaperfood's pic of Hyun and her unnies, wall(ie) has it absolutely spot on when pointing out that Hyun does not really smile beyond her mouth/lips, her smile does not reach her eyes....  So to see her positively beaming in the picture & during the 1st wedding shoot episode is pretty amazing.  If you hunt down some of the other variety programs that Hyun participates in, you'll pretty much see the same.  She's generally quiet and doesn't really beam much vs. her unnies, she looks all serious and business-like unlike what we saw last week and the weeks before when she's filming with Yong.  Again, she might just be a great actress (come see Mt. Everest-like mountain in Singapore for those of you who think she is) or she could just be in L.O.V.E...... :wub:
































































































































@KuroNeko116 on your post - I really like what you wrote and strongly believe that Yongseo would be what you wrote "a relationship like theirs can exist. That  it doesn't have to be complicated if you don't make it complicated.  That relationships are give and take. That being in a relationship is a  beautiful thing and should be appreciated. That having someone wanting  to know and understand you on that level is a privilege. "  That's who they are, they will work together to succeed in whatever they do together, that is their commitment to each other.  And I hope that you will find your equivalent of Yong in due time and have a long and happy relationship when you do.
































































































































Ah well, it's a full day of work for me today and then SATURDAY tomorrow!!!   I can't wait to spazz again.
































































































































EDIT:  Thanks Aneng for the preview link and M3 for the quick translation, you guys are awesome!

































































































































































































































































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[Yong's pick] Fleur dress
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omo omo... :wub: only 2 days left and it's driving us ALL crazy! why are the days going by soooo slow!!!! :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kiss in forehead
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1) YongSeoRockin
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2) SeLeNe_Alai07
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kiss in hand
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Kiss in cheek
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Simulating a kiss
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Something even better
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest aneng
















































































































































용화♡서현 : 용서부부의 웨딩촬영 2탄! 뽀뽀해도 될까요...?




































































지난 주, 극강 미모를 뽐내며 웨딩 촬영을 하던 용서부부!




































































두 사람을 응원하기 위해 ‘깜짝 들러리’ 김나영과 임슬옹이 촬영장을 급습하고~




































































그들은 용서부부에게 ‘뽀뽀 신’에 대비하여 자꾸만 ‘가글을 하라’고 밀어붙이는데~




































































과연 ‘정용화 신랑님’과 ‘서현 신부님’의 반응은?




































































기타, 반지, 책 등의 소품으로 둘만의 스토리 촬영을 이어 나가는 용화♡서현!




































































이 때, 용서부부를 얼어붙게 만든 ‘고난도(?) 포즈’! 과연 두 사람은 잘 해낼 수 있을








































































































































그리고, 사진작가가 현 부인에게 직접 주문한 ‘오빠에 대한 고마움의 표시’는 무엇?




































































현 부인은 ‘고마움의 표시’를 잘 할 수 있을지~ 용서부부의 웨딩 촬영 스토리 2탄 전




































































격 공개~!!





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Guest MountainMadman

Thanks to Aneng for the tip.

용화♡서현 : 용서부부의 웨딩촬영 2탄! 뽀뽀해도 될까요...?

지난 주, 극강 미모를 뽐내며 웨딩 촬영을 하던 용서부부!

두 사람을 응원하기 위해 ‘깜짝 들러리’ 김나영과 임슬옹이 촬영장을 급습하고~

그들은 용서부부에게 ‘뽀뽀 신’에 대비하여 자꾸만 ‘가글을 하라’고 밀어붙이는데~

과연 ‘정용화 신랑님’과 ‘서현 신부님’의 반응은?

기타, 반지, 책 등의 소품으로 둘만의 스토리 촬영을 이어 나가는 용화♡서현!

이 때, 용서부부를 얼어붙게 만든 ‘고난도(?) 포즈’! 과연 두 사람은 잘 해낼 수 있을


그리고, 사진작가가 현 부인에게 직접 주문한 ‘오빠에 대한 고마움의 표시’는 무엇?

현 부인은 ‘고마움의 표시’를 잘 할 수 있을지~ 용서부부의 웨딩 촬영 스토리 2탄 전

격 공개~!! 

Yonghwa♡Seohyun: YongSeo Couple's Wedding Photoshoot, Episode 2! Is it okay if we kiss...?

Last week, the YongSeo couple flaunting their looks as they took their wedding pictures!

To cheer on the two people, the "surprise best men" Kim Nayoung and Im Seulong invades the shoot~

They keep teasing the couple about preparing for the "kiss scene" and tell them to "gargle your mouths"~

What will be "Yonghwa groom" and "Seohyun bride"'s reaction?

Using their guitar, ring, books, etc. to carry on a shoot about their personal history!

The "high-intensity(?)" pose that freezes up the YongSeo Couple! Will they be able to pull it off?

And, the "sign of thanks to her oppa" that the photographer specially ordered from Hyun?

Will Hyun wife be able to show her "sign of thanks" well~YongSeo couple's Wedding Shoot story Episode 2, finally revealed~!!

And...happy reading, leave some Advil...please...

The Eighteenth Stanza - 관습도감 (Royal Stanza)

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Guest Anink








































" KISS Gues Game "
























Kiss in forehead
























1) YongSeoRockin
























2) SeLeNe_Alai07
























Kiss in hand
























Kiss in cheek
























1) Anink "( hyun kiss yong cheek)"
























Simulating a kiss
























Something even better









































































































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I totally got a kick out of this earlier today....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr:gogumalove@tumblr + Lauren Jill
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































as for the kissing game....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Kiss in forehead
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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






























































































































No Kiss































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































don't blame me for trying to keep my expectations low!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































EDIT: Thank you M3 for translating the preview! I hope you get well soon!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest zheezy




Thanks to Aneng for the tip.


Yonghwa♡Seohyun: YongSeo Couple's Wedding Photoshoot, Episode 2! Is it okay if we kiss...?


Last week, the YongSeo couple flaunting their looks as they took their wedding pictures!


To cheer on the two people, the "surprise best men" Kim Nayoung and Im Seulong invades the shoot~


They keep teasing the couple about preparing for the "kiss scene" and tell them to "gargle your mouths"~


What will be "Yonghwa groom" and "Seohyun bride"'s reaction?


Using their guitar, ring, books, etc. to carry on a shoot about their personal history!


The "high-intensity(?)" pose that freezes up the YongSeo Couple! Will they be able to pull it off?


And, the "sign of thanks to her oppa" that the photographer specially ordered from Hyun?


Will Hyun wife be able to show her "sign of thanks" well~YongSeo couple's Wedding Shoot story Episode 2, finally revealed~!!


And...happy reading, leave some Advil...please...


The Eighteenth Stanza - 관습도감 (Royal Stanza)









M3 thank very much for translating this. It's just a morning where I am and first thing I do is check on this thread and found this preview news, It's make me feel very very exciting what will going on this week!!!


Today gonna be a good day & tmrw gonna be the great day.



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Guest wandita

hello gogumas!

is my first ime here, and I want to ask your support for uri Yongseo couple,

please vote here, just press the little tiger¿? all the times as you can!

thanks!!!!! :)! and sorry for my poor english :)

regards from chile!

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Guest zero_one


Thanks to Aneng for the tip.

Yonghwa♡Seohyun: YongSeo Couple's Wedding Photoshoot, Episode 2! Is it okay if we kiss...?

Last week, the YongSeo couple flaunting their looks as they took their wedding pictures!

To cheer on the two people, the "surprise best men" Kim Nayoung and Im Seulong invades the shoot~

They keep teasing the couple about preparing for the "kiss scene" and tell them to "gargle your mouths"~

What will be "Yonghwa groom" and "Seohyun bride"'s reaction?

Using their guitar, ring, books, etc. to carry on a shoot about their personal history!

The "high-intensity(?)" pose that freezes up the YongSeo Couple! Will they be able to pull it off?

And, the "sign of thanks to her oppa" that the photographer specially ordered from Hyun?

Will Hyun wife be able to show her "sign of thanks" well~YongSeo couple's Wedding Shoot story Episode 2, finally revealed~!!

And...happy reading, leave some Advil...please...

The Eighteenth Stanza - 관습도감 (Royal Stanza)



thx for the translation

im really curious bout Hyun SIGN OF THANKS to Yong

a back hug maybe hehehehehe


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Guest dangshin

About the Guessing GAME:

i'll go for a KISS ON THE CHEEK

I remember joongbo couple like Yongseo is quite awkward Having some skinship on their photoshoot the photographer pleaded for them to do A Quick Kiss on the CHEEK.. hehehe.. :-) if this really happens i Wish it's not just on One Go! hahaha.. :-)

and yongseomania.. - i like your post about the Wiki.. hehe..  who knows.. it may come true.. ^_^

Good day Everyone!

-dangshin ♥♥♥

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OK What do we think and what do we know.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From last week's preview I think that what got our couple flustered was NaYoung's statment about needing to gargle after eating snacks. Let's face it she could give Yong a run for the money in the choding, cheesy line area. (Is it only me that thinks NaYoung and Seulong kind of go together very well?)































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What I can't figure out is what Yong wants to make sure is done in one take. I think the lying on the floor maybe a reinactment of the wake up scene but if we are talking about an almost pretend kiss then that doesn't have to be done in one shot.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What do I know, still absolutely nothing and so again, I expect the unexpected.

































































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Guest seohyun_yh

































































 I think Hyun is too protective of her innocent image to allow a kiss on the lips (especially on camera).
































































I don´t think it.
































































Seohyun, she´s a deep thinker.  A kiss can mean many things to her (new feelings and emotions)  initially, adam´s couple, Jo kwon didn´t wanted to kiss to gain, he  said  the feelings can be seen involved about it. Seohyun´s a shy girl  and to give a kiss can be difficult for her, because this world is new  for her.
































































WGM is a cruel TV show, where they play with Yongseo´s feelings and the feelings of their fans, XD but i love Yongseo yet... XD
































































Although it´s a simple TV show,  it could be impossible for them to feel nothing at all.
































































Seohyun has grown considerably in this tv show, Yonghwa  touched Seohyun´s legs.

































































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Guest SophiaPia
























































Thanks aneng for the preview :)























































































Thanks M3 for the translations :)























































































YongSeo, still very much married precious still on wub.gifwub.gif























































































for guessing game, as much as i like KISS on the lips or just smack kiss. I think it will never happen sweatingbullets.gif So, i'm wishing Kiss on Cheek :) but i think it's only almost kiss kekeke! but yeah i wish Kiss on the cheek :)























































































Tomorrow Saturday paliiiii please.























































































Cheers to all









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