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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia








































what can i say, hubby Yong really expressing his feelings to wife Hyun so so sweet wub.gifw00t.gifwub.gif so, the words hubby like to hear from wife Hyun is I Love You weeeeee! 
























we are going to love each other, we are going to love each other FOREVER OMG! 















































In Japanese mag interview. They ask hubby Yong what u want to give to your future girlfriend. Hubby Yong said, i give her a song. So this is it  Yes! YongSeo couple Real and InLove for the 1st timewub.gif w00t.gifwub.gif
























btw... i'm from Philippines who lives in Brunei.
























































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Guest jazziejec





hello!! interesting...






just wondering..what will be the whole song sounds like?? i think, this song will be Yonghwa's POV regarding their "Banmal Relationship"..(",)






@glennpaulo:  i think you have a point there..a possibility..that's why when he read the mission he's kinda disappointed..i think for him..it's kinda a "personal" song..


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Guest justbulan
















































































Here's Banmal's Lyrics. Credits to sweetpotatodays Chatbox.
































































but don't say Thank-you formally, just speak friendlier































































































































we are going to be banmal relationship
































































please come to me gradually
































































and look into my eyes and say, I love you
































































When I hold your hands,































































































































I feel like my heart stops
































































I don't remember what I talk
































































my hearts just flutter
































































we are going to love each other
































































I won't let your hands go, forever
































































I want to cherish you
































































my eyes seeing you tell, "I love you"































































































































i believe those bold line refer to japan trip episode.. remember how surpirsed yong during that night when seohyun initiate the skinship?w00t.gif
































































and during the conversation after they went to mini market, seohyun said "thank you" and yong asked her again.. "thank you and what?" or something like that..( can anyone conrfirm this? i remembered i watched something like that on that episode but maybe it's just my imagination..) and i believe he saw that during that conversation.. 
































































w00t.gifARRGHHH!!!!!  i want to hear the song rite now so badly!!! T_T

















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Guest anne0129
























OMG!!!! Okay! You can hunt me down but right now I am in love with Jung Yong Hwa. If there is anyway to kidnap this romantic young man I would. Why can't all guys be as romantic and sweet as him? When I read that lyrics, my heart just exploded with jealousy. I wonder if the trolls in allkpop have seen this. They kept getting angry at Yong for releasing it on his own and not as a duet with Hyun....I wonder if they will eat their words now. They said they won't buy the song because it is now a solo of Yong....hehehe!!! Hyun is so lucky....I bet her SNSD sisters are squealing with jealousy too. Hahaha!!! Please guys, but it legally. In sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com, they are buying it in bulk I think. May be you can ask if you can join them.
















Thanks for the rough translation. Hope MountainMadman or anyone can help us translate it properly. Can't wait to hear it soon. 12am please come faster.





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Guest wishwash
































































Hi everyone,
































A slightly longer chinese-to-english translation of "For the First-Time Lovers". Take note especially of the last 2 paragraphs of the chorus... <3
































































Chinese lyrics from →凝滐◎茴← of Baidu Goguma Bar
































































For the First-Time Lovers
































































That day I met you for the first time
































Saw your shy but bright smile
































From today on, we will be closer
































Anticipating with excitement everyday
































































What should I say to you
































What should I do to make you smile
































Would it be awkward if I put my hands out
































Leaving only an unnatural smile
































































We will have a mutual banmal relationship
































Although it’s still a little strange and unnatural
































Compared to words like “thank you”
































Speak to me in friendlier terms
































































We will have a mutual banmal relationship
































Step by step, walk towards me slowly
































Look at me in the eyes now and say
































I love you
































































That day I held hands with you
































It felt like my heart stopped
































What did I say? I can’t remember
































Till now I’m still feeling excited
































































We will have a mutual banmal relationship
































Although it’s still a little strange and unnatural
































Compared to words like “thank you”
































Speak to me in friendlier terms
































































We will have a mutual banmal relationship
































Step by step, walk towards me slowly
































Look at me in the eyes now and say
































I love you
































































We will have a loving relationship
































Hold your hands and not let go forever
































Hopefully in your eyes
































There will only be smiles of happiness
































































We will have a loving relationship
































Look forward to loving you comfortably* (* or naturally)
































When you look into my eyes
































And say
































I love you

































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Guest uh-ohxev
















































Ah YONG SEOBANG! These lyrics are so sweet, I can feel my heart burst! :wub:
















I think the unnies will collapse when they hear this song.. I wish I knew Seohyuns reaction! OMG! Imagine Yonghwa sings this version to Seohyun, on a candlelight dinner on their anniversary... am i going to far into this?! :lol: I'm just so happy with these lyrics.. aigoo.. YongSeo is so real! Someone please get these 2 to marry foreal. They can be the first to get married while still being idols! :wub:

















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so... 'A Song For First-Time Couples' (subtitle: BanMal Song) will release at 12:00 AM?? (KST, isn't it)

oohh... I hate that tomorrow I must go to school.. I must go to sleep earlier.. wish I can spazzing together with you, guys.. T.T

but... see just that song will booming as soon as it release..

and also the lovely cover pict (i even use it become my 'lappy' desktop.. ^^)

and also one thing.. not long time ago (?) I just realized that I have one song that really..... match to our lovely couple.. The way you look at Me - Christian Bautista.. when I heard it just like the scene of our couple playing in my head..

but since I can't a FMV.. (T.T) I really thankful if there's someone'll make it.. (just asking)

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Guest closetfanboy










OH MYYYYY the lyrics are too sweet. If Yong was really thinking of Hyun the entire time he was writing the song then this is probably a confession! Or am I just imagining things hahaha. Gosh, I really hope they get together for real.






Here's a random thought that appeared in my mind as I read the lyrics: Yong is playing the song for Hyun, it's just the two of them, he's singing with all the emotions in him, and eventually.... Hyun starts to cry cause she's too touched. I think this thought was brought about by the fact that despite Yong doing so many sweet/thoughful things for Hyun, she never really showed a big reaction. Hmm... 






Well, what I really wanted to say/ask was: WHERE CAN I BUY THE SONG!? I don't really understand korean so... are there any English sites which allows us to buy the song? It'll be even better if we could buy the CD! Then I can keep it hehe.



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hello gogumas..
































































































































































































































































































































































































so not in a day the song of yong will be release...ok can somebody tell us how to buy in all possible way..i have my visa but i can limit only up to 50$ otherwise my hubby will question me kekeke..how much it will cost per song..oh well let me see ...
































































































































































































































































































































































































yongseo fighting..
































































































































































































































































































































































































gogumas fighting..

































































































































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Wow!  Banmal Song/Song for First Time Lovers really a bold statement of LOVE for his buin - Seohyun-ah! :wub:

Thanks to whoever did the rough translations, hopefully when the song is finally released we can get more accurate translation or verification that this translation is right.

Hyun's heart must have gone 'DUGUEN, DUGUEN' when she heard it the first time!  Yong's gift to his GIRLFRIEND?!  WOW! :w00t: 

We as goguma supporters need to buy, buy, buy this song!  We need to make it THE digital single of 2011, so Yong can get an award!


Can someone please post HOW gogumas can buy it from Soribada?   Can people from outside Korea buy through Soribada?  Please post instructions!

And everybody help each other, if people have credit cards please help those who don't.  This is a major way we can support Yongseo.  2M internet views of 'Banmal' song should = 2M copies of 'Song for First Time Lovers!'   Gogumas fighting!

Do you think someone will buy it and then post it on Youtube?  Or as background music for a fanfic movie video of Yong/Hyun being together?   That would be awesome!

Also, has anybody seen English translation of DBSK's 'Journey' anywhere?  I would really like to read English lyrics of this song, especially Seohyun's sweet part!  Thank you in advance.       ;)

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Even with the rough translation, I'm completely speechless!
















































Faith I don't know if you come to soompi but you're totally daebak for giving this to us.
















































I was trying to figure out how to pass the time till 11pm which is when the song releases
















































my time -- but I've pretty much passed out with the sweetness of those lyircs. Hopefully I
















































will come back to life by 11pm and get to hear the song somewhere.....
















































If this isn't a love confession..... then I don't know what it is!!
















































Wow! :wub:
















































Just. :wub:
















































WOW! :wub:
















































My heart is racing right now just from reading the lyrics. It will probably go into overdrive
















































when I actually hear it sung! I need paramedics on standby!!
















































I'm guessing (hoping/praying/dreaming) Yong has sung this to Hyun face to face. Am not even
















































going to try thinking beyond that point.....
















































Embarrassingly over the top spazzing!
















































I wonder if Yonghwa will perform this at any of the music shows?????
















































Please, pretty please, pretty, pretty please with many cherries on top of it, please let that happen.
















































That will be way toooooooooo awesome!!!
















































But if that happens, then even paramedics may not be able to revive me!!!! Aargh! What will I do????
















































I can't die now!
















































I have to watch the ski date, and the 300 day, and the WEDDING PHOTOSHOOT!!
















































What has Yongseo done to me??
















































I so need an intervention..... :)















































































































































Wishwash thanks a lot for the longer version.
















































Second Edit:
















































MountainMadman Thanks so much! And I love, love, love the last 2 lines of the song.

















































































































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Guest BigSmileAgain


I dont know what to say about my feeling after read the lyrics...Ohhhhh SEOHYUN, THIS GUY IS THE ONE...Every girls around the world are melting because this sweetest song ...[and jealous 5555] ...Please look at your Oppa's eyes and say You love him.... YongSeo so REAL ^^

This Song will release at midnight Korea Time right??  It just one hour and  a half...(",)






Cr. SNSD Soompi


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Guest pen(..^^..)




































whoa the lyrics is sooooo sweet and obviously it's yong's confession to his buin xDDDD
































can't wait for the release later tonight..in about 1,5 hours from now..
































@luvtokki: yes u can buy music card from soribada it's about $7 for a 40 songs and the premium one about $11 for 150 songs plus u get an unlimited streaming for both. online streaming help 60% of the selling if i'm not mistaken. actually someone has posted the tutorial but here's the another tutorial for buying the music card :D
































hope that helps..
































click me please



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Guest anne0129




















hello gogumas..
















so not in a day the song of yong will be release...ok can somebody tell us how to buy in all possible way..i have my visa but i can limit only up to 50$ otherwise my hubby will question me kekeke..how much it will cost per song..oh well let me see ...
















yongseo fighting..
















gogumas fighting..































Hi! If you want info on how to purchase you can go to www.sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com. In the chatbox there they are discussing how to purchase it. I think it costs less than $7 to purchase 40 download-able songs. You can ask for more info there.
















Gosh! I am still grinning from ear to ear with this so sweet song. Don't hate me but I love the lyrics more.... :wub::wub::wub:
































Thanks MountainMadman for the translations:
















Quoting from MountainMadman's translations
















The day when I held your hand
















I felt my heart stop beating
















I don't even remember what I said
















All I feel is a flutter in my stomach
















This reminded me of when they were walking down the beach after harvesting their gogumas. When Yong did that epic move of holding her hands and putting it in his pocket. I remember that when he was doing that he stuttered a bit and then was silent after that. I think he really can't remember what he was saying. Also when Hyun, hooked her arm in Yong's arm during their Japan trip....his heart stopped beating too cause they both just started sprouting random conversation. And then when they finished talking about the moon, Yong again randomly started counting in Japanese. He really must have gotten flustered whenever he holds Hyun's hand in any way. This boy is just so romantic. :wub::wub::wub:





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Wow.. I'd only seen the lyrics translation, and I predict that the song will be great!!








The lyric is so sweet, portraying the situation when they first met (when they're still awkward)..








It would be great if Yonghwa sing the song to Seohyun personally.








I'll pray that this song will be doing well on every music chart..
















For this Saturday's WGM.








It's Adam last episode, so I think that they will have more minutes (They deserved it).. I can't say much of what I hope for the next episode because the preview is too random. Being attacked by seagull??!! Well maybe Yonghwa will try to protect Seohyun and hug her :) (Just my wish).
















Btw, I'm from INDONESIA (Can somebody include me in the list)..









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Guest MountainMadman

Although I'm not quite so hot at translating lyrics, here's my best shot:

The day when I first saw you

Your bright smile full of shyness

we'll get closer after today

every day, I have heart-fluttering expectations

what to say to you

how to get you to laugh

I fear it'll get awkward when I try to hold your hand

all I can do is smile shyly

Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other

even though it's still awkward and unfamiliar

instead of saying 'thank you'

talk to me in a friendlier way

Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other

you walk towards me slowly, step by step

now look at my two eyes and tell me

I love you

The day when I held your hand

I felt my heart stop beating

I don't even remember what I said

All I feel is a flutter in my stomach

Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other

even though it's still awkward and unfamiliar

instead of saying 'thank you'

talk to me in a friendlier way

Hopefully we can speak banmal to each other

you walk towards me slowly, step by step

now look at my two eyes and tell me

I love you

Hopefully we can fall in love with each other

I'll never let go of your two hands from my grasp

the light of your eyes, gazing at me

I hope there will only be joyful smiles

Hopefully we can fall in love with each other

We can lean on one another and take care of each other

Looking into your eyes, my two eyes

they're talking to you

I love you

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Thanks Mountainmadman for the translation... Appreciate it.. :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































Looking into your eyes, my two eyes































































































































































































































they're talking to you































































































































































































































I love you
















































































































Isn't this already tell??!! this song is really a confession from Yong to Hyun~~ Aren't they often speaks with their eyes? their eyeship!!!
















































































































AHHH!!! I'm going to die because of diabetes.... Too sweet~~~
















































































































I love this song~~!! I even love both of them to be IN LOVE~~~

















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Guest lunasol














Guys please buy the song to support!






I am still gaga about the song lyrics!!! I can't wait for MountainMadman or kay77 to confirm the lyrics!! Just the two trans we have seen it just melting!!! wub.gif






Yong has really put himself in front bullets for Hyun because he knows with a song like this people will attack him but he still did it. How can somebody go against them being together after this? The person who is against them after this will be heartless selfish and immature person no matter what reasons they want to give to justified why they are against them.






luvtokki and everyone else interested in Soribada!!






Here is a link with all the steps for doing it including the foreigners Soribada link!! I don't remember who posted it but it is very complete and with images. I already did it through Paypal and downloaded songs, so it works!! Mind you, you are buying credits for buying 40 songs or if you want 150. You can't buy one alone.






My link












Thank you MountainMadman!!


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Photos of them when young, so cute~~~ They have couple face since as a kid ^_^
























Shld be easy to recongise SH however in case, you are unable, she is at the bottom right corner.








































































Counting down to 11pm (where I am) or midnight Korean time!









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