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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I was browsing through the pages, just realised that we have been talking about Yongseo completing the song with the lyrics but we never discussed how are they going to performed it...


would it be


1. like when they are doing the "falling slowly" duet with a guitar/piano cover?


2. like the "what's up" cover with guitar duet n bro-in-laws?


3. with electronic style with both of them jus singing?


what do u guys think?


i personally love the guitar/piano cover... it brings the best and fondest memories when they are being Yongseo... 


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Guest Revelmonk




@blueshoes thx for the pics :)....I most certainly think that finger point and stare yonghwa did was for seohyun because(who else would he be pointing to lol) you could see the snsd girls do the same and yuri then showed it to seohyun which gave her that shocked expression. She was thinking maybe no way or what is he doing shyly lol...Hopefully someone can read lips in korean haha and tell us what she said after yuri told her.



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Guest _hachimitsu
































































































































































































































































Awh, I actually want to post the two pages of yongseo manga based on japan because it has been properly edited as a manga but I feel at this particular time, i should post THIS *points hand to the artwork below*
































































Just draw it today in a rush at 2AM so the quality is yuck (for me anyway. I KNOW. IGNORE THE WEIRD PARTS.) Tweet, reblog or do whatever you want with it^^
































































































































































































































































I purposely draw a new one because I want to cheer for our korean friends. I hope it reaches those people in DCgal.
































































Ah~~ feel satisfied just doing this. I can sleep now~~
































































P/s: (bezbezbez i want to add our logo but for whatever reasons i cant open the project blog to get the logo. maybe its my browser? ughh i'm a failboat T.T)

































































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I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































to all fans of the best couple !!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest glennpaulo












Gud am/pm everyone:




This is our first time celebrating a Christmas with our Yongseo. I hope that all of us will always be healthy and more happiness to all of us.











MERRY CHRISTMAS to all. Let's love everyone. 
















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Guest justbulan









@blueshoes thx for the pics :)....I most certainly think that finger point and stare yonghwa did was for seohyun because(who else would he be pointing to lol) you could see the snsd girls do the same and yuri then showed it to seohyun which gave her that shocked expression. She was thinking maybe no way or what is he doing shyly lol...Hopefully someone can read lips in korean haha and tell us what she said after yuri told her.
















to tell the truth.. your post remind me of something back then at second episode when yong try to sing falling slowly for seohyun...
















back then, everytime he sang falling slowly to a woman beside him, that woman becoming lose her composure and start squeezing like a fan girl because of their way of thinking and his gesture that make him somehow saying "i sing this song for you, you know" :P but when he sing it for seohyun, her reaction was different, she just seems like "oh, so this is a song that he likes very much much" (which is i believe it's not the reaction he was hoping so, if you saw his gasture and eyes). which make me think "oh this is interesting" and start to look and watching more about this couple since her reaction was priceless and different back then.
















and if i'm not wrong, on his interview about the ring (you can find it on older page or just looking into sweetpotatodays) he stated something like this: at first, i tought that it' was just a mere show but slowly the more he film it, the deeper he feel for it. i believe at the beggining it started with his pride. as we know he came from busan, and busan man usually have a big pride about themselves (i know this because back then because  i've got a scholarship from one of university in busan and have an opportunity to learn a little about their language, behaviour and culture to halp me adaptating when i enter the university, eventough it's just for a while since i decided to let go the opporunity and choose to enter one of university in my country instead of go) and i believe his pride a little hurt when he saw hyun reaction which is 180 degrees different from another woman and makes him thinking " how come, otokke, what should i do?" since he already enter the WGM show (and don't foreget that he's belong to "the perfectionist A bloodtype).
















and the second thing that i believe start it was because of his admiration towards hyun because she is different from the other girl. and that makes him wondering: what should i do? what i have to do to make her closer since she seems like untouchable? if i do this what is her reaction? and if i don't do this what would it be? and by having those toughts he started to building some sort of affection towards her buin (i don't know if it's love or a feeling from older brother or a chingu? but i hope it's love :P) and made him fell deeper and deeper and care for her more. (i believe seohyun is not the type of girl that will make a lot of guy fell for it if you just met her  since she's a little introverted but she definetly can steal your heart if you know her more and more -i remember saw one of the beast guy having an interest for her after watching a debates between her and her unnies)
















remember what psy said during NAN? a handsome guy like yonghwa usually have a difficulties when chasing a girl he want? well i don't know about his past relationship with his ex of the girl he chased, but it seems in seohyun-yonghwa chase it's proven.
















and then during the fishing time, when yonghwa saw seohyun cannot sing the lovelight while looking into his eyes, i believe he was thinking something like "ha! you can't singing it while facing me.." and started to tease seohyun about it. and when seohyun said how can she sing it while looking into his eyes, he tried to prove it. but again, since this girl is seohyun and instead of losing her composure but looking into yong eyes directly he failed at this time again :P.
















AND OF COURSE at the GDA award, i believe he felt proud and happy seeing her buin antusiasm when she knew he won an award (and maybe a little funny when looking at her unnies reaction). and again.. when he sang "love" and pointed at her, i believe he wants to know her reaction (and maybe her unnies too).
















but too bad :P...
















just like the other gogumas say, always expect the unexpected from our yongseo...
















he failed at this time again..
















well.. maybe not 100% failed since her unnies saw it and spazzing about that, but i still consider it a little fail since she didn't see it and looked a little dissapointed and surprised at the same time when she knew :P  laugh.gif









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Guest SophiaPia












Merry Christmas Eve every one :)

















I loveeeeeee that GDA Video OMG! this is not imaginary couple anymore this is REAL LOve love love :). Thanks for sharing that GDA video. I guess if we have questions re: our YongSeo couple just watch this GDA video, and questions been answered already  w00t.gifwub.gif








Thanks every one for sharing all screen caps, translations, fan art, every thing re: our lovely YongSeo couple. I wish our lovely YongSeo couple the best. Wishing for more skinships kekeke!

















Tomorrow Christmas day. It's really nice to have YongSeo couple and also on New Year's day. Thanks MBC/wgm for giving us YongSeo couple. Who is so sweet and real. 

















TO ALL K GOGUMAS, TO DC, TO BAIDU Merry Christmas to all of you and thank you for the love you've giving to our lovely YongSeo couple. You guys are all daebak. Korean Gogumas Kamsahamnida.

















To all of us who's continuing loving our YongSeo couple. Love love love everybody clap clap clap. CHEERS EVERY ONE. 





















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Guest LiyLiy14










May the year ahead full with JOYS and BLESSINGS to all GOGUMA LOVERS, YONG&HYUN, CN BLUE AND SNSD.




Let the "BANMAL COUPLE SONG" cheer our CHRISTMAS tomorrow. 




I'm going to miss tomorrow WGM as i got event for my CHRISTMAS CELEBRATION.


Will catch up the show on SUNDAY NIGHT.


I really miss YONG SEO now.




Regarding "GDA Behind the SCENE video", I'm glad that YONG and HYUN support each other. Happy for both of them. 


So, GOGUMA LOVERS, do not worry if one of them do not wear their ring. From the video, we know that both of them are close to each other. Let us expect unexpected from YONGSEO.




Enjoy the holiday.




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Guest dbskisluv2
































































































I want to  wish everybody a merry christmas eve.
































Its still the 23rd were im from.
































YongSeo-Way Back Into Love

































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Guest YongSeoForever












I read a post at DC, there won't be a performance of the banmai song at Music Core tomorrow ...didnt mean to disappoint you all:mellow:




but we can still anticipate great performance from Yong and Hyun right :) SNSD will be performing OH and Hoot and CNBLUE will be performing Feliz Navidad and Love...woohoo...merry christmas in advance :wub:





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Guest lovekin


a constellation of midsummer


my contribution for the 300th day exchange on the goguma LJ community.  tongue.gif





"Maybe I want to like you, and maybe I think I like you.  Or maybe, despite everything and against my better judgement, I already do."
 The day before their contract expires, Yonghwa takes Seohyun out for a drive.



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Guest yslovelightys




























MERRY CHRISTMAS Gogumas all over the world!!! biggrin.gif
















































































I can't wait for tomorrow's episode and hear their couple/banmal song!!! w00t.gif




















And Oh, I'm also very curious as to what their mission is. 




















(there is WGM tomorrow, right???)




















I hope our beloved YongSeo Couple would also have a merry Christmas despite their busy schedules.




















Enjoy your holidays with your loved ones. biggrin.gifwub.giflaugh.gif





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to Lovekin ...I do really2 LOVEEEEE your story!!!! so beautiful!!!! I'd almost cried when I read it!..

LOVE the way you create and build the atmosphere of the story...simply amazing!!


Can't wait for your next story....awww the feeling is still linger ^^




to Lovekin ...I do really2 LOVEEEEE your story!!!! so beautiful!!!! I'd almost cried when I read it!..

LOVE the way you create and build the atmosphere of the story...simply amazing!!


Can't wait for your next story....awww the feeling is still linger ^^




to Lovekin ...I do really2 LOVEEEEE your story!!!! so beautiful!!!! I'd almost cried when I read it!..

LOVE the way you create and build the atmosphere of the story...simply amazing!!


Can't wait for your next story....awww the feeling is still linger ^^


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hey gogumas~!

wow justbulan... nice analysis u have there! :) i've never really thought about it in ur perspective. i only knew that yong found hyun to be someone who's totally different than he expected & he gradually got smitten by her 'cause of that.

hachi dear~!!! lovely artwork there! are we gonna have manga for the yongseo project??? yahhhh can't wait to see ur complete manga of yongseo~! :wub:

it's Christmas Eve already! :w00t: can't wait to get presents!! ekekke i wonder what will yongseo give to each other!

this is my last Christmas gift to everyone... (well, actually i didn't mean to make another FMV but someone requested it, so i thought i'd share with u guys too ^_^) have a Blessed Christmas everyone~! :)

[FMV] Yongseo - This Christmas

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Guest kjtodd08





a constellation of midsummer




my contribution for the 300th day exchange on the goguma LJ community.  *quoted image*


















"Maybe I want to like you, and maybe I think I like you.  Or maybe, despite everything and against my better judgement, I already do."





 The day before their contract expires, Yonghwa takes Seohyun out for a drive.







aww~thank you for the posttt!!! it was really amazing and it almost seemed real^^




i wish i could write something like this,,its so0 realistic:D




i think this is the best post i've ever read~






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<U>용화♡서현 : 그 여자 작사 그 남자 작곡</U>
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































지난 주, 용 남편의 신개념 작곡법(?)으로 작곡의 신세계를 경험한 현 부인!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































드디어 ‘반말송’의 가이드 부분 작사를 위해 생애 첫 작사에 도전하는데~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































막막해하는 초보 작사가 혀언의 작사실력 향상을 위해 요옹이 전수하는 작사 팁은
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































과연 현 부인은 용 남편의 깨알 같은 가르침을 이어받아 멋진 가사를 완성할 수 있을
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































창작의 고통을 함께 맛 본 후, 머리도 식힐 겸 한강공원으로 간 용화♡서현!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용 남편은 기다렸다는 듯이 농구공으로 현란한 드리블을 뽐내며 농구코트로 직행하
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































급기야 불타는 승부욕으로 ‘업어주기’배 농구시합까지 벌이는데~!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































그리고 드디어 다가온 두 번째 미션 개봉 시간! 과연 두 사람을 쓰러지게(?) 만든 미
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































션은 무엇?

































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Guest soshisoshisoshi
























a constellation of midsummer








my contribution for the 300th day exchange on the goguma LJ community.  *quoted image*





























"Maybe I want to like you, and maybe I think I like you.  Or maybe, despite everything and against my better judgement, I already do."



 The day before their contract expires, Yonghwa takes Seohyun out for a drive.































I just can's say anything else.......... YOU ARE TOTALLY DAEBAK!!!














this story is definitely going to be my one of list of things to do SHOULD THEIR CONTRACT expires on WGM. I will set my mind to think that this is what they are going to do :wub: :wub::wub:. Although it's quite sad, but I RECOMMEND TO ALL GOGUMAS to read this story now, and also whenever you miss YongSeo after we couldn't see them anymore on TV...... plus the downloaded episodes blush.gif
















YESSS..... preview is out!!! wonder what it means???? as usual, google trans is always not reliable









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Anneyeong Goguma's and visitors from other thread :wub:
















Just finished doing BR's and I'm so happy to see all the links and photos on the BTS of the GDA Awards night though it's a bit sad upon reading about the alleged "vote cheating" thing from fans of the other couple.  Just want to share my POV about the alleged cheating, let us all remember that in real life these 3 pairs are friends so  for sure the doings of their respective fans can affect their relationship with one another in some way or another whether they like it or not.  So I guess the best thing to do is just to let this thing pass by in the spirit of Christmas, in the first place, we really don't know if the votes would be validated, remember, according to the rules, voting is open only to Korea, and I think MBC has a way of verifying where the votes are coming from, I also think there is a way of knowing where the votes come from basing it from the IP address of the account holder, so you see, whether, there was a tutorial on how to register at MBC, the account holders place of origin would still be known via the IP address, so, even if they or we think that the vote got in, still, we wouldn't know if the station would count it, if you know what I mean.  Let us wait for the result, if the other pair really wins in the end, then, that's the time we should start doubting.  And for me, I don't care who wins on this poll anyway, cause for me, there is only 1 couple in my heart and that's our beloved goguma couple, although,  I watched the other 2 pairs religiously too.  Each pair has a unique character which is why, we, their fans, like, love and support them very much. 
















On a happier note, tomorrow, is Saturday (Christmas Day) and I really can't wait to see what happens and what the mission is.  I hope that the Goguma pair can spend Christmas Day together, too :wub:
















To All Fellow Goguma's ,
















Happy Holidays and May you have a very Merry Christmas with your family, friends and love ones.  Being a part of this thread since August this year is one nice gift I received in advance, I got to meet a lot of nice people here from all over the world :wub:









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Guest ichigo_kawai








Anyeong my family....







Here is I just wanna share  my FMV "Yonghwa Singing Banmal With  Piano Background Music.







Credit piano cover: smrr00/Melissa @ Youtube..Thanks for letting me to using your music for my FMV.




Yonghwa singing part @ 0.30






Yonghwa Singing Banmal Song Piano Background




Thanks everyone for all goodies about yongseo couple...







Happy Holiday









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