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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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My Dear Fellow Gogumas




















What a week it has been! Weirdly enough, I was a calm Goguma when I read the rumour, and even when the rumour became official. I don't know why really *scratches head*… maybe because I have been extra busy at work this week so I had no time to really think about YongSeo's end journey in WGM. Then when I reached home, I have super daebak Gogumas in SPD and Tweetville playing their parts in lifting the moods of some of the anxious ones. Gogumas are really wonderful people. They really epitomises what YongSeo is all about.




















I would be lying if I say that I did not shed tears these past few days. However, my tears fell not from reading the rumour or confirmation, but rather from reading the emotional posts of my fellow Gogumas. The heartbreak in some of your writings were really palpable. However, there were uplifting ones, and humorous ones too. Again, I would like to say that Gogumas are really wonderful people.




















I guess one of the reasons that I am calm is because I believe in Yong and Hyun. I believe that they care about each other. I believe that they will do what is right for each other. I believe that they will look out for each other. I believe that they will find time in their hectic schedule to stop and think about each other. I believe that they will cheer each other on towards the fulfillment of their dreams. I believe that what has been said or promised in WGM but not fulfilled will be done and fulfilled after WGM. That's because they are both real in WGM.




















Our 1st thread will be ending soon and we will move on to a new 2nd thread. Similarly, Yong and Hyun will be ending their chapter in WGM and will move on to new beginnings as Jung Yong Hwa and Seo Joo Hyun, couple par excellence!






















































































































With love,

























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Guest digidigibob

I wanna say goodbye to this thread first before we move to another one! I won't have my YongSeo farewell message though, I'll reserve that (maybe) before the last episode.

Just like everyone else, I want to say thank you to everyone who has been a part of this wonderful thread. To the translators, subbers, spazzers, lurkers, everyone! I think without this thread I'm already insane by now. This thread assures me that I'm not the only one who is crazily in love with YongSeo. LOL. Sometimes I think I'm crazy for being so obsessed with a 'virtual' couple, for being attached to people who don't know me or who I will never meet. I'm so glad that I'm not the only one experiencing this, that thousands of people from all over the world are united together because of their love for this couple.

For almost one year, this great thread has been a part of my life. It's weird how the posts and the atmosphere in this thread can affect my day. A day won't be complete without me visiting here. Every time I go online, this is the site that I visit first. I love how all the posters spazz and 'die' together everytime YongSeo gives us something unexpected. I love how Gogumas comfort each other everytime not-so-good news comes up. I love how people share their experiences in life and relate it to YongSeo and at the same time, give lessons to others. I really love it when ahjussis and ahjummas post, I'm amazed at how YongSeo's able to touch the hearts of both the young and young at heart. But, I got to admit, this thread sometimes stresses me because of the negative and over-analytical posts. But that's one of the reasons why I love this thread, we may have different views about YongSeo because of our different cultures and backgrounds but we still respect and accept each other's opinions. Acually, I enjoy reading the essays here more than my readings in school. :P  I may not always post here (because I'm not good with words) but I'm proud to say that my 40+ posts here in Soompi as of now are all in this thread.

I'm hoping that even after YongSeo's stint on WGM, we, Gogumas, will still stay as a family. I think, my fangirling over YongSeo wouldn't be this great and enjoyable without these wonderful people to spazz with. I'm expecting that everyone will still watch out for YongSeo's 'suspicious' actions. I'm also wishing that maybe 5 years from now, we'll hear our Yong confessing in an interview, "Yes, Seo Hyun and I dated for real after WGM, and we're still together up to now." And maybe years after that we'll hear wedding bells for them. And everyone will live happily ever after.. (Yes, even hamburgers who've already learned to accept them.)

I love you, Gogumas! Thank you so much everyone!

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Guest nafa_yongseo
















































































































































































































































































ANNYEONG...When I heard yongseo news…































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































to be honest, I haven’t been accept their decicion to leave WGM… I cried, feel disappointed n hated… but then… I realize that even I aggre or not they will do it…































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So, I decided to re-watch whole ep… from first ep until now… I want to re watch carefully everythings they had been done… every moment of them… even those was little moment like dust… I don’t wanna missing it…
















































































































































































































































I love yongseo coz their love story are so so daebak… the love story that I want to have too…
















































































































































































































































From awkward to love by natural romantic ways… so beautiful…<3<3<3
















































































































































































































































Their FIRST MEETING that full of shy… and become “becoming married couple” and shared what each other like… and did things that people were never think before… n finally becoming married couple…
















































































































































































































































their housewarming with their BIL n SIL.. n made their first meal (even it’s little bit failed but so romantic) n first seriously talk…
















































































































































































































































and… their driving test that made yong n hyun got their first leg skinship… n piggyback
















































































































































































































































and yongseo kimchi for BIL… n played pool that yong showed his love to hyun (infront of BIL)…
















































































































































































































































when hyun got jealous coz they meet ueno juri… that was funny…
















































































































































































































































n when chokseok special… whan they got closer…
















































































































































































































































one of our my favorite ep… DOUBLE BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION… new ring for their realatioship…
















































































































































































































































n mildang period that made they realized that they love each other… n 1st yongseo duet stage… 200th of their married… daebak…
















































































































































































































































Favorit ep… Japan trip that changed everything… broken their wall… got more close than before…
















































































































































































































































Goguma harvest day… Famous pocket skinship…
















































































































































































































































Made BANMAL SONG… n Second Closed piggyback…
















































































































































































































































Another favorite ep BUSAN trip… n met Mother In Law n Yong do-mc.paem…
















































































































































































































































n… snowboard that full of skinship…
















































































































































































































































Super Daebak ep… WEDDING PHOTOSHOOT… and next next ep… until…
















































































































































































































































I’m a person that never want to dating before married n want to married earlier… so I will dating with my husband later… n i don’t know how it will be… n yongseo give me much information to understand it…
















































































































































































































































YongSeo give so much positif things for me… n for every gogma shippers n every hamburgers too…































































































































































































































































































































































































































































    I become a goguma shippers, become a int-go-fam…































































































































































































































































































































































































































































  2. I got a lot of friends that had same feel like me
































































































































































































































I got a lot goguma family that very attractive, creative n daebak
















































































































































































































My English got lot progress... until now i still learn...
















































































































































































































I finally learn about played guitar
















































































































































































































I finally know why married couple so romantic and sometimes got quarrel
















































































































































































































now I really confident as person that haven’t been dating for someone until I will get married (I don’t know when)…
















































































































































































































they made me happy even I just see their face… especially their smile n nun bit n jealous for each other… n made me cried coz happy for their progress…
















































































































































































































I realized that when your love someone you can make everything that you maybe never thing before... especially LOVE SONG
















































































































































































































and ... and…and…………………100.
































































































































































































































This is my first time to love a Korean artist (couple) like this… love like crazy… my friend that didn’t know yongseo was said me n a few friend of me (that goguma shippers to) were michin… coz we always shown our smile line when we meet each other on campus n when we got free time, we always talk n sharing about yongseo news… sharing everything that we could share…































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We never care about what our friends said… the only one we know that we love yongseo n happy when we watch n talk everythings about them… it’s crazy, right???
















































































































































































































































And…. now… they will end soon…
















































































































































































































































n to be honest I haven’t been prepared to heard this news (yongseo leave WGM)… coz they just got more n more close for each other… n they haven’t been doing a lot things that they have to do… so it’s just really disappointing…
















































































































































































































































but… once again I have to accept it…
















































































































































































































































Sooooooooooo, this is my massage for my lovely couple…
















































































































































































































































Jung Yong Hwa and Seo Joo hyun ,
















































































































































































































































Maybe both of you will never show your love on public like on WGM again… but all of us already know that your love each other… from every movement that you did…
















































































































































































































































So… hope you guys will always take care for each other like usual… never change even you’re not on WGM…
















































































































































































































































yong always be oppa n husband that care for hyun n do everything to protect her n keep her on your side… even there are so much girl that want to close with you, just remember that you already have hyun… you are Seohyuns
















































































































































































































































n hyun, please… always be wife that care for yong n do everything to keep him on your side… l know you’re a loyal person… so, please… you don’t have to get angry if some girl make you jealous… coz yong already yours… n you are Yonghwas
















































































































































































































































And… On 10 years later when both of you finally hold your dream (Yong n CN BLUE become world band n hyun with SNSD n her )… just remember your promise… MEET AT ITALY… and GET MARRIED…
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I will always be your goguma lovers… thanks for give so much positif things for me... fighting…















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SARANGE YONGSEO…:wub:...:wub:...:wub:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































for ALL GOGUMA SHIPPERS... <br style=""> <br style=""> Thank you so much for daebak pics,posting, vid and anything...
















































































































































































































































i'm really proud to be one of you... n i hope, even our yongseo will leave WGM soon, we always keep contact n always update our info like this... on seohwa/yongseo/sweet potato thread... hope we always be goguma family... yongwonhi...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































n... i'm really sorry if i'm always make mistakes n maybe my reply made you got angry... i'm so sorry... <br style="">
















































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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anyeong fellow gogumas!!!!!!!






















































first thing first,so it's now official that our lovely yongseo couple will end their journey in WGM but i am glad because we still can enjoy about 4-5 episodes more!!..actually,i really am shocked because i received this news calmly,not like yesterday which make my heart broken to pieces when i first heard the rumors :tears: ,i think my heart already prepared for this because of the rumors before and i believed it same goes to my goguma chingus here when i reading through every post here..i am really proud because all gogumas really have positive thoughts that leads me to think positive too..komapsumida chingus! :D






















































because of everyone already shared your feelings on to get through this sad things,me as well try to overcome it like you guys.which is,i asked my friend to accompanied me today,my planned was just to hang out together,laughing my heart out so that eventually i will forget all the sadness in my heart about yongseo leaving..but guess what???i ended up































-sang CNBLUE-LOVE and SNSD-OH! at karaoke box..countless how many times i was doing the lovelovelove sign(L sign)made by yong while my friend gave a weird look to me..lol :lol:
















-bought goguma snacks that really came all the way from korea(the shopping complex i went was having korean food fair)
















so my conclusion is,no matter how far i ran from them,no matter how hard i try to forget about yongseo couple..it always come back to me before i realised it..i think the quote that ONCE GOGUMA ALWAYS A GOGUMA is true after all..and when i got back,i rushly open this thread and BOOMMMMMMM!!!!!!!! :w00t: !i saw the thread is jumping 10++ pages from last 10 hours i opened it..cant't wait for our new home,to spazz together in our new home!i hope by tomorrow we can move to our new home together with all the pictures,fancams from the concert and alsoooo the future screencaps,translation from epi 48!!!
















oppssss how can i forget to thanks my dear thai gogumas especially ouichan who always updating all of us with daebak news and pics!thanks so much!!!keep them coming chingus!^__^






















































p/s:My prayer and heart goes out to those effected by the earthquake and tsunami.. Japan and its surrounding countries.
















to dreamyboo...i seriously enjoyed watching your FMV and i already downloaded it in my HDD..thanks once again for sharing the beautiful MV! :wub:

















[FANACCOUNT] at svp airport. Yong saw the super big banner "yong loves seo". He pointed it and made love sign for us.

credits to@waewhaha/twitter































took this from his/her twitter.if this is true,i really want to see yong daebak expression!^_^









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Guest k.rivera19
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First of all I want to say my condolences to everyone in Japan and for those who lost someone on that day. I hope that people in other countries that were affected as well are safe.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































On a happier note, wow thailand gogumas are reallly daebak. Those balloons and bears. Thank you so much THai gogumas for all your effort and I hope yongseo couple/wgm staff/mbc realizes how much they are loved internationally.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































But of course a show has to end sometime, however i believe they are real. Im going to wait and watch out for their love story. Though we may not be able to witness it anymore through a television show, there are other ways to know phew.gifphew.gif LOVE WILL FIND A WAY!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To YOngseo: I will forever keep you in my memories. Thank you for sharing your love story with us. I hope for a love story like yours , an honest, sweet,sincere love story with so much patience and endurance .. i definitely want a guy like yonghwa... though he may not be perfect but imperfections makes us human...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hyun: Hyun pls take good care of yonghwa even without us knowing and im sure you will.. but if he doesnt call you make sure to call him ;);) ... you are sooo lucky to have someone like him ... no guy is like yonghwa these days ... a patient guy like him deserve all the praises i have ... if you cant see it omg ... hyun open your eyes bigger!! If you dont hold on to him I dont know what to say ... On your last episode pls give him something or say something else other than thank you!! I think he heard it enough from you... the guy deserves an answer for goodness sake!! i KNow you like him -- i see it in your eyes seohyun... pls date him already!! (soorry hahaha delusional)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YOng: You Jasshik... You are so lucky to have someone like her.. take a hold of her okay .. dont let her go to any other guy .. keep pursuing her you are almost there buddy .. keep it up ... you seem to be approved by her family so Fighting!! ... You are so patient with her and i dont think ill be able to see her with any other guy other than you .. her comfortable level is sooo high .. even i dont get to see that with her brothers in SM ... Himnae!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To my fellow gogumas: Thank you for everything!! THis thread is really like a roller coaster ride.. tho i hate riding it.. im glad i was experiencing it with you all ... Thank you for all the spzzes, translations, pictures... my saturday wouldnt be complete without this thread and i wouldnt have enjoyed the show if it werent for you guys... my heart goes out to all of you... thank you!! :wub::wub::wub: I love you all!! :lol: Lets continue loving yongseo forever and always!! SPD box ppl are DAEBAKK!! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































THAI FANS ARE JJANG!! I envy you guys, you get to see the most daebakk duet ever from our couple because its their very own song =)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sorry for the long essay hahaha ... i havent written in a while ... i wanted to say my goodbye in the next thread but i can do that again later tooo :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love will find a way: (Lion KIng)

































































































































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Well, the news has been coming in from so many places about so many things that I can’t keep up with all the facts and sort out reality from conjecture.





So, I’m going to sort out what I know into two categories, what I HOPE and what I believe I’m gonna GET.  If I get the FACTS wrong please forgive me for my lack of time to read EVERYTHING that has been written in SOOMPI and SPD, my 2 main sources of information on Yongseo.





First of all, even though I will miss my happy Saturday mornings in Go-Chun with uri Yongseo and my fellow gogumas on SOOMPI and SPD, I have overcome my sadness of this fact and have come to accept the inevitable with magnanimity.  The end would come sooner or later, but now it seems that it will be their ending, it seems they have some say in how it will end, and for that I’m happy and grateful!  I am grateful to MBC and the WGM staff for their acknowledgement of the fact that they will be leaving, and that they will try to make the ending as BEAUTIFUL as possible, in accordance with uri Yongseo’s wishes.  I know Hyun would want it to be as MEANINGFUL as possible, and Yong would agree with her wishes.  This is a sign that Yongseo, MBC and WGM have acknowledged the importance of the feelings of this couple’s fanbase and wish to let us down as gently as possible.  Trust Yong and Hyun.





HOPE – they are a real couple, and they will continue to wear some sort of sign that they are REAL.  It’s Yong’s turn to buy couple rings, I hope they do buy and wear some sort of ‘eternity’ or ‘friendship’ ring in recognition of what they experienced and enjoyed together on WGM.  (Although I wish my ‘dream’ comes true and it is an ‘engagement’ ring!)They have promised to support each other’s dreams in the future, I hope that promise continues past the end of WGM, even if it is just as *cough* ‘friends’ *cough*.





GET - I think they are a real couple, but any obvious sign that they are will not be evident. It may be many years before we find out what really is happening and has happened between these two, if we hear anything at all.





HOPE – to see a beautiful and lovely ending for them on WGM, not a rushed and cold ending like the one provided for Adam couple.  I would like to see them ‘share’ the tons of mementos  I would like to see them exchange a written ‘promise’ of friendship or support for the future, something that says even though the WGM show is over, that they acknowledge they have been touched in some way by their shared time together and promise to stay as close as possible in the future.





GET – I think this will happen.  Maybe not written, but at least said that they will always remember this time together fondly, and will try their best to remain close in the future.





HOPE – a beautiful and heartfelt ‘banmal’ duet in Bangkok.  At the end, Hyun says, ’I understand, Yong – wa!’   Or whatever that phrase of endearment was that Yong wished Hyun would say instead of ‘Yong oppa’ or just ‘Yong’.  Hyun actually plays the guitar along with Yong.





GET - a beautiful and heartfelt ‘banmal’ duet in Bangkok.





HOPE – with things winding down and an end in sight, they actually become more bold with skinship and closeness in their last filmings , instead of being awkward again and pulling farther apart.





GETThey will continue on in an irritatingly normal Yongseo way.   Making us guess about every stare, every look, every touch and every body movement!





HOPE – Hyun finally begins using ‘banmal’ with Yong – all the time!  I still don’t understand how an intelligent girl like Hyun who has taught herself English, Chinese, Japanese and Thai cannot master the ‘informal’ part of her own language – sorry!





GET – Hyun uses ‘banmal’ with Yong only when it is comfortable for her.    





HOPE – that this thread remains open and viable after filming ends.  I will need my fellow gogumas to help me in my Yongseo withdrawal.  Kind of like Alcoholics Anonymous or drug rehab, I’m going to need support after going ‘cold turkey’ from Yongseo love.  Yongseo Anonymous?





GET – this MUST happen, for the sanity and health of gogumas everywhere!





Let’s continue to enjoy each minute of these 2 wonderful young people for as long as we can – no more sadness – just be glad we were able to experience their journey!   This is a once-in-a-lifetime event, like a full rainbow,  unexpected meteor shower or solar eclipse, enjoy the experience to the max and be happy that we were lucky enough to experience it!  














  @winbros – bro, your entries are always upbeat and positive – continue on!  You are legal, as long as you declare your intent with some sort of disclaimer, and , I will fly to Korea and kick Yong’s butt IF he lost the scarf created out of the hard work of his buin and intended to show her love and appreciation to her hard-working husband AND he has no logical reason for losing it!  But I feel he will work hard to make her smile again, so I just MAY forgive him!   We’ll see…….     












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Guest zaydouna

i'm so sad about the news of our couple leaving wgm i wasn't expecting it, but it will happen sooner or later :tears: we can only wish them all the happiness in the world and to become a real couple soon (please please please) :P i will continue to visit this thread for sure it became a habit for me, i just wanted to thank you for all the happiness that you have brought to my boring life so 1000000000 thanks goguma shippers, love you all and sorry for my poor english :P

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Guest kasia3goguma












C; owner







Now we also know that Seohyun wore that OTHER ring on the press conference... :phew:

















SNSD had rehearsal, I wonder what's with CNBlue... still looking for some pics, infos..














C; pomp








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Aigoo what a roller coaster ride this week has been. But to share this feeling of will they wont they with others makes me feel more at ease.

At first I saw this couple as the MOST awkward couple I've ever seen in a while but then they slowly progressed like how any other real couple would have progressed... and I guess I just fell in love with them along the way. Seeing Seohyun struggle to deal with the fact that she actually has someone else to look out for instead of her soshi sisters made me laugh and also at times even momentarily get angry at her for her lack of knowledge in the couple area. But Yonghwa was there ever step of the way, matching to whatever his wife needs. (BTW WE NEED MORE MEN LIKE YONG IN THE WORLD.)She always led and he followed but he never complained about it. I thought it was just SO sweet that Yong was so patient with her even if at times he was a bit aggravated. A perfect example would be when he actually APOLOGIZED for kissing Seohyun. I mean who does that these days...!

Yongseo couple. Thank you for making such beautiful memories that was shared with all of us.

Someone once said that you can’t go back and have a new beginning, but you can always start from here and have a brand new ending. I will be looking forward to the advancement of Yonghwa and CNBLUE and also Seohyun and SNSD.

I admit I did tear up a bit when the official news came out but seeing the dedication of the Thai fans makes me want to work harder at translating this weeks episode!

I have a feeling that translating/watching the new episode this sat. is going to be bittersweet for me.

We all know the inevitable yet we gogumas have to stay strong! AJA AJA FIGHTING!!

(It sucks that I am on the other side of the world! I wanna be in Thailand!)

Also, my heart and prayers go out to Japan. Stay Strong.


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hello Yongseo fans!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































as you can see,imma kkapliner(Adams fan)..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































understand that the gogumas are leaving the show soon.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































im here to show my support for them and also for you guys..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































although i seldom watch their parts, but im still happy that they are 1 of the couple in WGM.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































pls do not be too sad and grieve over this...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































as our couple will always be in our heart right?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































all those memories,presents,skinships...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































all the best to the fans here and also Yonghwa/Seohyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































go go hwaiting!!

































































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Guest MrRam
















































They announced that last ep will be filming next month rite? Then we still have 1 month enjoy their episodes...Lets cpuntinue waiting for new episodes each week, always support our couple, spazzing about them.
















For the coming up concert, I hope that yong will hold Seohyun hand while singing...If both playing the guitar...ah...[no skinship]. Leave the instrument to cn blue boys...hold each other hand and sing instead. :D

















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Guest cosmiclatte
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ever since the rumour I griefed over the reality to come and by the time news came out it was rather a huge relief for me. I'd rather have them announce it fast and not just throw something out suddenly later like a slap on my face.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I went back to watch the episodes as usual and I'm surprised this couple never fails to make me spazz, despite having watched them countless times.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I was thinking that it'll be okay if everything ended..because every single one of these episodes are really precious.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They make such a beautiful memory.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I feel so thankful to them, our Yongseo couple.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For the ending, I don't hope for any extravagant conclusion. I just hope I'll see smiles(not tears) from them both because that's what Yongseo shares with us: smiles.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have never once not smile while watching them both. It's such an uncontrollable reaction and I can picture every real goguma doing just the same thing while infront of the computer keke.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Such a blessed feeling isn't it? :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wish good luck for Yongseo in Bangkok now and I can't wait for today's episode, see you again gogumas~

































































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Guest fatin83

hello goguma chingus !!!

this is my first time posting here on this thread and even my first time posting something at forum, so yeahh sweatingbullets.gif

i knew this thread since last year around october and finally i made an account here last january. i just want to THANK all gogumas around the world. thank you so much to the project teams, the translators, the subbing teams, the screencap-ers and gogumas FBI...gogumas are jjang ! this thread will be nothing without you all smile.gif

to be honest, i'm very sad about the ending for our lovely couple tears.gif but we must accept it right ? 

think positive gogumas, THIS IS NOT THE END of the couple, it's just the BEGINNING of their journey as a real couple !!! (ok i dont care if i'm delusional sleep.gif)

YONGSEO COUPLE THANK YOU SO MUCH for making such a beautiful memories that was shared with all of us.

gogumas around the world DAEBAK ! thai fans are JJANG ! i love my goguma family ! wub.gif

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I can feel the love for YongSeo Couple here is soo great and ohh sooo deep.


And finally we are going to reach the 2nd thread. Who gets the honor to start it btw?! ;)


The coming episodes will be Daebak I am sure of it :)



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Guest yongseoisreal




















we're left for three more pages to get a new home at soompi..
















i know everyone has really been affected by the news..
















i'm lying to myself if i say i'm not..
















but, there's a saying that say,
















"life must go on even the sun will rise from the west tomorrow.."
















let's be strong for each other and of course for our couple..
















let's support them for any activity they'll participate in the future..
















i'm sure, the end is much tougher for our couple to accept..
















so, let's show that we are strong by staying as one!!
















not to forget, thanks so much for all KKAPLINERS who have personally show their support to us GOGUMAS!!!
















and let's keep spazzing and posting in this thread as it already been our special place for the past years..
















the place that we can call a home, where we've shared the laughter :lol: and the tears :tears:  together..
















and may this GOGUMA bond will keep as strong as our love towards our couple~~
















another thing to mention here, our couple really needs more goguma votes here..
















maybe, just maybe, we've been to affected by the news as we forgot another thing related to our couple..
















we don't want another bad news right~~ 
































as for goguma thailand!! 
















you guys seriously are jjang..  :w00t:
















please be our eyes, ears and hearts in supporting our couple tomorrow..
















how i wish i could go..tsk!!
















coz seriously, we are neighbours..
















Malaysia and Thailand is just separated by a line of International Border.. ^^
















will be anticipating for many fan accounts, fan cams, fan witness or anything related to our couple in Bangkok..
















maybe some of you have volunteered to be a paparazzi or mamarazzi or GOGUMA FBIs.. :phew:
















(who knows, maybe yongseo could be caught dating secretly.. kekeke..  please forgive the delusional me.. ^^ )
















will be waiting for the overflow confetti from Thailand and of course, the new episode in 12 hours!!
















oh, before i forgot~~
















CONGRATULATIONS for all goguma for reaching 2000 pages soon!!
















let's make it for another 2000 in the next thread, ok guys??? ^^



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Guest MrsAthenaG




Although we received the sad news of their departure from the show, all we can do is continue on being by their side, whether their relationship turns out to be real or not. Preferably the former, them being real, but also as individuals who affected our lives for the past year. Things will be moving fairly fast for them now with all their schedules to fulfill so I'm hoping that all Goguma Villagers will become FBIs, spotting every single move or gesture they do, and any new jewelry they happen to wear that are similar.


Let's continue on with the thread and continue supporting SeoHyun, YongHwa, CN Blue, SNSD and each other.


It has been a journey for me, too, meeting all of you. I will continue to monitor this thread and contribute whenever possible.


My love to all and for Yong & Hyun.





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There is a korean poll that my goguma chingu told me that it is important for the future of artists



















and it is related to our Yongseo couple. http://ipoll.kr/d.asp?n=hase11'>http://ipoll.kr/d.asp?n=hase11






























Khuntoria has jumped from 4th last week to 2nd now so it might somewhat imply how fans take this poll.






























Current standings



















1. Joongbo/Lettuce couple



















2. Khuntoria



















3. Adam



















4. Yongseo (10%)






























Now I can only give explanations on how to sign up to be a member



















but not how to vote so I will explain that later on when I get how to.






























How to sign up



















1. Go to http://ipoll.kr/d.asp?n=hase11'>http://ipoll.kr/d.asp?n=hase11 and click the green JOIN button at the left side of the page



















2. You will see pop up window with fill-in part on the left and Term and condition on the right.



















3. On the left, for the first three boxes (name, nickname, ID) you can use the same name for all



















but you have to click DUPLICATE buttons on the right to get OK, otherwise there will be warning of duplicate.



















4. Then put your pwd, repeat pwd and fill in email.



















5. Click AGREE on the right part and then click JOIN at the bottom. Now you're ready to vote.






























How to vote To explain later as I cannot find where to vote for our couple. My chingu said it's like a game that you have to click a lot so mousepad (for Laptop) is less tiring than clicking mouse.






























From the recent tweets I just read.



















- No Yongseo rehearsal tonight.



















- SNSD rehearsed intro-Hoot, Oh! and Gee at the stadium and arrived at their hotel around 3am here in Thailand. (More than a hundred of fans were waiting to meet the girls at this hour and they waved hands to fans after getting off the bus before taking the private elevators to their rooms.)



















- at 3.35am, CNBLUE just begins their rehearsal (Love, Love light and I'm a Loner) and Yong wears his ring (not sure if it's the couple one, eternity or both). Some says artists are going to do sound check and not return to their hotel until morning.



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Guest CheriMerci
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hi All! blush.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































[FANACCOUNT] at svp airport. Yong saw the super big banner "yong loves seo". He pointed it and made love sign for us.

































































































































































































































































































































































































credits to@waewhaha/twitter































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm a Thai goguma who was at SVP airport. On a behalf of YongSeo shippers, I'm so spazzing until now. :w00t: Yong and his bros are in Thailand now. I can see Yong wears the couple ring and he saw our YongSeo banners for sure. He looked up,smiled and waved his left hand to us. :wub: After that our team (my goguma gang) ran outside the building cuz we heard that the bus of CNBLUE and FTIsland was returned to picking up their staffs. Luckily, we had an opportunity to shout "YongSeo" with megaphone and showed the super big banner to Yong again. I'm sure he definitely saw it because of its size. (keke) Moreover he pointed at it and made love sign to us. (sign language of "LOVE") He made finger alphabet of L and clapped his hand as in the song "Love". He's so sweet  and of course handsome as usual.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We're so happy to see his expressions. We can trust in you, right? Yong....This is something that you really want us (YongSeo Shippers) to know about your feeling to Hyun, right? Now I'm in Go-Chan but I wanna believe in LOVE and things that we've seen. We love you...YongSeo. YS Forever!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is the super big banner and megaphone. :w00t:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I have sth to share from the press conference of SNSD. My lovely sis are the lucky ones who can be in the event. They took a lot of photos of Uri Hyun, she's so beautiful. They told me that Hyun saw the mask of YongSeo, (the one that Hyun kissing Yong), she smiled and waved her left hand which couple ring ding dong.:wub: Furthermore she often looked at the mask. Even more Jessica could see it, she talked to Hyun so they smiled and laughed together.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun in the press conference. Couple ring and Eternity ring...:wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and the pic i wanna share. "Like husband, Like wife"
































































































































































































































































Cr : Kik Wannapa

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest yongseorockin


Really thank you Thai Fans!! Thank You CheriMerci & Sister & friends!!!wub.gif




For sharing all these with us. If not Go-Chun would have been drowning in undeniable amounts of sadness.




Super duper thanks to all in the thread as well.




I think line 1 needs to be a font 5 to show the amount of gratitude I have.




When I have the time, I will go visit Thailand. Haven't been there in many years. Shall contribute to the economy there!! Love you guys!!


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