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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest wallpaperfood

Ok so I'm trying to learn how to screencap, but not successful so far sooo...I'll have to make do with words again *sigh*

One line I seriously love, is what Seulong said at the table:

SL: Yonghwa you really have a catch.

Y: *smiles and looks down in embarrassment*

If I didn't know any better, I would have thought they were a couple for real. Isn't that what friends say about prospective partners/fiancees/etc. when they are hinting they should just continue with each other the way they are? Isn't that also some type of approval? It's what I'd say to a friend if I agreed with his/her choice in gfs/bfs - especially if they were considering future plans with that particular someone... It even means more when it's said friend-to-friend in private, and hey, for all we know, Seulong (yeh, he's the man!) might have already done it ^^. If not, then Yong's probably thought/realised it too sometime along the way. ..? ^^

Anyway, what I love is that the conversation doesn't just halt there in an awkward moment - Na Young chimes in with:

NY: Right, how long has it been now?

Like, whoa! No vibes of virtual/fake/make-believe couple :P. The six of them looked like a bunch of close friends just eating together, celebrating their chingu's newly-wedded life. Yongseo aren't embarrassed anymore (that was quick..) and they quickly reply:

Y/S: Us? More than a year.

LOL. A case of not being able to think clearly? What is with them? It wasn't "nearly a year" or "about a year" - it was "more than a year". Haha, for a couple who has been keeping close tabs on the specific anniversary dates - 22, 100, 200, 222 (that one blew me away) and soon-to-be-shown-i-hope 300 (I'm sure), I expected a more precise answer, but I liked this one even better. They didn't even correct each other, and just went ahead with that answer togetherrrrr. <3 (because I'm sure they feel like they've been together for yearssss <3 :D)

(everyone, thank you so much for all the visual goodies! I really enjoy them :))


piaaaaaaa unnie your screencaps are awesome - you have to teach me!! Ammel must be a good teacher hehe.

b229b24k, oh yeah, you might be right, I hadn't actually thought of it that way lol...(i'm still delusional now, so yeh, excuse me...)

---2nd edit---

annyeong dreamyboo unnie <3 !!!

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Guest shane09
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia
















































































































Thank you TheSoneSource, semi-fly, Juhee, Dduk, M3 and Tetsuya as always. Kamsahamnida. Cheers to all gogumas :)















































































































































































My very 1st time sharing screen caps, biane if not so good. Thanks ammel, now i know how to do it. Cheers 















































































































































































from respectful hubby Yong 






























































































































































































































































































































































from baby wife wub.gif
































































































































































real lovers wub.gifw00t.gifwub.gif





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































making promise again tongue.gif





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































hubby Yong can't control anymore w00t.gif





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































eye to eye say it all











































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest b229b24k

yeah i was wondering about their marriage stint too

maybe they were told beforehand that the filming will be aired sometime around march...

who knows

edit:wasn't there a filming where yongseo is filmed shopping in a mall then later on strolling on a street?did yong wear the scarf then???

maybe he lost the scarf for for real??

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MissBarbietch!!!! ur wedding fanarts rock!!!!!!!!!!! loveeeeeeeee it! u made me came out from the cave 'cause of those fanarts! xD

uhhh i've missed quite a number of pages so i can't comment on any posts just yet but winbros oppa! ur obi-tokki, and what was soshi's character already? gosh, that was really very funny & creative of u! ROFL!!!!!!! xDDDDDD u almost made my jaw displaced!

juhee, thanks so much for the trans~! i hope Dduk & M3 are getting better there...

tetsuya, u're jjang for always providing subbed vids at the speed of lightning! :w00t: thank u!

j2dlee, where have u been????????? pls come back & spazz with us & also take part in the translation~ :( we miss u!

thanks ahn_annann, kasia, maybe07, jnj, magdal, sophiapia, seychan, sally7, shane, wallie, luvtokki, soshi3, SGahjumma, celticheart, aisuo & many moreeeee for ur scaps, gifs, POVs & spazzes~! u guys are always daebak~ ^^

btw, so what JS said about yong's 1st kiss wasn't true right? i, too, think that JS was just maybe trying to hint hyun & everyone else there that if yongseo were to kiss, it would be yong's 1st kiss with hyun. besides, i don't think yong is lacking in that department since he has had 2 ex-gfs to gain experience from. so, my assumption that yongseo had their 1st kiss before the wedding photoshoot is busted. didn't know yong is such a shy & innocent guy. he just doesn't look like it. and hey, who knows what JS said is true! since yong's such a shy & innocent guy, he prolly had his 1st kiss with hyun! haha if that's true.... awwww so cute! :wub:

oh, luvtokki oppa... what can u read from yong's face when JS said that it's also his 1st kiss? u're good in reading ppl's face right~! :D


cooleeet & yongseoisreal, i love ur fanarts too!!!! uwahhhhhhhhhhhhh *saves* gosh i sound like a fanart maniac here LOL

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Guest yongseoisreal




















just wanna share some of my work..
















i didn't do much though..
















just put some words and frames..
















anyway, i hope you guys like it~~ ^_^
































































































































ok, that's all i've got~~
















i guess, the spazzing mood still not subside in this thread..
















but i guess, i can't stay long in spazzing mode since i've got another week for my exam..
















which is hard..
















oh, yes..
















just wanna know if there any MEDICAL students among gogumas here??
















coz, i'm a medical student myself~~ :rolleyes:



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~Expect the Unexpected~ part 2
































Finished the wedding photo-shooting, on their way back home. Hyun is so so cute and keep on saying that she is cold and bring up the scarf topic by keep on asking Yong why did not wear any scarf to keep his neck warm (singer should protect their thoart not to affect their voices). I like their entire conversation, Yong teasing Hyun like an webfoot octopus, and he will make a shop of selling it. Haha, YongSeo will always be YongSeo, live in their own world with their cute interaction.
































When walking into the park, Yong keep on teasing Hyun is that she need his hug, haha... This is the comfortable level of them can tease each other and then suddenly, a BACKHUG~!!!<-- expect the unexpected, wow, I was like screaming when I see this...Yong is so bold, so naturally, just like a boyfriend teasing a girlfriend, without any notice, suddenly a backhug happened. So sweet...
































Yong sudden backhug + Hyun sudden arm linking in Japan = sweetness overloaded..:wub::wub:
































































I'm not sure how Yong know Hyun made a scarf for him, but I think he got the experience before during the double birthdate that Hyun keep on rounding the circle to ask question and this is very similar with this condition. Especially when Hyun asked him to carry her bag. He got more confident on that, he knew Hyun must be getting him something. And not to forget, during their uniform date on their 200th day, Hyun brought out the present from her bag.. haha, that is why Yong surely knew that the "something" must be inside her bag... What a trick from Hyun, I guess she have to change some other trick next time, so that Yong would not guess it so easily... :P
































Look at Yong's face, get so excited when he knew the trick. His cheek like going to burst, and he keep on playing with Hyun, purposely carry her bag on his left side and purposely turn over when Hyun walk to his left.. haha.. He just wanted to tease and play with her... so cute..and he is so confident to say that no one in this world know her more than him. Great!!
































































Now, the final moment, Hyun handmade scarf for Yong is revealed~~!!!<-- another expect the unexpected. See how happy is Yong, I just love Yong's smile ear to ear (his cheek is going to burst) and a little side hug on her. The only and first handmade YongSeo scarf in the world made by Hyun, especially for her beloved Yong :wub:
































































It's so touching, Hyun's determination to knit it needle by needle during her busy schedule. The most important thing is, she had purposely learn it and just to made one for him. Joo Hyun ah, this is not a present for gratitude, this is already a present for LOVE, the power of LOVE, have make you willing to purposely learn knitting in a short time and knitt it in ONE night.
































Well, let's recalled what I've posted back in page 1872, haha.. my post on a fanaccount regarding Hyun in the knitting shop. It was said that, she have to finish knitting it in ONE night (I do not know how true is this, but I choose to believe she can make it in ONE night). Haha, my wish came true, this is really a present for Yong~!! Yeah!!
































I  wanted to join the GOGOMA Awards, but somehow when I wanted to fill in  the categories, all the memory/ videos/ moments keep on flashing pass my  mind that I could not decide which episode, which moments should be  filled in which categories.. guess, I just come back later after I have  my final decision... blush.gif
































I  wanted to share something which I read from Baidu. I guess I should put  it into spoiler and let fellow gogomas to perform your spazzing power  and have your wild imagination~~
































The autograph translation from Chinese from Baidu: Cr: 红薯夫妇吧, 翻译:小小
































Thank you very much for your full-hearted teaching me! Really thank you very much! I hope that I can leave a good memory...
































I  read a Chinese translation in Baidu (I think is based on a fanaccount),  it is regarding the day that Seohyun went to the knitting shop.....
































Here goes the translation based on Chinese translation in Baidu. Cr: 红薯夫妇吧, 翻译:小雨
































21st  Dec, at 大致栋 (I'm not sure the building name in English) knitting shop,  saw Seohyun and her manager oppa. The manager oppa was recording Seohyun  by using a video recorder. Seohyun asked the owner of the shop, what is  the common color used for knitting a scarf for a guy? After that,  manager oppa said to Seohyun, the scarf have to be done before tomorrow.  
































Ok. Thousands and thousands question flashing thru my mind:
































1.  Tomorrow of 21st means 22nd of Dec, do any GOGOMA recalled any WGM  shooting on that day? or any special recording with YongSeo?
































2. Who is the guy Seohyun referring to? Her father? Yonghwa? ~~ I hope is Yonghwa :wub: Since Seohyun is not really close to any male friend right?
































3. The manager oppa was recording Seohyun? Does that mean it is an official video to be released? else why need to be recorded?
































Oh~~ I just can't stop thinking... I hope the scarf is special Christmas present to Yong...






























































































































Lastly, I just like Yong's side hug on Hyun. The satisfaction smile on Hyun's face is really more than words, looking at how thankful Yong to her. :wub:

































































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I think Hyun is now ready to take this relationship to the next level, this is my own opinion. She stepped out of her comfort zone by giving Yong her approval, for giving her a forehead kiss.











And i just can't get that look out of my mind.. The one where Yong grabbed her and she looked like she was startled but deep down she was kind of liking it. Cause for Hyun, Yong has been acting like a choding now and then, not always, and i know the reason why he did that, it's to make Hyun feel comfortable and that sudden act of his could make a girl's heart skipped a beat.











If i was in her position, having a boyfriend who like to joke and play around, when he suddenly do that, I see him as a man. With that look in his eyes... IDK, i might read too much into this, but at least that is what i see and feel whenever i watch that part.







How bout you guys??




Edit : Did i topped the page?? I don't have anything to share except something i got from this thread and i PS-ed a bit.









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Guest yongseorockin






I hope you pass your exams with flying colours!! Become a doctor. And PLEASE give CPR to Gogumas whenever we need it. We tend to *pass out*, *faint*, *be in shock* and often have *strokes* and *heart attacks* from watching our couple. So please save us whenever necessary. Thank You so much.




Sorry, but I really do think we need medical personnal on standby. keke ^____^:lol:


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Thank you to all the lovely people who contribute to spreading the love of YongSeo! :D







A lot has been said (that I agree with), so I'll just say I particularly loved how Seohyun has taken to calling Yong "choding" more. I don't know, but I find it so adorably funny.







I have a small question for Korean speakers/readers...what does 진짜 별로다 mean? Seohyun kept saying it with an annoyed tone when Yonghwa was teasing her about the surprise gift. :unsure:


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Guest MissBarbietch_0106










To: Dreamyboo, who like my fan-art.. Thanks :wub:






I never been such a crazy Fan-art Makers before.. YONGSEO MADE ME LIKE THIS!!






Gosh, This Addiction.. yes, i do need to enter such a Goguma Rehabilitation place. LOL :lol:





























Hope you all like it, Please enjoy! ;)














































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I can't say anything more,,,
































































my joy and happiness have been share through all goguma post here
































































even my POV have been share
































































this episode is just AWESOME
































































but after watching the sub video there are some part that make me confuse
































































so before i regret i need to ask it here,,
































































































































"if that is her charm her lips would faint"
































































she said that after yonghwa blackroom interview when theyir photoshoot end
































































i cant get what did the MC mean, maybe its just me being stupid
































































please kind of explain it to me
































































and i f someone know what it is saying,, the sentence in this box
































































its justt a random curiosity
































































































































and i wouldn't forgot to thanks all goguma here,,
































































Juhee for trans, tetsuya for subbing,
































































annan and Sally7 for great cap, honestly im waiting since yesterday :P
































































for M3 and Dduk get well soon
































































and how i miss KRD sub T__T
































































i wonder why their blog is gone
































































i need them, did they move into new site???
































































just wanna share some caps i got from DC married
































































Goddest Seohyun
































































































































Hard time thinking Yoong
































































































































Wedding wedding
































































































































































































The Last.. Sang Sang (Imagine)
































































































































cr: DCmarried

































































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Guest winbros
































































































































































































































































uhhh i've missed quite a number of pages so i can't comment on any posts just yet but winbros oppa! ur obi-tokki, and what was soshi's character already? gosh, that was really very funny & creative of u! ROFL!!!!!!! xDDDDDD u almost made my jaw displaced!
































































































































btw, so what JS said about yong's 1st kiss wasn't true right? i, too, think that JS was just maybe trying to hint hyun & everyone else there that if yongseo were to kiss, it would be yong's 1st kiss with hyun. besides, i don't think yong is lacking in that department since he has had 2 ex-gfs to gain experience from. so, my assumption that yongseo had their 1st kiss before the wedding photoshoot is busted. didn't know yong is such a shy & innocent guy. he just doesn't look like it. and hey, who knows what JS said is true! since yong's such a shy & innocent guy, he prolly had his 1st kiss with hyun! haha if that's true.... awwww so cute! :wub:































































































































































































































































Hi dreamyboo, sorry to edit your post.  I thought I'd respond to you directly while I'm taking a break from spazzing. :blink: 
































































































































As my response to your question is not Yongseo related, its hidden here  :phew: 

The short write-up was based on a movie that changed (IMO) the way Sci-Fi movies are produced, if you've ever heard of Star Wars, this was produced by George Lucas in the late 1970s (where I watched it when I was still a little kid, hahaha).  The exchange was loosely based on what Obi-wan Kenobi said to Luke Skywalker as they were headed to Alderran to rescue Princess Leia.  Well, if you ever get to catch that series, it was great in its day.  You should catch Episode 4-6 (that's what they renamed the original series, you might want to skip Episodes 1-3 if you are not so keen on the series.  :P 
































































































































With regards to Yong's 1st kiss, he did share in an earlier interview that he had that at 9th-10th grade I believe, credit to CNBluestorm, the BOICES there are awesome in providing any and all news about our CNBlue boys, this was taken from a compilation of their ideal types for Valentine's Day.
































































































































link is here --> 































































































































































































































































Back to the recent Mother of all Episodes.....
































































































































I still can't believe that Hyun allowed the forehead kiss and actually went ahead to plant her lips on Yong's cheeks.... seriously....  I sensed some awkwardness/reluctance when she had to do it, but she went ahead to do it.  The half-cup-full-Ajusshi-shipper says to me that she wanted to and hence the little resistance apart from the "What?", "really?", "hmmmm"...  and this belief is based on the way Maknae carries herself in other programs, where she would not do what she was uncomfortable with, case in point the kiss scene in her Trax oppas' MV.  I really don't think that WGM would compel her to do what she did not want to do, so I'm definitely at peace with this.
































































































































As we watch them leave the photo studio and have their conversation where Hyun in a roundabout manner tried to present her gift to Yong, the handmade scarf, I am struck once again at how much effort she puts into her gifts to him, again, she could have bought a nice scarf, and we know she has good taste if you remember the scarf she bought for Yong's mom during the Busan episode, but she chose instead to learn how to knit and spent a considerable amount of time knitting that super-long scarf for him (as I have never knitted before, I take the word of all of you posters who say that its no easy thing and extremely time consuming).  If that isn't her display of L.O.V.E., you tell me what is.
































































































































With Yong, I agree that sometimes his choding-ness can get a little overboard, especially in this instance.  I do think that he did not expect or know the amount of effort she had put in, we speculate that he may have heard about her knitting or making a scarf for him, but he may have assumed that she already knew how to, and not that she just picked it up (ain't she a genius?  guitar, pool, schedules, first arm grab, first kisses, knitting - all picked up on her first try.   That's why she is Seobaby, Seororo, SeoHyun the genius-goddess Maknae :wub:) to prepare the gift for him.  I think we can all see that he was really happy after she presented him the gift and really moved at the Black Room Interview.....  and Hyun's look of :wub: at him when he was wearing it..... aiiissshhh, young love.....
































































































































Now I only wonder what the future holds for them, long and successful careers of course, with their respective groups and in whichever other entertainment roads they choose to take, variety or acting, etc.  And I can only hope and pray that they will continue to walk together, supporting each other, and sharing each others' successes and possible failures in the manner which they have already shown us over 47 episodes.   I trust they know that there are many fans of the BOTH of them, and I dare say more fans than antis who will support them in all that they do.
































































































































Regarding the preview, I suspect that the issue is with the scarf, since that was the most recent gift and Yong's ring was clearly visible.  I'm also thinking that it was a pretext for Yong to prepare something special for Hyun. 
































































































































So I'm looking forward to the next episode, and the one after that, and the one after that as well, for as many more episodes as we will get, and I can only wonder how they can top this episode now.  I know, I know, expect the unexpected with uri Yongseo, I haven't forgotten and will always keep that belief.   This Ajusshi-shipper is all sentimental and watching uri Yongseo riding into the sunset already.... ^_^

































































































































































































































































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Guest wallpaperfood

LOL I just came to a massive realisation...

I thought all the n number of job applications were stressing me out this week,

but I then I saw that my angsty stress was caused by yongseo and all you guys here

as I haven't caught up with my tutes or lectures in time due to lurking,

and neither have I completed all the job applications I was hoping to complete by this weekend.

And I am usually freakily, meticulously organised. hahahahaha :X

But I still want to give a shout-out to every goguma here ~ SARANGHAE!!! <3 ; everyone here makes my day, everyday :)

sequoi, I agree with you! Yong was so manly then that it was impossible for Hyun to not look at him as a namja ^^. When I saw that, my jaw literally dropped a bit too. He's been making baby advances, and she's been giving him the green light


oh yay winbros oppa/ahjusshi I love your POVs! rofl, more reasons to not go to bed yet even though it's 2am here...

*waves* at dreamyboo =)

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Guest hakkai20




Hello! as always I am here to share my favorite scene of the episode.. I would probably say that my favorite part is the scene when they were in their casual dress.. the scene where yong's arms are around Hyun's body.. there is something in that scene that says.. "She is mine, I am hers".. and also I like the way they both smile, there is something in it that you just wish that it is their real wedding photoshoot for their real wedding.. :)




and I would also like to add that when yong was hugging hyun at the park after he received the scarf there is some degree of security that you can feel... it is like yong is saying "I know I'm being childish some of the time but trust me, I'll take care of you and I'll never hurt you"..




well that is all... Good evening gogumas.. ^_^




and for @yongseoisreal --> I'm a medical student.. ^_^



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Guest reiran18
































There is a picture I saw in the past post where Yonghwa played the piano.  I am excited to find about the whereabouts of those pics,videos, news or whatsoever,but I was failed. Now my journey ends coz I finally found the vid where he plays a piano..It was in der concert "Feel the blue"..dis is my frst tym seeing him playing a whole song in a piano..actually yong is far from the vid but you can clearly hear his sexy voice singing christmas songs...































































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I updated Run Devil Run, chapter 9 :






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm downloading the subbed vid from Sonems. I think I'll be up in Go-chun again. It'll give me sweet dreams. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you in advance Sonems! 

































































































































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Guest tutiefrutie

Hahaha, my love for this couple is really something! :wub:

I have a case study and thesis paper to do plus the other paper works to submit but I would definitely make time to watch the Yongseo couple especially their wedding photo shoot!!

Ah, to describe that photo shoot is simpy.. LOVE :wub:

I love how the shoot embodies their relationship (because that is the concept, haha :P )

@yongseoisreal: well,I'm not a medical student but I am a nursing student :P Good luck to your studies, you still have along way to goooo :D

Good night people, I still have paper works to finish :D

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Hello Gogumas or In-Go-Paem!!


I have a question regarding the translation from last episode. I quite don't get it.




SH: I really because you I think I’ll catch asthma.


MC: Why?


YH: Cough?


SH: Yes.


YH: Why do from me would you catch a cough?


SH: Because I…


hmmm is Seohyun worried bcoz of Yonghwa could get asthma since he coughing so much?! Or she has asthma and therefore is worried of his health too?!!


Sorry if I am too dumb about this I just don't get it.


And about JS's comment. I think he said it to ease the tension and make Seohyun more comfortable in putting Yonghwa on the same level with her. But I really don't believe that he is not that experienced because he gives that certain vibe to me. And thats good he had his share and can now fully concentrate on Seohyun for the rest of his life, lol. :)



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*quoted image*
































"if that is her charm her lips would faint"
































she said that after yonghwa blackroom interview when theyir photoshoot end
































i cant get what did the MC mean, maybe its just me being stupid
































please kind of explain it to me
































and i f someone know what it is saying,, the sentence in this box
































its justt a random curiosity
































*quoted image*































































Hi Love_yongstar11 sorry to cut your post short. After I've watched the Chinese sub video, it mean something like, "if Yong said that is Hyun's charm just by kissing him on his cheek,  he will faint if she kiss on his lips"
































The sentence in the box (based on the Chinese sub video), it says "perfectly shown her long leg (by lifting her feet)"
































Hope it helps~~ blush.gif

































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