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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest justbulan
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































omg omg omg omg omg...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this episode is full with sweetness!!! 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































especially the last 5 minutes scene.. omg.. i love their interaction there...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































anyway.. some random picture from wae u no twitter.. that makes me laugh so hard...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































HEADLINE: Jung Yonghwa confirms that he was a Pokemon in his past life






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































his past life:Chikorita.gif






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































BOICES.. please dont be mad.. it's just for fun LoL

































































































































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I was happy when I saw they were walking thru the park b/c as you could see no one was around....
















and was even happier when they opened up to each other more b/c of it!
















There was a point where I just randomly blurted out, "Let them be."
















Then I caught myself and said, "Whoah, where did that come from?" Just randomly blurted it out after she put the scarf on him and he put his arm around her and drew her close; and her expression showing that she was extremely happy with *everything*... and there was just.... silence.... as they walked along. Yong was obviously extremely touched and Hyun was just *happy*.
















This part, the part of the shoot where he was trying to put the ring on her finger (adorably cute!), when he got his guitar and went to sing to her, the kisses ;) and.... when he wraps his arm around her and pulls her to him... the look of adoration and dare I say love on his face at the time was just too much. The expression on his face as he did this while looking at her was the same expression in a picture of my father had while looking at my mother on their wedding day.... :tears: that was so cool to see it on him, too.
















Also, the softness in their voices indicates the level of emotion they are feeling-- at times I'm seeing/hearing more of that from Yonghwa on the show as well as in the interviews; and Hyun is getting there, too, more so in the interviews.
































And it was so fun to see Seulong and Nayoung "together again"! Makes me realize how much I miss them on WGM. (they seem to love to tease and get along well too!) Except I think their presence also made Yonghwa and Seohyun a little nervous... :lol:
































One more thing, in the preview, right when the clip starts, you can see that Yong and Seo are facing each other while sitting on the couch... Yong has his head propped in his left hand on the back cushion... and you can see that Hyun also has her head propped in her right hand and resting her elbow over the back of his top arm on top of the cushion. It looked very intimate and especially for them. :)
































Soooo glad to have stuck with their "story"; to see all their progress; thru all the ups and downs; it has been the most beautiful journey!

















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Guest quisty86
































































































Someone made a gif of the backhug! OMG *shaking and crying now* Thank you thank you! I LOVE YOU!
































I can't function properly anymore. MORE! 1/2 of my wish fot fulfilled already. Next time, Hyun, you give the backhug, ne?
































And then I shall drop dead on the floor.

































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Guest LalaCAKES
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just to summarize some freakin epic and cute scenes before the legit translations come up.. :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As soon as Nayoung and Seulong arrived, they started pestering our couple with questions that eventually led to them saying "Oh, if it's been about 300 days shouldn't it be time for a kiss?" (hehehehh oh they are definitely YS shippers like us all~) Yong was very veeery flustered and they teased him about it saying that he probably thought about it already. Seulong kept saying that the couple shouldn't take their comments too seriously but then kept turning around and asking them if they are going to gargle after eating ETC ETC!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So during the shooting of the forehead kiss scene, Yong was clearly trying to be very cautious and all because this was, after all, Seohyun's first "kiss". Seohyun was also nervous and asked "Do I need to be asleep?" The director said, "well, you don't NEED to close your eyes" and then she takes it back and is like "Nonono I will sleep." (haha). Yong saw Hyun's nervousness and asked her "Seohyun should I really do it? Should I?" and she semi-reluctantly/shyly replies "Yes" :wub: He asks her a final time (I guess just to confirm) and she nods her head yes. (OUR LITTLE MAKNAE, YOU ARE IN LOOOOOOVE <333) And at that, Yong just died and smiled like craaaazaaay!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In the blackroom interview after the forehead kiss, Hyun was asked about her feelings at the time and she replied "Just.. as.. like that.. if he slowly came closer.. it would be nice if he slowly came closer" (TRANSLATOR'S NOTE: This sentence is a bit tricky to properly translate, but what Hyun is basically saying is that at that time before the kiss, she felt that she would've like it if he came closer AKA SHE WANTED HIM TO KISS HER FOREHEAD OMG HYUN YOU ARE SO DIFFERENT NOW I LOOOOVE IT~)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Meanwhile, Yong commented on the fact that he was trying to be careful because this was her first kiss and that she was cute when she was pretending to be asleep.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The epic cheek kiss came about because the couple was playing rock-paper-scissors and Hyun lost, thus she needed to be flicked on the forehead. But Yong took the hit for her instead in exchange for a wish. The director used this to create a concept of "He took the hit for you so you should repay him with a kiss". (Have I mentioned how much I love this director??)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ever since they got outside, Hyun kept commenting that she was cold. The MCs wondered whether this was her way of saying that she wanted him to hug her. And as we all know, he did eventually~ But Hyun kept commenting on the cold weather and making hints about Yong's bare neck and eventually he figured out that she had knit him a scarf. He outrightly stated that he knew she knit him something. Hyun wished for him to pretend like he didn't know and said in the backroom interview that she was a bit upset because of his lack of sense in this situation. (But nonetheless such an adorable scene)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And now I'm off to properly re-watch this episode for the third time. Goodbye my ingopaem~

































































































































































































































































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Guest Jess22803








































































































This episode chinca DEEBAKKKKKKKKK. I am still in go-chun, so HAPPYYYYYYYYYYYY.  Aigoo, my heart keeps on duguen,duguen.........,.wub.gifwub.gif
















































































































































































My favourite moment is the backhug in the park.  so natural and so lovely, like a real couple always do when they show their love and care. 
























































































Seohyun also didn't feel shy and awkward and just let yong hug her.  we all know that seobaby character right, she must have like yong so much to allow to allow for the skinship.  They look so Happy together.
























































































@jnj, i laughed so hard reading your spoiler. HAHAHA..... good imagination!!!!! 
























































































off to rewatch  the episode  again.  still unconscious. YONGSEO made me highhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
























































































As for the preview, i think nothing serious just the editing and the pd always likes to tease us.sweatingbullets.gif









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Hi guys...


I've been a lurker and a loyal yongseo shipper since May.


I decided to post today becoz my fragile heart can't take it anymore.


Both of them are SUPER SUPER SUPER SWEET together.


And btw thanks everyone for all the translations, news, beautiful picture of them and for everyone who keep this AMAZING thread alive.


And sorry for my poor english...but thanks to you guys, I have improved since every single days I've learned a new vocabs..


Thanks a million again.:D




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Hacker8….Thanks for the link of the raw vids.
















FallenAnjewl …. I, too, believed that Yong had his arm around Hyun.















































I decided not to watch the live streaming this afternoon simply because I want to watch the show without the usual lagging when I live stream.  I just want to witness the moment without interruptions…hehehe.  And I’m together with the majority’s verdict here at our goguma planet that today’s episode is DAEBAK.  One thing I’ve noticed, this couple just looked so natural with the whole photo shoot, though, there maybe scenes that they look a bit awkward/conscious but that’s totally understandable.  But, other than that they just looked natural, people who doesn’t know that they’re just a virtual couple (???) would say that they look like an in love couple doing prenuptial photos for their wedding.   I just love how they looked, they’re gorgeous and awesome.  I’ve watched almost the entire wedding photo shoots from Seasons 1 and 2.  But, for me, it’s the goguma couple who looked so relax and so real on the shoot even during the kiss scene, which I think is the hardest part to take on a shoot cause usually the couple would be so conscious of the people watching (talking from experience…hehehe)
















BTW, before I go, Hyun really agreed on the kiss scene with Yong. Remember? She declined the suggestion when she was asked to do it for the TRAX album.  Lucky Yong!  Hyun’s really having all her firsts with him…I am hoping that they’re a real couple now.:wub:

















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This is the first part of the translation~































































The rest would be up soon~
































Remember to take out using full credit~















































































edit~ oh i topped a page!! WHOOT!
































Day of Yongseo Couple Wedding Photo Shoot
































SH: Is it alright?
































YH: I decided.
































SH: Really?
































<Picking out both their clothes>
































SH: This one? Stand over there.
































<Although it’s an awkward dress and tuxedo>
































SH: why do you keep coming out?
































YH: It’s embarrassing standing here!
































SH: 1…2…
































<Nervous and Fun First Wedding Photo Shoot>
































SH: Pose!
































<Waiting After He Put His Clothes First>
































MC: Pretty~
































































NY: Hello!
































<Seulong & NahYong Surprise Visit>
































CNBlue: Hello.
































NY: For a top star their quick with their pace to greet us.
































<To Cheer for the Bride and Groom?>
































YH: Thank you.
































SL: You look so cool Yonghwa!
































NY: You look like a cool groom. You look so cool!
































JH: Wow, Hyung is this pizza?
































SL: Yeah~
































<Having >
































SL: Is SeoHyun inside?
































YH: Yes. She’s getting ready.
































JH: Thank you for the food!
































SL: You guess must look so cool together!
































SL&NY: Oh Hello!
































MC: His mouth is hanging wide open. So pretty!
































MC: Really, isn’t SeoHyun pretty?
































NY: Oh so pretty!
































SH: Somehow you came.
































NY: Wherever I go I’m usually a welcomed face. But here…
































SL: You guys match each other well.
































SH: Thank you.
































<Really well match Couple>
































































SH: Seriously, I mean it.
































NY: But when you guys are taking the pictures together the size of your height is important. I guess the groom has to take a step up.
































<I Guess the Groom Has to Take a Step Up>
































YH: Just hurry up and go!
































Everyone: Thank you for the food!
































NY: Where you guys not able to sleep last night? Friends have told me that it’s hard to sleep before the wedding shoot.
































<Not Able to Sleep Before the Wedding Photo Shoot>
































<Truthfully Hyun was in a Deep Sleep>
































SL: For example, you don’t eat because you think you’ll gain weight.
































YH: Something like that.
































SL: YongHwa you really have a catch.
































NY: Right, how long has it been now?
































SL: It should be more than 200days.
































SH: Us?
































YH: More than a year
































<Already More Than 1 Year>
































SH: It should be more than a year.
































NY: If it’s pass a year…
































SL: They should be ready to kiss.
































<Ready to Kiss>
































SH: Huh?! Why always this…
































<Eventually They Would Go to This Topic?!>
































NY: And also it’s usually on the wedding shoot that they kiss.
































SH: That’s what I meant!
































NY: Kwon with Gain
































<The Bride and Groom Have No Words>
































NY: In Bali… or Guam…They did it on their wedding shoot. You did at least prepare yourselves right? Why are you so serious?!
































MC: So I’m guessing he did think about it!
































<Without Knowing He Overreacted>
































MC: He’s turning red!
































NY: But for SeoHyun, isn’t it your first kiss? (Really meant for first kiss in her lifetime)
































SH: Yes??
































YH: We can’t~
































SH: It’s not!
































NY: It’s not?
































JS: It’s YongHwa’s first kiss as well (in his life)
































SL: You too??
































NY: It’s your first kiss?
































































<Everyone With >
































YH: Drink your Cola.
































SL: We’re not trying to pressure you guy but still if you can do it today, it’ll be great~
































NY: Yeah, it would be great if you can do it today.
































SL: We’re really not trying to pressure you! You don’t have to show us this side to us now.
































<Is Does He Mean What He’s Saying or Not>
































<Now It’s Time For the Couple to Take Their Photos>
































SL: After you eat do you have to take your photos?
































YH: Yes.
































NY: Why won’t you use some mouthwash? (clean your breath)
































SH: Huh?
































SL: You should use mouthwash since you just ate. You’re not going to?
































YH: What is your true goal?
































<The People Who Need to See Their Kiss>
































NY: I always use mouthwash after I eat.
































SH: Really?
































NY: I’m always prepared for it.
































MC: Just if they do have a kiss scene it’ll be SeoHyun’s first kiss, ever.
































MC: You’re saying her first kiss?
































MC: Yes her lips are pure.
































MC: Pure lips?!
































<The People in the Back have a Strong Wish for These Two to Kiss>
































<A Group Shot>
































NY: It looks as if I’m the only one having fun~
































<Real or Fake Laugh?>
































MC: Friends are meant to do that
































<A Harmonious Group Photo>
































NY: They came out great~
































SL: NahYoung unnie, are you pregnant?
































<I want to get married too!>
































Photographer will be P
































P: From now on it’s only going to be the two.
































<Explaining the next scene>
































P: Having them back to back, Yonghwa will serenade her with his guitar while she goes “oh Yonghwa oppa you’re so cool”
































<Next Motif is the Guitar!>
































SL: How about, there are some shots where they can kiss.
































MC: Right! Nice!
































SL: Or something with a similar feel?
































P: That’s what I was going to do right after. I’ll be on the ceiling shooting down
































<Already Prepared Kiss Scene?!>
































NY: We leave them in your care.
































P: It’ll be right after~
































SH: What?
































YH: You can slow while taking the pictures.
































<So Does This Is the Confirmation for a Kiss Scene?>
































<Photo Shoot Starting Again>
































YH: You look as if you’re riding on a cloud.
































SH: Really?
































YH: Yeah.
































MC: NahYoung what are you doing?
































SH: Return safety!
































































MC: What did she shout?
































MC: That she’s pretty.
































P: Now give YongHwa his guitar.
































<First with the Guitar Scene>
































MC: It’s already been a year
































YH: Now C
































<The Way for the Couple to Find a Connection Was the Guitar>
































YH: G. If you keep going at it, you can be a guitar genius.
































SH: Really?!
































<The Reason for the YongSeo Couple’s Together is the Guitar>
































P: Right toward Seohyun, you have to give me a smile~
































MC: She was a girl, now she’s looks like a woman.
































<Time to Take Pictures of the Ring>
































<The Couple Ring they Share From Their KangWanDo Fishing Trip>
































MC: Ah their memories from their fishing trip.
































SH: I have something to give you. Push open the bottom.
































YH: Oh what is this?! Are you sure it’s the right size?
































<To Have their Couple Ring Memory Now >
































SH: Please don’t do that~
































<Following to Hyun’s Facial Expression>
































SH: Ah ~ Seriously!
































YH: Why?
































MC: It’s so pretty~
































MC: She really looks like a princess.
































P: After a 5 minute break we’ll go right back in.
































YH & SH: Yes!
































<By Any Chance the Next Scene is…!>
































YH: Seo Ju Hyun~
































SH: Yeah~
































YH: Is it hard?
































SH: No!
































YH: It’s fun, no?
































SH: Yes.
































P: Just sit there, because I’ll be going up there.
































YH: How will you be going up there?
































P: By a ladder! You guys are going to lay down next to each other. The scene is that the oppa is reading a book to her.
































<While Laying Down the Groom will be Reading to the Bride>
































P: After reading the book, we see that the bride has fallen asleep. That is your chance.
































MC: AH, is it finally the kiss scene?!
































P: Slowly, slowly go to her and kiss her slightly on the forehead.
































<This is the Forehead Kiss?>
































SH: Huh? Seriously?
































YH: You really want this…
































MC: AH, it’s been a while that I got a forehead kiss!
































P: Now, staff please get ready!
































<In Agony, Yong Husband?!>
































MC: It’s him laughing.
































<Already the Photographer is Going Up>
































P: Alright, get ready~
































YH: You have already arrived up there?
































MC: YongHwa should have been nervous as well.
































YH: We shouldn’t have brought Seulong.
































MC: For us, we’re grateful for Seulong.
































P: Naturally you can move your hand.
































YH: Huh?
































Staff: You can get closer.
































P: Now we’re starting with you reading the book.
































YH: Ah it’s in English.
































MC: It looks like they gave him an original English book.
































YH: I can’t do it. I …. And will have~ (in a heavy accent)
































P: Ah it’s in English, sorry~ This time have the groom slightly lowered down next to her.
































<The Couple Comes a Little Bit Closer >
































NY: So Pretty~
































MC: The feel is great!
































SH: How should be do this?
































YH: Obviously…
































<Starting the Photo Shoot>
































P: Since you keep reading in English, the bride falls asleep.
































<Hearing This the Bride Falls Asleep>
































P: Now, seeing that she’s fallen asleep. Slowly and slightly on the bride’s forehead…
































<Forehead Kiss>
































SH: I have to be asleep?
































P: Or you have your eyes open…
































SH: No… No… that’s alright.
































P: Naturally close your eyes.
































SH: Yes.
































P: With a feel of a smile.
































<Finally the Bride Has Fallen Asleep.>
































MC: This should be hard for Seohyun.
































JS: It’s only the beginning that’s the hardest, then they should get used to it.
































MC: Right the beginning should only be hard.
































NY: Ah, that’s so old fashioned.
































P: Alright now this time lower the book a little.
































































P: I can’t tell who you guys are from the pictures. The groom should have courage.
































<Conflicted Yong Husband>
































YH: Really, do it?
































SH: Don’t you just have to get close.
































YH: SeoHyun should I really do it?
































































YH: You decide.
































<Scared Hyun is left to Decide>
































YH: Should I or Not? Yeah~
































SH: Yes…
































YH: Should I or not?
































MC: She said to do it.
































































P: Alright~
































<The Seriously Careful Yong Husband>
































YH: You really have to do it in one shot!
































P: Slowly just go ahead. Okay… now… the book… what is the book?
































<Slowly… Slowly…>
































<This Time…>
































P: You’re not trying to smell her hair right?
































YH: Why did you put so much hairspray?
































SH: I don’t know!
































P: This will be the final and only shot.
































<This Time…>
































P: More… a little bit more!
































YH: Thank you for the hard work(?)
































SH: Thank you for the hard work.
































YH: Seohyun, I’m sorry.
































P: From there I’ll take a shot of you looking up.
































<And That is How They Completed Their First Kiss>
































SH: Just… as it is… that… if he came slowly it would be fine.
































YH: I just thought a lot if I should do it or not. Because It’s Seohyun’s first I thought I needed it to be respectful. Seeing her like that was cute. Always having her eyes shut… pretending like she’s sleeping. Even when I was close to her forehead it felt as if it was far away…
































<After the Hard to Shoot Forehead Kiss…>
































<Yong Waiting For Hyun>
































MC: For him to see her from the side would be pretty~
































<Just Seeing Her Makes Him Smile>
































MC: Because of the kiss they should feel closer.
































<The Guitar Making an Appearance with Yong Husband>
































YH: Seo Ju Hyun… hurry up and come out.
































SH: Please wait~
































YH: The photographer is waiting as well~
































<This Time Wearing a Mini Dress!>
































YH: Oh~ Miss Seo Ju Hyun. Pink lady~
































SH: The pink ribbon is cute!
































YH: You thought it wouldn’t be?
































SH: I have to think whether to compliment you or not. Ah sweet potatoes!
































<This Concept Is…?>
































<The Concept of Sweet Potatoes >
































MC: Ah you can’t forget the sweet potatoes.
































SH: If we grew sweet potatoes like how great would that have been.
































YH: Seriously…
































<At Their First Meeting Together: Sweet Potatoes>
































SH: Do you like sweet potatoes?
































YH: What did you say?
































SH: I really love sweet potatoes.
































YH: From now on I’ll forever love sweet potatoes.
































































































SH: Come~ OUT~
































YH: The sweet potatoes won’t even come out~
































SH: We messed it up!
































P: We’ve completely filled it with sweet potatoes. So the feel is to pleasantly go back to the hostel.
































YH: Is this a repayment from last time?
































MC: But the radish-like sweet potatoes were delicious.
































<Beginning the Shoot with the Sweet Potatoes>
































MC: We did receive and ate it well.
































<A little bit of drastic skin ship(?)>
































P: Now this is really like a wedding. Just lean everything onto the oppa. Don’t worry. Hold onto her waist…
































MC: Like this~
































YH: Like this?!
































<Tough Yong!>
































MC: Ah~ still the hand is awkward!
































<Hand is awkward>
































<But Their Facial Expression Seem Real!>
































P: More softer.
































MC: At this point the girl would be holding their breath.
































MC: Do you even know how much strength we put into our stomach? Your internal organ feel as if they would come out.
































SH: This is alright, right?
































YH: Your bad posture is coming out~
































P: This is the final pose by you lifting her up.
































<Lifting Up the Bride>
































YH: You want me to life SeoHyun up?
































SH: I don’t think he will be able to.
































YH: I’ll lift her up and…
































SH: Throw me?!
































P: Ah you have to trust the groom.
































<Fully Determined>
































SH: I understand!
































<His Expression is Like a Stone!>
































P: Right like that! Be happy!

















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ya know, every week I watch expecting the episode to be... how do I put it.. less exciting(?) then previous ones, but my god it just keeps getting better.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































aside from the the kisses(pecks) and hugs, I found these moments equally adorable. :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hyun being difficult. lol.                                 oh yonghwa, you and your expression after she agrees.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































caught doing a double take!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































them being adorable, self explanatory.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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gif spam tbc.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and idk about anyone else, but I'm excited for the next episode. them bickering is always fun to watch. haha.

































































































































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Guest Lildedprinxez












*quoted image*








*quoted image**quoted image**quoted image* THIS SO MUCH!:"> :">




I just wanted to share this to all of you:">








How sweet is that? Yong you silly boy:) You can be so silly and choding sometimes and romantic and sweet too!:)




You always surprise us both of you.Yongseo couple, never change!:) ! You are so so soooooo loved by all of us!













OHMAYGHAD! thank you for sharing this wonderful moment! Way better than the kiss! More real and natural! OMG Yong!!! You always prepare something to surprise us gogumas! omo~ omo~ screaming while watching this scene!





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Guest MissBarbietch_0106










Another fav caps.


















Even Seulong drop his jaw seeing the Goddess Hyun. LOL





























i don't know what is Jung Shin Chingoo statement, but must be something that important, because after hear this, he laugh hard and made Yonghwa very shy and the others reaction are daebak.. hahaha.. (maybe he talking about Yonghwa wants the kiss to happen, maybe???)











Edit: From Juhee translation






JS: It’s YongHwa’s first kiss as well (in his life)






Ommoooooo, is that true???????!
























And i think this 4 persons are so SNEAKY.. seems like they talking/planning something about how to make this couple to KISS.. hahaha..:wub: :wub::wub:











































Edit: Juhee, Thanks for the fast translation.. You are daebak!!! :lol::lol:















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Guest aneng












































































Thank you so much ITTNE for always providing gifs for us! And of course, juhee for the translation!




































































From the very start, we already noticed how lame PD's editing is. How on Earth can a thing be there in a second then gone after, things like that. However, in this episode, it's been very obvious to me how they are purposely closing up a certain scene to switch the attention on the couple's face. Little did they know, fans have eagle eyes and will still see what they are hiding. They've been closing up either Yonghwa or Seohyun's face whenever they're really close to each other. It's probably because to 'hide' what they're doing on their back.





























































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest l1nn3
































































how can a gal that is
















1. notorious to think that boys are gross,
















2. prefer goguma than Song Seung-heon
















3. never experience first love, dont even know the different between love and like,
















4. dont even want to hold hand with yesung oppa at year end gayo ( an oppa he knows for years)































5. refuse to have kiss scene for trax MV
















6. dont even like it when her unnies kiss her
















( there was another radio session where sunny kiss seohyun, and seohyun said 'unni..it is inappropriate...LOL)

























do these:
















1. gave rings
















2. hold hand comfortably
















3. initiate hand grabbing
















4. DONT EVEN FLINCH when yong touch her all over (back hug, put his hand under her richard simmons when he carry her, has his head near her chest area when she headlock him or when he carry her)
















5. ALLOW him to kiss her, even better, want him to even get closer during backroom interview
















6. give him many hand made gifts such as books and scarf which take a lot of time to make, and we know how busy she is at year end
















































































abt the preview...i thk someone pointed out before...yong's top is grey colour..which is different that the white top he sported wearing during their shopping filming...i am really HOPING...this is some other secret filming they have...and hoping there are many more secret filmings from december to now...to justify the no filming news since shopping trip...
















so far we have seen 2 secrets filming:
















1. cn blue dorm to compose banmal song + piggy back
















2. health chk up and massage

















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Guest curiousbabe



I'm so happy that they kiss ^^

Even though it's just a kiss on cheek, I'm still contented! Kekeke


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Guest Puge2
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































a pics from DC MArried (Really Korean Goguma DAEBAK) KAmsahamida [HUG]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thank you Juhee for the translate [HUG]
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and all of goguma chingoo who share all about this Daebak Epi,, :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































another pics can be seen at :
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The Wedding Photos

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest rizeleth



Yong Hwa gives Seohyun a back hug on “We Got Married"

On this week’s episode of MBC’s “We Got Married”, SNSD’s Seohyun presented her ‘husband’, CNBLUE’s Yong Hwa, with a surprise gift after their long day of shooting their wedding photos.

Seohyun started off by saying, “It’s cold”. Yong Hwa replied cunningly, “What do you want me to do? Do you want me to hug you or what?” Seohyun rebuked, “What exactly are you thinking of doing?” It was then when Yong Hwa suddenly gave Seohhyun a back hug and said, “I know you like it, don’t pretend like you don’t, cause I see it all in your eyes.”

Seohyun then revealed to Yong Hwa that she had a surprise gift for him, but Yong Hwa continued to joke around, as he replied, “Like what? You made a scarf? Gloves? A mask?”

In the end, Seohyun really did knit a scarf for her ‘husband’, making Yong Hwa want to retract his words.

During their interviews with the PD, Seohyun light-heartedly expressed, “He has no sense whatsoever. I just wanted to give him a gift out of gratitude.” Yong Hwa also expressed his thankfulness for the present, as he said, “I was really sorry. I actually wear it around every day these days.”


P.S. If the translation is correct, I don't think Yong lose Hyun's scarf gift since he told them in the interview that he wear it around these days :wub::w00t:


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Guest just_a_dream
















































is it just me or somehow you guys find the preview really cute?.them bickering is such a couple-ish thingy.,at the near end part, ah sincha, you can hear the crew laughing at SeoHyuns anger..now,now,now..even the crews are shippers eh?.that should be appropriate though, since of all people they knew what is going on everything during filming..now how i wish i somehow knew one of them so that i can leaked info and shared it to you guyz..wihihihi..































































OH DAEBAK!.the hugs really kills me, though i super duper giggle with their peck kiss, but sincha the back hug, the closeness of their body while walking at the park, and yeah i really notice Yongs hand always at the back like all the while pulling SeoHyun closer to him..well it's again appropriate, i could have imagine they would have died because of coldness that's why they both need human heat and the best source of that kind of heat is themselves (PERV me!)...pwahahaha..































































And oh..someone posted an article here long before this episode that SeoHyun is learning knitting, and again, someone wished that he would knit Yong something..ta nan!.your wish did come true..hahaha.,what an effort really Seo Joo Hyun, i mean if I would put myself in her shoe, I think I wouldn't do that and let myself be rest deprive if the person doesn't really mean soo much too me..and how i appreciate the thoughtfulness, she even bother putting YS on the scarf, maybe to indicate them being together for real?.like a very common but still among the top bf/gf love scene..lovers putting their names always beside each others name (e.g carving name initials on the bark of the tree)..































































i wish i could really yell this at them "Ya!.stop tricking me will you? I knew it already, even when you'll glued your mouth"..ahhhh their becoming more and more and more and soooo much more REAL in each episode..































































i'll sleep early now cause i really am feeling so haapppppy (honestly if i'm down, i would tend to not sleep at all..kk)..































































continue spazzing everyone, i guess when i'll wake up, ten plus more pages will be added then?.hehe.,crossing finger, hope it will..































































byebye (Yonghwa's style)..
























































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Guest lilmssunshine


this is definitely in my top 10 fave episodes!!! im smiling like a fool even though ive seen the raw vids for the nth time!!! still in the moon because of these two!!! :wub::wub:




thank you everyone for the screencaps,pics, links and translations!!!




PS: does anyone know the title of the songs theyve used as background music on todays episode?




thanks everyone!!


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