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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest yongseorockin


Here's another report with more details. Credit: tvreport.co.kr/Fanwonder  Taken from : Facebook SNSD -Girls Generation








Will Seohyun give her first kiss to Yonghwa?



On MBC TV ‘We Got Married (WGM) Season  2′ to be aired on March 5th,  there is a great interest among fans and  viewers on whether the virtual  couple would actually kiss on the show.

This episode  features the shooting of  the couple’s wedding moments. The YongSeo  couple looks like a real pair  of bride and groom where the handsome  Yonghwa put on in his tuxedo and  the angelic Seohyun in her wedding  dress.

Particluarly in one of the photos,  Seohyun who put  on a pink wedding dress with a headband and Yonghwa who  wore a black  tuxedo with a pink bowtie, posed in such a way that Yonghwa  pushed a  bicycle full of sweet potato with Seohyun holding on to his  arm.(*I believe this would become the famous pose for future couples).

Meanwhile,  2AM member Im Seulong and MC  Kim Nayoung visited the set of the  shooting and while eating snacks with  them she said, “Now, you need to  gargle, don’t you?”,hinting that the  two should be kissing after that  and the YongSeo couple felt embarrassed  upon hearing that remark.

So  of the netizens commented, “Other  than the sweet potato on the  bicycle, I can’t see anything else”, “I  hope the two of them really  love each other very much”, “I want to see  them kiss like Jo Kwon and  Ga In”, “What a perfect match. I want to see  more pictures”, etc.








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Guest firstimelovers












Yong pictured in March issue, Easy Magazine with precious ring! :wub:




cr. Baidu Yoong★Hyoon













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and now i know what yong did in YAB.. -_- pandacaryn

aah..this jealous heart of mine...

Aneng, tks for the link and wedding pic.

u know what, i bet his bros will also look as solemn as yong if pics of them

were taken while all of them were performing. ;)

sophia, once a gollum..always a gollum :P

the precious is exceptionally bright and shiny that night,

its saying "look! look! i'm still here!"

soshi3,u are a certified addict!

wait till winbros oppa read your post!

i bet he'll have a field day loling..

kuroneko...sorry to say this, but u do sound serious in your post.

but i like that someone as analytical as u do realise that some things do not

have to be analysed too much. take them as they are..follow your heart..

this is the romantic delusional me talking to u.. :sweatingbullets::lol:

tks to ALL for the wedding pic.

M3 & lovekim for the tras too

is yongseo having their own sweet potatos CF? :rolleyes:

haha...that pic gives such a happy and fun vibe, i love it!

am anticipating much on the piggyback and 'putting on rings' pose.. :w00t::wub:


from professor yong's dictionary

Jpn Trip

go_chun = goguma(sweet potato) + chunkook (heaven)

and from hyun

Double Bday Celebration

long long time ago, there lived a boy name yong and a girl name hyun,

they were very much loved by other village people..

come to think of it, yes, we are indeed villagers who are addicted to sweet potatoes..

we care, we see them grow and we love love them so so much! :wub:

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Actually there is a dictionary for slang in this forum however is going to take some time to dig it out of the mountain of pages in this forum but to answer your most immidiate question :






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Go-chun: stands for Sweet Potato Heaven































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































In-Go-Paem: International sweet potato family






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Edit: Well I did some digging and I found it I hope this helps.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Goguma dictionary...






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































1. Go-Chun - Goguma heaven
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2. Ring Ding Dong - When the precious couple rings are spotted.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































3. Gollum - Goguma ring detectives
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































4. Precious - couple ring
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































5. Hamburgers - Yongseo haters/Antis.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































6. Goguma FBI's -
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































7. In-Go-Paem - International Goguma Family
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































8. Goguma Planet -
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































9. Goguma Villagers - citizens of Goguma planet/heaven?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr. to CallMeDayDreamer of soompi































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Heheh the dictionary is useful even for me, having lurked here for half a year....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway i think #6 refers to the people here who're very good at spotting small little nuggets of info from the episodes or good at digging up well-hidden info!

































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Thanks Hesperide for the info..






















































Really like Jungshin chingoo become WGM MC this week.































Hopefully he will spill all the beans bout the shooting.































& then "mischievous brothers" comes with "speculator sister" & start talk bout "kisses".































Really wanna know what are their reaction bout this...





















































































So this is Yong 4th time in RM....































Looks like the producer really like him..































Good for him...































Just before their official album release...






















































































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Guest soshisoshisoshi








firstimelovers, thanks for sharing the  pictures. so another appearance by the couple ring in a magazine..... I  just love how he cherish the ring. nothing more can be said, except  L.O.V.E :wub:








so, speculation about kiss right? I agree with hesperide, a kiss on lips is IMPOSSIBLE (actually this is when I want the phrase "expect the unexpected" to be proven once again!). a kiss on forehand is already enough to make us smile "too wide", then what will the effect of lips kiss on us?? can you stand it? :lol:








on a side note, I just noticed that the guy that MCed alongside the other MCs are none other than actor Park Hwisoon. This guy is funny, really! hope he will bring many witty comments!








almost forgot, found this article on AKP, some of you may have read it. It's about Se7en and Hanbyul. not related to YongSeo but somehow related (?)












Park Han Byul, Yoon Eun Hye talk about Se7en and  acting criticisms on tvN’s “Taxi




                                                                                                                                                               Actresses Park Han Byul and Yoon Eun Hye  recently guested on tvN’s talk show, “Taxi“,  and through it they revealed the hardships they experienced during  their careers. Park Han Byul kicked off by talking about her relationship with  Se7en. “I was young at the time, and I was a rookie. It  was inevitable in the Korean entertainment industry. I trusted the fact  that people wouldn’t be able to say anything, as I had lied about the  fact that I had loved him for the past 10 years.”








After acknowledging the relationship, she continued, “It was  especially hard because after we admitted to the relationship, no matter  where I went, I received questions about it. I thought about breaking  up with him, but I looked at myself in the future and realized that the  only way I’d be happy without working is to be with him, so I withstood  it all.”








Meanwhile, Yoon Eun Hye was asked about her feelings on the acting  controversies that surrounded each of her dramas. She replied, “I  think people hated me for the fact that I was once a singer, and that  out of pure luck, I landed a good role right from the start. I lacked in  different aspects, so I understand why those controversies came  about. I am trying my best to improve with each new project.”








When asked to describe their dating styles, Park Han Byul replied, I’ve  only ever seriously dated one person, so I’m not sure.  I treat him as  my heart desires, without anything fake.” Yoon Eun Hye added, “Park  Han Byul doesn’t look like it, but she’s actually quite inattentive.  When she’s talking with friends and her boyfriend calls, she’d tell him  that she was in the middle of a conversation and hangs up.”








She continued, “I used to like bad guys, but now I like caring  guys. I debuted when I was young so I haven’t had a boyfriend for a  while. I don’t feel lonely because I was alone for such a long time.”








Known for being fashionistas, their segment concluded with beauty  tips and know-hows. On preferring mini skirts, Park Han Byul explained, “People  with a lot of leg muscle look better in mini skirts than in pants. I  was a dancer for over 10 years, so my body is quite lean.”







Asked about skin care tips, Yoon Eun Hye stated, “I use a lot of  face masks and wear a lot of different moisturizers. I’ll put on three  times the normal amount before bed; it has great effects.”








Check out their full segment on March 3rd



















As to why I highlited some parts, is because seriously both YongHwa and Seohyun really needs to learn about HB-S7N's experience, which, quoting from KuroNeko116's post directly from the previous page, "Watching the YongSeo couple, It made me realize that a  relationship like theirs can exist. That it doesn't have to be complicated if you don't make it  complicated. That relationships are give and take. That being in a  relationship is a beautiful thing and should be appreciated. That having  someone wanting to know and understand you on that level is a privilege." (beautifully written!). Always have faith in YongSeo!




































:rolleyes: fairy me: you should study! tomorrow is your test!







fury.gifdevil me: no, stay in this thread, it's more fun than studying right? you can study in the morning!








:rolleyes:  fairy me: don't listen! once you complete your test, you'll have time to browse whenever you like!








fury.gifdevil me: ha! test is easy! remember, YongSeo is your power!
















okay, study!! ;)









EDIT: oriharan, welcome welcome! yay new member of the family! hope you will most often in the future and spazz along with us!






yongseomania! LOL that will cause some misunderstandings to people who are just introduced to K-pop! but yes, it feels good reading that! :wub:












EDIT2: omo, didn't think of that as a game! thanks yongseorockin for initiating!




Kiss in lips








Kiss in forehead



1) YongSeoRockin








Kiss in hand








Kiss in cheek








Simulating a kiss



1) soshi3








IDK, based on the preview! but I seriously hope for more!





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Guest orihararan

I just make new acc here *bcs I forgot my old acc* baboo

And, after make my acc today, absolutely my first post must be on this greatest YongSeo Villager's place :))

Nice to meet you all

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Guest yongseomania
















































I found something on wiki...LOL
















MC appearances
















Yong Hwa was an MC at the first-ever Melon Music Awards held on December 16, 2009 together with actress Lee In Hye. Alongside Kim Heechul and Park Shin-hye, Yong Hwa was an MC for the 2009 SBS Gayo Daejeon award ceremony which was held on December 29, 2009.[4] Yong Hwa temporarily replaced Tiffany & Yuri of Girls' Generation as co-host MCs for MBC's Show! Music Core episode to be aired on May 29, 2010 together with Min Sun Ye and Kim Yoo Bin of the Wonder Girls. In June 2010, he was also a co-host MC for Music Core along side SNSD's Yuri and real wife Seohyun. Finally on July 18, 2010, Yonghwa officially started as one of the new hosts of SBS's Inkigayo together with F(x)'s Sulli and 2AM's Jo Kwon. He also appeared as an MC for 2010 SBS Gayo Daejun which was held on 29 December along with Jo Kwon, Kim Hee Chul and Hwang Jung Eum .
































I really wish this article was not found from wiki....Anyone can edit on wiki... But i still feel very good after reading this...:D

















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Guest yongseorockin


Hey In-Go-Paems, Let's just play a game and not beat about the bush. Where do you think the Kiss will be. Put your names under the one you wish to see/ or think its likely!! Base on Hesperide's following options:




Kiss in lips




Kiss in forehead

1) YongSeoRockin




Kiss in hand




Kiss in cheek




Simulating a kiss


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Guest emmanuellee






I just make new acc here *bcs I forgot my old acc* baboo




And, after make my acc today, absolutely my first post must be on this greatest YongSeo Villager's place :))


Nice to meet you all












i just want to say thank you for your very nice and very beautiful FMV about yongseo in youtube. Really appreciate it.  Keep up the good work.  I love them. :D



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Guest yongseomania
















































Hey In-Go-Paems, Let's just play a game and not beat about the bush. Where do you think the Kiss will be. Put your names under the one you wish to see/ or think its likely!! Base on Hesperide's following options:
















Kiss in lips
















Kiss in forehead






























































1) YongSeoRockin
















Kiss in hand
















Kiss in cheek
















Simulating a kiss






























































Something even better






























































1)yongseomania (I believe MBC had predicted that all the fans will think that they will be kissing scene. So if there is really a kissing scene... Fans's eye will become watery:tears:..Although it is sweet and it is what we want but the element of surprise is not there(All goguma's face will be like this:blush:) .. But they come out with something which is shocking, unpredicted and even better...I believe all the fans will go crazy and shout WOwowowowow(Goguma's face1:blink: 2:crazy: 3:w00t:)!!(All the goguma(us) and goguma(Supermarket) will explode)
















In YongSeo's couple WGM...E most shocking and not predicted moment is when Seohyun took the initiative to hold yonghwa's arm...This sat will be another shocking moment...BE PREPARE!!  
































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Guest orihararan

i just want to say thank you for your very nice and very beautiful FMV about yongseo in youtube. Really appreciate it.  Keep up the good work.  I love them. :D 

emmanuelle, Oh thank you so much for watching my fmv dear. kekeke, YongSeo is a great cp with the great fan all over the worldwub.gif

soshisoshisoshi: Nice to meet you, from now, I hope i can spazz here w/ you guys 


read the optional just make me scream kekeke, honestly in some previous eps, I always predicted something based on the preview text or MC jake's tweet, but YongSeo always came with something UNPREDICTABLE , hit me like a heart attack rofl, 

so, now I'll choose

Something even better :)

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Guest wallpaperfood

ROOOAAARRRRR my really long post just got wiped out because my wonderful dad decided to restart the internet connection just when i clicked on "post"...


OMG *SQUEALLLLLL* ~~~ the photo~~

I felt like such a dead goat after taekwondo that I was about to speed wash-face-brush-teeth-zoom-to-bed, but something was pulling me to this thread (like it does every night LOL) and now I'm going to be glued here for a few more hours.

I love the photo because it's the first time I've seen Seohyun's smile light up her entire face in an official photoshoot! Usually, it's either she doesn't smile (and it's especially obvious since all her other unnies do) OR her smile doesn't reach her eyes. I think it's because she aims to maintain a sense of professionalism and..."appropriateness" (I don't know what goes on in the girl's mind), but sometimes - don't get me wrong, I'm not insinuating anything, nor do I mean to offend anyone (I love, love, LOVE Seohyun for the record, and none of my friends dare say anything negative about her in front of me muahaha) - I just wish she would "let go" and show a big-a$$ smile :D. . . . . (although she still manages to look so sophisticated/mature/gorgeous even if she doesn't).

For one of the more striking examples:


(Well I could be wrong, maybe the staff asked her to pose that way, I don't know - she still looks great though!)

Now I'm a happy dead goat :D . My wish has finally been granted~ Seohyun looks like she's the queen of her own life in that wedding bicycle-goguma shot! WOw <3

Not to mention she's so happy it makes me happy <3 <3

soshisoshisoshi gosh u r JJANG! I love how you built tension from the "hesitation" leading up to the "IMPORTANT DECISION". I lolled so hard at my computer screen.

kuroneko116, I think I'm quite similar to you (in terms of how you rank love/career/family), and have experienced a practically identical relationship (freaky).

However, my pre-Yongseo thoughts about love was waaay intense and harsh, for lack of a better term. I truly was of the opinion that love was all an illusion, or something people just made up because they needed "companionship" and all that jazz, and that families stuck together simply because it was all an obligation. Yehhh....am I ever so glad I came across Yongseo, otherwise who knows what other wonderful theories I'd have come up with :vicx: 

btw I find it so cute that Jungshin and Nana are guest MCs...aren't they one day apart in terms of age? And they're both so tall too. I used to secretly ship them as a pair lol...

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Guest SeLeNe_Alai07
















































Fine lets do it LOL^_^ 






























































Kiss in lips






























































Kiss in forehead































1) YongSeoRockin































2) SeLeNe_Alai07































Kiss in hand






























































Kiss in cheek






























































Simulating a kiss






























































Something even better















































































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Guest santak




For Gollums (hope I spelled it right!), YongHwa :rolleyes: yesterday, at Kim Jung-eun's Chocolate show








More from here!


Credit as in photo



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Guest YongSeo































Their 2nd wedding photo reminds me of 2 scenes.








Firstly, it was when Hyun initiated to link arms with Yong.








Secondly, it was of course their gogumas harvest. The photo was really cute, seeing Yong riding the bike with a basket full of gogumas.. sure look like a farmer.








I also want to take part in the guess!!!








Kiss in lips






























Kiss in forehead















1) YongSeoRockin








2) SeLeNe_Alai07








Kiss in hand








Kiss in cheek








Simulating a kiss















1) soshi3















2) yongseo






























Something even better







































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Guest MissBarbietch_0106










Another Yongseo Fun caps.. 2 more days seems forever, Sigh -_-


















"The Kiss" Guess Game i put in the spoiler:






Kiss in lips


















Kiss in forehead











1) YongSeoRockin






2) SeLeNe_Alai07






Kiss in hand






Kiss in cheek






Simulating a kiss


















Something even better





















































Always Expect the Unexpected from  uri YONGSEO :D :D:D





















































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"People say, when you love someone you hold on to their stuff whenever they are not around.








Spotted: Prince Yong wearing Precious in NAN 2/28 and Easy Magazine March Magazine. Looks like our boy is not letting this one go anytime soon.








Also spotted: Angel Hyun at the Seoul Cultural Arts Awards. From afar, that particular important finger beams a light. Caught! It is the Precious.








Careful YongSeo, people are watching. What at first is thought as virtual may turn into actual. Any time the rules may change, and you don't know how they'll change you. Anyone wants to bidding in that this could be a possibility of a real-life matter? Going once, going twice.








You know you love me, XOXO, Gossip Girl~"











Wakakaka~ I just finished watching Gossip Girl, and suddenly came up with possible lines if she ever has to spy on our YongSeo. [Hek~ can’t help associating everything with YongSeo sweatingbullets.gif~]








Haish..She wears it, he wears it, both wear them. Every time, everywhere. Seems that they wanted to be caught wearing them.








It’s like they’re sending a message to the world: “Guys, can’t you see that we can’t live without our Precious? Do we need to explain more? Go figure!” Hahahaha….








As for the kiss poll, are we allowed to choose only one wink.gif? Bluek! Am going to be greedy today w00t.gif. I hope they’ll stimulate a kiss, but Yong feels that “Today is THE day. I have to make a move”  ph34r.gif and then steals a kiss from her soft cheek. And Hyun will be like “Now that you’ve already stolen one, how about this time, ask for it nicely and on the forehead please wub.gif”~ Hehe…








Owh yes, wanna share something smile.gif:








Useful tip for Goguma-surfing at workplace: Effective for Open Cubicle








Always ensure your fingers are at stand-by mode on ‘Window’ + ‘D’ keys. The moment you hear your boss’ footsteps 1 meter away, immediately press those keys. Boss will think you are trying to locate your department manpower report at your desktop. Works for me all the time cool.gif~ Hahahaha








YongSeo Fighting!!













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Guest _SmileGuest_






to all Goguma Villagers .. Please support our new YongSeo Couple fanpage at Facebook  biggrin.gif Our Old YongSeo Couple  fanpage is missing mysteriously .. For who cant find our new YongSeo Couple fanpage .. here the link wub.gif YongSeo Couple New FanPage 


Thanks smile.gif



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Guest blueshoes








Just sharing








Seohyun went corso como with manager ..(today??? :blink: )









atomhero : 꼬르소꼬모 구경갔다.소녀시대 서현봤다. 사진이 너무 찍고 싶었다. 여기 오는이들은 아무도 의식하지 않았다. 나만.. 떨려했다. 가고나서~ 다들 난리였다. 이뿌다. 진짜 연예인이다. ㅋㅋ http://t.co/JRxaJFS













MerrysHoo : @atomhero 안녕하세요 ^_^ 검색하다가 보게 됐는데 서현양 혼자 왔던가요???? 서현양 팬이라 궁금해서요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ














atomhero : @MerrysHoo ㅡㅡ 매니져같은분이랑.. 일적인 대화를 하는듯.. 남의 얘기라 깊게 듣진 않았습니다. 중여한건 이뿌다는 겁니다. ㅋㅋㅋㅋ












**꼬르소꼬모 = 10 corso como (near SM ent)








credit DCmarried & atomhero twitter & MerrysHoo twitter





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