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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest winbros
































































































































As for Yonghwa's acting... give him more time.  His role in YAB wan't really planned.  He was regular student in high school and he was preparing to debut was a band member after high school.  I don't think he had anytime to even think about acting or even had to train to be an actor at all when he was casted as Kang Shinwoo in YAB.  It was a complete surprise to him that he was asked to audition for the role and then getting the role. ^_^
































































In addition to your recommendation of Bluetory and Bluelove, I do like to recommend CN Blue's Japanese singles to others as well,  Yonghwa's compositions One Time, I Don't Know Why, and Don't Say Goodbye in particular. :lol:   Jonghyun's Lie and Eclipse are great, too. Jonghyun's compositions are very different from Yonghwa's compositions but true to CN Blue color nonetheless.  At this time, imho, their Japanese singles represent "true CN Blue color" much more than Korean albums, because of the way Korean popular music is right now.































































































































Hi Kay77, my apologies for cutting your post as well.  Thank you for your kind words and I appreciate your sharing of the CNBlue boys' history in our thread as well as they are a group I feel is really talented.  Thanks to MrsAthenaG my wife and I got to watch their Zepp Tokyo concert and they were seriously awesome there.  For the gollums out there, you get to see plenty of Ring-Ding-Dong throughout the concert, Yong was wearing it proudly.... ;)
































































I have their voice album and am about to lay my hands on a copy of Re-Maintenance as well (thanks lovekim!!), are there any other albums that I've missed out?  I'm not a licensed/official BOICE but am definitely a BOICE at heart. 
































































On Yong's acting, definitely should give him time, his first role, together with Seukkie, ShinHye & HongKi, I think he definitely learned a lot from them, they have great chemistry. 
































































His Buin Hyun is definitely no slouch either, one of the lead vocalist in Korea's national girl-group, having done various songs with Kyuhyun and TVXQ.  She definitely holds her own in the singing area, and it would be interesting to see if she picks up writing songs through hubby Yong.  She might write "interesting" songs...... LOL.
































































@shinhdeplol - keep them pics coming, they're gorgeous. :wub: cup-half-full-ajusshi-shipper doesn't mind!  And if you throw in the occasional Ring-Ding-Dong on Hyun, props to you :phew:
































































@dreamyboo - you said exactly what I was thinking the whole time I was in spazzville, all the signs are there...... there I tell ya.......  in the words of a fellow go-chun-chingu's nick "yongseoisreal"..... :D

































































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First and foremost, hi to everyone in the thread :) It's only been two days since the airing of the first part of the photo shoot and I already feel like it has been weeks since we saw it last. I patiently await for the next part but how can I when I am already suffering from Y6H6 or the lack thereof? lol






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyway, I'm currently in school with an hour of free time in hand, and I just wanted to check up on the thread if we have received any news so far and to be honest, I was a bit upset about what calmocean* said. I do not know if it was because of the language barrier (in my case, English is my second language) or because he or she is just plainly dissatisfied with Yong and his achievements so far.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































While I strongly agree that SeoHyun is a remarkable and admirable woman of her age to dream big, do you even know what she is or was aiming to be? She wants to be a part of the orchestra. I remember reading about it a while back and I will gladly share it with you guys when I find it again; however, based on your statement about Yong only wanting to focus on becoming famous through his music, then aren't they trying to achieve the same goal?
































































































































































































































































The reason why SeoHyun is in SNSD is because she loves music just as much as any (most) Kpop celebrity. She may emit the aura of someone being in the corporate business world but you cannot deny her passion for music. The same goes for YongHwa. Although I find him more suitable in the life of entertainment, his charismatic character, leadership skills and mentality are actually an example or applicable to someone who can be a manager of a company or some sort. He and his band have achieved a lot over the past year, dare I say more than my lovely DBSK when they first debuted. The reason I say this is because HE composes songs, HE WRITEs lyrics and very meaningful ones at that (together with JongHyun). I believe CnBlue is going to last longer than most kpop or any other bands because they are co-dependent on each other. Their band needs a bassist, drummer, guitarists/vocals, and on the other hand, bands like DBSK are not. They can be a solo if they want to and if they can; they dance and sing, but rarely do dancing groups actually compose a hit song.
































































































































































































































































That is my say if you want to talk about music.
































































































































































































































































YongHwa dreams big. He wants to be known for HIS music (and his band's as well). Just because he is not aiming to become an accountant or a lawyer, doesn't mean he is not going anywhere. The reason they are very much loved right now is you can feel their passion when they perform. The same goes with SeoHyun and SNSD.
































































































































































































































































Also, one more thing. One of the reasons why I was actually a bit offended by your comment is because I too, dream of becoming an actress or an author like Nicholas Sparks. I've always dreamt of that when I was young, but my mother told me when I was only 10 years old that it was very much, an impossible dream. She could never, would never support that.
































































































































































































































































Right now I am pursuing accounting to honor her wishes and to be financially stable as well. However, this is why I admire YongHwa more than any idol. He is pursuing his dreams head-on, using his talent of writing and composing or arranging in the right field. Something that I can never do at this point.
































































































































































































































































I am not mad at you calmocean, far from that. May be I just misunderstood your stand in the matter or may be that is how you really feel, but at the moment, I just want to defend YongHwa and others who are also sharing one dream.
































































































































































































































































If anything, I would be the example of a "lost puppy" (T_T)

































































































































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Guest ysdarren




My dear shippers.. don't let the post get you down...


From calmocean's post, i shall deduce he is a Seohyun's fanboy that goes swearing at the computer screen, "Yonghwa don't deserve my perfect Seobaby!!" *Bang the wall. :wacko:




I wonder if you know who is CN Blue? Who's the leader? How much training they went through? How they debuted? Why are they popular? Naive? Lost puppy? No directions? You must be kidding me... They don't strum the guitar or beat the drums for nothing.




Please post a essay of your great dreams and ambitions or composed a song.. not new version of twinkle twinkle star.. i swim across the calm or even choppy ocean, just for you. :w00t:




Fav line of the recent episode:

Yong: "You don't know how much effort i put in....." glance at the window






P.S: Thanks kirakiraSuru for the time line of our couple.. Sometimes i was confuse with their time of events happening.. i thought the recording of the banmal song was the same day they went to CN Blue dorm and Han river....




@ shinhdeplol: Wow! Great photo you have! I love how Seohyun stand out from it.....




THANKS FOR THE GREAT CAPS AND THE HARD WORK TOO!  :wub:Awaits saturday!!~!!! :wub:



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Guest wallpaperfood

d3j1k0 ... gah you're just like me - my passion since 6yo was classical music, and I've gone against my parents' wishes by pursuing my associate and licentiate diplomas in piano when really, they wanted me to be entering maths/science comeptitions...or something of that calibre... Now surpise, surprise, I'm doing accounting and finance (like you) to "be financially stable" and to not have my parents kick me out. I love your post btw. It embodies everything I admire Yong for.

(^I do not mean to offend anyone!, sorry if I do..it's just that, business/science is not my cup of tea -.-")

i'm not a hardcore boice (I'm actually not a hardcore "anything" but Yongseo shipper), so I don't know every detail of what they've been through, but I can tell you guys, from a musician's (or an ex-musician-dreamer/wannabe :"-( ) point of view, what Yong has accomplished within the field of kpop and the indie music scene is beyond incredible. As you all know, the Arts is excruciatingly subjective (but hey, that's what I love about it), and one has to fall back down n number of times before they can succeed. In fact, scrap that - it is already spectacular if one can even get to that stage because it's not an easy world to excel in, both physically and mentally exhausting. The frustration and pain from critics, haters and competitors can just drive one to death if they're not careful.

And I'm speaking on behalf of individuals who are attempting to pursue this career path.

What about groups? i think that Yong has done and still is doing an excellent job as a leader, hyung and brother to guide his dongsaengs under the pressure of this competitive industry, and believe me, he is definitely not lacking in anything. He has got what it takes to really flourish - the charisma, the leadership skills, the communication, the bonding, the determination, drive, perseverance, talent, and most importantly, passion. (looks are a given ^^ hehe)

I for one really, really, really look up to him. Maybe it's too late to have him as my immediate role model since I'm doing anything but music now, but if I ever come across anyone in the future (friends/aspiring little cousins), I am going to introduce them to Yong and the CNBlue world just to let them know that they cannot just give up their dreams.

I'm not encouraging anyone to go against their parents' wishes -.-", but I just want to let you guys out there know (you might be working already albeit in a job you hate, or you might still be in high school), that you only get to live once, so you have to live it the way you can best picture yourself doing, and you've got to be happy.

A major part of me will always immensely regret my decision when I think about how I threw my childhood dreams out (all for filial piety <3), and to be honest, I was jealous of Yong at first because seeing his success exacerbated that negative feeling. However, just getting to know more about him this past year, I've realised how inspiring he is and I just wanted to thank WGM PDs for bringing him to everyone's attention.

Now, because I've come to know about him and his struggles (he's from a rich family, and to go against his parents' wishes must have been one of the hardest challenges as well...I know mine are), he's inspired me to think about pursuing music once again when I've completed my final year this year. I've been a wandering ghost these past 3 years, but seeing that wonderful, vibrant sense of satisfaction in what he's (Yong) doing when he's in his world performing on stage just made me want to think again about reaching for that goal I once had.

And I whole-heartedly agree that we shouldn't bring one down in order to praise the other. Seohyun is simply brilliant, we all know that, and so is Yong, so let's just ship them to.ge.ther. because they are YongSeo, arasso?

(wow I don't think I've ever written this much on Yong before, since I'm always so Seohyun-biased! lol. sorry for the long post. Also, I'm sorry this hasn't really got anything to do with WGM, please don't hate me, moderator :X)

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[quote name=soshisoshisoshi' date='28 February 2011 - 03:56 AM' timestamp='1298894165' post='16947617]






























































































































calmocean, with all respect I have to say something regarding your post saying Yonghwa is "naive", "won't last long". I know that Seo is a person who has set her dreams in the future, a person with a strong foundation on her life, and I admire her for that. But Yonghwa, he has his own big dream too! he has spent all his life enjoying music, as his passion. As a guy I'm quite disappointed for what you said. He has been through hard times, eversince CNBLUE's debut in Japan, and to reach the point where CNBLUE is right now, it's everything because their music, the songs Yonghwa composed and other factors other than that...... But the best thing about him is, he was able to open this pure-innocent girl named Seohyun to have an adventure in the world called LOVE, and as a "husband", he has done REALLY well. Sorry to say this but to me it's Seohyun who was "lost"  - in the very beginning. the reason of their relationship now is because Yonghwa trying very hard to lead Seohyun, and in turn Seohyun has been catching up!................ I hope you understand this. If I didn't catch the meaning of your post correctly, I'm terribly sorry!! I hope you won't be mad, because I'm just stating my opinions...






























































































































If I offend anyone with my post, I'm really sorry





























































































































































































































































First i'm sorry if i make an issue out of this little things.I respect your wit and courages to back up and defend Yong Hwa from that obviously very unfair and offended post.TBH,i'm seohyun and snsd bias and honestly the main reason posts bashing Yonghwa always pissed me off is because it make people put Seohyun down unconciously in order to prove their point which i found a bit irrelevant.It already happened few times that i need to say it out of my chest.Is there no other way to back up or defend Yong Hwa without degrading Seohyun personally..U know its not her fault,righ..?Its the poster..Since u said u are sorry,i wont take it to the heart..just in the future,can anyone not put seohyun down just to defend Yong Hwa.She still have fan or fans here who feel slightly annoying by that,you know..,at least i am and what did i do wrong to have to accidently read that?
































Since this is an open thread, i hope ppl can respect my wish too..i hope..up to u guys to consider it,though..
































Edit:@kay77 Thank u.i really respect and appreciate your post for just focusing on defend Yong Hwa.Really enjoy your post.

































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Guest mrsjoker
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I was planning to just be a lurker this week because work is seriously suffocating me at the moment and i'm not yet recovered from my past 15 days style of living out of suitcases due to work... sweatingbullets.gif  But i just can't help to put in writing a piece of my mind when i lurk to this thread and find out another "charades" is happening again. *sigh* it seems it has becoming somekind of routinity that we gogumas must go through everytime a new episode comes out... We go from this mad spazzing wave ( being the happy bunch that we are...:wub:  ) and then followed by an angst/bad rumour/negative opinion about yong or hyun from passerby/anon/antis?/people who just say what they want to say without giving much thoughts? dry.gif  or falling into a general deppresion of questioning "the end" of yongseo (oh my dear gogumas and our weak heart....).
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wasn't planning to share this tidbit (about k-pop industry in general and a little of yongseo-centric thing...) that i "unintentionaly" able to find out over the course of my 7 days of business trip to seoul, because i feel i should have a hard proof to present to you guys if ever i want to share these...but i can't, because most of it was in a form of words over a rather long and insightful discussion with my counterparts. The reason i was compelled to share these with you guys is that because I'm such a yongseo shipper (and had a serious yongseo after effect...), and that this go-chun and the rest of my fellow gogumas here is my happy pill, and i would very much like to keep this place as happy and positive as it should be just like the couple that we've come to love and adore. and also because calmocean opinion poke a sensitive side of me, I do respect different opinion, but i'm not a fan of the idea that one of them is better than each other, because seriously these two kids share an equally admirable characteristic in them that can not only help them last longer in the business but can get them far in life as an individual. and amazingly as a "couple" they complement each other ever so well and brings out the best out of each other.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Take my words lightly and with an open mind...i'm not deliberately making any statement or trying to stir anyone opinions...i am merely sharing my story. I'll put in bullet points some of the things that i wanted to point out... oh might as well put it on a spoiler so not to "spam" the thread.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- K-pop industry in a nutshell : It is one of the most competitive fast growing "market" i've come to known. It takes more than just talent to get you to the top... as an aspire young idols you'll need not only talent, but also strong will, determination, vision, and combine it with other big things (like management companies, fresh concepts, make music that "sell" to the general public, etc). It is one tough business to be in no matter who you are in it. be it an idol, composer,choreographer,stylist,music director,managment companies CEO, etc. So..."a lost puppy"  kind of person most likely won't even survive a day in this business.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- CN Blue : You can not imagine the amount of expectation that is put on this band. and managing peoples expectation has never been an easy job. But i think this 4 boys handle it pretty well. As a rookie in K-pop industry, they can be consider as one of the brightest star there is today... wants some hard proof? check out the awards they nailed out in the course of almost 1 year of their debut. it speaks volume!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































- Yonghwa : Kay77 has put it perfectly into words. if i may quote Kay77 remarks : Not only does this young man have a definite and clear goal for his future, but he has shown that he has strength, dedication, and determination to overcome any obstacles, as he has already in CN Blue debut year. In a year and a half that he has been in the "showbiz", Yonghwa has already accomplished much more than many young stars in K-pop right now.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To add to this remarks, Jung yonghwa is one smart young man. he is sensible, he has a knack of "reading" opportunities that lies upon him, he is greedy of obtaining new skills, he has an endless thirst of pushing his limits, He is a skillfull mastermind of his and his bandmate success, he is one of the most promising Young man there is in the business today. He got the right recipe...looks, talent, charm, determination, and sense of self...and the young man knows how to use it all. Proof? when you look back to 2010...you can practicaly see/hear Jung Yonghwa everywhere and that he manage to acomplish in such a short span of time.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































-SNSD : SMent most "genius" creation up to date. no further words.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































-Seohyun : A very bright and smart young lady. strong will, clear vision of her future, an admirable character. Yes, i strongly agree that she is an inspirational role model for young girls out there. She kept her "vision" fixed to her future, aiming to achieve her big dreams and yet able to keep her feet in the ground, always be the polite, well mannered, down to earth girl she actually is inside. A beautiful creature if i may say so.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































YongSeo : reel or real? the age old question. All i can is just look into their eyes, don't overanalyze it...just look and observe what your heart tells you...than it should shed some lights to that question.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Idol & Dating : Consider K-pop world just like an exclusive private school. Its so full of dont's... but with that much amount of hormones involve and not to mention young blood...oh they'll find a way to resolve that indeed. It's hard but not impossible. You would be surprise in the things these idols can come up with.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































aish...i think i've talked too much. I'm off gogumas...it's 1 am in the morning and i have a flight to catch this morning. Till saturday.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ps : Winbros oppa.... I AM YOUR FAN!! YOU ROCK!! :lol:

































































































































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the 2 oppas...luvtokki and winbros, should have their own fan clubs by now!

each day, all of us are looking forward to their wise but still witty posts..

back to epi 45....this convo...i am just as curious.

JH: are u excited?

YH: no i am not. i don't know what i am doing

will the 2 oppas pls tell me why yong said it like this?

all i can think of is that..he is there but he is NOT there..

know what i mean?

mrsjoker..u are jet setting again?

well, take care.. :)

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At first, watching the first wedding shoot episode and seeing the English translations I wasn’t that impressed.





We all knew Hyun would look stunning in a wedding dress, Yong would be speechless and in awe of her beauty, and that Yong would be handsome and charming.





We all knew (from previous episodes) that our couple have been getting really close and acting very comfortable with each other (especially Hyun!)





So in this episode, even though it was a fun and pretty episode, I didn’t see anything in it that made me go ‘Waoh!’





I’m always looking for signs in each episode that show me they are advancing, in some way, in their relationship together.





But, as is always the case with YongSeo you have to look for the small details.  The little gestures, the looks and stares, something they say to each other, it doesn’t always jump out at you.   You’ve got to dig for it.  And I think this is part of their appeal.   They are a little mysterious, almost enigmatic with their feelings towards each other.   Seohyun much more than Yong, but Yong seems to be playing it closer to his heart lately, also.





In the beginning, they are at their house, probably exhausted from all the NGs and having completed the ‘banmal’ song on YouTube.  It’s past 2 a.m. on 12/26 – and they get another mission card!  You see Hyunnie collapse on the couch, but then they (as they always do) shout ‘together, together!’ when they read their mission cards, and she immediately jumps over to Yong’s side on their couch to read the card. And I mean, they are close – Hyun is shoulder to shoulder, leg to leg – with Yong!   And she is leaning in to read the card, their heads are inches apart.  Where have we ever seen Seohyun be this physically close to any boy?  Nowhere and never.





They read the card & find out it’s a wedding photo shoot and Hyun collapses on the couch again, but comes right back to Yong’s side.   They look at the other ‘proposal’ wedding photos, and they are close again.  Then the TRAX album cover photos come up, Hyun says, ‘Oh, it’s me!’  Yong says something under his breath that is not translated, and Seohyun slaps/pushes his shoulder away.   Yong says, ‘What, what is this?’, Hyun replies with, ‘Oh it’s pretty; I wonder who this person is?’   Obviously, it’s you Seohyun, but do you gogumas feel the give and take, the gentle teasing that BOTH of them are participating in? This is what a couple does, this is ‘love play’ between two people who really like and understand each other.   And it’s not all Yong anymore; it’s Seohyun coming back with the humorous lines, playing into Yong’s gentle teasing.





It continues with Yong’s slightly jealous comment about how Hyun won’t be scared wearing a wedding dress since it’s her second time and Hyun just comes back coolly with ‘well, you’re probably right’.  But she’s looking right at him, probably with that little grin on her face – teasing him right back, not giving in to his jealous comment.  And then this scene ends with the two of them sitting close to each other, thinking about the wedding shoot.





This ‘love play’ continues at the beauty salon with the ‘bride’s makeup laid on thick’ comment by Yong, Seohyun teasing Yong about them being the same as the bride who drove herself to her wedding(she can drive – he can’t), the eyelash curler, the fake eyelashes being put on.  Hyun’s cool look and comment to Yong –





S: Is it that amazing?!





Y: Do you attach it with glue?





S: Then what? You think I sew it on?





Again, Hyun can now play in Yong’s ‘choding’ world effortlessly and skillfully, where before she was clueless on how to respond to him.  And Yong ends with a sweet compliment –‘Oh, you are becoming elegant!’ and you can see Hyun’s sweet smile and acknowledgement of his compliment.





That’s another thing I noticed about them, they are both complimenting each other more now.  Yong was pretty heavy, sometimes cheesy, with compliments.  He sang ‘Oh, My Goddess’ many times and I don’t know how many times he said ‘pretty’.   He called her an ice princess, an angel, a goddess.  And In the back room interview said she was really beautiful!   I think this is the first time he acknowledged her beauty.   Hyun complimented Yong many times about the way he looked in his tuxes and how well he was modeling for the pictures.   Maybe taking PSH’s advice?  Smart Hyun!





Back in the beauty salon, when they were getting their hair done, he couldn’t stop looking at her as her hair was being done.   That one scene where she senses he is staring at her, and she turns and looks at him, you can see the hairdresser behind Yong smile at Hyun.  I wish I could see Hyun’s expression, but Yong’s heart was melting, his mouth was open he was enthralled with her beauty!





Their little walk in the snow to the wedding gown place – how I wished they would hold hands!  Instead they play games with blowing fog from their mouth and nose, and laughing.  Cute, but why aren’t they holding hands anymore, since Busan?





At the wedding gown place, ah, I’ve already talked about this.  Seohyun, you are beautiful in all of them!  Just pick one!   I really do think she looked best in the gown that Yong picked out.   Second would have been the simple tight fitting one that showed that our maknae really had some womanly curves!  It’s the second one after the ‘mini dress’ where she says, “this one gives off a different feel to it’.  I don’t really remember her trying on the one she finally picked for the wedding shoot at the table, I think they showed it quickly, but not for a long time.   And Yong reacted like any other male, one pretty white dress looks just like the next – you are pretty, pick one!   Hyun’s assessment of Yong being a ‘pickled kimchi’ ( I have no idea what that looks like, but it can’t be good) was a little harsh.   He made his choice (bling-bling dress) yet she wanted to continue on, and I thought he accommodated her quite enough, really!





Hyun’s boldness to challenge his concern about choosing the right dress said something, too!  She says it right out what she feels or reads from Yong’s actions or expressions.  She brings it right out – how are you feeling about this?  This is good, this is couples communicating – what’s up with you?  In the past she wouldn’t ask, she would take it back with her and ponder it, and then blast Yong in the backroom interview later.   Now she challenges on the spot, and gives Yong a chance to provide feedback, really good, an important advancement in their relationship.





When she came out from the stage, they both said, ‘Hello, glad to meet you!’ and Yong said, ‘Oh, you came back! ‘, like she stopped being the goddess/angel/princess in the white gowns and was now Seo Joo Hyun again, the worldly girl he knew so well – was so cute!  Like he was relieved Seohyun came back from that ‘fantasy’ world up on the stage, and was again the girl he knew and loved.





Then Hyun starts bickering about the time it takes for Yong to change, kind of to get him back for complaining about the time she took changing wedding gowns.  Their exchange here was cute, Yong –





‘just take a nap’, Hyun – ‘I may not be here when you come out’, Yong – ‘OK, I’ll call you.’   This banter, this back and forth, is something Hyun didn’t/couldn’t participate in before, but now she is comfortably matching Yong’s gentle sarcasm and kidding.  She can keep up with him and sometimes now even does him one better.





I’m going on and on, but you get my point.  It’s the little things that show me they are a couple, they are comfortable and understand where each of them is coming from – there is no doubt about their feelings for one another.   Hyun has gotten used to his kidding, choding side, and Yong likes the fact that she can verbally spar with him now.  She no longer just shyly laughs or nods her head, but comes back at him – and he likes it!  She says how she feels, and Yong has brought this out from her.  Also, she is taking more of a ‘lead’ in the relationship.  Her rejection of Yong’s ‘Americano coffee’, her suggestion of a ‘Yong Choding’ photo shoot,  her plans for the casual clothes photo shoots, she is putting herself into the relationship, it’s not all Yong leading and Hyun following.   She’s not the shy, inexperienced girl in this relationship anymore; she is becoming the wise, intelligent and caring woman.





Yong’s response to the photographer about ‘how hard he worked’ to get Hyun to where she is now, and how he claims ‘bringing Seohyun’s emotions out’ is his ‘specialty’ was an admission of how he felt he was at least partially responsible for her change from shy girl to woman in love spoke pages.  And Hyun didn’t fight his assessment, she laughed along in agreement.  





I think all of these ‘little things’ add up to a major advancement in their relationship.  I can’t believe they don’t think of each other as bf/gf even if they don’t proclaim it to the world!





BTW, I can’t recall, how soon after wedding shoot did Yong release ‘For First Time Lovers’?  I think it was in early January, right?





I haven’t heard any ‘hard evidence’ yet of any additional filming!   Of course, if they are filming inside it would be hard for fans to ‘spot’ them.   The ‘honeymoon’ mission came up twice in this episode, both by Yong and Luna, so maybe that will be next, but probably when the weather gets warmer.  They still haven’t ridden bikes on that island on the Han river, either.  And that mission was one of the first ones on their ‘wish’ list and was even mentioned in Hyun’s and Soo Young’s DAUM CF – so maybe soon?   


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Hello! I was supposed to share my thoughts on saturday's SPAZZY episode, but most of you have already shared my opinions haha xD So instead, I have a couple questions that I'd like to ask to those kpop and WGM followers since I know so little...






























































































































First off, we all know how YongSeo took more time to get 'comfortable' with each other than other couples, but I only watch them, so I'd like to know the point of view of someone who's watched other couples? If i'm correct, most of the couples were/are super close to each other during WGM right? I've seen wedding pictures from other couples and I think I read from someone that those (from season 1) were normally shot only after their 100th anniversary, yet they looked sooo close and comfortable enough to kiss, hug and hold hands. I know our couple have come soo far from that awkward first meeting, but compared to the other couples, are they that close as I think they are? I know I shouldn't compare to others because everyone moves to a different rhythm, but I just can't help but feel a little jealous when I see Khuntoria holding hands, fingers intercrossed and looking all comfortable hugging each other and stuff..I don't know, am I being too critical and needy of YongSeo!? Anyways, I spazz for the smallest things they do now, so hand holding or not, they are still the best at eyeship and I think that speaks volumes by itself :)






























































































































Second question..it's more regarding kpop in general. I just discovered YongSeo in December and I don't really follow kpop idols that much, so I just wanted to know...why are fans in Korea so..intense? I don't want to offend anyone, but from what I've heard they seem very protective of their idols? (dream concert, yongseo being unwelcomed by many at the beginning of WGM etc.) I thought Justin Bieber fans were agressive xD, but turns out koreans are very possessive? I don't know, I know very little about korean culture, so could someone explain to me why fans make it so hard for idols to date or to even hang out with certain people? Again, I don't mean to insult anyone, I'm just curious at the difference in culture...Sorry if I do offend anyone.






























































































































So yeaah, those were my questions, give me your opinions, thanks :D

































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@mrsjoker:D - that's what I'm talkin' about - real feedback from Korea about our lovely couple! 





This is the kind of stuff I'm looking for - real feelings, facts, information about YongSeo.





Give me something factual we can all hang our heads on that YONGSEO IS REAL!





Come on, I know there are people on this thread who live in or travel to Korea all the time, give us your POVs, insights, background information, but facts, not feelings.   Everybody here believes in our hearts that Yongseo is real, provide something to satisfy our (sometimes) logical minds.....thank you!   


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Guest bbblyzu3





wow so many things to read & finally I have time to write something :sweatingbullets:



this week episode really awww :wub::P me ..but I think this upcoming saturday going to be more epic :P



about the whole issue regarding who better or what.....for me there's no 1 in this world actually perfect



both of them have their own goods:)



@ luvtokki oppa & winbros oppa I like your POV ^_^:) you both were jjang excl.gif





Make Love Not War





snsd & cnblue fighting excl.gif











on side note: I can't wait for cnblue comeback..means more Yong :D:P











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Hi Kay77, my apologies for cutting your post as well.  Thank you for your kind words and I appreciate your sharing of the CNBlue boys' history in our thread as well as they are a group I feel is really talented.  Thanks to MrsAthenaG my wife and I got to watch their Zepp Tokyo concert and they were seriously awesome there.  For the gollums out there, you get to see plenty of Ring-Ding-Dong throughout the concert, Yong was wearing it proudly.... ;)
































































































































































































































































I have their voice album and am about to lay my hands on a copy of Re-Maintenance as well (thanks lovekim!!), are there any other albums that I've missed out?  I'm not a licensed/official BOICE but am definitely a BOICE at heart. 
































































































































































































































































On Yong's acting, definitely should give him time, his first role, together with Seukkie, ShinHye & HongKi, I think he definitely learned a lot from them, they have great chemistry. 
































































































































































































































































His Buin Hyun is definitely no slouch either, one of the lead vocalist in Korea's national girl-group, having done various songs with Kyuhyun and TVXQ.  She definitely holds her own in the singing area, and it would be interesting to see if she picks up writing songs through hubby Yong.  She might write "interesting" songs...... LOL.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hello again, winbros :)
































































































































































































































































Zepp Tour truly was amazing, wasn't it? Even though I've been their fan from the very beginning and knew of them as very dedicated and hard workers, the progress they've made, especially with playing of their respective instruments and expression through their instruments was a pure and delightful surprise. They've come so far within in a year, and they are definiltely going further in the future.
































































































































































































































































I am not an officially registered BOICE either. Definitely BOICE at heart, mind, and soul, though. B) As for CN Blue albums... Do you have their Japanese singles "The Way" and "I Don't Know Why"? "The Way" album has Yonghwa's One Time and Jonghyun's Eclipse. "I Don't Know Why" has Yonghwa's title song and Jonghyun's Lie. I strongly recommend both of these, especially for the instrumental version of One Time in "The Way" album.
































































































































































































































































There are also a couple of pre-debut albums that was released in Japan in 2009. One is called "Now or Never", one that you don't have but it probably is nearly impossible to get nowdays since it is out of print. The other one is, of course, "Voice". These are wonderful as well since they have English version of Now or Never as well as Yonghwa's Just Please as well as English version of one of Yonghwa's best songs, Y Why.
































































































































































































































































There is also a "Thank U" album, CN Blue's first full sized album released in Japan after CN Blue debuted in Korea. That album is consisted of songs from Now or Never and Voice as well as several new songs. One of the best thing about this album is Yonghwa's composition, Intro. That little piece of music is a masterpiece, imho. Jonghyun's composition Arigatou is included in this album. From what I hear, Korean version of Arigatou is one of the songs that will be in the upcoming CN Blue formal album. (One Time and Just Please are supposed to be included as well but we'll have to see.) I hope this information helps... :)
































































































































































































































































Seohyun is an amazing pianist. I was truly mesmerized when I saw a clip of her playing. My first love in music was a classical music (Yay, Ludwig van Beethoven, my first love!! :lol: ) so I love seeing clips of Seohyun playing piano. I agree with you. It will be very interesting to see if she takes up composing or writing lyrics in the future.
































































































































































































































































I would love more than anything to see more of "his composition and her lyrics" collaboration between Yonghwa and Seohyun even after their days at WGM are over, but I guess that will be asking for impossible, wouldn't it, with SM and FNC. :(
































































































































































































































































WGM as a variety show frustrates me to no end sometimes, but Yongseo couple has shown me noting but beauty of genuine respect and care for each other. I do hope that fans, regardless of whether they are BOICE or Sone or Yongseo couple fans, can do the same during this very short time we have left to openly support Yongseo couple on WGM.

































































































































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Guest yongseorockin


Just to share with you guys. So all the -ve goes away.

From: Sweet Potato Baidu Bar

who took from

F:Dream Concert(官方推特



2011年5月Dream Concert最终出演名单确认:东方神起、SuperJunior、少女时代、SHINee、BigBang、2NE1、BEAST、2AM、IU、 T-ara、朴在范、G.NA、Supreme Team、f(x)、MBLAQ、4minute、miss A、CNBLUE、After School、KARA、Secret

TRAN: 2011 May Dream Concert Final Artist Lineup: DBSK/TVXQ, SNSD, SHINee、BigBang、2NE1、BEAST、2AM、IU、 T-ara, G.NA、Supreme Team、f(x)、MBLAQ、4minute、miss A、CNBLUE、After School、KARA、Secret.

Sorry for that single person 朴在范 whom I didn't translate. I dunno who is he or his korean name.




Haha. I am a YongSeo fan








4th and 5th.




 6th and 7th are occupied by SNSD and CN Blue respectively. Non the less, as long as they are happy with the partners they haven chosen, I m fine with it. (although I am yongseo bias) (I won't bash just because she end up with kyukhun or him with psh)




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I was going to comment about that "She/He is better than her/him" but I really fell for what luvtokki wrote. I loved to read your post.
































































































I want to say that there is something strange happening to me since Busan episode... I don´t spazz right away just like I used to do everytime I watched the episode live, but after 1 day, all the facts from the episode come to me and collide with my heart... There is no big and shocking surprises for us anymore , but after reading the translation and process the episode, it hit me really hard how they are getting so, so, so real?.
































































































Ok, I always thought that they were real but now it is different. Before, I was like "their feelings are real" but now, there is something more. My heart can´t tell me if they are dating or not, but it pains me sometimes watch them, cause I feel for them, cause I can sense so many feelings between that can´t be shown, as if enjoy their time together were something really bad to do :(. So there we got Yong and Hyun glacing to the camera a lot, Yong holding back a lot, loosing his sweet spontaneity, giving some people the wrong impression that he is not into her like he used to be, and also giving the feeling that the show is more scripted than before.
































































































But then, happens what Luvtokki oppa said, you start to pay attention to the little details and OMG! there you go, the eternal "in love" YongSeo couple that we all love is still there, even stronger, but in another level, cause now they are mysterious, cause now they need to be more careful about them.































































































































































































As I said, I don´t know what to think about their relationship status, but I know that what we feel, can also be feeling for they both. They both know, whatever is happening between them, they know now, but they have this big responsability on their shoulders, with their bands, fans, companies, their kpop world, their own dreams,  that all that  they can do is hold back...
































































































So yeah, lately, the feeling of being an intruder while watching them has invaded me frequently, but I´m really glad that they still have the oportunity to meet, under the protection of WGM, and enjoy as much as they are allowed to do, and be just a young couple wandering around, building a story, sharing the moment they are living, creating ties... and I don´t want them to be apart, cause I really think that they need each so much by now.
































































































The latest episode is amazing for the shippers inside us, there are a lot of small things worth to spazz about...  
































































































About the convo P: The wife is pretty, Yong:  "She is pretty!?" I thought it was a jealous reaction, like "what did you just dare to say?" haha LOL, I thought that is why she felt embarassed and tried to shut him up... but since I´m not korean or asian at all, I will take your word guys.
































































































And I´m curious too about what jnj pointed out! "I don´t know what I´m doing"... sounds pretty much as the FFTL (banmal song) lyrics to me ^^...
































































































I also want to say to M3 that I started to read his fic yesterday and I love it, please update soon again ^_^.
































































































Finally, I don´t get bother anymore when someone bash Hyun or Yong, maybe because I feel that they are loved for so many people that it is enough to protect them. We need to mentally send them our good wished, and our protection, and we will be helping them. These two young people, who met by fate, that are building a beautiful friendship, that are able to bring out the best in the other, that are hard workers, talented, persistent, slaughter, humble, noble, good persons with a big heart, and much much more,  really deserve the best, and really REALLY deserve each other...
































































































EDIT: I´m really sorry for being in the top of the page -_-
































































































OK I found this































































































































































































01032011 SNSD Vita500 CF teaser  uri Seobuin ^^

































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Guest kjtodd08





HI gogumas^_^happy spazzing~



Just dropping by to post this-->First Love~Chapter 8: Past & Present?











        Currently writing: First Love~ft. Seohyun & Yonghwa



                       MY Blog:Dreaming out LOUD~


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Hello everyone!!! I never thought one poster could cause so much eruption


But then again bashing is a big No NO here in Go-Chun.


And I feel itchy to write my comment on this too but everyone here pretty much said what I think on this too.


@magdal: I agree with everything you've said. This couple is so much real that almost everyone around them is under their spell and cannot really tell, Real or Reel?!


I think even the Photographer is sensing something fishy.


But then again let them be, let's enjoy the show and let's anticipate for them to show if they are or not when the show ends. we cannot do much more I guess.


For me its kind of weird to think that we get to see their wedding-shoot now when it is already two month when they shot it. after the shoot there were the whole Gayos and I came across an interesting fancam from the MBC Gayo daejun.Its so funny to think that it was 2-4 days after they filmed their wedding-shoot. YongSeo Couple circling around each other. Of course at the main part you can only guess if they greeted each other or not bcos the camera was focused on someone else who of course had to leave, ahskjgr.


here it goes at around 2:00 they were nearing each other(and watch further),lol, enjoy:




credit to uploader


My main point here is what are they trying to hide?! lol.


That is so so sooo fishy I could go crazy over this couple, seriously.



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aurora82: So frustrating fancam! LOL... but that´s how our story with them is:wub:...  Those Gayos... there is something about them ... hope wedding photoshotot can give us a clue for all this fishyness, :lol:
































































































































You are right, we need to enjoy this ride... cause we will get to see a couple like this just once in life :rolleyes:.

































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This was taken from the PopSister Magazine April 2011 Edition.





Q: So, what is your ideal type of girl?





YH: I like a girls who has a cool fashion sense. I also like girls with long and wavy hair. Because I like clothes (fashion), I hope the girl is interested in fashion too.





JS: Someone who’s generous and open-minded.





MH: Someone whom I can feel comfortable with like a friend. I like girls with beautiful eyes.





JH: Someone fun to be with





Again he's a lot more detailed than the other C.N. Blue members :rolleyes:





credits: C.N. Blue soompi thread


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