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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest uni343ver











I've came out from hibernation and decided to spazz about  this AWESOME episode!!!!

















They look shy, IN LOVE, and happy.

















Everyone said everything that I want to say already so I give you guys a FMV instead. I'm not so good with expressing in words so here is something I made for the first time. Mind you, I just learn how to do this today.



































FMV: YongSeo's This moment On




















































I nearly cried when putting this together. Thinking back of their journey together from the moment she placed her blanket on her future "HUSBAND" until now, the wedding photoshoot. Fate brought them together so let fate handles the rest and we, the viewers, are just here for the ride. I wish the Prince and the Princess, the Bride and the Groom, Spartan and an Angel, aka Yong and Hyun live HAPPILY EVER AFTER  :D :D:D :D:D 
























































































I can't help myself but to add these on here. Such a beautiful creature.



































seo21.jpg seo31.jpg












































But let's  not forget the HANDSOME GROOM too.

















Yeah, we all have this look...a dazed and mesmerized

















look because an ANGEL, GODDESS named SEO JU HYUN.
































































































Look at the stares to one another  :wub:  :wub: :wub::wub:









































































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gogumas!!! i sooo love the episode!































































































































































seohyun is so pretty in her wedding dress.....































































































































































and yo~ng.. so handsome... they're really perfect for each other..






























































































































































































































































what i love most about the episode is this:





























































































































































































































































































































































in most things.. yo~ng is hyun's first































































































































































first date..































































































































































first guy who brought her home..































































































































































first in almost everything





























































































































































































































































































































































and now...































































































































































the wedding photoshoot its yo~ng's first time...
















































































hahahahahah :wub::wub::wub:

















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Guest yongseorockin




But where were the unnies during their maknae’s time of need? Surely one of them could have shown up to assist Seohyun in her time of need, on her biggest day of her ‘marriage’ to Yong? I’m disappointed. Having another girl who knows what looks good on Hyunnie would have been relieved tons of pressure on Hyun in choosing a hairdo, and wedding dress.




Kudos for the CN Blue bros to show up and support hyung and sis-in-law. Jungshin Chingu always lightens the mood, makes Yong and Hyun laugh and eases the tension.












Sorry for cutting your post short.




To answer your question, it was a really last minute mission. If I am not wrong, the SIL were flying off on that day of the wedding photoshoot to Japan. So they were probably too busy to make a trip down. Also, before we even saw Goddess Seo Hyun flying down the stage, YONG already saw many different variations of Goddess Hyun.




So probably when netizens were saying Hyun is a Goddess, Yong was probably thinking in his heart," Keke~~I already know that and she's mine."








cr: twistedstars


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After a long, exhausting, terrible day, seeing these two being so happy by just being together just uplifted my mood a bit :)














When I first saw SeoHyun in WGM, I could not believe she was THAT SeoHyun of SNSD. I say this because I was one of those girls who used to believe what any netizen would say or write about KPOP idols, after all, I was still new to the Korean entertainment at that time. When I would read how disrespectful and how much of a flirt they were, I would believe them almost immediately (nonetheless, I still very much loved their songs and performances. Business is not to be confused with one's personal life).














However, when I finally saw that the SeoHyun that I thought to be was actually as pure as a white printing paper, I was just shocked. How could those netizens say such horrible accusations?! How could "I" believe such animosity on such an innocent girl (of the same age as I)? Because of WGM, I got even more hooked on SNSD, I got to know YongHwa, his charm, and his band, CnBLUE (my new DBSK), I was sucked in to the world of Goguma. It took a while until I finally converted from a KkapLiner to a Goguma, but I am here now :D














Regarding the episode:














All I can say is... Yong is SMITTEN. The way he looked away when Hyun appeared with the first dress on was just precious. He got so shy, he did not have a clue on what to think OR do!














SeoHyun on the other hand looked so.... WOMANLY! She and I are both 20 this year (91ers YAY!) but I cannot believe my eyes on how much she was glowing on that episode, and how she'd emit womanly... wiles! She has matured. That much can be said.














Back then, she had a tendency of only thinking of what she likes or what she wants to do--it took her a while to finally ask Yong's opinions on things and most often that not, they would be much too late by then (ie, choosing the ceiling paper for their house). Now, she considers what HE likes and asks them first before even indulging on them. She takes very good care of him. Her world has opened up so much ever since she met Yong. She rarely closes her arms nowadays and leaves her arms flailing to the side, as if waiting for Yong to take them.














This is all thanks to WGM... to SeoHyun for accepting or wanting to be in the program... to Yong, who has put so much effort, showed sincerity and patience into knowing and opening up this closed off girl. I wish you both happiness from the bottom of my heart <3









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Today, I just browse and "lepaking" in sweetpotatoblogspot chat, 1 of goguma's asking bout Yong pix, his watch..






























































The question here he/she been asking.































Is it sponsor or personal???






















































My answer will be his personal belonging., but what about you guys...






















































This is the watch in question...































Fossil pages





















































































Tetsuya@SONEms already upload part 2.































Part 1/3































Part 2/3






















































For HQ download, please visit his/her pages @ SONEms for the link. And drop the more than 15 words for you to see it.. ;)































TQ Tetsuya & Dduk...








































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@ luvtokki:














































































































I also understand your disappointment at the lack of the SILs in the episode. The photo shooting could have been much better if they were there to show their support to their Hyun (jing jing) and to Yong (nampyeon)! However, MinHyuk, the drummer of CnBlue, was also missing in action.














































































































I think most of us are forgetting that these people are very busy with their lives as idols. CnBlue is not an indie band anymore, they have officially debuted as an alternative band. They are bound to be busy especially now that they've garnered a lot of fans from everywhere. How much more on SNSD? Not only do they have to maintain their mainstream popularity in Korea, but now Japan too. Unlike CnBlue and other bands (ie, 2AM in this case), SNSD has to promote and go back and forth from Japan.














































































































Think on the bright side, at least SNSD has dropped a few hints about their relationship.














































































































The 1st official one would have to be Jessica's "In Japan, you (SeoHyun) were different!"














































































































2nd: "I wish for our SeoHyun to date YongHwa, they look good together! Is that an absurd wish?" -TaeYeon (LEADER of SNSD)














































































































3rd and biggest one yet: When SNSD unnies kept pointing at SeoHyun when CnBlue won an award in the Daesung whatever awards.














































































































With those events, I think they've done much justice for now. If anything, those comments were a bit too "risky" for their status and experience. I doubt they'd just drop those hints out of impulse, especially TaeYeon. :)

















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Guest dar014320






Firstly I would like to thanks all d translator n video uploader.


Ottoke...this episode is driving me crazy. It is obvious that uri Yong is in love with hyun. D way he look at hyun n provide her with d water..a view of a person who has feeling for d partner. Can't wait for d next episodes. I'm hoping for a peck on d forehead. Yong n Hyun looks fantastically gorgeous n handsome. They looks alike n there is a belief that people look alike has a last long relationship. I'm hoping for Yong to propose Hyun to wait for him n build through their relationship; n finally settle together. Ah! I'm so insane.



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first it hard to stream yesterday it's lag much so I give up in the middle of part 1.
































































































































































































lucky we have very fast uploader Thank you every channel who provide the cuts, thank you every translator :wub:
































































































































































































about episode I like what I get.
































































































































































































yong look shy and nervous even he used to photoshoot for a lot of cloth but this is wedding and it isn't just wedding suit ,
































































































































































































but wedding suit with the goddess bride .
































































































































































































hyun wow!!! she is real angel .
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































preview next week
































































































































































































saturday pali pali!!!!

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest wildact3096

Hi all goguma fellow

This is my first post here, after reading all your posts, stories and caps that you share to us, those are realized me how much you love Yongseo.

and it inspires me to come up from the hidden place that i've ever been.

after watching this week episode, this ep is one of my favourite part. at first i thought i understand how different between Love and Like but yongseo just show me.

For Seohyun i really really love her personality, which very polite, kind, work hard and still take a chance to go to school which can hardly find in someone who is a star in any countries in the world.

For Yonghwa, first i think he seem likes a little playboy in the couple episode. however, maybe because of Seohyun she gradually change back to his chodding just like everyone and even his buin said.

hope that i can express my feeling more and more about how adorable Yongseo be.

Thank you Yongseo to make my day so happy , and all of you Goguma fellow you're daebuk ^^

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Guest gogumaforever
















































































































hello gogumas,






































































































































































































































































































that was a great episode or what? seohyun teasing yonghwa, how comfortable is she towards him? starting a conversation plus cracking some jokes that even the make up artists were laughing with them.






































































































































































































































































































yong never took his eyes off his wife.  he was definitely in AWE.  from the preparation to the actual photoshoot. the ever talkative yong, lost his words when his goddess wife appear in front of him wearing a wedding gown. its like he really saw a goddess sent by heaven to be with him on that special day., he said "yeppuda" like a hundred times in this episode alone laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif






































































































































































































































































































the jealous yong was also present , his question to hyun when he saw the pictures of her with trax and the other was when he ask the photographer what he had said about hyun, was he that jealous?....






























































































































































































































































































best line of yong that made me love this episode:






















































































































































































































































































Y: Seohyun, it’s nice to meet you.
























































































S: Hello.
































































































Y: I am CNBLUE, Jung Yonghwa
































































































S: I’m SNSD Seohyun
































































































Y: I was really a fan.
































































































S: Oh really?
































































































Y: I WAS a fan.
































































































S: and now?
































































































Y: now… we are a married couple.






























































































































































































































































































even the MC reacted after he said we are married. hahhha






































































































































































































































































































and this































































































































































































Photographer: this is why the early stage you can’t be really close.























































































































































































Y: You have no idea how much effort I made.






























































































































































































































































































we've witness all of it yong, 






































































































































































































































































































all his effort from the beginning to make things easier to hyun was undeniably admirable... he is really a kind of man that any girl could be proud of.






































































































































































































































































































preview: i guess piggy back ride will be included in the reenactment that's why they were a little bit shock/shy as shown on the preview.






































































































































































































































































































i bet there will be kiss on the forehead on the scene while hyun lays beside her very nervous husband.  why does she looks so calm on that scene? she looks so peaceful....dry.gifdry.gifdry.gif































































































































































































cant wait to see the part 2 next week!!!wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif






































































































































































































































































































i have a question to all gogumas who've watched wedding photo shoot of other wgm couples.  






































































































































































































































































































Can anyone distinguish yongseo wedding photo shoot from the other wgm couples?































































































































































































even the cameras could not deny how they were both smitten during the preparation up to the photo shoot especially yong,  but let's face it, it still a variety show.  i hope any goguma can pin point the difference... am i anticipating that they are really for REAL??? YES phew.gifphew.gifphew.gif 
































































































lastly, thank you to dduk and lalacakes for the translation of this episode and the preview. to tetsuya9 for the subs and to all screen caps uploaders. everything was saved on my hd. have repeatedly watching it until now. 
































































































in go pheum is really the best!!!









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now cue random .gifs of my favorite scenes.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































them bickering over eyelashes. LOL, seobb ilu. and look at that smile when she turns towards him.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































even the hairdresser knows. you two are too obvious. haha.                                                                                             
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































eyelashes.gif       cuties.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































aww even before he's told he puts the coffee down. and LOL at jonghyun's reaction.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2nd gif:  violent hyun and yong choding! ... idk, they just look so happy.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































coffee.gif       happyo.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lastly, shy boy yong<3. aww. look at him not knowing what to do with himself.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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@ gogumaforever














Can anyone distinguish yongseo wedding photo shoot from the other wgm couples?




First, I need to mention that I have watched the first season of WGM, but did not see the wedding photo shoots of the S2 couples...so anyone pls correct me if i get my statement wrong regarding S2 couples' photo shoots.




The one thing that was a surprised for me while watching the live streaming on Saturday - even without the translations - was the concept of the photo shoot. As far as I know, the concept of the previous wedding photo shoots were randomly picked by the photographers/studios. Yes, AlShin couple had pictures taken with their flowerpot, and "A" couple had their shoes, but our yongseo's photo shoot was more personal - at least to me. Even Nayoung commented on it.











BTW, thanks to dduk and tetsuya for translations and sub videos!














can't wait for next week episode...i too feel that there might be a implied kiss scene...at least hidden from our view with the help of the book???





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Guest YSforever






Thank you Dduk and lalacakes for prompt translations and everyone who posts comments/videos/links/caps.  You guys are jjang!:wub:


Even though I struggled with the frog for a while, finally I'm able to see all the great images!


Like aneng said, it's a epic pre-epic episode!  ^^ well said!


It's like a teaser and I'm sooooooo looking forward to next week's episode.


Basically I love every moment of it even before the translation came out, and everyone pretty much pointed out everything. ^^


I just love how comfortable Hyun and Yong are when they are together...


Hyun is really a goddess!!  Yong just couldn't take his eyes off her!:lol:


I wonder about something though about the coffee.  It's probably just me so I'll put it in spoiler.


JongHyun is so shocked that Yong refuses the coffee...


However, the wedding shoot was on Dec 28th while the health check was on Dec 7th.


Does it mean that Yong still drank coffee in the three weeks?


Just wondering...hmm I'll be positive and think that maybe Yong was trying to stop drinking coffee in a less obvious way. :)



About next week, I feel sorry for Hyun that her unnies couldn't be with her.


And I remember the news that Hyun arrived at Japan later than her unnies.


Was it because of the wedding shoot?  I'm not sure about the date and hope someone could confirm that.


Anyway, I believe the SNSD unnies wanted to be there, it's just because they're too busy..


One day when Hyun is really getting married, they will be there! :)


Go back to lurker mode and watch yesterday's episode again! :lol:



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Guest MissBarbietch_0106




















































































Thanks to SONEms Subs













































































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Guest Tetsuya9




















110226 Seohyun @ We Got Married S2 E46 English Subbed + Download












Preview and Information
























Part 1 :























Part 2 :























Part 3 :























Finally done. :)





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Guest JeanetteCham


 Hello to all the Goguma Unnies/Oppas etc. blush.gif I'm back again ~ :) Even after watching the preview like millions of times, I still can't get enough of it .  Anyways, after the imageshack problem, I got a bigger problem -.- I can see the imageshack pictures now without the yellow frogs in the ice cubes (o.o) but I can't see those kind of "normal pictures". You know how those kinds of photos (box) appear with those red crosses? Yeah. That's whats happening to me ): And its not 1 or 2 but like more than 10 .Can anyone help me with that? Tks :) Oh and tks to those who brought up my name in their posts :) I appreciated it. And it haven't even been 1day yet and I feel liek I've been waiting 1 whole week for Yongseo's eps . Can't wait~~~ And I had a really good sleep last night while in Go-Chun xD Yongseo had always been my encouragement in studying & during hard times :) Everytime after the preview I'll be like : Okay. Study hard and don't be short-tempered this week. The reward comes on Saturday at 5.10pm. xD Anyways, have fun to those who are spazzing at this moment and thanks to the subbers and our fanfic writers for translating the episodes / writing such good fanfics for us .:D

 부부짱 :wub:


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Guest blueshoes
























credit DCjyh








I know You can see something bling bling right ?








Kekeke w00t.gifw00t.gif





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Guest yasyahiera


thankz very much Tetsuya9 for the video sub..


aigoo..them both so cute,pretty,handsome,gorgeous..


so perfect to each otherwub.gif




i'm so blushing when i watch these episode wub.gif


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