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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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today's episode is daebak..








but i'm soo frustrated right now..








i can't view the images that been post in this thread..all i can see is the frog images...








i wanna see all the wedding pictures...








someone help me...how can i view the images?????









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  lilmssunshine, edwin_nobles: You need t register or login at imageshack site and you will be able to see the pictures. If you have "opera" browser, this one works perfectly (I don´t know why).






























































































































































































































































































































jnj: Seulong!! I´m so missing him, I have this serious crush on his presence in the studio! LOL
































































































another moment... (sorry the poor quality)
































































































































YongSeo releasing their hands, look at their faces, so shy ^^

































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This is my review for this episode....































(Why did I felt like, doing a book review???)






















































1. At salon scene































I think this is salon where Hyun always go, seems she's did not felt any awkward with them.































And I love how both of them interact with each other. No shyness detect!!! And I like how Yong really interested with Hyun eyelash thing, specially with the lighter 1.. hehe...































& I like when Hyun always ask his opinion. Hairstyle moment. Even the hair dresser also asking his opinion, & after that he suddenly singing TRAX-Goddess song... hehehe































1 question; did bride & groom usually go to the same salon for their makeup????






















































2. At Wedding dress shop(?)































& I love all the scene here.... I already post a capture before...































List of Love;































a. All Hyun dress































b. Hyun the beautiful bride































c. All the Yong scene when he at a lost word a.k.a jaw dropping moment after seeing his wife































d. When Hyun shows the dress and waiting for his compliment... Like a nervous bride-to-be...































e. The "nothing-to-do" scene for him, try to capture everything around him... He really nervous+choding..... A mannequin head??? LOL































f. & he really like the silver beads thingy... or maybe the bling bling. & happy when Hyun wanna try it after he suggest it... And wear it... (Seems like the dress will appear in the picture scene later....)































g. Yong in suit/tux. We already know that, he REALLY ARE SUITABLE to wearing it.... hehe






















































Most fav scene is, when Hyun try her 1st dress and Yong stunned with it. + Hyun really look like she's too nervous for waiting he speak something... Of course he can't talk... Still in numbness world... Thank god Yong did not get any brain damage after this moment... ;) & he's happy he got a beautiful wife...






















































And how many times that he said she's beautiful in this scene...??? Toooooooo many times....






















































3. The Photo Scene































a. I LOL when they discuss the photo concept... The teams take notes like a journalist at interview session.. Specially after Hyun mention bout the "Yong Chodding" part.. All of wrote something at their pad...hehe































b. I like how the brothers come and give him support... Even personally prepared the snack for them.. hehe. But where Minhyukie.....































c. A suddenly clap hand when sees their Hyungsoonim in white dress. + Totally give her a "standing ovation". Really BIL type laaa....































d. The reminiscence concept... And Jungshin suddenly butt in... A 4D brothers... But his act can make them lose their nervousness a little bit...Good for him to be there...































e. Yongwha already take a few hundred/thousand picture for an ad or make a CF with more popular/beautiful partner, but here we can see the shyness in him. hehe. Maybe because this time was totally different...































f. Was the BIL surprise that Yong reject the coffee in the 1st place??? Is it right??? And I'm proud of him. That's his favorite. Americano iced coffee.... And accept the orange juice.... Good for him... ;)































g. And the family starts singing Goddess for Hyun + the family photographer will not miss to capture the event...






















































But I do wish Hyun will wearing the butterfly necklace... Why don't she wear it...... :(






















































To us, we know, he's a man with less word... And we can feel his nervousness to see Hyun in this particular dress. It's not his lacking of word of compliment, but I think, he CAN'T FIND any words to say. LOL...































Like he said, this is not like any other mission, it's totally a different mission. A mission maybe can make your heart change in every "direction". Can this moment also be their turning point??? I do hope a turning point to a "Right Direction"...






















































For the concept photo session : Next week we will watch them with guitar, This weeks, books already been capture. Will we expect the the back-hug also??? It's 1 of their many moment. Or "Yong wear necklace to Hyun" moment??? Or 1st holding hands moment? Or What else... Not the failed driving test or TMYW moment.. Hehe






















































& in the preview, we can see that Seulong and Na Young as their friends and fans also present for their photoshoot. How I wish Hyun family also be there. Her supporter, Hyo or Yuri or Tiffany. Since Yong brothers also present at that time... Maybe for their family picture.






















































Last question, is that Hyun camera??? Cuz I remember that the camera they used in digging the sweet potato episode... Right.. The 1 that can project, but we can see from the beginning the camera was in Yong bags....???? Speculation any1....






















































Now I can't wait for the next episode...































































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Guest ilovesnowwhite
































































































can i just say that not only yonghwa and gogumas were speechless on this moment. i can say that even seohyun too. yonghwa was near to drooling i swear and i think seohyun's heart is beating really fast!!! HAHAHA:) THEY WERE BOTH SPEECHLESS. ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAN WORDS. yonghwa was like ultimate proud of seohyun! like "HEY BOYS, THAT'S MY WIFE!"
































































with all the MARRIAGE EPISODES we have seen i think this is the BEST EPISODE EVER.
































































yonghwa was just caught off guard. seohyun was speechless with her feeling too! they got... MARRIED. ^^
































































and can i just lol at yonghwa's impression of yong. "a flirtatious kid" LOL YONG! ^^

















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Part 1! Part 2 is coming up! please wait for it!

Y: it’s another mission card!

Y & S: together, together

Y: oh it’s thick.

<the mission that is before them is…?>

Y&S: today’s mission…

<the couple’s romantic must do course …>

MC: honeymoon?

Y: Honeymoon?

S: Ah~ seriously? What do you think it is?

Y: Wedding photos!

S: really?

<lips that are opened widely due to the shock>

<inside the mission letter contains another letter>

Y: what is this?



Y: Is this a proposal plan?

<other actress/actor’s wedding photos>

Y: this one is good

<jang dong gun and go so young’s couple wedding photo>

<Also a strong skinship photo!>

MC: you can’t forget that pose!

<just then!>

<the already worn wedding dress …>

<Trax’s album cover photos>

MC: ahh~! With Jungmo oppa

MC: oh Trax, trax

S: Oh it’s me!

Y: what? What is this?

S: oh it’s pretty! I wonder who this person is.

Y: well this will be your 2nd time wearing a wedding dress so you won’t be scared right?

S: well you’re probably right.

Y: I’ve worn a tux once too.

MC: he is jealous right now.

MC: He is jealous

S: So it’s wedding photos…

S: I liked it then … then I don’t know. Oh wow, I’m going to take pictures…

S: I did think about taking wedding photos before.

S: Since the mood is so happy I was envious of that.

<the Grooms side of things>

MC: Oh it looks as if he rode a motorcycle.

Y: an unfamiliar mission.

<Unfamiliar! Mission>

Y: with the other missions I just thought, I can just do this, but since it’s my first time doing a wedding photoshoot…

PD: there isn’t one who does it twice.

Y: you’re right… I can’t do it twice… but since it’s my first time …

<extremely scary mission. Wedding photoshoot.>

MC: during your wedding photoshoot you have to wake up at dawn.

<Yong & Hyun who are receiving makeup>

S: I’m tense.

Y: this gown…. Really…

<the groom and bride makeup gown….>

Y: there is no reason to wear this…

<Jung Yonghwa – Groom>

<the nametag that indicates groom and bride >

MC: oh they really must be nervous.

S: What is the difference between a bride’s makeup?

Y: It’s laid on thick.

MC: to make her less nervous.

S: It’s not thick!

Y: during weddings do people usually wear their outfits here and go?

Makeup artist: Yes.

Y: oh~ what do they ride to the place?

S: Just a car.

Makeup artist: there was once where the bride wore her dress and drove off.

S: Oh really?

Makeup artist: the groom didn’t know how to drive.

S: Oh that is just like us.

<OH that is like us!>

<reminded Yong>

Makeup artist: big problem

<kidding, kidding>

Y: don’t worry I’m the type that is going to walk on my wedding day.

Y: I’m going to walk.

S: you do know that we are also going to be shooting in our casual wear also?

Y: really?

S: others have done it also…

Y: really?

S: I thought of many fun ones.

MC: oh, they have a concept.

MC: many people have a concept when shooting photos.

Y: Oh this is it!

Y: Seohyun used this once.

S: What is it?

<the curler that curls the eyelashes!>

S: Curler! I tried it on him.

<the wife who put make up >

S: look down.

MC: did she pinch his eyelid?

MC: that is scary

Y: yes, this is different…

S: what is?

Y: you pinched my skin.

Y: Because of that I got a double eyelid!

S: oh what are you saying!?

S: I pinched you on the other eyelid

Y: you did both.

S: No I didn’t!

MC: very childlike…

S: Oh! You’re going to put eyelashes?

Y: I have to see how you put on eyelashes.

S: Don’t look~

Y: I never see it before.

S: You don’t have to see it.

<the bride who is embarrassed to show her eyelashes getting glued>

Y: I want to see it once.

<the curious groom>

S: I don’t want to!

Y: I won’t look, I won’t look.

<Hyun who is getting her eyelashes put >

<even though he said he wouldn’t look, he still looks>

S: is it that amazing?

Y: Do you attach it with glue?

S: then what? You think I sew it on?

MC: For me, I sewed a lot in.

MC: you sewed it in?

<this time its…!>

MC: oh she is using fire.

MC: Oh men usually find that amazing.

Y: what is that?

Makeup artist: it helps with the curl

Y: you glued it on?

S: yes, I glued it, only the ends though.

MC: if you use fire it curls right up.

Y: Oh~ you are becoming elegant

<yong gave me a compliment>

Makeup artist: you are now done.

<the groom who is finished first>

Makeup artist: congratulations

Y: yes, thank you

<now, the groom who finished his makeup is in watch mode>

MC: oh she is pretty!

<hyun finished her bride makeup>

<Now to do their hair>

<they have to select what hairstyle they want>

S: Oppa, what style do you like?

Y: Do whatever style you like, to be honest, I don’t really know.

S: when you just look and say I like this…

Y: I like something like this…

<the long haired elegant wedding style>

MC: leaving it down is best

<Today’s style>

MC: men like hair that isn’t tied.

Stylist: do you like this?

Y: Yes I think I like this.

MC: I like it when the hair is all up and there is lace all down on her side.

MC: It’s my style

<the start of the wedding styling!>

<what kind of look will she change too?>

MC: oh, he keeps looking over.

MC: how pretty is she going to look?

MC: Close your mouth.

<Yong who can’t take his eyes off her>

<the gorgeously transformed hyun>

Y: Oh my goddess

MC: He called her my goddess

Y: my goddess

S: thank you.

S: Oh it’s cold.

<now going to the wedding shop>

<the two who keep getting more and more beautiful>

S: Oh it’s cold!

S: Cold Breath!

Y: try breathing from your nose

S: Oh it’s coming out

<the bride who is letting air from her nose>

Y: Is it coming out?

S: it’s not coming out.

MC: Since their walking it should be close.

<arriving in front of the wedding shop>

Y: Bride, Please enter

Y: I’ve never been in this place once

S: Me neither!

MC: Oh they are so lucky!

MC: you envious?

MC: yes!

<the envious 19yr girl>

S: hello!

Y: hello.

<the first time coming to a wedding shop!>

Y: You can watch tv from here.

S: oh really!

<wedding accessory>

Y: is it a wedding present?

<you get the wedding presents during the wedding day…>

S: It’s sort of awkward isn’t it?



manager: hello!

Y&S: Hello.

Manager: its nice to meet you.

<the manager who is going to help>

Manager: when looking through the album, select which style you like best.

Y: oh this style is really elegant.

Y: foreign… when watching a movie..

Y: a rich family…

S: if there is something pretty tell me.

Y: everything is pretty.

MC: for me, I am not going to wear a white dress.

MC: Oh?! Then black?

<then a black dress?!>

MC: no! no!

MC: a slightly yellow dress

MC: wear a red clay colored dress

S: I think I’ll know when wearing the dress, I really can’t tell.

Manager: then we will put you in dresses

<will make a discussion after putting it >


<finally wedding dresses>

S: wow it’s really pretty

Y: wow, this is the first time I actually see on up close.

S: this is the first time that I saw so many too.

MC: Close your mouth.

MC: they look all the same…

<from a males eyes>

MC: they are all different

S: which one is pretty?

Y: they are all really pretty

S: look carefully… which would look best.

S: please wait…

<going in to change into the dress…>

S: Please sit

<wonder how seohyun will look in a wedding dress>

MC: I’m really anticipating it.

<looking through the pictures>

< thinking >

<what will our bride hyun look like with the wedding dress?>

MC: when the curtain opens, I wonder how pretty seohyun will look.

MC: I bet you Seohyun will be anticipating

MC: During drama’s the men usually are captivated

MC: yes, the men have to be like that.

Manager: open it please.

<the first look at what hyun looks like in a wedding dress>

MC: OMG she looks so pretty!

<the very gorgeous pure-white hyun>

MC: he is speechless

Y: WOW, you look really pretty

MC: she really looks pretty

MC: he has nothing to say

MC: Because she is so pretty

S: does it look alright?

Y: you look absolutely pretty.

Y: you changed your hairstyle

S: I quickly pulled it back

<the naturally rising of his mouth>

MC: is so likes it.

Y: Since everything was so white, it looked like if she came from an ice world.

Y: Somewhat… a bit… I somewhat felt as she was an angel. I felt that.

Y: It felt as if I had to look up.

Y: Oh, Seohyun is really beautiful.

<mood is up because of Yong’s compliments>

S: remember this.

Y: Alright, I’ll remember it. Oh right, picture.. I got a camera.

MC: right! You have to take a lot of photos.

MC: I wish that all the husbands remember the time when they looks at their wife’s beautiful look for a long time.

Y: I’m taking it now.

S: ok

MC: so that they can say that the person I love and is so beautiful is this woman. Something like that.

S: it looks alright?

S: should we try on another dress?

<trying >

<Yong Husband who has started to wait again>

<suddenly he gets up>


MC: it looks like that he like that the most.

MC: oh that looks nice!

MC: Oh since it is bedazzled, it looks expensive

<about to sit but goes back>

<the magnificent beaded dress>


< his heart beating considerably>

S: Oppa

Y: yeah?

S: I’m done, just wait a sec.

<Hyun-bride’s second dress>

MC: I think this is the dress that he liked first.

<again with the camera?>

Y: OH… it’s a different dress.

S: You think it’s the same?

Y: it looks similar. But I think this one is prettier.

<advising to try a different style>

Y: this one!

MC: he chose the bling bling one.

<the dress that he saw before!>

S: It really is a magnificent dress

S: I’ll try that one.

Y: If you wear it, you’ll look pretty.

MC: changing must be annoying but she said she is going to wear it.

MC: oh no, when girls do this, it is not annoying.

MC: oh it’s not?

MC: they can try 100.

<this time trying >

S: I’m going out.

<the bride who is wearing the dress that was pick with Yong’s love>


MC: Oh this one looks really good!

S: what do you think?

Y: It’s pretty

MC: this is the first time he clapped

<right away takes a picture>

S: so you this is something you like.

S: I think this is pretty

Y: It’s pretty?

S: yes

Y: You’re pretty

Y: Oh it suits you.

S: it’s suits me?

S: What else should I try on? I want to try something that is a different design

Y: I selected already.

S: this?

Y: for me only.

< already deeply fallen for the bedazzled dress>

S: I want to see other kinds of dresses

<trying >

<2hrs has passed looking for dresses>

<the slowly bored yong>

Y: Seohyun~

S: I’m almost done, just wait a min.



<the warm air temperature>

MC: he is getting tired

<getting a little bit tired!>

<what is he doing?

<starting to play with the camera?>

<Yong choding’s piece #1>

<Mannequin heads>

<Yong choding’s piece #2>

<Seohyun, hurry and come out!>

<Yong Choding’s piece #3>

< I am waiting a long time>

<his own watch…>

<what is he doing now?>

S: I’m all done!

MC: OH so pretty!

<slim design dress >

MC: She looks good in all of them

S: what do you think?

Y: this is really pretty too

Y: how are you supposed to choose?

<keeps wearing different dresses!!>

S: Mini dress!

Y: oh really?

<the constant coming of the dress parade>

S: this gives off a different feel to it.

<does it?>

S: what do you think?

Y: this is pretty too.

S: why are not concerned?

Y: what do you mean I’m not concerned?

S: look in the mirror you look like you aren’t concerned

S: he was like a pickled kimchi. He looked very tired.

S: But since he wasn’t concerned, I just thought , ah I have to just choose it.

Y: after all those dresses, why does she beat around the bush?

Y: I kept thinking what are you thinking about?

Y: Seohyun, take your time. I’m going to use twice the amount of time.


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I'm not sure if this has been shared already.  But you may want to watch this, partially subbed and much clearer copy too by TheSoneSource21 team.  Thanks and credits  to them.




























































































































































































































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OMG~~!! I just found something in the preview~~!!! I hate that I could not do any screen cap as I also face the same problem with you all that I can only see the frog instead of my screen cap. So I'm going to describe it in words...
































































































































































































































































With Boomstreet2010 preview video (Thx to the poster), mark at 0.08, Hyun arm linking with Yong, and then, mark at 0.09, the photographer is doing a carry gesture when he squad down a bit then stand up. I presume he is asking Yong to carry Hyun up in that way, and perhaps a turn... haha... :w00t:. Then mark at 0.10, Hyun have a shock expression.....
































































































































































































































































Wow, just cross finger that next week's episode will get all of our heart exploded... next Saturday parli parli parli~~~

































































































































































































































































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Guest thisismariel




Well, wasn't today's episode just beautiful??


Especially (is that how you spell it??..LOL) Hyun..WOW! was all I say while she was trying on the dresses.

My expression was just like his:


LOL..Yong you might just wanna close you mouth there.:o






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Guest shenibabi
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































iam so speechless
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































why they're so beautiful
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































oh my god seohuyn
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































she's truly a goddess
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































iam so jealous huhu

































































































































































































































































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Guest _SmileGuest_










All admin dont know the reason T.T .. we all sad .. the old creator YongSeo Couple page 


[ Admin VI ] also dont know what happen to that page excl.gif  rolleyes.gif w00t.gif we really will work hard again for reach more than 25,000 goguma villager  at new yongseo pagelaugh.gif keep support us at fb ! *im one of admin at that page*






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Guest rolling_snow
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Words cannot fully express how much I loved this ep XD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































First of all, Seohyun. She looked really pretty in those wedding dresses (forever jeliz) and I especially loved Yong's pick, the *bling bling* one... it was sooo my style lol
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And Yong was speechless while looking at her, aww. Of course, he looked gorgeous as usual ♥♥
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I also loved him being cheesy haha and I'm glad Jonghyun and Jungshin were there.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































As for the pics, they were beautifully taken imo ^__^
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The preview is killing me *____* Can't wait for next week, hoping for more skinship =D

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites




This episode was DAEBAK, I can't wait to see the next. I want a hug or a back hug and a kiss on the forehead or cheek because I think it would be too much for Hyun and maybe Yong to have a kiss on the lips, even if I would love to see that :w00t::D




Seohyun is a godness and Yonghwa is so handsome, they're really a beautiful couple :wub:


I love Yong's speechless face and his shy smile when he looked at  Hyun in wedding dress, so cute.


Yes!! Yonghwa refused to drink coffee and instead he drank orange juice ^_^ He really listens his wife, I like it. It means that Seohyun's opinion is important for him. Even Jonghyun was shocked :lol:


Yong chose Hyun with hair let down and a bling-bling dress, what else? This is so much Yong lol


During their make up he couldn't stop staring at Hyun ^^ He was so interesting by her makeup XD


I think the photographer is in love with Seohyun but nobody can't blame him xD


I'm a little disappointed for Seohyun because nobody was there for her -_-, at least one SNSD or her friend would be cool.




Seulong and MC Kim Na Young will be there, cool. I miss Seulong and Jinwoon, they were so funny and they're friends with Yongseo so, they're a part of our goguma family especially Seulong. I think that Jinwoon will be jealous when he will see that episode :lol:



Link to comment
Share on other sites
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































SeoHyun is gorgeous in this epi but i have to say Yong, that look in his eyes pawns everything.lol.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































there were several times when he couldnt really contained his smile and had to control his expressions a lot. But eyes don't lie, It was as if fireworks were going off in his head and his heart was proably beating really hard.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Aww hyun uri beautiful hyun, is not that Yong wasn't concerned, its more like he didnt know what to do with himself. Its his first time doing all of this and he was all flustered and shy and didnt know how to react properly but like i said those eyes don't lie. That face is going to crack from too much smiling<3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks Dduk for the translations. Will wait patiently wait for the rest<3
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i love this part

Y: OH… it’s a different dress.

S: You think it’s the same?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: it looks similar. But I think this one is prettier.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lol. He probably wasnt paying much attention to her dress because he was too busy looking at her beautiful face and thinking whatever she's wearing she'll always be beautiful.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and this part is epic!

S: What else should I try on? I want to try something that is a different design

Y: I selected already.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Y: for me only.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong glanced at the camera a bit at this part. He can't seemed to stop smiling.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I want to write a lot of things about this epi but i think i have to wait until i have fully returned from go-chun!

































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest shinhdeplol

The episode today is the best ever!!!!!!

OMG OMG OMG I didnt understand a single thing while watching but I swear I felt all the love. OMG since I dont have a boyfriend atm, I cant stand the look in Yonghwa's eyes when Seohyun is doing dress fitting. HE IS SO IN LOVE :wub::wub:

Seohyun looks so beautiful in ALL the dresses, but I think she looks the best in the bling bling one haha

Cant wait to see the next episode. Am I too much if I say Im waiting for a kiss? :P I think they wont kiss on the lips but I would die to see Yonghwa kiss Seohyun's forehead or cheek. Awhhhh that would be soooo cute :wub::wub:

Link to comment
Share on other sites
































All admin dont know the reason T.T .. we all sad .. the old creator YongSeo Couple page 








[ Admin VI ] also dont know what happen to that page *quoted image*  *quoted image* *quoted image* we really will work hard again for reach more than 25,000 goguma villager  at new yongseo page*quoted image* keep support us at fb ! *im one of admin at that page*






























Good luck guys!!! I'll help in simple ways I could. Aside from soompi, your fanpage is one of my sources of Goguma news. Hope the other fans will find their way to the new page. FIGHTING!!!








As for today's episode, I'm still waiting for the subbed version. Even though I don't understand 90% of the convo, still I can't help but spazz. OMG!!! They were like a heavenly couple sent to spread LOVE... total DAEBAK!!!!



Link to comment
Share on other sites




























































































Just wanted to say that this ep was AWESOME! I can't wait for next weeks ep. So I work for a wedding designer and its just so happens that our YongSeo couple went into our store called My Daughter's Wedding that carries our gowns. And Hyun's 1st dress was was none other then our Enzoani Fabi gown and the dress that Yong picked for Hyun to try on (bling bling gown) is also another Enzoani gown call the Fleur. I'm going to let our marketing team know so that they can put this in our newsletter! Daebak!




















































































First gown Fabi dress
























































































second gown is the Farlow dress
























































































[Yong's pick] Fleur dress









Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest MissBarbietch_0106
























i make this caps while listening Yong "For First Time Lover"..






























Really feel SOLEMN.. this song is so romantic..






























May i present you, Mr. and Mrs. Jung :wub::wub::wub:








































Hope you all like it..

























Link to comment
Share on other sites

Guest yongseomania
















Are there any completely eng subbed ver of the latest wedding photo shoot ep??? ROAR!!! I wont sleep tonight unless i had watched it.....LOL
















Is the photographer really a jinx? All of his photo shoot will cause someone to leave?
















What is the reason for past WGM's couple to leave? Is it because of individual commitment?
















Thank you for answering :)









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I really think this episode is daebak!! I was practically stretching my face to the max smiling so hard!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Allow me to say this, they are just too sweet together!!! Hyun was totally comfortable with yong, responding to his jokes and playfulness! Yong on the otherhand was so shy and was super cute with the awkwardness when trying on the clothes haha. Of course how can one miss the epic scene of yong and the bling bling dress for his buin. I really think that yong was trying hard to contain his smiles and happiness throughout the selection of the wedding dress. Even when we see hyun through the computer screen, we were going gaga over her, imagine yong seeing her in person! well can't wait for the next episode now and let the wedding photos flood the thread!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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1) did yong get his driving licence afterall? When the makeup artist said that the wife had to drive off cos the groom did not know how to drive, why did hyun mentioned that the situation was like them?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































2) technical question: i deleted my temp files, signed up with imageshack but i still see the frogs. How else can i see the pictures?

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Link to comment
Share on other sites


i really like how when she comes out wearing the dress even though THE BIL stand right away n clap she still looks to yong for confirmation


and he just smiles and gives a silent nod. its cute how she brightens up just from that


i really liked the picture where shes laughing n has her hand over her mouth its so natural n not like they had to do poses


i hope im making sense ...couldnt sleep at all waiting for this ep.


Link to comment
Share on other sites

This topic is now closed to further replies.
  • Create New...

Important Information

By using this site, you agree to our We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. You can adjust your cookie settings, otherwise we'll assume you're okay to continue..