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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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So... the preview looks DAEBAK just by watching it right?




Just wait until you see the subs... freaking epic....




I think we can expect a LOT from next week. :):):)




Translation preview~








<Yongseo couple's shooting continues>




C: Yes yes, turn towards Seohyun




C: Smile, smile




<A lovely memorable photoshoot with friends!>




C: Yes, slightly link arms




<But.. slowly.. the cameraman's wishes(?) continue to grow..>




SH: What??




YH: Why are you making me seem like a weirdo! TN: The direct translation might be weirdo, but it's more along the lines of pervert, just not as strong.




C: Yes this is good!




YH: You have to take this in one shot!




<Stuttering, you.. you have to take it in >




C: There is never a retake here




<What is the concept that flustered the couple>




C: I'll just shoot it once.




I don't want to get any false expectations or anything... but I really really think that we can expect at least a peck or a kiss on the forehead or SOMETHING. kekekeekee~







oh my gosh!!!! i was gonna head to bed but read your post. need to watch the preview again.




thx for translating!





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Guest weizhen_sj






thanks LalaCAKES for the preview trans...


same.. i do hope for a peck on the forehead or cheek...


seems like it's Yong that's flustered.. not Hyun.. Hyunnie looks rather calm sleeping beside Yong... keke..


i cant wait for next week...



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DAEBAK! I am looking forward for more daebak moments next week... and if it's not too much to ask, a really sweet (kiss) picture would not be bad... hehehe... they received the mission right after they uploaded the Banmal song on YT... and the WGM staff are so naughty to include Seohyun's picture in a wedding dress for TRAX... and as usual it gets the response they were expecting from Yonghwa... Daebak!

Btw, lots of people today... Daebak!


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I think we have our official maknae in Go-chun :)... Welcome Jeanette ^_^!!!
































































































OMG!! amazing, beautiful, fun, cute episode! I need to re watch it :wub:, but, Seo was so pretty, I started to cry, feeling so proud of her when she came out with her first dress.
































































































Yong´s face was a poem! LOL daebak! and he was so handsome too, and shy :wub:.
































































































You know what I like the most? That they were told to act just like their first meeting and they couldn´t do it!!!! Cause THEY ARE REAL!!! OMG! I feel like crying :wub:, so haters, deal with that :lol:.
































































































And the preview!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies... and Seulong is back!!! I love that guy, hope he will be MCing next week :wub:.
































































































Waiting for the translation, thank you so much for amazing pictures, the links, the blessed preview and all your love for our YongSeo.

































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Guest Faith_memory








So... the preview looks DAEBAK just by watching it right?







Just wait until you see the subs... freaking epic....







I think we can expect a LOT from next week. :):):)







Translation preview~














<Yongseo couple's shooting continues>







C: Yes yes, turn towards Seohyun







C: Smile, smile







<A lovely memorable photoshoot with friends!>







C: Yes, slightly link arms







<But.. slowly.. the cameraman's wishes(?) continue to grow..>







SH: What??







YH: Why are you making me seem like a weirdo! TN: The direct translation might be weirdo, but it's more along the lines of pervert, just not as strong.







C: Yes this is good!







YH: You have to take this in one shot!







<Stuttering, you.. you have to take it in >







C: There is never a retake here







<What is the concept that flustered the couple>







C: I'll just shoot it once.







I don't want to get any false expectations or anything... but I really really think that we can expect at least a peck or a kiss on the forehead or SOMETHING. kekekeekee~













hahaha i wonder what that pose is? maybe the cameraman wants yong to do something naughty kekeke!!







wow.. the preview really wants us to be so curious!!!







i love today's episode!! but it was kind rushed or something.. before entering the studio, we can hear yong and hyun laughing keke.. i wonder what happened there. ♥ the flashbacks made me a bit sad... i miss those days.. ♥ omo.. we have to wait for another WEEK before the next episode again... come faster please!!!!!!!


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Guest yonghyunforever


waiting patiently for the translation. the photos are beautiful, but i hope next week the photo together week them too in happy note, smiling together and face to face, like 2 happy married people face. i want soehyun eyes smile with maximum happiness:-):wub:


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Hey! long time no see gogumas! i have to see this forum immediately after watching coz i'm dazled of how beautiful they are on wedding photoshoot..this is remains me from other bad news about yongseo couple who came these days..=.=








































1067 users reading this topic! how daebak it is?? ^^








































thanks so much for the caps pictures and brief translations i love you guys!









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Guest niiychan
































































































































































































































































Repost from another goguma villager, :sweatingbullets:
































































































































































































































































































































































































hope they will be like them...

































































































































































































































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aneng' date='26 February 2011 - 01:35 AM' timestamp='1298712955' post='16942300']

Great solo shots!
































































































































































































Am I the only one who can't see pictures from Imageshack? All I'm getting is a frog.































































































































































































I had that same problem for about 3 days, I was going crazy!!! :crazy:, but found a solution (only for firefox).
































































































Firefox +































































































































































































































































































































CR: gamercl.com
































































































if you have an account, people says that you need to login and that´s all (I couldn´t login so I don´t know)...
































































































EDIT: LOL, yes Winbros, I was crying while Hyun was trying her dresses :lol:.
































































































LalaCAKES: Thank you so much ^^

































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I love the wedding dress scene....






















































Here is my capture :)






















































I love how he fidgeted with his fingers while waiting...





















































































I love how Hyun nervously waiting for his 'assessment'...




















































































































I love how he look at his wife... From head to toe...





















































































I love how he lost his 'ability to speak' at his 1st glance at his wife...




















































































































She's too beautiful... Even I a girl also lost the ability to speak... hehe






















































And we got a full house here.. 1000++ Goguma's in da house....































































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tks for the fast links, all

but is there any other links besides the ones posted earlier?

some vids have no sound..

janis_joong, its okay even if it is small.

actually, we are not supposed to post the number of viewers..

we got warned before..

magdal..i soo agree with u.

how can yongseo relieved those awkward moments when they are soo close now..

and the prev is always daebak..pd is such a teaser!!!

lala cakes, tks for trans

i would like to think there WILL be a peck on the cheek!

rmbr the time hyun waking up, and yong looked like he wanted to kiss her?

aahh..me and my delusional self...

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Guest gogumacraze




OMG!! An ANGEL has descended into Go-Chun!!




Soooo beautiful! I had this grin the whole time n tearing!! My heart's gonna explode!! Hubby asked y I'm still up @ this hr! SM, y didn't ANY of the unnies come?? Y? Y? Y?


N all 8 went to Taeyeon's!! It's their baby n not even one came? I thot they were family? :tears: I know this is a show n all but still...... tht's jus plain cruel to Seobb! Even the boys went! Somethg's really wrong here. Oh well, hav to wait till next week to watch if any unnies will show up!




Seobb's gonna make headbands the fashion statement of 2011!! She look soooo beautiful with them! All the dresses look awesome on her! Y won't they ryt? She has the bod of a model! Let's pick which is your fav outfit on each of them, shall we? For her, mine is the 1st wrestling pic - off-shoulder dress n the bling-bling one with lots of tulle coming up next week in the lying -down on the floor scene. On Yong Seobang, I like the 1st one in the wrestling pic. n the wht one. He looks gd in wht! So many DAEBAK scaps out already. Thks!




Aigoo, I'm starting to talk nonsense now. Been up since 6am n now it's almost 3am here! Gd nite/ gd morning/ gd afternoon gogumas! Sweet dreams to me!:D











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Haha. I'm writing my fanfiction and now I can't concentrate because I watched the preview. Yongseo is GORGEOUSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I haven't even watch the raw videos yet, still downloading, my internet is as slow as a turtle today. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'll just spazz about the preview. When I first saw the caps of Hyun in a wedding dress leaning on Yong who was holding a guitar I screamed. And then I screamed louder seeing that he was actually sitting on her gown. It was BEAUTIFUL!!! 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And then I saw the caps of them lying together facing each other. I remember a goguma here (I forgot who, mianhe) hoped for a picture like that. And it came true! OMG. And I saw the video of the preview and went absolutely lunatic. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































What will happen to me after I watch the raw episode? Seo Hyun is a goddess indeed. They were beautiful! Jjang! Daebak! Lovely! Yong was so cool! And I'm glad that they took the picture when Yong's hair was still brown and they were sporting same hair color. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I can't help for my video to finish downloading!!!!

































































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Yonghwa was seriously so cheesy during the photo shoot! Their conversation when they had to take their first batch of pictures like their first meeting:
















































Y: Nice to meet you, Seohyun-shi.
















































S: Hello.
















































Y: I'm CnBlue's Yonghwa.
















































S: I'm SNSD's Seohyun.
















































Y: I really was a fan.
















































S: Is that so?
















































Y: Was a fan.
















































S: How about now?
















































Y: Now... We're a couple.
















































And there's another one, but I'll leave that to Dduk... ha!









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Guest fionatansl






Am I the only one who can't see pictures from Imageshack? All I'm getting is a frog.







































Hello aneng! Try going into internet options and delete temporary internet files ;) the frogs should disapper as soon as you do that ;)




















On a side note, today's episode is chincha daebak!! I wonder what will they be asked to do next week ;)








































Translation preview~



























































<Yongseo couple's shooting continues>




















C: Yes yes, turn towards Seohyun




















C: Smile, smile




















<A lovely memorable photoshoot with friends!>




















C: Yes, slightly link arms




















<But.. slowly.. the cameraman's wishes(?) continue to grow..>




















SH: What??




















YH: Why are you making me seem like a weirdo! TN: The direct translation might be weirdo, but it's more along the lines of pervert, just not as strong.




















C: Yes this is good!




















YH: You have to take this in one shot!




















<Stuttering, you.. you have to take it in >




















C: There is never a retake here




















<What is the concept that flustered the couple>




















C: I'll just shoot it once.





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Guest kasia3goguma
















































































Few things I found on tumblr (LINK), so I'm sharing: :)
















































































































































































































































And something RANDOM, but still: Seohyun was spotted with Yoona while shopping:
































































































C:to owner
















































semi-fly - thank You so much for HQ videos!

















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Guest pretty_92868








































I want to spazz later after the subs but I'm really excited especially for next week.
































I'm always like that, excited for the next episode.
































On this episode,he literally drooling over his wife.
































During their hair is done, he can't help it but to sing
































"OH MY GODDESS" because she really is a Goddess to his
































eyes. I love how he savor every minute of her.
































And when she came out with the wedding dress the first time,
































he can't contain himself. Speechless and I was like WOW!!!
































she really is gorgeous and beautiful.
































Then the second one,the third time which is his choice,and
































I was like Yong that no words can say except you're pretty
































until the last one.
































They are the best couple really, for they support each other even
































in small things like taking pictures for each other.This for me
































is sweet gesture that rarely seen.
































Then it's Yong turn, he is shy whenever he show himself to Hyun,
































I can feel pure love with his looks.
































But Seohyun,being the choding Hyun makes Yong even more shy when
































he became the object of her photo session. They are so cute.
































Oh I love the arrival of Jungshin and Jonghyun for moral support,
































they really are brothers and chinggus.
































And for Seulong, he has to be there for he is a GOGUMA like us.
































more to spazz later,I have to watched it again.





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