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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest ikekeyou
























omg im excited for saturday's episode!































thank you m3 for the translations! :)
















awww yong asking wife to give him a message?
















yong you should be giving her a message since she fell so much!
















ahahahah i like hyun's deadly glare! remember her deadly glare when yong asked for coffee?! hehehe
















cheesy yong! i cant wait! :D
















still no hint on hyun's wish... i guess we'll have to wait on saturday!! :D





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Guest Seychan
































































































































Thank aneng & M3 for your preview & translation
































































Wa, the next ep is so interesting, make me so curios and laugh.
































































"Yonghwa begged Seohyun for a massage and received a deathly glare in response." hihi Yong is so brave and Huyn is so cute. Imagine when Huyn have a deathly glare hihi really Huyn's always cute whatever she do.
































































YongSeo couple spent a delightful night at the ski resort. Uri YongSeo always have "something deabak" at the night. :wub: 1st hold hand at night's double birthday, hold hands in pocket at night, Huyn links Yong's arm 1st at Japan's night.... and this time, "something deabak" is coming to Go-Chun :">
































































Park Misun, Kim Nayoung, and the rest who first saw the episode in the studio cried "Yong husband is so cheesy" and "I can't watch any more, I'm blushing". Woahh, what did uri YongSeo do at night? What make all of MCs "can't watch anymore" & "blushing." :wub: MCs never see the scene what they "can't watch anymore" before with Adam & KhunVic. OMG  I'm so excited right now.
































































I started think maybe Huyn's wish is massage for Yong's back when Yong lying down because he's tired. And the sweet & happiness begins ..... :"> excited excited
































































DJHinata: your wedding pic is nice :) I like it. I look forward to see Yong groom's reation when Huyn bride wear her wedding dress. This time wii be priceless and meaningful for both, Yo~ng :"JooHuyn ah, You're so beautiful" and uri couple's so shy. Love love love <3 I die.
































































I also want to share my favourite wedding pic:































































































































This pic make me remember when YongSeo couple have fight hands at 22days anni & 222days at japan. So cute
































































































































































































































































































































































































Saturday pali pali. I <3 Saturday & Our YongSeo couple. YongSeo couple a sweet night at the ski resort ♥ Go-Chun, be ready for spazz overload :wub:































































































































Love YongSeo ~ a little love grows each day ♥

































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Guest ayanapunya
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































OMG...even the MC's blushing to watch them. What are you doing Yongseo? Are you gonna never let  us goguma to leave from this go-chun? :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thanks to M3 for the translation :rolleyes:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Woaaa..this thread is so "full" with the wedding photoshoot! :)

I bet all of us here can't wait any longer to see YongSeo pics.. ^^

I'm so curious about how the pics are going to be like...but I do really hope that they will have not only "cute" pose but also "sexy" pose as well!

Really wanna see them in a sexy atmoshphere...I think it's going to be great!




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Guest teahoney

OMG OMG!!! the babylon translation is killing me!!!!!! ottoke!! we need translation gogumas ^^ :wub:

Thanks aneng so much, and thanks for the amazing captures to all the gogumas who shared them ^^

eliamae: Your link is SO spazzible ^^

This is what i found out using google translation.. Although it is not 100% translate, but i guess we "understand" what it is all about rite?? :P

hope we get a few bit information here.. hehe

massage ???!!!! Omo!!! :blink::unsure:

Forgiving husband, a sweet night skiing!

Last week, snowboard riding ski hwawa Seo Yong enjoyed dating. This week, followed by a small party afterwards at the ski resort condos.

The two men entered the condo a couple yellow chicks like to wear hoodies in a couple senses naseotneunde imitate chickens, have grown weary of the board Distinguished think the sound is different from the weak chick figured out that draws a smile.

Ondol tteukkeunhan transform from lying on it for himself he is hyeonbu squeeze began to ask for a massage, so one out of convenience gone yongnam bold (?) Remarks, thanks to the current wife had no choice but to get the bloody glare.

First studio recording of this information through the facing PARK Mi Seon, Kim Na Young, etc woogyeol casters, so eongkeumhada for the husband, '' I will not hesitate to hot face, saying 'the back door hit outcry.

Another ski resort in the rice, and condos in the night time. Some things had really gotten to couples forgiveness, such information on the 19th at 17:00 10 MBC [We Got Married] is scheduled to air on.

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Hello Everyone!



































This is my first post hear, and I really appreciate all your post and translations!!































One more day to go see our couple!



































Since the thread is really slow, I just wanna drop somothing here.































Hope this will work...(Since this is my first time, I am really narvous..hope I don't make any mistake.)



































I'm not sure if this has been posted here already, but it seems like this is the place our couple's weeding photoshoot had been held.


















































TK Retro































You can use the google translate, and it says our couple did wedding photoshoot there:)































Best Regards♥


















































Thanks for sharing!


















































I checked out the site and the style of this studio is really natural and fun. I find them really suitable for Yongseo. Looking at these photos got me so excited about Yongseo's wedding photoshoot, I thought I would post some of their photos here that I would love Yongseo to have as well. However, I'm definitely expecting the unexpected with our couple! *sigh* nothing they plan to do ever turns out the way it should! But that's why I love and adore them so much!


















































Put in spoilers because it's image heavy!






















































Intimate but 100% relaxed

















































































Coffee shop anyone?

















































































Yong will you give Hyun a kiss?
















































































































Back hug maybe?

















































































Or will Hyun be bold and make the first move like last time?
















































































































A guitar instead of a trumpet

















































































Piano couple!



















































































































How nuts am I? Ahh I will spazz about tomorrow's episode tomorrow, let me spazz about next week's episode today! :D





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OK, I'm doing my what do we think and what do we know.















































































I think that this couple has some problems in trying to meet for all the filming.















































































I think that maybe Yong was under presure to back off duing all shoots in december prior to his concerts.















































































I think that maybe they did all the filming they could before the contract expired in January. Contractually they didn't have to do any filming after that.















































































I think that maybe they are still negetioning the contract and that is why our couple still wears the rings but see no filming.















































































I think WGM had no idea that SNSD and CNBlue would explode onto the Asia (Outside Korea) scene the way that these two groups did and to do it also at the same time and had no idea how to handle it.















































































What we know-absolutely nothing.
























































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Thanks for sharing!  

I checked out the site and the style of this studio is really natural and fun.  I find them really suitable for Yongseo.  Looking at these photos got me so excited about Yongseo's wedding photoshoot, I thought I would post some of their photos here that I would love Yongseo to have as well.  However, I'm definitely expecting the unexpected with our couple! *sigh* nothing they plan to do ever turns out the way it should!  But that's why I love and adore them so much!

Put in spoilers because it's image heavy!


Intimate but 100% relaxed

*quoted image*

Coffee shop anyone?

*quoted image*

Yong will you give Hyun a kiss?

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

Back hug maybe?

*quoted image*

Or will Hyun be bold and make the first move like last time?

*quoted image*

*quoted image*

A guitar instead of a trumpet

*quoted image*

Piano couple!

*quoted image*


How nuts am I?  Ahh I will spazz about tomorrow's episode tomorrow, let me spazz about next week's episode today!  :D








Wooaaa...I do LOVE all the wedding pictures that you shared here!! Just like you said it has relaxed atmosphere but we still feel the intimate! ^^

Thank you for sharing :)

I also want to share some pictures that I think suits our couple well but I don't know how to put the picture here....I read earlier that we have to make an account in some website and after that we could share the url link here, but I don't know what website... :(

C'mon Gogumas share your favorite wedding pictures too and maybe we could have a game to guess what kind of pose that they will have in their photos :)


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Guest SophiaPia
































































































































































































































Thanks M3 for the trans































































































































































































































































































































































OMG! i'm just thinking about that floor scene if wifey seobaby will lay down beside hubby Yong. Now i'm excited w/ hubby Yong begged for a wfiey Seo massage HAHAHA a lovely wife touch and hubby Yong cheesyness again kekeke! and wife deadly glare hahaha what will happen? is wife seobaby gonna lay down? is Wife seobaby gonna give hubby Yong a wifey massage weeeeeeeeeeee SUPER excited, as always Saturday pali 































































































































































































































































































































































Cheers to all let's all be happy all for the love of YongSeo couple. Let's all think positive and have fun. YongSeo couple daebak.































































































































































































































































































































































love love love
































































































































































































































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M3 and the others thanks for the translations!

WHoa.. now I really can't wait for tomorrow's episode..


Yong choding in action!! Hyun choding is back too! Seychan, you're right! Yongseo's SUPERBLY unbelievable suprise always happens at night, whenever there is just the two of them and for tomorrow's epsiode, the MCs are always saying they can't watch because they're blushing?!?! What in the world are those two lovebirds up to now..

Tomorrow, pls hurry and visit us here in goguma land!

Maybe after spazzing about tomorrow's episode, all of us can play another game and guess the kind of poses Yongseo couple will make during their wedding photoshoot or what they both will wear then! haha. :wub:


Sorry for my randomness...:sweatingbullets: 

 Continue spazzing about the review.. haha its always fun to read. THANKS IN-GO-PAEM! :rolleyes:   


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Guest angels.disguise
































































































I'm soooooo excited for the next episode and the wedding episode!
































































I can't wait to hear Hyun's request for her hubby and Yong's mushiness :P
































































For the wedding photos I want them to have an almost kiss.
































































































































































































& Hyun initiating something!

















































































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Guest kimbum_leeminho_is_love

im totally agree with angels.disguise... i want an ALMOST KISS in their wedding photo shoot...

or a kiss on cheeks or forehead.. and a backhug too!!! hihihi... that would be nice... for me

its more intimate...


oh well, nothing really to share... sorry.. :(

excited for tomorrows episode... i hope it will be daebak! :w00t:

oh! before i forgot, M3 thanx for the transalation... :D


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Guest quisty86
















I can rewatch this episode and this scene over and over. Maybe she was a little scared, but she definetely showed her strong willpower and desire to learn. I'm very impressed. I bet Yong was really impressed and happy with Hyun's determination too. And then we have Yong saying, "Don't worry I'll hold on to you." If this ladies doesn't make your hearts full...This scene's just beautiful. 








  And soon enough she managed to board down by herself in that slope with him ...at the sides...always supporting. He was always making sure she was doing fine. With words of encouragment and praise.








Do you see how happy she was in this very scene? :)




And the very proud husband/boyfriend/coach.








Thank you Yonghwa :)





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Guest porporja
















Wowwww..... can't wait for tomorrow's episode ^^
















Well I think Yong been very cheesy to Hyun these days.








His cheesy joke is pretty cute! and i love the way Hyun groan after hear it :wub:.








Keep doing it Yong, cause Hyun and all goguma fellows here love it.
















Can Saturday come quickly?

























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Guest pen(..^^..)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































hi gogumas :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































whoa thx for the preview translation m3, saturday come faster please xDDD
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































thinking about the wedding photos, seeing this one and imagine that as yongseo makes me &Q*(@#&(Q*&$( xDDDD <33333 ♥
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































can't wait for tomorrow episode ♥

































































































































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hello goguma shippers..!!
































how can i post pictures?? can smbdy give the way..
















































your reply are kindly i appriciate.

















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Guest pen(..^^..)
















































































































































































































































































































and also this pic <333333
















































































































































































































































































cr: as tagged
















































































































































































































































































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the url of the image
































































































































































































































































































hope that helps :)

















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and also this pic <333333


*quoted image*


cr: as tagged




hi fittif


you can post pictures by doing this




*quoted image*





hope that helps :)












pen(..^^..) : thanks a lot!!




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Guest pen(..^^..)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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hope some one can translate it :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































용화♡서현 : 스키장 콘도에서의 달콤한 밤♡
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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