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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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I wasn't going to bring this up again, but my fellow-Goguma friend was freaking out so much by Yonghwa's comment earlier that I think this might help some other Goguma's calm down? Haha.








I don't think this has been posted (the thread's going fast haha), but it's about Yonghwa's answer that caused so much commotion in this thread, lol. I've found the video where they asked CnBlue that question, it's during a press conference.








My link








It's around 9:41, the translator asked: 'Do you perhaps have (a) girlfriend(s)?'








The guys simply answered, No we don't.








9 more hours till the live streaming. I'll for once join in with that (hopefully, if I'll wake up in time). Normally I'd watch it after downloading, but oh... that picture still makes my heart flutter; how close their heads are, Yonghwa's lock of hair tickling Seohyun's ear and the way their bodies are positioned *snaps out of it*








Well, see you in 9 hours!


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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































Aisuo415 - Thanks a lot for this link and Your post! I knew that this isn't so serious ! I just have a feeling that he didn't want to mention WGM in this interview, there would be so many other rumours, it was safe move, I guess.






























































































































Btw, Yong doesn't have a girlfriend, because he already has a wife ;):D
































I'm in good mood because I just got an information about passing one exam, so I'll post a cute pic of our Yong!
































































Need to sleep now, see You tomorrow in goguma world !

































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Guest constantia11






heheheee :) Am I imagining things ? I think Yong is touching his ring with his thumb when he was singing bamal song at the front of this video!! And he did it a few times! Maybe cos he is thinking of Hyun while singing! :) 






I think it's not only your imagination.

I saw it too. He's sort of fiddling with the ring while singing the song.




Hello my fellow gogumas. It's been a while.


I miss this place so much. This thread moves to fast that I had to backread lots of pages.


I'm looking forward to today's episode.


I was not able to watch the live streaming last week.


But thanks to the kind gogumas and goguma translators and subbers (my deepest gratitude to M3 and Dduk), I can watch the epi and was able to spazz alone.




About epi 41, there are so many things I really want to spazz about, but most of you has mentioned it in your posts.


There is this one thing that caught me straight away.


It was when Yong introduced Hyun to his friends. He patted Hyun's shoulder while introducing her to them.


For me, this action speaks a million words. It speaks Love.


And all the time during their conversation, the way this two lovebirds leaning into each other, the way Hyun always searching for Yong's eyes to seek for reassurance and support, the way Yong touched Hyun as if he is trying to comfort her, it's something lovers do.


After this episode, there is not a single doubt left in my heart that these 2 beautiful people are in love.


After this episode nothing can shake my opinion, not even the "I am single" statement from Yonghwa in Thailand.




I think that's all my essay for today. I did not mean to write such a long post. But I can't help it when it's related to our beloved couple.



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Guest seohyungeneration















































to duckduckduck




























































Come To Play with SNSD, SJ, MBLAQ, B2ST with English Subs [1/3/11]































Seohyun (JH): but my parents are not like that....
















MC: If your mom goes against your marriage or you being together with your boyfriend? 
















JH: Do you mean goes against my relationship?
















MC: Yes. Let us act this out. I am against it...you can't.
















JH: Please tell me your reason for going against us...
















(people surprised)
















MC: This is just unacceptable..
















MC2: That's right!
















MC: I brought you up and thought you are already so big...you need to reflect yourself more.
































MC: You can't. You can't.
















JH: (acting out) This is my boyfriend. What do you not like about him that made you do this? 
















(another MC thrilled & happy)
















MC: For Seohyun, however, if her family goes against her marriage, she would not give up!
















































































MC: Dongwoon said that he's jealous of wgm.
















Dongwoon (MBLAQ): Yes very jealous.
















MC: Out of all the couples, which are you most envious of?
















Dongwoon: The newlywed couple - Yongwha and Seohyun.
















MC: Ahh yonseo couple...why do you envy them?
















MBLAQ member: He feels he should be in it.

































































































































http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmBQJ-vewoc joohyun falling slowly
















http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prCcukhV6ZI  joohyun playing piano

















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Guest street.k2































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Vote Yong sing



































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest morningblue




























Good Morning Goguma Villager






























































Thank you for Trent for your games.. I want to play the games






























































I need to watch all the episode to find the answer






























































So this my answer.....






























































From Top to Bottom, Left to Right (sorry dont know how to make sreencap)







































1.         Ep. 6-7 : Seohyun Darkroom Interview (Read Yong Book Report, Meeting BIL, Teaching CN Blue Dance, Go to Sauna)








































2.         Ep.11-12 : Moving to the house & Decorating the House, Meeting SIL,








































3.         Ep.2 : @KBS Music Bank- Showing Couple Ring








































4.         Ep.39-42 : Busan Trip








































5.         Ep.28 : @ Salon in Kangnam (Miyongsil Chingu)








































6.         Ep.23 & 25 : Meeting Ueno Juri








































7.         Ep. 42 : I guess from the preview








































8.         Ep.11-12 : Moving to the house & Decorating the House, Meeting SIL,








































9.         Sorry I don’t know








































10.     Sorry I don’t know








































11.     Ep.15 : Morning Exercise, Driving License Mission








































12.     Ep.36-37 : Making Banmal Song








































13.     Ep. 31 : looking for Seohyun Blouse I think its Ep.31: in a car when Seohyun read a mission to go for a free trip to Kawagoe, Japan











































                     ( same blouse that she wearing in G20 Song Recording)








































14.     Ep.23&25 : Seohyun Darkroom Interview (Ueno Juri Episode)








































15.     Ep.8-9  : Blood Donation, Open Couple Bank Account, Watched “Avatar”








































16.     Ep.4-5 : Buying a Guitar, Jujube Latte, Calling MIL,








































17.     Ep.15 (just a little) & Ep.16 : Written Test to Get Driving License








































18.     Ep.29-31 : Seohyun Darkroom Interview (200th  day anniversary)








































19.     Sorry I don’t know





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to duckduckduck




























































































































































































































































Come To Play with SNSD, SJ, MBLAQ, B2ST with English Subs [1/3/11]























































































Seohyun (JH): but my parents are not like that....








































MC: If your mom goes against your marriage or you being together with your boyfriend? 








































JH: Do you mean goes against my relationship?








































MC: Yes. Let us act this out. I am against it...you can't.








































JH: Please tell me your reason for going against us...








































(people surprised)








































MC: This is just unacceptable..








































MC2: That's right!








































MC: I brought you up and thought you are already so big...you need to reflect yourself more.
















































































MC: You can't. You can't.








































JH: (acting out) This is my boyfriend. What do you not like about him that made you do this? 








































(another MC thrilled & happy)








































MC: For Seohyun, however, if her family goes against her marriage, she would not give up!
















































































MC: Dongwoon said that he's jealous of wgm.








































Dongwoon (MBLAQ): Yes very jealous.








































MC: Out of all the couples, which are you most envious of?








































Dongwoon: The newlywed couple - Yongwha and Seohyun.








































MC: Ahh yonseo couple...why do you envy them?








































MBLAQ member: He feels he should be in it.





























































































































































































































http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XmBQJ-vewoc joohyun falling slowly








































http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prCcukhV6ZI  joohyun playing piano















































































it should be Dongwoon BEAST isn't it?








































oh, i'm so proud of uri seohyunie, we all know she's a tough girl but i didn't expect she will say like that...wow, i wonder how's yong expression when hear this, he must be so happy and proud of his buin then he will do the same thing, oh yongseo please get real soon :wub:









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Guest oceanprince




hello everyone! its sat and i cant wait for the new ep todaaaaaaaaay.


just to confirm, so they'll be showing the rest of busan ep and the hospital ep? bcos i dnt want busan to end! haha. okay, -smackshead- i know tht ep will come to an end. but thn, i rlly love the busan eps bcos it feels so real. we get to see the real yonghwa, being a native in busan, feeling at home, w his dear wife /ahemsgirlfriendtobemoreaccuratelol but nevertheless, im eggcited for this ep!




anw, since yongseo's first year anni is coming up rlly soon. in 2 weeks time in fact. i did a cover of banmal song to celebrate the first anniversary of yongseo couple. and i see DeeOmfg has posted the link too! :D


i dno if im breaking the rules or not, so i'll just link it to performer's thread on soompi.


hope you guys enjoyed it! and comments are welcome too!







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Guest soshisoshisoshi
























hello everyone! its sat and i cant wait for the new ep todaaaaaaaaay.








just to confirm, so they'll be showing the rest of busan ep and the hospital ep? bcos i dnt want busan to end! haha. okay, -smackshead- i know tht ep will come to an end. but thn, i rlly love the busan eps bcos it feels so real. we get to see the real yonghwa, being a native in busan, feeling at home, w his dear wife /ahemsgirlfriendtobemoreaccuratelol but nevertheless, im eggcited for this ep!
















anw, since yongseo's first year anni is coming up rlly soon. in 2 weeks time in fact. i did a cover of banmal song to celebrate the first anniversary of yongseo couple. and i see DeeOmfg has posted the link too! :D








i dno if im breaking the rules or not, so i'll just link it to performer's thread on soompi.








hope you guys enjoyed it! and comments are welcome too!











































GOSH LOVELOVELOVE YOUR COVER!!!! :wub: :wub:(but yeah your breathing sounds very heavy  :sweatingbullets:. nevertheless, good job! Just want to ask you, what did you use for the microphone?? maybe some time later I'll try my luck to make a cover also :lol:.














today seems sooooo slow! YongSeo bballi! i really want to see the scene where Hyun calls yong "Baby Yo~ng". must be cute and lovely!














since I don't really have anything to share, and I'm quite lazy to join the game, I'll leave it to the CURRENTLY LURKING GOGUMAS!  I just want to clear up any misunderstandings. If you guys are scared to post because worried of getting (-) points, just remember to post MORE THAN 20 WORDS AND MORE THAN 1 LINE, and you'll be okay......
















come on out guys!! we need all of you to spazz with us! ;)









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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































Because the game of Trent. I review all of ep. I noticed at ep 2 when YongSeo couple go to restaurant dukbokgi and Huyn let Yong read her notebook.
































































In her notebook, Huyn wrote What do she want at her future husband? He must be good at cooking and cleaning:w00t:






























































































































































































































































You guys, look at today's ep. What did Yong do? Yong cooks for Huyn hihi like her wish at her husband. :wub:
































































swanflwe: thank for your link. Yong want to go to seaside and buy shoes for her. It is exactly what he did with Huyn.
































































And now, he want to be true husband whom Huyn want. Cooks for her. It is very simple but she will be very happy. I believe <3
































































I think now Yong & Huyn have passed the period of the-future-husband or future-wife as Yong said in episode 2. Now they're living as true newly weds with sweet breakfast and wedding album.
































































Can't wait the day when the best wedding photo in their album will be hang in their home. Blank wall above on the sofa dedicated to it :wub:

































































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Hello Gogumas... I've been reading all the comments here and its quit fun reading different opinions.. I'm looking forward for the coming episode but i will not be able to see it live as i have something to do... huhuhuhu...tears.giftears.giftears.gif But anyway i would like to thank in advance to those kindhearted gogumas that will going to upload, translate, screen caps all the scenes, writing their spazzing moments... THANK YOU... Its awesome to have this kind of thread to share our love wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif to this couple.... w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif





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Guest loybing



Vote Yong sing








been voting for Yong daily not just one vote daily but every time i had a chance. kekeke. wonder why Yongs vote hasn't reach million yet. i hope some gogumas here will keep voting. lets do it once again. if we reach million views in youtube in almost 3 days then hopefully we can reach million votes as well in chosun.


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Guest bittersweet_




























OMG. is this picture... like for real???? OMG. I think I am gonna die from happiness.




















I really feel like some spazzmatic fan photoshopped it, its that unbelievably cute!




















Look at how close they are. OMG. What kind of a boy and a girl takes a photo like that? hmmm unless you got a thing for each other ;)




















Both of them look a little washed up, ghostly, and tired tho haha but yea similar for sure. so cute. tooo cute!




















First time in my life, I wish the time difference between korea and the us was little closer.





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Guest street.k2

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































been voting for Yong daily not just one vote daily but every time i had a chance. kekeke. wonder why Yongs vote hasn't  reach million yet. i hope some gogumas here will keep voting. lets do it once again. if we reach million views in youtube in almost 3 days then hopefully we can reach million votes as well in chosun.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Must unite and spread the vote to all 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When this aired, Kangin was still on WGM with Yoonji - they were among my favourite couples. I wonder if he knew that SM Entertainment were seeking to place someone from SNSD onto WGM ... and then, the financial crisis struck and the rating dropped and, well, rest is history, I guess.




I wonder how Seohyun was "chosen" for WGM? Did SM Entertainment choose her based




1. ... on her lack of coverage among the SNSD members, because she wasn't *that* present, being always quiet and in the background.




2. ... on the fact that she would probably throw herself the least at her future husband (unlike, let's say, Sooyoung - no offense), therefore no image troubles?




3. ... on her own descision? (Frankly, I doubt that).




Hi..i think regarding this..,i read somewhere before but i cant seem to find the article about how wgm pd choose seohyun.She was choosen because the wgm pd was amazed by her unique character after her cameo in Taeyeon's wgm.Wgm's PD had  decided to pull her in wgm since then.so,i guess the answer to that should be because of Seohyun unique strong differerent character that the wgm PD saw while filming with her in Taeyeon wgm that interest the wgm  PD to pull her in..The PD might see how her character can be commercialized for wgm show.She been cast way before she graduate from high school so i dont think she was choosen because being push by sm due to her lack of coverage.The PD spesificly cast her for wgm and i guess,from there,PD look for  a male lead to be her partner.Since Yong been casted after beating 50 more other candidates.If someone could find the link to that article,it would be great.. 




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Guest vmasterpiece

hi everyone!! 3 more hours and we will fly to GO-CHUN


first of all, thank everyone who has post preview, translation, pics, video. You all are the best!!

whenever I open this thread there is always something to spazz about ^^



wow.. there are a lot of things going to happen in just 30 mins of airing time.

1. getting close to yong's friend (all they did was introduction ^^)

2. go to yong's school

3. back to sandodong house , yong's cooking for hyun (SPAZZ PICT!!! --> totally looking forward to this scene)

4. receive mission card "to take care of health for 1 day" --> everyone is looking forward to hyun's style of convincing yong

5. hospital scene

it seems like there is too much of scene to be fit into 1 episodes. i hope they did not cut LOTs of scene :(

I want to see everything they do LOL. I feel  like a stalker looking into a couple's love life.

btw, just want to make sure is their 1st anniversary on 2/12? i am confused on what is the date based on first meeting or first episode

anyway, see you guyz @ fan club chat box

thanks in advance for mountainmadman for live translating and dduk for full episode translation

appreciate all you hard work!!


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Guest Raindeer



Hey everyone, this thread moves so fast that its almost impossible to backtrack to older pages, but I love all this spazzing. Can't wait for todays episode. They are so comfortable with each other now and sooooooooooooooooooooooo much skinship. Love this couple the most, its so weird because at first I was a fan of other couples (still am) but totally fell in love with YongSeo after watching them. Thanks to m3 and dduk for translations and news articles and alike. Like everyone else in this thread, I am so grateful for such giving people to take time and effort to do such a thing. Nothing really new to add, I have been a lurker for 2 and a half months now. This is my first time/ or second posting in this thread and I just wanna say, this has to be the most active thread in soompi that is not spam. You guys are awesome!!

Anyway, what time does the episode air today? And is there anywhere where we can watch it live?


Edit: Ohhh I topped a page, first time for that too


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