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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Seychan
































































































































































































I scream when I see this pic. So close they are. I think when they're close like this, Yong's arm must be touch at Huyn's back or hug her. His shoulder is behind her shoulder. Like a hug from back, OMG so close so close love love love *laugh like a crazy*. Look at this pic, don't have any distances between them. :wub:
































































Compared with the pics what they took together at ep 1 or ep 31. This pic is very different. They're more beautiful and important, they're so close and comfortable right now. Took pic like a normal couple. Yong & Huyn are so beautiful with white skin and big eyes. Like their hair - couple with curly hair - look so cute :wub: Yong is funny and Huyn is beautiful. Their lips are so sexy too :">
































































Thank aneng for this pic, hihi_hehe for preview and thenatstory for ur translation. Thank so much *hug*
































































I can re-post this cute pic <3
































































































































And I notice the quality of this pic, it's no good quality for a normal camera,  it must be taken by phone of Yong or Huyn because their phone screen is so big (Chocolate LG & Sony Ericsson X10HD as we known) enough for size of pic. Quality of this pic totally like pics taken by phone. It is not clear, these points are blurred. And Huyn held the bowl, I think Yong had taken. And this pic's at Yong's phone. OMG Yong can make it for his background in phone. Who knows hihi:wub:































































































































































































Yong & Huyn look more more similar together now. My mother said that when two people love each other, they become identical. :wub:
































































Tomorrow pali pali ..... :wub:

































































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It's funny how this article labeled Yongseo's new picture as 'Visual Shock' (OMG I'm glad I can actually read Korean lol)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































They always make it on top news and headlines. I mean, I don't know about other couples (Yes, I'm counting Adam couple in) but whenever they release a juicy news or pictures, it's like 'BOOM' to the Korean netizens and reporters.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Article says about the selca and 352?

































































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Guest loybing

It's funny how this *quoted image*

credits: dc married



Article says about the selca and 352?

thanks Aneng. you are daebak. thanks for updating go-chun always. i watch watching Secret garden and in episode 2 i saw yongseo(when Oska shows his laptop about news)kekeke!

thanks in advance to duk and m3 for tomorrow.

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forget abt the ring issues, forget abt yong's statement..

just look at them, gogumas...look :wub::wub:

one look at their latest pic and one read from the translations,

already put some 'naughty' thoughts in my head.

and i am walking with a spring on my shoes.. :lol:

because i am out of my mind right now, i saved all the pics,

yes, the same one..big or small, just because i am soo loving it. :wub:

so hugs to aneng, seychan, kasia, luxubu, thenatstory and everyone else

for making this thread oh so happening!

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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































The things my head is thinking are not good at all... from breakfast in bed to the statement "I am good at healthy body massage"... You said what????
















































































kekkekekekeke, man today is going to be a good day, even if I have a death line for today at work, I am not going to stress over it, I have almost finished, but when I feel the pressure I will just think of them and gain my happy mood again to finish my work faster!!!
















































































Man, this two really make me happy, whatever with the rest of the world, there is a lot of people supporting this two... Be in love is so nice and watching this two makes me want to be in love too. So bad they dont make YH replicas.... T_T
















































































SH you have a good man right there, if I could show you how lucky you are, but this is your first experience and it is so frustating, because people that have been already in a relationship can appreciate how great you are together and how meaningful is your relationship, but I am worry about if she knows how lucky she is... ahhhhh I cant read her, I just hope they make a lot of good memories with this and be happy!!!
















































































Happy spazzing my fellow gogumas! I know I am going to have a great day, hope you too!!! I love my goguma family!!!

















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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































i dunno if anyone has mmentioned anything about this
















































































































But in this seohyun and kyuhyun fancam during their performance together at the SM Town Concert in Tokyo yesterday
















































































































I was watching really carefully and i think seohyun was wearing the couple ring duing her performance
















































































































you can see something sparkly when the light shines onto her hand
















































































































correct me if im wrong, but i love the way she is singing so deeply whilst wearing her ring. If you cant see the picture too clearly watch the fancam with the link below and its around 2.07 and look closely at her hand
















































































































































































































































































































































Love yong with his black hair. looking good as always
















































































































and im screaming and squealing seeing how comfortable yong and hyun are in that selca <3
















































































































cant wait for tomorrow. love seeing their relationship develop









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Guest kasia3goguma

























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































THANKS TO: duduardia from snsd's thread






























































































































































































































































































































































































































Seohyun didn't dye her hair black ;) Still we should wait for the performance to see more Seohyun :D
































































































































I'm still not sure wheter Seohyun's wearing a ring, but maybe yes !
































































































































PS. JNJ I love all Your posts actually, they always make me smile :D
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































aaaaand sth from dc married: RING DING DONG :D

































































































































































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And just because I'm weird.
















































































I stared at the picture for a minute and noticed that the angle seems wrong. Seohyun's eyes said it all. For me. You see, I easily get deceived on pictures like this. I can't clearly distinguish if it is a mirrored picture or not.
















































































But I am not sure, okay. However, I checked the preview and Yonghwa's hair fall like that.
















































































And luckily, someone at dc married made this:
























































































credits: dc married
















































































And tell me, am I just obsessed with this couple or this is really how a real couple takes a selca? I mean...okay, I'm obsessed.









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okay, that's it!

seeing the selca pic again with starry starry eyes,

i will just go ahead and share my delusional thoughts anw.

- where will hyun take her nap? on the sofa or the bed?

we've seen yong slept on his side of the bed, so its time to see hyun sleep

there too..and IF this scene is not cut...

photoshoppe expert gogumas...get ready! ;)

- how will yong wakes buin up?

ho ho ho :w00t:

- they are so close taking the selca, i wonder if hyun sat on his lap? :phew:

err..maybe not, since its too much for hyunnie..

but one thing for certain, he has his arm arnd her... :wub:

kasia, tks!

i am a dreamer who sees everything in a tinted glass.. :sweatingbullets::rolleyes:

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At first, I thought that it was photoshopped because it's rare to see their selca. When I realized that it wasn't, all I could think about is both of them are really cute. In the preview there's so many stuff to do, so I think they will cut short either the meeting Yonghwa's friends part or just showing 5 minutes of the checkup part.
































































































































And anyone know where I can download ep 38 up with eng subs??

































































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Guest yongseorockin


Hello Guys!! Super excited right now, so I came here straight. This is the latest UPDATED VIDEO of SeoKyu moment at SMTown Concert with complete hand-holding parts. Of cos I m not rooting for SeoKyu, but I am just spazzing because they didn't hold hands tightly and SeoHyun let go of the hand immediately after they bowed. The whole scene looked very very awkward to me. For someone that thinks I am still not very delusional and extremely logical, after Yong single comment, I m really happy to see this. Feeling more at ease. YongSeo has this effect on me, the only celebrities to actually make me feel that way. So Just watch. ^______^











Kyuhyun held her hand near end of song.




Hand held very loosely.




After the song ended, she laughed.




They turned to bow to audience.




Then they let go of their hands immediately and walk off at a very fast speed.


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Spot the difference:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Putting it in the spoiler since there are enough pictures here
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm talkative because I want people to talk more! Just like the old times! <3

































































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Guest chandrawd



Hello go-chun villagers!

i wanna hear some noise!! DID YOU EXCITED FOR TOMORROW'S WGM SHOW????? *hell yeah me too

lol btw i'm a newbie in here. sorry if i made mistake,cuz i rlly dunno about the rules yet.

anyway i just wanna post sum of my yongseo fanart. hope you enjoy it



big love from Indonesia -chandrawdiana :wub:


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I'm just... ASDFiawoejf;aokejf akdlf adasdf adflj asdf aioe <-- That's me babbling trying to find the right words to say.









He's THAT close to her and yet he can resist... Props to you, Yonghwa. Really, respect.









Even as a girl myself, I don't think I can hold myself back HAHA.


















Everyone who have met her or seen her in real life keeps saying she's a Goddess. I honestly didn't think much of it, but then I saw this fancam of her stepping out of their van, hair untied, minimum make-up... I'm determined to meet that girl at least once in my life, lol.


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Guest smurfs888
































aneng you are a genius! I was wondering also why the pic look kinda odd somehow.. cause if it was how it is with the first pic 
















































somehow hyun's thumb's gonna look odd right here cause of the angle 
















but turns out it was a mirrored pic w00t.gif EUREKA!!
































well however it is we'd still be spazzing bout this pic anyway lol
















I wanna say thank you to those who share this sweet pic of our couple and also thanks in advance for Dduk and MountainMadman for giving us translations... less than 20 hours before wgm airs and I can't wait! wub.gif

















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these pics remind me of luvtokki oppa's post sometime back.

WHAT IF yong were to steal a kiss from hyun?

knowing hyun has a knack to hit yong, she WILL give him a big tight slap! lol

but yong wil nvr nvr steal her first kiss, because he is a gentleman.. :wub:

since this thread has been slow for a reason...

i'd like to think that the reason is because gogumas are still up there in go_chun

after yongseo's selca was posted here.. ;)

so my last post..*before i got bored since no one's talking*...hehehe

d3 chingu, as always..daebak caps!

it is still a wonder to me how u could cap all those scenes..

to Thai gogumas..thank u soo much for sharing the fancams.

u guys take the honor of being the first to listen to banmal song 'live'

and i still envy u kekeke

to M3, tks in advance for doing the on-the-spot trans.

to Dduk, no pressure tomorrow k..

and to all In-Go-Paem...lets party at the FC tomorrow!


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the photo, i am a little bit late for spazzing but it is ok, right. i think they take with the telefoon. because of the shape and i hope it is right. hope they dont cut this part out. and yong can see them like that whole day long. hahaha

honestly i am a little bit headeach with Yong's statement. but i just ignore it. waiting for the next epsiode.

this couple make me tired ( of waiting for their news), sleepless ( thinking to much about them) but they make me high ithout using drug. :wub:


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ahaaaa.. seeing many In-Go-Paem try to force everybody to write share something in here makes me want to share something..

about the selca photo, preview text and video, they makes me fly to Go-Chun!!

I want to scream loudly.. but because I'm at home I can't.. uuuuhhh..

I can't wait for tomorrow!!

I still spazzing, thinking and sometimes daydreaming (^^) because YongSeo..

(well,, somrtimes I think YongSeo is too much for me.. they made me crazy)

wondering why they look so.... real..

about CNBLUE Holika Showcase at Thailand..

I'm really, really envy you guys who came there..

Just have seen the fancam and it made me really wish CNBLUE come to my country..

BanMal Song!! when all of the BIL sing along with YongHwa,

it sounds like they want to encourage YongHwa to say something to SeoHyun..

Remind me when BIl first meeting with SeoHyun and they sang a song..

oohh.. I can't wait for tomorrow!! Unfortunately i can't join live streaming together cause my internet connection.. (hell)

se you tomorrow, In-Go-Paem

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Guest hannahgarrido




I'm just... ASDFiawoejf;aokejf akdlf adasdf adflj asdf aioe <-- That's me babbling trying to find the right words to say.


He's THAT close to her and yet he can resist... Props to you, Yonghwa. Really, respect.


Even as a girl myself, I don't think I can hold myself back HAHA.


*quoted image*


Everyone who have met her or seen her in real life keeps saying she's a Goddess. I honestly didn't think much of it, but then I saw this fancam of her stepping out of their van, hair untied, minimum make-up... I'm determined to meet that girl at least once in my life, lol.



yeah aisuo415, i agree with you.. he's that close with seohyun yet he can still resist!!! wub.gif  i've always been a seohyun fan and i've red fan accounts of people who has seen her in real life and telling that she really looks like a goddess..biggrin.gif i would like to see her at least once in my life tears.gif LOL i'm saying this and i'm a girl...


still spazzing about that awesome pic!! wub.gif can't wait for tomorrow!! pali saturday pali!!!



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@jnj.. likewise i been wondering where are the angel gogomas at this time? maybe resting and still in the luker mode after seeing the new pic.. or been searching new fan accounts or news abouth our lovely couple.. since its friday and i cancelled my meeting tommorow just to watch them via live stream i'll be re-watching the older episode its nice to remnisce their moments they've shared with us.. please somebody, kindly share the link for tommorow.. ;) thanks alot..

bythe way.. why is it i have this warn status? did i violate something?;p

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