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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Oh my, is it the pix for tomorrow's episode? I guess it's the breakfast Yong made for Hyun, lolzzzz. Totally cute, but why not smiling like your wife, Yong Seobang? Seriously, they do look like each other XD

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest kasia3goguma
















aneng Thank You sooo much for the pic ! I found a bigger pic on dc married, so I'll post it again ! They are so close keke, and they are so alike, I have no idea what's goin on ! A breakfast for Hyun :wub: awww...! (I hope this is it)





















I won't be able to be as active as I want for few days. But I want to thanks everyone for links, pics etc....! How I wish to be on CNBLUE concert ! Well, maybe in the future! I wish to write more, but don't have time right now,  exams....







About the preview ! Thenatstory, thanks for translation ! This episode will be again longer, so many things gonna happen ! They spend a lot of time in Busan, I didn't expect it ! 









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Bigger version of what I posted a while ago:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: dc married
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jung Yonghwa, you are so single.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































^ Oh. Tell me guys if I need to remove this picture. ;)

































































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Guest K1L1On1Mr4
































































































































































































































































































































Wow their faces are really close each other, just kiss on the cheeks YongSeo wub.gif
































































































































































































Gotta say that Thai Gogumas are jjang, singing For The First Time Lovers like that give me goosebumps :D

































































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This is the article that comes with the spazz-worthy picture. Can somebody please translate this??
































































































































[이데일리 SPN 연예팀] MBC `우리 결혼했어요`의 정용화-서현 커플의 다정한 모습을 담은 사진이 공개됐다.
































































































































사진 속에서 두 사람은 자연스러운 표정으로 서로 얼굴을 맞대고 있다.
































































































































그러나 `우리 결혼했어요` 제작진에 따르면 여행 이후 상도동 신혼집에서 달콤한 시간을 보낸 용서부부는 아옹다옹 사랑 다툼을 하게 된다.
































































































































싸움의 이유는 서현이 남편인 정용화를 병원에 데려가려고 했기 때문. 이에 29일 방송하는 `우리 결혼했어요`에서는 병원에 가는 것을 두고 티격태격 다툼을 벌이는 두 사람의 모습이 담길 예정이다.
































































































































EDIT: I thought it was a photoshopped pic at first. I love how comfortable and at ease Hyun looks here. SO MUCH DIFFERENT than their first meeting. Whatever else that comes in between - Jinwoon, mildang, Sulli (I just got to know about it), ideal type issues etc, seems like just things in the past. They look too real. Uh oh somebody needs to shake me back to reality!

































































































































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The preview was DAEBAK..Thanks thenatstory































































































































The pic was DAEBAK..































































































































How I wish I will be with you guys for spazzing tomorrow...






































































































































































































The main point here...































































































































Yong the 1 whose cooks...































































































































Hyun the 1 whose sleep...






































































































































































































I just make my wish just now, for Yong the 1 whose sleep..






























































































































































































































































Suddenly feeling Déjà vu around here...






















































































































































































































































































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I just had to come out of hiding to say this....
































































































































































































_d3seohyun - your posts are always amazing, amazing, amazing! You capture the perfect moments, and then the little commentary you give along with them - I love it! Giving you yet another plus just didn't feel enough this time. So thanks so much for each and every one of your posts. Just looking at the caps makes my heart go dugeun dugeun :)
































































































































































































Thanks so much hihi_hehe for posting the preview, and to thenatstory for the translation.
































































































































































































Thanks in advance to dduk for tomorrow's episode translations. Also to the uploaders, subbers, thank you so so much!
































































































































































































mountainmadman - looking forward to the live updates tomorrow. Had a blast last week, and really look forward to it again. Also, I have commented in your journal before, but your fic was outstanding. Am looking fwd to the next one to come.
































































































































































































On to the text preview....
































































































































































































The episode sounds wonderful! I so look forward to them spending more time with Yong's friends. They look like a very cool, nice and fun bunch and I really want to see how Seohyun interacts with them. And a visit to the school! Sweet :)
































































































































































































And then we're back in Sangdodong! I heart sangdodong!!! I've said this before, I really really love these 2 when its just the 2 of them. And Seohyun finally gets to sleep on that bed! I don't know about other gogumas, but i've always felt rather sorry for that bed. The yellow couch gets all the action, and that poor bed lies lonely and neglected inside. Except for the one episode where Yong slept on it for all of 20 minutes, its completely unused! What's the point of it all???
































































































































































































One random thought on the last episode. Feel free to ignore!
































































































































































































Its a bit late to spazz about last week's episode but one thing i noticed and which really made me smile, AND feel sad at the same time was Seohyun's behavior at the beach. When she and Yong were running around chasing (and being chased by!) seagulls, she looked so very happy and uninhibited. Her expression was totally delightful, and I defy anyone to look at her and not smile. She just radiated happiness!
































































































































































































But at the same time watching her gave me a twinge (Ok, more) of sadness, because to me at least, it looked like moments like this were very unfamiliar to her. This is of course my perception, and I admit I could be completely wrong, but I wonder.
































































































































































































Seo become an SM trainee at the age of 13, and all credit to the system for putting her where she is today. And I'm sure most trainees know what they're signing up for. But, they do lose a lot in the process. So when I saw Seo laughing so happily, it did make me sad for her lost childhood and teen years.....
































































































































































































Finally, I don't know whether Yong is doing this intentionally, or unintentionally; but with all the things that they do together, he's helping her take back some of that lost childhood/teenage years. And for that alone, no matter what happens in the future, I will always love him.































































































































































































































































































































































































Last of all, the live performance of the banmal song was just too amazing. Yong's cheeks looked like they would explode from happiness. Thai fans are soooooooo lucky! And also daebak for providing so many pics, and fancams. Thai gogumas saranghae!!
































































































































































































Now if only we could get a close fancam of Yong hugging that teddy bear..........

































































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Bigger version of what I posted a while ago:

*quoted image*

credits: dc married

Jung Yonghwa, you are so single.

^ Oh. Tell me guys if I need to remove this picture. ;)

hi aneng! thank you for posting the pix;) kya! their so close! and too sweet of yong making seohyun breakfast.. ( breakfast in bed? hope so);) I had a teary eye after reading the translation clap clap to Thenatstory ..;)  i cancelled my meeting tommorow just to be able to watch with you guys via live stream.. ( can you share the link for mbc) thanks!

so guys get ready for another deabak and go-chun episode! cant wait now! have a nic weekend everyone! enjoy! godbless you all!

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Guest ikekeyou
























OMG!! thank you thank you thank you thenatstory for the fast translation for tomorrow's episode!!
















YAY! they are going to show the filming at school! (:
















awwww yong always thinking about your wife
















i wonder what is the special namelist they found? hmmmm cant think of anything
















awwww because of hyun's hectic schedule... she takes a nap while yong prepares her breakfast?
















omo how sweet is that?! :)
















and BOY! their recent PICTURE!!!
















ahahah i like how it just keeps on getting bigger and bigger! heheeh
















but look how CLOSE their faces are!!! ahahah
















the food looks yummy! good job yong! [:
















and their mission HEALTH DAY
















hyun: going to the hospital for a check up VS yong: insists body massages (someone here wants more skinship):D
















REMEMBER: when they are back in Sangdo Dong it was their 300th day!! :]





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Guest thenatstory




[이데일리 SPN 연예팀] MBC `우리 결혼했어요`의 정용화-서현 커플의 다정한 모습을 담은 사진이 공개됐다.








사진 속에서 두 사람은 자연스러운 표정으로 서로 얼굴을 맞대고 있다.




그러나 `우리 결혼했어요` 제작진에 따르면 여행 이후 상도동 신혼집에서 달콤한 시간을 보낸 용서부부는 아옹다옹 사랑 다툼을 하게 된다.




싸움의 이유는 서현이 남편인 정용화를 병원에 데려가려고 했기 때문. 이에 29일 방송하는 `우리 결혼했어요`에서는 병원에 가는 것을 두고 티격태격 다툼을 벌이는 두 사람의 모습이 담길 예정이다.






Translation for the caption for the latest cereal pic


MBC 'We Got Married''s Jung Yong Hwa and Seo Hyun has shown warmness through their latest photo.

The two are seen to be sticking faces with comfortable expression.

The two have also begun to share an arguement after spending a sweet time togetehr at Busan.

This is due to the fact that Seo Hyun wanted to bring yong Hwa to the hospital. It is expected for us to see the couple bicker about going to the hospital in the upcoming episode.



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Guest mrs.Chunina






















sorry for the earlier post.. that's a mistake.. i should have posted it to the other forum *bow..bow..bow* T.T.. i'm a new fan...


















and for YONG SEO COUPLE...


















they are real.. just real.. see the chemistry.. the way they act and feel comfortable with each other...


















the way yong and hyun look at each other... hahahahaha.. you can't tell they don't feel "LOVE", rite?? :D



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Guest loybing

@aneng thanks for sharing such beautiful picture.

tomorrow is Saturday. Yongseo day!

I'm sure everyone are excited for tomorrow's episode.

to all gogumas

please vote for Yong(banmal song)


we made to almost 3 millions in Youtube. hopefully we can make it number 1 in chosun sport as well. this song is for Hyun.so please keep voting!

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Guest bubbly_zu




why both of them look so cute.. :wub:


this is why I really love yongseo :)


they always make me happy and smiling like crazy in front of my pc  :lol:


saturday please come faster.May i know where i can watch live stream tomorrow ?


TVU doesn't work for me hope some can share the link anyway thanks



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Guest luv_sp_couple










First, I want to thank you all gogumas who shared anything and everything here in goguma village, I appreciate all the effort.


















Next, the necklace scene, here's my take. Althought it was really cute, but sadly she came out like a shallow girl looking for attention asking for complement. I think I understand what Seohyun really meant. As most of the girls in the early stage of relationship (not actually saying that they already in a relationship), there's always this question "Does this guy really cares for me?", and because the girl doesn't really know the guy yet, she judges his sincerity base on her point of view on certain situation. Remember when she gave Yong a ring, she showed that she's a bit hurt when Yong didn't wear that ring... that is how she cares, and I think that is just most of us do. When we give something that is special for us, we are too aware if that person use or wear it, and it meant a lot when they do. Seohyun was expecting that Yong would notice and would be happy when she wear it, but Yong didn't showed any sign that he cares, he ignored. Seohyun probably felt like his gift to her didn't mean anything to him that's why she's thinking he didn't remember what it looks like. So whether she wear it or not he doesn't care, and that upsets her.


















This is funny, I could imagine how Yong acted, this is exactly how he described himself before, seeing Seohyun in school uniform, as seen here.






















But the thing here is, they are on a good start, they are building a foundation to a strong relationship. BTW, this was what happened too in their Japan episode, seeing Seohyun could freely talk about even a small thing that she got upset about and Yong showed that he's ready to listen and make a change and vise versa. This practice encourages to become honest to each other, an open communication, a feeling that they can talk about anything and everything. And honesty builds trust which is essential to any relationship. So what I'm saying is, their relationship is promising if ever they decide to have one.

























BTW, I have noticed Seohyun not wearing the necklace on this episode filmed after the Busan trip, was she teasing Yong here? :P











































I read this Fan Account from Fansigning with SNSD almost a year now, just after the news of pairing up of Yonghwa and Seohyun on WGM broke out. I thought I have to share, it's cute. :phew:




































Me: "I was so surprised this morning hehe"











Seohyun: "Why?"











Me: "You are going to be on WGM hehe"











Seohyun: "Hehe I was surprised too hehe"











Me: "Really?"











Seohyun: "Yes~ Please look forward to it~"











Me: "Of course hehe"


















Me: "Taeyeon talks about you a lot on Chin Chin. She checks your pictures on sites and she said you're the prettiest"











Seohyun: "Really?" She was so happy when I told her it was daebak cute


















Seohyun recognized me~











Seohyun: "Oppa hello"











Me: "Hello... you are still going to like sweet potato more than Jung Yong Hwa right?"











Seohyun: "Of course~ ^^"


















cr. silis7noy2@snsd thread
































This is one of Seohyun really cute mannerism...




































... that Yong had picked up




































...and how adorable they are now doing it together.:wub::wub::wub:

















































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For the person who asked why she chose Yong. Either in the backroom interview or someshere else she said she picked him because he was the leader of CN Blue and figured he was the one that WGM picked for her. Remember, the band just had their debut and so none of the other members were known, but Yong had just finished the drama You're Beautiful and even though he was the second lead, most females in the world who watched the show wanted him to get the girl. When their part in WGM started he was the only member of the band that was known to the public. Wow, what a difference a year makes. If she had to choose now it might be a different story since all of the members are well known and well loved by all.



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OMG I nearly got a heart attack after saw their pic.. though it was photoshop































































































































kyaaaaaaa they're so alike































































































































white skin and also soo close to each other,, just kiss her already geezzz































































































































yong-wife?? hyun-husband??































































































































haha seriously i always love when they're doing more activity in their lovely house































































































































i love the house...































































































































and yeaahhh i always want to see them sleep in that bed































































































































its good if the 2 of them together >///< *sorry*































































































































one of them is great too,, yong once sleep there but i never saw hyun































































































































OMG OMG its tomorrow































































































































24 hours from now....































































































































should i start counting??































































































































that pic is already being my wallpaper and fb Profile pic haha
































































































































































































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Guest bettechai














oh gosh ..cant wait for tomorrows episode..:)










i just realized...he said that he's single but he is WEARING his Rign so he is just saying that he is single but married Already..ahahah LOL...










nega nomu nomu nomu sarang the pic..ahhaha :) jinja..!!!!










so close together...










and i bet for tom. episode that yong really doesn't want to come to the hospital cause maybe he's scared or he's ;azy..ahaha what a kid..hahaha










Saturday pls come.... :wub::wub:










thanks gogumas..:)♥♥




















photos of Seobaby at SMA..Goddess..!!! i really love her long LONG hair...envy her... hope i have a long LONG hair like her..argh...


































i Can SEE you RING Hyun..:)
















credits as tagged; dc married



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Guest kasia3goguma
































































































The “Sweet Potato” couple takes a lovable selca together
































































A heartwarming photo of the “Sweet Potato” couple from MBC’s “We Got Married” was recently revealed.
































Uploaded on January 28th, the picture shows CNBLUE’s Yong Hwa and SNSD’s Seohyun putting their faces side-by-side to take a closeup shot with what looks like a meal they were eating.
































The two recently went on a trip down to Busan, Yong Hwa’s home town, where Seohyun was also able to meet her ‘mother-in-law’ and go sightseeing around the city. Two days later, the couple returned to their newly-wed home in Sangdo-Dong with a stronger relationship.
































Seohyun was also very persistent on getting her ‘husband’ to visit the hospital for a routine checkup, and anticipation for the next episode has been increasing, as fans wondered whether Seohyun’s lovable nagging would convince Yong Hwa to go in or not.
































The full episode will be aired this coming January 29th.
































Source: allkpop

































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Guest wallpaperfood

Anyway, that pic makes me all tingly inside! They are so close, I thought it was photoshopped! And at first, I mistook Yong's curly hair for bed hair. Gosh I can't wait. I'm suspecting that a light cheek kiss (minimum) must have occurred between the two by now, just my gut feeling. =P They really do look like actual newly-weds, excited about their first morning spent together, taking selcas with their breakfast and etc... anyways why only one bowl? Did they just eat from the one bowl? *u*

Contradicts a bit of the "fate" theory, so a lot of you might not like it, but it's generally in agreement with Celticheart's post..

celticheart47, I completely agree. Actually, I had refrained myself from including that in one of my posts a while back, because it was during the time we were all discussing yongseo's fate (or sth along those lines).

From a logical perspective, Seo would naturally have chosen Yong, as he would have been the most familiar/recognisable CNBlue member at that stage (a month after their debut?). I got the feeling that she might have barely recognised Jungshin at first, then probably gathered who he was from his height XD. I could be wrong and Seohyun might have been familiar with all their faces from TV/shows - in that case, the next possible explanation would be that since Yong's the leader and undeniably the face of CNBlue, it'd be more likely if he was cast by WGM. It's what happens with most idol groups anyway. The ''face'' gets active in tonnes of variety shows to start off with...

Seohyun is a smart, practical and logical thinker, so I'm sure this was roughly what went through her mind when they asked her to chose.

If she was totally clueless, she might have taken the hint from Yong's mischievous nature and somewhat ''desperate'' desire to know who she'd pick if it weren't Jungshin XD. (But I don't think she was that clueless, maybe just taken aback by the request).

Whatever the reason, she sure made a fine choice, and the best one at that :P


wahhh I'm so sorry to top the page with a negative-ish post :"( . If you feel sad, you can go check out the mass awesomeness on the previous page :D ...again. -.-"

---second edit---

thanks for re-posting the cute pic seychan! You're right, from looking at the pic itself, you can tell that Yong has his arm around her - otherwise there's no way their faces can be that close without having to awkwardly contort their limbs lol. It looks like they just got out of bed kyaaa *slaps myself to stop* . I'm guessing this was taken while sitting down (bed or couch?^^) because they both seem "nestled", and look at that semi-smoulder/pout yong's doing! omg!! and seohyun's thinking like "yeap, bask in our perfection, since we do look pretty good together" XD

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