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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest gettawa
























































































































































































Hi every goguma lover








































































































































































I wouldlikt to say Thanks for every translation ,sub,picture,cap ,news and your love for YongSeo 








































































































































































specialy love between us in this village Thanks :wub:








































































































































































my message








































































































































































1st aniversary






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Congratulations to both of you YongSeo. We love you and always will be encourage








































































































































































 Valentines day















































































































































































































































































































































I like your heart















































































































































































































































































































































I love your love







































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest ahn_annann










wow... so happy that you guys liked my caps, haha don't bore if I put my caps again from Gag concert






my caps :

































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YEII! Im going to watch the episode with subs NOW, haha thanks everyone for everything you share! n_n
































































































































































































































































































My messages:
































































































































































































































































































1st Anniversary - Apart of each other, you're Goddess SeoHyun and Golden YongHwa. Together, you're MAGIC. Thank you for taking this lovely journey with us. Happy 1st Anniversary!
































































































































































































































































































Valentine's Day - Wish you an amazing LOVE LOVE LOVE day! Let your feelings flow, and make this day as BEAUTIFUL as the other 367 days you already have together. YONGSEO FIGHTING! Happy Valentine's Day!
































































































































































































































































































As Yongseo, I like sweet potatos ALOT (even before WGM), but in my house, we occassionaly ate it! But NOW, its really weird for me...my mom cook sweet potatos every week! Of course everytime I see a sweet potato on my plate, I'm superexcited telling all my family "goguma goguma goguma" which makes my sister laugh, because she knows about Yongseo, BUT MY MOM DOESNT! I find it really amusing hehe since that started to happen weeks after I landed in Gochun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest bezbezbez
















































ok... I'm done with the giant cards!!! weeee.....















































































Thanks for those who sent their messages for the YongSeo couple :)















































































Expect that they'll read your message :)


























































































































By the way let's all campt-out at YongSeo Fan Club and wait till we reach 1000 mems :) http://www.soompi.com/fanclub/yongseo


























































































































EDIT: WE NOW HAVE 1000 members in our IN-GO-PAEM at SOOMPI :)









































































































































































































but based on the Fan Club page we already have 1002... we even if they didn't match... I'm still happy...LOL... more gogumas...we are growing really fast :)










































































































































































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Guest DJHinata



Uri Yong in INKIGAYO !! Couple RIng !! 



Ducky Face!!! Yong~~ ♥ 


Episode 4/ 8:12 Tell me your wish yong~

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Guest bolmaejung


Eng sub 3 at 6:51 (there is no translation for this important part. kkk)

Y: Yejie! I want you to take care of (seohyun), because there are lots of men only.

The reason Yong invited yejie was not because of jealousy.

He brought yejie to make seohyun more comfortable.

I was touched by his thoughtful consideration for seohyun.

Sorry my english composition is poor. kekeke

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Guest Yangie12






























Eng sub 3 at 6:51 (there is no translation for this important part. kkk)














Y: Yejie! I want you to take care of (seohyun), because there are lots of men only.














The reason Yong invited yejie was not because of jealousy.














He brought yejie to make seohyun more comfortable.














I was touched by his thoughtful consideration for seohyun.














Sorry my english composition is poor. kekeke



























That's indeed an important part. Thank you for sharing it with us ^^ I was already wondering what he said there, because there were hearts appearing next to Seohyun.














Could you please also explain what Yonghwa said around 5:40-5:43 of part 3? After that, Yejin said "It's a celebrity.". I heard something like..Jungshin chingu..I wonder if that's right? ^^



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That's indeed an important part. Thank you for sharing it with us ^^ I was already wondering what he said there, because there were hearts appearing next to Seohyun.
























































Could you please also explain what Yonghwa said around 5:40-5:43 of part 3? After that, Yejin said "It's a celebrity.". I heard something like..Jungshin chingu..I wonder if that's right? ^^















































































































Y: She was like that too when she met Jungshin chingu. (Imitating Yejin) 'It's Jungshin chingu~'
























































And another part that wasn't translated. Not really important, but what I thought it was funny.
























































When Seohyun and Yonghwa got into the car with his friend and just before his friend took a sip from his drink:
























































S: As expected, 'du-maek-paem'...
























































That was because his friend was drinking from a McDonalds cup :D
























































(Du-maek-paem = Dusil -the neighbourhood- McDonalds Family)
























































P.S. I tend to post a lot, but I'm taking some time off from that and just lurk around. Posting once in a while to provide things like above, but I honestly have nothing more to say about them as everything's been said already :) So this 'old' Goguma hasn't gone anywhere haha I'm just being lazy.
























































Edit: I totally forgot about this. Is anyone else wondering whether Yonghwa has something prepared for Seohyun during the Busan trip? I remember it said something in a preview about it, but I wonder whether they were just trying to get us all excited to watch or whether he really did do something.









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Guest Crystal392










ninyaah: I also hope Yong's friends will share some stories of Yong as a child :D


















bolmaejung: Don't worry about your english, it's fine!! :) Thanks for translating that little part :)


















Thanks to everyone who has shared links, screencaps and translations of uri YongSeo <3



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Guest gogumacraze




Annyeong Mr n Mrs CEO and beloved In-Go DAEBAK Paem!! (thks callmedaydreamer! hope I got ur nick ryt.) :D




Thanks to M³ for sacrificing his beauty sleep(I'm sure guys need tht too!) to do the translations!! N to all other DAEBAK gogumas for sharing pics, scaps, fanfics, povs, fbis. THANK U!




I see that we've all been hit pretty bad by our Y6S6 VIRUS again for this episode. Kekeke. I luv how they've both been getting sooo comfy with each other, like REAL CPLES do in this epi. I was re watching some of their older epis n the epi 31, where they haven't met each other for a while due to their busy international schedules. Seobb said tht she felt really happy to see him! I feel tht way too in this epi. Absence makes the heart grows fonder??!!! Kekeke. At least the unrealistic in me wld like to believe tht!




Like the rest of u, I've spazzed lots in this epi. Ottoke? There's no cure for this Y6S6 Virus(may b if they really get married?!!! Already I'm missing them!!!)




Seagulls, or even any flocks of birds tht's swamping down on u is pretty scary!! ( I was chased by &*^%$ peacocks once in a zoo when I was volunteering @ my girl's sch field trip!! It was terrifying!! Those *&^%^ peacocks were way bigger in size than those seagulls!! Ya, ya, all these 6 yr olds were laughing @ me when I was scared out of my mind!!) It's pretty funny n embarrassing now when I think back on it ! Lolz. :lol: Glad tht they cld hav some fun in this epi!




Yes, Yong Seobang, even us in In-Go Paem noticed Seobb wearing the nabi necklace all the time n u didn't even comment on it? Tsk tsk,. Remember, mommy knows best!!! Your mommy is right when she said tht women are particular to small details n not big ones! Someone had earlier(sorry 4got who) mentioned tht gals want their partners to notice them even if they had only trimmed an inch off their hair!!! I know, most of the times, men are so pabo when it comes to thgs like tht. (Sorry if I offended any male homo sapiens here.:sweatingbullets: My hubby is soooo guilty of this 'crime'!)




I wished tht they had really taken 35 days on tht boat!! LOL. Such a short ride n yet they were able to b sooo lovey dovey!! Can u all imagine wht will happen if they were to b on a cruise with each other for 35 days??!!! Hahaha! I can! I doubt tht paramedics wld b able to revive me if tht ever happens!




I'm glad tht Yong Seobang was introducing his childhood frens to Seobb. He probably knew tht she had not much of a childhood as she was training hard in her younger days. I feel so sad tht Seobb cld not hav a 'normal' childhood but glad tht Yong Seobang is considerate enough to let her hav a glimpse into his younger days. This scene is soooo REAL!! Even if this is just for filming, I do think tht deep inside, Yong Seobang does want to share this part of his life with Seobb.




Life is short n each yr of our life, if it is not lived to its fullest, is gone. U know, we're only 16,17,18,19,20 n so forth once only in our life here on earth. I sincerely hope tht these two can see how precious they are to each others life. As the saying goes: time n tide waits for no man! Yes, n in this In-Go Paem, I hope tht all u young gogumas will live without regrets. Live is short, don't waste time on regrets!!




Till next sat (ahhhh so far away!!), hav a great week In-Go Paem! For those who hav not spazzed n those who wld like to re- spazz:





synykiss, on Today, 07:04 AM, said:








Thks synykiss!




Also, y PDNims did not show our cple celebrating Christmas together? Let's hope tht they can mayb show a bit on when they receive their 1st anniversary gifts fr In-Go-Paem. Wht do u gogumas think? Or even show them celebrating Valentines, with Seobb making dishes in their cozy home fr the recipes tht CrystalBlue was putting together. I'll supply the champagne or red wine!! Kekeke. (Oh, I may b wrong on this, but in Korea, do the gals not give chocolates to the pple tht they like on Valentine's? Or did I get it mixed up with black/white( or is it red/wht?) day or may b they r the same? M³ or any Korean In-Go-Paem can enlighten me here pls? Thks.)






@ bezbezbez: Hope I'm not too late to wish uri cple?(no room on the card? how abt writing it on the back of the card?;))




1st Anniversary:

Amazing how FATE / DESTINY places two beautiful, talented couple together! U've both come a long way, emotionally, physically and mentally. Happy 1st anniversary and many more to come!! (Don't ever 4get ur trip to Firenze in 10 yrs' time!!) xoxo fr In-Go- Paem gogumacraze Canada.




Happy Valentines! Continue to nurture your REAL feelings for each other!! xoxo fr In-Go-Paem gogumacraze Canada.




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First of all, 90 degree bow to M3, your time and dedication is greatly appreciated by all of us Korean challenged gogumas!  I always feel so stupid only knowing one language...........

1st Year Anniversary –

You two have been joined by fate – do not tempt fate by not making it REAL!  In other words, date in real life!  You would make thousands of international fans intensely happy!   Do it, we will support you and defend you!   Thanks to both of you for a lovely year in Go-Chun!  You are both DAEBAK inside - and out!

Valentine’s Day –

Please take this day away from cameras and fans and enjoy each other’s company alone together.  Show each other your love, and remember that all the fame and fortune in the world cannot replace that one true love!


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Hi gogumas....I and _hachimitsu now doing album cover for Yongseo International Project (Yongseo’s fan song compilation) . _hachimitsu is in charge of designing the cover while i’m doing the inner part...as a tribute to the supporters... I’m giving chance for you to b part of the album. It’s easy, just e-mail me(at my personal email add : kaptenhisyam@yahoo.com) ur full face photo with ur name.

Only the first 20 single pic +5 for group pic(max 3 person) will b selected

as the deadline for the design to b finished is this Wednesday, so the deadline for u to send me the pic is till tomorrow 8a.m. Malaysia time...thanks for ur support!!Gogumas Fighting!!

p/s 1 : Don’t miss the chance cos we are going to send the album to Yong n Hyun!!!

p/s 2 : I’ll update the 1st 20 person+5 group name here ^^

Single pic:

1. kun_cheero (Thailand)

2. Fabiola

3. Klyde(Canada)

4. joann(Philippines)

5. Nikki

6. Liz(Peru)

7. KelsyAnne(Canada)

8. loybing(Philippines)

9. niiychan(Indonesia)








17.Thanh Liu (US)





22.Farah Liyana(Malaysia)

Group Pic:

1. hilda(Malaysia)

2. Ewit n friends(Indonesia)

3. bezbezbez n fren

4. Hristiana n fren(Bulgaria)

5. ummihanny n friends(Malaysia)



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Guys sorry if I confuse y'all, I was meant to say, that the guy does look like Ookhun but not sure if it was him, so it wasn't him,
































































































































































































































































apologize for my bad eyesight hehe..
































































































































































































































































yes, I also think Ookhun is much more good looking,
































































































































































































































































Thanks Ahnannann for the great caps
































































































































































































































































Thanks BolmaeJung &Aisuo415 for extra translations,
































































































































































































































































Small bits & pieces but made everything seems clearer,
































































































































































































































































so Yong did want to take care of Hyun so that she felt more comfortable~
































































































































































































































































Wonder if the friends brought out the 'Snow resort uljjang' thing to Hyun during their chat,
































































































































































































































































probably why, their next mission would be at snow resort :D

































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First of all, I'd like to thank MountainMadman for taking time and effort for giving us fans, who do not understand Korean, translations time and time again. Second, thank you very much for subbing the video sonem team, if not for you, I'd be a bit confused and lost as to how to interpret some of the conversations.
















Here are my messages for Yong's and Hyun's Valentines:
















Seeing you two beautiful and talented people enjoying yourselves by just being with each other makes me and the entire In-Go-Paem smile all week long. Seeing you happy together is like celebrating Valentines all over again. We wish you good health and many more Valentines to come.
















YongSeo's 1st Year Anniversary Message:
















It has been a long hectic year and yet, here you are together, celebrating your first ever anniversary. Congratulations and my family and I hope that all your dreams and wishes may be granted. My mother also wants to thank you for being so humble and being so inspiring for young teens like me to take relationships slowly. Once again, congratulations and we hope for your success here in America.
















From an In-Go-Paem in America,
















Mary and Family.









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Guest fabiistar07












Anneyong Gogumas!




Today I saw the video of Yong~ @ Gag Concert







and I saw the guy show off his ring and said something about SeoHyunnie




I was wondering if this has been subbed or not




I would really like to know what they're saying pleasee ^___^




Yong~ @ Gag Concert





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Guest bittersweet_




























Helloo Goguma lovers. Looks like we got a new name this time, inmacpaeM??? LOL







































Anyways, I would like to shout out a big thanks to MountainMadMan for all your efforts. Without you we'll be pretty screwed.







































I loved this episode (as usual with every Yongseo episode) Pretty much everyone's posts have summed up my thoughts and feeling and reactions. so far. I would like to point out few things since I am posting...






























































-I sensed lots of hmm tension in this episode. It's just me "sensing" I hope I am not overspeculating or anything. Uri YongHwa seems to have gotten really touchy and feely comfortably and confidently! I freakin loved the part he grabs her hand on the way to the boat.It was quite fierce and sexy the way he did it. Holding hands is sexy in goguma land haha (Can someone please make slower version. gif out of that scene, pretty please ^_^)






























































I also felt like, some of you pointed it out, that YongHwa is increasingly avoiding eye contact with Seohyun.






























































He didn't use to be like that, in earlier episodes they would totally stare each other down. I mean it's very very obvious that he keeps looking elsewhere or turning his body slightly. Why is he doing it? It is definitely NOT because of lost of interest. I think he meant it when he jokingly says " Don't smile at me with your eyes, it makes my heart beat faster."






























































I conclude that He is avoiding eye contact now because he is increasingly like her so much, it's making him shy. I mean we do that right? It's a human nature. When you start to "like" someone, you can't hold their eye gazes longer and you start talking gibberish stuff to impress them. I feel like YongHwa is seriously restraining himself. I mean Seohyun is uber cute, and her eyes are like uber cute too. Who can't resist her? she is beautiful lady now. He probably wants to just steal a kiss. I bet 100% on this.







































Hmmm what else was there...Oh I also loved the part he was messing her neck. He totally pulled her turtleneck sweater. I mean who does that? If a guy does that to me, I would freak out. And Seohyun's NO reaction to that was just fabulous and shows their comfort level is well yea pretty comfortable. They are screaming LOVE.





















I will not write congratulatory message since there is 0% chance they will look at it.





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Guest Phoebechiu


Could someone post this picture for me? (I don't know how to post it)

http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kz=983546335 (credit: China Goguma couple baidu)

It's the picture showing Seohyun in the airport today.  She is wearing the cape which she wore in the last WGM shooting.  According to some fanaccount in Weibo,that's the gift from Yong.  It's definitely not a cheap gift.  Yong must be the first person in WGM who buys some many expensive gifts for the "partner".  Recently, I just heard some many rumors reagrding their relationship which it never happened before.  I feel that something is going on between them and it will explode soon or later.  I don't know why.  I just feel it.


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Guest loybing

it's a GREAT Morning here in Go-chun!

thanks for the translation...

to yong and hyun:

“The most wonderful of all things in life, is the discovery of another human being with whom one's relationship has a growing depth, beauty, and joy as the years increase. This inner progressiveness of love between two human beings is a most marvelous thing; it cannot be found by looking for it or by passionately wishing for it. It is a sort of divine accident"

Happy Anniversary YONGSEO couple!

for a year, you two have overcome many troubles (because of missions,push and pull and etc) and that's because of the magical power of love. happy MAGICAL year to both of you!

Happy Valentines day!

It is said that two persons truly in love aren't looking at each other but in the one direction.please continue to walk in one/same direction as you continue fulfilling each dreams.Be each others valentine forever. continue loving each other. cherish and treasure each day you have spent together.


ruby and family


this is to my fellow PINOY...lets support Yong

just type MYX[space]VOTE[space]LOVE and send to 2366

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^ Thank you for the link!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































WHAT NOW YONGSEO. XD But it must be a sponsored coat, IT SHOULD BE! Or I don't know what to think about this couple...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































credits: baidu

































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Guest gettawa
























































































































































































Hi every YongSeo Lover








































































































































































@ Phoebechiu request  ^^








































































































































































credit: China Goguma couple baidu
















































































































































































































































































































































Oh aneng I just saw your picture but I thinks we'r happy to see this picture so I will keep it :lol:









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