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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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It's a little quiet today, maybe everyone is watching the latest YongSeo episode :)




I just wanted to add one part which I enjoyed very much and which hasn't been mentioned yet. :)




Before MIL started to read the letter from Hyun you could see MC Park MiSun, and her actions she was very nervous and and jittery, it was so cute. And after reading the letter I felt that MC MiSun was also teary eyed :)




And also it is the first time I heard Jinwoon calling Seohyun Hyun(will Hyun be alright or so), just noticed it.




And the hand-holding, the more I watch this scene the more significance it gets for me, it somehow touches my heart(sorry I am not good at expressing myself in english).





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Guest Jack.SE

Just to share with you guys what I found at Baidu. They make a gif of their fingers playing. You can see it much clearer there. I replayed the video many times but couldnt see it at all till I saw this.

For some reason I can not see the image/gif. Is it possible for anyone to post it again? Like most of you guys, it was hard for me to see it on the video. From the recent replies, it seem this gif is very exciting so PLEASE post it again!!

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Guest nurulzminoz
































































































































































































































It has been long time I didn't post here, kekeke...
































































































































































Thank you thank you for the translations and all caps that make me can't stop smiling with this lovely couple xDD
































































































































































The 40th ep was really daebak, Hyun is totally a good daughter-in law and I can see Yong's mom really proud of her.
































































































































































Yong nampyeon definitely becoming more and more LOVE his buin :))
































































































































































please add me on the list, I'm from INDONESIA :DD

































































































































































































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The ratings of We Got Married Season 2 on January 15th 2011
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































source: TNmS
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(note: SBS Star Junior Show is WGM competitor at the same time slot)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Does anybody know where Seohyun and SNSD are right now, are they in Japan?   I know CN Blue is in Japan on their Zepp tour, but where is SNSD?   I'm just wondering what reaction Hyun had to Yong's song 'For First Time Lovers'.   I'm wondering how she heard about it, did Yong let her hear it before he released it?   Has there been any leaks, any reaction from the unnies about the song?   I mean, it's chewing up all the charts, Hyunnie has got to know about it, right?

I watched the last episode of WGM for the Adam couple.  It was sad.  I didn't really watch them, I only knew them as a couple on the Chuseok Horror Special.    WGM, I thought, treated them kind of 'cold'.  They got a mission card saying their marriage would end tomorrow!   That's it!   They went to a radio station to announce they were ending their marriage, right after taking questions from fans.

Then they went back to their 'house' looked at some pictures, kind of fought about what they were going to take out of the apartment and then just left, out cold, in the snow.   It was really not the kind of send off I would expect WGM would have given to their longest and most popular couple.   It was kind of 'cold' and abrupt and emotionless - except for gain and Jo Kwon.   You could see they were having a hard time of it, they both cried.

I hope our YongSeo couple get a more meaningful 'ending' than that!  I thought it was really kind of cruel to erase their year and 3 months on the show with so little feeling for them.   It was like WGM just 'booted' them out!    :angry:  

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@luvtokki: I am not too sure about it but I think that there were some contract issues forcing them to quit WGM kinda rushed(?!) I don't know exactly because I didn't follow them but I heard something about problems with Ga In's management and MBC?! Really I don't know what is the real deal, if someone could clarify.




I recognize I posted a lot today as a silent lurker, lol.





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Guest lovekin




Does anybody know where Seohyun and SNSD are right now, are they in Japan?   I know CN Blue is in Japan on their Zepp tour, but where is SNSD?   I'm just wondering what reaction Hyun had to Yong's song 'For First Time Lovers'.   I'm wondering how she heard about it, did Yong let her hear it before he released it?   Has there been any leaks, any reaction from the unnies about the song?   I mean, it's chewing up all the charts, Hyunnie has got to know about it, right?

I watched the last episode of WGM for the Adam couple.  It was sad.  I didn't really watch them, I only knew them as a couple on the Chuseok Horror Special.    WGM, I thought, treated them kind of 'cold'.  They got a mission card saying their marriage would end tomorrow!   That's it!   They went to a radio station to announce they were ending their marriage, right after taking questions from fans.

Then they went back to their 'house' looked at some pictures, kind of fought about what they were going to take out of the apartment and then just left, out cold, in the snow.   It was really not the kind of send off I would expect WGM would have given to their longest and most popular couple.   It was kind of 'cold' and abrupt and emotionless - except for gain and Jo Kwon.   You could see they were having a hard time of it, they both cried.

I hope our YongSeo couple get a more meaningful 'ending' than that!  I thought it was really kind of cruel to erase their year and 3 months on the show with so little feeling for them.   It was like WGM just 'booted' them out!    :angry:  






i honestly think they knew ahead of time.  maybe not enough time for the idea to settle but enough that they were prepared for it.  assuming the rumors are true that their cancellation was due to a dispute between ga-in's management and MBC, she would have been aware of it.  doesn't make it hurt any less, though.  i think that MBC really did like the adam couple and, yeah, i think they should have done a bit more for them; however, korean agencies are all about politics and have never really handled things with maturity.




i'm not saying that MBC slighted adam as a dig toward ga-in's management, but i'm not ruling out that possibility either.  i didn't really get to watch their last episode, and i'm not sure i want to, but i like to think it was hastily filmed for a reason.  MBC is flawed, just like the other agences, but i don't think they would be intentionally cruel.  unfortunately, a lot of idols are caught in the crossfire if it has to do with opposing managements.  sad, but true.




and as for YS, i feel like as long as FNC, SM, and MBC are okay (and frankly, i think these companies know that it's in their best interest to work together at this time), YS is in the clear and shouldn't really have anything to worry about.  i don't even know why people are bringing up the end so suddenly.  it's a shame those rumors popped up when they did because i feel like it's all everyone thinks about in-between filming - and it didn't help that those rumors coincided with adam's final announcement.  furthermore, a lot of people are comparing the other couples to adam's longevity, saying things like if they were on for 1 year and 5 months, what's to keep the other two from having to call it quits in the same amount of time?  businesses don't work like that just because one [couple] has set a standard for the others to follow.  MBC has found a formula that works:  set up two idols, give them missions, and let them roll with it.




an end is inevitable, yes, and it's a shame that adam had to go first for whatever reason that might not be clear-cut at all, but the other couples shouldn't be compared to them.  the remaining couples will have different circumstances that will drive their own departures from the show; similarly, those circumstances are what will possibly keep them on - maybe even longer than adam.


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Guest SwEEtGoguma_7







@ aurora82: hi Im not sure either but I read a german article it says Gain decide to stop WGM because she wants to focussed about the comeback of BEG, her being as a singer and she just started act in a sitcom with Kwonnie so there wasnt much time left for WGM.In the article said she was really tired and didnt get some sleep and couldnt  because of preparing the comeback, the sitcom and then WGM so she decide to stop WGM nd it was really a hard decision for her. There wasnt any comment about WGM and her company had some troubles.





So I think there isnt a limit,I think as long as the people wants to see our couple and the rates dont drop and the schedules of Yong and Hyun match and dont have a problem.





You have to keep in my because they are celebrity and they have a lot of stuff to work( interviews, photoshootings, concert.....) so one day if they want or not they have to stop WGM.





But I dont want to think about it I just want enjoy watching these two lovebirds right now Im really happy about the progress in their relationship.





Can somebody added me, Im from Germany


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Guest kjtodd08










I dont really have anything to say because this thread pretty much said it all.




I just wish for YONG & HYUN to be happy all the time!!!vicx.gifkekeke










PLS.PLS.PLS.PLS. READ IT!!THANK YOUsweatingbullets.gif






























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Guest Germbaby








Hi yongseorockin,



Thanks for the pic on yongseo holding hand. Now the mystery is solved. I think both of them were playing so lovely dovey. Observed Yong's facial expression, I think he was in cloud nine.



As for mountainmadman,



Thanks for all your effort. LOVE YOU!



I cant contribute for this thread so sorry as I am not IT smart. I admire all your talents.



By the way, can someone tell me whether how to recover my warning status? I dont know what I did. Thank you in advance.



And Oh! please add me to the list. I am from Singapore ! Somehow, my name just disappear.


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Guest yongseo_fighting


Hi, everyone, just dropping by to suggest something, but hopefully no one feel bad bout this. Starting next week episode, we have 30mins each for Yongseo and Khuntoria, this means happiness for us fan, but this also means longer time needed for MountainMadman and Dduk to sub, and the last thing I want from them is to feel tired out and drop to translate for us. Bear in mind, they are being kind to help us without any actual returns. Also, I would hate that we end up comparing both persons translation to see who is more accurate. So this is what I suggest. If next ep is still split into 2 parts, Yongseo, khuntoria, then back to Yongseo again then Khuntoria, why don't we split up Mountain Madman and Dduk's burden, we will get faster translation as well when they are able to sub the episode in more detailed for us each as more time given. I know that we fans sometimes like to read both as to see if one is missing in some translation and the other one would have but seriously it is kind of having redundant effort. Having said this,  I kind of missing j2dlee's translation as well. :tears:


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Guest i.said.hi














^ that's actually a really good idea!












since they split it 15 min per couple back and forth...












why don't one of the translators do the first 15 min, and the other the next 15 min?


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Guest haemin13
























































Remember the first Yongseo episode...Yong said that he skipped a night class to watch a music show in Busan.
















































He said that SNSD was performing 'Into the New World' so this must be it:
















































SNSD Busan
















































Yong claimed that he was in the front row!!!































































































^ sorry to cut your post. yeah! i almost forgot about that! :w00t: haha! If Yong really was in first row, then i believe he is really looking forward to the "Kicking" part! I dont want to think Yong is *ehem* pervy, but that's a guy's nature! You also might wanna check out this clip abut Yong really enjoying that part: SNSD Brings out Yonghwa's Accent! :wub:
























































BTW, i forgot to include myself in this list, I'm from the Philippines
































































































1. waladligirl
































































































1. Wallpaperfood
















































2. Goguma1207
















































3. maybelove
















































4. ck1Oz
















































5. silvergrey
































































































1. yonghwa
































































































1. Dollua
















































2. BiIH
































































































1. mje411
















































2. Soshimunky
















































3. twiddle10
































































































1. Parisita
































































































1. T-e-z-u-k-A
































































































1. Goguma 06
















































2. intoxd
















































3. sweetcandy1061
















































4. mklavo2 (Im from canada..but am i filipino)
















































5. gogumacraze
















































6. MQPheartsYS
















































7. Yma
















































8. YongSeoForever
















































9. gmanalangster (I was born in the Philippines but living in Canada)
































































































1. magdal
































































































1. Icyychong
















































2. camjenny
































































































1. DJHinata
































































































1. French_Neko
















































2. Ae-Rin
















































3. Nat-sshi
































































































1. Trent
















































2. aurora82
















































3. Nett_Prinzessin
















































4. Krissylia
















































5. th.
































































































1. SeLeNe_Alai07
































































































1. Rushgiri (Currently living in Malaysia)
















































2. gauri92
































































































1. K1L1On1Mr4
















































2. soshisoshisoshi
















































3. Puge2
















































4. zero_one
















































5. starsundaepower
















































6. MissBarbietch_0106
















































7. rRelina
















































8. isomerkyaa
















































9. transformer86
















































10. nadihee
















































11. likelove8993
















































12. neviza
















































13. maggiemeisje
















































14. niiychan
















































15. deep_sea
















































16. bee_ichigo
















































17. ayanapunya
















































18. ainigoguma
















































19. gita_cinta
















































20. justbulan
















































21. luv_yesung
















































22. pen(..^^..)
















































23. Deeana55
















































24. LennieYongseo
















































25. dezadee
















































26. bamz
















































27. karenliez
















































28. Erythrina
















































29. morningblue
















































30. R4TU
















































31. aeria9
















































32. daphneedel
















































33. yoreizei
















































34. lain_laen
















































35. rere25
















































36. vmasterpiece
















































37. dhedhede
















































38. aoi_enma
















































39. rumwow
















































40. kyung16
















































41. yongseocouple
















































42. pikoo
















































43. Nepp
















































44. sequoi
















































45. lovelynaa
















































46. mrsjoker
















































47. laila-chan
















































48. wa2kingkong
















































49. yongieaddict
















































50. nafa_yongseo
















































51. ichigo_kawai
















































52. gembul10
















































53. blackcat_kim
















































54. blueeye
































































































1. carrots98
















































2. charmkitz15
















































3. Stefania
































































































1. Durianzi
































































































1. MountainMadman
















































2. sprinkle_kitty (I'm Korean but i was born in the US)
































































































1. Nettaya
































































































1. LiyLiy14
















































2. munie87
















































3. Hapiangle
















































4. alah91
















































5. Avelyn
















































6. shml
















































7. rieyzajunkisshi
















































8. Dontwhy
















































9. kiddywiddy
















































10. twinkystar
















































11. faraashah
















































12. mambo7
















































13. lisa628
















































14. hafiq890
















































15. areu1510
















































16. pau-chan
















































17. genevieveshaun
















































18. isomerkyaa
















































19. zealous
















































20. ayutie
















































21. yongseo_fighting
















































22. melibu
















































23. aallyyaa
















































24. nikijenlo
















































25. bluebubblebee
















































26. manimani25 (I'm Malaysian but I live in Tokyo)
















































27. ahelasumi
















































28. fittif
















































29. bubbly_zu
















































30. nazweena
















































31. yaya_ismail
















































32. adriana_kian86
















































33. eastlight
















































34. waniey_haha
















































35. ummihany
















































36. winnieho
















































37. Jess22803
















































38. ajayuki
















































39. moniertu
















































40. monster
















































41. glem74
















































42. ninashelovely
















































43. seolove
































































































1. anatisha
















































2. bluesu
































































































1. Seoshi.Love
















































2. Aisuo415
















































3. Msashnak
















































4. barbaradwi (Indonesian)
































































































1. Kerube-Chan
































































































1. Dinatale (Nataly)
































































































1. lizsch
















































2. fabiistar07
















































3. crystal_malfoy
















































4. sixpence16
































































































1. bezbezbez
















































2. just_a_dream
















































3. Faith_memory
















































4. hawie829
















































5. gmanalangster
















































6. xxraqSTAR
















































7. yeobo
















































8. cooleet
















































9. bettechai
















































10. rainie029
















































11. myblue
















































12. luv1822
















































13. hannahgarrido
















































14. buge1087
















































15. glennpaulo
















































16. ematot
















































17. gogumaforever
















































18. biiianx
















































19. masamii
















































20. enahs124ever
















































21. bluenix_me
















































22. revgail
















































23. lookah
















































24. eishazumi
















































25. jazziejec
















































26. one_isa
















































27. loybing
















































28. Xanshi
















































29. bizzie_b
















































30. digidigibob
















































31. CallMeDayDreamer
















































32. SophiaPia
















































33. unnieria
















































34. ladygahee
















































35. belle_ivy
















































36. eran_31
















































37. pretty_92868
















































38. magicaL.chubi3
















































39. lookah
















































40. hazelnut
















































41. uolam21
















































42. arwenarya
















































43. tinybeatingheart
















































44. mairk0501
















































45. d_?????
















































46. heartbreak_warfare22
















































47. chyme_31
















































48. kimipot07
















































49. averille_05
















































50. icegabrielle
















































51. vayz
















































52. ancru
















































53. haemin13
































































































1. kasia3goguma
































































































1. lunasol
































































































1. ancaemma10
































































































1. amalmal
































































































1. zXavier
















































2. yongseo_forever
















































3. sherlyn275
















































4. chilipadi_22
















































5. Aki_yongseo
















































6. Applehaven
















































7. roy_lover
















































8. genevieveshaun
















































9. wishwash
















































10. jo_ce_lyn
















































11. babypillow
















































12. blurkimchi (Kimberlyn Tan)
















































13. yongseorockin
















































14. pinkksoupp
















































15. whitezephyr
















































16. oceanprince
















































17. pink2loveful
















































18. tpy01
















































19. wting89
















































20. Glitterspark
















































21. tangyberry
















































22. YongSeo
















































23. l1nn3
















































24. redtulip
















































25. andalasa
















































26. lovekim
















































27. tripplemama
















































28. Yukilovesyou
















































29. hallyucraze
















































30. Deeomfg
















































31. woollylamb
















































32. Norabella
















































33. mach8infinity
















































34. jastubee
















































35. ningyit
















































36. sapphire18
















































37. mochiling
















































38. norabella
















































39. starsapphire
















































40. hilaria
















































41. aleanasha
















































42. oops08
















































43. shadow_of_Atum
















































44. xia_87
















































45. cheekyfoo
















































46. jnj
















































47. germbaby
































































































1. Hesperide
































































































1. ♥♥PowerOf9
































































































1. tecle
































































































1. YSforever
















































2. Phoebechiu
































































































1. kun_cheero
















































2. womingzzine
















































3. Psyche86
















































4. lovelybee
















































5. Asiankatebella
















































6. CheriMerci
















































7. Dandelion7
















































8. zheezy
















































9. keemaster
















































10. ahn_annann
















































11. prow7
















































12. BigSmileAgain
















































13. lanladay
















































14. blueshoes
































































































1. souhir
















































2. Germbaby
































































































1. teoki61
































































































1. yani-sakura (I'm from the U.K., England to be exact, born in Abu Dhabi but half Indonesian)
















































2. maryclaude
















































3. Fluorescent.Flower
















































4. synykiss
































































































1. rxp080100
















































2. crystalblue (I am Vietnamese but a U.S. citizen)
















































3. BluMistLaydee (from Haiti)
















































4. BRoze2001
















































5. MaeDang (from Vietnam)
















































6. kenjisam
















































7. ikekeyou
















































8. sweet_spy
















































9. twayblade
















































10. k.rivera19
















































11. DDuk
















































12. Full-of-love(from Vietnam)
















































13. hafunohane ( i'm Indonesian.. but i grow up in LA)
















































14. harajukudezz
















































15. clrais
















































16. luvtokki
















































17. ladeeao (I'm Filipino! & U.S. Citizen)
















































18. zcanby
















































19. uh-ohxev
















































20. sweetcake_(from Vietnam)
















































21. biancacoolio (born in Philippines)
















































22. celticheart47
















































23. toomuchsmiling
















































24. MrsAthenaG
















































25. Goguma52
















































26. szoku85
















































27. InLove_WithU
















































28. jojuel
















































29. bluemoonlight
















































30. Yamapi77
















































31. bobacha (originally from Indonesia)
















































32. rjcm127
















































33. gogumacouple4ever
































































































1. Seychan
















































2. santak
















































3. LifeMadeSimple923
















































4. uynhu
















































5. keira53
















































6. Smabi
















































7. yeuyongseo
















































8. one_shot
















































9. hamster_seung
















































10. shenibabi
















































11. etou_okano
















































12. albeechan
















































13. FrB_vn
















































14. ricevol































































































about the translators, i understand yongseo_fighting's suggestion. we really don't want to put pressure or burden on them. but if we put it that way, like half will go to this person and half will be by another, it's like "appointing" them to do the work. but it's still up to them. as we all know, they're only doing this on their freetime. ^_^ as lovekin mentioned, yeah, every translators has his/her own style.
















































oh no...did i top the page? omo...sorry, i have nothing else to share.. :vicx:









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Guest lovekin




Hi, everyone, just dropping by to suggest something, but hopefully no one feel bad bout this. Starting next week episode, we have 30mins each for Yongseo and Khuntoria, this means happiness for us fan, but this also means longer time needed for MountainMadman and Dduk to sub, and the last thing I want from them is to feel tired out and drop to translate for us. Bear in mind, they are being kind to help us without any actual returns. Also, I would hate that we end up comparing both persons translation to see who is more accurate. So this is what I suggest. If next ep is still split into 2 parts, Yongseo, khuntoria, then back to Yongseo again then Khuntoria, why don't we split up Mountain Madman and Dduk's burden, we will get faster translation as well when they are able to sub the episode in more detailed for us each as more time given. I know that we fans sometimes like to read both as to see if one is missing in some translation and the other one would have but seriously it is kind of having redundant effort. Having said this,  I kind of missing j2dlee's translation as well. :tears:






it's ultimately up to the translators to decide what they want to do, but i agree that they shouldn't be burdened.  at the same time, i actually find it quite interesting to read multiple translations, and comparisons have nothing to do with it.  multiple translations provide more depth into the language for someone like me who isn't a native speaker.




and obviously, i don't want to sound selfish about it at all, but i've always found it quite awkward to read two different translators' versions compiled into one whole translation.  each translator tends to pick up a distinct style, and it always breaks the flow for me if they combine their work.  sweatingbullets.gif




but you know, whatever works!  i think all of them are doing a fantastic job regardlesssmile.gif


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Guest luv_yesung
































i don't know about that,i believe every translator has different understanding/interpretation of the convo
















so i think it's up to the translator whether he/she want to translate part of the cut or all of it,since i'm sure they watch all the part over and over again like i always do
















the only difference is that they understand and me??still don't have a clue of what they said :sweatingbullets::unsure::blink:
















i know i seems too demanding but that's just my personal opinion
















the more translation the more understand we become
















thank u

















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Cool episode! It must be a little weird tho, meeting the parents and pretending you’re married but you’re really not...I really wonder what it was like for all of them…
































You’d have to be blind to not see that even outside of WGM, Seohyun cares for Yonghwa and vice-versa. On the show, she has openly become more attentive towards him and I think she likes to be assured of his presence and acceptance. It is also noticeable how she turns her face to fully look at him as they walk and talk (she respects/looks up to him) and in this last episode, how happy and cheerful she became after the meeting with his mom ended. She held Yong’s hand proudly and walked confidently. Remembering how shy and reticent she was in the earlier episodes with 1st meetings, I can’t help but notice these changes. I also like that she notices these changes herself, and seems to attribute her growth to him. And it is so important for a girl/woman to know that her husband/boyfriend understands her, so it’s remarkable that she admitted this was the case to his mother.
































I also think the difference now is that she and Yong, if nothing else, have at least become close friends and she is curious about him. So meeting people who are close to him means they share someone in common and she can know him even more. It still might take her 15 minutes or so to feel comfortable to talk, but eventually she’ll always have something to ask or talk about with them!
































On his part, I also have to agree his demeanor and disposition throughout this meeting was interesting to watch. He wanted this to be a success as well. He behaved perfectly and was there to offer Hyun encouragement when needed. And similar to the 1st meeting with his brothers, he gave Hyun advice on how to approach it but ultimately left it up to her to make it a success. On both occasions she did not fail. To see how important it was for her to succeed (and not out of vanity), I am sure that he is also growing more confident in his relationship with her.
































Still progressing and still interesting and fun for me to watch after almost one year! Next week’s preview also looks fun!

















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to my fellow gogumas who are also a gollum (a goguma who obsesses with the precious (yongseo couple ring)), this a recent pic of yong with the precious at japan. please don't ask me from which city was this pic taken from (i simply don't know hehe). just enjoy the precious! :D

































































































































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fanmade isn't it so cute!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































here's (i think) the finished ver. by the artist:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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