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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest chilipadi_22

uri yongseo cut ended!!

although its short but i think its to make more time for adam couple. so kwenchana! :)

now they hold hands very naturally!! I LIKE!! haha:)

yong's mum is really very beautiful!

she matches the sunglass and scarf perfectly!!

looking forward to next week! :)

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Guest pretty_92868








































I have goosebumps while watching.
































I can't understand what they're talking
































but I feel the intimacy between a true
































MIL and DIL relationship.
































Even if this episode is too short for us
































but I'm still happy and worth to spazz.
































OMG they hold hands all the way to the beach.





































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Guest ikekeyou
















































just finished yongseo part!!
































this episode was full of sweetness and food!!!
































































hyun trying out new food while her mother in law and yong is watching her
































ahahah she was so shy, and was totally eating pretty in front of her mother in law
































yong gave his mom the sun glasses he bought her its red
































and yongs mom told yong to feed her this new dish?
































hyun is so sweet and thoughtful
































she bought her mother in law two gifts; a scarf, something in a box
































she also wrote her a letter! (i really want to know what she wrote because MIL looked really touched by it)
































hyun also bought her father in law a gift
































then the two love birds walk holding hands to the beach
































i guess no seagull attacks today.... most likely next weeek!! :D
































cant wait for translations :) hehehe









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xiam, yes i rmbr u as the one who 'shook' this thread with your comments.



but that's all in the past...chapter closed!



am glad that u did not give up on yongseo, especially yong.. :)













Thank you! Actually that was just one comment, but I guess it really hurt a lot of Yong fans, and since I'm a huge Yong fan now, I guess whoever will make comments about him like the one I said before will hurt me now the same way it hurt the people here.



Gosh I just love this guy; his charisma and everything about him. And I especially love when he calls Hyun, JooHyun, or however you spell it....



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yep! they held hands naturally after parting with MIL and on their way to Haeundae i believe(?) :wub::wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































MIL was really impressed with what hyun showed! she gave couple scarfs for in-laws, the sweetpotatoes nicely wrapped and a letter for MIL. :wub: (sweet hyun)~~
































































































































































































































































































































































MC's applauded (thinking it was so nice of hyun to that(?))
































































































































































































































































































































































hyun went to the comfort room and yong asked MIL how was hyun and i guess from MIL's expression, she liked HYUN! :wub::wub:

































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ahh...TCU has been good to me today. no lagging at all and its a HQ too..

lots of convo but still oh so sweet!

yong and mom stuff hyun with lots of food.. ^_^

yongseo can hold hands naturally now.

taking a stroll down the beach...lovely! :wub:

MIL got teary eye after reading that letter.

it must be something beautiful that hyun wrote abt hubby...


ah! forgot to mention that yong gave food to hyun's first instead of mom! :rolleyes:

xiam, we'll 'protect' yong / yongseo together ;)

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just finished watching Yongseo..so sweet especially when Hyun gave the letter to her MIL :)




No offense but did they were airing Yongseo shorter than Khuntoria? I know Yongseo got shorter air time this week but I thought it will be given to Adams Couple but not Khuntoria :(




It will be great if the PD gives equal air time to both Yongseo and Khuntoria :(


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Guest CallMeDayDreamer































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Part 1: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=gW6sJctNnMU































































































































































































































































































































Part 2: http://www.youtube.c...h?v=X37MPjNKw1w
































































































































































Credit: ThaiRabbitAloneJooBz































































































































































































































































































































Preview : 



























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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some scaps from today's epi.......
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong's Mom
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Yong feeding Hyun
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Holding while walking going to the beach






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Please PM me or just add where you're from in your post..I will update it every day.




If somehow you are missing from the list, please let me know as well.







Hi YSforever, you can add me to your list. I'm from the US (but originally from Indonesia).




I've been following yongseo since their first episode, and in the past 2-3 months I'm getting obsessed with our goguma couple. ^_^




In very early episode, sometimes I would watch every 2 weeks, 2 episodes at a time, after the subs are out.




After a while, I started looking forward to new episode, so I watched it each week as soon as the sub was out.




Then, I became more into this and started lurking into this thread, and finding as much info/news about them as possible, and every Saturday morning, the first thing I did after waking up was to go online and look for the new episodes, and I started watching raw videos without subs despite my non-existent korean language skill.




Last week, I stayed up wanting to stream their new episode live, but I was late, so I actually logged in 1-2 hour after the live show, but I was able to watch the videos that others had uploaded at 2-3AM!!




And today, I'm finally able to stream their new episode!!!



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Guest gettawa
























































































































































































Hi every goguma Lovers








































































































































































I just finished watch this ep.








































































































































































Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh My tear Tears flow down because I feel gratified. When I saw them together.








































































































































































They really like a family.








































































































































































Maternal child care.








































































































































































Child love and attention, parents and families.








































































































































































Their relationship, it 's warm, intimate sincerity.








































































































































































I love this family.








































































































































































And I love my family, everyone. Encouraging them to love them.








































































































































































Support them forever









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thank goodness my streaming is behaving today so i managed to watch the entire episode. it's pretty much a conversational one so can't wait for the translation. one thing though, i do wish the PD nim learn how to cut probably cos the whole 15 mins so just ended like that ...boom! without any fade out. i am all for all the couples to get their appropriate slot but do they have to cut it so out of the blue? don't even know what's happening and suddenly i see nichkhun and victoria...
































































































































yong today was quite quiet still, observing everything. i think one part he took the food for hyun first and then only his mum, the mc was commented about it. when he took the food to feed her, it seem so normal for them now and the hand holding part...so natural :) just like a stroll in the afternoon.
































































































































anyway, thanks for the translation in advance MountainMadman and others who will be posting. till then gomapta! i am off to watch adam couple!

















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Guest tinybeatingheart
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































My internet connection sucks rn. :'(
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So... Yongseo's part already ended? Aww. :/ Btw, who is Mil?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I hope someone would upload it on Youtube :)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Anyways, about the list.. I'm from the Philippines! Just please, add me. Thank you very much ~

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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My internet connection sucks rn. :'(




So... Yongseo's part already ended? Aww. :/ Btw, who is Mil?




I hope someone would upload it on Youtube :)




Anyways, about the list.. I'm from the Philippines! Just please, add me. Thank you very much ~







MIL = mother-in-law




and the yt link is already up, look up several post above yours, on this page, by CallMeDayDreamer.




Thanks btw - I'm going to watch it right now and it's spazz time :D



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Guest hafiq890












My internet connection sucks rn. :'(










So... Yongseo's part already ended? Aww. :/ Btw, who is Mil?










I hope someone would upload it on Youtube :)










Anyways, about the list.. I'm from the Philippines! Just please, add me. Thank you very much ~



















i'm waiting for the subbed video~ :)










anyway MIL is an abbreviation of mother in law...



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Guest aya otohata

can't wait for the next episode...

Yongseo sharing scarf!!!

and riding a boat!

and in someone else's car...Hyun sitting in the front, Yong in the back (not sure about this)...

all of these I got from the preview!!!

love today's episode...even though it was too short!!!

It seems like some Yongseo fans are planning to create their own Yongseo thread so they can freely talk in their own language...I'm not stopping you from doing that but I hope it does not mean that you guys will stop visiting this soompi thread...

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Guest vmasterpiece

next week preview!

seems like it's the seagull attack scene

they are riding a boat (waa!! sharing one scarf) hy~un said they look like kimbab (sushi)

meet yong friends in the car. from what i see they are couple too..

(can't see clearly cause it's 0.1 s preview)


can't wait for next week episode already 7 days to go


adam couple forever LOL. Like how they are still joking till the end. totally their style

good luck for u guyz..

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Guest scatterbrain

Hyun's letter to mom-in-law

credit to baidu gogumas

Hello Father and Mother. I am very nervous since this is my first time greeting both of you formally. yong oppa has always been accomodating the inadequate me in all circumstance. and he understands me well. really thank you. it is all because of father and mother's succesful teachings. i will work hard to be a wise wife for yonghwa oppa. to be a daughter in law that father and mother proud of. wish both of you good health. Daughter-in-law Hyun

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alternative raw cut links (idk about anyone else, but the other links were out of sync).















credit to putputys@youtube.
















YongSeo Raw Cut 40-1








YongSeo Raw Cut 40-2









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