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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest SophiaPia








































Thank you to all the raw videos, to all the translations. Thank you to all our translators. Thank you to all the screen caps. Everything, for the love of our YongSeo couple KAMSAHAMNIDA. Another sweet episode. 
























Busan date is like hubby is proud to show to the world that this is my wife/GF in my hometown, together w/ my mum the no. 1 woman in hubby's life his Mum. Then of course next is his wife. The 1st girl that hubby Yong bring home to his mum WOW! It's so lovely and sweet to see that wife/gf Hyun is getting along w/ hubby Yong's mum. It is a normal feeling for wife/GF to be nervous, i had that feelings before. I guess mum in law (MIL) is nervous as well. MIL is really beautiful. She mentioned that she can't sleep the night before thinking about daughter in law Seobaby. But for sure in the end it all goes well. Happy family indeed. I hope next time it will be hubby Yong turn's to meet his in laws.
























Chingus, we need to sit back, relax and enjoy all of this while we have it, for sure we all have more sweet and daebak episodes coming. YongSeo couple so REAL wub.gifw00t.gifwub.gif















































































ooopppsss! sorry i top up the page








































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one gift from adam fan 2 you Yongseo  fans ^^
































































































































































































































































its a thank gift ( for  all ur support !!) this week have been hard for us adam fans, but you all were so awesome and supported us .
































































































































































































































































*quoted image*
































































































































































































































































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Thank you for your gift. I really appreciate it. It's really cute ... thanks for your hardwork. kkapliner and adam couple fighting.... laugh.gif
































































































































































































































































Germbaby, jnj. l do have the same feeling that Yong's appa and Hyun's appa has something similar in their face. Is this fate?? w00t.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































The last episode is really ... i can't find the best word to describe it. It just so cute watching Yong with his cheesy line, Hyun with her nervousness because she will meet her MIL. Seohyun really looks so beautiful. I love their interaction in the train, so natural and sweet.
































































































































































































































































I like their phone call to PSH, jungmo oppa and jungshin... I think they call the other people too. 
































































































































































































































































Yong's mom sure is beautiful and friendly. I want to have a MIL like that toovicx.gif
































































































































































































































































Anyone know yong's big bro name? I ever read it but forget. I want to see his big bro in close up too. 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































This is random, so i put in spoiler
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For a second, when i first saw it, i seriously  thought that he looks like Bae Yong Jun in winter sonata






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ahh... and thanks to lalacakes, dduk, inside out for translation and summary. Synkiss thanks for the sub, will wait for part 3. fighting...
































































































































































































































































Happy spazzing gogumas...































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































FallenAnjewl, you have an eagle eye? how can you catch that little gesture? Oh, i wish he hug her. 

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest Germbaby






Thank you very much. Oh! Adam fan you are most welcome in this thread if you like yongseo couple too. We appreciate your effort in the drawing . As for the harsh comment, I believe he did not do it on purpose pls do not take it to heart. Goguma fans let's be nice and restrain from putting so harsh comment not everyone is perfect be a little accomodative. Peace not war


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Guest glennpaulo
















wow, u really are making this couple look bad pliz.. i'm just showing som love for the couple .. well it's look like i'm not welcome here, because i'm adam couple fan ?








don't be so negativ ???








you have been so negativ  ... if u don't like the drawing so don't say anything, just get over it ... 








its a chibi likw, its not like a real art so take it easy   















Don't mind him, he/she 's a fan that don't know how to support their own idol well.








Adam couple is not only popular here, but you also. You have a fans and some antis too. keke..

Anyways i decide  to be a lurker  but i can't because there's a person again that bashing other couple fans, and she/he 's also the same person the other day. Please don't be childish, i know you like to be Yong choding but don't over do it. Youre not a same person as him.








For todays episode: Wow Yong is really into some cheesy lines this past few weeks, I wonder what his mother and father looks like when they were young, They are very beautiful. Like mother like son, very playful and friendly. 








Another revelation from Yong past, first the Redglasses of Hyun and first girl Yong brought home. 








For me i think that this whole parents visit trip is not plan from PD, because they still didn't show what hyun reaction when she read the Mission, and another thing is i read some information from old page and they said that this filming is hard because theres no script(meaning what they do and where they go is not plan)








Thank you Dduk, Llacakes, Rainysynykiss, Zack, insideout- for all we really really thankful for all. The cut with subs is really early today.









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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
















































































































Jung Family and their Daughter/Sis-in-law... :wub:





























































































































































































































































































































































































































Credit: Yongseo FB Fanpage





























































































































































































































































































































































~ ~ ~















































































































































































@Calculator: Oh wow! Rude much? You're seriously making all the gogumas look bad, you know that right???
















































































You totally sound like a troll right now... <_<
















































































Ok Gogumas...

















































































































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waaaa...thank you so much for your artwork ena123 , so pretty! ^^

I also saw lot of sketches there...you have a wonderful talent...

I do really2 hope that all the kkapliners are doing fine...I don't mind if this Saturday the PD gives the whole broadcast time to Adam Couple...you guys deserve it :)

This thread is amazing..I think that all of us here are family...since we were supporting each other, share our feelings to each other, not only Gogumas but also kkapliners and Khuntorians...personally I think all the couple here are amazing! ^^

Please don't hurt each other by say something harsh and inappropriate :(


we should spread the love not hate...








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wow! fallenanjewl..i agree with u 100% and more.

me too thinks that that yong didn't know where exactly wifey was seating,

(but he knows she wants to be far from the spotlight)

thus we saw his wondering eyes looking at the 2nd level..

what if he were to follow his instict and did hug her?!!

ooohh...go_chun will be chaotic!!! w00t.gifw00t.gif

and i also like the way yong's mom sort of 'warn' hyun that it is normal

if yong doesn't call her often...

and the way she said that yong doesn't express himself much..

is she giving us some clue here?

son & mom may have shared a heart-to-heart talk abt hyun.. ;)^_^

both yong's mom & hyun ganging up on yong and said that he is indeed playful..

i love this scene too...

germbaby, lisa, bee_ichigo...both dads could be cousins in the previous lives.


and bee, i lol at your BYJ cap! hahaha..

ena123, thank u dear. :)

it is something that is drawn from a manga right?

calculator, aigoo...do u hate this world so much?

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Guest lisa628

Wow, are you purposely drawing like that or do you really see the couple that way?

They do not look like that. O_O;

what is wrong with you seriously??? fury.gif 

this is not your first , second or third time making unworthy comments, but many times. yeah i'm watching you yes you from many pages ago. honestly, put your brain on the sensitive and thoughtful mode then make a sensible judgement. 

ena123 : thank you for the artworks...awesome! yes we are WGM family minus some pricks. so sorry bout ADAM so be strong ok and you are so welcome to goguma land heresmile.gif  (unlike some sleep.gif)

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Guest MrsAthenaG




Hello to all my Goguma children. I hope the holidays brought cheer to brighten everyone. I came out of my silence because I want to share my thoughts on this epic episode. This is one huge step in this couple's relationship, virtual or real, because it was a real situation in a virtual world. Let me share my experience on a "Mother-In-Law's" point of view. Yes, I am a mother-in-law and I have been through the same situation with my daughter in law (my son's fiancee then). As a mother, we always want what is best for our children and I have stood the same ground in my past posts that a mother is always protective of her children. The perception of the "mother-in-law" syndrome is that of interference, "know-it-all" and "a witch" and that is true with a lot of relationships and I'm so glad that I'm not in this category. ( I cringe when my friends describe their In Laws and complain about them). However there are those who are the "best friend" and have a great relationships with the daughter/son in law.




Watching this episode made me remember my own experience meeting my in-laws and then later, meeting my daughter in law. Mothers fear that their child will bring home a partner he/she likes that will disappoint you. I will speak from my experience just like Yong's mom, meeting the daughter in law. I had no disappointments meeting my son's fiancee for the first time, and neither did the elder Mrs. Jung. Putting aside Seohyun's status as an idol from a very popular group, I felt that Yong's mom was already at a comfortable level from their earlier phone conversation and meeting at the CN Blue Concert. As a "mother in law", she tried to lighten up the atmosphere, speaking banmal, joking, lots of aegyo with Yong (I do believe Yong & his mom are very close having an open but respectful relationship), making it easy for Hyun to feel welcome - to the point of having forgotten the questions she wrote to ask her. Believe me, I was a daughter in law meeting my in-laws for the first time before I got married and it was a very awkward moment on my part. My husband couldn't show any favors for me or his mom because he wanted to have the 2 most important women in his life to get along. Everything depends on how the mother in law is accepting of the other woman in her son's life. The mother in law is the one to set the atmosphere, not Hyun, not Yong. Yong is there as a silent supporter, that's why he was very quiet and less responsive because he wants his mom to like his girl and Hyun is there to make a good impression to the elder, so she really can't act too excited or too quiet, a little awkward is good since Yong's mom is also reading her at that moment, moving the conversation as it goes. I know because I did it when I first met my son's fiancee and I really tried to make her comfortable because I know I would like her from what my son was saying and from what I heard from others (her friends and family) about her personality so it was up to me to make the atmosphere amiable. Although the trip has not been shown in its entirety, I feel that even though there were probably some awkward moments, it was all natural...and life goes on.




Don't fear your future mother-in-law, learn to know more about her and what it takes to make her happy. You will have to live through your married life with her and she will be your children's grandmother, too. It will make for a happy married life - getting along and being friends with your mother in law. My son says that my daughter in law loves me and wants to keep me happy - I just love hearing those words and you will, too, if you hear them from your mother in law or daughter in law.




My opinion, I think that WGM was not a part of the filming of SeoHyun at the CN Blue Concert because it seems like a different video - maybe WGM borrowed the footage and made it work for this episode. I also say this because there was no footage of Hyun actually watching the concert and if MBC was there, I'm sure they would have shot some scenes. And it was really very quiet about the whole "Hyun was at the concert" time, just a tid bit of news that Seohyun did go to the concert...then poof...we know for sure that she was there when Yong gave the guide book and then now. So I hope that you will not be disappointed that WGM showed shots from the concert because I don't think they were really involved. Don't forget, FNC was filming the concert for future DVD release, they probably just shared the BTS with Hyun with WGM, alright. I was also touched by Yong's surprise that Hyun saw the concert and she was far away, look at his disappointment and the sigh, as if he was sorry he didn't know that she was there. And introducing her to his family, that was during their "mildang" yet he introduced her as his "buin" - how cute.




Well everyone agrees that the comfort level of these 2 are much better and we see them now as how they really are, their individual personalities are slowly being shown to us, as opposed to the earlier episodes when they were still learning about each other, trying to make good impression on one another. Now that they are closer they are also opening up to us and showing us their true and honest selves.




Oops, sorry for the long post, I hope to see more beautiful YongSeo in the future. Enjoy...until the next episode...





P.S. So sorry to hear the Adam Couple leaving, I never really got to see them as a couple so I can't really judge their relationship and I only saw some episodes of KhunToria (I should really watch NickHun since he graduated from the same school a couple of years after my son in California) but they never triggered my interest. I hope the best for both JoKwon & Ga In in their future endeavors.



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Guest nadihee
























ena123 hello thanks so much for ur artwork. we really appreciate it u know. i love this wgm bond. kkapliners hwaiting!!! i believe that someday jokwon gain will become real so does goguma couple amen heheh (it's our wish rite?). and please dont mind calculator's comments. he/she just dont have proper attitude to express her/his feelings towards his/her idol. okay? it's just one person, just ignore him/her. and we can continue this wgm bond :) cheers for adam couple!!! cheers for goguma couple!! cheers and fighting for kkapliners!!! and cheers for my beloved goguma!! :)))





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Morning guys...















































My own thought;










































































Watch the RAW ep again with translation from our good fellow Goguma...

























































































































I like to borrowed some of translation made by DDuk, lalacakes & insideout;










































































When they promoting Banmal song.















































1. They call Jungmo, but I like Jungmo reply to Yong.















































"JM: And don't make our Seohyun cry.."















































This is the 2nd time Yong been warning on National TV, 1st by Onew, then by Jungmo.. hehe....










































































2. I like the closeness Shin Hye with Yong & how Hyun really relax talking to her..















































I think PD must have cut some of the conversation between them...















































& I like when PSH bluntness when she said this;















































"PSH: Yah! Did you happen to... call me at this hour to brag that you have a wife??















































YH: To brag about my wife, and also another reason came up to call you."















































Looks like Yong really do brag about his wife to everyone he close by.















































& I think in his contact list, there's limited female no.. hehe...










































































CNBLUE Concert.















































1. I think the video was capture by Hyun manager... Why, Hyun really seem relax there.















































She just like truly BOICE.















































Since, all activity SNSD usually captured in video by their manager.










































































2. I don't think that Hyun aware that Yong parents will be there in the concert.















































She's do seem surprised to saw them.










































































3. I love how Jonghyun surprised Hyun rather than she's to surprised them.










































































4. & love how Yong introduce Hyun to his family















































"YH: This is my wife!"










































































The train journey.















































1. I love the runors Yong mention...















































"YH: I've heard the rumors!















































SH: what Rumors?















































YH: Rumors about what you’re going to do when you meet my parents.















































SH: that… is … right…"










































































Whose the 1 Hyun been asking??? The manager??? The SIL???















































But how in the world Yong can heard of those rumors...















































I think he really, really care bout he's wife...















































& Hyun action speak louder bout her's nervousness to meeting the in-laws...










































































2. The cheesy-ness line by Yong...















































He really blunt everything...















































Did he's wear his heart on his sleeve??? To every1 to see it...










































































3. The reflected action by Hyun.















































Eating hamburgers @Busan.. Serve you right Yong...















































"YH: you look like you’re going to hit me.















































< got punished and is now nervous>















































YH: Joohyun ah~ you have this side to you…"










































































Learning Busan accent, suddenly;















































"YH: Please treat me well, you don’t have to worry.















































SH: that, I’ll tell her later.















































YH: then what…















































SH: oh it’s nothing.















































<the eyes met>















































YH: Don’t smile with the eyes.















































SH: I am not.















































YH: my heart is beating faster because of it.















































SH: OHHHh@!~~@!((~)*)!^&!"










































































My eyes???















































"SH: Do you have a mirror?















































YH: My eyes?















































SH: I don’t see anything. But anyway thank you so much."















































Reply & action from Hyun was epic...










































































2. Glasses.... Destiny???? Maybe...















































YH: try it on.















































SH: but glasses really don’t look good on me















































YH: Even if it doesn’t look good, try them on. Whydo you pretend that you don’t wear glasses?















































<what is this story?>















































SH: I don’t wear glasses.















































YH: you did wear them before.















































SH: no I don’t.















































YH: I remember many years ago,















































SH: I did wear them many years ago.















































YH: Yeah, I saw you in a shop wearing them.















































<he saw her many years ago in a shop?!>















































YH: you probably don’t remember. I was still then a trainee















































SH: really?















































YH: I can’t forget you in a bookstore reading a book with glasses on.















































<was it a fan?>















































YH: everyone was sleeping but you were reading. I felt that you were special (somewhat different) from that moment on. Red glasses.






























































































MC: oh she remembers!















































YH: I want to forget it but I can’t










































































3. The unexpected present..















































Really like his thought.. Present without any meaning or anniversary in it...










































































4. Every Hyun action speaks too LOUD....















































- The closeness to her hubby..















































- The playfulness..















































- The nervousness (like really meeting your real bf/hubby family. You want their consent and excepted for your relationship)










































































5. Sleeping time..















































Sleep and lean on his shoulder.. Geez... the 2nd time they really looks so serene rather than the 1st 1 with 90 degree-neck-will-be-pain for Hyun.















































But, I do admit, sleeping with eye glasses is not comfortable at all.















































Why PD did not show how they woke-up. We already saw Yong woke-up 2 times, Hyun only 1 time..










































































Ok I just stop here..for now

























































































































To synykiss & team. TQ so much..















































You guys really fast....




















































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Guest d3j1k0




Before I go to sleep, I just wanted to spazz on how YongHwa took us (the audience) down to memory lane with him when he told Hyun how much of a strong impression she left on him by just reading a book with glasses on. It was a vivid description and very sincere. My heart would stop the moment someone I consider special tells me that.




I'm beginning to wonder if their "arranged marriage" was purely by coincidence or destiny. I usually do not want to indulge in the matter but the more we delve and get a peek in their on-growing relationship (be it in a romantic or friendship), the more we see how much they complete each other and their chemistry.




In addition, I love how Yong said "I don't want anyone else to here our conversation."




Like What the Heck?! Haha I just died when I saw that bit. Just one person can't hear it, but all a million+ people who watch the show can. WHUT?!




I usually try not to be swoon by such cheesy lines, but I have to give it to Yong. He's so suave and charming, I can't resist! XD




Lastly, FallenAnjewl, I re-watched that bit and I just cannot believe how blind I was! I think you may be on to something there because I also saw Yong's hand move to her waist then back as he saw more people. Either he is really used to greeting his fans by hugging them or he instinctively knew it was wifey coming to greet him. Thank you for sharing that.



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Guest synykiss
































(So I'm just droping this here (knowing my luck I'll bottom the page >_<)






























































































































Okay so I uploaded it to YouTube~






























































































(Oh, it's going to be quite some time before part3 is done... sorry.)
















[i lurk ALOT during the week and never comment so...]
















I know some of you have exams coming up this week (god, it's seems like exams are a constant thing) and I'd just like to say... YOROBUN, FIGHTING! study hard like uri SeoHyun-ie!































Posting this again because it took me a while to get part3 done and my original post got burried a few pages back (this thread moves so fast!)
















[i got these done quicker this week with 10+ more minutes to do than I did last week with just the normal 20mins.
















Will be posting fullDL links on my blog if anybody cares to visit~ HERE
































@hacker8 - thank you ^_^ I think I've found my rythm now. took me a while, but got there eventually.
















I guess I'll see you in 2 weeks ladies and gents~

















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Guest genevieveshaun
































































































































































































Seems like Yong's mum is treating Seohyun like a real daughter in law. Most actors and entertainers are able to distinguish real and reel. But  normal people can't. Yong's mum is just treating it like the real deal. Also she knows Yong best, she knows that her son likes Seohyun for real, and isn't acting just for the sake of entertainment.
































































































































Also, when she told Hyun, "He doesn't call you often right?" She was trying to get Hyun to understand that Yong likes her, but doesnt know how to express himself... She takes it upon herself to make sure that Hyun doesn't misunderstand Yong.... In a way she's trying to play matchmaker ^^
































































































































And she definitely knows about the mildang etc... I'm pretty sure she watches every episode of WGM like us! And she knows much much more than us. So in the next episode lets watch out for more hints! 
































































































































Yong has admitted that he watches all episodes too despite his busy-is-an-understatement schedule
































































































































And many of you mentioned this already, I really appreciate the fact that she' so candid and straightforward. She doesn't bother to butter her words... It goes to show how close she feels with Seohyun already.. Im sure after watching all the episodes and possibly hearing bout Hyun through Yong...She feels really close to Hyun already.. Although Hyun might not feel the same way... yet !
































































































































And Yong in the last few episodes, he has been dropping hints that he is attracted to her.. Instead of saying things like .."I like you." and "You mean the world to me".. He gives out flirtation vibes by saying her 'eye-smiles' makes his heart flutter.. And also the surprised-shy reaction he gave when Hyun posed the Hoot eyes for him.
































































































































Yongseo is definitely the real-lest couple ever.
































































































































And who thinks that their fingers were touching under Hyun's big coat???? wub.gif

































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Guest ena123














Thank u all for support ..










Maybe i'm not crazy about some couples on wgm, but it's dosen't give me the right 2 make others hate them ...










it's a sin 2 hate and make a reason for others 2 hate.










I aasume that u are 12 ?? maybe ??










like i said we are WGM family .. 










I  have a right 2 like Yongseo.. 










  calculator You are not helping your  fav couple .. You are just starting a war between friends ..










it's okay if u hate Adam couple and khuntoria but don't say it loud or show it, just keep it 2 yourself .. if u dont do that u make  yourself look bad AND MAYBE OTHERS HERE . 










but i'm not stupid 2  be a hater even if one fan is negativ .










  calculator  I respect ur comment on the drawing ... if u give me the reason whats wrong on the picture I will improve my drawing.










drAWIng is all about getting better and trying 2 get better .. you are welcome anytime to comment on my drawing.. ^^ 



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Guest i.said.hi














oh yeah!












something i noticed...












in the last episode they showed yongseo uploading the video on youtube...












and on youtube it says that the video was uploaded on dec, 26...












we know that the busan episode was filmed in late november...












so can be "technically" conclude that the banmal video was recorded after busan, golden disk daesang, melon awards daesang, and right before the wedding shoot (since the wedding shoot was filmed on the 28th!)?


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Guest my.yonghwa.baby












Hello, all :) It's been a while.




I, like all of you, absolutely loved the Busan ep. So much love wub.gif And btw, Ms. Jung is freaking gorgeous ohmy.gif God, if I could look like that at her age...happy.gif




I'm stopping by for no other reason then to just say one quick comment that shows how important our dear couple is to me at this point in my life. I'm kind of going through an emotional roller coaster right now, but I was smiling from ear to ear like a happy little girl while watching all the love in this episode. And I swear, not to be an utter killjoy, it's all I can smile about right now sleep.gif




Oh and gogumas, 




PSSSTTTT -> CNBLUE's "RE-MAINTENANCE" album came out :) Love and support are appreciated~





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Guest myblue
































































Posting this again because it took me a while to get part3 done and my original post got burried a few pages back (this thread moves so fast!)
































[i got these done quicker this week with 10+ more minutes to do than I did last week with just the normal 20mins.
































Will be posting fullDL links on my blog if anybody cares to visit~ HERE
































































@hacker8 - thank you ^_^ I think I've found my rythm now. took me a while, but got there eventually.
































I guess I'll see you in 2 weeks ladies and gents~































































@ synykiss.. A BIG HUG to FOR YOU..
































@ dduk.. A Million Thanks to you..
































and to everyone who put alot of effort and time, and sleepless night for translating, capturing the sweet moments, for all the updated news and for every thing THANK YOU SO MUCH!you guys are awesome! may we continue to love our couple and be inspired by them.. i feel sorry dont have any to contribute(huhuhu)

































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My own thought;















































Continuation from Busan station;










































































I love how reaction from MIL to Hyun.















































& I like how Yong & Hyun act in-front of his mother.















































How they really respect their elders.










































































Someone said, Yong seen a little bit diff to Hyun,















































don't be alarmed by his action.










































































From my country, the reaction they show was like respected to the elders.















































No need for skin ship here to show that you a comfortable or in relationship.










































































& MIL also admit that she's got nervousness bout the meeting.















































& looks like she's know bout Hyun Banmal thing...










































































YHmom: I couldn’t sleep well yesterday.















































YH: Why? Is it because I was coming down today?















































YHmom: No, besides you. I kept thinking of Seohyun.















































SH: Oh really?!















































MC: oh yonghwa must have felt sad















































YHMom: I don’t have any daughters. I have never been introduced to a girlfriend before.






























































































SH: really?















































YH: you’re the first girl.















































YHMom: what am I supposed to do….when I meet Seohyun do I have to raise my voice?















































SH: please speak however makes you more comfortable.















































YHmom: but for some weird reason I keep talking inbanmal.















































SH: thank you very much.















































YHMom: I can speak in Banmal right?











































































































































































And I like to borrow insideout translation (I like it so much);

























































































































starting from 9:26 in this clip















































Mom: Yonghwa doesn't call very often, right?















































Hyun: Oh, yes...















































Mom: At first I was really sad, wondering if I had a one-sided love with him... but I think Yonghwa's style is just like that. He thinks about everything and wants to do it, but...he doesn't really express it. He does that to you too Seohyun-ah, doesn't he?















































Yong: No~ *turns toward hyun* I express a LOT don't I?















































Hyun: Well...















































Yong: You two ganging up on me like this...















































Mom: No~















































Hyun: You have to express things~ You have to do well/be nice while we are here~















































Mom: Call often~















































Yong: Okay















































Hyun: Express everything in your heart to your parents















































Yong: Okay~










































































Another 1;















































YH: I’m not a playful person.















































SH & YHMom: You are a playful person.















































(Double agreement!!! hehe)

































































































Looks like if they really become DIL-MIL, Yong will be in trouble...for his action...















































For 1st meeting, he's already in trouble. His wife gang-up with his own mother.

























































































































From this convo; can we expect another visit from the couple...















































YHMom: when you’re at home, the mother should come and make good food….











































SH: oh it’s alright.















































YHMom: Next time I’ll cook you something really nice at home.















































YH: I’ll do it~ (aeygo )

































































































Considerate Hyun;















































She's even stand up some time for her man















































SH: but even then he still takes care of me










































































And lastly the normal convo from MIL, the epic Kimchi taste and cooking;















































YHMom: when I went to your dorm, there was the kimchi that you made Seohyun.











































<the kimchi that Hyun made…>















































MC: you remember this!? Sea water kimchi!















































<sea water kimchi!>















































YHMom: when I first saw it I was surprised. This kimchi box looks sort of weird. This is kimchi…..but it looks sort of off..















































SH: It was really my first time make it so I put too much salt in it.















































YH: you learn one thing at a time. I ate all of it, Seohyun. I ate it deliciously.















































SH: really?















































YHMom: it would be fine if it ripens and it would taste cool.















































YH: pwahah taste cool.















































SH: did you taste it?















































YHMom: yes.













































































































































YHMom: it has the taste of kimchi!















































MC: it prob. Tasted like it b/c it is made from cabbage.















































MC: her face became all red.















































YHMom: have you learned how to cook?















































SH: I do have a lot of interest in cooking but I haven’t been able to try cooking. But I am now.















































YHMom: Like what?















































MC: OHHHH like what!?!















































YHMom: Oh my goodness, I sound like a stereotypical mother in law!















































SH: kimchi-stew, and Curry.















































YHMom: ohh Curry is the easiest to make,















































SH: to tell you the truth I can’t cook that well.But I would like to learn from you and make a delicious meal.






































































Love how Yong stand up this time for his wife, and the reply from Hyun, where Hyun ask to learn from her's MIL.















































I think all MIL would love this kind of reply from their DIL.















































Bout kimchi taste, from here we can see that MIL did not told her what is wrong or the taste was bad, she's interpret it kind enough not to let Hyun feel more embarrassed/bad bout it. She's really considerate bout her young DIL feel.










































































Now, they already visit family in Busan, can we also expect to Yong meet his in-laws....















































Or both parents, meet eyes to eyes...















































If that the case... for sure it will be more epic for us...










































































Just from my own thought...

























































































































How I wish Yong will be the MC today, and we can see the interaction with DBSK in laws.




















































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