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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest MountainMadman

I noticed a lot of people are getting confused over Yonghwa seemingly calling his hyung a 'dongsaeng', so I'll clear that up right now: he didn't actually say 'dongsaeng', but instead said 'kkopssari' which is a word that is used to refer to a person that butts in into other people's conversations/matters/etc. (in this case, referring to Jonghyun). If you listen closely, he did say 'hyung' right before he said 'kkopssari', and the captions support that.

8:11 in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHOLJHEzXew

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I noticed a lot of people are getting confused over Yonghwa seemingly calling his hyung a 'dongsaeng', so I'll clear that up right now: he didn't actually say 'dongsaeng', but instead said 'kkopssari' which is a word that is used to refer to a person that butts in into other people's conversations/matters/etc. (in this case, referring to Jonghyun). If you listen closely, he did say 'hyung' right before he said 'kkopssari', and the captions support that.
































































8:11 in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHOLJHEzXew































































































































thanks mountainmadman!
































































i think i got confused with the translation and from what i heard.
































































i think i have to get (-) marks just for saying thanks to mountainmadman because of a less than 20 words so i have to make this longer, i hope this is longer oh please administrators don't kick me just because i appreciate one of my goguma-chinggu. okay, i guess that's enough. :D
































































oh, i thought of another question, about the glasses. Yong said that he saw Hyun before with eyeglasses at a shop, she was reading a book while others are sleeping. People are sleeping in a bookstore? In other translation it was a salon. If anyone could throw light on this, I'll be thankful.

































































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its been a while since we see kay77 dropping by.

nice to see u again kay77.

and tks for the insight on the Busan guys.

Busan guys are cool!

anyone else notice that yong's mom has a nice eye-smile?

and its funny when she realised that she DOES sound like the typical mom-in-law.

could it be that she sees hyun as her real daughter-in-law already? :wub:

and why did hyun says she wants to learn cooking from her mom-in-law,

who lives in Busan, instead of learning to cook from her own mom?

i bet she wants to cook yong's faves food... ;):w00t:

those cheeks are going to burst anytime soon,

while looking over at his mom & wife holding hands together..


to all translators and subbers...dduk, lalacakes, insideout and synkiss


and to dear j2 and sun_sun...

where are u? we miss u angels

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Guest melibu
































Okay so I uploaded it to YouTube~










































































































































aigooo this is annoying! nothing specific to share except expressing my gratitude mani mani! i have so exhausted my (+) to give out to the all the awesome people who have been spazzing, the hardworking translators and synykiss (sorry post being cut above) so again and again THANK YOU!




























PS: kay77 Busan guys seem like the old skool type of guys, very manly and somewhat MCP maybe? in a good way not a bad way cos i can't seem to come out with the exact words to describe them. Busan namdja is definitely ggari ante! (haha i pick up this word when Yong, Lizzy & Simon D was in Happy Together talking about usage of Busan words)





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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































































Today is episode was totally great!!! I couldnt stop spazzing during the live broadcast but now, reading translations and watching the subbed videos... this is just ·$&%·&$·/... No words can describe how happy I am.
















































































I want to thank all the translators and subbers, guys your are the greatest, THANK YOU so much for the effort.
















































































I loved all, but my most favorite conversation, was when YH was telling that he has seen her before with glasses and cant take that image from his mind... Ok, I call this destiny... Maybe in that moment she called his attention and now that he got to really know her, he just fall hard for her... Really hard, the guy is uzzing love, and when he was watching his mother holding SH is hand... @$%&&$& Ahhhh the look on his face, he was totally happy, his smile was going to split his face in two... Mine tooo!!! kekekekeke
















































































Well, I want to share something, we know Rippergirl is artworks for WGM and I am so glad her pics get to be shown in WGM, I hope she is happy about it!... here is the link to her artwork Rippergirl is Artwork and here is her latest creation... so nice.

































































































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Guest SE7ENsyuhja
















































































































































































































































I noticed a lot of people are getting confused over Yonghwa seemingly calling his hyung a 'dongsaeng', so I'll clear that up right now: he didn't actually say 'dongsaeng', but instead said 'kkopssari' which is a word that is used to refer to a person that butts in into other people's conversations/matters/etc. (in this case, referring to Jonghyun). If you listen closely, he did say 'hyung' right before he said 'kkopssari', and the captions support that.
































































































































































































































8:11 in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHOLJHEzXew































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Hope you don't mind I sneak in and add a little here ^^;;
































































































































































































































I think where most people were getting confused hearing "dongsaeng" is because Jonghyun actually called himself that at the same time Yonghwa introduced his hyung, which made it sound like it was Yonghwa saying it.
































































































































































































































Anyway, yeah. Haha.
































































































































































































































I'm not big on words so I'll just say I enjoy seeing the comfort level of not only Seohyun and Yonghwa, but also of Seohyun and the other CNBLUE members. I don't know. Just makes me happy for some reason. Both "relationships" have come a long way since when they first met.

















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Guest Germbaby




So sad! Nobody bothers to answer earlier question whether find that the two family actually look quite alike. I don't know how to put pictures otherwise I could put two family pictures together . Sorry forgive this old ahjuma for nagging


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Guest K1L1On1Mr4
































































































































































































































































































































Just went lurk around in AC Thread and found an interesting thing in part of AC SSTP's translation :D
































































































































































































Kara: or maybe is the Adam's dinner???































































































































































































































































































































































































Shin: No, i actually really did watch the show and i think Vickhun couple was very fun. (Just kidding)































































































































































































































































































































































































Jokwon: O really, you didn't say that before and i bet you must think it would be really good if Vickhun couple are here now.































































































































































































































































































































































































Kara: What you guys talking about?































































































































































































































































































































































































Shin: Huh??































































































































































































































































































































































































Kara: Sweet Potato couple really is a bit hit now. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha































































































































































































































































































































































































Shin: All 3 couples are very beautiful couple.































































































































































































































































































































































































cr. jokwonforever @AC Thread































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I guess YongSeo really" popular in Korea right now. Also i don't mind if next week MBC will only broadcast about AC, it's their last episode, i count it as a tribute for the savior of WGM :)

































































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The Ratings of We Got Married Season 2 on Januray 8th 2010
















































































































source: TNmS
































































































































































































































YongSeo Daebak!
































































































































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aww, germbaby..

because everyone was excitingly spazzing abt the epi

that's why your q gets buried.. :sweatingbullets:

anw, borrowing callmedaydreamer's caps..

hmm..i see a bit of similarities on both the dads..

same nose?


wow! tks for posting the ratings here kubih!

thank god! go yongseo!!

hope it stays that way or even better in the weeks to come.

hi segeun! nice of u to drop by too.

yeah, i was also one of the confused ones who thought yong

introduced his elder bro as dongsaeng..

thuyvan, luvtokki oppa comes from a diiferent culture,

that is why he is asking.. :)

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:rolleyes:Just wanted to randomly SPAZZZ a bit! 






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And why didn't he sit in the back seat with her in the car?   































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He didn't sit in the back with Hyun because it will make it looks like his mom is a driver for them. And obviously, she is not. He shows his respect to his mom. And it shows that he is a deep thinker. He does sit next to Hyun in the restaurant, doesn't he?
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Sometimes, I wonder why we keep criticize either of them. Can we just keep enjoy them with full happiness?

































































































































































































































































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Guest ena123














one gift from adam fan 2 you Yongseo  fans ^^










its not prof but ... but u can see my love for the couple . its a fanfic/ comic










its a thank gift ( for  all ur support !!) this week have been hard for us adam fans, but you all were so awesome and supported us .




















if u want 2 read / full size










go to My link



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Guest Germbaby






Thank you very much for paying attention to this lonely ahjuma you are really kind I can understand that everyone is so excited about our daebak couple so am I. This sweet couple is attracting all the ants like us. How I wish that they are real


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one gift from adam fan 2 you Yongseo  fans ^^
































































its a thank gift ( for  all ur support !!) this week have been hard for us adam fans, but you all were so awesome and supported us .
































































*quoted image*
































































if u want 2 read / full size
































































go to My link































































































































thank you ena123 for the YongSeo fanart! Seeing it, I reminisce their special winter skinship. I hope you and all kkapliners are doing fine. Though I am saddened with what happened I am looking forward to next week's final Adam couple episode. I'm sure it would be a another daebak episode.
































































Kerube-chan, thanks for the link of CNBlue Re-Maintenance album songs. I listened to them all, though I don't understand Japanese and the English is a little bit awkward, the music arrangements are fantastic! I can hear the drums, the guitar riffs, it's really rockin'! Kimio, in particular, has powerful rock instrumental.

































































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Guest lisa628

So sad! Nobody bothers to answer earlier question whether find that the two family actually look quite alike. I don't know how to put pictures otherwise I could put two family pictures together . Sorry forgive this old ahjuma for nagging

i botherwub.gif

yeah i think so too. from the preview pic before the latest epi, i thought yong's mom looks like hyun's mom or vise versa. ok maybe fashion sense wise is different...one fashionable n the other one more casual or down to earth.  the hairs kinda looks the same style, height not much  different. then after watching the latest epi, the resemblance grow stronger. the dad too....strange! is this suppose to happen, i mean yeah couple do lookalike but parents from both side. 

like you i don't know how to put pics together too so fellow gogumas pls help here. biggrin.gif

EDIT: oh i see  jnj has posted the pics...yeah thx. i was slow in posting here. they do lookalike don't they...cool! w00t.gif

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Guest ena123












Wow, are you purposely drawing like that or do you really see the couple that way?



















They do not look like that. O_O;



















wow, u really are making this coupls fan  look bad   pliz  stop ... i'm just showing som love for the couple .. well it's look like i'm not welcome here, because i'm a adam couple fan ?










I thought we were like Wgm  family ?? but well  










you have been so negativ 2 times now and one time about adam couple, 










this time i just dont care what you say ...



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Guest d3j1k0






Wow, are you purposely drawing like that or do you really see the couple that way?

They do not look like that. O_O;






I don't know if you are being sarcastic or childish. For the first time in this thread, I will be blunt. This is the second time for the past week or two you have been rude. I'm not demanding you to refrain from commenting or posting your honest opinions, but as a fellow human being, that is a low blow with your idiotic statement. You have not only insulted the artwork, but the artist and the people of this thread as well. Word of advice: think before you speak or post.




Anyway, thank you very much Ena123. We appreciate your heartfelt and sincere show of appreciation of our couple and all sweet potato couple fans out there as well. On behalf of all gogumas out there, I thank you. It is beautifully drawn, detailed right down to the letters on the shirt and the shadowing. It's very original :)




Thank you.



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Guest uh-ohxev
































Wow, are you purposely drawing like that or do you really see the couple that way?































They do not look like that. O_O;































I'd appreciate if you'd stop being so rude.. it's not necessary. You're making us fans look bad. While 1 fan isn't a representative of an entire fandom, if someone comes into this thread and sees your negative comments, we'll all look bad. I'm not asking you to not be honest and share your opinions, but to say something like that is completely uncalled for. Just so you know.. not all art is suppose to look identical to the people being drawn. That's the beauty of art. It shows creativity. She didn't have to draw anything for us, but she did. It was an extremely sweet gesture, and while you may not appreciate the art.. I, AS WELL AS MANY OTHER GOGUMAS DO!
















Thank you ena123 . The artwork is beautiful! ^^ I really like it.. Please don't be discouraged to visit our thread again or watch YongSeo because of 1 bad apple (or shall I say goguma in this case? keke~ :P ).

















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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































i just finished watching the episode and i just LOVE seeing how close they are now
















































































































you can really tell that they've grown MUCH MUCH closer to each other now
















































































































Im loving the cheeky phrases yong says to hyun now, "Dont smile at me with those eyes ... they make my heart beat faster" and "you're the first girl"
















































































































ahhh im loving this couple. esp how he tells her to sleep on his shoulder and asks for some cover as well. I wonder if they were holding hands underneath??? =D
















































































































Its really great to see how yong's mum and hyun got along with each other. They are like made to be mother and daughter in law. Yong was so happy seeing how his mu and hyun was so close and holding hands. I bet he was thinking, the two most important women in my life are together and getting along really nicely
















































































































I kinda think that in this episode with yong's mum, she gave subtle hints to hyun about yong. Like when she was talking about yong not calling her, i think she was letting hyun know to not be upset if he doesnt contact her because he also does it to his mother. and just stuff about letting her know yong has never brought anyone girl home before and that she was the first.
















































































































In these photos (behind the scenes of cnblue's concert), it looked like yong was going to give hyun a hug when she came running to him. Just look at where he places his hands. It is in the exact position of being around her waist. But i think he realised that there were camera crew and so he quickly moved his hands back. Because from the episode, i dont think he know that hyun was going to the concert hence why he was shocked when she said she watched it and was sitting in the 2nd floor OR he didnt know that the WGM crew was also going to be filming parts of it. i think the second possiility is higher otherwise why would he keep on looking at the 2nd floor towards the end ;p
















































































































But i have a really big feeling that he was gonna give her a HUGGGG!!!! ahh im loving this.









































































































































































































































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