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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest CallMeDayDreamer
















































































































I seriously bet that Hyun didn't know that Yong's parents are just right infront of her... :lol:

















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Guest yelina18

Thank you very much for all the translations! DDuk lalacakes insideout Thank you very much for the goodies! *send gogumas* OMG! I really loves their conversation in here. Purely sweet and adorable! Aigo you two~ Can't you just married for real already? :lol:

How come these two look so gorgeous while sleeping? Seriously, makes my day!

*quoted image*

Another scene which gave me sudden goosebumps :P Yonghwa~ah, why didn't you move forward, just to tease her a bit. :P

*quoted image*

totally agree w/ you, why didn't he moved forward!!! gosh imagining it made me .... . . . i don't know how describe the feeling bwahahahaha

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Guest gita_23





i'm so frustated right now!!!! reading all the comment, the place i went got bad net connection, just to open this thread took me a while and all the screen cap won't appear at all :( , so i can read the comment but i can't see the picture!!! i'm dying here!!!! anyone help me :tears:




hi, ratu...




we have the same problem :(








*sorry coz i dont have any solution for u*





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Guest yongseo_fighting


Hi, Dduk, thanks a lot for your effort in this translation. This is such a long episoe and I am seriously impressed by how fast you translated this for us. It is not an easy task and you seriously made my day. I can off to sleep peacefully dreaming bout uri couple tonight. Thanks to insideout as well for your fast translation. Thanks to you both for being such a kind hearted soul and selfless gogumas... Saranghaeyo...wub.gif


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To CallMeDaydreamer......what's up with him lately???  He's fallen for Hyun, Day and he can no longer suppress his emotions that's why he's been dropping cheesy lines....:w00t:

















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:rolleyes:Just wanted to randomly SPAZZZ a bit! 

Just finished watching Busan episode - it was AWESOME, AMAZING, DAEBAK!

We get to actually see them at three different times - latest: banmal song, somewhat earlier: Busan trip, then WOW! Seohyunie fan at CN Blue concert - It's finally confirmed, and this was during the 'push and pull' time, when Yong had cut off communication with Hyun!   She actually made the first attempt to 'reconnect' with him by going to his concert!  THIS WAS BEFORE THE 'BEAUTY SHOP' episode when they finally got a chance to talk about why Yong had started maldang! Think about it, he doesn't call, doesn't contact her, but SHE goes out of her way to get to his concert (this was also Tiffany's b'day, right?) and wait for him backstage.   She was so cute posing as just another fangirl!

On the train, Hyunnie was so cute, so preciosu, if I was Yong I would have hugged her all up............ 

Yong's Mom is so pretty and Seohyunie - she is just so pretty & cute!  What Mom wouldn't love to have her as a daughter-in-law?:) 


Why doesn't Yong hold her hand and comfort her in the train station?  She is literally freaking out about meeting his Mom and he doesn't seem to really offer her any support and comfort!   And why didn't he sit in the back seat with her in the car?   I don't know, sometimes he seems a little distant to Hyun.  But anyway, they look good together and comfortable!   haven't seen all the English transalations yet, so I'll probably be back later with more spazzing!

I love Yongseo, they make me happy and warm inside!   Yaaayyy!          

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Guest anne0129








































TRANSLATIONS FOR THIS SWEET SWEET EPISODE OF OUR COUPLE~<3 Note: The words bracketed as so <..> indicate the caption.! Fellow gogumas, I need to go watch Secret Garden soon (kekekkeke) so I may or may not translate the other 2 parts, depending on if there is still a need for complete translations!
































Part 1 (based off putputys video)
































<Finally it is time to to check the banmal song UCC!>
































YH: What the? Are these pictures?
































SH: Eh?
































YH: What is this?
































<Could it be that they were taking pictures this whole time??>
































SH: Oh, this is it.
































SH: Please!
































<Will it have been filmed to their liking..>
































<Narration part!>
































YH: I can't watch this.
































MC: When you watch those things together, you always end up looking at yourself.
































JW: That's right!
































SO: And when you watch yourself singing your expression keeps changing..
































YH: I really can't watch this!
































<They finally upload the video to the internet..!>
































SH: Did you upload it?
































YH: No, it's uploading it's uploading!
































SH: Ah, what do we do!
































MC: The deed has already been done, the situation has spread!
































YH: When we upload this, people from around the world can see it.
































<Finally starting to upload it at 2AM..>
































<While waiting for the video to upload..>
































YH: We have to let other people know about this video.
































SH: I have someone in mind,
































SH: It's someone that knows a lot about music.
































YH: Oh really? Who is it?
































SH: It's someone I really respect.
































MC: Who could it be??
































SSH: Yes?
































SH: Sunbae nim~
































SSH: Yes? SH: Hello, this is SNSD's Seohyun!
































MC: Oh it's a guy!
































SSH: Oh yes, Seohyun.
































MCs: Oh yes, Seohyun?!
































<This voice..?>
































SH: Do you happen to know the Yongseo couple?
































SSH: Of course~
































YH: Hello sunbae nim, it's Yonghwa!
































SSH: Oh hi Yonghwa!
































<It is the sunbae singer of 20 years, Shin Seung Hun!>
































MC: I never knew that Shin Seung Hun was close to SNSD.
































YH: We composed and wrote the lyrics of our own song and uploaded it.
































SSH: Oh really?
































SSH: I want to hear it!
































YH: It's our first time doing this so... it's really..
































YH: Should we sing.. should we sing the chorus for you briefly?
































SH: ... should we sing it?
































SSH: Ah, yes sing it for me!
































































MC: They must be nervous.
































MC: Because they have to sing it for their sunbae.
































SSH: Wait..
































SSH: You guys are singers, right?
































SH: Wait a second!
































YH: Our keys are different right now..
































SO: It's really nervewrecking to sing in front of a sunbae!
































SH: What are you doing!
































YH: It's low!
































SSH: So is the song like that?
































SSH: I hope that we what are you doing~!
































YH: Something like that..
































SSH: Oh! It's pretty good! Really!
































SSH: The melody is very good.
































YH&SH: Thank you.
































SSH: I'll be sure to listen to it.
































YH&SH: Thank you!
































SH: Please be healthy!
































SH: Ah, Shin Seung Hun sunbae nim..
































YH: Then I should call Go Mi Nam as well.
































<Park Shin Hye, who acted alongside Yonghwa in "You Are Beautiful">
































SH: Ah, Park Shin Hye unni?
































YH: Yeah.
































SH: Really? Wow!
































PHONE: You are calling someone who is out of the country, a fee will apply.
































YH: What?
































SO: You need to hang up!
































JW: You should hang up at that point.
































PSH: Hello?
































YH: Go Mi Nam~
































PSH: Yah! What the??
































YH: It's been a while. Are you overseas?
































PSH: I'm shooting a drama in Taiwan right now.
































YH: Oh really?
































YH: Hey Go Mi Nam! Seohyun is next to me right now~
































PSH: Ah, hello~
































SH: Hello, this is SNSD's Seohyun!
































<The two people shyly greet each other>
































PSH: Hello, this is Park Shin Hye!
































PSH: Yah! Did you happen to... call me at this hour to brag that you have a wife??
































YH: To brag about my wife, and also another reason came up to call you.
































PSH: What is it?
































YH: You know youtube right?
































YH: We're uploading a video of me and Seohyun together
































PSH: -laughs-
































YH: Why are you laughing!
































PSH: To a lonely single.. you're totally calling to brag!
































YH: Sorry Shin Hye, I've been busy.
































PSH: Among CN Blue, aren't their members who are the same as you Seohyun shi?
































[NOTE: attaching "shi" at the end of a name makes it more formal]
































SH: Yes there are
































PSH: Can you not lower your speech to those members either?
































SH: Well since they are friends of the same age, I can use banmal.
































PSH: Yonghwa must be really jealous!
































MC: Ah, she knows very well~
































PSH: Yonghwa gets jealous very easily!
































SH: Are there other things that I should know about Yonghwa oppa?
































PSH: First off, he's very weak to compliments.
































PSH: When people don't greet him brightly, his mood will be down the whole day!
































MC: Did I greet him brightly last time?
































SH: Ah that's right~
































PSH: If you just remember those things, Yonghwa will do everything else for you Seohyun shi.
































SH: Ah, thank you.
































YH: Thanks ShinHye, at this late hour..
































PSH: I'm gonna search for the UCC and wait for it, without sleeping!
































<Park Shin Hye really did leave a reply!>
































JM: Watching that.. it's okay if I watch it right?
































YH: Oh of course!
































<Hyun's guitar mentor, Jungmo of Trax>
































SH: It'll sort of make you cringe.
































JM: Well because I'm worried that Yonghwa will get jealous again..
































YH: Hyung! I really don't get jealous!
































[NOTE: hyung is a Korean term that guys use towards older guys that they are close to]
































JM: He was really jealous last time.
































JM: Oh and did you really buy our album? Last time you said that you were going to.
































YH: I was waiting for it hyung!
































JM: And don't make our Seohyun cry..
































YH: Hyung! I won't!
































JM: Always be good to her
































JS: What are you two doing! At this late hour!
































<Everyone's friend, Jungshin chingoo>
































JS: I hope that you guys have a good night~!
































<And a few days later..>
































[NOTE: all these captions refer to the popularity of the video, based off parodies, views, etc.]
































<The Sangsadong banmal song goes global!>
































<The scene of CN Blue's first concert this past summer!>
































<Hyun is here?!>
































<Without telling her husband, she waits in the dressing room with a CN Blue placard!>
































MC: Ah, she went in the summer when they had a concert!
































JS: Seohyun!
































SH: Ah, good job!
































JH: Hurry and hide!
































SH: I'm a fan, please give me an autograph!
































SH: Yonghwa oppa~! I'm a fan, please give me an autograph!
































YH: I don't have an autograph!
































YH: You saw it? Where were you?
































SH: In the second floor, at the very end.
































<Hyun quietly watched the concert from afar>
































<And at this moment..!>
































YH: Mother! Oh, hyung!
































<The in-laws have arrived!>
































MC: It's her mother-in-laws!
































YH: This is my wife!
































MC: His mother is so pretty!
































Mom: Oh hello!
































<The shy first meeting with the in-laws!>
































YH: My father, my mother, and my older brother!
































Mom: You should come to Busan one day
































YH: I really want to..
































Dad: I'll buy you delicious food!
































MC: Oh their father is very handsome!
































<The first encounter with the in-laws..!>
































<"You should come to Busan >
































<And 4 months later..>
































<Seoul Station, 7AM>
































SH: I get confused going back and forth from Japan
































YH: What?
































MC: Oh they're going to Busan?
































YH: Wait, where are our seats?
































YH: Train 11, Seats 11C!
































MC: Look at Seohyun's hair! Tied up without any loose strands!
































MC: Since she has to go to her in-laws and greet her mother-in-law.
































MC: It's a difficult position!
































MC: She looks just like a daughter-in-law!
































SH: Thank you~
































YH: Okay have fun!
































YH: This is 11C.
































SH: Why did you wear glasses?
































YH: I bought it yesterday!
































SH: Oh it looks nice!
































YH: Can't I wear it?
































<They even brought their sweet potatoes to give their in-laws>
































YH: This is the sweet potatoes that we sowed.
































YH: Aren't you excited to be going to Busan?
































SH: Yes..
































YH: I've heard the rumors!
































SH: what Rumors?
































YH: Rumors about what you’re going to do when you meet my parents.
































SH: that… is … right…
































<meeting the in-laws … she was asking around>
































MC: She is probably very nervous.
































SH: I’m a little bit worried.
































MC: Have you met them?
































MC: Of course! Is there anything that I haven’t done?
































YH: what are you worried about? Is my mom scary?
































SH: No, its not like that… but….it a little…
































<Thinking about her mother-in-law is making her nervous>
































SH: Oh I’m a little nervous.
































YH: My father isn’t at home right now. (business trip I’m guessing)
































SH : OH really?
































YH: isn’t that going to be more relaxing for you?
































































MC: to be frank, it’s the father-in-law who gives it a more relaxing atmosphere.
































MC: but in some instances its good to be close with the mother in law first.
































<it’s important to be friends w/ the mother inlaw first>
































YH: do you not like my dad?
































SH: NO! I like your dad.
































YH: you like him?
































<the husband who is making his wife feel awkward>
































YH: how many times have you met him to say that you like him?
































SH: Once.
































<But she still replies…>
































SH: I saw him but I think his AURA (or presence) is really good.
































YH: oh really?
































MC : yeah , the father seemed like a good person.
































SH: and your mother was very beautiful.
































<and with that, we are off to see the mother in law.>
































YH: since we are meeting in the morning, you like that?
































SH: yes
































SH: What are we going to do today ( at Busan).
































YH: when we get to Busan, we have do important things.
































SH: please tell me.
































YH: we have to meet my parents, then my grandma,
































































YH: then meet my Aunt
































































YH: You have to meet my other Aunt:
































SH: why are you doing this?
































<the already nervous girl who is getting more nervous by YONG>
































YH: we have to meet them throughout the whole day.
































MC: oh this brings back memories. That person’s house was in Busan. I also took the train to get there.
































MC: oh taking the train ride back by yourself would have been so hard.
































SH: hurry, except that where are we going?
































SH: Fish! (sushi)
































YH: you want to eat sushi?
































SH: I think I have to eat it.
































YH: you’re going all the way to Busan why are you going to eat fish?
































SH: Then what are we supposed to eat?
































YH: since we are in Busan we have to eat hamburgers.
































SH: Oh what?
































<just then!>
































MC: he is playing around again.
































YH: you look like you’re going to hit me.
































< got punished and is now nervous>
































YH: Joohyun ah~ you have this side to you…
































YH: It’s been a while since I went away
































SH: yeah you are right. Then, when I first speak with your mother, I greet her with the Busan accent!
































<MC’s in the studio try the accent>
































YH: ok lets try it. Is it different between girls and boys?
































SH: oppa, how do you say hello?
































YH I just say…. Parents… oh you came?
































<Busan Yonghwa greeting >
































SH: oh! Why do you say it like that? (I’m guessing so bluntly and informally)
































YH: it’s not like that…
































SH: Oh Mom, You came.
































<Yonghwa teacher is teaching us his accent>
































YH: it’s not like that… it’s a lot of words bunched up into one.
































YH: Oh, mother have you been doing well? + Oh Mother, I missed you. Is all rolled up into one. Mother, when did you get here?
































<mother have you been doing well + Oh mother I’ve missed you = MOTHER YOU CAME?!>
































SH: what is that!?
































YH: it’s the truth
































SH: So, what , right when I meet her I say Mother you came?
































YH: oh no, for you it’s different.
































<in a different version>
































YH: Hello mother, I really wanted to meet you.
































SH: I really wanted to meet you
































<serious, serious>
































YH: Mother
































SH: Mother
































YH: I REALLY wanted to SEE you.
































< the caption says when to raise the word up.>
































SH: I REALLY wanted to SEE you.
































YH: wanted TO SEE you. SH: wanted TO SEE you.
































<does an unintentional wave>
































YH: oh it’s good. You do it well.
































SH: do I do it well?
































YH & SH: Mother! I REALLY wanted to SEE you.
































YH: this how my mother speaks. OH~ Seohyun HELLO~ Please take care of yonghwa
































<full of ayego>
































<ayego aeygo aeygo>
































YH: Please treat me well, you don’t have to worry.
































SH: that, I’ll tell her later.
































YH: then what…
































SH: oh it’s nothing.
































<the eyes met>
































YH: Don’t smile with the eyes.
































SH: I am not.
































YH: my heart is beating faster because of it.
































SH: OHHHh@!~~@!((~)*)!^&!
































SH: mother,
































<Practicing the Busan accent seriously>
































SH: (w/ the accent) I really wanted to see you. Have you been well?
































YH: you do it well.
































SH: I do it well?
































YH: yeah. You have to greet her like that.
































SH: I understand
































< will she be able to do it?>
































YH: Oh right I bought a present.
































SH: what kind of present?
































<OH? Husband has prepared a present?>
































YH: wait a sec.
































MC: without any warning, what is the present?
































YH: when I was off buying my mother a present, I bought myself one and bought one for you. MC: OHH I like how he just randomly brought it out.
































YH: my mom said she needed a pair of sunglasses so I bought that and I bought you a pair of glasses.
































SH: really? REALLY
































YH: yeah really.
































<it’s not a special day and the husband bought her a present>
































YH: Open it. <just then!> YH: what?! SH: Something feels suspicious.
































YH: Glasses are suspicious? <Seohyun is happy>
































SH: I understand. 1 2 3!
































YH: I bought it, I bought it, I bought it.
































































YH: They cut the price down. My rims are blue and yours is SNSD color.
































MC: oh so that is why Yonghwa was wearing glasses.
































MC: so it’s just to say that he bought the glasses.
































SH: *makes heartbeat noise* tada!
































YH: you have to unwrap one more layer.
































SH: … there are a lot of Layers. Ohh! It’s pretty!
































<pretty couple glasses>
































SH: thank you
































YH: try it on.
































SH: but glasses really don’t look good on me
































YH: Even if it doesn’t look good, try them on. Why do you pretend that you don’t wear glasses?
































<what is this story?>
































SH: I don’t wear glasses.
































YH: you did wear them before.
































SH: no I don’t.
































YH: I remember many years ago,
































SH: I did wear them many years ago.
































YH: Yeah, I saw you in a shop wearing them.
































<he saw her many years ago in a shop?!>
































YH: you probably don’t remember. I was still then a trainee SH: really?
































YH: I can’t forget you in a bookstore reading a book with glasses on.
































<was it a fan?>
































YH: everyone was sleeping but you were reading. I felt that you were special (somewhat different) from that moment on. Red glasses.
































<embarrassed> MC: oh she remembers!
































YH: I want to forget it but I can’t
































SH: I shall try it on. Oh but it really doesn’t work on me.
































YH: it’s ok.
































<extremely careful >
































YH: oh it.. it’s good.
































SH: it’s ok?
































YH: it looks good on you (2x) SH:
































Do you have a mirror?
































YH: My eyes?
































SH: I don’t see anything. But anyway thank you so much.
































YH: it looks good.
































SH: It looks good? You sure? YH: it looks good.
































MC: She looks good, she looks pretty.
































SH: it’s awkward!
































<she is cute> SH: I understand, since you bought it for me I have to wear it.
































SH: now it’s getting hot, I have to take this off. I have something that I was wondering about.
































YH: ask me a little bit later.
































SH: alright.
































<person passes by>
































YH: so what is it?
































SH: Oh what is this? YH: what is said between us, I don’t want others to hear it.
































































MC: ohhh! Why is he like that again.
































YH: what is it? Tell me quickly! SH raises her hands
































<what is this?>
































YH: what is this?
































SH: I’ve seen something funny.
































YH: what have you seen that is funny?
































SH: *in a Busan accent* DON’T FILM ME!!
































MC: ohh it’s the video of him during his High School years, before he debuted.
































<filmed with a friends cellphone camera.>
































*I can’t make out what the MC’s are saying.*
































YH: it was during my 2nd year in High school.
































SH: that video was really funny.
































< the wife who is curious about her husband’s friends>
































SH: do you still meet up with those friends?
































YH: I do called them. But most of them are in the army.
































SH: Oh the army. <when they arrive at Busan will the meet some of Yong’s friends?>
































SH: tada!
































<from the train ride before, the couple sleep masks>
































MC: ah~ I remember those.
































SH: then, I’ll be sleeping. <here, here>
































YH: Seohyun, right here, right here.
































MC: OHHH! He’s telling her to lean on his shoulder.
































YH: right here
































































YH: don’t smear your makeup on me though
































SH: oh really… <aigoo, husband>
































SH: I got it.
































YH: Seohyun, It’s a white shirt.
































MC: oh but he is saying not to get any makeup on his shirt. Why does he have to say unnecessary things?
































MC: oh she leaned on him
































































MC: oh! Look at them!
































SH: oh REALLY! I’ll be sleeping.
































YH: Sleep well Seohyun.
































MC: oh they get really close to each other!
































<her neck looks like it might hurt a bit>
































YH: it’s ok now?
































SH: yes, I’m comfortable.
































<the couple that fell asleep while traveling to Busan.>
































YH: sleep well
































SH: Ok
































YH: give me some cover too.
































MC: oh~ you can hold hands under the cover
































MC: I’m so jealous! Do you want to cover up with my skirt?
































<the woken up people>
































SH: Mother! I really wanted to meet you.
































<practicing her greetings to her mother in law>
































MC: she is practicing huh?
































MC: she is keeping practicing.
































YH: have you been well?
































MC: Lizzy, you’re from Busan.
































Lizzy: Oh I can do it well.
































MC: talking in a Seoul accent is hard
































Lizzy: I can do it completely well!
































SH: the weather all of a sudden became nice
































YH: it’s because we are in Busan. Oh it’s Busan! It’s Busan!
































































On the microphone: Please get your belonging ready….
































YH: I got it.
































<Finally they are in Busan!>
































YH: welcome to dynamic Busan!
































<calling mother as soon as they get off the train>
































YH: mother where are you?
































YHmom: OHHH YONGHWA! I’m outside! You already came?
































YH: we got off
































(as in we got off the train)
































MC: I have a feeling that all Busan moms sound like that.
































<outside the co-op is the mother in law.
































MC: Yonghwa sounds really excited
































<on >
































SH: mother!
































<worrying about her Busan accent greeting>
































YH: Mother!
































Lizzy: mother!
































MC’s: mother.
































SH: MOTher, Have you BEEN DOING Well?
































YH: Oh~! Seohyun! Have you ever lived in Busan before?
































SH: I just learned it
































YH: I JUST learned it
































SH: I JUST learn it
































MC: it’s fun when talking in a Busan accent.
































<Even walking out to she is still…>
































MC: yeah it’s fun its like learning a new language.
































SH: mother,
































<Busan accent practice>
































<even looking at a mirror>
































<practicing smiling>
































YH: wow It’s been a while since I’ve been here.
































SH: oh! And the weather is nice! <after riding down the escalator, it is busan!>
































SH: Mother…
































<found her>
































































SH: oh! Hello!
































<finally! Meets the mother!>
































YH: oh wow! Mother looks really cool today.
































SH: Hello! <the warmly greeting mother.>
































YHmom: it’s nice to meet you!
































































YH: you look so cool!
































SH: really! You look so pretty!
































































<as soon as she gets off, she greets with a Busan greeting>
































YH: She practiced her accent to say that to you.
































YHmom: oh really!? Say it again.
































SH: MOTher, I REALLY wanted TO SEE you
































YHMom: Oh really!?
































<busan lady approves>
































MC: Yonghwa’s mom s really beautiful.
































YH: You came out looking cool!
































YHmom: This is how I originally look! Anyway my daughter in law was coming today, I had to look nice!
































SH: have you been doing well?
































YHmom: yes, I have been doing well. You’re hungry right?
































SH: yes, a little bit.
































YHmom: lets go eat something really good today.
































MC: its like seeing a mom and daughter together. And yonghwa looks like… another relative
































MC: but seeing this is more beautiful
































<seeing his wife is in first>
































<Yong’s mom is in the drivers seat>
































YHmom: shall we go?
































YH: lets go!
































YHmom: have you even been to Busan before?
































SH:I have but I never got the chance to look around.
































YHmom: what do you want to see the most?
































SH: Haeundae (a little city/town by the beach)
































YHMom: oh really!?
































YH: REALLY? My mom has a lot of Aeygo.
































SH: yes! I really like it.
































<the worried whistle>
































YHmom: I couldn’t sleep well yesterday.
































YH: Why? Is it because I was coming down today?
































YHmom: No, besides you. I kept thinking of Seohyun.
































SH: Oh really?!
































MC: oh yonghwa must have felt sad
































YHMom: I don’t have any daughters. I have never been introduced to a girlfriend before.
































MC: REALLYL? SH: really?
































YH: you’re the first girl.
































YHMom: what am I supposed to do….when I meet Seohyun do I have to raise my voice?
































SH: please speak however makes you more comfortable.
































YHmom: but for some weird reason I keep talking in banmal.
































SH: thank you very much.
































YHMom: I can speak in Banmal right?
































































MC: I have to do that to later on when I see my daughter in law. I can speak in banmal right?
































MC: OH! It’s so scary/awkward!
































YH: Before Seohyun was preparing her greetings, insisting on greeting you with a busan accent.
































YHmom: you didn’t say it.
































YH: no she did it…
































YHMom: oh she did it.
































YH: Seohyun, try it again once more.
































SH: right now?
































YHmom: can you do again?
































SH: I can do it well. MOTher, HAVE YOU BEEN well?
































YHMom: It’s a little bit weird
































<fully honest mother>
































YHMom: It’s a little weird. Original version is… Mother, have you been doing well?
































YHMom: Ahh It’s BEEN a WHile
































YH: oh this is the important part,
































YH & YHMom: AH,~ It’s been a while
































< both with full blown Aeygo> Everyone: Ahh it’s been a while!
































<finally arrived>
































YH: Looks very cool
































MC: Kka lee Ah Nae ( same this as cool in seoul dialect but kka lle ah nae is in the busan dialect)
































YHMom: Is this place suitable for you?
































SH: yes! It’s very pretty!
































YH: yahh it’s really nice.
































SH: So you grew up here looking at all of this. I envy you. Ah~ it’s nice
































Store owner: HELLO!
































YH: sit down~
































SH: yes
































YHMom: is it suitable for you?
































SH: yes, it’s so pretty
































YHMom: when you’re at home, the mother should come and make good food….
































SH: oh it’s alright.
































YHMom: Next time I’ll cook you something really nice at home.
































YH: I’ll do it~ (aeygo )
































YHMom: am I acting strangely?
































MC: oh ~ the mom is adorable.
































<nervous OH look>
































MC: during that time, the man has to loosen the tension.
































YH: are you uncomfortable?
































SH: no I’m not, why are you doing this?
































































SH: I wrote it down.
































<Truthfully, she wrote down questions in her diary>
































SH: I wrote it down in my diary, but
































MC: She did write everything.
































SH: but when I look back and think about it, it looked like as if it was an interview, back then I said wait a minute, looked down then asked another question back then. I just wrote them down and said that I just have to remember them. But as soon as I sat down… I couldn’t remember any of the questions.
































<Just then everything went blank!>
































1)when yong was a child, what kind of child was he during, kindergarden, elementary, junior high and high school?
































2) what did yong like back then
































MC: It feels exactly like an interview
































SH: yep. ACK!
































YHMom: I suddenly feel like a old woman. You coming down with your wife.
































YH: I was already a grown man.
































<in front of his parents he is playful>
































YHMom: Yonghwa is always playful
































SH: but even then he still takes care of me
































YH: I’m not a playful person.
































SH & YHMom: You are a playful person. SH: What was he like when he was younger?
































YHMom: when yong was younger? He was a very lovable child? Where ever he goes, everyone loved him He is my son.
































YH: I was a lovable kid.
































YHMom; Yonghwa doesn’t call you much does he?
































SH: oh yes.
































YHMom: at the beginning I was really sadden by that. ( I really don’t understand this part SRRY GUYS!) But I think that that is Yonghwa’s style. Deep inside he does have the feelings
































MC: Usually that’s applies all sons
































YHMom: you do that to her too ?
































YH: no, You’re comfortable…
































SH:… probably… SH: when we are here he have to do well!
































YHMom: Please call often!
































YH: Alright….
































SH: Let all the feelings out to your parents.
































<I did well right?>
































<you did well>
































YHMom: when I went to your dorm, there was the kimchi that you made Seohyun.
































<the kimchi that Hyun made…>
































MC: you remember this!? Sea water kimchi!
































<sea water kimchi!>
































YHMom: when I first saw it I was surprised. This kimchi box looks sort of weird. This is kimchi…..but it looks sort of off..
































SH: It was really my first time make it so I put too much salt in it.
































YH: you learn one thing at a time. I ate all of it, Seohyun. I ate it deliciously.
































SH: really?
































YHMom: it would be fine if it ripens and it would taste cool.
































YH: pwahah taste cool.
































SH: did you taste it?
































YHMom: yes.
































































































YHMom: it has the taste of kimchi!
































MC: it prob. Tasted like it b/c it is made from cabbage.
































MC: her face became all red.
































YHMom: have you learned how to cook?
































SH: I do have a lot of interest in cooking but I haven’t been able to try cooking. But I am now.
































YHMom: Like what?
































MC: OHHHH like what!?!
































YHMom: Oh my goodness, I sound like a stereotypical mother in law!
































SH: kimchi-stew, and Curry.
































YHMom: ohh Curry is the easiest to make,
































SH: to tell you the truth I can’t cook that well. But I would like to learn from you and make a delicious meal.































































Needed to do this so to collate all the translations for easier reading. hehehe! Thanks to LalaCakes and Dduk for the translations.









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Guest one_isa






Hey Guys!:) i compiled what Lalacakes, -insideout and Dduk have translated so credits to them! 


<Finally it is time to to check the banmal songUCC!>


YH: What the? Are these pictures?


SH: Eh?


YH: What is this?


<Could it be that they were taking picturesthis whole time??>


SH: Oh, this is it.


SH: Please!


<Will it have been filmed to their liking..>


<Narration part!>


YH: I can't watch this.


MC: When you watch those things together, youalways end up looking at yourself.


JW: That's right!


SO: And when you watch yourself singing yourexpression keeps changing..


YH: I really can't watch this!


<They finally upload the video to theinternet..!>


SH: Did you upload it?


YH: No, it's uploading it's uploading!


SH: Ah, what do we do!


MC: The deed has already been done, the situationhas spread!


YH: When we upload this, people from around theworld can see it.


<Finally starting to upload it at 2AM..>


<While waiting for the video to upload..>


YH: We have to let other people know about thisvideo.


SH: I have someone in mind,


SH: It's someone that knows a lot about music.


YH: Oh really? Who is it?


SH: It's someone I really respect.


MC: Who could it be??


SSH: Yes?


SH: Sunbae nim~


SSH: Yes?


SH: Hello, this is SNSD's Seohyun!


MC: Oh it's a guy!


SSH: Oh yes, Seohyun.


MCs: Oh yes, Seohyun?!


<This voice..?>


SH: Do you happen to know the Yongseo couple?


SSH: Of course~


YH: Hello sunbae nim, it's Yonghwa!


SSH: Oh hi Yonghwa!


<It is the sunbae singer of 20 years, ShinSeung Hun!>


MC: I never knew that Shin Seung Hun was close toSNSD.


YH: We composed and wrote the lyrics of our ownsong and uploaded it.


SSH: Oh really?


SSH: I want to hear it!


YH: It's our first time doing this so... it'sreally..


YH: Should we sing.. should we sing the chorus foryou briefly?


SH: ... should we sing it?


SSH: Ah, yes sing it for me!




MC: They must be nervous.


MC: Because they have to sing it for their sunbae.


SSH: Wait.. 


SSH: You guys are singers, right?


SH: Wait a second!


YH: Our keys are different right now..


SO: It's really nervewrecking to sing in front ofa sunbae!


SH: What are you doing!


YH: It's low!


SSH: So is the song like that?


SSH: I hope that we what areyou doing~!


YH: Something like that..


SSH: Oh! It's pretty good! Really!


SSH: The melody is very good.


YH&SH: Thank you.


SSH: I'll be sure to listen to it.


YH&SH: Thank you!


SH: Please be healthy!


SH: Ah, Shin Seung Hun sunbae nim..


YH: Then I should call Go Mi Nam as well.


<Park Shin Hye, who acted alongside Yonghwa in"You Are Beautiful">


SH: Ah, Park Shin Hye unni?


YH: Yeah.


SH: Really? Wow!


PHONE: You are calling someone who is out of thecountry, a fee will apply.


YH: What?


SO: You need to hang up!


JW: You should hang up at that point.


PSH: Hello?


YH: Go Mi Nam~


PSH: Yah! What the??


YH: It's been a while. Are you overseas?


PSH: I'm shooting a drama in Taiwan right now.


YH: Oh really?


YH: Hey Go Mi Nam! Seohyun is next to me rightnow~


PSH: Ah, hello~


SH: Hello, this is SNSD's Seohyun!


<The two people shyly greet each other>


PSH: Hello, this is Park Shin Hye!


PSH: Yah! Did you happen to... call me at thishour to brag that you have a wife??


YH: To brag about my wife, and also another reasoncame up to call you.


PSH: What is it?


YH: You know youtube right?


YH: We're uploading a video of me and Seohyuntogether


PSH: -laughs-


YH: Why are you laughing!


PSH: To a lonely single.. you're totally callingto brag!


YH: Sorry Shin Hye, I've been busy.


PSH: Among CN Blue, aren't their members who arethe same as you Seohyun shi? [NOTE: attaching "shi" at the end of aname makes it more formal]


SH: Yes there are


PSH: Can you not lower your speech to thosemembers either?


SH: Well since they are friends of the same age, Ican use banmal.


PSH: Yonghwa must be really jealous!


MC: Ah, she knows very well~


PSH: Yonghwa gets jealous very easily!


SH: Are there other things that I should knowabout Yonghwa oppa?


PSH: First off, he's very weak to compliments.


PSH: When people don't greet him brightly, hismood will be down the whole day!


MC: Did I greet him brightly last time?


SH: Ah that's right~


PSH: If you just remember those things, Yonghwawill do everything else for you Seohyun shi.


SH: Ah, thank you.


YH: Thanks ShinHye, at this late hour..


PSH: I'm gonna search for the UCC and wait for it,without sleeping!


<Park Shin Hye really did leave a reply!>


JM: Watching that.. it's okay if I watch it right?


YH: Oh of course!


<Hyun's guitar mentor, Jungmo of Trax>


SH: It'll sort of make you cringe.


JM: Well because I'm worried that Yonghwa will getjealous again..


YH: Hyung! I really don't get jealous! [NOTE: hyungis a Korean term that guys use towards older guys that they are close to]


JM: He was really jealous last time.


JM: Oh and did you really buy our album? Last timeyou said that you were going to.


YH: I was waiting for it hyung!


JM: And don't make our Seohyun cry..


YH: Hyung! I won't!


JM: Always be good to her


JS: What are you two doing! At this late hour!


<Everyone's friend, Jungshin chingoo>


JS: I hope that you guys have a good night~!


<And a few days later..>


[NOTE: all these captions refer to the popularityof the video, based off parodies, views, etc.]


<The Sangsadong banmal song goes global!>


<The scene of CN Blue's first concert this pastsummer!>


<Hyun is here?!>


<Without telling her husband, she waits in thedressing room with a CN Blue placard!>


MC: Ah, she went in the summer when they had aconcert!


JS: Seohyun!


SH: Ah, good job!


JH: Hurry and hide!


SH: I'm a fan, please give me an autograph!


SH: Yonghwa oppa~! I'm a fan, please give me anautograph!


YH: I don't have an autograph!


YH: You saw it? Where were you?


SH: In the second floor, at the very end.


<Hyun quietly watched the concert from afar>


<And at this moment..!>


YH: Mother! Oh, hyung!


<The in-laws have arrived!>


MC: It's her mother-in-laws!


YH: This is my wife!


MC: His mother is so pretty!


Mom: Oh hello!


<The shy first meeting with the in-laws!>


YH: My father, my mother, and my older brother!


Mom: You should come to Busan one day


YH: I really want to..


Dad: I'll buy you delicious food!


MC: Oh their father is very handsome!


<The first encounter with the in-laws..!>


<"You should come to Busan >


<And 4 months later..>


<Seoul Station, 7AM>


SH: I get confused going back and forth from Japan


YH: What?


MC: Oh they're going to Busan?


YH: Wait, where are our seats?


YH: Train 11, Seats 11C!


MC: Look at Seohyun's hair! Tied up without anyloose strands!


MC: Since she has to go to her in-laws and greether mother-in-law.


MC: It's a difficult position!


MC: She looks just like a daughter-in-law!


SH: Thank you~


YH: Okay have fun!


YH: This is 11C.


SH: Why did you wear glasses?


YH: I bought it yesterday!


SH: Oh it looks nice!


YH: Can't I wear it?


<They even brought their sweet potatoes to givetheir in-laws>


YH: This is the sweet potatoes that we sowed.


YH: Aren't you excited to be going to Busan?


SH: Yes..


YH: I've heard the rumors! 


SH: what Rumors?


YH: Rumors about what you’re going to do when youmeet my parents.


SH: that… is … right…


<meeting the in-laws … she was askingaround>


MC: She is probably very nervous.


SH: I’m a little bit worried.


MC: Have you met them? 


MC: Of course! Is there anything that I haven’tdone?


YH: what are you worried about? Is my mom scary?


SH: No, its not like that… but….it a little…


<Thinking about her mother-in-law is making hernervous>


SH: Oh I’m a little nervous.


YH: My father isn’t at home right now. (businesstrip I’m guessing)


SH : OH really?


YH: isn’t that going to be more relaxing for you? 




MC: to be frank, it’s the father-in-law who givesit a more relaxing atmosphere.


MC: but in some instances its good to be closewith the mother in law first.


<it’s important to be friends w/ the motherinlaw first>


YH: do you not like my dad?


SH: NO! I like your dad.


YH: you like him?


<the husband who is making his wife feelawkward>


YH: how many times have you met him to say thatyou like him?


SH: Once.


<But she still replies…>


SH: I saw him but I think his AURA (or presence)is really good.


YH: oh really?


MC : yeah , the father seemed like a good person.


SH: and your mother was very beautiful.


<and with that, we are off to see the mother inlaw.>


YH: since we are meeting in the morning, you likethat? 


SH: yes


SH: What are we going to do today ( at Busan).


YH: when we get to Busan, we have do importantthings.


SH: please tell me.


YH: we have to meet my parents, then my grandma, 




YH: then meet my Aunt




YH: You have to meet my other Aunt:


SH: why are you doing this?


<the already nervous girl who is getting morenervous by YONG>


YH: we have to meet them throughout the whole day.


MC: oh this brings back memories. That person’shouse was in Busan. I also took the train to get there.


MC: oh taking the train ride back by yourselfwould have been so hard. 


SH: hurry, except that where are we going?


SH: Fish! (sushi)


YH: you want to eat sushi?


SH: I think I have to eat it.


YH: you’re going all the way to Busan why are yougoing to eat fish?


SH: Then what are we supposed to eat?


YH: since we are in Busan we have to eathamburgers.


SH: Oh what?


<just then!>


MC: he is playing around again.


YH: you look like you’re going to hit me.


< got punished and is now nervous>


YH: Joohyun ah~ you have this side to you…


YH: It’s been a while since I went away


SH: yeah you are right. Then, when I first speakwith your mother, I greet her with the Busan accent!


<MC’s in the studio try the accent>


YH: ok lets try it. Is it different between girlsand boys?


SH: oppa, how do you say hello?


YH I just say…. Parents… oh you came? 


<Busan Yonghwa greeting >


SH: oh! Why do you say it like that? (I’m guessingso bluntly and informally)


YH: it’s not like that…


SH: Oh Mom, You came.


<Yonghwa teacher is teaching us his accent>


YH: it’s not like that… it’s a lot of wordsbunched up into one.


YH: Oh, mother have you been doing well? + OhMother, I missed you. Is all rolled up into one. Mother, when did you get here?


<mother have you been doing well + Oh motherI’ve missed you = MOTHER YOU CAME?!>


SH: what is that!?


YH: it’s the truth


SH: So, what , right when I meet her I say Motheryou came?


YH: oh no, for you it’s different. 


<in a different version>


YH: Hello mother, I really wanted to meet you.


SH: I really wanted to meet you


<serious, serious>


YH: Mother


SH: Mother


YH: I REALLY wanted to SEE you. 


< the caption says when to raise the wordup.>


SH: I REALLY wanted to SEE you.


YH: wanted TO SEE you.


SH: wanted TO SEE you.


<does an unintentional wave>


YH: oh it’s good. You do it well.


SH: do I do it well?


YH & SH: Mother! I REALLY wanted to SEE you.


YH: this how my mother speaks. OH~ Seohyun HELLO~Please take care of yonghwa


<full of ayego>


<ayego aeygo aeygo>


YH: Please treat me well, you don’t have to worry.


SH: that, I’ll tell her later.


YH: then what…


SH: oh it’s nothing.


<the eyes met>


YH: Don’t smile with the eyes. 


SH: I am not.


YH: my heart is beating faster because of it.


SH: OHHHh@!~~@!((~)*)!^&!


SH: mother,


<Practicing the Busan accent seriously>


SH: (w/ the accent) I really wanted to see you.Have you been well?


YH: you do it well.


SH: I do it well?


YH: yeah. You have to greet her like that.


SH: I understand


< will she be able to do it?>


YH: Oh right I bought a present.


SH: what kind of present?


<OH? Husband has prepared a present?>


YH: wait a sec.


MC: without any warning, what is the present?


YH: when I was off buying my mother a present, Ibought myself one and bought one for you.


MC: OHH I like how he just randomly brought itout.


YH: my mom said she needed a pair of sunglasses soI bought that and I bought you a pair of glasses. 


SH: really? REALLY


YH: yeah really.


<it’s not a special day and the husband boughther a present>


YH: Open it.


<just then!>


YH: what?!


SH: Something feels suspicious.


YH: Glasses are suspicious?


<Seohyun is happy>


SH: I understand. 1 2 3!


YH: I bought it, I bought it, I bought it. 




YH: They cut the price down. My rims are blue andyours is SNSD color.


MC: oh so that is why Yonghwa was wearing glasses.


MC: so it’s just to say that he bought theglasses.


SH: *makes heartbeat noise* tada!


YH: you have to unwrap one more layer.


SH: … there are a lot of Layers. Ohh! It’s pretty!


<pretty couple glasses>


SH: thank you


YH: try it on.


SH: but glasses really don’t look good on me


YH: Even if it doesn’t look good, try them on. Whydo you pretend that you don’t wear glasses?


<what is this story?>


SH: I don’t wear glasses.


YH: you did wear them before.


SH: no I don’t.


YH: I remember many years ago, 


SH: I did wear them many years ago.


YH: Yeah, I saw you in a shop wearing them. 


<he saw her many years ago in a shop?!>


YH: you probably don’t remember. I was still thena trainee


SH: really?


YH: I can’t forget you in a bookstore reading abook with glasses on.


<was it a fan?>


YH: everyone was sleeping but you were reading. Ifelt that you were special (somewhat different) from that moment on. Redglasses. 




MC: oh she remembers!


YH: I want to forget it but I can’t


SH: I shall try it on. Oh but it really doesn’twork on me.


YH: it’s ok. 


<extremely careful >


YH: oh it.. it’s good.


SH: it’s ok?


YH: it looks good on you (2x)


SH: Do you have a mirror?


YH: My eyes?


SH: I don’t see anything. But anyway thank you somuch.


YH: it looks good.


SH: It looks good? You sure?


YH: it looks good.


MC: She looks good, she looks pretty.


SH: it’s awkward!


<she is cute>


SH: I understand, since you bought it for me Ihave to wear it. 


SH: now it’s getting hot, I have to take this off. I havesomething that I was wondering about.


YH: ask me a little bit later.


SH: alright.


<person passes by>


YH: so what is it?


SH: Oh what is this?


YH: what is said between us, I don’t want othersto hear it.




MC: ohhh! Why is he like that again. 


YH: what is it? Tell me quickly!


SH raises her hands


<what is this?>


YH: what is this?


SH: I’ve seen something funny.


YH: what have you seen that is funny?


SH: *in a Busan accent* DON’T FILM ME!!


MC: ohh it’s the video of him during his HighSchool years, before he debuted. 


<filmed with a friends cellphone camera.>


*I can’t make out what the MC’s are saying.*


YH: it was during my 2nd year in High school. 


SH: that video was really funny.


< the wife who is curious about her husband’sfriends>


SH: do you still meet up with those friends?


YH: I do called them. But most of them are in thearmy.


SH: Oh the army.


<when they arrive at Busan will the meet someof Yong’s friends?>


SH: tada!


<from the train ride before, the couple sleepmasks>


MC: ah~ I remember those.


SH: then, I’ll be sleeping.


<here, here>


YH: Seohyun, right here, right here.


MC: OHHH! He’s telling her to lean on hisshoulder.


YH: right here




YH: don’t smear your makeup on me though


SH: oh really…


<aigoo, husband>


SH: I got it.


YH: Seohyun, It’s a white shirt.


MC: oh but he is saying not to get any makeup onhis shirt. Why does he have to say unnecessary things?


MC: oh she leaned on him




MC: oh! Look at them! 


SH: oh REALLY! I’ll be sleeping.


YH: Sleep well Seohyun.


MC: oh they get really close to each other!


<her neck looks like it might hurt a bit>


YH: it’s ok now?


SH: yes, I’m comfortable.


<the couple that fell asleep while traveling toBusan.>


YH: sleep well


SH: Ok


YH: give me some cover too.


MC: oh~ you can hold hands under the cover 


MC: I’m so jealous! Do you want to cover up withmy skirt?


<the woken up people>


SH: Mother! I really wanted to meet you.


<practicing her greetings to her mother inlaw>


MC: she is practicing huh?


MC: she is keeping practicing.


YH: have you been well?


MC: Lizzy, you’re from Busan.


Lizzy: Oh I can do it well.


MC: talking in a Seoul accent is hard


Lizzy: I can do it completely well!


SH: the weather all of a sudden became nice


YH: it’s because we are in Busan. Oh it’s Busan!It’s Busan!




On the microphone: Please get your belongingready….


YH: I got it.


<Finally they are in Busan!>


YH: welcome to dynamic Busan!


<calling mother as soon as they get off thetrain>


YH: mother where are you?


YHmom: OHHH YONGHWA! I’m outside! You alreadycame?


YH: we got off (as in we got off the train)


MC: I have a feeling that all Busan moms soundlike that.


<outside the co-op is the mother in law.


MC: Yonghwa sounds really excited


<on >


SH: mother!


<worrying about her Busan accent greeting>


YH: Mother!


Lizzy: mother!


MC’s: mother.


SH: MOTher, Have you BEEN DOING Well?


YH: Oh~! Seohyun! Have you ever lived in Busanbefore?


SH: I just learned it


YH: I JUST learned it


SH: I JUST learn it


MC: it’s fun when talking in a Busan accent.


<Even walking out to she is still…>


MC: yeah it’s fun its like learning a newlanguage.


SH: mother, 


<Busan accent practice>


<even looking at a mirror>


<practicing smiling>


YH: wow It’s been a while since I’ve been here.


SH: oh! And the weather is nice!


<after riding down the escalator, it isbusan!>


SH: Mother…


<found her>




SH: oh! Hello!


<finally! Meets the mother!>


YH: oh wow! Mother looks really cool today.


SH: Hello!


<the warmly greeting mother.>


YHmom: it’s nice to meet you!




YH: you look so cool!


SH: really! You look so pretty!




<as soon as she gets off, she greets with aBusan greeting>


YH: She practiced her accent to say that to you. 


YHmom: oh really!? Say it again.


SH: MOTher, I REALLY wanted TO SEE you


YHMom: Oh really!?


<busan lady approves>


MC: Yonghwa’s mom s really beautiful.


YH: You came out looking cool!


YHmom: This is how I originally look! Anyway mydaughter in law was coming today, I had to look nice!


SH: have you been doing well?


YHmom: yes, I have been doing well. You’re hungryright?


SH: yes, a little bit.


YHmom: lets go eat something really good today.


MC: its like seeing a mom and daughter together.And yonghwa looks like… another relative


MC: but seeing this is more beautiful 


<seeing his wife is in first>


<Yong’s mom is in the drivers seat>


YHmom: shall we go?


YH: lets go!


YHmom: have you even been to Busan before?


SH:I have but I never got the chance to lookaround.


YHmom: what do you want to see the most?


SH: Haeundae (a little city/town by the beach)


YHMom: oh really!?


YH: REALLY? My mom has a lot of Aeygo.


SH: yes! I really like it.


<the worried whistle>


YHmom: I couldn’t sleep well yesterday.


YH: Why? Is it because I was coming down today?


YHmom: No, besides you. I kept thinking ofSeohyun.


SH: Oh really?!


MC: oh yonghwa must have felt sad


YHMom: I don’t have any daughters. I have neverbeen introduced to a girlfriend before.




SH: really?


YH: you’re the first girl.


YHMom: what am I supposed to do….when I meetSeohyun do I have to raise my voice?


SH: please speak however makes you morecomfortable.


YHmom: but for some weird reason I keep talking inbanmal.


SH: thank you very much.


YHMom: I can speak in Banmal right?




MC: I have to do that to later on when I see my daughter in law.I can speak in banmal right?


MC: OH! It’s so scary/awkward!


YH: Before Seohyun was preparing her greetings,insisting on greeting you with a busan accent. 


YHmom: you didn’t say it.


YH: no she did it…


YHMom: oh she did it.


YH: Seohyun, try it again once more.


SH: right now?


YHmom: can you do again?


SH: I can do it well. MOTher, HAVE YOU BEEN well?


YHMom: It’s a little bit weird


<fully honest mother>


YHMom: It’s a little weird. Original version is…Mother, have you been doing well?


YHMom: Ahh It’s BEEN a WHile


YH: oh this is the important part,


YH & YHMom: AH,~ It’s been a while


< both with full blown Aeygo>


Everyone: Ahh it’s been a while!


<finally arrived>


YH: Looks very cool


MC: Kka lee Ah Nae ( same this as cool in seouldialect but kka lle ah nae is in the busan dialect)


YHMom: Is this place suitable for you?


SH: yes! It’s very pretty!


YH: yahh it’s really nice.


SH: So you grew up here looking at all of this. Ienvy you. Ah~ it’s nice


Store owner: HELLO!


YH: sit down~


SH: yes


YHMom: is it suitable for you?


SH: yes, it’s so pretty


YHMom: when you’re at home, the mother should comeand make good food….


SH: oh it’s alright.


YHMom: Next time I’ll cook you something reallynice at home.


YH: I’ll do it~ (aeygo )


YHMom: am I acting strangely?


MC: oh ~ the mom is adorable.


<nervous OH look>


MC: during that time, the man has to loosen thetension.


YH: are you uncomfortable?


SH: no I’m not, why are you doing this?




SH: I wrote it down.


<Truthfully, she wrote down questions in herdiary>


SH: I wrote it down in my diary, but 


MC: She did write everything.


SH: but when I look back and think about it, itlooked like as if it was an interview, back then I said wait a minute, lookeddown then asked another question back then. I just wrote them down and saidthat I just have to remember them. But as soon as I sat down… I couldn’tremember any of the questions.


<Just then everything went blank!>


1)when yong was a child, what kind of child was heduring, kindergarden, elementary, junior high and high school?


2) what did yong like back then


MC: It feels exactly like an interview


SH: yep. ACK!


YHMom: I suddenly feel like a old woman. Youcoming down with your wife.


YH: I was already a grown man.


<in front of his parents he is playful>


YHMom: Yonghwa is always playful


SH: but even then he still takes care of me


YH: I’m not a playful person.


SH & YHMom: You are a playful person.


SH: What was he like when he was younger?


YHMom: when yong was younger? He was a verylovable child? Where ever he goes, everyone loved him He is my son.


YH: I was a lovable kid.


YHMom; Yonghwa doesn’t call you much does he?


SH: oh yes.


YHMom: At first I was really sad,wondering if I had a one-sided love with him... but I think Yonghwa's style isjust like that. He thinks about everything and wants to do it, but...he doesn'treally express it. He does that to you too Seohyun-ah, doesn't he?


YHMom: you do that to her too ?


YH: no, You’re comfortable…


SH:… probably…


SH: when we are here you have to do well!


YHMom: Please call often!


YH: Alright….


SH: Let all the feelings out to your parents. 


<I did well right?>


<you did well>


YHMom: when I went to your dorm, there was thekimchi that you made Seohyun.


<the kimchi that Hyun made…>


MC: you remember this!? Sea water kimchi!


<sea water kimchi!>


YHMom: when I first saw it I was surprised. Thiskimchi box looks sort of weird. This is kimchi…..but it looks sort of off..


SH: It was really my first time make it so I puttoo much salt in it. 


YH: you learn one thing at a time. I ate all ofit, Seohyun. I ate it deliciously. 


SH: really?


YHMom: it would be fine if it ripens and it wouldtaste cool. 


YH: pwahah taste cool.


SH: did you taste it?


YHMom: yes.






YHMom: it has the taste of kimchi!


MC: it prob. Tasted like it b/c it is made fromcabbage.


MC: her face became all red.


YHMom: have you learned how to cook?


SH: I do have a lot of interest in cooking but Ihaven’t been able to try cooking. But I am now.


YHMom: Like what?


MC: OHHHH like what!?!


YHMom: Oh my goodness, I sound like astereotypical mother in law!


SH: kimchi-stew, and Curry. 


YHMom: ohh Curry is the easiest to make,


SH: to tell you the truth I can’t cook that well.But I would like to learn from you and make a delicious meal. 


 Thanks Dduk for the full translation. We, gogumas, really appreciate this!



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Guest sally7
































































































































































thank you DDuk lalacakes insideout and all translator
































































































this episode cute if only watching the scene but when we know what they're talking about it's 10 times better full of sweet, fun and warm.
































































































scene I like the most is BTS from CN Blue concert never expect to witness it before really surprise
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































more capture































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I think yong do everything to comfort hyun's nervous as you said holdhand and hug but PD edited it out ;P
































































































and about yong don't sit at back seat with hyun of couse it's impolite for driver in the case that car isn't taxi. especially this case the driver is yong's mom he must sit beside her it's proper thing to do
































































































































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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































to all the translators and uploaders of links and screen-caps, thank you very much for your effort, everything were really impressive and fast. ( i will not mention names, i might miss someone) sweatingbullets.gif
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i am overwhelmed  by all of your determination and love to your fellow gogumas. hope you will continue to do so because your global goguma villagers really really really loves all of you. always be safe and be healthy!!! fighting!!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































spread the yongseo love globally, villagers.  no doubt, they are really destined to be together!!!wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest andyhitman




Hi everyone! I've got 2 questions for today's episode. One is something for the goguma FBIs to find.




1) Okay but first, ever wonder why they changed to sleeping in the glasses which is more uncomfortable then the sleeping maks halfway? Interesting right? Or the PD requested and they did double take aka double filming for the same scene.




2) Okay and the second thing is the video Seohyun mention. Anyone can locate that video? Hahaha. I think it will quite hard. It means Seohyun searches for her hubby in her spare time. And less time on books. haha.




On another note, I think that the way the PD kept the news of Seohyun attending the concert secret till now(except for the fact that goguma detectives here alr cracked it long ago) means he might have plenty of secret footage which I've no idea what he intends to do with. Maybe something special at their wedding? Which is.. 3/4 episodes from now? Correct me if I'm wrong. A month plus to the wedding! Footage like Seohyun clapping her hands in one round when theyw ere having prawns etc.. All those edited away footage.




Ok anyway, gogogo detectives. Go and hunt down Yonghwa's "Dont Film Me" high school video that made Seohyun laugh so much! hahaha!



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hello i just came from school and this is the first thing i checked! and of course our latest episode... its DAEBAK.. i didn't understand the whole of it but i was smiling like crazy the whole time w00t.gif






































































































































omg!about the part that yong nampeon already saw seohyun during his trainee days... i had goosebumps.. its like destiny... that in the right time they'd meet...i really can't get over it wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif






































































































































...the thing i like most about yong is that he remembers the smallest thing about his wife... the little requests she says and the cute little gestures she has... and the look and smile he has everytime he looks at his wife.. its beyond words.... wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif






































































































































gogumas!!!! this is love!!!!!!!!! wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif






































































































































ps: yong's parents are both goodlooking.. no wonder he's goodlooking..








































and now i know where he got his chodingness wub.gif






































































































































thank you to those who transcribed biggrin.gif









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Guest Crystal392














Thanks DDuk, Lalacakes for the translations :D Thanks soo much!






























There are soo many things to spazz about...I just finished watching the latest ep and I think it's one of my faves :D






























they were super cute while filming 'Banmal song' YT video... I loved when Yong touched Hyun's shoulder <3 and they were soo cute calling their friends ^^






























Finally we got to see some little video of Hyun~ at CNBLUE first Korean concert... and also Yong's family (such a good looking family!).






























The train ride was awesome, the red glasses story was sooo cute... Yong is so romantic :wub: and Hyun was soo cute practicing how to speak using Busan accent ^_^ I laughed when she raised her hand to hit him and he flinched :lol:






























Yong's mom is sooo pretty... meeting a mother-in-law is soo nerve-racking. Awww Hyun~ was the first girlfriend Yong's mom has met ^_^ when Yong's mom asked her "like what (Hyun's cooking skills)" I had a deja-vu of lots of Kdramas xD hahaha and she was soo cute saying "I sound like a sterotypical mother-in-law" :lol:






























I kept squealing during the whole ep... <3






























Thanks to everyone for the screencaps and everything you've shared!! ♥




























































andyhitman: About your second question. I will try to look for that video of Yong with his friends in Busan. Actually it was quite popular, specially during YAB season, YAB cast (specially ShinHye and HongKi) kept teasing YongHwa (you can see it on YAB BTS videos) and did the same gestures with their hands (like bunny ears xD).










CNBLUE Yonghwa with friends on a bus




















luvtokki: Yong's way to show comfort is to joke and make her smile. I remember it was very similar to the first time Hyun met his CNBLUE brothers. Remember he began to talk as if he were SeoHyun and the CNBLUE boys had arrived? (kind of like a parody)... that's just his way of showing comfort ^^ About him not seating at the back seat with her, well dreamyboo already explain that xD My dad isn't from Asia but he is the same, everytime I go with him somewhere he wants me to sit next to him because he says if not he feels like a driver xD










dreamyboo: Such a cute story :)



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whoaa...sincha daebak ep!!! thanks so much for the quick trans Dduk & lalacakes~! u guys are jjang! :D

nazweena, hhaha ur 2nd cap makes me imagine things when uri yongseo are alone in the train! :ph34r: fuhhhh dangerous mind here! xD

janis, interesting point u've got there about yong saying this & then later on, he's saying another thing. haha from my experience, i find it quite normal to have some guys saying the same facts differently & sometimes they do say it wrongly (IDK, my boyfriend has that tendency... i asked him why & he said that he's just not good at explaining/expressing himself well & sometimes he does accidentally say some stuffs wrongly -.-"... but it's ok, i know his heart & he's mine... so it doesn't matter) :sweatingbullets: haha i guess that's what happened to uri yong keeke!

shawie, magdal... talking about fate! uri yongseo is a very good example of fate! this brings me back to memory land~! :wub: uri yongseo reminds me of myself actually, so this is my story & POV... it's not very interesting, so it's in the spoiler ^____^

i 1st met my boyfriend (bf) in a friend's gathering. i happened to be taken back then. while he just broke up. but the 1st time i saw him, my heart went dugeun dugeun! he was sooo cute back then!!! :wub: he was popular amongst girls. at that time he just broke up with hisw girlfriend (gf). and somehow we immediately had some kinda electricity going about. my friends & all of us, we were playing some kinda childish game. the game's objective was to have all hands on top of each other at the shout of "start" or whatever, and the last hand on top will hafta be punished. ironically, our hands kept on being on top or below each other most of the time! gosh i could still feel the sensation of having his hands on top or below mind LOL!

the next day, my friend excitedly told me that, "hey, that guy's interested in u... he asked who's that shy & quiet girl in green" wahahhaa my pure & innocent look at that time caught his eyes! i was sooo ecstatic to know that such a cute guy was interested in me!? 'cause that was the 1st time in my live that a flower boy is looking at my direction LOL! well, i was quite a simple young girl. not very pretty & not ugly. maybe attractive? haha i don't dare to judge myself.

and so, i couldn't believe that he tried to woo me although he knew i was already taken. he went to my tuition to pay a visit & even went to my friend's b'day party! but since i was & still am the loyal type... i gently pushed his offer. that was the last time i see nor hear about him. come to think of it, he was quite a jerk! -.-" after a while, i heard he got back with his ex. and i eventually broke up with my puppy-love-bf. then, i had a few other relationships for a few years before something happened.

my last bf before my now bf was the best bf i've ever had. that was what i thought then. and so, i was sooo heart broken that he broke up with me that i, being a girl who doesn't like to stay lonely for a long time, went to try hook myself up with some guy to ease the pain (LOL i know, i was quite terrible -.-"). somehow, i got his (my now bf) phone number... and since i was into flower boys i thought i could just hook up with him & play around till my pain is gone. thank goodness he broke up with his ex! 'cause we somehow clicked so well even after a few years of no contact!

we went out for about a month before we officially dated. i found out that he was actually quite a jerk despite his good looks unlike uri yong! but i endured it 'cause of his good looks (what was i thinking?! :crazy: ). we broke up & got back into the relationship many times. the funny thing was that, although we broke up many times... our relationship lasted like that for 4 years before our final SERIOUSLY BIG BREAK UP. i got tired of him for being so full of himself (well, we both had flaws that we didn't improve). since i was the type who used to pls him... during the BIG BREAK UP, i totally ignored him. i guess he wasn't expecting that from me. this reminded me of yongseo's mildang period. i was pushing him till he proved himself worthy to get back to my side.

majority told me not to get back into the relationship. i was in a dilemma. we both had gone a long way. and to throw it all away just like that despite our shortcomings, was very hard to do. i find this phrase very true. IT TAKES TWO HANDS TO CLAP. IMO, fate or not, it's all in ur hands... u get to choose the life u want to live in & be responsible for it. as for me, i took the risk to be with him despite his many shortcomings. ever since then, we both learned how to be a better person for each other & we are still continuing to do so. now, four years after the BIG BREAK UP, he has just proposed to me. kekekeke gosh, i can't believe we've been together for 8 years! almost a decade... :w00t:

so what do i think of yongseo? it may seem like they're fated for each other but in truth, fate is in their hands. it might take them many miles before they reach their destination. and i hope that destination of theirs is to be together for real. :wub:

omigosh sorry for telling u about my history! i can't believe i just did that! :ph34r:




sorry, IDKW the images won't appear even after i've inserted it in INSERT IMAGE. soompi just won't let me <_<

luvtokki, in some asian cultures (from the malaysian chinese perspective though i'm not sure in other asian countries)... it's rude to have the front seat vacant. it'll make yong's mom look like a driver instead of his mom. if u know what i mean. ^^

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Guest seolove




wow i really love today episode!all of them was like my favourite part!bwahaha!w00t.gif





but actually,i'm happier today coz i bought a book that hyun give to yong which the tittle is A LETTER TO SAM.





just read about 40 pages and all i can tell is hyun never fail to make me fall in love with the book.


It's a story *well not exactly a story* about a grandpa's letter to his grandson,SAM who got Autism problem.





for Malaysian,u can get it at any Popular Bookstores at only RM30.50.u wont regret if u read it.


(why do i act like a promoter?haha)blink.gif





Yongseo is love~



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Guest wallpaperfood

luvtokki, about Yong not sitting in the backseat with Hyun, I think it's a respect thing - I don't know if it's to do with culture or not, (my family is from Malaysia, not Korea btw), but I was always taught that there should always be someone to accompany the driver in the other front seat (unless the person is actually an official driver, I guess). I think that's why Yong sat there - otherwise it's like letting his mom be the "driver" =S . Hope that explains it :)

About the red glasses story - I'm curious as to why he only told her of it now. I thought he would have said this sort of thing at their first few meetings to be more comfortable/familiar with each other. Maybe he thought it'd be too forward, lol. Or maybe he just recently remembered it when he bought the glasses? (as in, the vision was floating around somewhere at the back of his mind~) ^^. Whatever it is, that sounded so sweet <3

I think I would be slightly intimidated by MIL, as nice/warm/friendly as she is - she's so chic! lol!! And the last bit of conversation would make me churn if I was in Seohyun's shoes - simply because my cooking is around the same level...hahahaha. She really did sound like the stereotypical MIL then! And Yong is such a mama's boy hehe. Mother and son are realllly alike as well. She also has a very playful personality! Especially with the "original version..." :P

andyhitman, yeh Hyun stalks Yong more than she reads now - I was thinking that the whole time! haha. ANd omg she was so cute laughing and teasing Yong! The way she clapped her hands was so $%^&*% cuuuute! If I were Yong, I would have wanted to bundle her up really round like a ball and squeeze her cheeks hahha...-.-" (I just can't help "awww"ing at Hyun's roundish head today, enhanced even more by the specs!)

Fluorescent.Flower, omg I didn't notice Yong's parents near Hyun at the concert! That is so hilarious. Dad was like, wt...?

And aww, I loved it when Yong also brushed his head against Hyun's after viewing their banmal vid, even if it was for like, a split second. <3 THat was my fave part of the whole ep.


omg I had meant to thank Dduk and Lalacakes first! THANK YOU! You were so fast - and it was a loooong ep with a lot of talking! Much appreciated :D

dreamyboo, thnx (?) for sharing ur history - great to see it's going well now <3

seolove, I'm so going to buy the book now hehe

charmonster OMG the cap u posted is making spazz with really wild stuff going on in my head right now!!!!! phwoarrrrrrr hahahha

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Guest soshisoshisoshi
















Ahh, from your comments and caps, I'm curious about the whole interaction between Yong's mother and Hyun. I missed the live streaming and wow! I guess it's a long episode............ gonna watch it now rightaway!! thanks fo translations guys!! you deserve many GOGUMAS!! :lol:
















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Hi everyone! I've got 2 questions for today's episode. One is something for the goguma FBIs to find.
































1) Okay but first, ever wonder why they changed to sleeping in the glasses which is more uncomfortable then the sleeping maks halfway? Interesting right? Or the PD requested and they did double take aka double filming for the same scene.
































2) Okay and the second thing is the video Seohyun mention. Anyone can locate that video? Hahaha. I think it will quite hard. It means Seohyun searches for her hubby in her spare time. And less time on books. haha.
































On another note, I think that the way the PD kept the news of Seohyun attending the concert secret till now(except for the fact that goguma detectives here alr cracked it long ago) means he might have plenty of secret footage which I've no idea what he intends to do with. Maybe something special at their wedding? Which is.. 3/4 episodes from now? Correct me if I'm wrong. A month plus to the wedding! Footage like Seohyun clapping her hands in one round when theyw ere having prawns etc.. All those edited away footage.
































Ok anyway, gogogo detectives. Go and hunt down Yonghwa's "Dont Film Me" high school video that made Seohyun laugh so much! hahaha!































































1) I was wondering about that too. Maybe they did filmed it again or maybe its just editing?lol. i dunno. I am sure the goguma FBI will come out with a better explaination.
































2)The video is not hard to find , its been around for a while now, I remembered seeing it during YAB days.:-)but ahhh hyun must've watched tons of Yong vids to have come across this.
































so here goes
































YongHwa and friends
































I love Yong for making a huge effort to make hyun comfortable around his mom. He had this huge grin plastered on his face when hyun and his mom were conversing. Yong mum is right it felt real as if she was meeting her real daughter in law for the first time. His mom is so adorable and so friendly ,i think hyun will feel really comfortable in a short time.
































In the car when his mom talked about bringing a girl friend home and yong said that seohyun was the first, i thought that it was an epic moment.lol.
































Uggghh i am so incoherrant right now and spazzing like crazy i can't type well.lol.I'll have to review this episode again and write out readable review soon.lol. Thanks guys for sharing!





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Guest charmonster










Just some randomness from me... laugh.gif






When I saw this cap from sally7.. It's seems like Hyun was going to cover Yong's face with that towel and then her hands falls in his shoulder while Yong was going to grab her by the waist and pull her closer to him..sweatingbullets.gif 






Hahaha.. laugh.gif sorry for my random thoughts.. blush.gif *imagination going wild* wub.gif






& credits to sally7 for the cap.. (sorry for borrowing it..sweatingbullets.gif)









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Guest shinhdeplol

Yongseo couple travels to Busan to meet Yonghwa’s mother


On this week’s episode of MBC’s “We Got Married,” the Yongseo couple of CNBLUE’s Yonghwa and SNSD’s Seohyun traveled via train to the Korean coastal port city of Busan. The couple traveled there to visit Yonghwa’s mother.

On the way there, Seohyun practiced Busan’s satoori and Seohyun seemed a bit nervous on the prospects of visiting her mother in law. Yonghwa also gave Seohyun a present of red glasses, he stated that she can look similar to him if she wore the glasses. Seohyun was thankful for the gift but retorted that she doesn’t really look good wearing glasses. Yonghwa also mentioned that a few years ago he saw Seohyun wearing a similar red frame glasses while she was reading a book and he hasn’t forgotten about that look. When Seohyun finally wore the glasses, Yonghwa stated that she looked good. Seohyun requested a mirror and Yonghwa replied that she could use his eyes as mirrors.

When the couple finally met Yonghwa’s mother, many fans were surprised to see that Yonghwa’s mother was so beautiful and elegant. Yonghwa’s mother was quite happy to see Seohyun and held her hand while walking to the car before they head to a restaurant. Yonghwa’s mother also stated that Seohyun needed some work on her satoori. Check out the episode below!

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Tip: sachiko erin

Photo credit: My스타뉴스

Taken from: Allkpop

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