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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest LennieYongseo




haiii all .. have you read articles that there was no ADAM Couple tomorrow? so that uri YONGSEO and khuntoria couple will get 30 minutes? but it seems ADAM couple will appear on 15'th jan full (if I'm not mistaken).and in my opinion 60 minutes to parting adam couple is good choice :) HWAITING ADAM COUPLE..!!





can not wait for tomorrow! huwaaaaaaaaaa ~ ~ like in the preview 6sec, looks like they will upload banmal song via their laptops ..? then Busan trip! huwaaaaaaa~~ can not wait to watch, how seo baby could sleep on the Yonghwa shoulders .. Yonghwa offering or Seohyun want to ..? > <


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hiii :)








































fighting for your exam :)








































actually i'm like that too.. hhe... YongSeo illness :wub:








































everytime i working my task in my laptop.. I always watch YongSeo episode.. even my task is in very crucial time :sweatingbullets:








































I cant far from YongSeo.. hhe...








































Welll... just taking example from our YongSeo...








































like... "huwaaa... seohyun must be super duper busy with her schedule, but can do her task as student very well... "  and "yonghwa shows  his hard work".. Make our YongSeo couple as a role model of our study tooo :)








































hhe.. sorry for my bad english :sweatingbullets:








































Cant wait for tommorow:rolleyes:









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oso coming out from my lurking mode...aigooo don't understand y ppl keep bashing other couple.y can't they be like me.i still like yongseo the most.but i do <3 khuntoria n adam 2...i even love all the couple from WGM season 1..of all, every couple hv their own uniqueness n oso fans..so please take care of the other couple fans feeling...we dont want ppl to say tht yongseo fans r rude..

p/s: please at least put any -ve comment in spoiler so tht ppl tht don't want to read ur comment can skip it

can imagine how adam fans feel right now...but can't imagine how will us react when yongseo leave the show later...anyway like nazweena noona said...hopefully the friendship will last forever

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Guest Sara92
















thank you,,, at least I found someone who is feeling like me,,,blush.gif







I'll work hard on my exams..from now I'll do my duty as a student ^_^ then tomorrow at 1:00 pm Dubai UAE time I'll watch WGM ....:wub:







thanX chingo for your support :D


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I Can't continue my life like this...TT^TT~ :unsure:
































































































































































































































































I have a dangerous illness "Yongseo Fan" ~~:wub:
































































































































































































































































I can't study,,, my final exams are next week... GOD help me!!!:(
































































































































































































































































whenever I open my books I'm thinking that maybe there is something new :w00t: about our couple,,, TT^TT
































































































































































































































































I'm hopeless TT^TT~:(
































































































































































































































































can any one give me an advice,,, I'll be thankful :tears:































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Actually I wanted to address this addiction issue quite long ago as I have realised that there are more young Yongseo fans in here whom I assume are still studying in school.
































































































































































































































































Since you have mentioned that next week are your final exams, I have 2 solutions for you and it is up to you to decide as it is your own future and for your parents' happiness.
































































































































































































































































1. Today, start to unplug your laptop and keep your laptop away. Your study table should not have any distractions. Study for this week until your exams are over. Tell yourself you can be as determined as Seohyun, you will not succumb to temptations and thus focus on your first priority, which is your exams. At the end of the exmas, you won't have the sucky feeling of "oh-no-I-should-have-study-harder-but-my-time-was-wasted-on-my-computer". After exams, watch those episodes which you have missed and you would feel a sense of achievement.
































































































































































































































































2. Work hard and play hard. Learn how to draw a line and set priorities. Draft a timetable for the week, plan ahead tasks for each hour of the day. Put computer and Yongseo in a slot probably in the evening or at night(most Yongseo soompiers visit soompi at around 7pm to 11pm KST), but make sure the number of hours spent on studying is about 3 to 4 times more than the hours spent on the computer in a day. Stick closely to your timetable.
































































































































































































































































Your confidence on the subject and exams grow when you study regularly. Tell yourself you will study hard for yourself, family and for Yongseo. It is just for 1 week.=)) After exams, you can make Yongseo videos, fanarts, fanfictions or re-watch all Yongseo episodes to reward yourself for being such a discipline Yongseo fan.

































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Guest MountainMadman

Dropping off the translation for the preview:

Yonghwa ♡ Seohyun: We came to Busan~!!

The YongSeo brand 'Banmal Song' finally uploaded after a lot of troubles!

Who are Yonghwa ♡ Seohyun's surprise guests to spread it all over the world?

And their surprise thoughts being revealed, Yong is the master of jealousy?

Yonghwa ♡ Seohyun taking the train and leaving for Busan, Yong husband's hometown!

His mother says she will greet the couple at Busan station~

Yong husband excited to be going back home vs. Hyun wife nervous at meeting her mother-in-law!

Receives a satoori [dialect] lesson from Yong to be friendlier with her mother-in-law~

Will she able to perfectly emulate (?) Busan satoori in front of her?

Eating lunch at a sushi restaurant with a great view!

What is "my son's secret(?)" that Yong's mother revealed?

Also, since it was kinda buried a few pages back...I updated Love Story with another chapter.


EDIT: @crystalblue:

I know, right?? GAH. I'm hopeless on a pair of wooden sticks strapped to my leg, no question about it. As for my username, well...it goes back a long ways, to elementary school...I have sentimental attachment to it.


EDIT #2: couldn't agree more with what you said, jastubee. Disconnect from the Internet, change your Facebook password, and keep reminding yourself that YongSeo will still be there when you get back! Good luck on your exams, everyone (including me...)! :)

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Guest MamiJune
















I've been reading this thread for months, sharing all of the marvellous artwork, blessings, love and effort made / rendered by the sincere goguma shippers .......  I do love these two youngsters, YongSeo, and all of you goguma friends here !!!












This is the first time I post my message in soompi, as finally, I can't help sharing some of my thoughts with you all, Yonghwa and Seohyun just in case if they would pop in and read this thread by chance ...... 












I was also born on 28th June, same birthday with Seohyun and Minhyuk, but I'm already over 40 and be eligible as the mom of all of these wonderful kids. Though I am not blood type A, when I look at Seohyun in WGM and other korean variety shows in the recent time, I do recall a lot of the old memories when I was young : we got similar character, had good academic result (I once cried in the teachers' room when I got 2nd in class), a fast learner (I was the representative of various school teams but not a top expert), no interest in boys (or maybe didn't have time to think about boys ^_^), "stubborn" / sticking to a lot of principles and not easy to let go, a perfectionist, being the centre of attention / being loved by a lot of the seniors & peers etc 












From my personal point of view, I believe, Seohyun has already been touched by his sincerity, thoughtfulness, patience and love. It just takes time for her to express herself well as she's got no experience in her first love affair and really doesn't know what to do .......  












Do you know what a "hermit crab" is ? Seohyun is a typical cancerian and it's not easy for her to leave the "hermit / shell / home" which is her safest place ........ if she offers her love and committment to you, they are meant for life long ........ 












Please rest assured that the love she gives to her beloved, her husband, her kids and family, as time goes by, would be much more than you can imagine ......  












My sincere words for these two youngsters :  












Yonghwa - you are an exceptional good guy in various aspects and has been doing very well all along ...... but please think again seriously and ask yourself whether you do commit to loving and protecting her forever ........ or if you feel burdensome, please don't take her love ........ 












Seohyun - many of my friends said that my appearance is feminine but my inner self is very tough, much stronger than many of the boys - I think you should be the same ! ........ Remember not to put too much responsibility and burden on your shoulders, let somebody take care & love you from the bottom of his heart and love yourself more in the years to come ......... 












Am I talking a bit "far" ?? ^_^    ......... anyway, nobody can tell what tomorrow would be as there are too many stuff and uncertainties which are far beyond our control and anticipation .......   Yonghwa and Seohyun - do follow your pure hearts, treasure the time when you're together and feel no regret .......  












My personal wish : hope you two become a real couple, share all of your happiness and bitterness along the road of life, love and support each other until the end ........  












(P.S. back to lurker mode and wish my daughter & I can go to South Korea again very soon)



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Guest szoku85






Hey Guys I just read from the SNSD official forum that Seohyun  is releasing a single for Paradise Ranch OST. 


Don't know if that's been shared yet, but please do look out for it. I would love to support the couple in any way that I can.


Also it breaks my heart knowing the Adam Couple are separating. I hope they keep in touch tho. I wish them both the best of luck for their future and maybe get back together after they accomplished everything that they wanted. I just hope the fans would still stick together. 



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Guest soshisoshisoshi
























Actually I wanted to address this addiction issue quite long ago as I have realised that there are more young Yongseo fans in here whom I assume are still studying in school.
















Since you have mentioned that next week are your final exams, I have 2 solutions for you and it is up to you to decide as it is your own future and for your parents' happiness.
















1. Today, start to unplug your laptop and keep your laptop away. Your study table should not have any distractions. Study for this week until your exams are over. Tell yourself you can be as determined as Seohyun, you will not succumb to temptations and thus focus on your first priority, which is your exams. At the end of the exmas, you won't have the sucky feeling of "oh-no-I-should-have-study-harder-but-my-time-was-wasted-on-my-computer". After exams, watch those episodes which you have missed and you would feel a sense of achievement.
















2. Work hard and play hard. Learn how to draw a line and set priorities. Draft a timetable for the week, plan ahead tasks for each hour of the day. Put computer and Yongseo in a slot probably in the evening or at night(most Yongseo soompiers visit soompi at around 7pm to 11pm KST), but make sure the number of hours spent on studying is about 3 to 4 times more than the hours spent on the computer in a day. Stick closely to your timetable.
















Your confidence on the subject and exams grow when you study regularly. Tell yourself you will study hard for yourself, family and for Yongseo. It is just for 1 week.=)) After exams, you can make Yongseo videos, fanarts, fanfictions or re-watch all Yongseo episodes to reward yourself for being such a discipline Yongseo fan.



























hey there! that's extremely WONDERFUL advice to ALL YONGSEO FANS (including me). I think all of us always have the same addiction with this couple right??? Oh well, if only your advice came on November last year (my exam month), I would have followed your advice. I mean, the addiction is really distracting right?? :lol:. I just hope my exams result will be good because at that month I just couldn't study without looking at this thread :P














Oh, I was surprised by the sensitive issue that rose in this thread..... please keep that away will ya? the other couple's fans are still going through their hardest time right now and we should give them some respect and cheer them up. I don't mind next week's episode to be entirely for adam couple (okay I'm slightly lying to myself :P). They deserve it anyway right??





















  MamiJune............. wow your birthday is 28th of June!!  that's so cool! anyways congrats with your first post, hope you'll be  able to post more often. Also, I agree with all you points there....  good analysis! ;)























Okay back to the topic............ thanks MountainMadman for the translations. I'm really curious about this "my son's secret" hehehe. Must be something really important, since it's Yong's mother we're talking about right now! I'm also curious about Seohyun's ability to speak in Busan accent...... hehe must be quite funny to hear her accent. I wonder if we could actually see the footage of them sleeping, just like at that wonderful picture?? maybe the PD told the cameraman to sneakily film them while they are sleeping. KYAAAAA........ imaginations running wild :wub::wub:
















hope you don't mind (of course you won't mind) if I share this pic again...... It just need to be shared in every page :wub:








































sigh........... tomorrow seems soooo far away :angry:
























EDIT: OH this thing just popped inside my head. Do you guys actually realize that after many months in WGM, Seohyun has become a little bit "random". It's quite unbelievable that she sometimes burst out some random things out of nowhere and cracks up Yong..... for example this one.....
































Do you guys notice anything like this on earlier episodes??? I'm too sleepy so I just don't have an energy to do a "yongseo marathon" to look for this
















Another than that, I just watched the birthday episode and towards the end of the episode, inside the blackroom Seohyun said that Yonghwa's hand felt smaller than her dad's hand. So that makes me think "she hasn't held any guy's hand, Yonghwa was her first!"
























sorry for my random thoughts. If I don't share this right now I will forget about it later..... Sorry! :sweatingbullets:

















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Guest linh80


i just keep thinking all day about our couple. the more i think the more i am crazy. I wonder when they start so close. remember before Japan trip they are close but still really distance but now it seems no distance between them. What make Hyun so bold with skinship, that is a little bit unbeleivable if it is just japan trip. i think they must chat a lot via telefone and Yong must already tell her st, they must sms alot. i dont think they are dating but may be try to discovering and already confess some feeling to each other. that make them allite bit shy but we still the undeniable closeness.




i just think too much :rolleyes: really have to focus on my work ortherwise i can not finish on time. hm Yongseo is really dangerous. i know but too late to recognize it. tomoroow yeah Go-chun


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Guest Crystal392










Smabi: That's what we Gogumas are for... to help each other. We are a big family *hugs*


















MountainMadman: Thanks soo much for the translation :)


















jastubee: Your advice is good ;) Good luck to eveyrone who is on exams!! Gogumas fighting! ^_^


















DJHinata: I miss you girl :(


















Can't wait to see the next ep!


















Busan busan busan :D hahahaha I wonder what will Yong's mom say... I am laughing already by imagining Hyun~ trying to speak with Busan accent xD


















Welcome new Gogumas... please remember soompi rules:


















-Don't post less than 20 words.











-Don't quote pictures.











-This is a YongSeo thread, the posts must be YongSeo related. If you want to talk about Yong, Hyun, CNBLUE and/or SNSD activities non-YongSeo related remember they have their own threads.











-Don't post Banmal song Youtube views count.











-Be respectful towards Yong, Hyun, other Gogumas and other idols (if you mention them).





















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Guest ribonette

















yongseo banmal song in youtube had just reached 2 000 000  views..Gogumas are amazing to be able to make it in 1 week!!!! let's celebrate!!!  yongseo fighting!!*quoted image**quoted image**quoted image*
















that's nice to know... i'm a fan of the song and when i knew that they uploaded their ucc on youtube, 
















i immediately ask my cousin who is good in guitar playing to learn the chords of the song...
















upon hearing it, it turns out that he loves it too... hehelaugh.gif
















we check for guitar chords here in this thread then he practice it then afterwards taught it to me.. biggrin.gif
















because of this song, i became more inspired to continue learning the guitar and i'm planning 
















to learn the chords of sarang bit next time... biggrin.gif
















yongseo fans daebakkkkk!smile.gif

















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haiii all .. have you read articles that there was no ADAM Couple tomorrow? so that uri YONGSEO and khuntoria couple will get 30 minutes? but it seems ADAM couple will appear on 15'th jan full (if I'm not mistaken).and in my opinion 60 minutes to parting adam couple is good choice :) HWAITING ADAM COUPLE..!!

can not wait for tomorrow! huwaaaaaaaaaa ~ ~ like in the preview 6sec, looks like they will upload banmal song via their laptops ..? then Busan trip! huwaaaaaaa~~ can not wait to watch, how seo baby could sleep on the Yonghwa shoulders .. Yonghwa offering or Seohyun want to ..? > <

since its their farewell episode, i think its just right that the whole 1 hr

next week be dedicated to AC. and i know we'll cry with them too

hmm..good point there..

yong offers his shoulder to lean on or hyun wanting to.. ^_^

lets hope this scene doesn't get cut!

tks mountainmadman for the translation. looking forward to more.. :)

woah..few things to look forward to today..(yes! its already Sat where i live)

- yongseo's surprise guests (i wonder who they are)and

they'll spill the beans on the jealous yong..

- hyun's attempt on speaking santoori.

she tried speaking the dialect before (in HT), and it turned out funny yet adorable..

- and the best part...yong's mom revealing a secret..

deugun deugun...

mamijune, welcome. :)

i love what u shared, all of it..

yes, hyun stick-to-her-principles can also be seen as her stubborness, but i still

love her for that too..

jastubee..good advice.

to all dongsengs who are taking their exams..all the best!

self determination and self disciplined will get you far...hwaiting!

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that's nice to know... i'm a fan of the song and when i knew that they uploaded their ucc on youtube, 
























i immediately ask my cousin who is good in guitar playing to learn the chords of the song...
























upon hearing it, it turns out that he loves it too... hehe*quoted image*
























we check for guitar chords here in this thread then he practice it then afterwards taught it to me.. *quoted image*
























because of this song, i became more inspired to continue learning the guitar and i'm planning 
























to learn the chords of sarang bit next time... *quoted image*
























yongseo fans daebakkkkk!*quoted image*















































Love Light (Sarang Bit) is so much fun to play! Yonghwa has a knack for using chords that go so well together. Especially Love. That one is still my favorite. The chords are just <3. I haven't started with the Banmal Song because my guitar string just snapped lol
























soshisoshisoshi; about Seohyun randomness, I can remember very clearly that during their first meeting she just blurted out her love for goguma's. I don't have time for screencap right now, but Yonghwa said that when they were talking, she would suddenly blurt out something totally unrelated to the subject.
























Also the train trip to watch the sunrise. They were talking about her going to school and she suddenly said 'ganhyun'. Which meant 'Hyun who goes to school' or something like that lol





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Guest omgirly





















































































































































And their surprise thoughts being revealed, Yong is the master of jealousy?






































































































What is "my son's secret(?)" that Yong's mother revealed?



















































































































































































































thanks so much for dropping the preview translation, mountainmadman!! you're the best! (and for those of you who've been living under a rock all this time, go and check out his fics on livejournal! they're awesome!)






































































































seems to me like there will be a lot revealed about yong in today's episode... i am hoping all of what will be revealed will involve hyun. it seems like he manages himself and his real emotions well when they're together in front of the camera, but like i mentioned in an earlier post, maybe there's a lot more beneath the surface that he's holding back, from the audience and maybe hyun. a cute secret about his childhood revealed by his mom would be cute, but what i really want is for her to dish the dirt on him and what he really thinks about hyun, which he may have told his mom.






































































































i also hope the majority of tonight's yongseo episode will be about the busan trip. 25% - Banmal Upload, 75% - Busan, but in any case, i'll be happy with whatever we see tonight.









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my post is about this epic pic...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































once again for goguma eyes only:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i've seen it so many times but i just noticed
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































usually when they're being filmed either in a car or like in the theater or wherever they're sitting together
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the camerman always mount 2 cameras in front of their seats
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i've seen them before in the car, their apartment etc.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































in this pic 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































there is no camera equipment mounted on the seats in front of them
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































if there was we should have been able to catch the hardware attached to the seat 
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and add to that the speculation of them not wearing any mics in the pic...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































this makes me conclude even further
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































maybe this is a private picture or something that may not have been filmed...
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































i do wish for this to be the case
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































but even if ti was filmed by wgm pd's it's still spazzworhy!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































what do you guys think??
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































am i crazy & totally way off base?

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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i sure hope that pic is NOT their private pic, rxp.

just like the ring issue, after its reported that yongseo wears them outside of wgm,

we don't see them wearing it as often as before..

and i think this is to avoid the unnecc attention.

so, i'm thinking that IF that pic is taken during their wgm filming break,

won't they feel uncomfortable now that the pic is spreading everywhere?

who knows, they might be dating now and want to be discreet abt it kekeke

(my wishful thinking really)

so now that the pic is leaked out, maybe they'll keep their distance(from each other)

even more, from the public eyes..(gee, i'm thinking too much again..) kekeke

ah! where is that betting list? i think i've yet to join in..


its already 3am, and i'm still here..time to zzz...

rxp, will look forward to see u and the gang at SPD later..

but i'll be on my lurker mode ;) cheers!

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Guest Fluorescent.Flower





EDIT:  OH this thing just popped inside my head. Do you guys actually realize  that after many months in WGM, Seohyun has become a little bit "random".  It's quite unbelievable that she sometimes burst out some random things  out of nowhere and cracks up Yong..... for example this one.....

*quoted image*

Do  you guys notice anything like this on earlier episodes??? I'm too  sleepy so I just don't have an energy to do a "yongseo marathon" to look  for this

Another than that, I just watched the birthday episode  and towards the end of the episode, inside the blackroom Seohyun said  that Yonghwa's hand felt smaller than her dad's hand. So that makes me  think "she hasn't held any guy's hand, Yonghwa was her first!"

*quoted image*

sorry for my random thoughts. If I don't share this right now I will forget about it later..... Sorry! :sweatingbullets:






Lol, I realised that. Everyone has this crazy/random side to them, only  when you begin feeling comfortable with the people around you that you  steadily start letting that side out. Or maybe, it's just me. But I'm  pretty sure everyone is like that. So in a way I'm glad to see these  random thoughts come out of her, it gives her character more dimension,  plus it's a sign she's comfortable with him. And about the backroom interview where  she compared Yonghwa's hand to her father's, I really liked that part.  It's probably the best thing I've heard her say about him. She  compared her father's hand, the person whom she loves dearly to Yonghwa. Seohyun was practically stating that she's giving space to a man other than  her father in her little circle of bubble (I wouldn't go as far as  saying "heart" at the moment), I don't think even she realised  the significance of her statement. What did she say again? Oh that's  right, that Yonghwa's hand "felt a little smaller...a little warmer  than my Dad's". That's also the episode where I realised that the show  may be fake, but her feelings are a 100% real. Why? Because she included  her reality (her father) in those words. It's not every day you get those simple yet sentimental liners describing your feelings. 


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





























































































































Talking about what  rxp080100:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Well i really hope it's not a private pic. Although it may be i think that maybe since they fall sleep at the train and it's impossible that the entire time they were sleeping was recorded...maybe when the cameras went off and everyone was taking a break someone from the show took them a photo. I don't know if it's just me but there was a pic from the Busan trip when they were shooting at the beach and i saw 2 camera-men, a few more people and a photographer i guess...so..well i'm not sure...who knows...vicx.gif

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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i think they didnt mount any small cameras were because they are in a train and not their personal vehicle. and also i think i saw the mic but because its too small, its not too visible. if there isnt they prolly used the boom mic, as some variety shows are using. mounting the camera would make the seat dirty and ugly cause of the tape etc they had to use or do; their last train trip. there were no mounted camera too
















what i'd suggest is, to just wait for the episode to air later today to see if it indeed was taken during the episode. its better not to overanalyse things despite the excitement building up.
















i do feel the pic was taken when they were not recording in the train, when they decided to take a quick nap cause well,they cant be filming during the whole journey, thats prolly 5-6 hours long i'd assume. so the glasses is prolly to disguise themselves although lol anybody could tell they are yongseo especially with the entourage of cameramans and equipments and big group they are travelling with.









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