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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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so may daebak posts today!! i love it!

u guys make me take one step back and look at those memories with great fondness. :wub:

i can't write long beautiful posts like some of u, so i must thank u all

for sharing those thoughts which sometimes do come across my mind, but i just

can't put them nicely on paper.. :rolleyes:

thank u my lovely gogumas...

aisuo, ahh...your yongseo now and then caps

makes me feeling v nostalgic..hug u!


bigsmileagain, another eagle-eyed goguma. daebak!

yongseo_forever, tks for reposting the lyrics.i was actually looking for it!

ya..now i can sing along with yongseo :lol:

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Guest yongseo_forever




I'm not sure if anyone posted this before , but i'm gonna post this again :P


I'm so sorry, I do not really know who to credit , so to whoever subbed and romanized this , THANK YOU SO MUCH! :D 












gu ma wo ra neun geu mal do


an nyeong i ran mal do


nae gen neo mu eo ryeo wo yo


jeong mal gam sa hae yo


manhi ko ma wo yo


na neun I mal bakk e mot hae yo


mo deun ge cheo eum I ra seo


na sa shil eun neo mu na seo ton geol yo


mweo ra go mal hal kka


eo ttoh ke mal hal kka


na neun o neul do mang seol I jyo




eo ri seo ro ban mal ha neun sa I ga doe gi reul


a jik jo geum seo tu reu go o saek han de do


gomawoyo ra neun mal tu dae sin


jom deo chik ha ge mal eum hae jul rae




cheoeum eolbodeon geunal


suchub eun deushan neoui geu misoro


oneul-i jinamyeon gakkawo jyalkkeoya


maeil seolleneun ginaeleul hae




eo ri seo ro ban mal ha neun sa I ga doe gi reul


a jik jo geum seo tu reu go o saek han de do


gomawoyo ra neun mal tu dae sin


jom deo chik ha ge mal eum hae jul rae




o ri seo ro ban mal ha neun sa I ga doel geo ya


han geol eum ssik…cheon cheon hi da ga wa


nae du nun eum ba ra bo myeo


mal eum hae jol rae


neol sa rang hae








S: It’s so hard for me to say ‘thanks’ or ‘bye’ to you [t/n: these are informal words in Korean.]


All I can say is “thank you” or “thanks so much” [t/n: these are formal words in Korean.]


Everything is brand new to me, so I’m a little unsure


How should I say it? It’s still really awkward


Even today, I worry about it




YS: hopefully we can be a banmal relationship


though still unnatural


Y: rather than saying “gomawoyo”


let me hear more intimate words




Y: When we met for the first time


Even our smiles were shy


After today we should be closer to each other


I’m both excited and looking forward to it.




YS: hopefully we can be a banmal relationship


though still unnatural


Y: rather than saying “gomawoyo”


let me hear more intimate words


YS: we can have a banmal relationship


one step at a time, slowly walk closer


Y: look at me in the eye


can you tell me


YS: “I love you”






~~~Before singing~~~


YS: 1 2 3 Hello (Korean English Japanese Mandarin Thai). We are Yongseo couple…


Y: I’m Yong


S: I’m Seohyun


Y: What have we prepared today, Hyun?


S: Today we prepared a couple song that we, the Yongseo couple, wrote personally, called the ‘Banmal Song’.


Y: It’s a nice song and we hope everyone will enjoy it. We will perform right now.




~~~~During Singing~~~~


H: Now that Yoong…..


Y: yes?


H: you really wanna hear me speak banmal?


Y: yes…really want to hear


H: but….banmal is really difficult for me…you know that right?


Y: why so difficult?


H: although i tried practiced it…but it is really hard for me ..about speaking banmal to you, how much do you want me to?


Y: orh…..so so much!!!!!




~~~~ After Singing~~~~


H: I Understand, Yong (in banmal)


Y: Me too!



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dc9309458120316209c3f2bf647a51c5_large.jpg These are the episodes that I love and these are the particular scenes that I love on those certain episodes. I got bored so I made this. I just love this couple. As you can see most of the pictures included are more of first for our couple. First date in the amusement park, first piggyback ride of Yonghwa, first piggyback ride of Seohyun, first time Seohyun initiated skinship, first performance, first date in the beach, first double birthday celebration and first UCC. Hope you likey...




 credit to all owners of these pictures...


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Hi guys!!! I got all sentimental while reading your beautiful post about our couple... They are just magical, they are like a miracle to me, seriously... How can they be so pure, innocent and full of raw love? I just love them with my heart, as if they were people that I really know, I just do.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Thank you dear gogumas for bring all the beautiful and meaningful memories once again :wub:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I was watching fancams and found this, it is not a big deal but I´m in a BIG spazz mode (When I´m not? haha)
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































again standing close :wub:. This is in the very end of this >fancam<, just when the song's lyrics says "you are my destiny" ❥
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Love Love Love gogumas ^^!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Ps> Completely out of place

can I ask a favor? Can any of you please send me PM (with nothing ^^) cause the notification from the last one I recived got stuck in my account and after 5 days it is really bothering me kekeke ^^ I think that with a PM it should become normal again ^^ ... Thank you so much, sorry for the inconvenience
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































blush.gif Thank You...

































































































































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Guest ena123


















Adam fan here as you can see XD














Just showing my love for YongSeo couple ^-^














long time I didn't post here something.














This 2 are really cute ^O¨¨














I can see it that this 2 really care about each other.














I hope for a kiss and wedding pictures of YongSeo couple ^O^ lovely couple:lol: its about time that this 2 have wedding pictures huff, Mbc come on, we are waiting. .. I really want  2 see them in their wedding pose and dress ofcourse.. I hope they last forever ^_^



























I hope people will make them kiss soon ...



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Guest oxoziy

So many long posts and I have nothing to add to them. I do have something to share though. Hopefully it's not too shabby, my first time getting these caps right.

I was watching the first episode of YongSeo again and decided to compare the very first episodes to the most recent ones. I know everyone has talked about it, but I've made screencaps and put them next to each other for comparison.

*quoted image*

The first reaction, the gaze that has left many spazz in this thread at the time and the way he looks at her now.

*quoted image*

3 goguma's --> 6 goguma's

*quoted image*

Awkward vs Comfortable

*quoted image*

What a difference, neh?

*quoted image*

Awkward brother-in-laws! You could cut the tension with a knife in the first cap, but now they're able to laugh and make jokes together. Couldn't get a happy cap with Minhyuk though!

*quoted image*

Yong learning how to dance to TMYW then and now Hoot~

*quoted image*

Seohyun's aegyo! Sooyoung mentioned that that was Seohyun's way of doing aegyo... oh how she has gotten better at it!

*quoted image*

The first time they met she got panicked because she didn't want him to see her photos. Now she just leans back and waits for him to get less anxious lol

*quoted image*

Need I say more?

*quoted image*

We cannot forget the daebak reenactment.

*quoted image*

Yong's gifts that he made personally and...

*quoted image*

Seohyun's reactions to them.

*quoted image*

The awkward arm linking back then. Sigh.

*quoted image*

It's hard to see, but Yonghwa was hiding behind Seohyun lol

*quoted image*

'I love you' then and 'I love you' now.

*quoted image*

The way she laughs has changed.

*quoted image*

Holding hands... <3.

*quoted image*

Her piggybacking him, him piggybacking her. Snerk.

*quoted image*

We cannot forget the ring. Ever. lol

*quoted image*

And finally the last one... Each time a step closer :)

Thank you soooo much for sharing these pictures. They're the most priceless moments of YongSeo EVER.

I feel their connection a lot stronger. hahahaha

Thank you again ... Your pitures obviously show the tighter bond between them.

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Hi everyone!








reminiscing old times I have finally something to share, phew(though hopefully it hasn't been shared before).








The wonderful piano piece from ep. 27, it's so so beautiful.
















credit goes to zzanggoeun









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Guest lovekin


aisuo:  hahaha, you have no idea how much it killed me!  and totally adoring your picture spam-a-thon.




this is sort of a reference to ena's posting, but i really like when fans of other couples ninja their way into other couple threads.  we're such a big happy family.  group hug!  lmao, i'm kidding.










once again, i disagree.  sure, you can certainly say that their appreciation for yong choding is more of an obligational interest for the couple given their duties, but i'm not really seeing the correlation.  your example of "oh, he's such a child" to "oh, here comes his childishness again" is, to me, a reflection of how well they know yong to act nowadays.




yes, they have gradually accustomed to themselves with this side of yong, but i'm not seeing the negative connotation implied in the way you seem to be using it (e.g.,  it's not a matter of liking but a matter of expecting the expected).  what they know of yong is limited to what they see on the show and/or other appearances with him in other segments, but i see their expectations of his "childishness" as an indication that they know him betternot well, but definitely better.




this indirect influence isn't something i see.  if i recall correctly, he has been referred to as "yong choding" before being cast on WGM.  the only reason why this part of him is spotlighted so often is because we're seeing him in natural settings more frequently where he's not required to be yong the rocker or yong the MC; he's the guy that exudes bright enthusiasm, is playful both in his actions and words, and laughs at nearly everything.  if he was to be affected by their comments, then we should technically be seeing a gradual decline of this side of him.




i felt that the interview where yong says he's not a "choding" anymore was more of a funny nod to how self-aware he is and how he's come a long way, and not because he was affected by the MCs comments.




he's been steady in his actions, regardless of what the WGM MCs have said, so i, personally, can't see what you're saying.  if anything the MCs are saying is unhelpful, it's when they impose their feelings on how yongseo should act in a given situation.  that kind of thing is subjective commentary rather than observation of what's happening.




obviously, i think this might be a case where we'll have to agree to disagree, but thank you for sharing your opinion.  i don't share it, but i respect it.  i am with you that the MCs sometimes have a funny way of showing affection, but in no way do i think that it's influenced solely from a professional endeavor; i do think they are as invested in the couples as we are (maybe less obsessively).


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Guest ichigo_kawai








Anyeong everyone..







here is I wanna share this video..(SNSD @ come to play)




Sorry if this video has been shared before..




110103 SNSD @ Come To Play [1/5]




and the another part you can see from that channel




credit: TheSoneSource19 @ youtube




And from part 2 there is scene about yongseo




110103 SNSD @ Come To Play [2/5]




@ 05.05 Nayong talking about goguma....(I don't know  what the exactly nayong said...)








@ 05.15 (scene from ep 1..when hyun asked to yong that he likes goguma or not?)








@ 05.19 (scene from ep 13 when hyun want to cooked goguma for yong )








@ 05.21 (scene from ep 35 when yong throws something ("fake goguma") on the beach...)








@ 05.24 (scene from ep 34 when yongseo harvested their goguma)








Hope someone can translated that part




Thanks everyone



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About the Taeyeon statement that she wishes Hyun would date Yong – I say ‘you go, girl!’

From what I’ve seen, Taeyeon is fiercely protective of all her girls, and doubly protective of Seohyun.  The 3 SNSD unnies who came to the house warming, Taeyeon, Tiffany and Hyoyeon are the 3 who are closest to Seohyun, and all three of them have been very vocal about how much they like Yong and how much they like Hyun with Yong.  Hyun’s relationship with Yong has been a wonderful experience for Hyun.  I don’t think Taeyeon would say anything like this if she thought there would be any harm to either Hyun or Yong!  I see Taeyeon’s statement as kind of a ‘warning’ to SNSD and CN Blue fans that Hyun and Yong may be real or could soon be real, so fans – be prepared!  Kind of an attempt to ‘soften the blow’ when the real event takes place.  I also think she is doing this for all the unnies.  After seeing Seohyun’s happiness and bliss with her WGM dating experience, all of the unnies have said they are ‘jealous’ and want to be able to date, also.  If anybody could pull off dating for real it would be Hyun with Yong at this time and place.  I’ve heard and seen some comments from Boices about how they want Yong to quit WGM, but there are a lot more fans who like the idea of Yongseo!  I haven’t seen any ‘antis’ about Seohyun dating Yong, but I’m sure they are out there, but again, I’ve seen a lot of Sones who are ‘pro’ Yong.   So what I’m saying is, Taeyeon’s and SNSD’s actions and comments about how they support Hyun with Yong maybe setting Yongseo up as the ‘breakthrough’ couple for SNSD  - so that the other unnies can date, also.  I think keeping 20-something beautiful and talented young girls locked up like nuns is cruel and unusual punishment.   They should be allowed to experience dating – and love!  So I have no problem with her statement, in fact I hope more SNSD sisters come forward with statements like this to show their support of Seohyun and Yong Hwa.

Things I didn’t like about the ‘Banmal BTS’ episode –

I didn’t like the comment Yong made about Hyun’s ‘granny’ clothes.  This girl looks fantastic in everything and my daughter would die to have Hyun’s wardrobe!   Everything she wears is ‘designer’ style  of some sort.  She has clothing companies begging her to wear their clothes on WGM.  She and her unnies are clothing style trend setters.   Yong’s statement was a little thoughtless, although he meant it in a ‘joking’ way, I get the feeling from her cold ‘Thank you’ that Hyun really didn’t appreciate it that much.  I’m sure she takes a lot of time and puts a lot of thought into what she wears for WGM and Yong.

Why can’t these 2 complete a hug? !   After all the touchy/feely signs Hyun was throwing at Yong, after the final ‘good’ take on the song, Hyunnie was waving her hand around like a flag, at least expecting a clasped hand high-five to go along with their celebration.  Enter Mr. Choding who breaks into a ‘Hoot’ dance instead!   If ever there was a chanced for a hug – that was it.  Sometimes Yong is such a dope!

Some more things I liked about this episode (after seeing English subs and watching it more) –

Hyun picking out Yong’s clothes – sweet!  Especially when she kids him about the TMYW Navy uniform!

Hyun suggesting they put all the ‘children’ on the couch.   She’s picked this terminology up about their ‘toys’ from Yong.  Even the ‘gogumas’ they harvested were their ‘children’.

Hyun suggesting they should look at each other while they are singing, especially when they sing the ‘sarangae’ part!   Awwwww!    Earlier in their relationship she would have been the one shying away from doing something like that – now she’s asking for it!

Yong can’t sing the song and look at Hyun at the same time without getting embarrassed/excited.   Yes, Yong, she is that awesome to you!  Like looking into the brilliant sun!

I definitely got the feeling from this episode that Hyun was giving Yong all the ‘go for it’ signals – but Yong was again taken aback by her forwardness and got all shy again.       

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Ah! I completely forgot the arm linking in Japan! I should've added that to the caps.. -.-
























lovetokki; There was a mistranslation in my post, but he actually said that she looked like a mother. (I was watching a drama with a 'halmeoni' (grandmother) so unconsciously she creeped in my mind lol.) I don't know if that changes any of your thoughts about his joke, but I actually thought it wasn't really that bad? Seohyun didn't seem to be irritated by it and took it quite lightly in my opinion. And to be honest, I wanted to smack Yonghwa the first time I saw the latest episode. Seohyun definitely wouldn't have mind if he had given her a hug I think. He was so excited he danced Hoot instead lol
























Thinking about it, when Seohyun rested her head on his shoulder for that split second, don't you guys think they might've done that already during the wedding photo shoot? Seems like they've done it before lol
























Na Young just mentioned that there are even more than three episodes on WGM about YongSeo's goguma babies as they were talking about Seohyun's love for goguma's lol
























Also, here are Seohyun's parents. We saw her mother in the earlier episodes, but here's her father. Hopefully Yonghwa will have a chance to meet them soon.

























She wrote: Mom~! Dad~! I love you <3 The happiest family in the world.





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Guest biancacoolio



















I didn’t like the comment Yong made about Hyun’s ‘granny’ clothes.  This girl looks fantastic in everything and my daughter would die to have Hyun’s wardrobe!   Everything she wears is ‘designer’ style  of some sort.  She has clothing companies begging her to wear their clothes on WGM.  She and her unnies are clothing style trend setters.   Yong’s statement was a little thoughtless, although he meant it in a ‘joking’ way, I get the feeling from her cold ‘Thank you’ that Hyun really didn’t appreciate it that much.  I’m sure she takes a lot of time and puts a lot of thought into what she wears for WGM and Yong.


















Sorry for cutting your post but I actually liked that part. It reminds me so much of how my Mom and Dad interact. 






My Dad is wearing this hideous outfit of his and my Mom would be like, "Why did I even marry you? You are more than a fashion terrorist. You dress like your Uncle Cory."






Uncle Cory is 82 years old. Lol.






My Dad would react like he was offended and then laugh.






He never paid attention to my Mom's advice though, which embarrasses our whole family. dry.gif






It just shows that Yonghwa is comfortable enough to joke with her in a brash manner.






I find that scene really cute. 



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Anneyong Goguma! Happy New Year! It's been a long while since I last post and wondering if the following has been shared? Pls. disegard if so.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































We all know what a match made in heaven our YongSeo couple is, and I came across their New Year Greeting message in Baidu, though I have no idea what they were saying, but the FIRST THING that caught my eyes was how they had their signature BOTH end with a STAR and both ended the star the same place.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Just another happy sighting (at least for me) that our couple is definitely a match made and meant to be with each other (esp. to those who believe in signature and relations to personality match) :)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy 2011 Everyone, Wishing all of you the Best and so as Our Lovely couple!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Image credit to Baidu:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest SophiaPia








































Happy New Year to all. I hope 2011 will give us more blessings.















































Thanks to all of ur POV, screen caps, videos, translations. The bts banmal episode is another sweet episode. Only wife SeoHyun can give hubby Yong 9NG's kekeke! he is blank when wife Hyun talk banmal to him only he can say is 'don't act cute' kekeke! every time they will look at each other he got NG's hahaha! the power of wife eyeships make hubby Yong nervous hahaha! I can't wait for the rest of the bts nxt saturday. I guess it will be more sweeter if they HUG in the end :)















































aisuo, i love the YongSeo then and now screen caps, i got lil bit teary eyes. They really grown up together w/ their relationships. Also thank u for that wonderful happy and lovely family picture of Mum, Dad and SeoHyun. It will be nice if Hubby Yong will meet wife Hyun Mum&Dad. Wife Hyun meet hubby Yong Mum as well in Busan date i'm guessing even hubby Yong's dad. 















































I notice that YongSeo signature is quiet similar they have star :) destiny 















































Wallpaperfood welcome back Happy New Year. Hi to all regulars and new here in Gu-Chun :) stay healthy every one. Cheers









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Guest lovekin




Anneyong Goguma!  Happy New Year! It's been a long while since I last post and wondering if the following has been shared?  Pls. disegard if so.

We all know what a match made in heaven our YongSeo couple is,  and I came across their New Year Greeting message in Baidu,  though I have no idea what they were saying,  but the FIRST THING that caught my eyes was how they had their signature BOTH end with a STAR and both ended the star the same place.  

Just another happy sighting (at least for me) that our couple is definitely a match made and meant to be with each other (esp. to those who believe in signature and relations to personality match)  :)  

Happy 2011 Everyone, Wishing all of you the Best and so as Our Lovely couple!




Image credit to Baidu:


*quoted image*


*quoted image*








hahaha, oh my god, i've never noticed that!  has yong always had a star at the end of his signature?  i know seo has always done it ... oh wow.  i mean, it's a huge coincidence, but it definitely gives us more material to say that fate has a funny sense of humor.  i swear, they're like one person in two different bodies at times, it's a little freaky.


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Guest lunasol


ppsf biggrin.gif




I saw what she wrote there yesterday in allkpop in an article they posted about New Year's greetings. According to the translation they posted, it is also spazzworthy! biggrin.gif




Seohyun: “2011 is a bright year. Happy New Year! 2010 was a year full of memories that I’ll never forget, thanks to everyone’s love! Please keep watching over my growth and that of SNSD, and keep supporting us! I hope this year will take you one step closer to achieving your dreams! 2011? SNSD''



We all know what memories she is referring to and with whom happy.gif



Here are the other girls greetings. Seohyun was unique as always in her greeting smile.gif


YoonA: “A New Year has already… It’s already 2011. Happy New Year and let’s love more.”




Yuri: “Happy New Year”



Tiffany“Let’s make 2011 into a Girls’ Generation too. Let’s promise to never get sick. I will also take responsibility for the other 8 members.”




Taeyeon: “Happy New Year! Let’s enjoy 2011 together with SNSD! Right now it’s~ SNSD!”




Jessica: “Let’s enjoy 2011 together, and stay healthy… Smile.”




Sooyoung: “Thank you for making 2010 into SNSD’s year. Let’s make 2011 another year for SNSD, yes! Let’s run <3″




Sunny: “Let’s unite once more for 2011! I was so happy in 2010~ Let’s be even happier for the new year~!! 2011 is for SNSD!”




Hyoyeon: “Let’s do 2011 together with SNSD and SONE~!! My moods have gone up just thinking of creating another unforgettable year! Happy New Year!”




Here is the link for the article:


SNSD, Super Junior, BoA, and Park Jung Min send in handwritten New Year’s greetings








I don't know why Soompi is acting weird with this post by cutting out stuff and or changing fonts or leaving huge spaces. When I try to repair it another new thing appears in another place like putting something in bold or italics. I give up and I will just leave it as it appears hahaha






I just saw in SPDs another translation for Seohyun's greeting:



translation:It’s a bright 2011. Happy new year! Thanks to the love that we received from everyone in 2010, we had a whole year of unforgettable memories! As We, SNSD and I, Seohyun, continue to grow, please look forward to us and keep cheering for us in the future! In this new year, I also hope that everyone will be step closer to achieving their goals! Also in 2011? SNSD.



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okay, i'm decided to post something here (again) because i read so many good post which bring emotion. While reading all of that post I'm grinning and got really emotional. Because it's remind me of my journey to become a Boice and yongseo shipper. And aisuo dear your caps, really make me teary eye after I read all that post. And I really want to share my journey how i can become a Boice, yongseo shipper and k pop fans. Because my journey is involve yongseo. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I like k drama from many years ago. But, i don't know anything about k pop at that time. My first group that i know is SNSD because one of my friend is their fans. At that time, he is the only one who love SNSD. At that time, i don't like it and think what is it seriously. But as time goes by and I watch Your Beautiful in May or June last year. I watch it because of Jang geun suk, I love him in baby and me, and I then I know about Super Junior and start download their mp3 but didn't know their member. From Your beautiful, I got to know Kang Shinwoo. At that time, OMG he is handsome and I like Kang Shinwoo but i don't know that he really has a band until my other friend told me that he has a band and she give me CN Blue's song. And honestly I fall in love in their music from the first time i heard their song. From that time I start to search another song from them. At that time I didn't know the rest of CN Blue's member except Yonghwa.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And then in July, my friends give me We Got Married Yonghwa and Seohyun cut. I never watch any variety show from korea before. I'm curious about what is it all about and especially because of Yonghwa in that show. And I watch the first episode until episode 7, from the first time I watch it I fall in love. I'm in love with their awkward interaction. My friend didn't have the rest of the episode, so I search it but it really difficult to find it. Finally I know cnbluestorm, they post about the recent sub episode, and i know RDR sub from it. Finally I have all the episode. Time goes by I'm hook to CN BLUE and Yongseo. Truthfully I know the rest of CN Blue member's name because of Yongseo. I'm waiting every week from cnbluestorm to post the engsub, i don't know soompi at that time, while waiting i always replaying from the first episode. And I'm still smile and laugh everytime I watch it. And then end of september I know this thread, at first i just read the post, save pics, open link, and download about anything about yonseo and cn blue. But, then i decide to join and spazz with all of you until now. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From this show, I love Yonghwa even more. I'm amazed with his talent and his character and personality. He can lead Hyun and teach Hyun about relationship bit by bit. He restrain himself and wait until Hyun really comfortable. He really respect Hyun. And now I like Seohyun, how can a 20 years old girl (younger than me) can be so mature, smart and can do anything. She really is genius. I love watch how Hyun change in this show, she is more open and comfortable now.































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































For me, Yongseo is the only couple I watch. I watch their journey from their first episode until now. How their relationship got deeper in every episode. I learn how to care for each other, how to face the one I love with appropriate manner. I'm really touched when Yong search for the old ring in live broadcast, when Yong make the apologetic book, When Hyun serenade Yong and bought new ring. I can feel they really care for each other and put a lot effort in it. And sometime make me a ashame because why i can't do something like that for the one I care. And I want to learn more from this couple. 































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm really grateful i can find this thread, i can spazz about Yongseo here and have so many friend from all over the world. Hugs to all. Sorry for my bad english. Love U all
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest jinkee
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cr: 구마구마 ♬ @ dc married































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































lovekin yes Yonghwa's signature has been like that ever since he debuted. It also amused me to no end when I first saw it I was kinda anticipating for them to talk about it during their Jeongdongjin trip but they didn't >__<

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Hello guys...









Happy belated New Year to all.




Let us cherish what we got until now. & be happy what we can grab right now.




After missing this thread for some time, and got to read all 70 pages for all the comment, watch 2 episode back-to-back, watch the Banmal song in Youtube...




Now try to read all the updated fanfiction from you guys...




Whoa... such a great task to do...




TQ to all of Goguma's that provide us with quick translation, provide us with vid with subs, provide all screen caps, provide all fancams & all the news...




& Tq also to all "goguma detective"




Can't describe all of you... hehehe




To many to say TQ....







The epic episode...




From my POV;




Both of them really are comfortable with each other.. totally..




Means I don't see the original Hyun, but what I can see is the happy and loose-it-type kinda of girl in front of Yong & BIL.




& I don't think she's can be like this with other guy... (maybe, just maybe with Minho, since they been friend for a long time + they are at the same age level)




And talented...




Writing a lyrics;




I love her lyrics, it's something from the bottom of her heart.




What she can't says out loud but wrote it in the song.




The song;




Hope they can record it and sell it as digital song...




Who knows, maybe they can promote it together...




This is their song, from A to Z.




But based on their schedule, so hard to tell.




Both will be in/out of Korea it self...(take care...)




The water taxi ride...




Thank God for Minhyuk suggestion...








Riding a water taxi @ night to HanGan park was a memorable.




(been there, done that, & quite cheap for 7 person..., and you got a boat for all your self, i do suggest to all of you. It' enjoyable during the night)




[The "choding" hubby.




I love when he always been in this state...




Means he can be him self and Hyun is the 1 that, at this moment knows he's the best, except of course the brothers & manager & the family.




We can watch him other than the leader Yong, the hardworking Yong & the MC yong.




Maybe she's really need some whose character is really out of place in her life.




To make it "more colorful"




Instead of "Choding" hubby, there is "Talented" in hubby;




In music.




In basketball (loved the MC Kim, when Yong shoot the ball, I really like his reaction.Like he's watching an NBL game.. hahaha)




& next time, hopefully Yong skill in snow boarding will be capture in skiing episode..




Really wanna watch him "fly"..




The epic scene, of course, piggyback riding...




The Banmal recording.




Now we know that Yong could not look straight to Hyun eyes... hehe..




& they really support each other when the other was down.




After so many take to record, we can watch it online, the work of this couple.




With total view for today : 1,782,808




Quite a number right...




Maybe the views will increase till 2million... who knows...




I found this; bout no 33.




Quite interesting, with this no...




& the meaning of it..




How do they think bout to put the 33 no in their id???




"33" What does it mean, significance of the number 33?




Traits: Nurturing, Responsible, Dutiful, Family Oriented, Kind, Stable, Devoted, Seeker of Harmony, Champion of the Underdog




33 is the number of nurturing and goodwill towards all things. 33 holds all the qualities needed to nurture successfully: generosity, caring, sacrificing, loving. 33




also represents love and marriage, and unions in general. From romantic to motherly to platonic, 33 represents all forms. Wherever a 33 is seen on a chart look




for the powers of love and nurturing to come into play







About our forumer "duckduckduck".




Now after a few post enquiry whose "duckduckduck", it makes me think, she/he just got 4 posts only.




Asking for episode that "RAW". For sure she/he really understand korean, right.




Then from the info, she/he from "HK"??? (same as Youtube origin profile) & not telling us the gender type...




More curious...




How the heaven that he/she knows that Banmal song was already out in the day they post it on Youtube.....




Is this person is someone working with the WGM team or the couple it self????




So this week what episode that this couple will provide for us...




Is there really an aquarium visit or the Busan trip...








Ok, that's it for now...




Last but not least.




Let enjoy this together again : Banmal Song from Yongseo Couple




Peace no war;




zealous :wub:



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Guest sweet_spy












Hi everyone, i haven't posted for awhile due to final and then the following holidays, but fortunately i did not miss any significant event that Yong and Huyn participated in. What a great way to end 2010, seeing my favorite couple so frequently on music shows. I tried to look for fancams that show even just a glimpse of their interaction while standing so close on the same stage together but found none. I was slightly disappointed but even so i absolutely did not feel uneasy at all. I dont know exactly how to elaborate on this but i just thought how they came to stand near each other happened so naturally. It was like when you see someone you are familiar with among the crowd, you automatically and unconsciously move closer to them without really noticing. They did not talk, did not high-5, or even wave, (maybe they did but so far no fancams were able to catch those moments) but somehow my intuition made me believe that they were happy just to be within an arm length distance apart. Anyhow, as long as they are happy, i am happy for them, and i sure hope they will always be able to smile brightly the way they did at those year end shows last week.















Reading the long posts in the last few pages indeed brought back so many fond memories. I never thought i would invest so much time and interest in two people i dont even know personally. I am a fan of many boy and girl groups, actors and actresses. I watch them, give comments, and spazz about them but frankly i never spent a lot of time daily to check and search for updates on anyone in particular. If they are working on a new project, hooray! im stoked but if they are on hiatus i am totally fine with it, no complaints, no rants asking them to com back soon. But ever since i was introduced to YongSeo, i experienced symptoms of deprivation several times a week, and i usually had to replenish my level of energy by replaying my favorite episodes until the new one comes out :D:D:D:D. I tend to lose the drive to stick to something i was initially drawn in for a long time. YongSeo is an exception because i had surprised myself by attentively following their journey from the beginning until now, given the unfavorable situation caused by their lack of news and fanaccounts. That is how special YongSeo is; they have this peculiar and subtle charm that once you discover, you cant help but to adore and admire it. I thought about how my 2010 would have been so different and filled with less excitement and less joy if the PDs had not paired SeoHuyn and YongHwa together. If i say i got hooked right on their first episode that would be a lie. Their progress afterward was what truly enthralled me. My mom always tells me that the end result is undoubtedly important but the progress in the middle is even more substantial because the impression of the amount of effort i put in is what will be inscribed on my mind. Take into account how much patience and care Yong has poured into this "make-believe" relationship and how many barriers Huyn has overcome in order to break down her walls, regardless of their inevitable end in terms of staying on WGM, i believe that they will never never forget the progress they went through together, and as a result grew together as a couple.















I would love to write more because there is just so much i can talk about when it comes to YongSeo. Considering i wanted to make a quick post before i go to work, this is already a long one so ill stop now before im running late.















I love reading all of your POVs. We gogumas have a lot to share with each other thats why we can keep this thread moving steady and jumping pages everyday even though YongSeo's airtime is only 20 minutes each week! I love US!!!! blush.gif (but i still wish this week PD-nim would give us a longer segment though since...well...he did that to Khuntoria and Adam couples already, so why not YongSeo too -_- )



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