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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest gogumacraze
















Annyeong Mr n Mrs CEO n fellow goguma villagers(BIG thank u to all for the wonderful goodies!)of Go-Chun!








I was debating if I shld post or not, keke in the end, here I'm. :D Wow! Wht a roller-coaster week!! The Banmal song was totally DAEBAK!! (Btw, did anyone figure out who duckduckduck is?? I find it very interesting that on the post it simply states sthg like 'can't miss this' or sthg? Seems like it's our cp themselves? It only had 5 posts on the a/c n was only opened in Jul of this yr. DOB yr was 1993. Coincidence??)





















N becoz' of our lovely couple's DAEBAK Banmal song, I finally bought a dig piano so I can play their song!!! Well, I thought I'd make gd use of Boxing day sales here. keke. I wish tht Seobaby cld hav a dig piano like the one tht Jokwon has in their hse. Is it expensive in Korea? May b I can sponsor it for their 1st anniversary? I totally love Seobaby's Adagio n Chopin!! N Seobaby can move it to the dorm where she lives later. May b I think it's bezbezbez that's in charge of the anniversary gifts? If any one knows him/her, perhaps can get bezbezbez to pm me to discuss where I can wire the $? I'm not computer savvy so don't trust PayPal n such. Thanks in advance.




















I hope PDnims can b nice n hav following for our lovely couple(or more like for this goguma villager!! LOL):
















1) Baby sit as someone a few pgs back had suggested.








2) Jeju Island for their first anniversary.








3) Bungee jump together (then they have no choice but to hug each other tightly!! Hahaha.)








4) Make their Banmal song to sell n donate funds to charity (I think Adam cp did tht with their song?) I'll definitely buy one!








5) I would reeeaallyy luv to see both the bils n sils interact together with our couple.








6) A trip for all three couples like how they did in Season 1 where they went in the summer to some c'try side place for relaxation. ( Probably impossible as our couple's    








     schedules in 2011 is so crazy already!!)
















Think I'll not b so greedy n stop now for fear tht PDnims might start throwing gogumas at me!!! (it's ok, then I can roast them n eat all of them!! I totally luv the purple gogumas, so yummy!!! )








May b other gogumas would like to add to this list?
















I was kinda upset when I read abt Linda's post but thks to gogumas like MMM n Trent n many others, I was quickly over it. Then I remembered their 10 yrs agreement to meet in Firenze, Duomo. ( shall I say their promise to each other?) So ,even in reel, they don't see each other, I hope tht they'll date. They are each others' DESTINY, They can't deny it!! See how well Yong led Seobaby in the lyrics writing part, knowing tht this is her first time, he tried his best to make her relax n guide her gently along. They complement each other so well! Yes, date each other for eight yrs b4 settling down if u both want to, a lot of my frens were like tht, including myself. ;)So, I still hav tht to look forward to. :)





















I read some whr once tht Kpop Artists don't get pd as well as those say like in the West or Hong Kong or Taiwan, is this true? I certainly hope not! Their companies take a huge cut of it, don't they?




















Oops, sorry for the long-winded post, again! :sweatingbullets:Anyways, it's only the eve here in North America but I know for some it's already the new yr so to our Go-Chun Mr n Mrs CEO, n all DAEBAK gogumas:
















                                                      STAY HEALTHY N LET'S ALL GET WEALTHY (not just in monetary terms!!) N B HAPPY in 2011!!!









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The last few weeks of this year has given us so many DAEBAKful moments with our Yong & Hyun!  All of the awards that SNSD and CN Blue have won, all of the amazing performances at the awards show and end- of- year celebrations, the banmal song going over 1 million views, Taeyoen’s shocking yet hopeful wish for our YongSeo couple to be real, it’s been a truly amazingly joyous way to end a year that has provided us with so much joy and happiness!

Both Yong and Hyun have become amazing performers, they have both shown that they are talented, professional and intelligent Korean idols that the entire world has grown to love and can be proud to have shared their growth in both their relationship and their careers.  I am so proud of them!  I would like to hold them up as examples of how all young people who learn how to live their dreams should live their lives.  They are the perfect example of how hard work and determination and yes, moral values should shape the lives of all young people around the world.

My daughter and I have shared Yong and Hyun’s growth from episode one, and we have both learned lessons on how a true, caring relationship should develop between two young people.  I have felt honored and blessed that I discovered their story (along with the unnies of SNSD and the bros of CN Blue) and have been able to share their story with their fans from around the world on this site on Soompi, Sweet Potato Days and CN Blue Storm.

Here’s hoping and praying for more love, love, love and happiness to our wonderful couple, Yong and Hyun in the New Year and for many years to come.


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New Years Resolutions:







1) I will not get up at the crack of dawn on Saturdays and check every possible website to see if the newest episode is up even without english subs.







2) I will not watch wgm without subs two or three times and then watch it with subs another five or six times in one sitting.







3) I will not obcess over rings, fancam shots or rumors about this couple even although my imagination can explain everything.







4) I will accept the fact that this show will end sometime (although I am hoping for 2051).







5) I will overlook all the negative comments and actions done by very immature people to make the yongseo fans and followers feel bad and to hurt this couple in general.







6) I will not check out the yongseo forums every 10 minutes to find out if something new has happened.







7) I will probably not keep any of these resolutions and if I don't- thats fine by me.







By the way, it's not New Years yet here so I can change any and all of these in the nxt 2 1/2 hours.







Happy New Year Everybody.












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Guest yongseorockin




New Years Resolutions:

1) I will not get up at the crack of dawn on Saturdays and check every possible website to see if the newest episode is up even without english subs.

2) I will not watch wgm without subs two or three times and then watch it with subs another five or six times in one sitting.

3) I will not obcess over rings, fancam shots or rumors about this couple even although my imagination can explain everything.

4) I will accept the fact that this show will end sometime (although I am hoping for 2051).

5) I will overlook all the negative comments and actions done by very immature people to make the yongseo fans and followers feel bad and to hurt this couple in general.

6) I will not check out the yongseo forums every 10 minutes to find out if something new has happened.

7) I will probably not keep any of these resolutions and if I don't- thats fine by me.

By the way, it's not New Years yet here so I can change any and all of these in the nxt 2 1/2 hours.

Happy New Year Everybody.








Hahaha. O my, we are like completely the same!. I guess Yongseo makes us this way. I will keep those resolutions though.




Shall wait till monday to check out if there are subs. In the mean time. I shall suppress those urges.


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Hello Goguma Villagers
































HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone and I hope that this year is filled with love and joy for all.blush.gif
































































I'll like to say thanks to all of you who translated text and every weeks episode, subbed vids,















share information, pics and all your personal thoughts.
















Honestly I've learn a lot from this forum and our Youngseo couple LOVE YOU ALL.wub.gif
































Cant wate to spazz with YOU in 2011
































And my wish for our YOUBGSEO couple I hope that they can continue on the path that they are
















walking and that I occasionally get to peek at them as they grow as a stronger couple.















































Its now 2011 in the US w00t.gif

















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Guest Phan2~




















-Tell each other what you want to see from them.
















"I hope our youngest, Seohyun, would really date Jung Yonghwa. Is that really abrupt? YongSeo couple looks good together. I have no worries about Seohyun dating since she's really thorough in her work, so she'll have no problem with our activities." (Taeyeon)




















Credit: Daum




















Translation: typicalharu@soshified.com/forums




















Edit: mini cooperro13@soshified.com/forums







































Oh, Taengoo that's all what we need also.... :wub:





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Guest graxhaie
































































after 11 months of fangirling and following yongseo, i met lots of friends here in goguma village!
















































guys you complete my year!
















































thank you so much for being part of it!
















































YONGSEO really made some changes in our lives, i met you and you met me!
















































I hope yongseo will continue their unique relationship!
















































Happy New year YONG and HYUN! wishing you a more daebak year!
















































happy new year gogumas!
















































here's a song for Yongseo...
















































i hope one day Yong will sing this to yong, i think it fits him...
















































Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars:
















































Oh her eyes, her eyes































































































Make the stars look like they're not shining































































































Her hair, her hair































































































Falls perfectly without her trying






















































































































































She's so beautiful































































































And I tell her every day






















































































































































Yeah I know, I know































































































When I compliment her































































































She wont believe me































































































And its so, its so































































































Sad to think she don't see what I see






















































































































































But every time she asks me do I look okay































































































I say






















































































































































When I see your face































































































There's not a thing that I would change































































































Cause you're amazing































































































Just the way you are































































































And when you smile,































































































The whole world stops and stares for awhile































































































Cause girl you're amazing































































































Just the way you are






















































































































































Her nails, her nails































































































I could kiss them all day if she'd let me































































































Her laugh, her laugh































































































She hates but I think its so sexy






















































































































































She's so beautiful































































































And I tell her every day






















































































































































Oh you know, you know, you know































































































Id never ask you to change































































































If perfect is what you're searching for































































































Then just stay the same






















































































































































So don't even bother asking































































































If you look okay































































































You know I say






















































































































































When I see your face































































































There's not a thing that I would change































































































Cause you're amazing































































































Just the way you are































































































And when you smile,































































































The whole world stops and stares for awhile































































































Cause girl you're amazing































































































Just the way you are






















































































































































The way you are































































































The way you are































































































Girl you're amazing































































































Just the way you are






















































































































































When I see your face































































































There's not a thing that I would change































































































Cause you're amazing































































































Just the way you are































































































And when you smile,































































































The whole world stops and stares for awhile































































































Cause girl you're amazing































































































Just the way you are































































































Yongseo fighting!































































































and guys please great our goguma sister lenovo!it's here birthday today!
























































































































































































































































































































































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Guest YongSeoForever












:wub:Happy New year Gogumas :wub: YES ITS ANOTHER YEAR!!! may all good things arrive to every goguma and your family








I would like to say that in the past year...my life is definitely filled with happiness...happiness and love brought by YongSeo




like many of you said, waking up early enough to hunt for raw cuts and watch it million times....nonstop smiles on the face...




dont know how to express myself....I just want to say that I was loved in the past year and would like to be loved in the coming year..













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Hahaha. O my, we are like completely the same!. I guess Yongseo makes us this way. I will keep those resolutions though.




Shall wait till monday to check out if there are subs. In the mean time. I shall suppress those urges.







Let me know if you really will wait.Don't think I can.





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Happy New Year to the Goguma villagers from all over the world!!!
























Guess by now, all should have already usher into 2011!
























After reading the translated preview, it seems that the couple's friends will be spilling the beans on the couple? Can't wait to catch this eps, it will be fun to hear the insider information from their chinggu!









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Guest k.rivera19
































































































Although the new year has not entered the US yetz.... Happy new year everyone!! Hope everyone will have another wonderful and fruitful year.... gogumas fighting!!! :wub::wub:
































































waiting patiently for the next episode... im sure it is going to be another daebak episode :D

















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Hi All goguma villagers...
































































































































































































































































Wish y'all a happy new year, hope it'll be a meaningful & fruitful year for us all :)
































































































































































































































































Y'day I stream the MBC Gayo, up to CNBlue & FT Island band performances, so I didn't get to see SNSD performance yet.
































































































































































































































































It was a great performance by Yong as usual, but I had my hope high that maybe Hyun would also joined that performance.
































































































































































































































































Anyway, I guess, our couple has been really blessed in a way, the list of what they wanna do together has been granted mostly.
































































































































































































































































I'm thinking maybe because they are both so busy juggling Korea & Japan activities, PD gave them more access to decide themselves what they would like to do & arrange the schedule according to them, because they have almost be together for a year nearly, and it's amazing with the amount of works & schedules this two people have, they still make it work to stay together.
































































































































































































































































and reading the lyrics to CNBLUE's new songs, 2 composed & written by Yonghwa (Try Again, Smile Again & Don't say Goodbye), I could see Yong's feelings he's trying to express through his lyrics & can't help to relate it to WGM. His lyrics somewhat still very much Yonghwa but it's matured in a way, more depth & feelings too, so I think, not only Hyun who went under great transformation to be able to express her singing better after joining WGM, but Yonghwa, too, benefit from it :) (Although Y Why is still my fave CNBlue song, should see Feel the blue Busan fancam, that was the last time he sang it so far & it was awesome, best Y Why performance)
































































































































































































































































It'll be less than 2 hours until we get to see BTS of the making of Banmal UCC; I'm also very interested to find out the friends that helped them & spill some interesting tidbits, even what/who could make Yong jealous hehe..
































































































































































































































































Happy new year & Happy watching in a bit guys...!!!

































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New Years Resolutions:































































































































1) I will not get up at the crack of dawn on Saturdays and check every possible website to see if the newest episode is up even without english subs.































































































































2) I will not watch wgm without subs two or three times and then watch it with subs another five or six times in one sitting.































































































































3) I will not obsess over rings, fancam shots or rumors about this couple even although my imagination can explain everything.































































































































4) I will accept the fact that this show will end sometime (although I am hoping for 2051).































































































































5) I will overlook all the negative comments and actions done by very immature people to make the yongseo fans and followers feel bad and to hurt this couple in general.































































































































6) I will not check out the yongseo forums every 10 minutes to find out if something new has happened.































































































































7) I will probably not keep any of these resolutions and if I don't- thats fine by me.





























































































































































































































































































































































































Sorry to cut your post.
































































Hahaha... your resolutions are funny,  I exactly feel the same way, but, I know very well that this is a habit that's very difficult to stop.  I guess these are what most of us goguma's would want to do.  However, since it is an addiction that's hard to do away.  Then, I'll guess, just like what you said, let's just keep these resolutions on a wait-and-see-to-do-list :rolleyes:
































































Happy New Year!

































































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Guest graxhaie
































































































































Hello guys!
































































































































































































The YongSeo International Project Team is planning to give them a pair of bike as a project for their  1st year anniversary. As we all know, Yongseo wants to do this and it was listed in their "We Want To Do" List. We anticipate that they'll be loving a gift like this.
































































































Since we lack on the badget for this project we are calling out supports from all of you!
































































































Please support this project.
































































































We need 200 USD more for the bikes.
































































































You can donate through PayPal or Western Union.
































































































For more details about this you can PM me or bezbezbez here in soompi or email us at seohwaproject@gamil.com. You can also follow @PD_indi in twitter.
































































































Thanks so much for the helping on the previous project guys!
































































































Please continue supporting our projects and our project team. 
































































































Yongseo Fighting!
































































































Sincerely yours, 
































































































graxhaie and bezbezbez

















































































































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Guest lizsch




























The Best Wishes for all of you! and of course for uri YONGSEO!!












Dont know why...I have the feeling something amazing is coming! hehe












Have a nice beginning of the year...and it a lot of turkey! LOL












Cant wait for the next episode! Im super excited...but do anyone know where can i stream it?












Normally I did it in SSF but I cant...dont know why T.T pleaseee can anyone help me??



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Guest Germbaby






Can some kind goguma family tell me what time (Singapore) WGM is streaming and why to find link to watch streaming? Thank you ub advance.




OH! I just realise my warn status is not good. What happen? How to view why was I warned?


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Guest luxubu
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































That's it!!! Too short for Yongseo's cut. They entirely showed the recorfing of banmal song and nothing else :( No yong's jealousy at all.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Btw, there are some cute moments: they made NG like 10 times, most of them is Yong's mistakes. He kept laguhing whenever he looked at her or forgot his lyrics. I love when she entirely leaned towards him to show frustration. She slapped him a lot as well.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































There were two pandas stuff supported to show near their avatar drangon baby but they fall in the mid of recording :P
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now we know the reason for Yong looking shy. He was just too tired and frustrated from many NGs. Btw, at the end, he danced "Hoot" at the "Trouble trouble" part. yeah, they have been through many troubles to record this song.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It clearly shows Hyun is now totally comfortable with Yong. She laughed and touched him everytime they made NGs.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I feel the PD just wanted to grad the making songs episode. Maybe they need to save new foot stages for filming later

































































































































































































































































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Hi, Can some kind goguma family tell me what time (Singapore) WGM is streaming and why to find link to watch streaming? Thank you ub advance.

















OH! I just realise my warn status is not good. What happen? How to view why was I warned?

















if i am not wrong today's episode starts at 5pm korean time which is about 4-ish singapore time. they are an hr faster.









and usually if warnings are given if u post









one liners. spamming. quoting of pictures or entire CHUNK of text.


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Guest chilipadi_22

just finished WGM streaming!!

this episode was very funny!! hahahahha:)

yong choding ah, yong choding!! heehee^^

my favourite part was hyun lying on yong's shoulder. even if it was just a split second!!

why cant the episode be longer?!

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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































































Can some kind goguma family tell me what time (Singapore) WGM is streaming and why to find link to watch streaming? Thank you ub advance.
































































































































OH! I just realise my warn status is not good. What happen? How to view why was I warned?































































































































Hi Germbaby! WGM is showing at about 4pm in Singapore time. You can watch the live streaming here: http://www.tvunetworks.com/watchTV/#c=92328. You might want to start streaming the channel from about 3.45pm so that you don't miss anything cos YongSeo is usually the first couple :)
































































Hope that helps! ^_^

































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