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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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dang, I found another one reupload :
















































:) Thank you!
























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Guest octoberday




Quick question guys…


How does one help add to the number of views on YouTube? I mean, does hitting the “replay” button like a maniac – which is essentially what I’ve been doing for the last hour or so – help at all, or should I be “refreshing” the page?




…you guys know what I’m trying to say here, right? O_o


Oh, and also...because the fan-girl in me needs to vent, let me say  this...


The song sounds so sweet, and they are perfectly in tune. And, I don’t know, but I find their performance...rather intimate? Like when Yonghwa laughed…that is such a self-disclosing gesture, man...And the big elephant giving a piggyback ride to the small elephant? lol. Love these two!



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I've watched the video for the nth time. What so different with these two?




Their harmony is OUTSTANDING!




It's so nice to listen to the melody of the song especially the chorus when they sing together.




Their voices just matched perfectly. I know both of them are singers but not all singers can sing a duet. This is different from SNSD's or CN Blue's recorded songs, this is raw video, live video. No added effects unlike when you're recording in a studio where you can manipulate your sound and add stuff.




This is just good


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Guest zero_one



DAEBAK moment that made me not lurking,,,

i was going to work when villagers at twitter posted that the Banmal Song was released on youtube

loved their song

loved their interaction


ps: whats with the 301 views, its not getting higher???


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Am I a bad person for ACTIVELY searching on YouTube to see if people uploaded our dear couples video? *quoted image* Well anyway, gogumas, we have a few already *quoted image*




Re-up #1




Re-up #2




Re-Up #3









Please, EVERYONE, flag the re-ups as Spam/Fraud because we can't report third-party copyright claims.






Well, on a happier note, I literally almost DIED when I saw the video. AHHHHHHHHHH*quoted image**quoted image*





thanks for sharing the re-uploads channel. I believe that me and you wouldnt be able to cast our Flag which lead to Youtube removing the video against them.




infact, would appreciate if you can share those re-upload channels if you spotted them. im sure our fellow goguma shippers will be more than willingly to report them :)



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When is that 301 views gonna be fix?
























I 'm scared the views we clicked now wont be added to it....
























so all our efforts being done are gone...
























youtube pls fix it fast...
























AND we should also increase replies too





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wow! what a beautiful morning to wake up to. when i first saw duckduckduck's post, i thought it could be just a FMV but turns out to be the real thing! i am so excited :) they are so cute together :) and MC Kim tweeted and Park Shin Hye even commented :)

my.yonghwa.baby: thanks for the link. i went to report spam but i think one of it has been set to private.

EDIT: on another note, someone mentioned about the numbers behind their nickname could be...4 for cn blue, 9 for snsd and 33 for love...cute :)

Just in case you miss it...here is the official link - Banmal Song by Yong & Hyun

Beautiful morning indeed!

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Guest SophiaPia












OMGGGGGGGGG! w00t.gif YONGSEO COUPLE THE BEST. OMG! THANKS to duckduckduck for letting us know that the couple song come out already. What a beautiful morning to begin with. And thanks to that official site sweetpotato4339. 








YongSeo couple so so sweet indeed. Lovely, so so lovely. I'm really speechless and proud to our YongSeo couple. This is amazing, this is so REAL.

















Cheers to our lovely YongSeo couple. 

















Pls. let us show our support on this video. It's really really amazing. I guess this is YongSeo couple gift to all of us who loves them. Thanks YongSeo couple this is really a very lovely gift ^_^



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 i was thinking if it is possible that the episode this sat is to show the making of the mv? that is why we do not have a preview on 25th....





moreover, with Khuntoria couple already had a video regarding the gayo, would this be used as a promo for Yongseo couple as well...




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Guest _d3seohyun

Quick question guys…

How does one help add to the number of views on YouTube? I mean, does hitting the “replay” button like a maniac – which is essentially what I’ve been doing for the last hour or so – help at all, or should I be “refreshing” the page?

…you guys know what I’m trying to say here, right? O_o

i think replay button doesn't count. keep refreshing then :D

try putting it on the playlist too with the auto play turned on :D

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Amazing morning ever! I woke up and checked my facebook as a habit, then I saw some headlines about Banmal song! And here comes the official MV!!!!
































Love the song and the MV so much!
















Some share thoughts with me that why the MV is so normal and simple! Of course , I'd love a professional MV, beautiful scenery, perfect Yongseo playing around and singing the song. But, this MV is so "Yongseo" and this is what I love about it. It's just like a homemade wideo from a real couple, from normal people (not SNSD AND CNBlue idols, though they really are). Moreover, their interaction is enough to make me in Gochun again!
































Back to listen to the song again!

















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Guest wishwash
































































































































































































































































Hi everyone, I've translated the chinese translations from baidu, with MountainMadMan's original lyrics translation. Yonghwa's new verse is here too! Enjoy!
































































































































































































































































Yongseo's Banmal Song (Youtube)
































































































































































































































































Chinese Translation: camjenny@baidu goguma bar
































































































































































































































































Yongseo: 1 2 3 Hello (Korean English Japanese Mandarin Thai). We are Yongseo couple's...
































































































































Y: I’m Yong
































































































































S: I’m Seo
































































































































Y: What have we prepared today, Hyun?
































































































































S: Today we prepared a couple song that we, the Yongseo couple, wrote personally, called the ‘Banmal Song’.
































































































































Y: It’s a nice song and we hope everyone will enjoy it. We will perform right now.
































































































































































































































































Lyrics (credit MountainMadMan for first verse and chorus)
































































































































S: It's so hard for me to say 'thanks' or 'bye' to you [NOTE: these are informal words in Korean.]































































































































All I can say is "thank you" or "thanks so much" [NOTE: these are formal words in Korean.]































































































































Everything is brand new to me, so I'm a little unsure































































































































How should I say it? It's still really awkward































































































































Even today, I worry about it






























































































































































































































































YS: hopefully we can be a banmal relationship































































































































though still unnatural































































































































Y: rather than saying “gomawoyo”































































































































let me hear more intimate words
































































































































































































































































S: You know what, Yong?
































































































































Y: What?
































































































































S: Do you really want to hear banmal from me?
































































































































Y: Ah… it will be good if I’m able to.
































































































































S: But you know that banmal is hard for me right?
































































































































Y: Why is it hard?
































































































































S: Err… I really tried very hard… It’s really difficult. How much do you want to hear me speak banmal?
































































































































Y: A lot.
































































































































































































































































































































































































Y: When we met for the first time































































































































Even our smiles were shy































































































































After today we should be closer to each other































































































































I’m both excited and looking forward to it.






























































































































































































































































YS: hopefully we can be a banmal relationship































































































































though still unnatural































































































































Y: rather than saying “gomawoyo”































































































































let me hear more intimate words































































































































YS: we can have a banmal relationship































































































































one step at a time, slowly walk closer































































































































Y: look at me in the eye































































































































can you tell me































































































































YS: “I love you”
































































































































































































































































S: I understand, Yong. (in banmal)
































































































































Y: Me too.

































































































































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Guest uh-ohxev
















































Hello gogumas! I haven't posted in a while... feels good to be back. Hope everyone had a lovely Holiday! ^^
















I was so happy to wake up to YongSeo today! What a great surprise. It was so unexpected. I have been replaying it since it's been released. I can't get enough of the song.. I love it so much! If you want to do the same, you can do so by clicking here -































Click to give more views for uri YongSeo!















































They harmonize so well together.. I'm very glad that they chose YouTube.. that way they, as well as MBC, can see how much love they get not only from Korea, but internationally!































Make sure to continue rating, favoriting, and commenting the video guys..we must spam that video with LOVE!































If you don't have a YouTube account, please make one! It only takes a couple of seconds, and you'll be able to send your message of support to our couple! Lets show them GoChun power!















































Also, I'd like to know.. how do we know 33 means love? Is that a certain number in Korea? Or maybe it's an international number for love that I don't know about.. anyone care to fill me in on the whole "33" number thing? Thanks!

















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Guest octoberday




@ _d3seohyun: Thank you very much for the reply!


Just to be on the safe side, then…I’ll keep refreshing the video page…


Good luck getting many views, gogumas! :)



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Guest pinkksoupp
































































































































Today is the first time that I woke up and embraced the awesomeness of a Monday :D Awesome because Santa decided us goguma villagers have been good this year and gifted us with a video by the YongSeo couple themselves. Mondays will never be the same again for me :) It's heartwarming to see how much love there is in the comments to the youtube video that they uploaded. Although the video's not perfect cos some commented and said that Hyun's voice was drowned out by the guitar, I still think it's a genuine heartfelt effort by our favourite couple. We totally have to thank whoever that suggested uploading the bubu song on youtube. PD-nim, YOU IZ OSM!
































































my favourite moments from the video:
































































1) yellow couches are now synonymous with the yongseo couple ^^
































































2) how adorable is it that they decided to have their "children" cameo in the video as well?
































































3) Hyun sitting veeeery closely to Yong even though there was a huge space beside her on the opposite end of the couch :D i was hoping for their knees to bump against each other during the song..heh..
































































4) the eyeship! OMG the eyeship! :wub:
































































5) Yong's cheeks that were on the brink of exploding from happiness :D
































































6) Hyun's smiles each time Yong turns to look at her
































































7) the talking bit in the song..flirty Hyun asking Yong how much he wanted to hear her speaking in banmal ;) you sure know how to pull your nampyeon's strings huh?
































































8) the "Yong" and "Seo" badges they were wearing! just wondering, was it fan-made? or they made it themselves?
































































9) the ending - "saranghaeeeee"..daebak..totally and utterly daebak!
































































10) our favourite couple wearing their rings! ^^ it's like they knew how we've been ring-deprived for the last few weeks..kekeke..
































































my favourite moment:
































































































































looking into each other's eyes and doing what they love most :)
































































EDIT: since i'm at the top of the page, i'll repost the link to the most daebak video ;)
































































YongSeo's Banmal Song

































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Guest gogumaforever
































































































































































































please translate the conversation AND THE SONG from the beginning of the video to the end of the video! please please please
































































thank you goguma villagers!wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif
































































Remember to like their video on Youtube =) 































































































































(Link shared below is the Official video) 































































































































Convo Translation: 































































































































H: Now that Yoong…..































































































































Y: yes?































































































































H: you really wanna hear me speak banmal?































































































































Y: yes…really want to hear































































































































H: but….banmal is really difficult for me…you know that right?































































































































Y: why so difficult?































































































































H: although i tried practiced it…but it is really hard for me ..about speaking banmal to you, how much do you want me to?































































































































Y: orh…..so so much!!!!!


























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































gu ma wo ra neun geu mal do




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































an nyeong i ran mal do




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































nae gen neo mu eo ryeo wo yo




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































jeong mal gam sa hae yo




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































manhi ko ma wo yo




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































na neun I mal bakk e mot hae yo




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































mo deun ge cheo eum I ra seo




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































na sa shil eun neo mu na seo ton geol yo




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































eo ttoh ke mal hal kka




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































mweo ra go mal hal kka




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































na neun o neul do mang seol I jyo




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































eo ri seo ro ban mal ha neun sa I ga doe gi reul




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































a jik jo geum seo tu reu go o saek han de do




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































gomawoyo ra neun mal tu dae sin




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































jom deo chik ha ge mal eum hae jul rae




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































o ri seo ro ban mal ha neun sa I ga doel geo ya




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































han geol eum ssik…cheon cheon hi da ga wa




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































nae du nun eum ba ra bo myeo




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































mal eum hae jol rae




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































neol sa rang hae































































































































































































credit to goguma couple on facebook (http://www.facebook.com/gogumacouple)

































































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Guest bettechai




waa.. what a news to start your day..:) hehe


i love the banmal song...


i love the way they stare at each other..


is hyun playing with the guitar..i think shes not.. shes not even touching the string.take a look./.hehehe( or is my eyes just playing me LOL)


can any one translate it..please..thanks gogumas ..:) <3




thanks wishwash.! daebak..


my top 3 favorite line from the song


hopefully we can be a banmal relationship



though still unnatural


When we met for the first time



Even our smiles were shy



After today we should be closer to each other



I’m both excited and looking forward to it.




look at me in the eye



can you tell me



“I love you”


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Guest Germbaby



Hi everyone, I've translated the chinese translations from baidu, with MountainMadMan's original lyrics translation. Yonghwa's new verse is here too! Enjoy!


Yongseo's Banmal Song (Youtube)


Chinese Translation: camjenny@baidu goguma bar


Yongseo: 1 2 3 Hello (Korean English Japanese Mandarin Thai). We are Yongseo couple's...


Y: I’m Yong


S: I’m Seo


Y: What have we prepared today, Hyun?


S: Today we prepared a couple song that we, the Yongseo couple, wrote personally, called the ‘Banmal Song’.


Y: It’s a nice song and we hope everyone will enjoy it. We will perform right now.


Lyrics (credit MountainMadMan for first verse and chorus)


S: It's so hard for me to say 'thanks' or 'bye' to you [NOTE: these are informal words in Korean.]



All I can say is "thank you" or "thanks so much" [NOTE: these are formal words in Korean.]



Everything is brand new to me, so I'm a little unsure



How should I say it? It's still really awkward



Even today, I worry about it





YS: hopefully we can be a banmal relationship



though still unnatural



Y: rather than saying “gomawoyo”



let me hear more intimate words


S: You know what, Yong?


Y: What?


S: Do you really want to hear banmal from me?


Y: Ah… it will be good if I’m able to.


S: But you know that banmal is hard for me right?


Y: Why is it hard?


S: Err… I really tried very hard… It’s really difficult. How much do you want to hear me speak banmal?


Y: A lot.




Y: When we met for the first time



Even our smiles were shy



After today we should be closer to each other



I’m both excited and looking forward to it.





YS: hopefully we can be a banmal relationship



though still unnatural



Y: rather than saying “gomawoyo”



let me hear more intimate words



YS: we can have a banmal relationship



one step at a time, slowly walk closer



Y: look at me in the eye



can you tell me



YS: “I love you”


S: I understand, Yong. (in banmal)


Y: Me too.



HI Wishwash,


Thank you very very much for the translation. I love the part that Seohyun said "I understand, Yong" and yong said " Me too" Love this couple Yongseo Fighting!


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one more user uploaded the song....
































































































































































































































































































































































































Please if you gogumas can help
































































































































































































ask reuploaders NICELY to remove their vids
































































































































































































& flag as spam/fraud on youtube
































































































































































































protect our yongseo couple!

































































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