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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest maybelove








@kubih @rxp080100 thanks for sharing the ratings and schedules..




since there's no preview, i guess maybe they are planning on something special for the YongSeo couple. It's New Year Special so it should be SPECIAL!! :D banmal banmal ban




i have another question, which i know i'm not supposed to ask here. Does anyone know where to download the english subbed version of YongSeo Cuts besides rdrsubs website?? Please share with me coz i'm trying to have a collection of the couples episodes but i'm missing some...




i shall edit the post once it's been posted. THANKSSSS in advance! :)



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'Seohyun Banmal' currently on Daum's Most Searched
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































And here's a list of articles about yesterday's episode:

































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































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Guest anne0129
















































Hi! Just wanted to speak my piece about the voting issue. I'm putting it in spoiler so if you want to skip it is fine with me. Just wanted to voice my opinion.

When MBC said that the voting is only for Koreans, I was okay with it and moved on. I respected their rule about that and did not say or posted anything. When issues of other couples fans decided to vote despite not being Korean or in Korea, still I held my tongue and did not speak or make an issue. I would still not have made an issue of it until what was transpiring yesterday when in twitter Korean fans of YongSeo were asking for international fans' help since a couple's group of fans were voting and YongSeo dropped into third place. I am fine now and have thought things through but I was a bit angry about it being unfair and all but you know what I am fine in not winning that award for this couple because at least we didn't cheat. We didn't resort to something that will be misunderstood as being not fair. I'd rather we loss than have an award that will be questioned into how we attained it. If MBC is playing it so that only those who can attend can win the award then I am fine since as I said we have a clear conscience and we didn't win because MBC was aiming for our couple to win or because our couple's fans did something underhanded. A clear conscience is better than winning on a sly.
































I don't care now if they don't attend and I know they won't be able to attend since Yong is going to host in SBS and SNSD will be performing there too. So I am happy that I'll get to see Yong in that show. :wub::wub::wub:









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Guest ahn_annann










ep37 - so Sweet so Warm .. as YongSeo ..






share my caps :






my favorite scene










































88126576.th.jpg 60366488.th.jpg 55025149.th.jpg 96704306.th.jpg






48614971.th.jpg 19691794.th.jpg 97055401.th.jpg 21707431.th.jpg






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rxp080100, kubih, aneng thanks for the latest updates always :)
































































































































































































































































ahn_annann thanks for the caps, totally love :)
































































































































































































































































anne0129, I agree with what u said, totally like your spoiler content :)
































































































































































































































































Reading y'all posts really make me happy..
































































































































































































































































we really are goguma villagers
































































































































































































































































we are now becoming like our couple so much
































































































































































































































































I'm sure Yong and Hyun would've done the same thing we did in regards to the poll
































































































































































































































































It's just a poll, as much as I would like to see our couple win it, it's better to lose gracefully
































































































































































































































































I'm so proud of you guys..
































































































































































































































































For Korean Gogumas, we're forever thankful for your efforts, you guys are daebak!
































































































































































































































































and not in any way my post try to put down other couples,
































































































































































































































































whatever choices the fans made, I guess it was meant to be
































































































































































































































































So enough of the poll thingy, someone mentioned that perhaps the couple did the MV the day after, since Hyun also missed the fanmeeting.
































































































































































































































































I think it's possible as well, maybe they're going to do in wedding/couple concept, that's probably why Hyun was spotted doing a wedding make up :)
































































































































































































































































I'm so much amazed at this couple, they're both equally talented & nice people.
































































































































































































































































I can see the leadership in Yonghwa, despite him being playful & Hyun who's kindness is real, not fake, she always cares about others,
































































































































































































































































see how she worried about the instant foods CNBLUE guys have & how Yong drink cold cola/coffee.
































































































































































































































































So many scenes I love from this Ep,
































































































































































































































































Couldn't stop laughing at Hyun singing gibberish japanese, that she's so comfortable with Yong & the BIL
































































































































































































































































and the moment Yong described how he thinks of Hyun the 1st time he met her, Yong has always been pretty expressive, and at that moment I could almost see him thinking that 1st moment he saw her through the security tv :)
































































































































































































































































So much love ^^

































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Greetings all gogumas (waving)




















I’m back again, just can’t keep myself away from the thread.




















The latest episode brought back YongSeo’spast memories to my mind. The banmal song is sweet, touching & the lyric is meaningful. Trust Yong & Hyun to rpoduce something so sweet. Once again they express their feelings in beautiful and sincere words. That’s what I like about them. When they sing the song together, I was feeling so proud and extremely happy.  I’m falling more and more in love with these two beautiful people. wub.gifwub.gifwub.gif




















Everytime a new episode comes out I’ll go back to the first & watched everything again.  I myself don’t know how many times I rewatched uri YongSeo’s videos. It’s amazing to watch their progress & transition from the awkward & shy people to a natural & comfortable couple, that now everything they do seems so natural.




















 I like the room scene with BIL. The 4 of them looked so comfortable sitting in that small room chatting with each other. Hyun’s conversation with MinHyuk is comfortable, Yong is relaxed though he showed a lilttle bit of jealousy there ( I believe he just  pretended  to be jealous) and JongHyun is not awkward here. Did Hyun imitate Yong  when he told MinHyuk to practise his acting? It’s cute. Normally Yong is the one imitating Hyun. Looks like she is getting a bit of her hubby’s habit now.




















YongSeo at the kitchen & living room look cosy just like a pair of newly weds at home doing their usual stuff.  Watching them being focused & serious doing the song is refreshing. It would be great if they could work together composing songs  again in the future. Hyun must be getting a new experience in composing which she’ll treasure for life, Thanks to Yong.




















Yong warming Hyun’s hand is sweet. When Yong said they should buy a ferry, he sort of batted his eyes & Hyun replied with her own sweet smile & she batted her eyes too, It’s just too sweet & cute for me. The basketball & piggy back ride scenes are beautiful. They seem genuinely happy having each other company.




















At the cloud nine cafe they were acting again. At the red bean ice cafe they pretended to be high schooler now they pretended to be a college student. LOL at Yong’s  ‘what to do... Can I find a way into your heart’ and ‘Okay, You’re mine’. Is he making some sort ofstatement there? Or is is just for fun? It’s like he is blurting out what he really feels in playful manner but have deeper meaning to it. Go figure Goguma. happy.gif




















Okay that’s all from me at the moment.




















Thank You very very very much to all gogumas angels in the thread for sharing the caps, fan arts, raw vids,translations & info of uri YongSeo.  I LOVE everyone of them. This is definitely Go-Chun.  laugh.gif It feels great having so many family members here who are truly united because of two beautiful  people 







































 Jung Yong Hwa & Seo Joo Hyun, YongSeo LOVEForever.  wub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gifwub.gif







































A relaxing family moments



























































Natural & Comfortable moments for the couple



























































 Yong is playing his guitar while waiting for Hyun buin working seriously on her lyric














































































Yong looking through his buin's lyric & was satisfied with her first time attempt 













































































































something to share with all gogumas 






























































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I don't think that Yong would still a hug or kiss like Alex did to Shinae in WGM season 1 though. I think Yong is more aware that Hyun never experienced any relationship before, thus he will guide her and ask permission before he pursue that action. Just like holding hand, which came naturally.







After I watched the Japan episode, as an older person, I would really like them to meet Seohyun parents. I think as her parents, they should at least thanks Yong since he change and give good influence to Seohyun, so she becomes a better person. But then again it really depend on Seohyun parents, whether they would agree or not to come up on TV, and also the readiness of YongSeo couple to meet each other's parents.




I was amazed how much Yong really put himself into the show/relationship. No one would expect him to make a song about Banmal. I was so surprise, when he revealed it the first time in the seafood restaurant. Never I knew before that an unfinished song could become so popular, that even fans already played a piano version in youtube!


Yong! You are amazing!




I do hope that the song will be uploaded in Youtube, and YongSeo couple created an account themselves, so that they can read all of our comments there and feel the support from all the international fans.








Halo everyone.... I am new here in Go-Chun... Please take good care of me...


I decided to lurk out and reply gembul10's last post here and I want to give a reply to your spoiler in a spoiler. XDDD









I totally agree with you, and if i am not wrong, when Alex did a photo shoot with Shinae, there' was supposed to be a kiss in their photo shoot, but i guess it got cut off, and CMIIW, Alex wasn't happy at all with that arrangement. I too am not happy with that arrangement.




And for uri Yoong~ , I think he really is a gentleman from Busan. Cause in my opinion, he actually wants to be closer with Hyuun~ but he realized that his wife is lack of experience in this kind of relationship, so he waits for her to be much more comfortable with him, much more than now. Like what happened in Japan, when Hyuun~ herself linked her arm to Yoong~ without hesitation. So yeah, for a hug or kiss to come with our couple, it will take a longer time, but when it does, it will be natural and it's from the bottom of their hearts, both of them.









And i agree with you, if they could meet each other parents, it will be great cause it may hint some seriousness in both parties. Cause, in my opinion meeting the parents is the last step to ask someone to marry him/her. XDDDD


Maybe that's just my wishful thinking. LOL~~~




And for the MV, I too also wish it was on YT, so all Goguma-ers around the world could watch it, and be a part of it, not like some polls. Hehehehe...




Merry Xmas Everyone... Have a very blessed holiday... ^^


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i am still clueless abt this voting thingy since i just came back from my holiday.

but from my understanding..

- voting only meant for K fans, i.e. intn'l fans ARE NOT allowed to vote

- uri yongseo couple WILL NOT be attending the award show

- no show, no award policy?

- some fans from the other couple cheated ???

- does the PD aware of this?

so correct me if i'm wrong

as a fan, i would definitely want yongseo to win that award, since

this is another way to show my support.

but since the int'l fans can't vote, i can only cheer our fellow k yongseo fans

to do their best!

hmm..i think i should visit mbc site and leave some comment there..

abt the no prev, lets just wait for MC Kim's next tweet.

i believe in PDnim is saving the best for last for us, yongseo fans.. :phew:

and i believe PDnim will not pull a cheap stunt for us like he did

on AC couple yesterday..

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Guest digidigibob

Hello Gogumas! Happy holidays!

I just want to share this romanization of Banmal's lyrics that I made.

Take note, I'm not good in Korean (I can read SLOWLY but I can't understand). I just made this so I can sing to the song.

The Hangul lyrics were from the captions (while YongSeo was singing) on WGM.


gu ma wo ra neun geu mal do


an nyeong i ran mal do


nae gen neo mu eo ryeo wo yo


jeong mal gam sa hae yo


manhi ko ma wo yo


na neun I mal bakk e mot hae yo


mo deun ge cheo eum I ra seo


na sa shil eun neo mu na seo ton geol yo


eo ttoh ke mal hal kka


mweo ra go mal hal kka


na neun o neul do mang seol I jyo


eo ri seo ro ban mal ha neun sa I ga doe gi reul


a jik jo geum seo tu reu go o saek han de do


gomawoyo ra neun mal tu dae sin


jom deo chik ha ge mal eum hae jul rae


o ri seo ro ban mal ha neun sa I ga doel geo ya


han geol eum ssik...cheon cheon hi da ga wa


nae du nun eum ba ra bo myeo


mal eum hae jol rae


neol sa rang hae

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Guest LalaCAKES
















Merry Christmas fellow gogumas~








I know that there have been translations of the scenes based on Chinese translations but I decided to go ahead and do my own translations anyways :)
























Caption: <In a quiet apartment..>








SH: Ah, what is this?!








YH: Alright I won't do it.








YH: Do you like it?








SH: Erase it now.








YH: Ok I won't do it.








YH: I did it to be funny!








SH: It was funny.








YH: Do you want to try making a guide?








Caption: <First! He teaches her the way to make a guide song...>








SH: I hope that we will be able to use banmal~








YH: You don't need to think too hard about it








YH: <Singing gibberish>








YH: Once you start doing this, it just comes out on it's own








SH: Just do whatever?








Caption: <How long was he standing here for??>








YH: Jonghyun is really good at making guide songs!








JH: How's it going?








Caption: <Jonghyun brother-in-law slowly makes his way into the room.>








YH: Do you want to make a guide?








JH: Should I help you?








SH: Yes~








YH: Do a guide for us. Let's show them!








JH: What version? Japanese?








SH: Japanese!








JH: I don't know the melody very well..








JH: <Singing gibberish in Japanese>








JH: You just sing whatever you want








SH: However you want?








JH: Yes no one will know!








YH: Whenever someone hears it, they think there's a meaning~








Caption: <At this moment! Minhyuk brother-in-law!>








YH: It's Minhyuk!








SH: Oh hi!








MH: I came here to get something..








Caption: <It seems that the brother-in-laws want to be where Hyun is>








MH: What were you doing?








SH: Recording..








YH: That's Seohyun's jacket.








YH: You can't just hold onto it








MH: No? Then what...








YH: Put it nicely in the back








MH: What song is it?








YH: Baen mel! [NOTE: He's pronouncing it in a different/funny way]








MH: Baen mel?








YH: Baen mel song.








YH: Ok let's try it.








Caption: <It's now Hyun's turn to try making the guide song herself!>








YH: Just sing it like a normal guide.








SH: Alright








SH: Oh what should I do~








YH: With confidence!








SH: However I want?








Caption: <What kind of feeling will it give off?>








SH: <In Japanese> Hello, Nice to meet you I am.. [NOTE: In guide songs, you are supposed to sing gibberish but Hyun is saying an actual sentence.]








JH: Yes that's exactly it!








SH: <In Japanese> Nice to meet you, I am Seohyun..








SH: Ah I'm really embarrassed!








YH: Seohyun! I really think you're a genius!








YH: I'll write the end lyrics, you can write the beginning.








SH: The beginning?








MH: I really like Hoot these days!








SH: Oh thanks!








MH: It's really daebak!








SH: You saw it?








SH: Oh you're good!








YH: You can't just do that dance whenever you want. [NOTE: Hyun and Minhyuk are speaking in banmal/informal language, hence Yong's jealous antics]








MH: You're captured on screen a lot.








SH: Oh really?








MH: I saw it!








MH: And all of those all-kill headlines..








Caption: <The beautiful relationship of same-age friends>








YH: We are always..








MH: I saw all of them








SH: Oh! You got casted in a drama, right? Congratulations!








YH: Oh these awkward statements!








SH: What!








MH: We're just speaking our minds!








YH: Minhyuk.. work harder at acting!








SH: What are you talking about?








Caption: <The oldest member who crumbles due to jealousy>








YH: Work hard








SH: Work hard!








MH: Ok








Caption: <A while later..>








SH: There's so much instant food!








YH: Yea, this is CN Blue style~








SH: I guess I'll have to make some side dishes for you. This won't do!








MC1: She said she'll have to make him side dishes!








YH: Have you thought of the lyrics yet?








SH: Ah but..








YH: Is it hard?








SH: It is hard!








YH: What's hard about it?








SH: To write good lyrics..








YH: You just need to write what you want to say!








SH: Mm.. even so..








YH: The best lyrics are the ones that best express what you want to say. This is what I learned








SH: Oh.. who did you learn this from?








YH: Ah.. internet..








SH: It's good.








YH: Think about it like this. When I first asked you to speak banmal, what was your initial feeling?








SH: It was hard..








YH: It was hard!








SH: <Singing> It was hard~








SH: That's weird!








YH: For these things, you should write it just like words.








YH: --- those words, --- those words, are still hard for me.








Caption: <Yong husband is slowly teaching her skills>








SH: Oh that's good!








YH: Think about it this way~!








YH: And then make it rise!








SH: What is that!








YH: Thinking about it comfortably is the hardest.








YH: It's hard, huh.








SH: Yeah..








Caption: <And the lyric-making studio resumes>








YH: Think about it.








YH: I was the first guy to drop you off at your house right?








SH: Yes.








Caption: <Slowly bringing out emotions that can be used to write lyrics>








YH: This is the first time a guy has dropped me off at home, how do you feel?








SH: I'm not sure~








YH: Be honest of your feelings!








MC: Oh he's so cheesy~








YH: How was it? When I dropped you off at your house?








SH: Because you dropped be off... it was interesting!








YH: You dropped me off it was interesting~








MC: You dropped me off, how much?








SH: I was thankful!








YH: Of course you were thankful!








SH: I just don't know!








SH: Then what about you? How did you feel oppa?








YH: What?








SH: When you first met me.








Caption: <Yong's first impression of Hyun!>








YH: My first impression?








YH: When I first saw you.. Oh, it's Seohyun!








YH: Oh she's pretty.








YH: Oh she's nice.








YH: Oh she's polite.








YH: You're making it too complicated!








SH: Am I?








YH: Yeah. What was your first impression of me?








YH: Oh he's handsome~








SH: What?!








MC: Why is he doing this!








SO: He's cute!








YH: This is my first time seeing him but he's alright!








YH: Oh does he like spicy rice cakes?








YH: What.. $2 rings?!








Caption: <Are Yong's tips helping?>








SH: Paper! Pen!








Caption: <Finally Hyun is going to start composing!>








MC: You just need to write down everything you're thinking first.








YH: <Will Hyun be able to write lyrics that express her heart?>








SH: Don't look!








YH: What!








Caption: <The new lyricist is working hard>








YH: Your hair was eating the cake!








Caption: <She clears out her honest thoughts>








Caption: <And like that, an hour passed..>








MC: I can only say these words.








SH: I'm done!








YH: Let's hear it!








Caption: <Finally Hyun is done writing!>








SH: I worked hard on it so..








YH: Give it here, it's okay








SH: Alright








YH: We don't have time for this~








YH: I'll read it!








MC: He's not laughing








MC: So serious








YH: Oh~ this is good!








SH: Really?








MC: Really?








MC: That's a relief!








Caption: <Yong's eyes seem rather pleased>








SH: Really? Ah, thank you~








YH: You used the words I used earlier as a motto..








MC: Motto? Isn't it motive?








YH: You really write well..








YH: Let's record it right away








Caption: <What will the first part of their couple song sound like?>








SH: Oh it's a bit low.








SH: Even words such as 'thank you' and words such as 'hello' are still hard for me. [NOTE: 'thank you' and 'hello' are informal]








SH: I'm so grateful, I am really thankful.. these are the only things I can say. [NOTE: these words are formal]








SH: Because everything is so new, I'm actually very nervous








SH: How should I say it? It's a bit awkward, even now my heart flutters.








MC: Wow she wrote it so well!








MC: This is her true heart!








MC: Banmal song!








MC: My hair raised!








YH: It's good!








SH: Is it really okay?








[NOTE: They fix a part of the lyrics from "It's a bit awkward" to "What should I say"]








SH: Oh "what should I say" sounds good!








YH: Are you stealing my lyrics!








SH: No I'm using it as a motive!








YH: I was shocked.








SH: What, lies~








YH: Really








SH: Really? Why?








YH: I was so shocked.








SH: Why?








YH: "I can only say these words."








YH: Could you only say these words?








Caption: <He makes his rocker hyung fall over>








YH: This.. this isn't about you right?








SH: Yeah.








YH: It's like a couple's story..








SH: Yeah, I thought about that and wrote it!








YH: A shy relationship..








YH: The shy girl.. just..








SH: What?








Caption: <The shy Busan boy who passes off those lyrics as if it were someone else's story>








YH: Shall we sing the entire song from the beginning?








SH: Should we? Okay








YH&SH: <Singing>








Caption: <The first meeting>








YH: You can lower your speech.








SH: Lower.. You can.








YH: Lower your speech.








SH: I don't think I can.








MC: The feeling is so different from the first meeting and now!








YH: Lower.








SH: I cant!








YH: Lower your speech for a day!








Caption: <The banmal that started off with a bet..>








SH: Eat. [NOTE: informal language]








SH: Let's go eat spaghetti! [NOTE: informal language]








SH: Thanks. [NOTE: informal language]








YH: What major are you?








SH: If you need help, ask me!








Caption: <Like that, they started to break down each other's walls..>








SH: Then.. do you really want it?








YH: No








YH: You don't have to use it.








SH: Really?








YH: Because I feel that we are really getting close already.








YH&SH: <Singing>








MC: It's nice!








Caption: <And with each other's help, they complete their couple song>








SH: I'm proud!








YH: Are you proud?








SH: Yeah.








YH: It's really good though.








SH: Is it okay?








YH: Yeah.








YH: Should we go clear our heads?








SH: Yeah.








Caption: <A while later..>








SH: It's cold!








SH: Is this it?








YH: I think so...








SH: It is!








SH: What is it?








YH: Something Minhyuk recommended








MC: I've only heard about these things before!








SH: To think that I wore a skirt on such a day.. I'm truly crazy!








SH: It's warm! Oh I will live!








YH: You look really cold today.








SH: It was really cold!








YH: Just do it like this.








SH: Oh it's warm~








YH: It's warm isn't it?








MC: Riding that in the night is nice.








MC: Wow it's pretty!








YH: It's eating the water!








YH: I must buy a yacht!








SH: You're gonna buy one?








MC: Yachts are expensive Yonghwa!








YH: I'll make it








Caption: <They have arrived at the Han River Park>








SH: It feels like my body melted, doesn't it?








SH: We're really going to go play basketball?








YH: The court is over there!








YH: I want to shout 'I like you!'








MC: Little kid!








MC: He must really like it!








Caption: <One day in June..>








SH: The sport you like?








YH: Basketball.








Caption: <Yong husband said that he liked basketball>








YH: I'll set a competition with you!








YH: A 5-point game.








YH: You can start with 4 and I'll start with 0.








YH: The loser buys something warm!








SH: Okay!








Caption: <Hyun wife starts first>








JW: He's working so hard!








SH: I really can't play!








YH: 1-0, I mean 1-4!








Caption: <Yong husband is pretty good at basketball!>








SH: What is this~








Caption: <Hyun's attack!>








YH: Seohyun is the best you can do? You can't play basketball!








YH: You can't talk about playing pool anymore!








SH: I really can't play!








Caption: <Hyun tries her best but..>








Caption: <He's using all kinds of tricks!>








SH: Why are you..








SH: I'll just buy it for you! Let's go!








YH: Hey!








YH: If I can hit the rim, you have to piggy back me!
















SH: You don't think I can piggy back you twice?








YH: If I can't hit the rim, I'll piggy back you and go.








SH: Ok!








Caption: <After the pocketball incident, they are again betting a piggy back ride.>








MC: He's too short!








YH: Ok just get on.








YH: Ah~ I know Seo Ju Hyun is heavy.








YH: Are you getting on?








SH: Not yet!








SH: Wait a second~








Caption: <Although it isn't too romantic..>








SH: Hold on~








YH: Hold on tightly!








YH: Just grab onto me!








SH: Like that?








YH: Yes.








YH: Seohyun!








SH: Yes?








YH: I've lost all strength in my legs.








YH: Pretending like she doesn't like it~








SH: I was heavy and the backpack was heavy..








SH: The combination of those forces would've made it even heavier!








SH: Are you okay?








YH: Yea.








SH: You're not okay huh?








YH: You're so heavy!








SH: Really.. I feel uneasy!








Caption: <The two people arrive at the cafe>








SH: Why are you drinking something so cold?








YH: No, it's ok!








Caption: <Seems as if he was really tired.>








YH: What major are you?








SH: The arts








YH: The arts?








YH: What year are you?








SH: A first year.








YH: Oh we're the same age.








SH: Are we?








YH: I'm the representative of my major.








SH: Nice to meet you.








YH: I had a meeting today, but for you I skipped the meeting and came here.








SH: Good job.








YH: <Imitating Hyun> Good job.








SH: Just eat your ice.








YH: What do I have to do?








YH: To get to your heart.








SH: Ah, too sweet. [NOTE: Hyun is referring to the tea.]








YH: Alright I've decided.








YH: I claim you.








SH: Ah really..








YH: What!








Caption: <Again, the couple reviews the lyrics to their banmal song>








YH: Shouldn't there be some back and forth? Because it's a duet song.








SH: Yes, you're right.








SH: Ah! We missed the time of opening our mission card!








Caption: <What will the second mission say?>








YH: Ah really..








SH: We have to see it together!








Card: The Yongseo couple must introduce their new couple song to a lot of people!








MC: They have to reveal it at a specific place








MC: Today??








YH: Oh my..








SH: Let's peel that off.








MC: It really is hard to see the mission..








YH: Youtube?!








SH: It can't be!








Caption: <Is it really.. telling them to reveal it >








JW: Oh, the place that the entire world is watching.








SO: The tube.








YH: We must record a UCC ourselves.








SH: Ah, I've never done something like this before!








YH: Me neither!








SH: They give us such a mission...








YH: It's a good thing I guess.








SH: It's good..









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Guest FallenAnjewl
































































































































yayay !!! yong wore his ring on inkigayo todaii
















































































































i just missed out on clipping a photo but i definetely saw the ring todaii
















































































































I now have a strong feeling, that he didnt wear the ring before because he was preparing for cnblue's concert and was afraid BOICE fans would boycott their concert
















































































































but im very glad that they are both wearing their couple rings again.
















































































































Yong must have discussed this with hyun since both of them didnt wear it. Glad to see both of them cooperating with each oterh =] thats what real couples do
















































































































Just watched the episode !! and im in love with the banmal song. I definetely can see something special between them
















































































































I wonder how the MV will turn out and hopefully they have a special stage soon

























































































































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Guest synykiss
































































I done them before better translations were out so ... yeah.































And i just about gave up towards the end >_<
















































Merry christmas go-chun peoples~

















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see a lot of people still upset because Khuntoria have special performance. i think we just need to think that may be adam and yongseo couple are so busy. we can see that they are more busy than khuntoria because of their group come back and both husband have to work as mc. especially Yong. our coule need some rest. maybe in lunar new year they will have st special.


remember in Chusoek epsiode, our couple has more air time comparing with others. so be happy and enjou our couple happiness.


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I hope everyone had a really great Christmas/Holidays!!!







I was a bit busy, but I finally have time to spazz! Thank you to every goguma who uploaded raws, translated and subbed. You guys are so amazing!!!














This episode felt like a Christmas present, right? I think the PDnims' decision to have them upload the song on Youtube is a bit of an acknowledgement to the International Goguma fandom. As much as I appreciate having an inside look at how they compose songs, I wonder how they feel as artists at having that be so open. At not being able to edit or refine it further. It's all so rushed, it's no wonder they freaked out. Youtube, especially, has the ability to leave uploaders vulnerable. Let's all give them an overwhelmingly warm response when it does go up, yes? Trolls and haters are bound to show up. I can hear the embittered anti-Hyun Boices already... Aigoo. 







Ihave the feeling I might end up going off on a tangent.





















I noticed in this part that the editing seemed a bit off. She is wearing the Hulk gloves (JH had them on when they greeted Yongseo) and then she's not. It was just a bit of randomness because it's femenine, girly Seohyun...in CNBlue's kitchen... wearing Hulk gloves. I don't even care if it's edited randomly, because Yongseo is random.







I loved when Yonghwa lays out on the bed and waxes poetic about songwriting only to credit his wisdom to the internet. LOL, Yonghwa... his smile was so cute. They are so comfortable now. I also love the fact that Seohyun was holding the Pig-Bunny stuffed animal (From You're Beautiful!), it was another random yet utterly "awww" moment.







I ove them. Also, they are always eating in WGM and always have the most delicious looking food and I always get hungry!














Anyways, moving on...














how cute was Seohyun looking at Yonghwa's first impression of her/compliments? And then also smiling when thinking of her first impression of her husband. SO sweet/sincere/unscripted/adorable/lovey-dovey. ME=DEAD





















Honestly, part of the reason I loved this episode was becaus their skinship was so... intimate? Somehow Yonghwa manages to make the bitter cold weather something to be thankful for, because he is just so utterly sweet and caring of his buin. Holding her hand to his chest. Letting her borrow his jacket. OMO warming her hands with his breath. It's just really tender and intimate. And because it's Yong and Hyun, they're just in their own world.





















Just before Yong sprints off to the basketball court, a lot of us have pointed out that they are linking arms. I would just like to point out not only that their body language is that of a real couple, but that it's Yonghwa linking.





















And of course, Yonghwa who brings up the piggy back ride. LOL he has consistently tried to convince Hyun to either piggyback or dance. This is the first time he finally gets to carry her though, because we all know what happened with the pocketball bet . I think it's really sort of cute of him, since he was clearly tired from the basketball (he was warm enought to take off his jacket, after all). Whoever mentioned the fact that Seo is wearing a skirt while Yonghwa is carrying her, so true! The piggyback and back hug, for me, has always been this goal I've had for them. It's like a milestone, or something, because it is a different level of intimacy/closeness.














Ugh... I really do love these two. I can't even deal with how perfect and precious and sweet they are.





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in sbs's gayo daejun preview
































































































































































































hyun is also wearing her ring!
































































































































































































double ring exposition today!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































(just a thumbnail cause the pic is HUGE!)

































































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Guest SophiaPia












Thanks for all the translations you guys are daebak :) Thanks for all the screen caps. Yeah baby! the episode yesterday is another YongSeo so so sweet episode, so natural, so lovely indeed. We really seeing the grown up YongSeo couple. And don't worry about the preview. It might be a surprise for New Year's special. 

















Thanks for the eng sub video KRDgoguma. 


























Yap! the bond of love is back after feel the blue concert. Both wearing it. Love love love.

















jnj: welcome back 

















and to all of you YongSeo lovers Have a wonderful New Year. And we wish that our lovely YongSeo couple will be forever wub.gifwub.gif











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just wanna ask, have eng sub video of ep 37 upload already??can anybody give me the link? it's so weird bcos usually the eng sub by now already finish, maybe bcos our translator still on holiday?? anyway thank in advance...









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I done them before better translations were out so ... yeah.

And i just about gave up towards the end >_<






Part2 uploading




Merry christmas go-chun peoples~






are you actually KRDgoguma?




if yes, thanks a plenty for the continuous support by doing the timing + subbing the raw videos which is really awesome for us all here.




obviously, im not forgetting our own great subbers - J2dlee, mountainmadman and other subbers which i might have left out (pardon me cos i started getting addicted during Oct 2010 and had always been addicted since. Saturday noon are strictly stay-home moment for Yongseo moments. heehee!)








& the ring explosion! totally awed me!!! :D  soompi goguma shippers are real good detectives <3



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Today, In Ikigayo two Mc is so funny and that I think I saw the ring  ^_^






Yonghwa wears the Red jacket  with  the New Mc "brother Jungshin" . They are so cute !!!






BUT Jungshin daces it's so funny






I would like to share it  ^___^


































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