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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Hello fellow gogumas~




First off, thank you to the translators for being so kind and always putting the effort to interact and interpret what the Korean idioms or sayings are to get a better understanding.




Secondly, I was also taken a back and was a bit turned off when I heard what JinWoon had written for SeoHyun. I only know so much Korean and yet I immediately picked up on what he said. Initially, I thought it was a desperate and childish approach of him to say something like that to someone's girl, esp if that girl's his friend's. I'm not saying I dislike him or what he did but he could have been more subtle and modest about it, imo; but seeing how he and YongHwa are actually close to have hand smex, I guess it wasn't that big of a deal. I think by episode 13 or 14 (where SeoHyun asked Yong why he didn't tell her about him going to Thailand), he finally got the gist that Hyun has become immersed in YongHwa more than he imagined.




Third, this is why I sometimes I want to mute the MCs. They call Yong a choding when he's done at least one or two childish or immature things throughout the show, and they weren't even that big of a deal. If he was really immature, he would have made fun of SeoHyun's driving skills or lack of thereof (due to inexperience in driving on the road), since that was her most vulnerable moment. I know it's just their way of teasing Yong or showing their fondness, but when they make faces like MC Nasun had done numerous times before, I start to raise a brow. Like REALLY?! We know you like NickHun the best so chill, you'll get to see him soon XD




BTW, hope MC Nasun's arm and condition has healed :)




Lastly... I know it's a breath of fresh air for our couple to write a song together. The concept of it is wonderful, but somehow I feel a bit bitter. It takes out the importance and meaning of the song for me. Regardless, I bet when the song's out, I'll be the first to download or buy it either way, so I'll sulk for now and eat my own words later when I see them perform it :)




PS: Pure <3 when Hyunnie was leaning her head on Yong. It was shown for a mere millisecond but she did. :D Girl, you can stay there all day if you want, I bet oppa won't mind ;D



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Hello Gogumas... Hope everyone is having a sweet day 2 day  biggrin.gif











































I've been watching the last episode over and over again. the feeling of joy & warmth is still there no matter how many time I watched it. CNBLUE boys are a part of WGM family now, just like 2AM. Still remember the 2AM boys keep on appearing on WGM in the previous Adam Couple's episodes. Now it's the BLUE boys turn. I like it.biggrin.gif The BIL are just awesome like their leader.  In a way we also get the insight of CNBLUE life wink.gif







































I esp love it looking at YongHwa at work. He can be playful but look at him when he is with his 'music' toys. He loves it. I bet he stays in his room & play with the toys most of the time at home. Now Gogumas & even BOICE have the chance to look at YongHwa at work. He is very serious & focus when he is composing, thus leaving his chodingness aside.  Hyun is very amazed at his skills & abilities. she must be happy to be in that room & proud looking at her husband at work. She can really learn a lot about music from her hubby.







































While Yong was singing Hyun keeps on staring at him, it's just beautiful. Their playfulness & closeness is so heartwarming. Just can't choose which is the best YongSeo moments because every moment is just wonderful no matter how simple it is. The ring event, the first hand holding & Hyun's arm linking moment  were GREAT! but somehow I find that the natural closeness, interaction & touches in the latest  episode is GREATER. biggrin.gif All these make them look like a real couple that's why I like it so much.


























































Profesional Yong Showing his skills to Buin.




















Hyun buin staring at his charismatic hubby in awe

























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Guest Faith_memory






hello there my fellow gogumas! ♥




just wanna share this hahaha!




















too bad MC JAKE did not do it... hahaha!! ♥




screen caps from snsd's calendar bts. hyun holding the guitar that yong gave.














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Guest LiyLiy14








I love yesterday episode. Another deabak episode.


I can felt that they are closer in this episode.


Waiting anxiously for their couple songs. How would it be? I really wish tomorrow is GOGUMA DAY. Please SANTA. Can you fulfilled my wish? I'm good this year.




Remember the song that Jung Shin put to welcome Hyun. 

The song called "Empire State of Mind" Jay-Z | Alicia Keys". 




My link








To all translators(SORRY, i forgot your name--> Pls forgive me) and synykiss, kamsahamnida for your kind works.




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Guest uRaHaRa
























































































hello guguma's! annyeong! ^^















































































































































enjoy watching & reading everythings here! you guys awesome! as awesome as our beloved couple!















































































































































keep on spazzing!! yay!






























































































































































































































me more to silent reader here [my english not good ;P]















































































































































& be YongHyun couple fans since beginning like most of you..






























































































































































































































anyway, Yong...Hyun..that's love really are...grew in step..need time & patience..& the result, LOVE LOVE LOVE in the air!! fighting!! ;)









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Guest kuroPii








































































































































































hey gogumas!
























































































































































i'm normally a silent lurker in here, and only post something like once every 2 or 3 weeks.. >.<
























































































































































i just wanted to stop by & say, I HAVE THE HULK GLOVES JONGHYUN WAS WEARING !!
























































































































































hahahaha i feel so special, i have the same thing cn blue does ^^
























































































































































ANYWAYS, this episode was TOO CUTE for words. i've gotta say the highlight of this episode was when yong lays down on the floor all whiney & hyun does some skinship to pull him up. another highlight - yong singing her parts of the banmal song & hyun listening intently. it was such a cute scene ! <3
























































































































































i dont wanna wait another week for the next episode. seems so far away :(









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Guest yongseo_fighting


Hi, everyone, I want to thank our new goguma translators and subbers in this post, ie.synykiss, txrk, missmoomin, my.yonghwa.baby, tempss etc. I am sorry that I might not remember everyone's name but you are all DAEBAK! I appreciate your effort to translate even though it is a fast and rough translation to allow us to understand the episode when MountainMadman and j2dlee might be busy during these festive season. I LOVE you all! Hmm.. in this episode, I am so happy that Hyun and Yonghwa are so comfortable with each other. Am I the only one who wish that when Yonghwa lying down on the floor to avoid the dance, instead of being pulled up by Hyun, he pulled back and Hyun accidentally fell over him....? haha... too much kdrama addiction lately...


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This episode was so……heartwarming!

It feels good to see them so close, so comfortable with each other.

Joking, flirting, teasing each other, Hyun is so happy and comfortable now with Yong Choding.  She gets it, she understands his humor and enjoys it, even participates with him in his jokes.  Before she was like – ehhh?  Now ….it’s so funny!

Seohyun is so awesomely pretty in this episode.   I’m sure they both get clothes, cell phones, cameras to use on the show as advertisements for different products.  Seohyun’s hair, makeup and clothes are awesome, as are Yong’s. 

The scene with them both walking arm-in-arm, Hyun has the guitar on her back, love the black coat she’s wearing, walking in step, her hair blowing in the wind, just such a beautiful scene, like from a movie.:rolleyes:  

Their eyeship is awesome, this couple has the prettiest eyes ever, and they use them to communicate between each other where words fail them -  it just makes my heart melt.:wub:

I love the dividing of the goguma crop, how they think of all the other people in their lives before themselves.   I think this speaks volumes of how their hearts work.   They put other people they love/respect before their own needs.

The Hoot dancing was cool.  Hyun is always trying to get Yong to dance, because this is his ‘weak’ spot.  Yong acts like a little kid in front of Hyun, which show how comfortable he is with her.  She will continue to force him to dance until he enjoys it as much as she does.  This is what couples do – ‘I really enjoy doing this (sport, art, skill) I want you to experience it, too!  Because it’s enjoyable, gives me pleasure, I want you to feel the same pleasure I get when I dance!’

Now the 2AM guys support yongSeo?!  Well, all said something about YongSeo EXCEPT Jinwoon.  He just said that Hyun was looking prettier.  Give up, Jinwoon, Hyun’s heart has been taken………

The ‘goguma CF’ was funny.  That camera of Hyun’s is awesome!  I’ve never seen a camera that can project an image like that.   The fact that he saw her in her pajamas was cute, and she was embarrassed.  I’ll bet Yong would like to see her in her PJs in real life, close up,  yup, yup!

They were sitting SO close when viewing the picture on Hyun’s camera.  Her head was almost on his shoulder, their shoulders, bodies touching – hot! 

Hyun’s ‘shocked’ expression when she was confronted in the darkroom about the meaning of the song’s lyrics.   Ahh!  She was speechless!  Then she said she’s already said it a lot – a confession that she has already told Yo~ng she loves him? – duguen, duguen! blush.gif

The phone call to CN Blue bros was hilarious, especially when they said they were just all lounging around in their underwear!  Hyun’s embarrassment was so cute!   I loved her slapping the couch in embarrassment.  I totally love CN Blue bros + Hyun, they are so cute together.  I love how they treat her like a princess.

 And ‘Korea’s chingu Jungshin’  he’s so funny!   Always cracks Hyun up.  The CN blue bros and Hyun are much more comfortable now, aren’t they? 

Arm linking is so natural now!  How far this couple has come!  They are looking like a ‘real’ couple now!  I’m so happy!

Yong showing her his skills at composing a song, he looks so cool, and you can see Hyun thinks he’s awesomely cool, too.   Then Yong Choding comes out to play again, putting Hyun’s scary laugh and scream on the song track, LOL!  How happy he must have been having his girl there by his side, doing what he loves – creating songs.

You have to remember, even though these two are famous, talented, skilled and have great responsibility, they are just a young man and woman.  They should act silly and foolish at times, they have the right to have some fun at times.  They are acting their age when they get ‘choding’.  Yong Choding is just one of his charms, I wouldn’t like him half as much if he was always serious.  I hear some Boices don’t like WGM because Yong shows his silly ‘choding’ side.  That’s one reason we love him – and why Hyun loves him, too!

The ‘slip’ in the lyrics about the ‘kiss me tonight’.  We know what you want Yong!  And I think Hyun wants it, too!  Have you noticed how she is always applying lip gloss/moisturizer every chance she gets?  She’s been doing that since the early days.  She just wants her lips to be ready when you finally lose control, grab her up in your arms and give her your sweet kiss!  Do it, Yong!   She won’t stop you, and she’s too shy to try…..

I don’t know, I get this feeling, this ‘vibe’ from Yong that he doesn’t care who knows about his love for his buin, kind of a rebellious feeling like, ‘I love this girl and I don’t care who knows it!’.   I’ll write songs about it, I’ll shout it from the rooftops.  But first I want to hear it from her, that she feels the same.  And once that happens, to all antis – too damn bad!  You and my management company cannot control my heart, my feelings.   I have the right to love who I want, and as long as it doesn’t harm her, that’s the way it’s going to be – learn to live with it!   Is there anyone else in GO-CHUN who feels the same?

 Merry Christmas to all goguma lovers and peace and prosperity to all of you in the coming New Year!   May God’s light and grace shine on all of you!               


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Guest soshisoshisoshi
























H: When you start composing a song, what do you do first? With the motif of the banmal song. Let me hear it again. Start!
















Y: I think I'm feeling you by me(?) I think I'm feeling you by me







MS: I feeling your body...? (Engrish)







Y: I don't say you in love (?) I don't save you in love (?)



































I was totally LOLing about this. My imagination really runs wild after MC Park Miseon said that. Also Yong's use of english as a placeholder made me laughed really hard. I know it's quite random :sweatingbullets: but this episode has soo many random moments LOL, also when Hyun was like frozen when asked about the lyrics..... speechless response  :lol:, I didn't expect her reaction to be like that. funniest episode EVER  :lol:
















Btw thanks to everyone who provides translations and subbed videos....... KAMSAHAMNIDA! ;)









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Thx for the translation!!




Finished watching the episode..




So sweet to see CNBLUE fooling around with each other and Seohyun..




I lol when Yonghwa was using Seohyun's laugh for the intro :)




Their song will be DAEBAK!!








Just my curiosity..




Do anyone know what software did Yonghwa use to mix the song???












Is it just a coincidence that all the couples are making a song??..





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Guest nafa_yongseo







i'm totaly in go-chun...:lol::D














피렌체 두오모 가기 !   mean    Florence Duomo Go!









 they want to go to ITALY???????????????????????????????????









OMO.... daebak....









yongseo daebak...









hope they will go to italy to... HONEYMOON!!! :wub:...:wub:...:wub:...



















thanks for the engsub ...


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Guest uRaHaRa







































































































































































































































you spoke all what in my mind! agree with all your comment! ^^















































































































































kya! feel so happy to have same feeling & thought with all guguma's lovers here!






























































































































































































































and we all do feel their love now right?~~ d;









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Guest archiehon








































@Jin91: I thought the guitar was white and it was the regular guitar. Yong bought Hyun a mini brownish guitar . But I don't have the picture to show you. BTW, the guitar in Hyun's hand in Yong's room is not her guitar rite? it looked too small and short! (aaegi guitar?)
























Thanx to synykiss for providing us a translated video. Thanx to the Subbers, u guys are JJang!









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Guest teuksunghae


hey guys...i'm been a lurker for 2 months now just want to post this saying thank you to all the people who share everything about  yongseo couple..  kekeke

ps..i found this article can someone translate..   thx  :)


Duomo of Florence is a place for the lovers with the promise of everlasting love is where they went together. When will you?"



and the rest I dunno... but basically they are talking about the place.... then there's a part about yonghwa and books...

I dunno I don't speak korean. I just use online translator hahhaa


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Guest sapphire18




























(Japanese Movie; Calm and Passion feat YongSeo








If people are wondering why YongSeo wanted to go to Italy, better read & watch Calm & Passion. I believe YongSeo wants to meet after 10 years
















This person quoted the few lines from the interview








Interviewer:Do you usually read?








Yonghwa:yes, recently, i read a lot .








It's the influence from hyun buin








and he said, I especially loved "flying trapeze" (another japanese novel)








and also "calm and passion" which i read in only one day








They want to go to Firenze Duomo, which is in Italy!








EDIT: couldnt find the original ost  but this has the part on top of Florence Duomo start from 2.50s  










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Guest ahn_annann
































Ep 36 between waiting for Eng Sub
































v Thank you so much for subbing WendyLoveSoshi, trxk, myyonghwababy, Zack and rainypark.
















share my caps:
















































































74694613.th.jpg 78343928.th.jpg 68879394.th.jpg 62831485.th.jpg
















48524531.th.jpg 76591522.th.jpg 75609511.th.jpg
















s10x.th.jpg s13er.th.jpg s20w.th.jpg









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Guest glennpaulo








@Jin91: I thought the guitar was white and it was the regular guitar. Yong bought Hyun a mini brownish guitar  . But I don't have the picture to show you. BTW, the guitar in Hyun's hand in Yong's room is not her guitar rite? it looked too small and short! (aaegi guitar?)




Thanx to synykiss for providing us a translated video. Thanx to the Subbers, u guys are JJang!







The small guitar in hyun's hand doesn't belong to her. Maybe that guitar is from a CNBLUE fan because when i first see that guitar, it is after their first live concert(july 31).




Thank you for the all who work for the subbed video especially rainypark, my.yonghwa.baby, Zack.







So that's where the origin of their #11 in their list.




REPOST: English Subbed episode 36 




Part 1




part 2









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Yonghwa said he's reading 'Between Calm and Passion'. I can't get my hands on the summary of the books, but a movie was also made based on the them(there are 2 volumes). The books and movie are all originally from Japan. I'm sure he read the translated ones.

Living in beautiful Florence, Italy, Junsei Agata is an up and coming restoration expert who specializes in historical fine art. Junsei is ready to move forward in his life, but he can’t seem to forget one person from his past. Aoi was his one true love, but destiny had other plans. Remembering they had made a promise to meet atop a cathedral in Florence on Aoi’s thirtieth birthday 10 years ago, their last chance to rekindle their love may be too late.




















I think that's where they got their inspiration from to go to Italy?





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