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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest biancacoolio



i really want to know about it too.. since my english is not good... so i don't quite understand the meaning of "getting to me" :( i just dont want to have a wrong perception so i google it but didn't find the meaning yet :( can anybody explain it to me... :D.. hahah *since my english is really2 bad ^^; *






i'm pretty proficient in english but i'm a terrible explainer. lol






the "getting to me" is used in a context like "you are getting under my skin, seohyun-ah... you're good." 






LMAO. i think. i know what  the nuances of the phrase are, but i can't explain it. *bows head in shame* 



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Guest yhayhayha












i really want to know about it too.. since my english is not good... so i don't quite understand the meaning of "getting to me" :( i just dont want to have a wrong perception so i google it but didn't find the meaning yet :( can anybody explain it to me... :D.. hahah *since my english is really2 bad ^^; *

















its my second post after spazzing the latest epi,




from my understanding, it can be two meanings, first: yong said "getting to me" after hyun imitate yong's Busan accent, so its like "you follow my accent = you are getting close with me = you and me are the same", remember from the last (beginning) epi, when hyun asked yong's opinion about her first  MC-ing? yong answered "you're good, you become like me",




or second meaning, yeah maybe.. it can be... falling in love? hahahaa biggrin.gif




but whatever the meaning is, its good, right?laugh.gif








its sunday noon at me now, rain falls so hard, getting bored, nothing to do. and then end up watching the latest epi for 6 times already, and BLAZZZ!! i'm happy!! yongseo really know how to control my mood. my sunday is gettin' bright!!! laugh.gif








thank you again for MountainMadman, j2dlee and synykiss for the translation.. really, u're angel gogumas who fall who from go-chun.. w00t.gif








i really.. really love "spiderman" scene,, hahaa.. wub.gif




oh, lets play along... its just come to my mind.. lets guess, do you think our couple will kiss?naturally?along in the wgm?




honestly, i want them to kiss privately in their real life, hehe.. phew.gif  but if they do it in wgm, i love to see that also phew.gif  i want they do that naturally, without any force. just holding hand have made me going crazy..




but now i have nothing to do.. so just play along, lets guess, gogumass.. lets play along... w00t.gif





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Guest andyhitman




Hey everyone! I saw last week's preview again and towards the end, Seohyun was clapping and saying you did well. Did that part get edited out? I wonder why? To make us think Seo's reaction to the song wasn't that positive. Aigoo.. All these editing.




Anyone else remember that clapping scene?



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Dropping these by here~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































P.S Yeah, I do realise I messed up the credits on the video. The credit I used on this is the one that I normally use for the DL video (because I normally make them all pretty and type setted) instead of the streaming ones (which aren't type setted). Mianhaeyo!































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Wow, thank you so much for the hardsub streaming video...your so fast with it! If it wasn't for RDRsubs not subbing ep33, then I wouldn't have found your hardsubs of J2dlee & MountainMadam's translations/transcripts...so that was like a blessing in disguise. Thanks again...you 3 are awesome!!!!

































































































































































































































































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Guest wishwash












i really want to know about it too.. since my english is not good... so i don't quite understand the meaning of "getting to me" :( i just dont want to have a wrong perception so i google it but didn't find the meaning yet :( can anybody explain it to me... :D.. hahah *since my english is really2 bad ^^; *













Actually the phrase "it's getting to me" has a negative connotation to it. It's like "it's irritating me" or "it's annoying me".




For example, it can be used here: The drilling noise from the flat above me is getting to me. I can't stand it anymore!








In yongseo's context, I think yonghwa was using it as a joke, because when he asked seohyun if she liked it, she teased him by saying "you wish!". So he said it in order to tease her back. That's what I understand... It's only a joke on yonghwa's part.





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Guest quisty86












Wishwash's interpretation might be the closest. Getting under someone's skin? Is that the same? Now I wonder, what was Yong referring to when he asked Hyun if she liked it? It seems Yonghwa is waiting for Seohyun to finally say she likes it but since Seohyun didn't give him that pleasure saying "you wish", he was getting impatient? Hyun won that round haha. Now what was that all about? Was it the playing on the beach?  Or were they talking about skinship? That's why when she said yes, he gave his arm? Hmmm... And then eventually before they linked arms, Seohyun did say she liked it. 




Share! I requested this gif from gogumalove.tumblr.com and they finally made it! Rejoice! This is one of my favorite moments! 








*spazzing* Yonghwa looked handsome/charming doing that eyebrow raise (like sending secret messages) and as usual, Seohyun and her "charming" eyes :P Yonghwa you like that? 





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OH, I'm suffering from hyperglycemic shock right now, my blood sugar is so high I'm gonna pass out!   This episode was the sweetest, cutest one I've seen in a while.  They are just like puppies, I just want to gather them up in my arms and SQUEEZE them.

The chasing on the beach, the pocket hand holding, then their automatic reconnect after Yong showed Hyun his new dance moves - awwww!

Hyun likes the hand holding, yes, she does!

Their laughing, joking around, flirting and teasing in the restaurant, they're so comfortable, so enjoying each other - then Yong springs the new song on Hyun.  This guy is head-over-heels IN LOVE with his princess, and his princess is feeling things in her heart she's never felt before.  You can see it in her eyes, her body language, she's happily IN LOVE with a wonderful, talented guy.

The Golden Disk Awards, the fan cams with Seohyun, mouth wide open when CN BLUE won the Donsang, then spazzing out - she didn't know what to do - stand up, sit down, bow or clap and they waved at each other.  That kind of response you can't fake, that tells me more than what is happening in WGM, because that is current and not planned in any way,  It shows she truly is proud of her hubby and is joyful when he succeeds.  The unnies were all spazzing along with her Hyoyeon, Yuri (slapping) and Jessica were all yelling and clapping for their bro-in-laws, so nice! 

I loved CN Blue's stage performance for the GDA, I loved Yong's 'big band' lounge crooner styled presentation of 'I'm A Loner'.  So much better than them just getting up and singing it in the normal way.   Really showcased Yong's voice. Does this guy have a good singing voice or what?  So smooth.   Yong's new talent - Broadway style musical?

I wish there were fancams of Hyun watching CN Blue's performance, I'll bet she was smiling and singing along, since she IS the no.1 BOICE!

YONGSEO IS LOVE, YEAH!            

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Guest Faith_memory
























‘우결’ 서현 손 정용화 주머니에, 자연스런 스킨십




















[뉴스엔 박정현 기자]




















서현과 정용화가 자연스런 스킨십을 선보였다.




















12월 11일 방송된 MBC '우리 결혼했어요'(우결)에서 서현(소녀시대) 정용화(씨엔블루)는 함께 해변을 걸었다. 정용화는 팔짱을 기라는 듯 팔을 내밀었다. 서현은 자연스레 팔짱을 끼어 눈길을 끌었다.




















이어서 정용화는 서현의 손을 잡아 자신의 주머니에 넣었다. 정용화는 "올 겨울엔 남자 주머니에 손 넣기가 유행이 될 것"이라고 말했다.




















해변을 걸으며 얘기를 나누던 중 두 사람의 손이 떨어졌다. 잠시 어색한 순간이 이어졌으나 곧 다시 곤을 잡았다. 두 사람이 동시에 손을 내미는 모습이었다. 손은 다시 주머니에 들어갔다.




















한 편 이날 방송에서 정용화는 서현을 위해 작곡한 노래를 공개했다. 정용화는 우리 이제 반말 하는 사이가 되길. 아직 조금 서투르고 어색해도. 조금 친하게 내게 말을 해. 우리 이제 반말하는 사이가 될 거야. 받아줄래 널 사랑해”라고 노래했다.








































박정현 pch46@newsen.com







































got this from Nate can anyone please translate it?? yongseo articles are everywhere!! lol! ♥




















google only says... 'We Got Married' Seo jeongyonghwa hand in his pocket, a natural physical contact




















wtf?? kekeke ♥





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thank you @synykiss for the subbed video :) and thank you so much for J2dlee & MountainMadam's translations :) haa... i already watch this episode so many times.. hhe... Very Sweet :) For the true, I shy when yong sing to hyun.. :D Cant wait for YongSeo moment in Melon Awards, Music Bank :D









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Whenever they are at Gwanghado,major skinship happens! That island must be their mystical island!
































































































































Just wanna point something on the ep. on part1 around 3.01 Yong stated per the translation
































































































































YH: Arrrgg. You're getting to me Seo Joo Hyun
































































































































what is that supposed to mean? hmmmmmmmmmmmm (Im falling for you Hyun?)





























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































From what I understand "you're getting to me" means "you're getting under my skin", which means "you're annoying".
































































































































But if he said, "you're getting in to me", that means "you're liking me". But I don't think that what Yong wanted to say.
































































































































Anyway, I'll just post mountainmadman and j2dlee's translations and you can check which fits the scenes better or maybe the translations will complement each other so that we'll get the sense of it.
































































































































































































































































































































































































(mischievous Yong)
































































































































H: Ah~!!
































































































































H: I’m not going to let you fool me!
































































































































Y: Then don’t!
































































































































The excited couple in a beach
































































































































H: No, no, no!
































































































































Y: Hehehehe~
































































































































H: No! Stop!
































































































































Y: Happy now?
































































































































H: You really think so?
































































































































Y: You’re really a hard nut to crack!
































































































































Y: (you don’t even know how I feel…)
































































































































H: Who? Me?
































































































































Y: I’m trying so hard…
































































































































H: You think so?
































































































































































































































































Sub: and then...
































































































































H: Ahhh! I'm really going to do it.
































































































































Y: Do it!
































































































































Sub: the couple getting excited over seeing the ocean again
































































































































H: Noo! No.
































































































































Y: Do you like it?
































































































































H: You wish.
































































































































Y: Seo Joo Hyun, you're getting to me.
































































































































H: What~??
































































































































H: Wow, really...

































































































































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So happy with this week's ep!


Thank you all for everything :)








Want to share with everyone the CF Yong mentioned.


When I watched this one the first time and saw that CNPink, I thought Of Huyn immediately. I guess Yong had the same thought :D



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Guest mysweetpotato






Haha. Even how they rest their hands like that, are in synchronywub.gif


Dear Yongseo, just watching you two every saturday makes me in a GV mode!wub.gif






You guys, I have a question, what's a GO-CHUN? I've read it in some posts and I wonder what it is?:)


Thanks in advance!smile.gif



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Guest toomuchsmiling


^mysweetpotato- 'go-chun' was Yong's word he made up when they were in Japan. it's a mix of the word 'Goguma' (sweet potato) and 'chungook' (heaven) mixed together-GOCHUN which means 'goguma heaven'!






i loved that moment also!! haha, the look in both their eyes!!~~ it's just sooo playful.




crystalblue- i read ur post a few pages back and i had felt the same way. Very eloquent and poetic what you said here:

I mean if you are an artist, you'd want to paint your lover- if you are a chef, you'd want to cook for her. If you're a pilot, you'd want to fly her somewhere so when you're a musician, you'd write and sing her songs right? It makes perfect sense as to the gift from his heart.


so true. I admire Yong for his talent, and how he chooses to keep writing songs. Even though he acts a lot like a "choding", when it comes to music and writing he has this maturity that comes from a completely different part of him.


Faith_memory- thanks for sharing that article. Looks like the media is even catching on to their newfound lovey-dovey-ness!!!






Here is the video of the Hi5 GDA YongSeo moment the link that I provided before did not work so here it is...Hi5 Yong Seo GDA




anne0129- Thank you for re-sharing that fancam b/c i hadn't seen it b/c for some reason it would not show up on youtube. <_< So their high-five happened AFTER all the artists gathered for a group picture with the trophies they'd won. LOL, they almost beheaded Onew. or maybe's it was just an Onew's condition moment. :lol: lol, and ur spazz was my spazz~ xDDD






Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii everyone !


I just wanted to share this fancam of seohyun at the golden disk award. You can see her reaction when CNBLUE won and You can also see CNBLUE pass just in front of her.


It's a NEW FANCAM, SO check it out! :w00t:




credit to kangsh3114


If this has been shared mianhe..... blush.gif


ANd I also wanted to thank ALL the wonderful and talented goguma villagers we have here! THank you!




1sweetlove- YAAAAAAY! NEW FANCAM PEOPLE! :lol: i like this fancam just as much cuz u see the other unnies spazzing and totally teasing her. ahahaha.




synykiss- WOW SUBS ALREADY!!!! :w00t: i love you!! hahaha. and the video quality is HQ!!! YESSSSSS! so it wasn't completely pitch dark when they were walking on the beach, you could still see the ocean thanks to the quality of ur video!!! and u can also see their faces more clearly. just look at the look in their eyes!! :wub: THANK YOUUUUUUUUU!!!




a thanks as always to mountainmadman&j2dlee for their daebak translations. without them we would be suffering. ^^








My Spazz Moments-


1) wen seohyun asks him wat will they be doing at the beach and Yong is all "take a bath" and she's all "you're getting weirder!" LOLOL. the pervy husband. =P jkjk.


2) wen she chased him all scary on the beach "UWAHH" LOL, i think he got freaked out seeing how strong his accent became, ahaha.


3) wen he teasingly tried pushing her into the water and how they clung to each other's arms. (well she clung to him cuz she didn't wanna get in)


4) AFTER HIS CN Pink DANCE, i didn't think they'd grab hands again, seohyun looked awkward like she wasn't sure if she should grab it again but it was SO NATURAL OF HIM to just grab it again~ahhhhh~~ TAKE THAT JINWOON! bwahahahaha


-Also, Nayoung's SUPER SPAZZ wen yong said in the backroom 'this season, hold hand in pocket' she usually makes faces but was all AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. LOL.


5) wen they were messing around with "Yong" and "Hyun" names, omo, so cute and natural.


6) wen she wanted to show him the "upside down" face thing, OMGEE the PDs did a great job at editing that moment so we were all like 'DUGEUN DUGEUN' but then the moment ended abruptly after her AHAHAHAHAHA. lol.


7) Yonghwa's 'MWO YA??' after her laugh. his face and his way of saying it made me laugh, he genuinely was confused. ahaha.


8) them grabbing each other's hands to take the food. haha, yonghwa looked surprised wen she grabbed his arm to get to the shrimp. she wants FOOD.


9) CHIGEUM EUN, SONYUHSHIDAE!! 'nuff said. :lol:


10) Yong said to guess the title of the song and seohyun's all "it's something weird huh?" and his expression=PRICELESS. O____O haha, how can u blame her wen he jokes around so much? but i think she knows now wen it comes to composing he's all seriousness. ^^


11) him singing this new song~~ :wub:




...12) THE PREVIEW!! OMGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE COUPLE SONG???!!!!!! Goguma FBI never guessed that one, none of us did so i'm excited to see what they create. also jonghyun (or was it minhyuk's?) "Oh, this is good" (or something like that) and SEOHYUN says "EMBARRASSING~~~~" OMG, it must have been a lyric line or something??! was it too mushy?!!




oh and of course 13) MC Kim-Our Goguma Representative Spazzer.




this week=daebakness.


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I think I'm going to write an essay again... Sigh. Feel free to skip, but I just want to share my thoughts on Yonghwa.
















I've seen a lot of people comment on Yonghwa's behavior towards Seohyun on other threads; how he seems indifferent, sees this solely as a show or that he's not that into her as she's into him. It saddens and surprises me to see these comments as in the course of watching their WGM episodes, I've always thought that Yonghwa was more inclined to like her a lot more than vice versa (until now of course). Especially in the earlier episodes. I honestly don't see the insincerity in Yonghwa. It might be that he's not as expressive as the other husbands, but rather keeps his feelings on a low-key and subtly displays it with simple and little things.
















The more obvious ones; were the Japan Guidebook which I'm sure took a lot of time and effort to even make it. A lot of dedication is needed for that and I'm positive you can't make a book like that if you're honestly not interested in or care for that person. During the airing of that episode I was making a guidebook as well, but it was about me for my best friend who's overseas and probably won't see in years. I can tell you that I care for my friend deeply and love her to the bone, but that till now I haven't even been able to finish it! The pile of papers of letters, drawings and pictures are still not yet made into what you can call a guide, but instead a few loose papers stacked on top of each other. Just a comparison which shows how dedicated Yonghwa was. I applaud him for that, but at the same time I want to hide under a rock out of shame lol
















Then there's Love Light. Technically, the song as a whole wasn't for her as he wrote the melody a long time ago. Until now I'm still a bit confused on whether ALL the lyrics were about Seohyun or just the rap as I saw so many different translations for that crucial part. But, he did for sure write some part of it while thinking of her and I think that speaks volumes already. No guy would be so bold to include some lyrics of his virtual wife's song in his own song that is released through out South-Korea if he's not genuine. (Male Goguma's, please correct me if I'm wrong lol)
















Then the more subtle ones. One that comes to mind immediately was their 200th day anniversary date. She mentioned eating patbingsoo while wearing her school uniform months ago and he still remembered. What's more remarkable is that it wasn't something she had put emphasize on. She didn't ask him to promise her to do it some time soon or kept talking about it as to insinuate she really wants it (if it hasn't been edited out). To me, while watching that episode, it was just a passing moment. Just something she felt like doing sometime and I honestly didn't remember it at all until they replayed that scene. The preparation for the anniversary also says a lot as he didn't just get any random uniform out there, but the actual ones that she wore in high school. Thumps up.
















And if that's not enough to reason my believe that he does care for her... I'm going to keep on listing lol
















You can tell that Yonghwa was brought up to be a gentleman, by both his parents as he mentioned them several times. (The girl should walk on the pavement, the guy should hold the umbrella etc). There were times he got tired and frustrated by Seohyun and you could tell. But by respecting Seohyun, he gained respect from me as he never forced anything on her even if he did want it; the banmal, the skinship etc, etc. Patience is a virtue, but this guy took it to another level. Even as a girl myself, I couldn't understand how he could contain himself (lmao) and not just grab her hand and get it over with. But that would've pushed Seohyun away and I'm glad he decided to wait till the day Seohyun is comfortable enough to initiate these things herself. Which reminds me how the first time Seohyun met her brother-in-laws. They kept telling Yonghwa to feed her, but he refused, saying 'Later on, when Seohyun's comfortable.' (- and here's the result peeps!)
















And with the latest episode; this new song is different from Love Light as 1) it's something he wrote purely for Seohyun, 2) can't apply to anyone else with the Banmal theme and 3) actually tells her about it when it's not even finished.
















Especially the banmal theme - writing a song that says how 'beautiful, pretty, lovely and amazing' someone is, is of course very sweet and touching. But at the same time, anyone can relate to it. That person you like is of course all these things I've mentioned, but it becomes something 'just between the two' once you write something that only the two of you know what feelings, emotions and changes were involved. And the message gets more real and personal.
















Though this is a show, they have been genuinely trying to get to know each other. Not necessarily on a romantic level, but it is a relationship that is built on friendship, trust and consideration towards each other. I believe that after all this, if they're not together for real, at least they've gained something priceless through this experience and will remain great friends and each other's support in the future.














































I'm so sorry, this is so much longer than I thought :crazy:






















































ohhh I dint know that there are some thought's about Yong not into Hyun, will I really dont mind hehehehe
















just wanna add some moments/parts to your observations:






















































1st from the earlier episodes where Yong lost the 1st letter Hyun wrote for him,Yong made an effort to make an apology note with much care on it and attach a heartwarming message, if he(Yong) does'nt care about her(Hyun) why would he make an effort to make apology note ? hmmmmmmmmm and infact if he dont  care why would he tell Hyun about losing the letter? 






















































2nd the live performance of CN Blue when Yong lost the ring, why would a person who does'nt care will look for a 2,000won ring during a live perf. and even forgot the some lyrics of their (CN Blue) song. WHY WHY WHY????






















































3rd the 2 raw sweet potato field






















































4th the Butterfly necklace for Hyun and not only for her also for her mother












































































































5th the letter for Hyun's mother thanking her for giving birth a lovely Hyun (for me that's the best word you could say to the person you love or  like, thanking the parent's (mother) that was soo sweet of him to think about that and I know coz  my husband told my parent's with does same words)
















For a person who does'nt CARE why in the WORLD would he DO this kind of STUFF???? WHY WHY WHY come on THINK & THINK 































It's common sense for does who DONT wanna believe THEN DONT just dont judge or say stuff without using your head just because you don't like the pairing of this COUPLE
















































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Guest yhayhayha
































































































Go-Chun referred to Goguma-Chunkook/Chungook (?) means goguma heaven, sweet potato heaven.
































Goguma= sweet potato
































Chunkook/chungook(?)= heaven
































































in ep 32, when hyun and yong eat in a restaurant in Japan, after they eat a lot of goguma cookies and a kind of dessert,  yong said "am i in heaven?"
































hyun said "yes, goguma chunkook/chungook(?)"
































and then yong shortened it with "Go-chun", like that.
































































EDIT: oops, topped of the page without anything to share.. so sorry sad.gif
































































EDIT2: heyyy, why i got minus? did i do wrong?
































EDIT3: oh. i'm really sorry, i didn't know about that. stupid me. i'm just answering a question without notice the image. just replying. i'm really sorry.. tears.gif

































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Guest andyhitman
































Yonghwa isn't wearing his ring again. First in the GDA live perfomance and now on Inkigayo 600th episode. Why why? Did he lose it after the rehearsals?

















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Guest hihi_hehe

































Yonghwa isn't wearing his ring again. First in the GDA live perfomance and now on Inkigayo 600th episode. Why why? Did he lose it after the rehearsals?
































































































































































































































C'mon ... well such a BIG DEAL not wearing his ring again!
































































































































































































































First, if he lost it, then it was just accident
































































































































































































































Second, you have seen him wearing that freaking ring like 136436433674 TIMES!
































































































































































































































what do you want? it's like that HE HAS TO WEAR IT LIKE 24/7, 365 DAYS
































































































































































































































anyways, if you still judge a relationship by a ring, go ahead <_<
































































































































































































































Edit: we should ask Yonghwa why he's not wearing his ring !

































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Guest nafa_yongseo







i just want to share my opinion about this week episode.... super daebak episode...














oh... congmal... i got dispnea when yong hold hyun hand and put on his vest...









it's so daebak...









when they eat goguma, i think they eat same goguma...









first yong bite half gogmua and fall... and then yong  take the half part and feeding hyun...wub.gif









waahh.... DAEBAK yongseo.....









they make me more and more like n love them...














i love the song... ending part "SARANGE", it's like yong conffesion...









i hope hyun got what yong mean...














can't wait for next episode... yongseo arrange song... jjang...














yongseo haengbokke... 잘한다 ....





































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