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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Sweet_Sherbet






Happy 300th day to YongSeo!!!


Lots of love to them!!


Ahh, I love this couple. So cute!


I hope this lasts long even if it is just a virtual marriage.



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Guest sweet_spy










I'm sorry to say this..















WGM temporary staff's writing is not identified exactly as a fact yet....so don't be get upset too much...


























The story was identified as a fake!!! ㅠㅠ








Thank you!!















Aigoo, i was in cloud 9th reading the translation but if the fan account is really confirmed as fake...well...i'm a bit sad <or actually...really disappointed since i thought finally we had a truly spazz-worthy fan account that >...but it does not necessarily mean that all of the things written in there are not happening for real...we just need a legit staff member to come out from the darkness and reveal it to the world :D:D:D <just my wishful thought kkkkk XD>
















On to a happy note! It's YONGSEO's 300th day!!!!















I cant believe i have been following this couple for that long. At the beginning, i was interested in them simply because...well...they're both from popular idol groups and yes, i was also a YAB addict plus YongHwa-ShinHye shipper. Shin Hye has a bubbly and outgoing character, completely opposite from SeoHyun whom honestly i really did not have a good first impression of judging from a limited number of SNSD clips i happened to stumble upon. So i was curious as to how Yong Hwa would approach a tough nut like SeoHuyn in real life. After the first 2 episodes, i intended to stop watching them, thinking how could they possibly be so awkward around one another; there's no hope they could ever be as entertaining as Adam or any other WGM couples i used to love. I was blind so i did not see the potential in them but im glad i picked up on them again thanks to my sister who constantly tempted me and convinced me of how adorable they were together. And i got hooked right on since their trip to see the sun rise. Their stares, their shy smiles, their nervous gestures, even their failed attempt at skinskip, how come i find them all so real and so lovely. It's enigmatic! I know this happens to many of us here, how our friends and families look at us with incredulous eyes wondering whats so interesting about a young couple that make us so obsessive with them. What i can say is, it's not any particular thing about them that draws me in. It's their overall gradual process of discovering, developing feelings, and learning to trust and depend on each other.















And now I am a full-fledged, proud, and happy goguma shipper whose favorite day of the week is Saturday, whose hobby is to run YongSeo marathon overnight despite the workload, and whose newly developed habit is to refresh this thread a 100 times a day even though I’m well aware of the lack of news.















Thank you YongSeo for bringing me 300 days full of joy and pleasant surprises. I could not ask for a better early Christmas present than this!



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Happy Yongseo 300 days coupe. these days i just keep dreaming about them. and sometimes it is difficult for me to know is that in my dream is real or just adream. i dreamt them hand in hand alll the time whenever day go. i dreamt Yonghwa have a small kiss on Hyun's lips. I wish it will be real in this christmas. yeah christmas kiss from this couple. do i ask too much. but seeing them so comfortable and couple-like compare with others, i just beleive this will happen. :wub: just naturally happen. yeah and and Yong will compose a song kissing Hyun"hhahaha dreaming to much now :w00t:


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Guest bezbezbez







































































For YongSeo 300th Day Anniversary on 7th December 2010































































Thanks to the supportive YongSeo fans and hardworking crew, the 3rd Anniversary Project is boxed, shipped and on it's way to uri YongSeo! There, our friends from DCGallery will help deliver it to the WGM set. This project i done in conunction with efforts from Baidu and the DCGallery.





































































Our Introduction Banner to YongSeo



















































Our letter to YongSeo
































I Love YONGSEO Couple Because...
































This photobook contains 300 messages from international fans on the reason why they love the couple. Because of limited time, The book is being shipped separately to Korea and we're hoping to get pictures from our friends from DCGallery. In the meantime you can check out a preview of the book here.
















Couple Sweaters
















































































































































FujiFilm Instax Mini 25
















2 cameras
















6 packs of Instax Mini Film (120 photos)
















This is the newest and smallest of FujiFilm's instant cameras.
































































The Dangerous Stuff Toffee
















Dangerously delicious
































All packed and ready to go
















































































Getting it all together
















































We also had designed and ordered some YongSeo magnets. However, due to some technicalities the order could not go through so the magnets will be part of the 1-year Anniversary Project instead. Big thanks go to fengz for helping getting this subproject together.
















The SeoHwa Project crew would like to thank all Goguma fans who have supported, donated, designed, brainstormed, sent in messages and contributed to the 300-Day Project. Special thanks to Sei, Nicole, redtulip, dreamyboo for helping us on this project. We wish to name all the donors, but some might want to keep their anonymity, so whoever those gogumas are, kamsahamnida! A very big thank you too to Jeong from DCGallery and the DCGallery tribute team for your help and support. Thanks to everyone the project proceeded wonderfully and our gifts to YongSeo are on their way in time for the YongSeo's 300-Day anniversary on December 7, 2010.
















I hope you will continue providing your amazing support to the SeoHwa Project. The next project on the horizon is the one year anniversary led by me (bezbezbez) and lots of exciting work is ongoing. Stay tuned!
















Thank you! Hwaiting everyone! Lets participate together! With Love and Regards,
















genxv, nazweena, bezbezbez




















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Guest jerbear89



Happy 300th day love to uri YongSeo Goguma couple...... and to us YongSeo Goguma lovers who follow their journey from the very beginning.. Congratulations!!! YongSeo is ♥♥♥


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Guest my.yonghwa.baby
























genxv, nazweena, bezbezbez: Thank you so much for the beautiful YongSeo book and the one of a kind gifts. I really hope our dear goguma couple loves them, too happy.gif








And thank you to the Vietnamese Goguma fanbase for the awesome wedding photos that shook up the worldwide goguma community. I, along wth everybody else, am shocked, thrilled, and a bit excited to know that we have Korean reporters who read our beloved thread. 

I'm just a little upset because with the exception of a few articles, soompi isn't properly credited. I actually saw an article which listed the source as "online community website." That really bugs me.








I also think an article on the YongSeo trending as well as MC KIm's participation and support would be kind of cool. tongue.gif








And lastly, a bit late, but








Happy 300 Days, YongSeo!!









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Guest crystalblue


Well Shiver Me Timbers! I'm watching Running Man 17 with Eng. sub and I couldn't believe my ears when Yonghwa said he lived in Seattle for a month when he stayed in the states! AHHHH!!! Where was I? Where was He? I LIVE IN SEATTLE!!! Makes me wonder if that means his brother lives in Seattle and he was staying with his brother? OMG! I'm scared of myself! I am a shamed to admit that if Yonghwa is in Seattle and I knew of it, I would probably go from a sane goguma couple fan to a stalkerazie fan!!! haha... Seohyun and Yonghwa can come visit Seattle and I'll be the tour guide and I'll give blow by blow photos and captions on here! Dream away....


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Guest _wildcat































































































































Good morning, gogumas!






























































































































































So...I created my very 1st Twitter account yesterday...and was able to join the party for a little bit. Admittedly, I didn’t tweet as much as I would’ve liked because of work and school (and because mobile Twitter was acting weird...), but it was still a lot of fun. ^_^






























































































































































On another note, thank you to everyone who has been sharing the lovely fan art – such great skills! And also, those gifts from the YongSeo Project are ridiculously awesome!






























































































































































Well, then, have a lovely day, everyone!






























































































































































p.s. *waves to magdal* Thank you for the welcome! ^_^






























































































































































































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First off I've got to say, the 300th Day project looks beautiful!!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I'm only leaving my message at the close of the 300th day anniversary but....
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Happy Anniversary!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































It's been a delight watching this couple and YongSeo has been the most engaging couple ever for me :). Looking forward to the 1st year anniversary and I hope Yong and Hyun keep having fun, enjoy the show (them and us too)! :)

































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Congratulation for our lovely Goguma couple 300 days being together! ^^

Thank you for making our Saturday daebak!!!

And also thank you for all the wonderful people here!! for all the news, fanart, fanvid, fanfic and for everything that has been shared until now... :)

Just wanna share something random...I found this video in You Tube (SNSD CF - Samyang Ramyun winter ver. Behind the Scenes)

and at 0.50 I found that SeoHyun was holding a pink blanket and I think it was the same blanket that she used at the WGM episode 1 when she choose Yong Hwa as her husband :)

And when I re watched their 1st episode..Omo!! they were so awkward but somehow I think that they're just so sweet being together....so proud that today is their 300th days..!! such a long and memorable journey..not only for them but also for all of us here.. :)


I do really hope there will be WGM special episode for their 300 days... ^^


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even tho we did not make it to world trending last night, but i'm still proud

that we made it to Top 5 locally (SG & Indo)

*cheers everyone*

there will always be next time, when we least expected ;)

this sat epi maybe? hehehe

kiera, hug all vietnamese gogumas for me pls..tks again for the awesome work..

a BIG THANK YOU also to bezbezbez, naz, gen and the Gang

for the success of yongseo project. u gogumas did awesome job! love u guys!

jayjay, i read over and over again that translated fanacct that u shared earlier.

abt yong buying gifts for hyun after his overseas stinct, it is so like a married couple.

i'm soo happy

BUT alas, the truth is out..

this is just a fan fiction and not an actual fan acct ...*crazy*

but it doesn't matter to me tho.

still feeling the wonderful high spirit of yongseo's 300th day ann,

it doesn't dampen my mood...

so thank u for sharing it here..

i keep staring at the fanart of yong embracing hyun in that tight hug..

*aah..dreaming dreaming of such thing happening*

okay, that goes into my wish list now..

so, is there any fan sighting of yongseo today?

it is hard to believe if they do not meet..*wink*

*now where has my emo icons gone to? aish*

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Guest MountainMadman

Good morning/day/evening everyone. :)

Big thanks to doodoodoo for giving us the info that the fan account was a fake...although it may be bitter to hear, it's still an important bit of information that we needed to know...we can't have spazzing over nonexistent things now, can we? ;)

And bezbezbez, genxv, nazweena: Thank you so much for your efforts! Those presents look completely amazing. I'm so sad I wasn't able to take part in the celebration efforts since I joined Goguma Planet so late, but I'll be looking forward to the 1 year anniversary. :D

And now for the bad news...

I won't be able to translate the next couple of episodes of WGM (at least until early January) since I have my final exams for college coming up and I've honestly been slacking off for the last few weeks (you know the reason why...), so I'm planning to hunker down and get some major studying done so I can finish off the semester strong. So sorry to all of you that have come to expect regular and fast translations from me, but I swear that I'll get back to translating once everything dies down in my "real-life" sector. ;)

This applies to Love Story, as well...I know you've been getting used to once-a-day updates, but chances are that'll be slowing down for the next few weeks. Just throwing this out here for everyone to see; I'll also be making a note of it in my LiveJournal.

Again, apologies for taking a short leave of absence...I'll be back as quick as I can! ^_^

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Guest bezbezbez
























uhmmmm let me edit my post!!!
















I'm supposed to post it on the next page... I'm sooo sorry :(
















To everyone who supported the trending last night, thank you very much!!!
















The #YongSeo300 trending activity proved how much we love uri YongSeo. I still can't believe that we manage to trend it in Singapore and Indonesia. We must've done something good in our past lives for that to happen...kekeke...
















Let me repeat this again, we may have not put #YongSeo300 on the trending topic, but I believe there are still more Saturdays for us to do that and maybe we'll make it for #YongSeo1stAnniv on February next year :)
















Keep the spirit Gogumas!!!!
















MountainMadman Seung, I knew that already before hand, but it still made me sad that you won't be around for weeks...better study hard ok? You've been a reliable translator of soompi, we'll surely miss your trans... be back as soon as you can... fighting!





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I can't pass the day without joining the celebration:
































































































































Happy 300th YongSeo Day!
































































































































Thank you to Jung Yonghwa and Seo Joonhyun for making a Go-Chun for us!
































































































































Thank you to WGM for pairing this lovely couple! If only they knew how this two gives rays of sunshine to our lives!
































































































































Thank you to all contributors to the 3rd YongSeo International Project!
































































































































And a million thanks to the forces behind it - you know who you are, guys!
































































































































Thank you to the Vietnam Goguma Garden. Those wedding photos are truly a 300th day gift to us gogumas. I especially love the on where they are sitting apart, holding hands and Yong was wearing blue. This picture fits most our couple.
































































































































And lastly, though I still have much to say, thank you to ALL GOGUMAS!
































































































































We are the third of this successful pairing. WGM + YongSeo + YongSeo fans
































































































































From the start, I've already said, I am a fan of the YongSeo fans because of their dedication to this couple. I may not find the right words for now (damn headache!) but I think I echo Soshimunky's sentiments.
































































































































To Yong and Hyun, CHEERS!




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To YongSeo Fans, CHEERS!
































































































































To Gogumas, the villagers, the loyal F5 refreshers and the lurkers of Go-chun,
































































































































It has been a roller coaster ride, hasn't it? As much as I love our spazzing moment, I can't help but love our 'other' instances as well. It has been 300 days, we should be proud of ourselves!
































































































































I will say it here and now. I'm proud of being a part of this community. I love Jung Yonghwa. I love Seo Joohyun. I love Yongseo. I love Gogumas. I love how many Yongseo fanvids are out there. I love that Gogumas take their time to produce Yongseo artworks just because they want to (and there'a a lot of them!). I love how organised Gogumas are with Yongseo projects. I love that there are many Yongseo fanfics. I love love love Yongseo translations by dedicated Gogumas. I love that our Seohwa Soompi thread has humongous number of views. I love the Yongseo love spread on twitter, facebook and other social webs. I love how Yongseo is loved by many different people of different countries and ethnicities. I also love how everyone seems to want to share anything Yongseo related IMMEDIATELY after broadcast. Yes, I love everything about Yongseo :)
































































































































Lastly, HAPPY 3OOTH DAY!!!
































































































































































































































































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Guest bezbezbez























































For YongSeo's 1st Year Anniversary on 11th February 2011
















Go! Go! Gogumas!!!































































07th December 2010: Launching & Project Briefing
















17th December 2010: Submission Deadline for the Elimination Round Goguma Idols
















18th December 2010: Announcement of Participants who made it to the Grand Finals of Goguma Idols
















03rd January 2011: Submission Deadline for the Grand Finals of Goguma Idols
















08th January 2011: Announcement of Winners for the Goguma Idols
















15th January 2011: Submission Deadline of Pictures and Videos for It’s a YongSeo World Afterall Project
















01st February 2011: Sending the project to Korea







































Part1- It’s a YongSeo World Afterall































Compilation of fan pictures and videos for YongSeo Couple's 1st year anniversary (February 11, 2010). Originally this was part of the 300-Day project, however to allow more time for submissions and compilations the deadline is now January 15, 2011 (11:59pm KST). At the end we will compile all the videos and pictures and create a Video tribute (similar in idea to the SONEs project) that showcases all the fans from all over the world and their love for the YongSeo couple. So please do send us your pictures and videos ^___^
















1. Using your own creativity, take pictures or videos and include the YongSeo International Fanbase Logo. Click here for the Hi-res logo
















2. You can either capture your solo picture or together with your YongSeo country fans. We accept all the pictures and videos as long they are clearly visible.
















3. It’s okay if you don’t want to show your face (I know some of us are shy) So, please use your creativity and imagination to take pictures or videos that show some parts of you (eg. hand, fingers, head etc etc).
















4. Pictures – Must be in JPG format & in high resolution. Send to seohwa.project@gmail.com with the title 4th Project - Picture.
















5. Videos – AVI, MP4, MOV formats accepted. Upload to any uploader hosting and send us the link for download to seohwa.project@gmail.com with the email title 4th Project – Video.
















NOTE: It is very much important that the pictures that you’ll send us are not PSed or product of some editing because we would like to show YongSeo how big our fan group is and not how great we are in terms of Photo Shop.







































Part2- Goguma Idol































The team plans to give YongSeo two original songs, one of which is a duet song and the other is a fan song. The duet song will entail the feelings of the couple towards each other while the fan song will showcase how greatly YongSeo has influenced our lives. These two songs will be sent to the couple hoping that they’d at least consider one of which for their collaboration.
















In line with that, we will launch a mini-competition for all the musically gifted gogumas out there. The competition will be called Goguma Idol. This part of the project aims to seek for the best gogumas out there who can really sing their hearts out. The winners of the said competition will get the rare opportunity to sing the duet song or the fan song for YongSeo.
















We will conduct pairs and solo audition for this competition to cater the preference of all the gogumas. Grab your partners now for the pairs audition and for those who want to go solo, better start your vocalization ^____^































What are we exactly looking for?






































1. a pair, specifically a boy and a girl, for the duet song (pairs audition)
















2. 4 singers for the fan song (solo audition)




















































































1.To those who are interested to join























Goguma Idol























, send a message to














































with a title of























4th Project- Goguma Idol























along with the following needed information.














































For Pairs Audition:













































































































Full Name:













































































































































Full Name:
















































Team Codename:














































For Solo Audition:
































































































2. Once you’re done submitting the needed information, we’ll inform you about the validity of your audition through mail. We will also send you the lyrics of the song, sample audio, and another audio for the audition proper. From there, we will let your creativity to flow. We won’t be restricting the participants to just follow the rhythm of the song given, you can play with it and make it better as long as you won’t change the lyrics. The deadline of submission for the said audition piece will be on December 17, 2010 (11:59pm KST). We’ll announce those who made it to the first cut on December 18, 2010.
















3. After the elimination round, we will send the participants who made the first cut another set of song. This time, the participants will get the chance to sing the finalized duet song for the pairs and the fan song for the soloists. Again, we will let the participants play with the arrangement of the song excluding the lyrics. The deadline for this is on January 3, 2011 (11:59pm KST).
















4. Once all the entries are in, it’s time to show our Goguma power. We’ll conduct a 3-day online voting for all of us to choose which truly deserves the opportunity to sing the duet song and the fan song. All the gogumas will have the chance to pick who will be our Goguma Idols. The power is on our hands so remember to vote wisely! ^____^ The winners will be announced January 8,2011 through soompi and twitter. Watch out for it!
















REMINDER: To avoid bias, we will use codenames for the participants. The participants are also not allowed to reveal their identity and to campaign themselves throughout the competition. Once caught doing this, he/she/they will be automatically eliminated on the competition. We have a lot of spies on every sites and chat boxes so don’t you dare violate it ^____^







































Part3- Gogumas Give Back































This is the socially-related part of the project. As fans, we should be very much thankful that through We Got Married YongHwa and SeoHyun were able to meet. The couple played a big part in our lives for this year. Most of us can’t resist a day without searching anything about Yongseo or worse spazzing all day and night. Through this wonderful couple we were able to gain not just friends but also a family across the globe. Our love for YongSeo has crossed all the borders and all the rumors. For all those reasons, we should be thankful.
















To show our gratitude, we have decided that the team will give back to the less fortunate people through supporting the World Feeding Program. We aim to donate around $400-$500 to the said charity under the name of YongSeo. We seek for your help on this one since it’s a pretty big amount, but rest assured that our goal to GIVE BACK will be attained.







































Part4- Goguma Couple Items































It has always been a part of any of our project to give some couple items to YongSeo. The items will depend on the budget on hand. We’ll do our best to find some unique goodies to give for YongSeo. If you have any suggestions on this couple items, feel free to send us a message at seohwa.project@gmail.com with a title of 4th Project- Couple Items.






































































To all the gogumas out there, these ideas won’t be materialized if we don’t have the enough funds. We need your support on this as the team give its 100+% on all the activities involved. Please don’t let the hard work of the people behind the project team be wasted because we lack the money.We made it last 300th day Gift-giving Project so I hope that you’ll continue to support us on the 1st Year Anniversary Project.
















The SeoHwa Project has setup a PayPal account to collect donations. If you would like to contribute for purchasing gifts please send payment using PayPal to seohwafund@gmail.com. Any amount at all would be hugely appreciated. We promise we will use these donations wisely and guard it safely. More details and a donation tracker will be posted on the SeoHwa Project blog.
















If you don’t want to use PayPal, just send me a PM and let me see what I can do for you. I’ll do my best to cater to your means of donating ^___^































I hope everything’s clear for now. Since the thread is moving so fast and if you think you have miss some of the posts regarding the project, you guys can see them in the project blog soon–http://seohwaproject.blogspot.com


















































Kindly ask if there’s anything you want to know. The 4th project mainly will be handle by me, Indi (bezbezbez). However, this project is really a big one so I would need at least 3 associates. Please send me a message if you’re interested. I promise to support you all the way! Don’t forget to PM us for any future ideas or suggestion.


















































We would like to thank all YongSeo fans around the world for always giving the project team continuous support and love. We will try our best to represent our YongSeo International Fanbase especially to YongSeo couple themselves. Thank you very much! ^___^


















































Thank you! Hwaiting everyone! Lets participate together! With Love and Regards,































nazweena, genxv, bezbezbez







































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i rushed back to ensure that i could have enough time to drop a few words in this thread before our little couple 300th anniversary is over.




i have been watching them since the first day they met in February. time flies and it is already their 300th day being together. honestly, i did not expect much from this inexperienced couple in the beginning. in the first night they met at the tv station lobby, from what they talked and how they responded to each other's questions, i felt they were too embarrassed for being together. i wondered and also was very interested to know how they could manage to finish their 20-30 minutes for a program and for the coming months.




then hyun took yong to the book store. i wondered how this playful boy could tolerate for being asked to read books and to write reading reports. to my surprise, he did what he promised to hyun, reading books during his hectic schedule and writing pages for his reading reports as well. honestly, from that moment, i admired this little husband. he keeps his promise even it may be hard to him, even he has no sufficient time for himself, he still kept his promise. i know he works really hard for that and he really respects his buin. despite his playful side, he is serious when he has to be serious. it is something many people older than him are missing. then i realised that not even he has a handsome face, he has both his playful side and mature mind.




regarding hyun, i did not notice her before wgm when watching snsd performance. she is too shy and quiet that i would not even notice her existence. i just know she is the youngest in the group. then bit by bit, i realised she plays piano very well, does well and dances well (not in a shy way) in performing snsd's songs. i started to guess that she might not be as quiet as i previously thought. then she came to wgm and i found my guess was correct and also incorrect. she is shy and quiet, but she has the same side as yong. hyun is brave, expressive and strong when she has to be so.




no matter how playful, shy or quiet they are , they are at the same time pure, innocent and adorable. both of them are easygoing and humble persons, also respect and care each other. all these make them a perfect and matching couple. i read from the book recommended by hyun, "letters to sam", the writer said "over time, purity and wisdom get eroded. Children become socialised and shaped by experience." it may be happened to our little couple one day (though it is sad to say so), but i still hope they could remember the precious moments they had in the past 300 days and the future unforseen moments they will have. like jongshin said in yong's journal for hyun, i really hope yong and hyun will celebrate their 400th, 500th, 600th, .... anniversary together and don't forget there is a precious person appeared in their early 20's. to yong, that precious person is called hyun. to hyun, that precious person is called yong. i trust so long as they don't forget each other, whenever they have hardship in future without the other half being together, they will have strength and courage to overcome their hardship as they have to believe they are once loved and cared by each other purely, sincerely, respectfully, without any doubts. that experience may just happen once in their lifetime.




everything has an end. but don't bother at the moment. let's hope yong and hyun enjoy every moment they have together and every memory they have in their own minds.




yong and hyun, happy 300th anniversary !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Hello to all Gogumas! :D It has been a long time since my last post here. I'm so happy to be back here and thank you very much for all the goodies all this time. You guys are daebak! I'm so proud I'm a part of the Goguma's Family. Hoping the relationship will be going on forever! :D








I love to see on how our couple progress their relationship so neatly, nicely and lovingly! Moving from most awkward couple into adorable couple now had given me lots of enjoyment. Plus, to spazz with sisters and brothers from this thread, I feel so energized! Thank you very much YongSeo! You two had given us a very big family which we can't even imagine before. Love you two forever. Please stay together, whether as lover or good friends! :D








I can't wait to see the next episode. It seems to has more sweet scenes and of course more stuff to spazz out! :w00t: Thank you to Japan trip, they are more open up with the relationship. As Goguma lovers, I can't help but always think these two angelic person whenever I feel stress with my own work :P








To the YongSeo International Team! Congratulations for the completed Project 2 and 3! genxv, bezbezbez, Thank you very much for completing the project 3. Million thanks! Right now I'm starting to compile data for our 1st project which will be officially kick off after WGM finish.








Right now, please participate in our Project 4 guys! Really appreciate if all of you can participate in the project, so that YongSeo knows how they are love by each one of us around the world!! Lets support the Project Team lead by bezbezbez!! :wub:








To those who send me PM, I'm so sorry I couldn't reply until now. Will do after this. :D Thank you guys! Application for 1st project is still on! Don't forget to read the project purpose here first before PM me. Lets make our 1st anniversary project come true!! :wub:


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i just want to thank you for never failing to put silly smiles on our faces, for just being yourselves, for being pure and naive, and for inspiring everyone of us here. ^_^ it may be too much to ask but i really hope you two can end up together, no matter how long it takes. just continue inspiring people through your own journey in wgm. :wub:












































and to everyone in this thread, big hugs and thank you to you guys, for putting great effort translating, updating, and sharing your thougths. Besides yongseo, you guys inspire me as well. ;) let's hope and pray our fandom towards this couple can bring them together for real. :wub:












































gnyt all gogumas!





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bezbezbez thanks for sharing the final product of the 300th day anni! you guys did an amazing job! :)
































































































also i wanted to thank you for using 2 of my photoshopped artwork for the "goguma wall"! that makes me feel so...
















































































:w00t: happy! lol thanks again!















































































































































































not sure if these were shared yet, but i saw these on gogumalove@tumblr--credit to originals!

















































































































































































































































































































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