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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest MountainMadman

Hi everyone! A huge thanks to jajay for making my evening!  w00t.gif It's these staff/fan accounts that provide insights into their private thoughts (much more so than the edited episodes) and I'm very glad we have you here to provide awesome translations for us. 

Anyways, Episode 41 of Love Story has been posted to Gogumafics. Happy reading!

Oh, and I changed around my profile settings so that anyone can now leave a comment, regardless of whether or not they have a LiveJournal account. So if you have five seconds, please tell me how I'm doing! ^_^


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Guest Soshimunky
































































































































































































































































































































































































Gogumas, it is our couple's 300th day. I really want to read more messages for both Yong and Hyun. Please keep them coming, they really made my day :D






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jajay, your post is perfect for today, thank you very much. I can't help but cry a little there... Oh why am i so emotional today? /blush






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































About #YongSeo300 twitter TT attempt, thank you very much for all the effort gogumas. I really wish it was possible for me to read ALL of the tweets because they were really sweet and endearing (well, most of them, at least). Tweeting was fun and for that few hours, I was touched by how much Yongseo is loved. Because many were cynical about this pairing initially, reaching 300th day feels like winning a lottery for me. Who would've thought they would last this long? They're one of the longest couple in WGM history now!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To Hyun, the wife, the maknae and the love light of Yonghwa,































































































































































































































































I would like to say Thank You, first of all, for always being yourself. Everyone say that you are unique, too rigid and textbook-like. Some even say that you are boring and have no personality. Many people would crumble and try being someone they are not when told this way, yet you didn't. You accepted who you are while always trying to respect other's opinion too. I have great respect for you, Seo JooHyun. Your positive outlook on life is admirable, even though you are only 20! I expect great things from you in the future. You are an inspiration; an excellent example of how a young maiden should be.































































































































































































































































When people say that you are beautiful, believe us that your beauty lies most from your heart. Your honesty, unselfishness and care for others are what sets you aside. I believe Yong sees this too and knows that he is a very lucky man to be the first in your life.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To Yong, the husband, the leader and the choding guy of Seohyun,































































































































































































































































For a guy who have experienced a lot of things in past relationships, I appreciate your patience with Seohyun. No matter how many people say that you were irritatingly slow, you still took your time to gain her trust first. For this, Jung Yonghwa, you became a gentleman in my book. You have many talents and is such a hardworker that it is mind-blowing. For a 22 years old, you have achieved so much in your career. You are an inspiration; an excellent example of how a young lad should be.































































































































































































































































I don't mind your chodingness, Seohyun seems to love it. Thank you for always making her (and us) laugh. Seohyun is your fangirl, you know that too. She is always thankful for your efforts and I believe she finds herself lucky to have you as her partner.






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































To Gogumas, the villagers, the loyal F5 refreshers and the lurkers of Go-chun,































































































































































































































































It has been a roller coaster ride, hasn't it? As much as I love our spazzing moment, I can't help but love our 'other' instances as well. It has been 300 days, we should be proud of ourselves!






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I will say it here and now. I'm proud of being a part of this community. I love Jung Yonghwa. I love Seo Joohyun. I love Yongseo. I love Gogumas. I love how many Yongseo fanvids are out there. I love that Gogumas take their time to produce Yongseo artworks just because they want to (and there'a a lot of them!). I love how organised Gogumas are with Yongseo projects. I love that there are many Yongseo fanfics. I love love love Yongseo translations by dedicated Gogumas. I love that our Seohwa Soompi thread has humongous number of views. I love the Yongseo love spread on twitter, facebook and other social webs. I love how Yongseo is loved by many different people of different countries and ethnicities. I also love how everyone seems to want to share anything Yongseo related IMMEDIATELY after broadcast. Yes, I love everything about Yongseo :)






























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Lastly, HAPPY 3OOTH DAY!!!

































































































































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Guest blueshoes























To our beloved Yonghwa and Seohyun














May you both have a wonderful journey together.














Congratulations on your 300th day anniversary














You are my happiness .... I love you YongSeo ^^
































'용서부부' 정용화·서현 300일..웨딩사진 떴다
























인터넷 포털 사이트에 화제가 되고 있는 용서커플 합성사진 < 출처=숨피닷컴 >
























'용서부부' 정용화와 서현이 300일을 맞아 팬들의 이색 축하가 눈길을 끈다.
















MBC '우리 결혼했어요'의 용서부부 정용화와 서현이 7일 만난 지 300일을 맞았다. 씨엔블루의 리더 정용화와 소녀시대의 막내 서현인 지난 2월 27일 처음 방송을 탄 이후로 다정하고 귀여운 모습으로 팬들의 뜨거운 사랑을 받았다.
















이에 팬들의 특별한 축하가 이어지고 있다. 한 네티즌은 용서부부의 얼굴을 웨딩 사진에 합성했다. 이 사진은 인터넷 상에서 빠르게 퍼지고 있다. 웨딩 합성사진은 어떤 네티즌이 "'우리 결혼했어요' 공식 홈페이지에 공개된 사진입니다"라고 덧글을 달아 실제 사진으로 둔갑하기도 했다.
















팬들은 "진짜 두 사람이 웨딩 사진을 찍은 줄 알았다" "사진처럼 빨리 용서부부도 웨딩 에피소드를 촬영했으면 좋겠다" 등의 반응을 보이고 있다.
















이어 용서부부의 사진과 영상을 모아 만든 각종 뮤직비디오, 동영상들도 등장했다. 용서부부의 한 팬 사이트는 300일 기념 케이크를 보내기도 했다. 이 외에도 이미 '우리결혼했어요'의 시청자게시판은 용서부부의 300일을 축하하는 글이 1000여 개 이상 올라온 상태다.
















한편 MBC '우리 결혼했어요' 61회는 오는 11일 방송된다.
































머니투데이가 만드는 리얼타임 연예뉴스
















제보 및 보도자료 star@mtstarnews.com
















Soure : Daum



































Pictures in this news from our Thread w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif
































I never know There is a korean reporter in our thread :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:









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According to doodoodoo (thank you for the alert), our goguma family member from South Korea, this might be untrue, so please take it as a wonderful piece of fan fiction until proven otherwise...
















Translated from the link shared by Kerube-Chan:
















I should put this under a spoiler since it's most probably a dream sequence of the author blush.gif
































It continues from where the temporary WGM staff stopped:
















The contents of the 1st account were too lengthy, so I intended to write on the happenings during the Korean Incheon Wave concert, when the production crew presented Seohyun and each of the CNBlue members a momento photograph...All are Polaroid pictures, with Jungshin, arms draped around shoulders very naturally with a victory sign, at the back of the photo, Seohyun also left a message for Jungshin-Chingu....
















To: For JungShin-Chingu~~~Though I haven't known you for a long time, but the feeling is like having known SHINee's Min Ho for a long time, it's very natural, it feels like meeting a very good chingu, (I am) blessed. In the beginning, i felt that the jokes you cracked were a little burdensome, now I find them so interesting they make me laugh out loud, for that I am thankful. Wishing that our friendship will never change...
















To: MinHyuk-ah~~~Though you are not as humourous as JungShin-Chingu, I don't know why I feel at ease with you. It could be because you are simple and very obedient. In future, with acting and writing lyrics, you should get weary...In hope that this will help you a little, (I've) prepared this book. You must!! Read it (Photo with MinHyuk also with arms over shoulders in a victory sign) Seems like SeoHyun prepared the book gift for MinHyuk, knowing that he likes to read~
















To: JongHyun Oppa (It seems, prior to this, SeoHyun has never properly addressed JongHyun as Oppa, the 1st time affectionally calling him Oppa was during the Incheon Wave Concert^^ Which was why JongHyun was seen with an extremely happy fatherly smile^^) Oppa is like Yong-Oppa, singing lead and writing songs, please keep your voice in good condition...I've prepared tea that is good for the throat for Oppa, You really must drink it, therefore I hope it helps you to continue to write better songs & melodies...(JongHyun BIL was photographed with Seohyun linking arms) But, why are these photos placed in their love nest? Was it due to Yong Nampyeon's jealousy, that's why they weren't given to his dongsaengs? ^^
















The production crew might have gotten them to pose for photos in certain ways, but SeoHyun wouldn't have gone along with it if she wasn't comfortable. Being photographed with her brothers-in-law and even leaving them messages afterwards...she is really kind-hearted~~~It is said that SeoHyun prepared the messages and the throat soothing tea after the Incheon Wave concert before she left for Japan...
















Because Yong Nampyeon suffers from vocal cord nodules, SeoHyun often prepares tea that soothes the throat and even taking care of fellow band member JongHyun in the process, (SeoHyun is) extremely kind-hearted~~~
















It seems that this is the reason why Yong Nampyeon and CNBlue members put in so much effort to prepare the Japan guidebook, complete with personally penned heartfelt letters, to thank Hyun for her care for them. It is said that WGM PD really likes YongHwa, because of his charisma and for giving his utmost in everything he does. The writers & PD love our goguma couple, and are very thankful to them...Of course this is also because of the high quality of love shown to our YongHwa & SeoHyun ~~~ ^^ I can't remember everything in 1-shot so I can't continue for now...In future I will share more if something comes to mind~~~
















~*phew* End of message from the fan account of the wgm temporary staff~
















please forgive me for any inaccuracies of this article...
















Edit: Thank you Aki_yongseo for the alert, you are right. It is referring to SHINee's MinHo. My eyes are going blind. :P















































Happy 300th Day YongSeo!






























































Your faithful supporter, woollylamb (lamb_bleats @ twitter) signing off

















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Guest doodoodoo


I'm a new Goguma villager live in Korea...Nice to see you!

First of all, today is a Happy day of YongSeo's  300th day!!

I'm sorry to say this..

WGM temporary staff's writing is not identified exactly as a fact yet....so don't be get upset too much...

The story was identified as a fake!!! ㅠㅠ

I'm a member of  Yongseo community...

The story was written there first..so lots of  members liked it and thanked the writer.

But some members asked few evidence then the story was gone.

So the manager checked the fact to the writer..

And the writer confessed to the manager it was a lie.


I'm not a good English speaker, but sometimes I can find some wrong translations of Yongseo's saying here.

From now on, whenever I find it, I'll try to correct that...

I want to be like Seohyun good at other languages...^^

Thank you!!

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#9 Seohyun Wedding Photo-shoot? #5 now


















Seems like fans are eager for it to finally happen! Haha :)




































There are a few Korean articles with VN Goguma Garden fan posters!





















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Guest glennpaulo






<span class="Apple-tab-span" >This couple is always giving us a question, if they true or not?reel or real? if they are dating for real or not?if it is scripted or not? If all they say in the interview is real and not for promoting?. 


I'm always wondering about that thing, always. But as of now no one can SURELY answer all that question except them(YONGSEO). And although if the Show is ended, maybe we cannot know what will be their plan for each other since their company doesn't allow this thing to happen.  But we can accept the reality that yongseo help us to change and live our life to the fullest. It is youre right to what and whom who you beleive. If yongseo change youre life for good. then continue to beleive, but if not try to believe them it will surely change you.





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Anyong GOGOMA lovers! I'm from manila Philippines and I just want to say thank you so much for making this forum as wonderful as it is;) I can't contain my happiness reading all your post and toughts about our awesome yongseo couple most especially today! i wont let this day to pass by without greeting them a
































HAPPY 300th day ANNIVERSARY!!!:)
































I love everything about them!! I want to express my gratitude to all the gogoma's around the globe for all the overflowing love and support for our couple! And im really proud to be part of this thread! I hope you will welcome me as one of your GOGOMA Family!
































YONGSEO saranghe!!!

































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Guest Aki_yongseo








































Trying to translate the contents of the fan account from the link shared by Kerube-Chan...it's not complete yet, so check back for edits:





































































































































































It continues from where the temporary WGM staff stopped:






































































































The contents of the 1st account were too lengthy, so I intended to write on the happenings during the Korean Incheon Wave concert, when the production crew presented Seohyun and each of the CNBlue members a momento photograph...All are Polaroid pictures, with Jungshin, arms draped around shoulders very naturally with a victory sign, at the back of the photo, Seohyun also left a message for Jungshin-Chingu....






































































































To: For JungShin-Chingu~~~Though I haven't known you for a long time, but the feeling is like having known Min Hyuk for a long time, it's very natural, it feels like meeting a very good chingu, (I am) blessed. In the beginning, i felt that the jokes you cracked were a little burdensome, now I find them so interesting they make me laugh out loud, for that I am thankful. Wishing that our friendship will never change...
































To: MinHyuk-ah~~~Though you are not as humourous as JungShin-Chingu, I don't know why I feel at ease with you. It could be because you are simple and very obedient. In future, with acting and writing lyrics, you should get weary...In hope that this will help you a little, (I've) prepared this book. You must!! Read it (Photo with MinHyuk also with arms over shoulders in a victory sign) Seems like SeoHyun prepared the book gift for MinHyuk, knowing that he likes to read~
































To: JongHyun Oppa (It seems, prior to this, SeoHyun has never properly addressed JongHyun as Oppa, the 1st time affectionally calling him Oppa was during the Incheon Wave Concert^^ Which was why JongHyun was seen with an extremely happy fatherly smile^^) Oppa is like Yong-Oppa, singing lead and writing songs, please keep your voice in good condition...I've prepared tea that is good for the throat for Oppa, You really must drink it, therefore I hope it helps you to continue to write better songs & melodies...(JongHyun BIL was photographed with Seohyun linking arms) But, why is this photo placed in their love nest? Was it of Yong Nampyeon's jealous, that's why it wasn't given to his dongsaeng? ^^
































~still in process of translation...please be patient~































































































































Thanks for the translation. ^^
































I wonder the message to Jungshin mentioning Minhyuk (highlighted in red, above) actually means MinHo from SHINee??
































'Cos I think Minho is one of the few male friends Seohyun have??









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Guest Kerube-Chan
















































































@doodoodoo Thanks for the clarification.... Lets look at the bright side! We can take this as a really good FanFic.
































































I am still very very very frigging happy! (Like when I read a very good fic from my fellow gogumas).
































































I think I am on a high... Too much sweetness from my fellow gogumas, we are indeed a very daebak family!!! All your comments just make me happy!
































































And how nice to see the artworks shared by members of this family as news in Korea, hope YH and SH get to see them!
































































Lets look at the good side, it made us happy for a while! Thanks a million to the translators, great work!!!
































































EDIT: I just realized we have A LOT of new members... WELCOME TO THE GOGUMA FAMILY!!! (Dance around and throws confetti) Our family is getting bigger how nice!!!









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Annyeong haseyo everyone!!

jajay: thank you for the translation of post from the temp staff. such a sweet couple.

kellneriner: i think i know where you are from...hehe i am on holiday too and like you i watched WGM initially for Khuntoria and decided to watch Goguma couple because i need my WGM fix badly. now i am so into Goguma that i haven't been following Khuntoria much. i think all three couples gives a different vibe... Adam couple gives me the best friends getting together vibe, Khuntoria gives me the perfect couple vibe (as in the perfect example of how couples should behave) and lastly Goguma gives me the first love vibe. i have to say i love the Goguma vibe the best.

lovekin hope that you are feeling much better now. i think you mentioned that you might be somewhat skeptical about the whole WGM...i definitely have that feeling too, afterall this is tvland. not to burst anyone's bubble but when it comes to reel land, the post of the temp staff could be a gimmick (or NOT so pls don't kill me here) BUT why think so much right? let's all spazz together... we won't really know what exactly really transpired behind the scene as we are not there but we all know what we see.

i feel that the couple is real...what they feel for each other with rings, shy smiles, shy skinships here and now and many more to mention. whether or not they decide to take it another step further, i think it doesn't matter but instead treasure whatever moments they have with each other openly cos of them being idols, i think it's not as easy as "let's get together", there will be many other factors to consider. but they have something special....a definite BOND with each other and i hope that it will always be like that for them. even if they end up meeting other people but whatever they have with each other is SPECIAL and will always be etch in their hearts forever. having said that, i do hope that they do take the next step as i feel in some ways they are made for each other.

so after all the nonsense ramblings, HAPPY 300TH DAY YONGSEO!!!! you got my support!!!

pS: thanks to MountainMadman for your awesome fanfic...am always on the lookout for it. thanks wollylamb for the translation and all the goguma family members here...thank you for always making my day whenever i come to this Go-Chun!


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To our beloved Yonghwa and Seohyun






























































































































May you both have a wonderful journey together.






























































































































Congratulations on your 300th day anniversary






























































































































You are my happiness .... I love you YongSeo ^^
































Pictures in this news from our Thread  w00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gifw00t.gif
































































I never know There is a korean reporter in our thread  :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:































































hi.. i google the translation of your post article.. and here it goes.. its my first time to reply a post.. thanks for understanding
































The forgiveness couple synthetic photograph < where becomes the topic in the Internet Portal Site; The source = breath blood .com > ' Forgiveness couple ' Really anger and stands to meet the present these 300 works and the uniqueness congratulation of the fans puts out a line of vision. MBC ' Us ' where gets married; The justice forgiveness couple really anger and stands met the present this 7th innumerable difficulties 300 work. To the seed the leader of the blue really the last born of anger and young girl time stood and last wise man with cute features and with after that burns February 27th initial broadcasting to be tenderhearted, the fans was hot was loved. Hereupon the congratulation which the fans is special is being joined together. One netizen synthesized the face of the forgiveness couple in the wedding photograph. This photograph is spreading out quickly from internet. Wedding synthetic photograph what kind of netizen " ' Us ' where gets married; " where is a photograph which is opened to the public to an official home page; As [tes] hangs the writing and transforms with the actual photograph, did. Fans " The real two person will take the wedding picture and will decrease and " where knows; " When like the photograph also the forgiveness couple photographs a wedding episode quickly, good " Displays the reaction of etc. Next collected the photograph and an image of the forgiveness couple and also the various music videos and the videos which made appeared. , One fan site of the forgiveness couple did sending 300 day commemoration cakes. Already even on this outside ' Us ' to get married; The justice viewer notice board the writing which congratulates 300 works of the forgiveness couple about 1000 or more is the condition which comes up. Meantime MBC ' Us ' where gets married; 61 times are broadcast 11th.

































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Guest glennpaulo






I'm quite confused after reading the second translation, and thinking, why the writer of that article is feeding us salt after the sugar. but now i will choose to believe that the first article is true and the last is fanfic that way i will enjoy my self.





HAPPY 300th day YONGSEO!!!!



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are both of the translated articles fake or is it just the second one that's fake?
















i'm so confused!
















edit: article from allkpop:
















the Viet fans who originally posted these pics must be so proud! everyone's been going bonkers over these wedding photos and they're of really good quality!
















i've been monitoring the dcmarried site and so many postings and comments about these photos! 































Fans celebrate Yong Hwa & Seohyun’s 300th day anniversary































by VITALSIGN on December 7, 2010 at 2:39 amShare













































































In celebration of the 300th day anniversary of CNBLUE’s Yong Hwa and SNSD’s Seohyun, fans have been creating photoshopped images of the couple in wedding attire.
















The photos have been rapidly spreading throughout internet community boards, especially after one netizen falsely claimed that they were official photos uploaded onto the “We Got Married” homepage.
















Fans exclaimed, “I thought they had a wedding photo shoot for real” and “I hope they take one soon just like those pictures.”
















Various fan-made music videos featuring the couple are being uploaded to celebrate the anniversary, while one fan site even sent in a cake for the couple. The “We Got Married” message board is currently being bombarded with over 1,000 congratulatory posts.
















The 61st episode of MBC’s “We Got Married” will air on December 11th.
















Source: Star News via Nate















































sorry about the many edits i just hate posting twice on the same page!
















i caught this fanart from the dcmarried board (it may have been posted earlier but oh well if it has!)
































they'd make cute babies :) 

















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Guest MrsAthenaG






S O S:  unsure.gif






okay, this is not my normal posting pattern at all.  and i feel bad for having to even pose this question with it being the 300th day and right after jajay posted what should be a pick-me-up, amazing article.  unfortunately, i'm feeling a little under the weather and extremely sensitive to even the slightest indication that WGM is first and foremost a business (e.g., i interpreted what the writer said about yong/seo insisting on wearing their respective rings as a "commitment" to their job than something they attribute to one another).




which is weird, isn't it?  i typically take these little things in stride, and i'm usually the first one to agree that it is a job (provided that i also try and contradict it with something positive in favor of yongseo).  and while i am a realist, i know when to overlook insignificant details and when not to read too much into something.  but i want to be able to appreciate the goguma couple and be delusional [right now], if you will.




that being said, are there any articles/interviews/proof that you can recall in the past that would suggest whatever yong and seo have is real?  i'm not saying they have to prove they're dating (because while it would be cute, i just don't think it's feasible with their individual popularity and idol status), just that there is some interest on both their parts that isn't merely platonic.  and nothing on "eye-ships," please.  while i do believe in meaningful gazes, and i think yong and seo do share them every once in a while, i am actually of the belief some creative editing goes into it.





thank you, jajay~  if not for my reason behind my post, i think i'd be melting into puddle among the rest of you.  however, i will say that i believe the WGM crew really do love the goguma couple.  i know it said the writers are particularly fond of them, but i'm sure the adoration isn't limited to them.  adam and khuntoria are equally lovable, but there is something about yongseo that stands out, even if their popularity (in comparison to the other two) isn't really on the same wavelength.






My dear @lovekin, you're getting your goguma omma out from her chosen silence, but you remind me of someone who will be a good lawyer...evidentiary is always significant to their cases.  However, there's no reason why we can't ask for proof since we're not party to be personally present in their company, thereby make our own conclusions with regards to their relationship.  I, too, want to know...everyone wants to know,,,inquiring minds...we want to know for a fact that they have a "real relationship". But the truth about their relationship can only be between them, until such time that they decide to disclose it to the world whether they do or don't.  I do love your posts, this is not a reply to chastise you for what you currently feel or your "read" on their ""commitment" (I read between the lines but nowhere did it say nor imply that their refusal to take off their couple ring was any indication of their commitment to their "job", in fact, I took it as their "Commitment to each other", don't you think?).  Personally speaking, I somewhat conclude that there is a significant commitment between these two based on what I have interpreted from their actions, and as stated in this account, they're acting somewhat like a couple who are committed to each other - what's up with this sneaking to bring items to their house, buying stuff that Hyun wants from overseas to decorate their "Love Nest"?.  I may end up with a pie in my face later on when this all ends and all our expectations come crashing with their confession that they were actors, but I stand behind on my feeling...it's just my own feeling.




I have seen the other couples from this show but I don't remember any of the couples who were as committed to "wearing their couple rings" as YongSeo, I can recall Anbi couple and KangJi couple wearing their rings on the show but I don't remember them wearing their rings religiously outside of the show as this couple, correct me if I'm wrong.  Nor do I remember reading/hearing from any accounts or through hints from the show, that any couple contacted each other outside of the WGM taping/broadcast as often as these two or checking/monitoring each other through their activities.  Push/Pull or playing "hard to get", I don't remember any couple who went as far as this action/reaction in order to "improve their relationship" or "so you'll miss me" game they played, do you know of anyone? 




So my dear @lovekin, rest your weary heart and continue to enjoy the ride our YongSeo is leading us.  Isn't it fun to watch their journey together?  In my earlier posts, I said that the memories they created prior to their "marriage commitment" at the seashore in the rain will be a thing of the past, as they will create more significant memories during their marriage.  Well, we are witnesses to the memories that they will continue to create and be embedded in their  lives forever, whether with each other or not.  




And to all my Goguma children, I missed posting here but I have just been submerged in work that reading this thread is my daily life-saver.  I must commend each one on the significant maturation on the posts, including those that are considered by some as negative in nature.  I have seen how most of you have shown respect with regards to how your posts are worded and conveyed to the reader.  Your Goguma omma is happy to see that all is well in our Goguma World.  Continue to spread the love that our YongSeo has shown to us, their Goguma family.




Ugh...look what happened...regretfully another long post from me.  So sorry...I'll go back to my silence...until someone needs me again.  By the way, my thanks to those who PM'd me telling me that they missed my posts...you're sweethearts.  Your omma is off to catch some Zzz...s to be up again in 5 hours for my seminars.  Till the next post...







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Guest shane09
















































































Review 200th day anniversary ~~ Special Stage
















































while waiting for 300th day anniversary SUPRISED !!

















































































































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Happy 300th day YongSeo couple! I twittered like crazy last night. Sure, we didn't get into worldwide TL but I (and the other goguma shippers) got lots more in return. I get to read heartwarming messages from kind people all over the world. This soompi thread is the ultimate heaven for us shippers so thank you each and every one of you for everything!!!




To YongSeo couple, I look forward to peek more into your relationship as it progress. Thank you for allowing us that =D


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Guest keira53




hello all goguma!




i'm a member in Vietnam's goguma garden@KST. I'm grateful when you like pics we designed.




I'm sorry when i forgot to note credit. It is a product of goguma garden KST, So, please take out with full credit because of copyright.




Because all of you like all pics, so you can see more in Vietnam's goguma garden in KST






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Guest ricevol




hello all goguma!



i'm a member in Vietnam's goguma garden@KST. I'm grateful when you like pics we designed.



I'm sorry when i forgot to note credit. It is a product of goguma garden KST, So, please take out with full credit because of copyright.



Because all of you like all pics, so you can see more in Vietnam's goguma garden in KST
















Annyong Vietnamese fan, I'm Vietnamese too haha :w00t: (it's weird to say hi to you in Korean style :D )



Though I did not know that Our country has such HUGE support and even planned great party for one and only Yongseo , I'm happy to see all the pictures, cakes and people attending for the celebration. (I'm in Hanoi btw.)



Oh I love the global love in here :wub:


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