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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest Crystal392










Thanks so much MountainMadman for translating that :)


















Oh so it seems they also filmed on the school... can't wait to hear Yong's Busan accent (the MCs are going to have so much fun repeating what he says, I can already picture them :lol:). I wonder what questions did Hyun ask Yong's friends and his teacher... can't wait to watch that ep. ♥


















I was reading posts at dcmarried (with google translator hehehe) and found a post that talked about uri YongSeo 300th day anniversary. It will be in a week (Dec 7th), I wonder if they will film WGM that day... I hope so ^^


















Seems uri Yong~ and Hyun~ will see each other quite a lot this week. They saw each other at Inki on Sunday, today they filmed at Busan and basically spent a day together, SNSD and CNBLUE will perform together (with other groups) on Thursday (Dec 2nd). :wub:w00t.gif I feel happy by just thinking about that hihihihi blush.gif



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Guest ichigo_kawai








Ayeong everyone....^_^







Thanks for all goodies about yongseo couple....^_^







Waves to everyone in here....







Goguma Parody...






- PARODY Nº2!!!




(Ohh MC KIM Twitter Message hahahahahahaha)




omg!! The 2º is the best







@ Caliope Thanks for posting my videos ^_^..I'm happy u like it..







@ Crystal..."hugss.."Thanks for your comments







@ jnj thanks I'm glad u like it too..







@ bee ichigo...and everyone thanks for watching my videos..thanks for all your comments...^_^




Thanks everyone...for sharing the link, caps, pict, news, videos, fanart, and fanfics.. :wub:







Here is my new fan mv.... After seohyun version ( should I confess?) Now I made Yonghwa version (One More Time)





YongSeo (One More Time)





And repost:




should I confess? (hyun version)










Oh.... I'm really happy finally Hyun dream come true....







@Catcheungcw, ahn annan, thanks for the link







@bolmaejung thanks for the link and thanks for sharing the picts







@mountainmadman thanks for your translation







@Caliope thanks for sharing that pic..^_^




I just remember when Seohyun said that he wanted to go to busan and asked the famous foods in busan to yonghwa. And Yonghwa said that the famous food is kimchi .. (Truthfully he was talking about his mother's kimchi chigae)...ke.ke.ke actually he wanted Seohyun meet with his parents.




















From ep 16




Hyun: Ah...busan...







freeway exit to busan







Yong: I should go back sometime







Hyun: Huh?







Yong: That's my hometown (wants to bring wife back to his hometown)







Hyun: I want to go to busan sometime (wanting to visit husband yong's hometown)







Yong: Why would you want to go to busan?







Hyun: Please show me around in busan (Anticipate)







Yong: Let's have a meal first before that







Hyun: Hmm. what's good to eat?







Yong: If it's Busan ..it would be kimchi soup







Hyun: kimchi soup? really? is that so?







Yong: If we're talking about busan then it's definitely the kimchi chigae







Hyun: Really? I thought it was the seafood?







Yong: Nope. If you're going to busan you have to try the kimchi chigae.







Hyun: oH....







Yong: The kimchi Chigae that's prepared by my mum.







Hyun: Really? Ah, it must be delicious then!







Cr subs: RDRsubs




Kimchi Jigae (Kimchi Soup)














And I wanna share this..ke..ke.ke just random things...




We know that Yonghwa writing songs lovelight to Seohyun ..




"You're more beautiful Than the stars above in the night sky"







"You're my love light"








And we know that Yonghwa really like to wear "stars and love" accessories.







we can see Yonghwa very often wore different "star"-shaped earrings, or "love"-shaped ring. at the various events.












cr pict: as tagged







when I saw Inkigayo, I did not know it just a coincidence or not ....







I just realized, that Seohyun wearing "star"- shaped earrings and "love" ring-shaped. when her unnies was not wearing star-shaped earrings. I know maybe it just a coincidence or just concept...but I like this things...ke..ke..ke.











and here is another pict


























And definitelly yongseo couple fans really know that yong and hyun like all about "star" or "love" things... I just realize when I see this pict ( when yongseo fans gives food to people at inkigayo)






























Sorry for long post :sweatingbullets:







"Have a nice days everyone...."













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First of all, and most important, let’s hope and pray for peace for both Koreas – North and South – and hope a long term solution to their conflict can be negotiated without the need for war! Please realize that any mobilization for war could affect all males in South Korea between the ages of 20 – 30 years old. Anyone who understands how South Korea would mobilize their armed forces in case of war with North Korea, please correct me if I am wrong. But if that statement is true, it would mean Yong and most of the male K-Pop groups would be impacted if war should occur!

I’ve read all of the comments on the last episode and for the most part, everyone has been quite positive and happy with the events between these two wonderful kids. But this is a forum, a place to expose different views and feelings and then discuss, so -

This last episode – eh, I’m not spazzing that much. I guess I’m expecting too much from this couple as far as forward motion in their relationship. To me, In this episode – it’s the same old, same old again.

Especially after Hyun made her amazing arm-linking move! I thought, OK, here we go, she’s showing Yong she likes him and she’s willing to demonstrate it, we’re back to feeling like June and the ‘birthday’ episode, the ‘mildang’ is finally over, and she is going to execute her ‘pull’ to show Yong he is forgiven and the gogumas are back!

But, they get back to the Japanese inn and it’s like nothing happened!? No mention of it from either Yong or Hyun, like it’s been forgotten or never happened.

And Hyun finally does give him ‘all’ the gogumas and says she ‘trusts’ him again. I don’t think ‘all’ of the gogumas were ever gone. The count went down, but she still left enough for the door to be wide open for Yong to redeem himself. And he worked hard at regaining her trust and stuck it out even though she was ‘pushing’ him pretty hard.

Are they sweet and cute and ‘lovey-dovey’? Yes. Massive eye contact, sweet and loving expressions. You bet! But we’ve been seeing that since their ’22 day’. Additional skinship? One quick hand holding grab from Yong. Way too short. Even the MCs were disappointed.

I kept watching them with their arms outstretched across the table, their hands inches from each other, I was hoping Yong would just grab both her hands and just hold them for awhile, caress the back of her hands with his thumbs (ah, really!) But no – not even that. How about a little ‘hug’ when they said their sweet ‘good nights’? Nope, not that either.

The way the preview was worded it sounds like Hyun gets ‘blasted’ on alcohol and pours out her soul. Dude, it was non-alcoholic and she only had a sip, and she didn’t even enjoy that! And as far as pouring out her soul – a little bit. Seems they’re still working out the same old problems – Hyun not using banmal, Hyun not calling Yong when she misses him, the goguma rating, the ‘mildang’ experiment. Seems like all these problems have been bought up and discussed in past episodes. They still haven’t talked them out and come to an understanding?! Really?

I usually like to read at least a couple English translations for each episode from different sources, because each one sometimes comes out a little different than the rest! Sometime just the difference in a pronoun or adjective can change the meaning, and I’ve noticed some striking differences in separate English translations. I like J2DLEE’s the best! They seem to me to be the most logical and fit Yong and Hyun’s situation the most. I especially like how she’ll put in the Korean word and what it normally means, then justify why she translated the statement the way she did. So, J2DLEE, you cannot RETIRE! There are too many gogumas who rely on your excellent translations! BIG HUG AND THANK YOU!

Some interesting pieces of their conversation –

S: But really...seriously...before I got on this program, I didn't have any male friends.

S: And it was really uncomfortable for me.

S: But...because you tried so hard, it changed me a lot.

S: Thank you for that. Really, thank you.

Y: Thank you...for that?

S: I do!

Y: Anything else?

S: What anything else?

Y:"Thank you...for that."

S: No, I was just thanking you.

Y: No, it's okay...

Y: Well...I didn't do it to be thanked...

S: Anyways, I was being serious.

Y: Yeah...me too...

Hyun’s heartfelt expression of thanks was worded a little weird. What is Hyun trying to say here? ‘Thanks for all your hard work that has changed me – so that I can be more comfortable with other male friends?!’ If I were Yong, that’s what I would take away from that comment. There is nothing specific to Hyun’s feelings about Yong in that statement. Which is why he asks ’Thank you – for that?” He’s saying – ‘what about me? You don’t feel anything special with me?!’ And Yong’s – ‘Anything else?’ and ‘I didn’t do it to be thanked….’ responses. Again, ‘What do you feel for me?!’ He’s saying ‘I did it because I like you a lot (love you) – not to be thanked!’ Of course, clueless Hyun doesn’t pick up on his meaning and offers no additional comfort. Poor Yong, he is really trying so hard to find out what she feels – and she is giving him absolutely nothing to go on.

Also this conversation after Hyun gave Yong his goguma points, and Yong is warning her not to change it in the backroom interviews –

Y: Don’t change it behind my back.

S: Ahhh, really.

Y: Okay, okay.

S: Wow, you're too much.

Y: I was just playing around...

S: I don't know what's real or not!

Yong does play around and joke around a lot. And Hyun enjoys that side of him; she’s constantly cracking up and laughing over his jokes and comments. He lightens the mood and relieves the awkwardness. But it seems like Hyun has a problem discerning between his joking and being serious, doesn’t it? This comment is pretty straight out honest. She can’t tell when he is joking and when he is being serious. This would be frustrating to someone with a naturally serious nature like Hyun. Yong needs to separate his serious side from his fun and joking side. When he gets serious, he needs to stay there until the serious part of the conversation is over and he is sure Hyun understands him and she has had a chance to think it out.

I think this is what happens with Hyun’s backroom interviews. She doesn’t respond or doesn’t know how to respond when something happens during filming, but after she has time to think about what happened for a bit, she has worked a response out in her head that comes out in the backroom interviews. I think that’s why Yong feels he gets surprised by what comes out in the backroom interview.

The TRAX album, song & movie video – I think this was really a ‘big deal’ for Hyun. It was the first time she had been singled out for HER beauty, without her SNSD unnies. Before WGM, she has always felt that next to her unnies, she was not the pretty one. And she was beautiful in the album photos and the movie video. Truly a goddess! I think she wanted Yong to say – ‘Oh, you’re truly pretty and beautiful’ in the pictures and the MV. But he didn’t say it. I don’t think she was still trying to make Yong jealous – she just wanted him to enjoy and recognize her ‘success’ with her. But I think Yong still thought her bringing up the TRAX was part of the ‘mildang’, so he acted all ‘cool’ about it and didn’t show much enthusiasm for it. I still wonder about the ‘kiss’ that Hyun refused for the MV. Did that ever come up as a subject between them? And I can’t help but feeling that there is still something Hyun hasn’t told Yong about the TRAX song, or the MV. It seems like she keeps bringing it up, but just doesn’t have the courage to tell Yong the rest of the story. I’ve just got this feeling that ‘Oh, My Goddess’ was written about Seohyun also, and she can’t bring herself to tell Yong that fact because it will upset him.

I also wonder about I don’t Know Why. When is he going to tell her that song was written about her, also? Are they going to ‘circle the earth’ a hundred times on this, also?! Everybody on earth already feels it’s true, when will Hyun know it?

The ‘banmal’ issue. Here is a girl who can speak English, Japanese and Chinese, but can’t handle talking in the informal form of her own language to the guy with whom she is in the most intense emotional relationship she has ever had in her entire life! But she can do it easily with bro-in-laws and her SM oppas (Jinwoon, etc.) ? I don’t get it! In the ‘school uniform’ episode, she was ready to talk banmal to him, but Yong refused it. Now Yong wants to hear it again (he can’t make up his mind about this, can he?) and she can’t do it. Yong really needs to decide if this is important – or not. And Hyun, yes, you are different from other people, but speaking ‘banmal’ to Yong should not be this big a problem – especially since it seems to be really important to Yong.

The ‘communication’ issue. Hasn’t Yong told Hyun time and time again that he monitors everything she does? And hasn’t Hyun also said she’s seen things Yong has done in the past on the internet? So they both know they are monitoring each other. But it seems neither one really communicates that fact to each other. So when they are apart, they’re both watching their cell phones waiting for the ‘other’ person to call. And nothing happens. Good grief! Call each other – even if it’s just to say ‘Hi, how are you?’

Even friends do that. You guys are emotionally involved (yes, you are! Admit it, please!) make that little step, please, please, please! In your profession you are going to be apart a lot. Keeping in touch will be most important if you want this relationship to survive! God, now I’m lecturing them like a parent!

I like how Yong negotiated the ‘truce’ on any future ‘mildang’ maneuvers! Very smart after he got seriously ‘burned’ by the steel-willed Hyunnie on her well executed response to his ‘mildang’. I think he finally realized that Hyun can play that game very well (with unnie’s support and guidance, I’m sure) and that he would be burned/hurt badly again!

So, yes, I’m frustrated and disappointed. And I’m feeling a little sorry for Yong. I’m afraid he’s going to come to the end of WGM and get a hearty pat on the shoulder and a ‘Thank you for all your hard work’ from Hyun and she’s going to take this ‘wonderful experience’, enter it in her diary as another good ‘life lesson’ and go right back to the safe, sheltered life with her unnies she has so carefully planned without a second thought (or even realizing) about what she has done to Yong’s heart. I’m hoping this will not be true. I would LOVE to see them be together forever, but I don’t feel Seohyun’s heart has developed in step with her logical mind.

And this is after all the things they have done together and experienced together. The overnight train trip to the ocean, the driving license preparation and failures, the kimchi making and day with the CN BLUE brother-in-laws, the shared concert, Chuseok Horror show, pool playing and piggy-back ride, the birthday celebration at the lake. They’ve experienced so much and have had experiences that have proved to each of them they needed to trust each other and depend on each other, but still they are dealing with basic issues of trust and communication.

Sorry to be so negative, just my opinion – and deep down I’m hoping I’m totally wrong. I don’t mean to rain on your Goguma parade. So I’ll go in ‘lurking’ mode for awhile and pop back in when there is something new to totally spazz about. But I feel it will be a long time before that happens.

And please, please give me your feedback; I anticipate everyone’s response and feelings about what I’ve said. Prove me wrong, please! Disagree if you feel I’m wrong. I love the discussions about how these 2 affect all of our feelings!

We are all only seeing ‘through a glass darkly’ with these 2. We only see small parts of the actual filming (they were at the Japanese inn for 4+ hours and we got to see 20 minutes, for example) and pieces of their interaction on music shows or interviews, so yeah, a lot of what we feel and believe is based on a very small part of their actual time together and what is filtered through the media. So everybody’s input to this blog is important in helping us get a clearer picture of what the heck is going on. So hugs and thanks to all who contribute to our understanding and love for these 2 special people!

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Hello, everyone.

I updated my fanfiction.

Sorry it took so long. I'm just incredibly busy. As usual, I hope you like.

Best regards,


PS. MC Jake just twittered something about WGM.

어여 인나자.. 아침먹고 우결가야지..일어나기싫다

PPS. @luvtokki: I was really surprised when I read your opinion. I think after their Japan talk, they were *very* relaxed with each other. I just rambled why there was that stupid table between them that was just so. Huge. I bet if they had been sitting next to each other, there would have been more skinship. I was especially surprised at Yonghwa for his move to give her ALL the potatoes there are except one. I thought he would have choding-ed there, but he was being romantic about it. Go for it, bro! And as for the banmal issue ... I think Seohyun is being Seohyun there. She jondemal-s her unnies and they are closest to her. So I find it perfectly acceptable for her to jondemal Yonghwa. And I'm quite sure she'll come around. So ... yeah. Maybe I'm to lax here, but I'm perfectly happy with the situation. And Yonghwa is happy. "About the bad thing I did ..." His members said he is Tripple A and never speaks about that stuff, and yet, he came up with it on his own. I'm a guy ... oh, and I just realize, I am A too! Ha! Interesting. Anyway, back to the topic, to say "About that bad thing I did ...", to be mushy and all ... IMHO, everything's peachy.

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Guest MountainMadman

Thank you Trent for MC Kim's tweet and your Goguma Hours update. You always manage to wow me every time with your writing; I still have a long way to go if I want to catch up with you (with Love Story). :)

어여 인나자.. 아침먹고 우결가야지..일어나기싫다


Time to get up...eat breakfast and go to WGM recording...I don't want to get up

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Guest gmanalangster










@crystal_malfoyThanks you so much..!!! I will check on that site from time to time. Although I know a little Korean but still not confident enough, blush.gifblush.gif I still need the one with Eng subs.


















About Busan filming----> I think Seohyun now has a lot of confidence of meeting up with Hubby -Yongs friends and relatives ( if they are gonna be part of the filming), am happy that she is really stepping forward and Upping her game when it comes to showing Yonghwa that they are in the same boat now...


















Looking forward to Saturdays WGM Episode.. Goguma Villagers Fighting...!!!!



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Guest Crystal392










luvtokki: Here is what I think about your post: I wasn't really expecting much skinship from them. Yeah they've gone a long way and now are more comfortable with each other, but they are still careful around that issue (skinship). I'm sure someday it will come naturally... we just have to wait and see ;) I don't mind waiting, I've waited almost 300 days to see them being more comfortable around each other... I can wait 300 more days ^_^


















If we are right and IDKW was written for Hyun I don't think Yong will reveal it soon (if he ever reveals it), why do I think that? because of his super hardcore fans... we already discussed that topic when he said he had written 'Love Light' thinking about Hyun. About banmal I kind of agree with you, I think it's pretty obvious that topic is important to Yong but he seems to try to make himself don't care about that because he knows it's difficult for Hyun, Hyun offered to speak using banmal (and I think she was ready to do it) but at the same moment Yong realized he probably was pressuring her too much with that topic... it was bad timing in my opinion, a pity. About calling each other, the way they act really shows they are blood type A right? :lol: I think after the convo about it they had in Japan they will begin to communicate more through text messages (or msn... I don't know :P).


















To me the fact that they are dealing with basic issues shows how much they've grown, that they are comfortable enough with each other to talk about it and not just ignore it and then mention it on the blackroom interview, that they really wonder if the other person is feeling/thinking the same. The latest ep is actually one of my faves because they actually talked about it, not just exchanged a couple of comments and then joked about other things to lighten the mood. And I actually enjoyed reading your post, I've repeated this a million of times and I will probably keep repeating it: the purpose of this thread is to discuss YongSeo related things, one of them is exchange opinions (it's a forum after all), as long as you respect Yong~ and Hyun~ it's ok imo... and for some reason I didn't find it negative, it seemed (and I hope this won't bother you) more like you felt insecure about their progress and wondering what would happen when WGM ends. As a YongSeo fan I hope they will date some day, get married and live happily ever after ^^ but just knowing how much they've influenced each other in many positive ways it's enough to make me happy :)






Trent, MountainMadman: Thanks for sharing the tweet and the translation. Hopefully he will also tweet after he records WGM.






gmanalangster: You're welcome :)






Soo who is ready for the next ep? :w00t:









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Guest hihi_hehe








































































The problems are laid between Seohyun and Yonghwa, I want to tell you that!
























































Just only they can work them out, solve it. We are just the viewers, who have been following their steep of developing the relationship. We’ve been debating, analyzing, commenting, criticizing from the very beginning, and still then.
























































Do you see that? Even we have THE SAME PROBLEMS just as Yonghwa and Seohyun have their old same problems!
























































They’ve changed ! I bet my life on it! Seohyun is grateful toward Yonghwa, because she gets more comfortable around men than before. Some people may think “What? That’s it? Nothing more?” Yes, you probably think that way. But in Seohyun’s mind, IT IS NOT LIKE THIS.
























































Way before We got married. Seohyun was just a shy girl. Over-shadowed by her sisters, this is a truth! Don’t question about it. How many of us here did notice Seohyun before WGM? (I know some here are Seohyun’s fans). It leads to this question HOW DID A GIRL BECOME LIKE THIS AT THIS TIME?
























































I still remember that Key from SHINee once said “I’ve know SH for 4 years during training period, and we just greet each other like strangers!
























































And one SPECIFIC example about this “no-longer-shy-girl” is in the latest ep she never had male friends before YH.
























































Significantly, if you want to change a person, it’s as hard as picking a star in the sky. But SH’s changed! And she thanked YH for that. Have you ever thought why SH said that? Have you? OR SH thanked YH for that just because through her thank, Sh wanted to tell Yonghwa “No one has changed me, but you just did!”
























































SNSD has been living with Seohyun for 5 years (not to mentions the training days), but Seohyun hasn’t use bamal with them. And then ....BAM! A guy, out of nowhere, wanted her to use bamal with him? The most “difficult” thing that SH hasn’t done before? hahah if some one (even my bf) wants me to change something about me, I’m gonna tell you that, it’s not like 1 day or 2 days to change that.
























































My parents have been married for almost 20 years, and since the day I knew things around me, they’ve still had their things about themselves that it can’t be changed!
























































YH has been some one important in SH, some one has changed something in SH’ life.
























































I, myself, won’t ever forget things/people that change my life. I believe that the same goes SH. Yonghwa has been patient, gentle, step by step accommodating SH.
























































So for SH, Yh is some one who did change her
























































And why do I have to repeat that? Because I want to emphasize SH’s thank to YH is highlighted point in the latest ep
























































Seohyun is not a type of girl who can spit out words easily, tell you that
























































And a thing that I’ve noticed about us is we are greedy, ok not all of us, the majority
























































Ep after ep, our expectation is increasing a level. From the start, we desperately wanted some skinship from them. It turns out that YongSeo couple is the “boring couple without any skinship” See? We want this from Sh, we expect that from Yh. But guess what people, THEY DON’T DO IT LIKE WHAT YOU WANT THEM TO DO!
























































They take steps by steps, it’s damn slow! Sometimes I got so frustrated, why they’re so slow? But I love their “slowness”. They do think so freaking differently comparing to other couple. For GOD’s sake, I adore Adam and KhunVic too. But only YongSeo has made me crazy like this....
























































No one pays us a single coin, no one tells us to watch them, spend our time to watch, follow, to spazz, but we’ve done it. That’s is the point why I love YonghSeo
























































Because we never, ever, see them doing things we want them to do
























































What? We want Sh using bamal? She still hasn’t done it completely. What? We want Yonghwa be more brave doing skinship? Yonghwa still slowly does it.
























































See? They are beyond what we want them to do :)
























































And if I have a wish to change about YongSeo? I want to say that I DON’T WANT TO CHANGE ANYTHING ABOUT THEM, I WANT THEM JUST BE LIKE THIS!
























































And Yes indeed, they’re themselves, old problems are remaining, whether they work it out or not. I still 100% support them.
























































I’m proudly a YongSeo’s fan, and I proudly to say “YongSeo is just the way they’re supposed to be”
























































Edit: Some one told me this "Things you see are not what you know when you think it from other sides" we maybe see them right now in WGM
























































But guess what? You will never know what between them after WGM, after the filming. You know they phone each other, but you don't know them say what to each other. Just think that, we still don't know much about this couple









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Guest gumalove

@ luvtoki: When Hyun said that she didn’t have any male friends before WGM, I think she was emphasizing the point that “Yong has changed her” and how much he means to her. I don’t see anything wrong with that since she didn’t seem like she was trying to tell Yong that she is only thankful because she now has other male friends, but rather the fact that he gave her the courage to approach others. I am 100% certain that she didn’t mean “I am thankful because I can now flirt with other guys” because she is a very conservative girl. I’m not sure if you actually know that you subconsciously rearranged the order of her sentence and made it seem as if the emphasis is placed on “being comfortable with other guys”.

I also think Yong understood her perfectly because he smiled at what she said. You can tell from his face that he wasn’t disappointed at all. When he said “Thank you… for that”…  it just seems like he is surprised that she thanked him for something like that when he was just doing his job, playing his role as the husband.  He was curious if there is still something more she wanted to say because he didn’t expect her to thank him for something so minor. Also, I think this is the first time she thanked him.. so obviously he will ask her “what else?” Then, when he said “I didn’t do it to be thanked” I think he was trying to act cool in front of his buin. blush.gif lol

My opinion is not necessarily true but hopefully, it will make you feel better :)


This is my first post here.. I’m honestly hoping that I don’t top the page (not sure what the consequences are:unsure:  ) 

I like to add that those issues about trust and miscommunication.. they are inevitable

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Guest _d3seohyun

thank you so much for the updates and translations. the fan accounts from Busan had me squealing quietly like crazy at work earlier :D

i need to spazz about this scene from episode 32 because if i don't spazz out loud about it somewhere my heart is going to burst kekek

Yonghwa seemed to do this quite a lot during their night talk in japan. he would look at his buin, can't help but laugh/giggle, then look away. I just find it so cute, spazzworthy and telling.

I find myself giggling every time i watch this scene.

YONGSEO left alone at night, lounging in comfy clothes, in an inn abroad. Is that why he was smiling/laughing

at the sight of his buin the minute they sat across from each other that night? aigoo <3

I just love that hint of shyness/awkardness between the two at the beginning *wink*

right before Yong seobang suggested for them to have a drink :wub:

the sight of him smiling while looking down... <3


then the minute the their eyes met, we can hear the laughter in Yonghwa's voice while suggesting to go get a drink.

of course Seobaby couldn't help but smile and giggle too. and even blushing? kyaaaa!


and once again, sorry i can't make caps the way i used to...you guys have no idea

how much i miss making them and spazzing about every scene (:

thanks everyone. :D

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Guest zero_one



lurker mode off rolleyes.gif

wanna spazz sumtin

dont recall that someone pointed it out since the Busan filming hype

did anyone notice  that when yong asked about how many gogumas hat he have now, he only set it for 5 goguma , the sixth goguma is still in the box, but then hyun gave him 6... so it's 6 out of 5... quite big isn't it..

ninja mode on



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Guest sonia0805








Credit: DC




New pictures from Busan shooting








Walking on the beach..... 












Play running game? or back hugging?












Yong's High School, they were there midnight last night.... left these words on the field



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Luvtokki!! thanks for give me an excuse to post and spaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzz! :rolleyes: LOL
































First I´m so spazzing about Busan and fan accounts :wub:, the one that said he took away something from her face made me faint :wub:awwwwwwwwwww so sweet and I will be glad if this was not for the recording but in their rest time, that would speak a lot.!
































Thank you all gogumas for sharing pics, news, fan accounts, translations, fan videos and everything!!! I love you all, you guys make my day happier :lol:.
































Now Luvtokki
































I really enjoyed reading your post and let me tell you that I understand what you say, but ... you are a guy, right?, maybe (and I´m just saying, maybe) that is why you can´t fully understand SeoHyun this time (it is no like I can fully understand but I will share my thoughts with you)
















































It also sounds to me like she was saying "thank you, now I can hang around with other guys", but I would give my head that she didn´t mean it that way. I think that what is happening right now is because of Hyun´s inexperience (I think I read somewhere that she even doesn´t watch dramas), so seems like she  has no reference as to realize certain things.
































I think first time Yong was romantic in an obvious way with her (like with neon sign on it)  was in the celebration of their birthdays, but then he started the mildang game so any chance that she would have thought seriously about Yong´s feelings vanished. But I do believe that unnies started to pay REAL attention at their maknae´s relationship just after that...
































Then came mildang game for 2 long months,the "relationship cooled" ,   but unnies saw it all when she perfomed love light with her hubby (Hyo just said it last week ^^).The 200 days aniversary´s Japan guide book was another romantic-obvious one.  And then, there was the japan date, and after that (in september) , we could sense how unnies went to the Go-chun right? Almost all of them talked about it. And after that they started to teassing her more often, Tifanny even said to her, if you really like him, unnie will help you. We came to see her ring everywhere, she started wearing blue, etc, etc. , and I feel that since Japan trip unnies have acted differently on the subject (just what I think, of course).
































Why am I talking about unnies?, because I think they are the only  source from which Hyun can learn about relationships and love (books don´t count) and lets say that in Japan trip, YongHwa was pretty obvious romantic again (not for Hyun but for a more experienced girl).
































His "there is something I want to tell you but I don´t know how, give me 30 seconds" is a stop breathing move right? but our innocent Hyun didn´t think in that way, not even for a second ... his " you don´t know how I feel", his "remember that bad thing I did to you, please don´t do that to me" it was like  he begging for mercy, and a lot of others things but our oblivious Hyun didn´t catch any of them. Rather I think when she went back to home and talked with unnies, they began to assemble the puzzle for Hyun. I really really really believe that, and I would invite you to wait for next episodes, to see if there is a significant change in  Hyun´s behavior towards Yong, I think that there will be.
































About Hyun trying to understand when Yong is playing and when he is not, I think is a very good symptom, she really cares about him and she wants to take care about his feelings, but as she doesn´t understand yet his between the lines´s messages, she get a little anoyed (or nervous maybe?).
































With her discomfort  because he doesn´t call or say anything about her in trax´s video, I think she is showing us that she is also into the relationship, she wants him to call often, she wants him to be monitoring her, she wants to share with him importants things,  She wants HER husband to pay atention to HIS wife (she is showing even more her sense of property in this ep right? ;)),  but at the same time she is scare?. It is like if she wants to be around him badly but when he manage to approach to her in a very emotional way, she panics out and step back. Inexperience and shyness I would say.
































I think that what she needs is to recognize and accept her feelings (for her own), and after that we will be able to see big changes in the couple, but I´m hopping to start seeing small cute significant changes from next episode :wub:...
































About "IDKW" song, I really REALLY don´t want him to tell her in front of cameras again :huh:, I prefer it to remain as an open secret, unless she asks him directly and being aware of the heavy weight of the response.
































About banmal, I can´t say something because I´m from a very different culture, and I´d may not understand her reasons for that, actualy, I don´t understand ^^....
































Sorry for my english blush.gif































































am I the only one who spazz everytime I think, next episode is in the gogugma field, near to the fisihing place??? So many romantic memories for them!!!! ahhhhhhhhhh I can´t wait ^^:wub:
































Edit: Thanks for picssssssss spaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazzzzzzzzzzzz!!! poor YongSeo why is so many people around and so close? I No  wonder why they are shy :blink:.... You people let them alone ^^  hahaha!!!









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Guest crystalblue


Wow- all this excitement happening and I gotta go to Asia now for 3 weeks on a work trip.... Not sure if I can watch any Youtube links while I'm in Malaysia, Vietnam or China- but wait, WGM is on China's TV? Anyone here from Malaysia, Vietnam and China that can help this traveler out and give me directions for how you can watch from there? I am going to be super sad if I have to face 3 wks of falling behind on Yongseo. Everything's happening the way I have been wishing for them so for me, every week is climax week lately. Meet the parents?? Yes! and how excited must Yonghwa be to be going to SNSD concerts with his school lads way back in the day to now, ummm.. "Hey guys- meet my byun, Seohyun from SNSD!" AHHHHH!!! What a great high fiver for Yonghwa and I hope we get to see Yong's mom adoring Hyun as I've dreamt of.... Thanks in advance for those who can help me out!


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luvtokki - Here are my response to some parts of your post. I edited out the parts I wanted to respond to. I must say you articulate very well your points, I wish I can do so too, then I probably wont antagonise so many folks :P
















































































Luvtokki[First of all, and most important, let’s hope and pray for peace for both Koreas – North and South – and hope a long term solution to their conflict can be negotiated without the need for war! Please realize that any mobilization for war could affect all males in South Korea between the ages of 20 – 30 years old. Anyone who understands how South Korea would mobilize their armed forces in case of war with North Korea, please correct me if I am wrong. But if that statement is true, it would mean Yong and most of the male K-Pop groups would be impacted if war should occur!]
















































































If war happened, the first line of people sent in will be those who are already in the army which will affect celebrities that are still serving inside. Next up are the ones who have completed their service but are out of the army. For Yong and other civilians who are yet to be in army, they will not be called upon duty until the last resort (which is very rare unless it is a longdrawn battle and lots of bodies have dropped). Even then, they will first have to go thru some sort of training first ( I mean you cant just throw them in the field without even knowing how to operate the artillery right?)At least, that is how it happens in my country. So please dont pull your hair out about this yet.
















































































Luvtokki[but, they get back to the Japanese inn and it’s like nothinghappened!? No mention of it from either Yong or Hyun, like it’s been forgotten or never happened.]
















































































Yep, some super editing here again. It like we are reading a chapter of a book but the PD and crew have access to the whole book! Some super goguma should do the mission impossible thing and break into MBC to download the undisclosed footage. Much like wikileaks. :D haha, just joking. I think wikileaks are a bunch of terrible people.
































































































































































Yep, I was hoping for that too. But alas, this is Korean TV. I am sure if this is California and they are both Americans, they would have spent the night together as in REALLY together in a room overnight many times already. hahaha (no offense to Americans)
















































































luvtokki[Yong does play around and joke around a lot. And Hyun enjoys that side of him; she’s constantly cracking up and laughing over his jokes and comments. He lightens the mood and relieves the awkwardness. But it seems like Hyun has a problem discerning between his joking and being serious, doesn’t it? This comment is pretty straight out honest. She can’t tell when he is joking and when he is being serious. This would be frustrating to someone with a naturally serious nature like Hyun. Yong needs to separate his serious side from his fun and joking side. When he gets serious, he needs to stay there until the serious part of the conversation is over and he is sure Hyun understands him and she has had a chance to think it out.]
















































































Yep, but then its a tough call to Yong, they just have to figure out a balance and Hyun just have to learn which part is not so serious. But it may take years. It took me about 10 years of working life to figure that out!
















































































luvtokki[We are all only seeing ‘through a glass darkly’ with these 2. We only see small parts of the actual filming (they were at the Japanese inn for 4+ hours and we got to see 20 minutes, for example) and pieces of their interaction on music shows or interviews, so yeah, a lot of what we feel and believe is based on a very small part of their actual time together and what is filtered through the media.]































































































































































Yep, thats why I am always happy to hear about their interaction outside of WGM, which I think its an important gauge of their real relationship. :wub:















































































































































































I am not denying that they are emotionally involved, but I am always abit concern that the PD may exert some influence if he wants to speed things up and hasten the relationship before its due. Because, keep in mind that if they want a really romantic Valentine's day or even a oh so touching one year anniversary, some breakthru have to happen this two months.





































































































































































































































































































































Am very happy to hear that they are in Busan. And Yong can show Hyun where he grow up. Looking forward to that ep. :lol:
















































































EDIT: Crystalblue - I am not Chinese but I am living in China now. WGM is not on China TV but the Chinese forum there post up the ep with chinese subs with lightning speed. (If you need the link, you can PM me).You will have access to Soompi but expect access to foreign sites to be slow. Sorry no facebook and twitter (also no access to some blogsites and even some picture hosting sites including sweet potato days) UNLESS you have VPN installed on your laptop ;) .









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Guest soshisoshisoshi
































































hihi_hehe.... I agree with you. THEY DONT DO THINGS THE WAY WE EXPECT THEM TO DO..... this is the uniqueness of yongseo I guess. Actually I personally think that those skinship does not come after the birthday episode is because the mildang thing. I'm not blaming yong on this, I think he has done a good job, because it has finally paid off as seohyun is more open to him now and express his feelings more to him






























































luvtokki..... There is only one thing I want to say about your post.... It's their personality to be like that so I would undestand. Yong I think is still not sure himself whether to encourage Hyun to use banmal. Hi wants it but at the same time like others said he still cannot make up his mind because he said that she doesn't need to speak in banmal in ep 31 ( understand what I mean?). As much as I want them to have more skinship, I make myself believe that this matter takes time, maybe even longer than what we expected. So I would say that your observation is good but maybe yeah...... It's just rather your impatient side. It's okay though..... Sometimes I feel the same like you






























































more or less...... What is this?? Walking on the beach together?? AWESOME.... I can picture them walking there, holding hands, facing the sunset and talk about many things. Aargh, just if the cameras are not around, what will happen (imaginations running through my mind)






























































soo...... Anticipation from MC Kim's tweet today about WGM.






























































See you guys later....!






























































EDIT: qwenli ...... Yeah I'm also a little bit afraid because there s apossibility that the PDs might hasten things a little bit. I hope they don't though, coz as much as I want to see some skinship I prefer to see their progression in relationship in a very natural way. It's inevitable though.
































































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Wow- all this excitement happening and I gotta go to Asia now for 3 weeks on a work trip.... Not sure if I can watch any Youtube links while I'm in Malaysia, Vietnam or China- but wait, WGM is on China's TV? Anyone here from Malaysia, Vietnam and China that can help this traveler out and give me directions for how you can watch from there? I am going to be super sad if I have to face 3 wks of falling behind on Yongseo. Everything's happening the way I have been wishing for them so for me, every week is climax week lately. Meet the parents?? Yes! and how excited must Yonghwa be to be going to SNSD concerts with his school lads way back in the day to now, ummm.. "Hey guys- meet my byun, Seohyun from SNSD!" AHHHHH!!! What a great high fiver for Yonghwa and I hope we get to see Yong's mom adoring Hyun as I've dreamt of.... Thanks in advance for those who can help me out!
































Crystalblue. Quick reply to you. I'm in Malaysia and you have full access to youtube, soompi, sweetpotatodays and any other website you care to access. Just make sure you stay in a hotel which has a good internet connection. As far as I know most hotels will charge you on a daily basis (not a small amount!) Are you going to be in KL because I'm talking about KL here.
































Vietnam is a much better option because you have free wifi hot spots in literally every cafe and restaurant there. Most hotels have terrific broadband connections (usually free) and once again all websites are easy to access. And this is true not just for Ho Chi Minh or Hanoi, but even the smaller towns.
































China? Sorry, not very sure about the access there. Maybe some other Go chun dweller can help you out there.
































Hope this helped. Cheers!

















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Guest SophiaPia




Hello every one :)


wow! thanks sonia0805 for that lovely bts photos of our lovely YONGSEO couple so, stay the whole day @ Busan gee until midnite cool, hubby Yong tour his wife Hyun in Busan Yeah! show his wife his old school, went to the beach i wonder if they walk holding hands or link arms again on that beach. Looks lovely that beach, ^_^. probably have a private meeting w/ hubby Yong parents as well. I wonder what's that they write in front of hubby Yong school.


YONGSEO couple REAL LOVE, Daebak, The best ^_^


wallpaperfood hahaha! yes! mate 


Hi to jnj have a nice YongSeo trip kekeke! 


hi j2dlee, redtulip, crystal_malfoy, MountainMadman, d3SeoHyun, lunasol, miel, magdal, trent, ichigo_kawai, zealous, Uolam, bee_ichigo, kubih, crystalblue, dreamyboo, baby_boo, soshisoshisoshi, luvtokki, qwenli, TO ALL, TO EVERY ONE I MISSED, CHEERS. GOD BLESS EVERYONE.


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MC KIm tweet ^^

우결녹화마쳤네요.잼나요.이번주토욜닥본사!아담네연기연습.ㅋ용서의 고구마수확,쿤토리아태국방문기..더이상 말안함.ㅋ닥본사!
































































couldn´t did any human translation...































































We've finished recording. collapse jam. This week's headquarters on the  floor and Jol! Adam your acting practice. Quentin sweet potatoes of  forgiveness, Koenraad Thooris harvest, Thailand visit. No more,. Quentin  headquarters on the floor!
































Mountainmadman and rxp080100 Thank U so muuuuuuch!!!!:wub:









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