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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest lunasol


Few minutes for next episode!! ~25-30 min






I have been so busy and I know it was discussed a few pages back, but I wanted to give my opinion regarding Yong's weird reaction after she linked her arm to his, since some people were asking about it.




We know he is a really outgoing touchy-feely person and is used to friendly skinship. However, with her he didn't act normal when she did something to him. Well, its true anyone may be in shock at first if Hyun did something like this to you if you know she doesn't usually touch people. But in Yong's case his reaction was more than a few seconds of understandable shock, he was also tense/stiff and nervous. In fact, as I pointed out in a post some days ago, if you watch him closely a few seconds after she grabbed him when they are nearing the street sign/electrical posts, you can see him quickly looking up-down-up, and when he looks down he is doing a big nervous swallow (gulp). Also, for a while he remained with a stiff/tense arm, either for nervousness or not wanting her to let go of his arm. Either way that is also not a reaction for a simple friendly linking of arms unless you are extremely aware of the person you are doing it with, especially if you like him/her. It was like his awareness of her was heightened. Also, notice that he pretty much couldn't look directly at her, but he still smiled looking away from her and the cameras. He was controlling himself. In other words, her gesture towards him was not so simple at all and it really got to him.




Also, I was thinking that although the inn they went to was specified as part of PDs plan, the temple they went to was his own personal plan. Why would you go to a temple that according to his words is famous for forming relationships unless you have a real interest in it?? He said it was because it is meaningful, but just the day at Goguma Heaven/Town was more than enough to be meaningful for them, so visiting the temple was not really needed unles you have an ulterior motive wink.gif kekeke




angelic18: I think you are new here so Welcome!! It is against soompi rules to write one-liners (less than 20 words) so people are giving you negatives in your post. What you can do is click edit in your own post and write a little more. To answer your question, the raw episodes does not have eng subs. If you wait a while during the day, people here will post translations while we wait for subbed videos.


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Hi Guys...since WGM is starting in soon (abt 5mnts)..just would like to remind everybody again.




1. do not post 1 line sentence, pls ensure it has at least 20 words or it will be considered spam. you will be getting many (-) which mean you will get warning from the MOD. on top of that, if this thread has many spammer, the thread is at risk of being closed by the MOD.




2. if you want to ask where to find english subtitle or to say thank you to certain people, pls add 1 or 2 lines abt yongseo also.




3. this is where you can find anything related to yongseo and where to watch it live http://sweetpotatodays.blogspot.com/p/video.html




4. you can join us at live chat at sweetpotatodays.chatango.com while watching it live or for those that cannot watch live, there is no subtitles but every now and then, there are people give live update about WGM and gv translation live


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Guest k.rivera19
































































































WGM starting soon!! YAY!! so excited... before it starts just want to share a picture... dont they look like there going to be great parents :D:wub:

















































































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Guest teukiie




















Seohyun gave Yonghwa 6 sweet potatoes (not literally, but like "points" yknow?)
















Yonghwa gave Seohyun... ONE... but for a special reason (couldn't understand >__<)



















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Guest MountainMadman

blush.gif This episode was...dare I say it...completely DAEBAK.

There was less stuff to get 'excited over', but a LOT more stuff that really shows us that their relationship is improving.

I'm not going to say anything about what actually happens since I don't want to get anything wrong and get potentially embarrassed later...sorry ^_^

I'll be staying up for a while waiting for the raw cuts to come out, and then I'll start working on the translations!


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Guest nadihee












hope someone willl subs that episode for us. i really wanna know what they were saying. just curious i think that was a good talk between them. palli palli subbers. my life is on ur hand hehe ^_^



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Guest ikekeyou












































wow! seohyun can surprised yong with the truck!!




































awwwww her calling yong out with honking was soooo cute!!!




































i didnt understand their conversation that night in japan but it sound serious...




































hyun gave yong 6 points




































and yong gave hyun 1 but i think there is a special reason why...





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Guest closetfanboy
































































































































































Ahhh, this is gonna be my first post so if I make any mistakes, do let me know! >.<
































































































I wish I understood korean because there was a lot of talking in today's episode! But I'm guessing from their tones and body language that everything went well? I just need translations so that I can find out what they're saying. For that to happen....
































































































WE NEED YOU MOUNTAINMADMAN! Sorry for troubling you, but I think we all really really REAAAALLY wanna know what they said during the interviews and to each other.
































































































Oh, and one more thing. Is it true that yonghwa also got his license? Hmmm, cause it would be strange for seohyun to drive yonghwa around. In my mind, it should be the other way round heh.

































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Credit to Oniontaker on soshified sbox, the reason behind one goguma packet yong gave to hyun was















"He gave her one, and told her that he was giving her every single sweet potato except that one"








lol yonghwa soooo cheesy!








but hyun gave him all 6 gogumas, so the 5 gogumas from yong, does that mean hyun likes yonghwa more than he likes her??








i saw the word mildang too, so im wondering of what yonghwa said abt that and lol about hyun's use of formal language towards him.





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Oh. i'm just so excited about my first time watching live!:D
















Although I don't understand a word, as usual, they're so sweet. Oh, so eager to know what they talked about that night. I guess it has something with jealousy and Huyn's formal speaking. Yong was so sweet to make the bed for her before he went.
















One more thing, anyone agrees with me that they have become much more gorgeous.
















Furthermore, it's great to see Huyn is so comfortable, playing and joking with Yong.

















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Oh, and one more thing. Is it true that yonghwa also got his license? Hmmm, cause it would be strange for seohyun to drive yonghwa around. In my mind, it should be the other way round heh.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































He said he got it in an interview, but I don´t know if this was before or after this episode... anyway rumors said that Yong was driving the truck too :rolleyes:.
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































You know gogumas, I didn´t understand a thing but the butterflies where in my stomach the whole episode keke... I think this one is going to be in my top 5 ^^.... I can´t wait to spazz propertly!!! :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































So redtulip, mountainmadman, J2dlee,  sun_sun and others gogumas, thanks in advance!!!!

































































































































































































































































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lots of convo and i don't understand a thing..haha

6 gogumas against1..

but MCs make it looks so...cheesy..

and why are they showing nick's pic on the caption?

i think i'll just wait for trans..since mountainmadman said its an amazing episode..

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hello gogumas..






im so happy coz today i was able to stream...definitely for me its chelupa...






i was able to watched it so clear and no lagging...






its a sweet episode, and although i cant understand a thing , it seems a sweet talked..






now im waiting for an angel like mountainmadman to translate it...and also thank you for your fanfic iluv it..now its one of my daily vitamin..i tried to comment in livejournal but it doesnt work out..ill have to registre and i tried but i dont know it doesnt accept..i dnt know much about computer eh..anyway..






yongseo fighting






gogumas fighting..



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Credit to Oniontaker on soshified sbox, the reason behind one goguma packet yong gave to hyun was































"He gave her one, and told her that he was giving her every single sweet potato except that one"
































lol yonghwa soooo cheesy!







































Haha, I guess it's something cheesy as well, because of the react from the MCs.
















































but hyun gave him all 6 gogumas, so the 5 gogumas from yong, does that mean hyun likes yonghwa more than he likes her??







































I didn't remember that Yong gave her 5 gogumas as the point. It looks like (to me) that he gave her 5 gogumas so that she could give the points to him with these. Maybe, he thought that he was only able to get 5 :))

















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Guest mrsjoker


wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...Hellooooo goguma villagers... :lol: I'M FEELING SUPER BLISFULL This afternoon... Just finished streaming live and our adorable couple keeps getting adorable... anyone here streamed it live too? Aren't they keep getting sweeter and sweeter? i'm diabetic because of them... :wub:

No major skinship happen at today episode, but to me todays episode is another special one...i was practically giggling and biting my nail because although i can't fully understand what they were saying i can honestly feel their "love" vibe...

They were having a heart to heart talk... from my limited understanding they were talking about how they weren't able to contact each other BUT BOTH DO MONITOR EACH OTHERR!! especially Yong~~ *and right there i faint...*. Yong was saying that if he didn't call first, Hyun can call him first...it's okay but Hyun was like shy... kekekeke... Honestly throughout the first half of their talk back in the inn, i felt like i was spying or easedropping on a couple who were having a lovey dovey conversation... :wub:  (i felt kinda shy watching actually....).

anyway... i just drop by quickly to say something...will be back later to spzz some more...

Ps : btw MC Kim was like all giddy about Yong grabbing Hyun wrist and was kinda expecting something more (ahemmm..*cough* like me *cough*) but when it was just a grab, MC Kim was like... "okay people it was just a grab...cool down 0.0... (and i swear his face was all red...)* LOL.. MC kim is a true Yongseo shipper!! Love him... oh and Hyun can drive now...aaaannndddd i think they've been in an intense contact ever since the japan filming because the vibe of the next episode is sooooo.... lovey dovey in a way... :wub:

Edit: miel_1301 : I agree with you... the blackroom interview was indeed a display of PURE and RAW emotion that tugged us at the right heartstrings. it makes me feeling fuzzy and warm at heart and i didn't even know exactly what they were saying.... LOL. 


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Guest miel_1301








This is such a "heart warming" episode.












I just knew it even without completely comprehending their language. Amazing that despite my inability to fully comprehend their verbal exchanges of thoughts, there was this inexplicable "warmth" one can feel being exuded by this couple through their exchanges of gazes throughout that heart-to-heart talk.












The translations of the blackroom interviews [Japan trip] are what I am anticipating even more. There's a smile on my face while watching both Yong and Hyun speak their minds and hearts in their respective interviews with the PD, yet I somehow found myself a little teary-eyed. Such display of PURE and RAW emotions that tugged at the right heartstrings.












I shall wait patiently, as always, for our beloved j2dlee for the complete translations and for redtulip for some translated summaries and for sun_sun, knowing she'll be subbing this again. My advance "Thank Yous" to you wonderful gogumas.



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hi everyone! i just shipped into this ship full of sweet potato! those two are soooo sweet! i would like to have a bf like yonghwa...kinda manly but shy at the same time. seohyun...don't mess with that girl, might come off as shy and sweet but when times call for...out comes her claws in a little kitty way.

anyways...annyeong haseyo everyone!


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i miss the streaming time but this is from egloos ite.
































RAW cut. ( for somebody like me, always miss their steaming time...)
































http://dlrmdlrm.egloos.com/1142102 (just a portion, but still happy for me...)
































will wait also from keochovoi & diodonoo for full cut(hope I didn't spell wrong bout their id.. hhehe.. ;) )
































































1st part
































2nd part
































cr to : keoconvoinewseason

















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Guest kerobear






Hi gogumas just wondering if anybody has the audio for Seohyun and Yonghwa singing together in WGM


Looked all over the places only have audio of them singing Love Light-Run Devil Run


>_< Was wondering if there is them singing falling slowly ;D Or a video rip would be good tooD:



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