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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Thank you baby_bo and kudougirl for the article. The bow and arrow seriously fits SeoHyun. I can't stop staring at her pic. Man, how gorgeous can she be? Anyone know how I can get a blowup posterboard of her sent to CNBLUE's dorm? :lol:
















































































lovekim, xia_87, yukiloveyou, andalasa, woollylamb, jnj all Singapore gogumas have a tonne of fun at the concert!! Wahhh, seriously, I need to move to Singapore. miel you with me? hehehe. You lucky peeps. Can't wait to hear all your stories and see pictures! Your lightboard is seriously daebak!!!
















































































miel oh I didnt know the SNSD girls went to Tokyo Disney. Wahhh! I hope they had fun. Seems like their schedule is really crazy with Korea/Japan and also overseas work with Taiwan and Singapore. So its nice they got to play. And thank you for those fantaken pics of Yong. Man, he looks like a star, what am I saying, of course he's a star! Paparazzi everywhere. As for the video, mianhe that its not a full MV. I think this Saturday will bring even more story ideas so thanks for being patient :) *hugs*.
















































































jnj yes, you guessed right! ;) But, now I've realized by putting out a teaser I have to work harder at making it cool! ack! I will do my best :sweatingbullets:
















































































Trent, Potato Crisis is beyond amazing. I want to hug it and tell it I love it and will never let it go. Your stories are all beyond amazing and this one deserves 20 out of 10 goguma points. thank you for writing it and sharing it and including some exciting yet safely PG-13 scenes :lol:Potato Crisis <--- read it!
















































































Edit: heartbreak that's really interesting news. I would watch anything with YongHwa in it, but filming in Japan sounds excitign! Running man is really an awesome show. ISubs has October 24th as the ETA for Episode 11. http://isubs-squad.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=47&t=127
















































































Ah, its too bad he has 3 different shows now otherwise he would make a really good regular for Running Man.

















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SG Gogumas are awesome!!!(lovekim, xia_87, yukiloveyou, andalasa, woollylamb, jnj) - I hope you guys enjoy time .... and be safe ok!!! lovekim, awesome lightboards!!!


























































































































miel, dear unnie - I have to agree that they are "lucky' to be able too\ see SNSD on Kpop night.... but really, i feel way luckier already just looking at the YongHwa pics you posted. hehe :sweatingbullets::rolleyes: I can't describe what i'm feeling inside.... but it's good!!!!!! (and it's good cathing up on you in this fast thread too. muah!!!)








































Trent, I just read ur fic..... =) :wub: Daebak!!!! - I now can describe my feeling towards that YOnghwa pics miel unnie posted. ------ It's the YONGHWA effect! hehe.








































Really now.... Yonghwa on Running Man for the nth time???? Woah! The show must must have really love the guy ei. thanks for sharing that heartbreak








































genxv - hugs for you dearie!!!! --- if you guys want an up to date compilation of news, pics, videos -- anything at all! -- on our Yongseo couple, Sweet Potato Days is the site to be! Jen's been doing a great work on it.





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Guest Crystal392

Thanks to everyone for the infoo! Seems this Saturday will be a busy Goguma day!! I better prepare myself because I'm sure this thread will be flying, will we reach page 1300? :lol: hehehe

To all the Gogumas who are going to Kpop Night concert, I am sure you will have lots of fun! Just be careful. Cheer for Hyun~ and if you get to be super near her don't forget to scream 'Jung YongHwa'.

I can't wait until iSubs release 'Running Man' with eng subs ep 11. :)

Yong and Hyun ftw! :D

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Guest baby_bo
































































































Hello Everyone!!!
































TGIF!!!! :)
































I was rewatching WGM Episode with SNSD unnies and I am so praying there will be a part 2 of this epi. I really want all 8 girls to meet yong! hahaha.
































Also, the part where Jungshin and Sooyoung arrived together I've realized Yonghwa called Jungshin "Jassik" kekekek a term he uses frequently with Seohyun now ♥
































Can't wait for tomorrow's episode! :)
































btw, thank you so much for participating on the "I LOVE YONGSEO" project.
































For those who haven't posted yet, pls feel free to post here..


name, age, location
































































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Guest toomuchsmiling


YongxHyun-u watched the duet 50 times??? wow, ur more of a goguma than me! 50 times!! then again, i wonder if anyone else here has seen it that many times. o_O




baby_bo- i have to say thanks again like i did at the snsd thread about posting that article about Seohyun and her bow&arrows cuz i had been really curious about it so thank u! ^__^ BTW, omg ur rite, Yong DOES call Jungshin chingu that and now that's wat he calls Hyun~~ aww, :wub:


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@luvtokki haha that's one of my fave songs today, but then as they lyrics goes like this "Let's go all the way tonight

No regrets, just love"(plus how the mv interpreted it) i erase erase erase it a a song for them. but really, it fits them! :)) so maybe there's somethingwrong of how i interpreted it. seohyun will just shake her head side by side.

AND THE INKI COMEBACK! i just can imagine that the couple will REALLY look forward to this date. and can we expect a special stage of them TWO? in SBS?

although its unlikely since sbsd anf mbc are rivals. >>>__<<< but still i hope soo

Ilovesnowwhite  from luvtokki - yeah, the lyrics for 'Teenage Dream' are a little too racy for SeoHyun, but they could change them, like 'Let's just fall in love tonight', kinda clean it up so Seohyun wouldn't blush, I already left out the verse about going to the beach at Cali/getting drunk/hotel room which was so Katy Perry but not Yongseo!   But part of the charm of seohyun is she can totally 'rock it' on stage, then giggle shyly when the song or performance is over and go right back to being the sweet, innocent girl we know she really is!   I think this was part of the shock Yong first experienced when the first met - Seohyun/SNSD's stage persona and the reality of what she was in real life - a sweet, innocent, wonderful girl!       

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Guest uh-ohxev
































































































































































































































































Hi gogumas! Saturday is getting near.. are you excited?! :w00t:
































































































































The start of the week always goes so slow for me... then it speeds up and it's Saturday! YongSeo makes me cancel all my Saturday plans.. I have to postpone them to Sunday! :lol:
































































































































I was just thinking.. with SNSD's new album coming out can we expect a mention of Yo~ng in Seohyun's thank you's?! :w00t:
































































































































Now I don't want to get any hopes up.. don't be let down if she doesn't mention him either. It won't mean she doesn't like him/care for him.. maybe she wouldn't mention him to keep rumors low. I was just thinking of the possibility! I really hope he's mentioned.. :wub:

































































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Guest raindrops_919
















annyong GOGUMA  :wub:
















i've rewatched preview for tomorrow's episode again and again, have we talked about this conversation?
















Yong: I got a shock after i received the text
















Hyun: You didn't reply it
















Hyun: now i'm in a state of pushing away
















Yong: push?
















Hyun: moving away from you..
















ninja me  :ph34r:: does this mean Yong didn't reply her text AGAIN?? what did shocked him actually? so i guess this is why hyun still mad at him even after a month since "yong-play-hard-to-get case"
















okey GOGUMA FBI, let's investigate this out  :w00t:
















TOMORROW is SATURDAY :wub: snsd and yong at inki coming soon *HA, i'm crazily happy*









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lovekim~!! omo... u guys are jjang lahhh! how i wish i'm staying/working in SG now! xD dangggg... oh, u guys must give us feedbacks & show off the pics ASAP yahhh! i'm jealousssss of u guys lah haha!

wooollylamb~!!! *hugs* xD sorry, i think i forgot to reply ur tweety the other day. was in a daze actually... tweetville needs quite a lot of strength from the eye ahaha! sorry, i'm obsessed with my eyes :P remember to take pics & let us see yah!

jnj~! i dunno if u're able to go to the cnblue concert in december, but it's still not too late to buy the tix! i just got this info from cnblue thread (cr. blus_jus7) or u can just drop by the thread (LOL... why am i so excited???? i'm not the one who's going! xD):

Date: 18 December 2010 @ PM 6:00

Venue: Kyung Hee University, Hall of Peace

Concert Ticket

General Ticket will be sold starting on:

Date: 26th October 2010 at PM 7:00

Site: Interpark

Ticket Price: Sec R 99,000won | Sec S 77,000won | Sec A 55,000won

One person can buy up to 4 ticket

miel~!! kekekek thanks for the compliment xD hahah it's actually an accidental FMV (no intention of it to become one at 1st) -.-"

genxv~!!! ur teaser is soooooooooooooooooooooooooo... I LOVEEEEEEEEEE IT!!!!!!! :wub: that's about the most creative & top-notch FMV i've ever seen! i can't wait to see the rest of them!!! xD thanks so much for the teaser~! *hugzzZz*


trent, it's all haeanna's fault xD... now i'm even reading ur Potato Crisis! and i must say... i'm imagining a lot of things now haha! >.< knowing that it's from a guy's perspective, i can see the whole picture clearer now. what yong could've gone thru... all thanks to u :D

raindrops, i'm thinking that maybe hyun wished him happy 200th day & he didn't reply to it? and that's why hyun got angry with him? yessss! tomorrow's saturday!!! :w00t:

edit2: panGG-sshi~! danggg... just go ahead with the video-making will ya! i've been waiting for like ages! i don't care if it's good or bad but like as if it's gonna be bad! :w00t: knowing ya... u're quite a perfectionist in the art department ;) so yahhh i'll be waiting! btw, what kinda big project u planning to do? fill me in! LOL @ ur SPOILER... did yong actually sing that song!? shoo shooo pervy thoughts xD

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dreamyboo :lol: your so silly. i'm glad you liked it. it was very plain and simple! in the original that i did, i actually turned hyun's outfit from pink to red but then i found this cool texture thing and thats what made it like... all red :wub: hahaha. but thanks! and thanks for the link! its so exciting to know that other people enjoyed the picture too! awww i feel loved! and i dont even care that they didnt exactly know who the credits go to! hahaha. but thanks for sharing. that definitely made my night! and hello! i saw you down there somewhere... :lol:






raindrops_919 i agree. i'm in need of a dose of goguma this week. at first the beginning of the week went by super slow. now its almost friday already! i honestly dont know where it flew to, this week. but i'm glad because that means yongseo tomorrow! yay so excited. and take your time! i was just curious. i need to work on a bigger project... got any ideas!






haeanna thanks! :woot:






jnj you caught that did you? ;) hahaha. i knew i could count on you to be super observant. and again i purposely did that for the fun of it!






(sigh..) only a day and so away. cant wait! i hope they dont drag out what happens here thou. i want them to do how they did the double birthday. showed us the ground work in part 1 then in part 2 kill us a million times with sweetness&cuteness overload. :wub:






edit excl.gif:lol:






and so this is sort of off topic, however a while ago i was watching some fancams from cn blue's performances on chocolate during it's 100th episode special. this is where i fell in love with Y, Why i have to say. yong nailed that song! and of course the other performances from mister to inside of you were great! but i was just curious if anyone ever mentioned how... um... naughty the lyrics to "inside of you" are.. hahaha. and its an hoobastank original. and i had never really watched their official mv for it until a bit ago, and O.O hahaha. and just thinking how pervy it was and it got me thinking about yongseo... and well. damn!@#$#@# hahaha. just wanted to share that. hahaha. here are the lyrics so you can just imagine, what i just imagined. hahaha.






It seems so obvious






Theres something up with us






I swear I feel it






From across the room.






So can I ask you this?






Not to be forward, miss,






But I think I'd kill myself






If I never knew...






What do I have to do






To get inside of you?






To get inside of you?






Cuz I love the way you move,






When I'm inside of you.






When I'm inside of you...






Just ask and I will do






Anything you want me to






There is no limit






To how far I will go..






And Im sure I can pretend






To be a gentlemen..






But before I begin,






I just gotta know,






I just gotta know,






I just gotta know...






What do I have to do






To get inside of you?






To get inside of you?






Cuz I love the way you move,






When I'm inside of you.






When I'm inside of you...






For now I'll play the game






And I'm waiting for your move






But I've got to say






That I never lose...






What do I have to do






To get inside of you?






To get inside of you?






What do I have to do






To get inside of you?






To get inside of you?






Cuz I love the way you move,






When Im inside of you.






When Im inside of you...






When I'm inside of you.


















When Im inside of you...






nose.bleed... this makes me want to make a risque fmv for yongseo but i thought better of it because i do NOT want to get bashed by any sones or boice. hahaha. ;) and plus, i'm really bad at videos still!







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Guest bizzie_b


hi raindrops.  I think someone mentioned before that the reason might be the SM Town Live where Hyun and Kyuhyun held hands.  I seriously think that it is also the reason why.  Hyun informed Yong about the holding hands with Kyu.  and maybe Yong got the shock of his life that in the middle of their 'push and pull,' someone is going to hold his wife's hand. LOL




it is also possible that Yong requested them to hold hands at the end of their performance at Incheon because he was jealous of Hyun and Kyu! he wants a revenge! what do you think guys? haha  laugh.gif


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hey goguma spazzers here.....1 more days until new episode hahaha~








i think many of you also exciting about snsd comeback rite?^^ woori hyun as a cupid and ready to shoot yong's heart :wub: yeah,it's not only about the comeback i'm waiting for but also inkigayo time...and i'm 99% sure the MC's will interviewing snsd before,and all snsd members,sulli and kwon will teased yong and hyun all over there hahaha...!am i imagining so much....so we will see :D



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Guest ilovesnowwhite








































Hello Everyone!!!
































TGIF!!!! :)
































I was rewatching WGM Episode with SNSD unnies and I am so praying there will be a part 2 of this epi. I really want all 8 girls to meet yong! hahaha.































































since snsd is coming back, then it won't be impossible at all, but i was thinking, on whether yong would make a visit on their comeback like MBC comeback. and they will film together with snsd, yong at the audience supporting hyun. awww. ill melt if that happens. atleast he can see Seohyun in action, and im sure seohyun will aim that hearty arrow to yong (lol just my wildest imagination)
































I was just thinking.. with SNSD's new album coming out can we expect a mention of Yo~ng in Seohyun's thank you's?!  :w00t:
































Now I don't want to get any hopes up.. don't be let down if she doesn't mention him either. It won't mean she doesn't like him/care for him.. maybe she wouldn't mention him to keep rumors low. I was just thinking of the possibility! I really hope he's mentioned..  :wub:































































ME TOO! and when he'll be mentioned ill melt! and did yong mentioned seohyun at their i dont know why? ehhehe:) but i still hope he will be mentioned then good, if not, its okay.

it is also possible that Yong requested them to hold hands at the end of their performance at Incheon because he was jealous of Hyun and Kyu! he wants a revenge! what do you think guys? haha
































hahaha. maybe, i still wonder what's inside that text. since ive seen the bts of their duet seohyun and kyuhyun mentioned that they've only practice once. hahah:D
































and bad yong part II this saturday? plus pushing hyun. hahah (please don't take this seriously)









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【 Girls' Generation 】Seohyun :: MBC『WGM2』unreleased video http://bit.ly/ak5DbE #SNSD #sone
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































cre yurui912

































































































































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【 Girls' Generation 】Seohyun :: MBC『WGM2』unreleased video http://bit.ly/ak5DbE #SNSD #sone
















cre yurui912































just watched it. i somehow have this guts feeling that they would try to air BTS somewhere in WGM but didn't expect them to release it as VOD on their official site. seohyun is really focused watching her hubby's clip on the monitor. what can i say about yuri? she just can't helped herself to be envious.







































careless whisper
















btsthumbnail.jpgthe unseen scenes that i've seen































caption on 01:12
















땅 욜 치는 부러움
















Yul (Yuri) hit the ground with envy
















caption on 01:21 (the article headline)
















정용화-서현, "자기야 여보야 사랑아" 애정행각 연발
















Jeong Yong Hwa-Seo Hyun, "Honey Baby Love" barrage(?) of love affection





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Thank you GeumJandi.  Its probably bts of music bank/core they hosted.  According to google translate the text below the video says something about looking at each others eyes that causes the heart to go duegeun duegeun and shy whispering.  The video is taking such a long time for me to load up since I think everyone is trying to play it at once.  The video finally played....sooooo goooood.  This will get me through till saturday!  LOVE LOVE LOVE.

Looking forward to this week's episode.  Wondering about next week's one too - the Japanese trip perhaps or a special screening of unseen footage.  Looking forward to Yong and Hyun on inki and interview for their comeback stage.  I wonder how they are going to react if SNSD wins inki award.  Also wondering the interaction between Shinee-SNSD-Yong.

I had a feeling too that the text Hyun send to Yong was about holding hands with Kyuhyun.  Imagine for yong to see her hold hand with some other guy when it took him so long to get there with Hyun.

Enjoy the video.  They looked so comfortable with each other in the bts.  Could not understand anything, but the way Hyun looked at Yong performing and Yong looked at Hyun when Lyn was singing chugia-yobuya sarange......Ohhh, just love.

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Guest hihi_hehe
































































































Just watched the unreleased video, and I love the way Seohyun whispered in Yonghwa's ear, that is so CUTE
































































don't know why I love that scene LOL
































































I remember Seohyun has rejected whispering in ep 3 and ep 8 (I think), but know the way she did it, JUST LOVELY
































































besides that, YURI ... kekekeke...jealous?

















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wow GeumJanDi... that's what i call the REAL SCOOP! thanks so much for it~! :D ekekek yong looked so shy in the BTS. he was like trying very hard not to make it obvious that he likes hyun kekeke and when hyun whispered to yong, i DIED! xD i think yong "DIED MANY TIMES THERE" hahah i wonder how to dl that vid from MBC?

haeanna, i spotted ya ;) tsk tskkk...when i convert SGD into Ringgit, omigoshhhhh #$%@@%$!!! sigh~ if only i'm earning SGD xD but then, it's prolly 'cause i've never attended any concert before? (noob in this too) so the effect on me is overwhelming keke

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