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Official Seohwa/용서/Yongseo Sweet Potato Couple Thread 1 ♥


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Guest raindrops_919
















ouuu i see, thanks kudougirl and other goguma too for posting the news..
















now this come to my mind,
















snsd will perform at inki, right?  what if they perform some dances and seohyun point the arrow at yong at the end  :ph34r: *i'm sorry i need my goguma dose so bad*























i totally agree, hyun fit bow and arrow the most, she is goddess  :wub:









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previously I apologize for not being able to contribute anything to this thread
























How YongSeo changed my life
















first Korean artist I like is Suju, and I began to find out all about Suju, and I saw Suju MV SEOUL then I saw a girl with a clown costume, when she opened her clown mask, I immediately attracted by her personality and then I started to find out about the girl and eventually I saw WGM.
















The first time I know Yonghwa is from WGM, but before that I ever read about an actor from one of the famous Korean drama that tells about the band, then the actor form a band in real life. At that moment I ignore the news, but after watching WGM and it turns out Seohyun couples in WGM is an actor in the news, I immediately find out more about the actor.








I finally got to know and love SNSD & CNBLUE especially YongSeo couple :wub:











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Guest SophiaPia







Thanks for sharing the news :)








Their company has replied regarding this matter on 21st, that "With the intention of captivating hearts with cupid's arrows, they went with a spy image." "In order to extend the meaning of the song, Seohyun was given the bow.". Continuing on, "We even filmed with other members holding the bow, but we made a conclusion that Seohyun fits to it better." 






So SeoHyun fits to it better w00t.gif YEAH BABY!  now the 007 becomes 009 LOVELYYYYY GIRLSSSSSS.



Can't wait for the comeback next week. Looks like this Sat. and the following week we will have lots of SeoHyun and her unnies and maybe lovey dovey episode of our YongSeo. I always believe that THERE'S SUNSHINE AFTER THE RAIN :) so, if epi28 is pushing and pulling next will be lovey dovey again and the coming episodes YEAHHHHH BABYYYYY!



What will happen when wifey Hyun and sis inl aw goes live to Inkigayo. Hubby Yong must be excited as well w00t.gif





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Guest pandasoori




annyeong , yes, hyuun is a goddess , thats why sm doesnt give the bow to others, hyuun is really the suitable for that bow . look fierce :angry:but goddess. :wub:keke. i want to join also how did  yonseo  changed my life . keke


1st - everyday when i come back from school i must open this thread , snsd and cnblue to see if any news about yongseo .


2nd - every night before i sleep , i must listen to lovelight and kissing you first. heee ~|


3rd - everyday i hope is saturday , i never watch stream b4 this but bcz of yongseo couple , i start to watch streaming .


4th- every time i want to go somewhere i must make sure to wear my seatbelt , ngee ~


5th - every hour,minute,second i wish one day they will become a real couple not just couple , ofcourse MARRIED .


ahhh , yongseo couple make me crazy ,:wacko: im still a student , but why i act like i was the one who feels their love . haha. sound creepy .:ph34r: AND it is all about the power GOGUMALOVE of HYUN and YONG .


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hi gogumas...

I can't help but to post heartbreak's question..

how did yongseo change my life?

1. yes, I wear the seatbelt, though I'm sitting in the back, and remind my friends to ALWAYS wear it too..I'm such a nag..

2. i care for my body more..especially my skin.. I'm such a diva..

3. I like monday, because it's when I will find sunsun's engsub cut for the latest episode in sweet potato days..(thankyou so much, sunsun, j2dlee, and genxv)

4. I'm giggling, inside the elevator, alone, reminiscing the latest episode, and ashamed of myself when I see my reflection in the mirror surrounding the elevator, and I think maybe I should see a doctor, but it happened from tuesday to friday, and I end up seeing no one..

5. I read fanfic. no, I LOVE fanfic.

6. and this is the biggest change. I'm an easy going person and don't really care of anything happen around me, I just enjoy what I think I LIKE, I don't like doing something I MUST do. so needless to say, I'm a purposeful loser.

but after knowing yongseo couple, I think a lot about myself. how can those 2 people achieve so much on their age? how can they be so persistent on chasing their dream? how can they be so hardworking? aren't they tired? how can they be so beautiful, so smart, so strong, so tough?

how can't I be like them?

I had my 23rd birthday last september, and it was the turning point of my life, thanks to yongseo.

I took night class to improve the required knowledge for my job (I'm an accountant btw).

I learn english, korean, and japanese.

I even learn knitting. I don't know why.

I never late for work again ( my record is, 33 days late of 6 months, how cool is that?)

I make a lifeplan, and I write my schedule of the day just like SeoHyun (though I still can't follow through, I'm a bit... spontaneous..sometimes...) (ok, I'm rationalising it...choseonghamnida)

I remember I posted awhile back that I'm not good with words, but I end up writing a long post. again, choseonghamnida.

it's just... I can't help it.

yongseo did change my life.

and thx to all gogumas who shared so many things in this thread.

you have no idea how you guys made my day and helped me survive each day.

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Guest SophiaPia





Sorry i just want to share this video of SeoHyun playing piano. Maybe u've seen this before. But it's my 1st time. I know SeoHyun can play piano but after watching this the more i love her and i'm proud of her. She is really amazing. 



Genxv, i hope u can post this in sweetpotatodays blog. 



credit to jigeumeun and Bam the great in soshified




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Guest haeanna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































quick shout out to anyone who follows Jossa's story..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Learning To Fall
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































btw, waves to you too dreamyboo!! nice seeing you in tweetville last night~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































the day after tomorrow is SATURDAY! anticipating~~ :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































THANKS TO baby_bo, kudougirl for posting the news aboout the bow thingy..
































































































































































































































































SeoHyun indeed is a SPECIAL GIRL ..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and to Pangg..how i LOVE love LOVE your latest PS-ed pic..DAEBAK!

































































































































































































































































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I love Yongseo;
































They remind me that being in love is beautiful and should cherish each other while each of us are pursuing our own dreams. Thank you for sharing your love story with us, the villagers.
































Roxana, Singapore,29









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Guest blueshoes
















She/He saw Seohyun and Sooyoung ...
























chibiminako : 입국관리소에서 소녀시대 서현이랑 수영 봤다 서현 완전 이쁘다...소심하게 멀리서 뒷모습만...
































source Chibiminako twitter







shared by yongseofacts









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I was surprised to see a very supportive Yonghwa while watching http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPkH7lqNyCA.

































































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Guest kudougirl
















































How YongSeo Changed My Life













































































































1. I finally ship a couple in Kpop World. I used to think that shipping a celebrity couple is stupid. biggrin.gif But then YongSeo came and changed my life.
















2. I became a SONE. I always liked SNSD but I didn't know anything about them. Because of WGM, I started watching other SNSD's shows and I'm in love with all 9 now <3 aaanndd... of course Seohyun is my number 1 bias. wub.gif
















3. I became CNBLUE and Yonghwa's fan. Before WGM, I don't really know Yonghwa. And the only CNBLUE's song that I knew is I'm a Loner. But now, I have all CNBLUE's albums in my ipod biggrin.gif. Love Light is my favorite CNBLUE's song from the very beginning so I am reaaaaally glad that Love Light is actually special for YongSeo wink.gif
















4. YongSeo made me read fanfic and I only read YongSeo's fanfics biggrin.gif
















5. Seohyun is my role model now. Me and her have some similar personalities happy.gif
















6. Like all of you here, I check this thread like every hour. Hehehehe. And I visit SweetPotatoDays blog everyday.
















7. I think about what Yong and Hyun do everyday and sometimes their memories came to my mind and I smile like a crazy girl :D
















Those memories are not even mine but I act like it's mine :D
















........etc wink.gif
















I should really thank my friend for introducing me to WGM. YongSeo really changed my life. I don't know what will happen to me when their WGM ends.. I know I'm a bit selfish but really, I do not want their WGM to end :(

















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haeanna~!!! girl, i shouldn't have clicked on that link! i told myself that i won't read fanfic...never! for the sake of preserving my eyes LOL xD (my eyes get tired easily...when it's tired, eyebags will form so yahh that's why i'm trying hard not to tire my eyes 'cause i'm currently doing some eye-tiring things so imagine putting on extra eye-straining activity crazy.gif hahah i know this sounds like a funny reason but it's true >.<) so there goes my eyes!!! dang, i didn't know jossa could write such a beautiful story! it felt so real that tears kept falling...GAHHHHHHHH tears.gif but what she wrote really... i think it could have happened to hyun. >.< dang!!! don't tell me the next hobby of mine is gonna be reading fanfic! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA crazy.gif *pulls hair*

ahhh but thanks for sharing~ :w00t:

aneng, thanks for the link~! gonna watch it later~!

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Guest haeanna
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































LOL dreamyboo~~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































me too don't really fancy reading fanfics before this but after I came across some really nice fanfic to name a few, 'me and my five days boyfriend', 'almost' and currently reading 'complete' from clumsy and Jossa's story in her blog, I know there's NO turning back..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Jossa's story really left deep impact on me especially with her mind reading capability as somehow I could feel that Yonghwa or Seohyun are the one who wrote the stories.. Silly me~
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Now I'm literally stalking another fanfic community dedicated to YongSeo Goguma FICS
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































and Trent our fellow Goguma namja also posted there but now he's kinda on HIATUS with his Potato Crisis.. another shout out to you Trent.. :rolleyes:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































If you don't wanna strain your eyes I fully recommend this site as the writer there posts one shot story and not the long one..So, it kinda suits you.. keke.. and mind you there's plenty fluffy stuff there.. :wub:
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Seriously I've become addicted to YongSeo fanfic that sometimes I have to slap myself to differentiate what's the reality..bad me..
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































aneng : thank you for the link.. MY Jonghyun is so adorable! and I spot the RING!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































sun_sun: hi-5 for your effort to upload Yonghwa's message RT..his voice IS sexayy!
































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































































I wanna virtually head bump to heartbreak_warfare22's shoulder because of his DAEBAK idea I get to learn things that have change in my life and also to fellow goguma villagers due to Yongseo-ness.. :lol:

































































































































































































































































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Guest chilipadi_22








































































omo omo~ just heard/saw yonghwa's message ringtone!!
























































its funny and cute at the same time! any idea where to download it???









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She/He saw Seohyun and Sooyoung ...




















chibiminako : 입국관리소에서 소녀시대 서현이랑 수영 봤다 서현 완전 이쁘다...




















source Chibiminako twitter







































shared by yongseofacts







































The person said that seohyun is completely(?) pretty. Lol. In another words, very pretty.. I've had an opportunity to see her at kbs mubank live n I must really say that she is very pretty! Tv don't do her justice!




















I love love their past few episodes with all the subtle skinship n all.. :) can't wait for e bts of their duet perf! N I can't wait for snsd's perf in Singapore!!!! Wheeeeee~ anyone else gg? I'm at e moshpit b.. Anyone wanna stand tgr? Hehe





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Guest SophiaPia





Kamsahamnida @nad06 



That's why i hope 1 of this day i will see SeoHyun in person and the rest of the girls. Every time i read something about fan saw SeoHyun they always say she is pretty not only that they say she is really nice on and off cam. 



SNSD and YongSeo Singapore are very lucky they will see all the girls. SeoHyun she really looks pretty with or without makeup. Natural beauty indeed. No wonder hubby Yong is happy every time he is  w/ wifey Hyun wub.gif





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Guest ninashelovely


Hi to the Gogumas!!


I've been posted my first post on a couple page back there.. I just want to thanks to Miel who have posted about the hidden meaning of the butterfly.. I was shocked actually when I first saw it because I don't know it hold such a beaautiful meaning behind it.It is full of love and romantic feeling. I hope Yong really do a research for the hidden meaning of the butterfly and we will know what is his true feelings towards Hyun.(eventhough it already obvious to us..hehe^^) I also hope that this week episode Yong will do something special to Hyun to gain his Gugumas point back.


Can't wait for this Saturday AND also Sunday because SNSD will make a comeback so they will meet at Inkigayo, right?


I hope Yong will interview them because the MC always do the interviews to the artists who make a comeback..I think the unnies will have a fun teasing both of them instead of promote their new mini album..haha




By the way, since I don't know whether my I LOVE YONGSEO BECAUSE... back then have been added, I will post it again..








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Guest exceptional.chic








really, this thread grows a lot. i can't find my last post because i need to do more backreading. well, which is good of course. lots of LOVE. :)




so it's official now? SNSD's first comeback stage will be on inki? HOORAY! i wouldn't miss that for anything else! i can't imagine the situation. it's daebak and i can't wait for saturday either. :)



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Guest chilipadi_22





so it's official now? SNSD's first comeback stage will be on inki?








according to SNSD's schedule, YES! SNSD has a comeback stage on sunday's inkigayo!!








hahahah:) i guess every goguma is waiting to see yong and hyun on stage together!








lokking forward to every weekend because of this goguma couple. <3





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Just heard this song on the radio today - like it much - looked up the lyrics, I think Yong & Hyun should do this as a 'duet' with Hyun in 'RDR' or 'Show, Show, Show'  mode - 

Teenage Dream - Katy Perry

 Hyun -

You think I'm pretty

Without any make-up on

You think I'm funny

When I tell the punch line wrong

I know you get me

So I'll let my walls come down, down

Yong -

Before you met me

I was a wreck

But things were kinda heavy

You brought me to life

Now every February

You'll be my valentine, valentine

Hyun & Yong -

Let's go all the way tonight

No regrets, just love

We can dance until we die

You and I

We'll be young forever

Hyun -

You make me

Feel like

I'm living a Teenage Dream

The way you turn me on

I can't sleep

Hyun & Yong -

Let's runaway

And don't ever look back

Don't ever look back

Yong -

My heart stops

When you look at me

Just one touch

Now baby I believe

This is real

So take a chance

And don't ever look back

Don't ever look back

Hyun & Yong -

Let's go all the way tonight

No regrets, just love

We can dance until we die

You and I

We'll be young forever

Hyun -

You make me

Feel like

I'm living a Teenage Dream

The way you turn me on

I can't sleep

Hyun & Yong -

Let's runaway

And don't ever look back

Don't ever look back

Yong -

My heart stops

When you look at me

Just one touch

Now baby I believe

This is real

So take a chance

And don't ever look back

Don't ever look back

Hyun -

I might get your heart racing

In my skin-tight jeans

Be your teenage dream tonight

Let you put your hands on me

In my skin-tight jeans

Be your teenage dream tonight

You make me

Feel like

I'm living a Teenage Dream

The way you turn me on

I can't sleep

Hyun & Yong -

Let's runaway

And don't ever look back

Don't ever look back

My heart stops

When you look at me

Just one touch

Now baby I believe

This is real

So take a chance

And don't ever look back

Don't ever look back

I think this would be so........  :wub:sweatingbullets.gifblush.gif if they did this.....yeah!


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